Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Gram-negative bacteria have the ability to persist in moist environments in healthcare settings, but their spread from these areas can result in outbreaks of healthcare-associated infections.
Methods: This study reports the investigation and containment of a multi-drug-resistant P. aeruginosa outbreak in three intensive care units of a Swiss university hospital. In total, 255 patients and 276 environmental samples were screened for the multi-drug-resistant P. aeruginosa outbreak strain. The environmental sampling and molecular characterization of patient and environmental strains, and control strategies implemented, including waterless patient care, are described.
Results: Between March and November 2019, the outbreak affected 29 patients. Environmental sampling detected the outbreak strain in nine samples of sink siphons of three different intensive care units with a common water sewage system, and on one gastroscope. Three weeks after replacement of the sink siphons, the outbreak strain re-grew in siphon-derived samples and newly affected patients were identified. The outbreak ceased after removal of all sinks in the proximity of patients and in medication preparation areas, and minimization of tap water use. Multi-locus sequence typing indicated clonality (sequence type 316) in 28/29 patient isolates and all 10 environmental samples.
Conclusions: Sink removal combined with the introduction of waterless patient care terminated the multi-drug-resistant P. aeruginosa outbreak. Sinks in intensive care units may pose a risk for point source outbreaks with P. aeruginosa and other bacteria persisting in moist environments.
Keywords: Intensive care; Multi-drug resistance; Outbreak; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Sink; Siphon; Waterless patient care.