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Verbalabstrakta im Altirischen: Verbalnomina und verwandte Kategorien

Stüber, Karin (2010). Verbalabstrakta im Altirischen: Verbalnomina und verwandte Kategorien. In: Stüber, Karin; Zehnder, Thomas; Bachmann, Dieter. Akten des 5. Deutschsprachigen Keltologensymposiums. Wien: Praesens, 377-393.


In origin, Old Irish verbal nouns are verbal abstracts that have been grammaticalized in the course of the history of the Irish language and have become a fixed part of the verbal paradigm. On the other hand, verbal abstracts in Old Irish – like in other languages – can undergo various semantic changes and can then be lexicalized in a new meaning, as subject noun, object noun, result noun, locatival noun, instrumental noun and action noun. The article examines this twofold development and, in a case study on ingrimm ‘persecution’, tries to assess the suitability of criteria like subjective genitive, article and pluralization for the differentiation of verbal noun, verbal abstract and lexicalized action noun.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Department of Comparative Language Science
Dewey Decimal Classification:490 Other languages
890 Other literatures
410 Linguistics
Deposited On:21 Jan 2011 08:34
Last Modified:07 Apr 2020 06:21
Series Name:Keltische Forschungen. Allgemeine Buchreihe
Funders:Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
OA Status:Green

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