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Stationary Structures Near the Kolmogorov and Poiseuille Flows in the 2d Euler Equations

Coti Zelati, Michele; Elgindi, Tarek M; Widmayer, Klaus (2023). Stationary Structures Near the Kolmogorov and Poiseuille Flows in the 2d Euler Equations. Archiv for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 247(1):12.


We study the behavior of solutions to the incompressible 2d Euler equations near two canonical shear flows with critical points, the Kolmogorov and Poiseuille flows, with consequences for the associated Navier–Stokes problems. We exhibit a large family of new, non-trivial stationary states that are arbitrarily close to the Kolmogorov flow on the square torus $$\mathbb {T}^2$$ in analytic regularity. This situation contrasts strongly with the setting of some monotone shear flows, such as the Couette flow: there the linearized problem exhibits an “inviscid damping” mechanism that leads to relaxation of perturbations of the base flows back to nearby shear flows. Our results show that such a simple description of the long-time behavior is not possible for solutions near the Kolmogorov flow on $$\mathbb {T}^2$$. Our construction of the new stationary states builds on a degeneracy in the global structure of the Kolmogorov flow on $$\mathbb {T}^2$$, and we also show a lack of correspondence between the linearized description of the set of steady states and its true nonlinear structure. Both the Kolmogorov flow on a rectangular torus and the Poiseuille flow in a channel are very different. We show that the only stationary states near them must indeed be shears, even in relatively low regularity. In addition, we show that this behavior is mirrored closely in the related Navier–Stokes settings: the linearized problems near the Poiseuille and Kolmogorov flows both exhibit an enhanced rate of dissipation. Previous work by us and others shows that this effect survives in the full, nonlinear problem near the Poiseuille flow and near the Kolmogorov flow on rectangular tori, provided that the perturbations lie below a certain threshold. However, we show here that the corresponding result cannot hold near the Kolmogorov flow on $${\mathbb T}^2$$.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Mathematics
Dewey Decimal Classification:510 Mathematics
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Analysis
Physical Sciences > Mathematics (miscellaneous)
Physical Sciences > Mechanical Engineering
Uncontrolled Keywords:Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics (miscellaneous), Analysis
Date:1 February 2023
Deposited On:16 Apr 2023 15:55
Last Modified:29 Dec 2024 02:37
Additional Information:Acknowledgements. The authors thank Theo Drivas and Toan T. Nguyen for inspiring con- versations. They would also like to thank the diligent referees for their careful reading and extremely valuable comments and suggestions. M. Coti Zelati acknowledges funding from the Royal Society through a University Re- search Fellowship (URF\R1\191492). T. M. Elgindi acknowledges funding from NSF DMS- 2043024 and NSF DMS-2124748. K. Widmayer acknowledges funding from SNSF through grant PCEFP2_203059.
OA Status:Hybrid
Publisher DOI:
Project Information:
  • Funder:
  • Grant ID: URF\R1\191492
  • Project Title: Royal Society through a University Research Fellowship (URF\R1\191492).
  • Funder:
  • Grant ID: NSF DMS- 2043024
  • Project Title: NSF DMS- 2043024
  • Funder:
  • Grant ID: NSF DMS-2124748
  • Project Title: NSF DMS-2124748
  • Funder: SNSF
  • Grant ID: PCEFP2_203059
  • Project Title: SNSF through grant PCEFP2_203059.
Download PDF  'Stationary Structures Near the Kolmogorov and Poiseuille Flows in the 2d Euler Equations'.
  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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