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Malär, Lucia; Giuffredi-Kähr, Andrea (2024). The Dark Triad of brand personality: Scale development and validation. Psychology & Marketing, 41(11):2728-2740.

Scherer, Andreas Georg; Voegtlin, Christian; Entenza, Dana (2024). Is SwissCovid a Responsible Innovation for a Grand Societal Challenge? The Case for Better Deliberative Capacities in Innovation Governance. In: Ambühl, Michael; Brusoni, Stefano; Niedworok, Anja; Gutmann, Martin. Cooperatives in an Uncertain World. Cham: Springer, 277-300.

Klüser, K Jonathan; Schmuck, David; Sieberer, Ulrich (2024). Colleagues or adversaries: Ministerial coordination across party lines. Governance, 37(2):517-536.

Häuptli, Andrea; Vogler, Daniel (2024). Assessing the leeway of state‑led strategic communication abroad: a comparison of news coverage on Austria, Germany, and Switzerland in Arabic. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 20(1):12-23.

O’Boyle, Ernest H; Götz, Martin; Zivic, Damian C (2024). Increasing the practical relevance of management research: In honor of Timothy T. Baldwin. Business Horizons, 67(2):161-171.

Gomez Gonzalez, Carlos; Dietl, Helmut; Berri, David; Nesseler, Cornel (2024). Gender information and perceived quality: An experiment with professional soccer performance. Sport management review, 27(1):45-66.

Zavolokina, Liudmila; Hein, Andreas; Carvalho, Arthur; Schwabe, Gerhard; Krcmar, Helmut (2024). Preface to the special issue on “Enterprise and organizational applications of distributed ledger technologies. Electronic Markets, 34(1):4.

Engelmann, Andreas; Schwabe, Gerhard (2024). Certified data chats for future used car markets. Electronic Markets, 34:45.


Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Vogler, Daniel; Fürst, Silke; Schäfer, Mike S; Sörensen, Isabel (2023). Role conceptions of university communicators: A segmentation analysis of communication practitioners in higher education institutions. Public Relations Review, 49(4):102339.

Reveilhac, Maud (2023). The Influences of Political Strategies and Communication Styles on Political Candidates’ Online and Offline Visibility. Journal of political marketing:Epub ahead of print.

Kaiser, Ulrich; Sofka, Wolfgang; Grimpe, Christoph (2023). Creating marketing innovation abroad: The value of marketing professionals in foreign MNC subsidiaries. Industrial Marketing Management, 112:145-159.


Tipaldi, Petra; Natter, Martin (2022). Older adults' decisions on smart home systems: Better put an age tag on it! Psychology & Marketing, 39(9):1747-1761.

Cure, Morgane; Hunold, Matthias; Kesler, Reinhold; Laitenberger, Ulrich; Larrieu, Thomas (2022). Vertical integration of platforms and product prominence. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 20(4):353-395.

Angst, Mario; Mewhirter, Jack; McLaughlin, Danielle; Fischer, Manuel (2022). Who Joins a Forum—And Who Does Not?—Evaluating Drivers of Forum Participation in Polycentric Governance Systems. Public Administration Review, 82(4):692-707.

Schulze, Anja; Townsend, Janell D; Talay, M Berk (2022). Completing the market orientation matrix: The impact of proactive competitor orientation on innovation and firm performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 103:198-214.

Marschlich, Sarah; Ingenhoff, Diana (2022). Public-private partnerships: How institutional linkages help to build organizational legitimacy in an international environment. Public Relations Review, 48(1):102124.

Angst, Mario; Brandenberger, Laurence (2022). Information exchange in governance networks—Who brokers across political divides? Governance, 35(2):585-608.


Liu, Hui; Yang, Naiding; Yang, Zhao; Zhang, Yanlu; Li, Ruimeng (2021). Using combined network-based approaches to analyze risk interactions in R&D alliance. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(11):2460-2471.

Marschlich, Sarah; Ingenhoff, Diana (2021). Stakeholder engagement in a multicultural context: the contribution of (personal) relationship cultivation to social capital. Public Relations Review, 47(4):102091.


Zavolokina, Liudmila; Miscione, Gianluca; Schwabe, Gerhard (2020). Buyers of ‘lemons’: How can a blockchain platform address buyers’ needs in the market for ‘lemons’? Electronic Markets, 30(2):227-239.

