The present study was performed to provide computed tomographic (CT) reference values for structures in the thorax of 26 clinically normal Saanen goats. Animals were anesthetized, positioned in sternal recumbency and transverse images with a reconstructed 1.5mm slice thickness were obtained by use of a 40-slice CT scanner. Absolute and relative measurements of the trachea, heart, cranial vena cava, thoracic aorta, caudal vena cava, right and left principal bronchus, right and left caudal lobar bronchus and the concomitant branch of the right and left pulmonary artery and vein, large caudal mediastinal lymph node and lung density were performed with dedicated software. Minimal to moderate interstitial or bronchopneumonia was incidentally found on CT in 24 animals. In conclusion, CT images obtained in this study can be used as a reference for the evaluation of thoracic diseases in goats.