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Hof, Helena (2024). Foreign entrepreneurship in the Japanese startup ecosystem: can deviance fuel innovation? Contemporary Japan:1-21.

Preisinger, Raphaèle (2024). Spiritual joy in the face of death: compound emotions in texts and images of the martyrs of the Japan Mission. In: Melion, Walter S; Enenkel, Karl A E. Motus mixti et compositi: the portrayal of mixed and compound emotions in the visual and literary arts of Europe, 1500–1700. Leiden: Brill, 502-536.

Preisinger, Raphaèle (2024). From the Isle of Patmos to the Territory of the Plumed Serpent: eschatological imaginations sparked by the Virgin of Guadalupe in Colonial New Spain. In: De Boer, Wietse; Göttler, Christine. The eschatological imagination: space, time, and experience (1300-1800). Leiden: Brill, 276-306.

Frey, Jörg (2024). Josephus’s account of the martyrdom of James: A source for the position of the Jerusalem community of Jesus followers within their environment? In: Brody, Robert; Hacham, Noah; Piotrkowski, Meron M.; Henten, Jan Willem van. A vision of the days: Studies in early Jewish history and historiography. In honor of Daniel R. Schwartz. Leiden: Brill, 262-278.

Jiang, Wei (2024). Funerary emblems in Manila and the rise of devotion to Jerónima de La Asunción, OSC (1555-1630). Estudios de Historia Novohispana, (71):85-116.

Koller, Christian (2024). The beginnings of the International Ice Hockey Federation. The International Journal of the History of Sport:Epub ahead of print.

Moser, Vera; Garz, Jona T; Frenz, Stefanie (2024). From record keeping to a new knowledge regime: the special school pupil as a new pedagogical object in Prussia around 1900. Paedagogica Historica, 60(3):494-512.

Müller, Samira; Abedi, Milad; Behr, Wolfgang; Wertmann, Patrick (2024). Following the Donkey's Trail (Part I): a linguistic and archaeological study on the introduction of domestic donkeys to China. International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics, 6(1):104-144.

Constantinou, Costas M; McConnell, Fiona; Dirik, Dilar; Regassa, Asebe; Loong, Shona; Kuokkanen, Rauna (2024). Reimagining self-determination: Relational, decolonial, and intersectional perspectives. Political Geography:103112.

Kumar, Satendra (2024). India's agrarian crises and changing countryside. Current History, 123(852):129-134.

Chen, Hui; Wenning, Alexander (2024). Higher-Order Beliefs, Market-Based Incentives, and Information Quality. European Accounting Review, 33(2):569-587.

Uehlinger, Christoph (2024). Mastering the Seven-Headed Serpent: A Stamp Seal from Hazor Provides a Missing Link Between Cuneiform and Biblical Mythology. Near Eastern Archaeology, 87(1):14-19.

Berger, Stefan; Koller, Christian (2024). Introduction: Memory Studies Meets Social Movement Studies. In: Berger, Stefan; Koller, Christian. Memory and Social Movements in Modern and Contemporary History : Remembering Past Struggles and Resourcing Protest. Cham: Springer (Bücher), 1-17.


Gibson Brandon, Rajna; Sohn, Matthias; Tanner, Carmen; Wagner, Alexander F (2023). Earnings Management and the Role of Moral Values in Investing. European Accounting Review:Epub ahead of print.

Uehlinger, Christoph (2023). Honoring a Legacy, Inviting a New Generation: A Very Brief Introduction to the Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant Project. Near Eastern Archaeology, 86(4):256-265.

Greet, Ben (2023). New Precedents and Insights from Stamp Seal Photography. Near Eastern Archaeology, 86(4):272-276.

Ben-Marzouk, Nadia (2023). Some Highlights in Local versus Regional Glyptic Consumption in the Southern Levant during the Iron I. Near Eastern Archaeology, 86(4):292-301.