Bauer, Ingrid; Zavolokina, Liudmila; Schwabe, Gerhard (2020). Is there a market for trusted car data? Electronic Markets, 30(2):211-225.

Bons, Roger W H; Versendaal, Johan; Zavolokina, Liudmila; Shi, Weidong Larry (2020). Potential and limits of Blockchain technology for networked businesses. Electronic Markets, 30(2):189-194.

Dietl, Helmut; Özdemir, Anil; Rendall, Andrew (2020). The role of facial attractiveness in tennis TV-viewership. Sport management review, 23(3):521-535.

Krefeld-Schwalb, Antonia; Rosner, Agnes (2020). A new way to guide consumer's choice: Retro-cueing alters the availability of product information in memory. Journal of Business Research, 111:135-147.

Orquin, Jacob L; Bagger, Martin P; Lahm, Erik S; Grunert, Klaus G; Scholderer, Joachim (2020). The visual ecology of product packaging and its effects on consumer attention. Journal of Business Research, 111:187-195.

Hunold, Matthias; Kesler, Reinhold; Laitenberger, Ulrich (2020). Hotel Rankings of Online Travel Agents, Channel Pricing, and Consumer Protection. Marketing Science, 39(1):92-116.


Gómez González, Carlos; Dietl, Helmut; Nesseler, Cornel (2019). Does performance justify the underrepresentation of women coaches? Evidence from professional women’s soccer. Sport Management Review, 22(5):640-651.

Melo, Renata M; Pereira, Cristiane; Ramos, Nathália C; Feitosa, Fernanda A; Dal Piva, Amanda M O; Tribst, João Paulo M; Özcan, Mutlu; Jorge, Antonio O C (2019). Effect of pH variation on the subcritical crack growth parameters of glassy matrix ceramics. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 16(6):2449-2456.

Chen, Yangyang; Dietl, Helmut M; Orlowski, Johannes; Zheng, Fang (2019). The effect of investment into European football on the market value of Chinese corporations. International Journal of Sport Finance, 14(4):249-261.

Blessing, Gerald; Natter, Martin (2019). Do mystery shoppers really predict customer satisfaction and sales performance? Journal of Retailing, 95(3):47-62.

Zwicky, Roman; Kübler, Daniel (2019). Microfoundations of active representation in public bureaucracies: evidence from a survey of personnel recruitment in the swiss federal civil service. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 29(1):50-66.

Rupietta, Christian; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2019). Combining knowledge stock and knowledge flow to generate superior incremental innovation performance - Evidence from Swiss manufacturing. Journal of Business Research, 94:209-222.

Kunisch, Sven; Keil, Thomas; Boppel, Michael; Lechner, Christoph (2019). Strategic initiative portfolios: How to manage strategic challenges better than one at a time. Business Horizons, 62(4):529-537.


Bundi, Pirmin (2018). Varieties of accountability: how attributes of policy fields shape parliamentary oversight. Governance, 31(1):163-183.

Stavridou, Marianthe (2018). Business Ethics and Human Rights. The Industrial Involvement in the Embeddedness of the Tibetan Community in Rikon, Switzerland: A Case Study. In: Stavridou, Marianthe. Diaspora Networks in International Business. Cham: Springer, 609-634.

Rössel, Jörg; Schenk, Patrick; Eppler, Dorothea (2018). The emergence of authentic products: The transformation of wine journalism in Germany, 1947–2008. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(3):453-473.


Yang, Zhao; Algesheimer, René; Dholakia, Utpal (2017). When Ethical Transgressions of Customers Have Beneficial Long-Term Effects in Retailing: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Retailing, 93(4):420-439.

Strauß, Nadine; Vliegenthart, Rens (2017). Reciprocal influence? Investigating implicit frames in press releases and financial newspaper coverage during the German banking crisis. Public Relations Review, 43(2):392-405.

Delre, Sebastiano Alessio; Panico, Claudio; Wierenga, Berend (2017). Competitive strategies in the motion picture industry: An ABM to study investment decisions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1):69-99.

Dietl, Helmut M; Lang, Markus; Nesseler, Cornel (2017). The impact of government subsidies in professional team sports leagues. International Journal of Sport Finance, 12(1):49-64.

Drechsler, Salome; Leeflang, Peter S H; Bijmolt, Tammo H A; Natter, Martin (2017). Multi-unit price promotions and their impact on purchase decisions and sales. European Journal of Marketing, 51(5/6):1049-1074.

