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The zebrafish mutant bumper shows a hyperproliferation of lens epithelial cells and fibre cell degeneration leading to functional blindness

Schonthaler, H B; Franz-Odendaal, T A; Hodel, C; Gehring, I; Geisler, R; Schwarz, H; Neuhauss, S C F; Dahm, R (2010). The zebrafish mutant bumper shows a hyperproliferation of lens epithelial cells and fibre cell degeneration leading to functional blindness. Mechanisms of Development, 127(3-4):203-219.


The development of the eye lens is one of the classical paradigms of induction during embryonic development in vertebrates. But while there have been numerous studies aimed at discovering the genetic networks controlling early lens development, comparatively little is known about later stages, including the differentiation of secondary lens fibre cells. The analysis of mutant zebrafish isolated in forward genetic screens is an important way to investigate the roles of genes in embryogenesis. In this study we describe the zebrafish mutant bumper (bum), which shows a transient, tumour-like hyperproliferation of the lens epithelium as well as a progressively stronger defect in secondary fibre cell differentiation, which results in a significantly reduced lens size and ectopic location of the lens within the neural retina. Interestingly, the initial hyperproliferation of the lens epithelium in bum spontaneously regresses, suggesting this mutant as a valuable model to study the molecular control of tumour progression/suppression. Behavioural analyses demonstrate that, despite a morphologically normal retina, larval and adult bum(-/-) zebrafish are functionally blind. We further show that these fish have defects in their craniofacial skeleton with normal but delayed formation of the scleral ossicles within the eye, several reduced craniofacial bones resulting in an abnormal skull shape, and asymmetric ectopic bone formation within the mandible. Genetic mapping located the mutation in bum to a 4cM interval on chromosome 7 with the closest markers located at 0.2 and 0cM, respectively.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Molecular Life Sciences
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Embryology
Life Sciences > Developmental Biology
Uncontrolled Keywords:zebrafish, , Danio rerio, , embryonic development, , eye, , vision, , lens fibre cell, , differentiation, , tumor-/ tumour-like hyperproliferation, , head skeleton
Date:April 2010
Deposited On:12 May 2010 14:39
Last Modified:04 Sep 2024 01:38
OA Status:Hybrid
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PubMed ID:20117205
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