The objective of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of different fluoride solutions on enamel erosion. Human enamel specimens were pretreated with 1 of 10 different fluoride solutions (n = 20): TiF(4), NaF, AmF, ZnF(2), or SnF(2), each at native pH (pH range: 1.2-7.8) or buffered pH (pH = 4). The control group samples received no fluoride pretreatment. All samples were then eroded by citric acid (pH 2.6) for 6 x 1 min daily over 5 days. Between the erosive cycles, the samples were stored in artificial saliva. Erosion effects were investigated by surface profilometry (n = 10), scanning electron microscopy (n = 4), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (n = 6) after fluoride pretreatment and after erosion. To test the effects of pH only, additional experiments were carried out with fluoride-free solutions at similar pH to that of fluoride solutions. In general, AmF solution was more effective in protecting enamel erosion compared to all other fluoride agents. However, the application of native TiF(4), native and buffered SnF(2), and native and buffered AmF solutions also resulted in significantly less enamel loss compared to the control group. A Ti-rich coating was formed after application of native TiF(4), but partially dissolved due to erosive attack. Samples pretreated with SnF(2) showed a significant increase in surface tin content. Surface fluoride concentration was significantly increased by native TiF(4), native and buffered AmF, buffered ZnF(2), and buffered NaF application. Under the current experimental setting, the fluoride agents at lower pH had better protective potential. Highly concentrated TiF(4), AmF, and SnF(2) solution was effective in inhibiting erosion of enamel.