This prospective study aimed to present, compare, and evaluate the suitability of five different magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols (3D double-echo steady-state (DESS), 3D fast spin echo short-tau inversion recovery (SPACE-STIR), 3D fast spin echo spectral attenuated inversion recovery (SPACE-SPAIR), volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (T1-VIBE-Dixon), and ultrashort echo time (UTE)) and for orthopantomogram (OPG)-like MRI reconstructions using a novel mandibular coil. Three readers assessed MR-OPGs of 21 volunteers regarding technical image quality (4, excellent; 0, severely reduced), susceptibility to artifacts (3, absence; 0, massive), and visualization of anatomical structures in the oral cavity and surrounding skeletal structures (4, fine details visible; 0, no structures visible). Average image quality was good (3.29 ± 0.83) for all MRI protocols, with UTE providing the best image quality (3.52 ± 0.62) and no to minor artifacts (2.56 ± 0.6). Full diagnostic interpretability of the osseous structures is best in VIBE-Dixon and UTE MR-OPGs. DESS provided excellent visualization of the finest details of the nervous tissue (3.95 ± 0.22). Intra-reader and inter-reader agreement between the readers was good to excellent for all protocols (ICCs 0.812-0.957). MR-OPGs provide indication-specific accurate imaging of the oral cavity and could contribute to the early detection of pathologies, staging, and radiological follow-up of oral and maxillofacial diseases.