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Localization transition for a polymer near an interface

Bolthausen, E; den Hollander, F (1997). Localization transition for a polymer near an interface. The Annals of Probability, 25(3):1334-1366.


Consider the directed process $(i, S_i)$ where the second component is simple random walk on $\mathbb{Z} (S_0 = 0)$. Define a transformed path measure by weighting each $n$-step path with a factor $\exp [\lambda \sum_{1 \leq i \leq n}(\omega_i + h)\sign (S_i)]$. Here, $(\omega_i)_{i \geq 1}$ is an i.i.d. sequence of random variables taking values $\pm 1$ with probability 1/2 (acting as a random medium) , while $\lambda \in [0, \infty)$ and $h \in [0, 1)$ are parameters. The weight factor has a tendency to pull the path towards the horizontal, because it favors the combinations $S_i > 0, \omega_i = +1$ and $S_i < 0, \omega_i = -1$. The transformed path measure describes a heteropolymer, consisting of hydrophylic and hydrophobic monomers, near an oil-water interface.

We study the free energy of this model as $n \to \infty$ and show that there is a critical curve $\lambda \to h_c (\lambda)$ where a phase transition occurs between localized and delocalized behavior (in the vertical direction). We derive several properties of this curve, in particular, its behavior for $\lambda \downarrow 0$. To obtain this behavior, we prove that as $\lambda, h \downarrow 0$ the free energy scales to its Brownian motion analogue.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Mathematics
Dewey Decimal Classification:510 Mathematics
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Statistics and Probability
Social Sciences & Humanities > Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Uncontrolled Keywords:andom walk, Brownian motion, random medium, large deviations, phase transition
Deposited On:30 Apr 2010 12:23
Last Modified:07 Jan 2025 04:41
Publisher:Institute of Mathematical Statistics
OA Status:Hybrid
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  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English

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