Münger, Stefan; Ben-Marzouk, Nadia; Greet, Ben; Koch, Ido (2023). The Corpus of Stamp Seals from the Southern Levant Database: A New Research Tool for Glyptic Studies. Near Eastern Archaeology, 86(4):274-283.

Kelegama, Thiruni; Korf, Benedikt (2023). The lure of land: Peasant politics, frontier colonization and the cunning state in Sri Lanka. Modern Asian Studies, 57(6):2002-2021.

Rossi, Riccardo (2023). Nostrana, frustra, fiorata : Migration Patterns and the Semantics of Consumption in the Alps, Mid-17th to late 18th Centuries. History of Retailing and Consumption, 9(2):95-115.

Negri, Silvia (2023). Revisiting gendered representations of humility: an examination of sources from late medieval Italy. Gender & History, 35(3):881-897.

Chambru, Cédric; Maneuvrier‐Hervieu, Paul (2023). The evolution of wages in early modern Normandy (1600-1850). Economic History Review, 76(3):917-940.

Chiavacci, David; Soboleva, Elena (2023). China’s and Japan’s winding path to the refugee convention: state identity transformations and the evolving international refugee regime. Modern Asian Studies, 57(4):1415-1447.

Lin, Yi-Tang; David, Thomas; Eichenberger, Pierre (2023). ‘In the interest of your bank and our country’: two encounters between China and the International Chamber of Commerce. Modern Asian Studies, 57(4):1387-1414.

Kiening, Christian (2023). Ökonomien des Selbst. Die Aufzeichnungen des Lucas Rem. Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur, 48(1):53-83.

Tanner, Jakob (2023). Die „Historische Anthropologie“ im Modus der Selbstreflexion: Rückblick auf die letzten 30 Jahre und weiter zurück. Historische Anthropologie, 31(1):165-173.

Míguez, Julián (2023). Verwandtschaft ohne Diagramm?: Abstammungsproben seit dem mittelalterlichen Turnierwesen in Europa bis zur kolonialen Verwaltung Hispanoamerikas im Vergleich. Historische Anthropologie, 31(1):62-87.

Nägele, Manuel (2023). Paul’s Usage of the Anthropological Term νοῦς. Novum Testamentum, 65(3):330-349.

Ma, Scott; Alonso Ishihara, Mariana (2023). Multiculturalism between ideology and practice: Immigrant self-narrations of community activism in Toyota, Japan. Contemporary Japan:Epub ahead of print.

Quack, Alexandra; Herfeld, Catherine (2023). The role of narratives in transferring rational choice models into political science. History of Political Economy, 55(3):549-576.

Maier, Christoph T (2023). Papal crusade propaganda and attacks against Jews in France in the 1230s: a breakdown of communication? Journal of Medieval History, 49(3):339-352.

Rabel, Magnus (2023). Providenz nachlesen. Erzählstrategie und Relecture in der Josephsnovelle ausgehend von Gen 50,15–26. Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 135(2):175-191.

Chiavacci, David; Wieczorek, Iris (2023). Tokyo Olympics 2020: between dream and contention. Contemporary Japan, 35(1):3-15.

Edelstein, Dan; Straumann, Benjamin (2023). On the liberties of the ancients: licentiousness, equal rights, and the rule of law. History of European Ideas:online.

Ma, Scott (2023). Global history in two chronotopes: Time, identity and the practical past in Nagasaki, Japan, 1990 and 2006. Rethinking History, 27(2):312-339.

Ziegler, Ella; Postma, Erik; Matthes, Katarina L; Floris, Joël; Staub, Kaspar (2023). Health and lifespan of Swiss men born in an alpine region in 1905–1907. The History of the Family, 28(2):339-359.

Loong, Shona (2023). In Myanmar, generation Z goes to war. Current History, 122(843):137-142.

Voronina, Tatiana (2023). Space and Time in the Socialist Countryside : All-Union Anniversaries in Vologda Rural Schools During the 1960s and 1970s. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 65(1):7-29.

Krauter, Stefan (2023). Ein Geist der Besonnenheit? Σωφρονισμός in 2Tim 1,7. Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 114(1):123-136.

