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Die Übersetzung als fortgeführtes Sprachexperiment. Ansätze zu einer anderen Metasprache für das Übersetzen (Friedrich Achleitner, Ernst Jandl, Georges Perec, Walter Abish)

Leucht, Robert (2016). Die Übersetzung als fortgeführtes Sprachexperiment. Ansätze zu einer anderen Metasprache für das Übersetzen (Friedrich Achleitner, Ernst Jandl, Georges Perec, Walter Abish). Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik:11-31.


This article examines the translation of experimental literature, i.e. of literary texts that explicitly explore conventional forms of representation. Focusing on four examples, Friedrich Achleitner’s montage mit weiss (1957), Ernst Jandl’s reihe (1968), Georges Perec’s La vie mode d’emploi (1978), and Walter Abish’s Alphabetical Africa (1974), the essay shows how the translators employ the experimental methods used in the original language in the target language, thereby shifting the focus from the semantic level of the originals. The article concludes by arguing that these translations challenge traditional concepts of translation, which subordinate the translation to its original. In contrast, the article proposes these translations must be conceptualized as continuations of literary experiments in another language.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of German Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:430 German & related languages
Date:July 2016
Deposited On:16 Feb 2017 15:41
Last Modified:23 Jan 2022 15:11
Publisher:Transcript Verlag
OA Status:Closed
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