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Using a parser as a heuristic tool for the description of New Englishes

Schneider, Gerold; Hundt, Marianne (2009). Using a parser as a heuristic tool for the description of New Englishes. In: The Fifth Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool, UK, 20 July 2009 - 23 July 2009, online.


We propose a novel use of an automatic parser as a tool for descriptive linguistics. This use has two advantages. First, quantitative data on very large amounts of texts are available instantly, a process which would take years of work with manual annotation. Second, it allows variational linguists to use a partly corpus-driven approach, where results emerge from the data. The disadvantage of the parser-based approach is that the level of precision and recall is lower. We give evaluations of precision and recall of the parser we use.
We then show the application of the parser-based approach to a selection of New Englishes. using several subparts of the International Corpus of English (ICE). We employ two methods to discover potential features of New Englishes: (a) by exploring quantitative differences in the use of established syntactic patterns (b) by evaluating the potential correlation between parsing break-downs and regional syntactic innovations.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper), refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Computational Linguistics
06 Faculty of Arts > English Department
Dewey Decimal Classification:000 Computer science, knowledge & systems
820 English & Old English literatures
410 Linguistics
Uncontrolled Keywords:parsing, new englishes, outer circle englishes, corpus linguistics, linguistic annotation
Event End Date:23 July 2009
Deposited On:04 Feb 2010 09:12
Last Modified:27 Nov 2020 07:10
Additional Information:Erschienen in: Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL 2009) ; University of Liverpool, UK, 20-23 July 2009 ; Article 107
OA Status:Green
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