Kergomard, Zoé (2023). The ‘participationnist state’ and the ‘apathetic citizen’: educationalizing the ‘problem of non–voting’ in postwar Switzerland (1940s–1970s). European Review of History - revue européenne d'histoire, 29(6):930-953.

Babusiaux, Ulrike (2023). Bekanntes und Neues zum römischen Vereinsrecht. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung (ZRG), 140(1):298-323.

de Boer, Jan-Hendryk; Wallmeyer, Gion; Bubert, Marcel; Campopiano, Michele; Kopp, Vanina; Negri, Silvia; Neumann, Christian Alexander; Pachurka, Daniel; Schuh, Maximilian (2023). Epistemische Rivalitäten: zum Umgang mit Sonderwissen an den Höfen des 14. Jahrhunderts. Historische Zeitschrift, 317(3):572-611.

Becker, Eve-Marie; Babusiaux, Ulrike (2023). Paulus, der "Sklave Christi Jesu" (Gal 1,10; Röm 1,1; Phil 1,1), im Lichte des römischen Rechts. New Testament Studies, 69(4):365-386.

Luther, Johannes (2023). Rezension zu: Bruhn, Stephan: Reformer als Wertegemeinschaften. Zur diskursiven Formierung einer sozialen Gruppe im spätangelsächsischen England (ca. 850-1050), Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2022. Le Moyen Age, 129(3-4):905-906.

Fiocchi Malaspina, Elisabetta (2023). «Santità» e «sacralità» nel diritto internazionale tra la fine dell’Ottocento e la prima metà del Novecento. Historia et Ius:1-34.


Garz, Jona T; Isensee, Fanny; Töpper, Daniel (2022). Knowledge in the making: methodological considerations on the production, dissemination, and usage of "small forms in education". Nordic Journal of Educational History, 9(2):39-62.

De Clercq, Eva; Starke, Georg; Rost, Michael (2022). "Waking up" the sleeping metaphor of normality in connection to intersex or DSD: a scoping review of medical literature. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 44(4):50.

Brand, Mattias (2022). Introduction: Historians in the Study of Religion\s*. Journal of Religious History, 46(4):617-631.

Lienhard, Marina (2022). Ronald D. Laings „radical trip“: zum Verhältnis von Psychiatrie, Anti-Psychiatrie und Wissenschaft in den 1960er Jahren. NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, 30(4):445-471.

Edelstein, Dan; Straumann, Benjamin (2022). Roman rights talk: subjective rights in Cicero and Livy. History of political thought, 43(4):637-659.

Viallet-Thévenin, Scott; Chambru, Cédric (2022). Attaining autonomy in the Empire: French governors between 1860 and 1960. Social Science History, 46(4):831-859.

Hersh, Jonathan; Voth, Hans-Joachim (2022). Sweet diversity: colonial goods and the welfare gains from global trade after 1492. Explorations in Economic History, 86:101468.

Kumar, Satendra (2022). New Farm Bills and Farmers’ Resistance to Neoliberalism. Sociological Bulletin, 71(4):483-494.

Brandenburg, Ulrich Jung (2022). Transnational solidarities and competing visions of Europe: Vienna's vote on the Russo-Japanese war. History, 107(378):885-909.

Gonon, Philipp (2022). The legitimation of school‐based Bildung in the context of vocational education and training: the legacy of Eduard Spranger. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 56(3):438-449.

Ernst, Wolfgang (2022). D. 19,1,23 Iulianus libro 13 digestorum. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung (ZRG), 139:352-358.

Kumar, Satendra (2022). Rise and Fall of the Bharatiya Kisan Union: The Farmers’ Protests of 2020–2021 in the Making of New Rural Politics. Sociological Bulletin, 71(4):551-565.

Wiegand, Daniel (2022). Islands of Sound in the Silent Flow of Film: German Part-Talkies Around 1930 as a Hybrid Medium. The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 42(3):427-450.

