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Consistency and interpretation of the LHC dijet excesses

Crivellin, Andreas; Manzari, Claudio Andrea; Mellado, Bruce; Dahbi, Salah-Eddine (2023). Consistency and interpretation of the LHC dijet excesses. Physical review D, 107(5):054045.


ATLAS observed a limit for the cross section of dijet resonances, which is weaker than expected for a mass slightly below ≈1  TeV. In addition, CMS reported hints for the (nonresonant) pair production of dijet resonances X via a particle Y at a very similar mass range with a local (global) significance of 3.6σ (2.5σ) at mX≈950  GeV. In this article, we show that, using the preferred range for mX from the ATLAS analysis, one can reinterpret the CMS analysis of didijets in terms of a resonant search with Y→XX, with a significantly reduced look-elsewhere effect, finding an excess for mY≈3.6  TeV with a significance of 4.0σ (3.2σ) locally (globally). We present two possible UV completions capable of explaining the (di)dijet excesses, one containing two scalar diquarks, the other one involving heavy gluons based on an SU(3)1×SU(3)2×SU(3)3 gauge symmetry, spontaneously broken to SU(3) color. In the latter case, nonperturbative couplings are required, pointing toward a composite or extradimensional framework. In fact, using 5D anti–de Sitter space-time, one obtains the correct mass ratio for mX/mY, assuming the X is the lowest-lying resonance, and predicts a third (di)dijet resonance with a mass around ≈2.2  TeV.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Physics Institute
Dewey Decimal Classification:530 Physics
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > Nuclear and High Energy Physics
Date:31 March 2023
Deposited On:29 Dec 2023 10:15
Last Modified:27 Dec 2024 04:41
Publisher:American Physical Society
OA Status:Hybrid
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Project Information:
  • Funder: Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
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  • Funder: National Research Foundation
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Download PDF  'Consistency and interpretation of the LHC dijet excesses'.
  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English
  • Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

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