Early adolescence comes with new opportunities for subsequent risk and resilience. Yet, international cohort studies covering this important developmental period and extending into young adulthood are rare. To address this gap in research, this special issue draws on data from the Zurich Project on Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso). We outline the terminology for risk and resilience used in this special issue, describe the z-proso study design, characterize the z-proso sample in terms of important markers of adolescence, and provide an overview of Switzerland as a study setting. The contributions to this special issue highlight that adolescent well-being is not a given, even in a setting with relatively low contextual risk. Supportive parent–child relationships in early adolescence emerged as an important promotive factor for longer-term well-being. This special issue illustrates how early adolescence serves as an important juncture for different areas of future development.