Plant defense responses to pathogens are induced after direct or indirect perception of effector proteins or their activity on host proteins. In fungal-plant interactions, relatively little is known about whether, in addition to avirulence effectors and immune receptors, other proteins contribute to specific recognition. The nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) immune receptor Pm2a in wheat recognizes the fungal powdery mildew effector AvrPm2. We found that the predicted wheat zinc finger TaZF interacts with both the fungal avirulence protein AvrPm2 and the wheat NLR Pm2a. We further demonstrated that the virulent AvrPm2-H2 variant does not interact with TaZF. TaZF silencing in wheat resulted in a reduction but not a loss of Pm2a-mediated powdery mildew resistance. Interaction studies showed that the leucine-rich repeat domain of Pm2a is the mediator of the interaction with TaZF. TaZF recruits both Pm2a and AvrPm2 from the cytosol to the nucleus, resulting in nuclear localization of Pm2a, TaZF, and AvrPm2 in wheat. We propose that TaZF acts as a facilitator of Pm2a-dependent AvrPm2 effector recognition. Our findings highlight the importance of identifying effector host targets for characterization of NLR-mediated effector recognition.