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On the stability of homogeneous equilibria in the Vlasov–Poisson system on R3 [${\mathbb{R}}^3$ ]

Ionescu, A D; Pausader, Benoit; Wang, X; Widmayer, Klaus (2023). On the stability of homogeneous equilibria in the Vlasov–Poisson system on R3 [${\mathbb{R}}^3$ ]. Classical and quantum gravity, 40(18):185007.


The goal of this article is twofold. First, we investigate the linearized Vlasov–Poisson system around a family of spatially homogeneous equilibria in R3 [${\mathbb{R}}^3$ ] (the unconfined setting). Our analysis follows classical strategies from physics (Binney and Tremaine 2008 Galactic Dynamics (Princeton University Press); Landau 1946 Acad. Sci. USSR. J. Phys.10 25–34; Penrose 1960 Phys. Fluids 3 258–65) and their subsequent mathematical extensions (Bedrossian et al 2022 SIAM J. Math. Anal. 54 4379–406; Degond 1986 Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 294 435–53; Glassey and Schaeffer 1994 Transp. Theory Stat. Phys. 23 411–53; Grenier et al 2021 Math. Res. Lett. 28 1679–702; Han-Kwan et al 2021 Commun. Math. Phys. 387 1405–40; Mouhot and Villani 2011 Acta Math. 207 29–201). The main novelties are a unified treatment of a broad class of analytic equilibria and the study of a class of generalized Poisson equilibria. For the former, this provides a detailed description of the associated Green’s functions, including in particular precise dissipation rates (which appear to be new), whereas for the latter we exhibit explicit formulas. Second, we review the main result and ideas in our recent work (Ionescu et al 2022 (arXiv:2205.04540)) on the full global nonlinear asymptotic stability of the Poisson equilibrium in R3 [${\mathbb{R}}^3$ ]


Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Mathematics
Dewey Decimal Classification:510 Mathematics
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) 35Q83 - Vlasov equations 82D10 - Statistical mechanics of plasmas
Date:10 September 2023
Deposited On:20 Dec 2023 09:48
Last Modified:30 Dec 2024 02:52
Publisher:IOP Publishing
Additional Information:A I was supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-2007008. B P was partially supported by a Simons Fellowship, the CY-IAS fellowship program, and NSF Grant DMS-2154162. X W was supported in part by NSFC-12141102, and MOST-2020YFA0713003. K W gratefully acknowledges support of the SNSF through Grant PCEFP2_203059.
OA Status:Hybrid
Publisher DOI:
Other Identification Number:MR4641262

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