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Iconic Investigations

Iconic Investigations. Edited by: Elleström, L; Fischer, O; Ljungberg, C (2013). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


The contributions to Iconic Investigations deal with linguistic or literary aspects of language. While some studies analyze the cognitive structures of language, others pay close attention to the sounds of spoken language and the visual characteristics of written language. In addition, this volume also contains studies of media types such as music and visual images that are integrated into the overall project to deepen the understanding of iconicity - the creation of meaning by way of similarity relations. Iconicity is a fundamental but relatively unexplored part of signification in language and other meida types. During the last decades, the study of iconicity has emerged as a vital research area with far-reaching interdisciplinary scope, and the volume should be of interest for students and researchers interested in scholarly fields such as semiotics, cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor studies, poetry, intermediality and multimodality.

Additional indexing

Item Type:Edited Scientific Work
Communities & Collections:06 Faculty of Arts > English Department
Dewey Decimal Classification:820 English & Old English literatures
Deposited On:24 Jan 2014 11:38
Last Modified:30 Jul 2020 11:34
Publisher:John Benjamins
Series Name:Iconicity in Language and Literature
Number of Pages:357
ISBN:978 90 272 4348 5
OA Status:Closed
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