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The value of pancreatic stone protein in predicting acute appendicitis in patients presenting at the emergency department with abdominal pain

Tschuor, Christoph; Raptis, Dimitri Aristotle; Limani, Përparim; Bächler, Thomas; Oberkofler, Christian Eugen; Breitenstein, Stefan; Graf, Rolf (2012). The value of pancreatic stone protein in predicting acute appendicitis in patients presenting at the emergency department with abdominal pain. BMC Gastroenterology, 12:154.


BACKGROUND: Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) is a protein naturally produced mainly in the pancreas and the gut. There is evidence from experimental and clinical trials that blood PSP levels rise in the presence of inflammation or infection. However, it is not known whether PSP is superior to other established blood tests (e.g. White Blood Count, Neutrophils or C - reactive protein) in predicting appendicitis in patients presenting with abdominal pain and a clinical suspicion of appendicitis at the emergency room. METHODS/DESIGN: The PSP Appendix Trial is a prospective, multi-center, cohort study to assess the value of PSP in the diagnostic workup of acute appendicitis. 245 patients will be prospectively recruited. Interim analysis will be performed once 123 patients are recruited. The primary endpoint of the study concerns the diagnostic accuracy of PSP in predicting acute appendicitis and therefore the evidence of appendicitis on the histopathological specimen after appendectomy. DISCUSSION: The PSP Appendix Trial is a prospective, multi-center, cohort study to assess the value of PSP in the diagnostic workup of acute appendicitis.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:04 Faculty of Medicine > University Hospital Zurich > Clinic for Visceral and Transplantation Surgery
Dewey Decimal Classification:610 Medicine & health
Scopus Subject Areas:Health Sciences > Gastroenterology
Deposited On:14 Feb 2013 14:26
Last Modified:08 Jan 2025 02:42
Publisher:BioMed Central
OA Status:Gold
Free access at:PubMed ID. An embargo period may apply.
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PubMed ID:23098130
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