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Circular Jacobi ensembles and deformed Verblunsky coefficients

Bourgade, P; Nikeghbali, A; Rouault, A (2009). Circular Jacobi ensembles and deformed Verblunsky coefficients. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2009(23):4357-4394.


Using the spectral theory of unitary operators and the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, we propose a simple matrix model for the following circular analogue of the Jacobi ensemble: $$c_{\delta,\beta}^{(n)} \prod_{1\leq k<l\leq n}| e^{\ii\theta_k}-e^{\ii\theta_l}|^\beta\prod_{j=1}^{n}(1-e^{-\ii\theta_j})^{\delta} (1-e^{\ii\theta_j})^{\overline{\delta}} $$ with $\Re \delta > -1/2$. If $e$ is a cyclic vector for a unitary $n\times n$ matrix $U$, the spectral measure of the pair $(U,e)$ is well parameterized by its Verblunsky coefficients $(\alpha_0, ..., \alpha_{n-1})$. We introduce here a deformation $(\gamma_0, >..., \gamma_{n-1})$ of these coefficients so that the associated Hessenberg matrix (called GGT) can be decomposed into a product $r(\gamma_0)... r(\gamma_{n-1})$ of elementary reflections parameterized by these coefficients. If $\gamma_0, ..., \gamma_{n-1}$ are independent random variables with some remarkable distributions, then the eigenvalues of the GGT matrix follow the circular Jacobi distribution above.
These deformed Verblunsky coefficients also allow to prove that, in the regime $\delta = \delta(n)$ with $\delta(n)/n \to \dd$, the spectral measure and the empirical spectral distribution weakly converge to an explicit nontrivial probability measure supported by an arc of the unit circle. We also prove the large deviations for the empirical spectral distribution.

with Formula . If e is a cyclic vector for a unitary n x n matrix U, the spectral measure of the pair (U, e) is well parameterized by its Verblunsky coefficients ({alpha}0, ..., {alpha}n–1). We introduce here a deformation ({gamma}0, ..., {gamma}n–1) of these coefficients so that the associated Hessenberg matrix (called GGT) can be decomposed into a product r({gamma}0)··· r({gamma}n–1) of elementary reflections parameterized by these coefficients. If {gamma}0, ..., {gamma}n–1 are independent random variables with some remarkable distributions, then the eigenvalues of the GGT matrix follow the circular Jacobi distribution above.

These deformed Verblunsky coefficients also allow us to prove that, in the regime {delta} = {delta} (n) with {delta} (n)/ n -> β d/2, the spectral measure and the empirical spectral distribution weakly converge to an explicit nontrivial probability measure supported by an arc of the unit circle. We also prove the large deviations for the empirical spectral distribution.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Mathematics
Dewey Decimal Classification:510 Mathematics
Scopus Subject Areas:Physical Sciences > General Mathematics
Deposited On:05 Jan 2010 13:55
Last Modified:08 Jan 2025 04:39
Publisher:Oxford University Press
OA Status:Green
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Download PDF  'Circular Jacobi ensembles and deformed Verblunsky coefficients'.
  • Content: Accepted Version
Download PDF  'Circular Jacobi ensembles and deformed Verblunsky coefficients'.
  • Content: Published Version
  • Language: English
  • Description: Nationallizenz 142-005

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