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Parliamentary communication. The case of the Russian Gosduma

Weiss, Daniel (2013). Parliamentary communication. The case of the Russian Gosduma. In: Thielemann, Nadine; Kosta, Peter. Approaches to Slavic Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 213-235.


This study attempts to capture the characteristics of parliamentary debates in the Russian State Duma (Gosduma) according to the following criteria: quality of data (e.g. editorial specifics of the transcripts), turn-taking system, forms of address, internet communication and TV coverage. The comparison of the Russian findings with the British Hansard Report reveals a striking contrast: the Russian data manifests a far broader range of variation in many respects, which is obviously due to much more liberal or even completely lacking regulations.It seems to be a fair assumption that these diverging attitudes can be partly explained by the different prestige of both institutions in their respective societies:in particular, as can be seen in numerous examples quoted, the Gosduma resents the lack of attention, if not the disrespect it experiences from government representatives, television, as well as the broad public.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Book Section, refereed, original work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Slavonic Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:490 Other languages
410 Linguistics
Deposited On:03 Oct 2013 12:14
Last Modified:23 Aug 2022 07:07
Publisher:John Benjamins Publishing
OA Status:Closed

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