Timofeeva, Olga (2022). Sociolinguistic Variation in Old English : Records of Communities and People. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.

Trumpy, Giorgio; Chatterjee, Sreya (2022). A Spectral Approach to Digitally Restore a Faded Agfacolor Print from 1945. Archiving Conference, 19(1):101-105.

Espahangizi, Kijan (2022). Science in glass: material pathologies in laboratory research, glassware standardization, and the (un-)natural history of a modern material. Isis, 113(2):221-244.

Schenk, Christine G; Hasbullah, Shalul (2022). Informal sovereignties and multiple Muslim feminisms: Feminist geo-legality in Sri Lanka. Political Geography, 94:102527.

Schenk, Christine Giulia; Gökarıksel, Banu; Behzadi, Negar Elodie (2022). Security, violence, and mobility: The embodied and everyday politics of negotiating Muslim femininities. Political Geography, 90:102597.

Sticher, Valerie (2022). Healing Stalemates: The Role of Ceasefires in Ripening Conflict. Ethnopolitics, 21(2):149-162.

Dürr, Oliver (2022). Kybernetischer Antichrist. Zur theologischen Dimension der Frage nach dem Bösen im digitalen Zeitalter. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, 116:383-400.

Deplazes, Daniel (2022). "Die Lernmaschinen waren ... ein Zückerchen": das Gelfinger Schulexperiment von 1968 bis 1972. Paedagogica Historica, 58(2):290-310.

Hofmann, Michèle (2022). (Ab)normality and (in)educability - whose voices can be found in historical sources on intellectually "abnormal" children? Paedagogica Historica, 58(3):349-362.

Brand, Mattias (2022). Cross‐Cultural Generalisation in Three Research Practices: Historicising, Comparing, and Theorising in the Study of Religion\s*. Journal of Religious History, 46(4):653-674.

Encomia. Edited by: Trachsler, Richard; Cayley, Emma (2022). Paris: Classiques Garnier.

Tanner, Jakob; Sommer, Marianne; Germann, Pascal (2022). Glückswissen - Paradoxien des Glücks. Historische Anthropologie, 30(2):131-141.

Marinho, Fernanda (2022). Primitivismo e francofilia nella critica di Lionello Venturi. I Tatti Studies, 25(1):167-191.

Frey, Jörg (2022). Qumran and the New Testament. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. Louvain Journal of Theology and Canon Law, 98(4):639-652.

Ernst, Wolfgang (2022). The Politics of the lex Aquilia. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis = Revue d'Histoire du Droit = The Legal History Review, 90:315-352.

Clavel, Damian (2022). The rise and fall of George Frederic Augustus II: the Central American, Caribbean, and Atlantic life of a Miskitu King, 1805–1824. Business History Review, 96(3):525-558.


Reusser, Christoph (2021). Le fasi costruttive della città di Spina: risultati delle campagne di scavo condotte dall'Università di Zurigo nell'area urbana. Studi Etruschi, 84:101-141.

Macmillan, Ross; Shanahan, Michael J (2021). Why Precarious Work Is Bad for Health: Social Marginality as Key Mechanisms in a Multi-National Context. Social Forces, 100(2):821-851.

Garz, Jona T (2021). Fabricating spaces and knowledge: the Berlin-Dalldorf Municipal Asylum for “Feeble-Minded” Children (1880–1900). History of Education Review, 50(2):146-165.

Maier, Felix K (2021). Rückzug aus Kalkül: das Palastkaisertum im Weströmischen Reich unter Honorius. Historische Zeitschrift, 313:300-330.

Regassa, Asebe (2021). Self-determination, multinational federalism and an emerging threat in Ethiopia: A decolonial approach. Northeast African Studies, 21(2):57-82.

Panov, Lida (2021). Scribal Experiences of Salvation – Aspects of Formation Processes in the Hezekiah-Isaiah Narratives. Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 133(3):312-328.

