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Inienzephalie: Pränatale und postnatale Befunde

Hammer, Felix; Scherrer, C; Baumann, H; Briner, J; Schinzel, Albert (1990). Inienzephalie: Pränatale und postnatale Befunde. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 50(6):491-494.


A 33-year-old para-3 was admitted in the 33rd week of gestation because of a suspected foetal anomaly. Ultrasound examination showed polyhydramnios, exaggerated cervico-thoracic lordosis and significant shortening of the spine because of a reduced number of vertebrae. The facial profile was flat, the foetal movements were rare and slow, and the extremities normal. A biopsy of the placenta revealed a normal female karyotype. Based on ultrasound examination, the diagnosis of iniencephaly was made. Because of the fatal prognosis of this malformation, labour was induced at 35 weeks of gestation. The patient delivered spontaneously. The infant died after 90 minutes. The postmortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of iniencephaly. Iniencephaly is a very rare malformation comprising a bone defect at the occiput, malformation of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, spina bifida, and retroflexion of the head. The aetiology is not clear. 90% of the probands are female. The malformation is incompatible with survival after birth.

Additional indexing

Other titles:Iniencephaly: prenatal and postnatal findings
Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Clinic for Obstetrics
04 Faculty of Medicine > Institute of Medical Genetics
04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Institute of Pathology and Molecular Pathology
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
570 Life sciences; biology
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Obstetrics and Gynecology
Health Sciences > Maternity and Midwifery
Uncontrolled Keywords:Maternity and Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Date:June 1990
Deposited On:20 Oct 2023 11:10
Last Modified:26 Dec 2024 04:57
Publisher:Georg Thieme Verlag
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:2198193
Other Identification Number:Corpus ID: 260425855

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4 citations in Web of Science®
7 citations in Scopus®
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