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The journey of maps and images on the Silk Road

The journey of maps and images on the Silk Road. Edited by: Forêt, Philippe; Kaplony, Andreas (2008). Leiden: Brill.


This book covers new ground on the diffusion and transmission of geographical knowledge that occurred at critical junctures in the long history of the Silk Road.

Much of twentieth-century scholarship on the Silk Road examined the ancient archaeological objects and medieval historical records found within each cultural area, while the consequences of long-distance interaction across Eurasia remained poorly studied. Here ample attention is given to the journeys that notions and objects undertook to transmit spatial values to other civilizations. In retracing the steps of four major circuits right across the many civilizations that shared the Silk Road, The Journey of Maps and Images on the Silk Road traces the ways in which maps and images surmounted spatial, historical and cultural divisions.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Edited Scientific Work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies
Dewey Decimal Classification:180 Ancient, medieval & eastern philosophy
290 Other religions
Deposited On:08 Jan 2009 08:10
Last Modified:15 Apr 2021 13:56
Series Name:Brill's Inner Asian Library
Number of Pages:248
OA Status:Closed
Official URL:
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