Rüegg, Jonas (2021). Currents and oceanic geographies of Japan’s unending frontier. Journal of Pacific History, 56(3):296-319.

Alvarez, Sebastian (2021). International banking and financial fragility: the role of regulation in Brazil and Mexico, 1967–1982. Financial History Review, 28(2):175-204.

Brill, Frances; Raco, Mike (2021). Putting the crisis to work: The real estate sector and London's housing crisis. Political Geography, 89:102433.

Jost, Michael Reno (2021). The Liturgical Communion of the Yaḥad with the Angels: The Origin of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice Reconsidered. Dead Sea Discoveries, 28:1-24.

Hensel, Benedikt (2021). Tightening the Bonds between Edom and Israel (Gen 33:1–17*): On the Further Development of Edom’s Role within the Fortschreibung of the Jacob Cycle in the Exilic and Early Persian Periods. Vetus Testamentum, 71:397-417.

Janett, Mirjam; Althaus, Andrea; Hulverscheidt, Marion; Gobet, Rita; Streuli, Jürg; Condrau, Flurin (2021). Doctors, families and the industry in the clinic: the management of ‘intersex’ children in Swiss paediatric medicine (1945–1970). Medical History, 65(3):286-305.

Koch, Ido; Lipschits, Oded (2021). Stamp-Jars from Judah: Official Pictorial and Textual Language. Judaïsme ancien : revue internationale d'histoire et de philologie, 9:287-312.

Howson, Peter; Crandall, Jillian; Balaguer Rasillo, Xavier (2021). Digital degrowth innovation: less growth, more play. Political Geography, 88:102415.

Hensel, Benedikt (2021). Gottesfürchtige Seeleute (Jon 1,5–16) und bußfertige Feinde (Jon 3,5–10) : Zwei unterschiedliche Modelle des »Heil für die Völker« im Jonabuch. Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 133(2):188-207.

Johnson, Deborah; Korf, Benedikt (2021). The predicament of pastoral sovereignty. Political Geography, 87:102368.

Bhattacharyya, Debjani (2021). A river is not a pendulum: sediments of science in the world of tides. Isis, 112(1):141-149.

Bhattacharyya, Debjani (2021). The Indian city and its ‘restive publics’: a review essay. Modern Asian Studies, 55(2):1-31.

Schober, Sarah-Maria (2021). Review of : J. Andrew Mendelsohn, Annemarie Kinzelbach, Ruth Schilling (Hg.), Civic Medicine. Physician, Polity, and Pen in Early Modern Europe, 2020. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 95(3):413-415.

Diener, Leander (2021). COVID-19 und seine Umwelt: Von einer Geschichte der Humanmedizin zu einer ökologischen Medizingeschichte? NTM, 29:203-2011.

Volmert, Miriam (2021). Fascination with the Fallen: Thinking Ruins in Western Culture. Review of Susan Stewart, The Ruins Lesson. Meaning and Material in Western Culture, Chicago 2020. Architectural Histories, 9(1):11.

Dusinberre, Martin (2021). J. R. Seeley and Japan's pacific expansion. Historical Journal, 64(1):70-97.

Friedman, Hannah Joy (2021). Jusepe de Ribera's Five Senses and the Practice of Prudence. Renaissance Quarterly, 74(4):1111-1161.

Samida, Stefanie (2021). Kollektives Sammeln in Zeiten des Übergangs. Saeculum, 70(2):283-299.

Krauter, Stefan (2021). Mercy and monarchy: Seneca’s De clementia and Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Novum Testamentum, 69:477-488.

Theisohn, Philipp (2021). Starship troopers. The shaping of the space warrior in cold war astroculture, 1950-80. In: Geppert, Alexander C T; Brandau, Daniel; Siebeneichner, Tilmann. Militarizing outer space : astroculture, dystopia and the cold war. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 233-255.

Vitale, Judith (2021). The destruction and rediscovery of Edo Castle: ‘picturesque ruins’, ‘war ruins’. Japan Forum, 33(1):103-130.

