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Number of items at this level: 181.


Fatouh, Mahmoud; Giansante, Simone; Ongena, Steven (2025). Quantitative easing and the functioning of the gilt repo market. The European Journal of Finance, 31(1):31-52.


Rojas-Suarez, Jose; Gutiérrez Clavijo, Juan Camilo; Zakzuk, Josefina; López, Juan-Felipe; Silva Gomez, Liliana; Londoño Gutiérrez, Sergio; Alvis-Zakzuk, Nelson J (2024). Cost Analysis of Thromboprophylaxis in Patients at High Thromboembolic Risk with Enoxaparin, Dalteparin and Nadroparin in Colombia : A Systematic Literature Review-Based Study. ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 16:813-825.

Akyildirim, Erdinc; Yao, Shouyu; Kong, Xiaoran; Sensoy, Ahmet; Cheng, Feiyang (2024). Investor attention and idiosyncratic risk in cryptocurrency markets. The European Journal of Finance, 30(16):1932-1950.

Chen, Hui; Wenning, Alexander (2024). Higher-Order Beliefs, Market-Based Incentives, and Information Quality. European Accounting Review, 33(2):569-587.


Gibson Brandon, Rajna; Sohn, Matthias; Tanner, Carmen; Wagner, Alexander F (2023). Earnings Management and the Role of Moral Values in Investing. European Accounting Review:Epub ahead of print.

Jedelhauser, Fabienne; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, Egon (2023). Overshadowed by Popularity: The Value of Second-Tier Stars in European Football. Journal of Sports Economics, 24(8):1026-1054.

Rossi, Riccardo (2023). Nostrana, frustra, fiorata : Migration Patterns and the Semantics of Consumption in the Alps, Mid-17th to late 18th Centuries. History of Retailing and Consumption, 9(2):95-115.

Bianchi, Robin T; Cova, Florian; Tieffenbach, Emma (2023). Is the warm glow actually warm?: an experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings. International Journal of Wellbeing, 13(3):1-23.

Strauß, Nadine; Krakow, Jonathan; Chesney, Marc (2023). It’s the News, Stupid! The Relationship Between News Attention, Literacy, Trust, Greenwashing Perceptions and Sustainable Finance Investment in Switzerland. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 13(4):1480-1505.

Strauß, Nadine (2023). Framing Sustainable Finance: A Critical Analysis of Op-eds in the Financial Times. International Journal of Business Communication, 60(4):1427-1440.

Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Granic, Georg D (2023). Does choice change preferences? An incentivized test of the mere choice effect. Experimental Economics, 26(3):499-521.

Huang, Winifred; Molyneux, Philip; Ongena, Steven; Xie, Ru (2023). The new challenges of global banking and finance. The European Journal of Finance, 29(7):693-699.

Fischer, Daniel; Schmid, Bernhard; Seidl, Irmi (2023). Transdisciplinarity: A productive provocation. GAIA, 32(1):77.

Messerli, Michael; Reuter, Kevin (2023). Can commitments cause counterpreferential choices? Journal of Economic Methodology, 30(2):94-106.

Hoyningen-Huene, Paul; Kincaid, Harold (2023). What Makes Economics Special : Orientational Paradigms. Journal of Economic Methodology, 30(2):188-202.

Arrieta, Gonzalo R; Li, Gina (2023). Caring to work or working to care: the intra-family dynamics of health shocks. American Journal of Health Economics, 9(2):175-204.

Angst, Mario; Strauß, Nadine (2023). Discourses surrounding sustainability and digitalization in Europe on Twitter over time. GAIA, 32(Suppl 1):10-20.

Vargas, Carlos; Chesney, Marc (2023). What are you waiting to invest in grid-connected residential photovoltaics in California? Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 13(1):660-677.


Reveilhac, Maud; Eisner, Léïla (2022). Political Polarisation on Gender Equality: The Case of the Swiss Women’s Strike on Twitter. Statistics, Politics, and Policy, 13(3):255-278.

Gómez González, Carlos; del Corral, Julio; Rodriguez, Placido (2022). The who and the what of the journal of sports economics - 20th anniversary edition. Journal of Sports Economics, 23(6):637-658.

