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Wang, Xinran; Wang, Zisu; Dolata, Mateusz; Nunamaker, Jay F (2024). How credibility assessment technologies affect decision fairness in evidence-based investigations: A Bayesian perspective. Decision Support Systems, 187:114326.
Zavolokina, Liudmila; Bauer-Hänsel, Ingrid; Hacker, Janine; Schwabe, Gerhard (2024). Organizing for value creation in blockchain information systems. Information and Organization, 34(3):1-25.
Wu, Wenyuan; Heierli, Jasmin; Meisterhans, Max; Moser, Adrian; Färber, Andri; Dolata, Mateusz; Gavagnin, Elena; de Spindler, Alexandre; Schwabe, Gerhard (2024). PROMISE: A Framework for Model-Driven Stateful Prompt Orchestration. In: Islam, Shareeful; Sturm, Arnon. Intelligent Information Systems. Cham: Springer, 157-165.
Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio; Richter, Alexander; Schwabe, Gerhard; Mathiassen, Lars (2023). The multiplexity of diagrams and prototypes in requirements development. Information and Organization, 33(3):100476.
Birrer, Alena; He, Danya; Just, Natascha (2023). The state is watching you—A cross-national comparison of data retention in Europe. Telecommunications Policy, 47(4):102542.
Urman, Aleksandra; Makhortykh, Mykola (2023). How transparent are transparency reports? Comparative analysis of transparency reporting across online platforms. Telecommunications Policy, 47(3):102477.
Dolata, Mateusz; Katsiuba, Dzmitry; Wellnhammer, Natalie; Schwabe, Gerhard (2023). Learning with Digital Agents: An Analysis based on the Activity Theory. Journal of Management Information Systems, 40(1):56-95.
Bauer, Ingrid; Parra-Moyano, Jose; Schmedders, Karl; Schwabe, Gerhard (2022). Multi-party certification on blockchain and its impact in the market for lemons. Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(2):395-425.
Ozdemir, Firat; Peng, Z; Fürnstahl, P; Tanner, C; Goksel, O (2021). Active learning for segmentation based on Bayesian sample queries. Knowledge-Based Systems, 214:106531.
Liu, Hui; Yang, Naiding; Yang, Zhao; Zhang, Yanlu; Li, Ruimeng (2021). Using combined network-based approaches to analyze risk interactions in R&D alliance. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(11):2460-2471.
Nguyen, Minh Hao; Hargittai, Eszter; Fuchs, Jaelle; Djukaric, Teodora; Hunsaker, Amand (2021). Trading spaces: how and why older adults disconnect from and switch between digital media. The Information Society, 37(5):299-311.
Lustenberger, Michael; Spychiger, Florian; Malesevic, Sasa (2020). Towards a better understanding of the value of blockchains in supply chain management. In: Spychiger, Florian. Digitalisierung in der Praxis. Switzerland: Springer, 101-112.
Seeber, Isabella; Bittner, Eva; Briggs, Robert O; de Vreede, Triparna; de Vreede, Gert-Jan; Elkins, Aaron; Maier, Ronald; Merz, Alexander B; Oeste-Reiß, Sarah; Randrup, Nils; Schwabe, Gerhard; Söllner, Matthias (2019). Machines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration. Information & Management:1-22.
Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis; Francalanci, Chiara; Mohanty, Sharada; Mondardini, Rosy; Pernici, Barbara; Scalia, Gabriele (2019). E2mC: Improving Rapid Mapping with Social Network Information. In: Cabitza, Federico; Batini, Carloi; Magni, Massimo. Organizing for the Digital World. Cham: Springer, 63-74.
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Zhang, Zan; Liu, Lin; Wang, Hao; Li, Jiuyong; Hu, Daning; Yan, Jiaqi; Algesheimer, René; Meierer, Markus (2018). Collective behavior learning by differentiating personal preference from peer influence. Knowledge-Based Systems, 159:233-243.
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Hietschold, Nadine; Gurtner, Sebastian; Spanjol, Jelena (2017). Understanding and Responding to Negative Emotions in Consumer Resistance to Innovations. Academy of Management. Proceedings:online.
Ma, Shenghui; Seidl, David (2017). The role of actions in sensegiving during strategic change. Academy of Management. Proceedings:online.
Uotila, Juha; Keil, Thomas; Maula, Markku (2017). Supply-side network effects and the development of information technology standards. MIS Quarterly, 41(4):1207-1226.
Sandkuhl, Kurt; Fill, Hans-Georg; Hoppenbrouwers, Stijn; Krogstie, John; Leue, Andreas; Matthes, Florian; Opdahl, Andreas L; Schwabe, Gerhard; Uludag, Ömer; Winter, Robert (2016). Enterprise Modelling for the Masses – From Elitist Discipline to Common Practice. In: 9th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling, Skövde, Sweden, 8 November 2016 - 10 November 2016, Springer Lecture Notes.
