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Medical rules of eligibility – can preferential medical treatment provisions be ethically justified?

Messelken, Daniel (2023). Medical rules of eligibility – can preferential medical treatment provisions be ethically justified? In: Eagan, Sheena M; Messelken, Daniel. Resource scarcity in austere environments. Cham: Springer, 133-153.


In emergency situations and while medical resources are sufficient, doctors are expected to prioritize and treat patients according to medical criteria only. In MASSCAL situations and when medical resources become insufficient, patient selection and prioritization changes. Rules of triage are applied with the aim of getting the best result possible under the circumstances, e.g., saving the largest number; collective health outweighs individual health. Still, according to the standard ethical principles, non-medical criteria should never influence the doctors’ decision of who will be treated. In military contexts, so-called medical rules of eligibility (MROE) provide rules that include non-medical criteria. This chapter aims to analyze if, why, and under what circumstances it may be ethically acceptable to prioritize patients according to non-medical criteria.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:01 Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion > Center for Ethics
06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Philosophy
Dewey Decimal Classification:100 Philosophy
Uncontrolled Keywords:Resource scarcity, Triage, Medical rules of eligibility, Distributive justice, Military medicine, Military trauma care
Date:19 May 2023
Deposited On:01 Jun 2023 15:35
Last Modified:01 Jun 2023 15:35
Series Name:Military and Humanitarian Health Ethics
Number of Pages:21
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
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