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Social perception as induction and inference: an integrative model of intergroup differentiation, ingroup favoritism, and differential accuracy

DiDonato, Theresa E; Ullrich, Johannes; Krueger, J I (2011). Social perception as induction and inference: an integrative model of intergroup differentiation, ingroup favoritism, and differential accuracy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(1):66-83.


Three general properties of social stereotypes are the perception of differences between ingroups and outgroups (intergroup differentiation), the perception of ingroups as having more desirable attributes than outgroups (ingroup favoritism), and the greater accuracy of ingroup perceptions (differential accuracy). We present and test an inductive-reasoning model that accounts for all 3 phenomena, and we explicate the relations among them. Based on empirical evidence, the model assumes that most people have a positive self-image, that they project these self-images more strongly to ingroups than to outgroups, and that their self-images are valid cues for judgments about social groups. Two minimal-group experiments using a crossed-categorization paradigm support the model and provide new evidence for underlying psychological processes.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Journal Article, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Psychology
Dewey Decimal Classification:150 Psychology
Scopus Subject Areas:Social Sciences & Humanities > Social Psychology
Social Sciences & Humanities > Sociology and Political Science
Deposited On:15 Feb 2013 15:12
Last Modified:09 Sep 2024 01:36
Publisher:American Psychological Association
OA Status:Closed
Publisher DOI:
PubMed ID:20939650
Full text not available from this repository.

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62 citations in Web of Science®
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