Highly multiplexed imaging technologies enable spatial profiling of dozens of biomarkersin situ. Standard data processing pipelines quantify cell-specific features and generate object segmentation masks as well as multi-channel images. Therefore, multiplexed imaging data can be visualised across two layers of information: pixel-intensities represent the spatial expression of biomarkers across an image while segmented objects visualise cellular morphology, interactions and cell phenotypes in their microenvironment.Here we describecytomapper, a computational tool that enables visualisation of pixel- and cell-level information obtained by multiplexed imaging. The package is written in the statistical programming language R, integrates with the image and single-cell analysis infrastructure of the Bioconductor project, and allows visualisation of single to hundreds of images in parallel. Usingcytomapper, expression of multiple markers is displayed as composite images, segmentation masks are coloured based on cellular features, and selected cells can be outlined in images based on their cell type, among other functions. We illustrate the utility ofcytomapperby analysing 100 images obtained by imaging mass cytometry from a cohort of type 1 diabetes patients and healthy individuals. In addition,cytomapperincludes a Shiny application that allows hierarchical gating of cells based on marker expression and visualisation of selected cells in corresponding images. Together,cytomapperoffers tools for diverse image and single-cell visualisation approaches and supports robust cell phenotyping via gating.