Diets based on large proportions of grasslands-based feed are uncommon in forage-based intensive beef production, thus contradicting governmental or commercial strategies to promote the use of grassland-based feed in ruminant production systems. Compared with typical maize silage/concentrate diets, grassland-based diets are associated with impaired nitrogen (N) and energy utilisation because of the comparably lower energy and higher CP content of these feeds. However, quantitative studies concerning the effects of increased dietary proportions of grassland-derived feeds on N and energy losses and utilisation and on methane emissions are missing and the compensation potential of using a limited proportion of an energy-rich forage is unknown. Therefore, we tested five diets with varying types and proportions of forage and concentrate. Three diets consisted of grass silage, maize silage, and concentrate in ratios of, g/kg DM, 100:600:300 (G100; control), 300:500:200 (G300), and 500:300:200 (G500), respectively. Two diets were composed of grass silage, corn-cob mix (CCM), and concentrate in ratios of, g/kg DM, 500:300:200 (G500CCM), and 750:150:100 (G750CCM), respectively. A high-protein concentrate (270 g CP/kg DM) was fed to G100, whereas a low-protein concentrate (140 g CP/kg DM) was used in the remaining diets. Diets were fed throughout the entire fattening period to groups of six Limousin-crossbred bulls each. When weighing 246 ± 18 kg, each animal underwent a 7-day total daily faeces and urine collection, which was followed by measuring methane emissions in respiration chambers for 48 h. Total DM intake was similar across all diets, whereas the N intake varied (P < 0.05). Urinary N loss (g/day) was the highest for G750CCM (28.2) and G100 (26.6) and lowest for G500CCM (15.2) and G300 (16.9) (P < 0.001). Energy utilisation was comparable among all groups. Metabolisable energy intake decreased numerically only with increasing proportions of grass silage in the diet. Substituting maize silage with CCM counteracted the loss in metabolisable energy intake. Absolute methane emissions were not different across the groups, but methane emission intensity (mg/g body protein retention) varied (P < 0.05), being numerically lower for G100 (349) and G500CCM (401) compared with the other groups (488 on average). In conclusion, the results show that the grass silage proportion in beef cattle diets can be substantially increased when strategically combined with energy-dense forages, such as CCM. This also limits the need for concentrate and additional protein sources; in addition, the associated urinary N emissions, which are potentially noxious to the environment, are avoided.