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Efficiency of Swiss and New Zealand dairy breeds under grazing conditions on commercial dairy farms

Thomet, P; Piccand, V; Schori, F; Troxler, J; Wanner, M; Kunz, P (2010). Efficiency of Swiss and New Zealand dairy breeds under grazing conditions on commercial dairy farms. In: Schnyder, H; Isselstein, J; Taube, F; Auerswald, K; Schellberg, J; Wachendorf, M; Herrmann, A; Gierus, M; Wrage, N; Hopkins, A. Grassland in a changing world. Proceedings of the 23rd general meeting of the European Grassland Federation; Kiel, Germany, August 29th - September 2nd 2010. Duderstadt, DE: Mecke Druck und Verlag, 1018-1020.


The objective of the study was to investigate over three years (2007 – 2009) the attributes of
cows adapted to a pasture-based seasonal milk production system (New Zealand Holstein
Friesian) under Swiss conditions and to compare them with Swiss breeds. For this purpose,
pairs of Swiss (CH) and New Zealand (NZHF) cows were established (100 cows in total) with
similar age and calving date on 15 commercial farms. Body weight (BW) in the first and
second lactations were higher in CH cows than in NZHF cows (in 2007, 544 vs. 477 kg,
P<0.001; in 2008, 578 vs. 517 kg, P<0.001). Milk yield was similar in CH and NZ cows for
the initial two years but the milk of NZ cows had higher fat and protein content. The NZ cows
produced more energy corrected milk (ECM) in the second lactation than the CH cows (6017
vs. 5470 kg, P< 0.001). As a consequence, the efficiency (ECM per metabolic BW, kg kg-1)
was higher in NZ than in CH cows in both years (2007, 49.7 vs. 44.2, P<0.001; 2008, 55.6 vs.
46.6, P<0.001). It is therefore concluded that New Zealand Holstein Friesians are more
efficient in a pasture-based milk production system than Swiss breeds.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, not_refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:05 Vetsuisse Faculty > Veterinärwissenschaftliches Institut > Institute of Animal Nutrition
Dewey Decimal Classification:570 Life sciences; biology
630 Agriculture
Deposited On:18 Mar 2012 19:55
Last Modified:15 Apr 2021 14:17
Publisher:Mecke Druck und Verlag
Series Name:Grassland Science in Europe
OA Status:Closed
Free access at:Related URL. An embargo period may apply.
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