Dietl, Helmut M; Özdemir, Anil; Schweizer, Nicolas (2017). Outsourcing sports sponsorship activities: a multi-theoretical approach. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 7(1):77-96.

Rosenbaum, Mark S; Kelleher, Carol; Friman, Margareta; Kristensson, Per; Scherer, Anne (2017). Re-placing place in marketing: A resource-exchange place perspective. Journal of Business Research, 79:281-289.


Volk, Sophia Charlotte (2016). A systematic review of 40 years of public relations evaluation and measurement research: Looking into the past, the present, and future. Public Relations Review, 42(5):962-977.

Strauß, Nadine; Vliegenthart, Rens; Verhoeven, Piet (2016). Lagging behind? Emotions in newspaper articles and stock market prices in the Netherlands. Public Relations Review, 42(4):548-555.

Delre, Sebastiano A; Broekhuizen, Thijs L J; Bijmolt, Tammo H A (2016). The Effects of Shared Consumption on Product Life Cycles and Advertising Effectiveness: The Case of the Motion Picture Market. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4):608-627.

Brandes, L; Nüesch, Stephan; Franck, E (2016). Death-Related Publicity as Informational Advertising: Evidence from the Music Industry. Marketing Letters, 27(1):143-157.

Kostyra, Daniel S; Reiner, Jochen; Natter, Martin; Klapper, Daniel (2016). Decomposing the effects of online customer reviews on brand, price, and product attributes. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(1):11-26.

Dietl, Helmut; Franck, Egon (2016). Guest editors’ introduction. International Journal of Sport Finance, 11(4):267-268.

Rössel, Jörg; Pape, Simone (2016). Who has a wine-identity? Consumption practices between distinction and democratization. Journal of Consumer Culture, 16(2):614-632.


Strauß, Nadine (2015). German financial media’s responsiveness to Deutsche Bank’s cultural change. Public Relations Review, 41(4):435-437.

Steinhueser, Melanie; Richter, Alexander; Smolnik, Stefan (2015). How to bridge the boundary? Determinants of inter-organizational social software usage. Electronic Markets, 25(4):267-281.

Natter, Martin; Ozimec, Ana-Marija; Kim, Ju-Young (2015). ECO: Entega’s profitable new customer acquisition on online price comparison sites. Marketing Science, 34(6):789-803.

Hüsser, Andreas (2015). The role of investors’ objective financial knowledge on the assessment of risk disclosures in mutual fund advertisements. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20(1):5-22.


Hüsser, Andreas; Wirth, Werner (2014). Do investors show an attentional bias toward past performance? An eye-tracking experiment on visual attention to mutual fund disclosures in simplified fund prospectuses. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 19(3):169-185.

de Palma, Andre; Abdellaoui, Mohammed; Attanasi, Giuseppe; Ben-Akiva, Moshe; Erev, Ido; Fehr-Duda, Helga; Fok, Dennis; Fox, Craig R; Hertwig, Ralph; Picard, Nathalie; Wakker, Peter P; Walker, Joan L; Weber, Martin (2014). Beware of black swans: Taking stock of the description-experience gap in decision under uncertainty. Marketing Letters, 25(3):269-280.

Schmidt-Rauch, Susanne; Schwabe, Gerhard (2014). Designing for mobile value co-creation : the case of travel counselling. Electronic Markets, 24(1):5-17.

Dietl, Helmut M; Schweizer, Nicolas (2014). Developing a framework to identify and systematise sources of inefficiencies in sports sponsorship from a sponsee perspective. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 15(1/2):36-56.

Kim, Ju-Young; Brünner, Tobias; Skiera, Bernd; Natter, Martin (2014). A comparison of different pay-per-bid auction formats. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(4):368-379.

Franck, E (2014). Financial Fair Play in European Club Football - What is it all about? International Journal of Sport Finance, 9(3):193-217.

Kim, Ju-Young; Natter, Martin; Spann, Martin (2014). Sampling, discounts or pay-what-you-want: two field experiments. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(3):327-334.


Koch, Philippe (2013). Overestimating the Shift from Government to Governance: evidence from Swiss Metropolitan Areas. Governance, 26(3):397-423.

von Rimscha, M Bjørn; Putzig, Sarah (2013). From book culture to amazon consumerism. Does the digitization of the book industry lead to commercialization? Publishing Research Quarterly, 29(4):318-335.

