Advance directives allow people to specify individual treatment preferences in case of decision-making incapacity involving decisions of utmost importance. There are many tools that provide information on the topic, digital forms for structured data input, or platforms that support data storage and availability. Yet, there is no tool supporting the innermost process of an advance directive: decision making itself. To address this issue, we developed a visual-interactive, semi-quantitative method for generating digital advance directives (DiADs) that harnesses the potential of digitalization in healthcare. In this article, we describe the DiAD method and its app lined with the exemplary narrative of user Mr S. linking the theory to an exemplary use case. The DiAD method is intended to lower barriers and increase comfort in creating an advance directive by shifting the focus from heavily text-based processes to visual representation and interaction, that is, from text to reflection.
Keywords: Advance directive; data model; data representation; digital healthcare; visual-interactive application.