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Zavolokina, Liudmila; Dolata, Mateusz; Schwabe, Gerhard (2016). FinTech transformation: how it-enabled innovations shape the financial sector. In: Feuerriegel, Stefan; Neumann, Dirk. Enterprise Applications, Markets and Services in the Finance Industry. Germany: Springer, 75-88.
Nunamaker, Jay F; Briggs, Robert O; Derrick, Douglas C; Schwabe, Gerhard (2015). The last research mile: achieving both rigor and relevance in information systems research. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32(3):10-47.
Meyer, Sonja; Ruppen, Andreas; Hilty, Lorenz (2015). The things of the internet of things in BPMN. In: Persson, Anne; Stirna, Janis. Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. Cham: Springer, 285-297.
Yan, Jiaqi; Hu, Daning; Liao, Stephen S; Wang, Huaiqing (2014). Mining agents' goals in agent-oriented business processes. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 5(4):20.
Wihler, Andreas; Momm, Tassilo; Menges, Jochen; Blickle, Gerhard (2014). Linking emotion recognition and income: An examination of the interpersonal mechanisms. In: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1 August 2014 - 5 August 2014, Academy of Management.
Sager, Fritz; Thomann, Eva; Zollinger, Christine; van der Heiden, Nico; Mavrot, Céline (2014). Street-level Bureaucrats and New Modes of Governance: How conflicting roles affect the implementation of the Swiss Ordinance on Veterinary Medicinal Products. Public Management Review, 16(4):481-502.
Herzog, Christian; Steinhüser, Melanie; Hoppe, Uwe; Richter, Alexander; Koch, Michael (2014). Barrieren der Erfolgsmessung von Enterprise Social Software. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschafts informatik (MKWI), Paderborn, 26 February 2014 - 28 February 2014.
Dietl, Helmut; Lang, Markus; Martignoni, Dirk; Lucas, Eric (2014). Learning through inaccurate replication. Academy of Management. Proceedings:online.
Hu, Daning; Yan, Jiaqi; Zhao, J Leon; Hua, Zhimin (2014). Ontology-based scenario modeling and analysis for bank stress testing. Decision Support Systems, 63:81-94.
Reiner, Jochen; Natter, Martin; Skiera, Bernd (2014). The impact of buy-now features in pay-per-bid auctions. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(2):77-104.
Posen, Hart E; Martignoni, Dirk; Lang, Markus (2013). Rubik's dilemma: partial knowledge and the efficacy of learning. Academy of Management. Proceedings:online.
Voegtlin, Christian; Greenwood, Michelle (2013). CSR and HRM: A systematic review and conceptual analysis. Academy of Management. Proceedings:online.
Reinecke, Katharina; Bernstein, Abraham (2013). Knowing what a user likes: A design science approach to interfaces that automatically adapt to culture. MIS Quarterly, 37(2):427-453.
Philip, Tom; Wende, Erik; Schwabe, Gerhard (2012). Exploring failures at the team level in offshore-outsourced software development projects. In: Kotlarsky, Julia; Oshri, Ilan; Willcocks, Leslie. The Dynamics of Global Sourcing: Perspectives and Practices. Berlin: Springer, 194-211.
Hu, Daning; Zhao, J Leon; Cheng, Jiesi (2012). Reputation management in an open source developer social network: An empirical study on determinants of positive evaluations. Decision Support Systems, 53(3):526-533.
Nussbaumer, Philipp; Matter, Inu; Schwabe, Gerhard (2012). “Enforced” vs. “casual” transparency - Findings from IT-supported financial advisory encounters. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 3(2):11.
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Schmidt-Rauch, Susanne; Schwabe, Gerhard (2011). From telesales to tele-advisory in travel agencies: Business problems, generic design goals and requirements. Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2(3):17:1-17:23.
Dittrich, Katharina; Guérard, Stéphane; Seidl, David (2011). Meetings in the strategy process: toward an integrative framework. Academy of Management. Proceedings:online.
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Bajwa, Deepinder S; Lewis, L Floyd; Pervan, Graham; Lai, Vincent S; Munkvold, Bjørn E; Schwabe, Gerhard (2008). Factors in the global assimilation of collaborative information technologies: an exploratory investigation in five regions. Journal of Management Information Systems, 25(1):131-165.
Huang, Jimmy; Fasnacht, Daniel; Starkey, Ken; Tempest, Sue (2006). The Development of Architectural Ambidexterity: Information Technology in an Age of Hypercompetition. Academy of Management. Proceedings, 2006(1):E1-E6.
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