Hauser, Mirjam; Nussbeck, Fridtjof W; Jonas, Klaus (2013). The impact of food-related values on food purchase behavior and the mediating role of attitudes: a swiss study. Psychology & Marketing, 30(9):765-778.


Lambrecht, Anja; Seim, Katja; Vilcassim, Naufel; Cheema, Amar; Chen, Yuxin; Crawford, Gregory S; Hosanagar, Kartik; Iyengar, Raghuram; Koenigsberg, Oded; Lee, Robin; Miravete, Eugenio J; Sahin, Ozge (2012). Price discrimination in service industries. Marketing Letters, 23(2):423-438.

Zhu, Rui (Juliet); Dholakia, Utpal M; Chen, Xinlei (Jack); Algesheimer, René (2012). Does online community participation foster risky financial behavior? Journal of Marketing Research, 49(3):394-407.

Nies, Salome; Natter, Martin (2012). Does private label quality influence consumers' decision on where to shop? Psychology & Marketing, 29(4):279-292.

Kaufmann, Liane; Pixner, Silvia; Schulte-Körne, Gerd; von Aster, Michael (2012). Editorial. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 1(2):77.

Stahl, Florian; Heitmann, Mark; Lehmann, Donald R; Neslin, Scott A (2012). Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Acquisition, Retention, and Profit Margin. Journal of Marketing, 76(4):44-63.

Sunderer, Georg; Rössel, Jörg (2012). Morality or economic interest? The impact of moral motives and economic factors on the purchase of fair trade groceries. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(2):244-250.

Breuer, Christoph; Dietl, Helmut; Weingärtner, Christian; Wicker, Pamela (2012). The effect of a sports institution’s legal structure on sponsorship income: The case of amateur equestrian sports in Germany. International Journal of Sport Finance, 7:340-357.

Matthes, J; Wirth, Werner; Schemer, C; Pachoud, N (2012). Tiptoe or tackle? The role of product placement prominence and program involvement for the mere exposure effect. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 33(2):129-145.

Drechsler, Wenzel; Natter, Martin (2012). Understanding a firm’s openness decisions in innovation. Journal of Business Research, 65(3):438-445.


Verhoef, Peter C; Leeflang, Peter S H; Reiner, Jochen; Natter, Martin; Baker, William; Grinstein, Amir; Gustafsson, Anders; Morrison, Pamela; Saunders, John (2011). A cross-national investigation into the marketing department’s influence within the firm: towards initial empirical generalizations. Journal of International Marketing, 19(3):59-86.

Natter, Martin; Feurstein, Markus (2011). Correcting for CBC model bias: a hybrid scanner data - conjoint model. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 11(3):247-254.

Drechsler, Wenzel; Natter, Martin (2011). Do price charts provided by online shopbots influence price expectations and purchase timing decisions? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 25(2):95-109.

Matthes, J; Wirth, Werner; Schemer, C; Kissling, Anna-Katerina (2011). I see what you don’t see : The role of individual differences in field dependence-independence as a predictor of product placement recall and brand liking. Journal of Advertising, 40(4):85-100.

Ansari, Asim; Koenigsberg, Oded; Stahl, Florian (2011). Modeling multiple relationships in social networks. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(4):713-728.


Frey, K (2010). Revising road safety policy: the role of systematic evidence in Switzerland. Governance, 23(4):667-690.

Algesheimer, René; Borle, Sharad; Dholakia, Utpal M; Singh, Siddharth S (2010). The impact of customer community participation on customer behaviors: An empirical investigation. Marketing Science, 29(4):756-769.

Franck, E (2010). Private firm, public corporation or member's association – Governance structures in European football. International Journal of Sport Finance, 5(2):108-127.

Schenker-Wicki, Andrea; Inauen, Matthias; Olivares, Maria (2010). Unmastered risks: from crisis to catastrophe: an economic and management insight. Journal of Business Research, 63(4):337-346.

Dietl, Helmut M; Lang, Markus; Werner, Stephan (2010). The effect of luxury taxes on competitive balance, club profits, and social welfare in sports leagues. International Journal of Sport Finance, 5(1):41-51.

Nies, Salome; Natter, Martin (2010). Are private label users attractive targets for retailer coupons? International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27(3):281-291.

Ozimec, Ana-Marija; Natter, Martin; Reutterer, Thomas (2010). Geographical Information Systems–based marketing decisions: effects of alternative visualizations on decision quality. Journal of Marketing, 74(6):94-110.