Galli, Francesca (2021). The perspectiva ad usum praedicatorum in late 13th-century Florence: some observations based on an examination of codex Plut. 17 sin. 8 from the Laurentian Library. In: Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino. Arabic and latin theory of perspective. Firenze: S I S M E L Edizioni del Galluzzo, 181-202.

Galli, Francesca (2021). Where does the last drop make the cup run over?: Roger Bacon vs John Peckham, and Bartolomeo da Bologna, on the properties of water and the capacity of vessels. Studi medievali, 62(2):641-662.

Banholzer, Simon; Straumann, Tobias (2021). Why the French said 'non': a new perspective on the Hoover Moratorium of June 1931. Journal of Contemporary History, 56(4):1040-1060.


Szarka, Eveline (2020). The devil behind the eyes: melancholy, imagination and ghosts in post-reformation Switzerland. History of European Ideas:online.

Schmid, Konrad (2020). How old Is the Hebrew Bible? A response to Ronald Hendel and Jan Joosten. Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 132(4):622-631.

Urban, Matthias; Barbieri, Chiara (2020). North and South in the ancient Central Andes: Contextualizing the archaeological record with evidence from linguistics and molecular anthropology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 60:101233.

Provero, Luigi; Teuscher, Simon (2020). A proposito di «Communautés d’habitants au Moyen Âge (XIe -XVe siècles)» a cura di Joseph Morsel. - Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2018. Quaderni Storici - Nuova Serie, 55(3):885-908.

Acker, Antoine (2020). A different story in the Anthropocene: Brazil's post-colonial quest for oil (1930-1975). Past and Present, 249(1):167-211.

Oelkers, Jürgen (2020). Authoritarianism and education in the interwar period: a history and its renewal. Paedagogica Historica, 56(5):572-586.

Espahangizi, Kijan; Mähr, Moritz (2020). The making of a Swiss migration regime: electronic data infrastructures and statistics in the Federal Administration, 1960s–1990s. Journal of Migration History, 6(3):379-404.

Krauter, Stefan (2020). Adam und Romulus : lateinische Dichtung in der Paulusexegese. Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, 111(2):227-250.

Chambru, Cédric (2020). Weather shocks, poverty and crime in 18th-century Savoy. Explorations in Economic History, 78:101353.

Holm, Fynn (2020). Bringing fish to the shore: fishermen’s knowledge and the anti-whaling protests in Norway and Japan, 1900–12. Journal of Global History:1-20.

Heidel, Andreas-Christian (2020). Between times and spaces : the understanding of reality in the letter to the Hebrews as the fundamental framework of its interpretation. Novum Testamentum, 62(4):416-435.

Beer, Beate (2020). Pro coniuge cara: Zu einem textkritischen Problem in der Alcestis Barcinonensis. Antike und Abendland, 65-66(1):139-151.

Schmid, Konrad (2020). ‚Writing on the Heart‘ (Jer 31:31–34): an allusion to scribal training? a response to Joachim J. Krause. Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 132(3):458-462.

Giudici, Anja; Ruoss, Thomas; van Ruyskensvelde, Sarah (2020). Educating the Volksgemeinschaft: authoritarian ideals and school reforms in Europe’s fascist era. Paedagogica Historica, 56(5):569-571.

Giudici, Anja; Ruoss, Thomas (2020). How to educate an authoritarian society: conflicting views on school reform for a fascist society in interwar Switzerland. Paedagogica Historica, 56(5):605-623.

Thomann, Johannes; Potthast, Daniel (2020). Erratum: Annotated Bibliography “Arabic Papyrology and Diplomatics”: New publications 2018 and addenda 2017. Der Islam, 97(1):297.

Bragato, Stefano (2020). Da Tripoli al Triveneto: paesaggi di guerra in Marinetti. The Italianist, 40(1):66-83.

Babusiaux, Ulrike (2020). Bericht zur Abschlusstagung des REDHIS-Projektes. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung (ZRG), 137(1):666-682.

