In the presence of an aging population, public health priorities need to evolve. As the populations gets older, the already existing pathologies have become commonplace with specific geriatric clinical syndromes like frailty, mobility disability, or cognitive impairment, among others. Sarcopenia is a good example for which geriatricians, neurologists, physiologists, nutritionists and epidemiologists need to find a consensual definition and diagnostic tool as well as guidelines for the management of clinical trials and possible treatments. The Carla Sarcopenia Task Force, which met in the south of France (Toulouse) for an expert consensus meeting called “Les Entretiens du Carla“, have addressed a series of existing issues to place Sarcopenia into a nosological context: a definition which should be a composite of a change in muscle mass and a change in strength/function depending on either a progressive and chronic wasting process or an acute onset of loss of muscle mass; a recommendation for DXA and the Short Physical Performance Battery as a clinical pragmatic approach of Sarcopenia; a differentiated approach for clinical studies according to prevention or treatment objectives and depending on the sub-groups and target populations; and finally, a summary of therapeutic strategies currently recommended. The aim of “Les Entretiens du Carla”, based on an expert meeting panel, was to address a series of unsolved issues in the field of Sarcopenia by combining the expert opinion with a revision of the existing literature on the topic. Through this report, the reader will appreciate the determination to find conclusions on the various issues and further studies to be developed to determine the best multidisciplinary approach needed.