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Verb inflection in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit and auxiliation patterns in French and Italian. Forms, functions, system

La Fauci, Nunzio; Tronci, L (2009). Verb inflection in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit and auxiliation patterns in French and Italian. Forms, functions, system. Lingvisticae Investigationes, 32(1):55-76.


This paper deals with the complex interaction between form and function in the verb morphosyntax of four Indo-European languages (French, Italian, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit). Beyond the difference in form, auxiliation patterns in French and Italian, and verb inflection in Ancient Greek and Sanskrit correlate, thanks to the agreement for number and person, to the expression of the relationship with the Subject. The different auxiliation patterns (sum and habeo) and the different inflection (middle and active) correlate to different properties of the Subject. In particular, these forms depend on the syntactic opposition between middle and non-middle. The ways of this dependency are regulated and systematic, although they appear fuzzy and chaotic, not only if the four languages are compared to each other, but also if different morphosyntactic combinations, inside the same language, are concerned

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Romance Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:800 Literature, rhetoric & criticism
470 Latin & Italic languages
410 Linguistics
440 French & related languages
460 Spanish & Portuguese languages
450 Italian, Romanian & related languages
Scopus Subject Areas:Social Sciences & Humanities > Linguistics and Language
Deposited On:05 Mar 2010 18:35
Last Modified:09 Jul 2024 03:38
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
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