Cure, Morgane; Hunold, Matthias; Kesler, Reinhold; Laitenberger, Ulrich; Larrieu, Thomas (2022). Vertical integration of platforms and product prominence. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 20(4):353-395.

Barbier, Michaela; Durno, Nicholas; Bennison, Craig; Örtli, Mathias; Knapp, Christian; Schwenkglenks, Matthias (2022). Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of venetoclax in combination with rituximab in relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Switzerland. European Journal of Health Economics, 23(5):837-846.

Bommer, Claudine; Lupatsch, Judith; Bürki, Nicole; Schwenkglenks, Matthias (2022). Cost-utility analysis of risk-reducing strategies to prevent breast and ovarian cancer in BRCA-mutation carriers in Switzerland. European Journal of Health Economics, 23(5):807-821.

Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Ritschel, Alexander (2022). Attention and salience in preference reversals. Experimental Economics, 25(3):1024-1051.

Ranehill, Eva; Weber, Roberto A (2022). Gender preference gaps and voting for redistribution. Experimental Economics, 25(3):845-875.

Ambrosini, Luca; Piškorec, Matija; Tessone, Claudio (2022). Visualization of Blockchain Consensus Degradation. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Shanghai, China, 2 May 2022 - 5 May 2022. Institut of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-2.

Bassino, Jean-Pascal; Lagoarde-Segot, Thomas; Woitek, Ulrich (2022). Prenatal climate shocks and adult height in developing countries: evidence from Japan (1872–1917). Economics and Human Biology, 45:101115.

Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Buckenmaier, Johannes; Kirchsteiger, Georg (2022). Do traders learn to select efficient market institutions? Experimental Economics, 25:203-228.

Aguiar, Luis; Gagnepain, Philippe (2022). Absorptive capacity, knowledge spillovers and incentive contracts. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 82:102830.


Chmelikova, Gabriela; Krauss, Annette; Lategan, François (2021). Microfinance as a Mechanism against Financial Exclusion in the European Rural Areas – an Inspiration for the Czech Republic. AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 13(4):61-69.

Environmental threats we can act upon: How to use the science-policy dialogue. Edited by: Altermatt, Florian (2021). München: Oekom Verlag.

Aguiar, Luis; Waldfogel, Joel; Waldfogel, Sarah (2021). Playlisting favorites: Measuring platform bias in the music industry. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 78:102765.

Grossmann, Martin (2021). Asymmetric Opportunities After an Unsuccessful Sports Career. Journal of Sports Economics, 22(5):587-612.

Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Buckenmaier, Johannes (2021). Cognitive sophistication and deliberation times. Experimental Economics, 24(2):558-592.

Spychiger, Florian; Tasca, Paolo; Tessone, Claudio J (2021). Unveiling the importance and evolution of design components through the “Tree of Blockchain”. Frontiers in Blockchain, 3:613476.

Caprettini, Bruno (2021). Team Visibility and City Travel: Evidence From the UEFA Champions' League Random Draw. Journal of Sports Economics, 22(1):85-114.

Chesney, Marc; Vargas, Carlos (2021). End of Life Decommissioning and Recycling of Solar Panels in the United States. A Real Options Analysis. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 11(1):82-102.

Soebbing, Brian P; Wicker, Pamela; Weimar, Daniel; Orlowski, Johannes (2021). How do bookmakers interpret running performance of teams in previous games? Evidence from the Football Bundesliga. Journal of Sports Economics, 22(3):231-250.

Meyer, Julia; Krauss, Annette (2021). The social performance of microfinance investment vehicles. Journal of Sustainable Finance, 11(2):163-186.


Trueb, Fabienne P; Wells, Jonathan C K; Rühli, Frank J; Staub, Kaspar; Floris, Joël (2020). Filling the weight gap: Estimating body weight and BMI using height, chest and upper arm circumference of Swiss conscripts in the first half of the 20th century. Economics and Human Biology, 38:100891.

Meier, Philippe; Rüdisser, Maximilian; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2020). The Advantage of scoring just before the half-time break—pure myth? Quasi-experimental evidence from european football. Journal of Sports Economics, 21(5):548-565.

Buechel, Berno; Klößner, Stefan; Lochmüller, Martin; Rauhut, Heiko (2020). The strength of weak leaders: an experiment on social influence and social learning in teams. Experimental Economics, 23(2):259-293.

