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Die Nacht gehört uns / La nuit est à nous and Multilingual Reception in Switzerland

Berry, Jessica (2023). Die Nacht gehört uns / La nuit est à nous and Multilingual Reception in Switzerland. In: Wiegand, Daniel. Aesthetics of Early Sound Film: Media Change around 1930. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 193-204.


This chapter examines how two versions of one film - the German version, Die Nacht gehört uns (1929, dir. Carl Froelich), and the French version, La nuit est à nous (1929, dir. Carl Froelich, Henry Roussell) - were shown and received in Switzerland. Multilanguage versions (also known as multiple language versions or MLVs) were mostly produced to allow film production companies to market their films in different countries. In this context, Switzerland, with its multilingual tradition, is of particular interest. Here, both the German and French versions were released, according to the respective language region. The chapter shows that the MLV production wasn't just a successful practice with regards to countries of different languages, but also for multilingual countries such as Switzerland.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Cinema Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:700 Arts
900 History
Uncontrolled Keywords:multilanguage versions (multiple versions), speech in early sound film, noises in early sound film, historical reception, film theory
Date:4 September 2023
Deposited On:20 Dec 2023 15:35
Last Modified:11 Mar 2024 08:37
Publisher:Amsterdam University Press
Series Name:Cinema and Technology
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:

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