Cornelius, Britta; Natter, Martin; Faure, Corinne (2010). How storefront displays influence retail store image. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 17(2):143-151.

Inauen, Emil; Rost, Katja; Frey, Bruno S; Homberg, Fabian; Osterloh, Margit (2010). Monastic governance: forgotten prospects for public institutions. American Review of Public Administration, 40(6):631-653.

Faure, Corinne; Natter, Martin (2010). New metrics for evaluating preference maps. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27(3):261-270.

Weibel, Antoinette; Osterloh, Margit; Rost, Katja (2010). Pay for performance in the public sector: benefits and (hidden)costs. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 20(2):387-412.


Scherrer-Rathje, M; Boyle, T A; Deflorin, P (2009). Lean, take two! Reflections from the second attempt at lean implementation. Business Horizons, 52(1-2):79-88.

Fünfgeld, Brigitte; Wang, Mei (2009). Attitudes and behaviour in everyday finance: evidence from Switzerland. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 27(2):108-128.

Novak, Jasminko; Schwabe, Gerhard (2009). Designing for reintermediation in the brick-and-mortar world: towards the travel agency of the future. Electronic Markets, 19(1):15-29.

Kim, Ju-Young; Natter, Martin; Spann, Martin (2009). Pay-what-you-want - a new participative pricing mechanism. Journal of Marketing, 73(1):44-58.


Schemer, Christian; Matthes, Jörg; Wirth, Werner; Textor, Samuel (2008). Does “Passing the Courvoisier” always pay off? Positive and negative evaluative conditioning effects of brand placements in music videos. Psychology & Marketing, 25(10):923-943.

Crawford, Gregory S (2008). The discriminatory incentives to bundle in the cable television industry. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 6(1):41-78.

Algesheimer, René; Gurău, Călin (2008). Introducing structuration theory in communal consumption behavior research. Qualitative Market Research, 11(2):227-245.

Natter, Martin; Mild, Andreas; Wagner, Udo; Taudes, Alfred (2008). Planning new tariffs at tele.ring: the application and impact of an integrated segmentation, targeting, and positioning tool. Marketing Science, 27(4):600-609.

Huff, C Ronald; Killias, Martin (2008). Introduction. In: Huff, C Ronald; Killias, Martin. Wrongful conviction: international perspectives on miscarriages of justice. Philadelphia, (PA) USA: Temple University Press, 3-10.


Natter, Martin; Reutterer, Thomas; Mild, Andreas; Taudes, Alfred (2007). An assortment-wide decision-support system for dynamic pricing and promotion planning in DIY retailing. Marketing Science, 26(4):576-583.

Matthes, J; Schemer, C; Wirth, Werner (2007). More than meets the eye. Investigating the hidden impact of brand placements in television magazines. International Journal of Advertising, 26(4):477-503.

Wieseke, Jan; Ullrich, Johannes; Christ, Oliver; van Dick, Rolf (2007). Organizational identification as a determinant of customer orientation in service organizations. Marketing Letters, 18(4):265-278.


Reutterer, Thomas; Mild, Andreas; Natter, Martin; Taudes, Alfred (2006). A dynamic segmentation approach for targeting and customizing direct marketing campaigns. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 20(3/4):43-57.

Algesheimer, René; von Wangenheim, Florian (2006). A network based approach to customer equity management. Journal of Relationship Marketing:39-57.


Dubé, Jean-Pierre; Sudhir, K; Ching, Andrew; Crawford, Gregory S; Draganska, Michaela; Fox, Jeremy T; Hartmann, Wesley; Hitsch, Günter J; Viard, V Brian; Villas-Boas, Miguel; Vilcassim, Naufel (2005). Recent advances in structural econometric modeling: dynamics, product positioning and entry. Marketing Letters, 16(3-4):209-224.


Tanner, Carmen; Wölfing Kast, Sybille (2003). Promoting sustainable consumption: Determinants of green purchases by Swiss consumers Promoting Sustainable Consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 20(10):883-902.


Mueller, George C; McKinley, William; Mone, Mark A; Barker, Vincent L (2001). Organizational decline—A stimulus for innovation? Business Horizons, 44(6):25-34.


Natter, Martin (1999). Conditional Market Segmentation by Neural Networks: A Monte Carlo Study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 6(4):237-248.


Natter, Martin; Hruschka, Harald (1998). Evaluation of Aggressive Competitive Pricing Strategies. Marketing Letters, 9(4):337-347.

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