We present an updated Standard Model (SM) estimate of the inclusive b→s$\bar{\ell}$ℓ rate at a high dilepton invariant mass (q$^2$≥15 GeV$^2$). We show that this estimate is in good agreement with the result obtained summing the SM predictions for the leading one-body modes (K and K$^∗$) and the subleading nonresonant Kπ channel (for which we also present an updated estimate). On the contrary, the semi-inclusive sum based on data exhibits a deficit compared to the inclusive SM prediction in the muon modes. The statistical significance of this deficit does not exceed 2σ but is free from uncertainties on hadronic form factors and fully compatible with the deficit observed at low-q$^2$ on the exclusive modes. The implications of these results in conjunction with other SM tests on b→s$\bar{μ}$μ modes are briefly discussed.