Korf, Benedikt; Rowan, Rory (2020). Arcane geopolitics: Heidegger, Schmitt and the political theology of Gnosticism. Political Geography, 80:102159.

Brandenburg, Ulrich (2020). Imagining an Islamic Japan: pan-Asianism’s encounter with Muslim mission. Japan Forum, 32(2):161-184.

Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka (2020). A road, a disappearing river and fragile connectivity in Sino-Inner Asian borderlands. Political Geography, 78:102122.

Damir-Geilsdorf, Sabine; Menzfeld, Mira (2020). Methodological and ethical challenges in empirical approaches to Salafism: Introduction. Journal of Muslims in Europe, 9(2):135-149.

Zey, Claudia (2020). Rudolf Schieffer (1947-2018). Historische Zeitschrift, 310(1):90-100.

Javid, Hassan; Martin, Nicolas (2020). Democracy and Discrimination: Comparing Caste-Based Politics in Indian and Pakistani Punjab. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 43(1):136-151.

Koch, Ido (2020). Southern Levantine Temples during the Iron Age II: Towards a Multivocal Narrative. Judaïsme ancien : revue internationale d'histoire et de philologie, 8:325-344.

López-Labourdette, Adriana; López, Magdalena (2020). Animalidades: pistas para un mapa alternativo de las gramáticas éticas, políticas y estéticas en las culturas latinoamericanas. Introducción. Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal, 20(73):7-11.

Thier, Andreas; North, Michael (2020). Grenzen der Regelungsmacht von Recht und hoheitlicher Herrschaft: Geld- und Bankenkrisen vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Einführung des Goldstandards. Rechtsgeschichte, 28:142-149.

Ernst, Wolfgang (2020). Knut Wolfgang Nörr in der Historiographie des Prozessrechts. Rechtsgeschichte, 28:249-256.

Schwitter, Raphael (2020). Rival Friends: Sidonius Apollinaris and Literary Competitiveness in Late Antique Gaul. Journal of Late Antiquity, 13(1):73-93.

Ferber, Rafael (2020). Second Sailing towards Immortality and God: On Plato’s Phaedo, 99e4-100a3, with an Outlook on Descartes’ Meditations, AT VII, 67. Mnemosyne, 74(3):371-400.

Thier, Andreas (2020). Semantiken des Alten, des Neuen und des Modernen im gelehrten kanonischen Recht: Beobachtungen zur Deutung von ,antiqua‘, ,nova‘, ,hodie‘ und ,moderna‘ in der Kanonistik des 12.–15. Jahrhunderts. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung, 106(1):1-21.

Glanc, Tomáš (2020). Svatoňův „velký příběh“ komparatistiky. Svět literatury (World of Literature), (62):124 -127.

Schober, Sarah-Maria (2020). Zibet und Zeit: Timescapes eines frühneuzeitlichen Geruchs. Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 47(1):41-78.

Thier, Andreas; Fischer, Carsten (2020). »Computing all their cost and trouble« – Finanzmärkte, Spekulation und Regulierung seit der Frühen Neuzeit: Diskurse, Narrative, Strategien. Eine Einleitung. Rechtsgeschichte, 28:134-139.

Samida, Stefanie (2020). Über mediale Präsenz und Prominenz DNA-gestützter Vergangenheitsforschung. NTM, 28(2):181-192.


Boser, Lukas; Hofmann, Michèle (2019). Fraktur or Antiqua in primary schools? The struggle for a unified typeface in German-speaking Switzerland between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Paedagogica Historica, 55(6):792-811.

Boser, Lukas; Caruso, Marcelo; Hofmann, Michèle (2019). Introduction: form matters. Paedagogica Historica, 55(6):725-732.

Sonderegger, Stefan (2019). Grundzüge der Wirtschaft städtischer Spitäler des Spätmittelalters. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, 113:43-60.

Palmer, David A; Winiger, Fabian (2019). Neo-socialist governmentality: managing freedom in the People’s Republic of China. Economy and Society, 48(4):554-578.

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