Dürr, Eveline; Ege, Moritz; Moser, Johannes; Neumann, Christoph K; Winder, Gordon M (2020). Urban ethics: Towards a research agenda on cities, ethics and normativity. City, Culture and Society, 20:100313.

Brechot, Marc; Flepp, Raphael (2020). Dealing with randomness in match outcomes: How to rethink performance evaluation in European club football using expected goals. Journal of Sports Economics, 21(4):335-362.


Lorenzoni, Valentina; Bellelli, Stefania; Caselli, Chiara; Knuuti, Juhani; Underwood, Stephen Richard; Neglia, Danilo; Turchetti, Giuseppe; EVINCI Investigators (2019). Cost-effectiveness analysis of stand-alone or combined non-invasive imaging tests for the diagnosis of stable coronary artery disease: results from the EVINCI study. European Journal of Health Economics, 20(9):1437-1449.

Bartling, Björn; Valero, Vanessa; Weber, Roberto A (2019). On the scope of externalities in experimental markets. Experimental Economics, 22(3):610-624.

Vinci, Linda; Floris, Joël; Koepke, Nikola; Matthes, Katarina L; Bochud, Murielle; Bender, Nicole; Rohrmann, Sabine; Fäh, David; Staub, Kaspar (2019). Have Swiss adult males and females stopped growing taller? Evidence from the population-based nutrition survey menuCH, 2014/2015. Economics and Human Biology, 33:201-210.

Necula, Ciprian; Drimus, Gabriel; Farkas, Walter (2019). A general closed form option pricing formula. Review of Derivatives Research, 22:1-40.

Schmid, Bernhard (2019). Der Aufstieg der Biodiversität zum globalen Thema. GAIA, 28(3):249.

Coculescu, Delia; Delbaen, Freddy (2019). Surplus Sharing with Coherent Utility Functions. Risks, 7(1):7.

Keil, Thomas; Kuusela, Pasi; Stieglitz, Nils (2019). Exploration and Negative Feedback – Behavioral Learning, Escalation of Commitment, and Organizational Design. In: Joseph, John; Baumann, Oliver; Burton, Richard; Srikanth, Kannan. Organization Design. USA: Emerald Publishing Limited, 147-176.


Schleifring, Joachim H; Galassi, Francesco M; Habicht, Michael E; Rühli, Frank J (2018). Autopsing history: The mummy of Charlemagne (c. 747 - 814 AD), father of Europe. Economics and Human Biology, 32:11-17.

Duca, Stefano; Helbing, Dirk; Nax, Heinrich H (2018). Assortative matching with inequality in voluntary contribution games. Computational Economics, 52(3):1029-1043.

Wieser, Simon; Riguzzi, Marco; Pletscher, Mark; Huber, Carola A; Telser, Harry; Schwenkglenks, Matthias (2018). How much does the treatment of each major disease cost? A decomposition of Swiss National Health Accounts. European Journal of Health Economics, 19(8):1149-1161.

Herfeld, Catherine; Doehne, Malte (2018). Five reasons for the use of network analysis in the history of economics. Journal of Economic Methodology, 25(4):311-328.

Dacorogna, Michel; Ferriero, Alessandro; Krief, David (2018). One-Year Change Methodologies for Fixed-Sum Insurance Contracts. Risks, 6(3):75.

Burnett, Brian; Chen, Hui; Gunny, Katherine (2018). Auditor-Provided Lobbying Service and Audit Quality. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 33(3):402-434.

Hens, Thorsten; Mayer, János (2018). Decision Theory Matters for Financial Advice. Computational Economics, 52(1):195-226.

Herfeld, Catherine (2018). Explaining patterns, not details: reevaluating rational choice models in light of their explananda. Journal of Economic Methodology, 25(2):179-209.

Aguiar, Luis; Waldfogel, Joel (2018). As streaming reaches flood stage, does it stimulate or depress music sales? International Journal of Industrial Organization, 57:278-307.

Burnett, Brian; Chen, Hui; Gunny, Katherine (2018). Auditor-provided lobbying service and audit quality. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 33(3):402-434.

Hunold, Matthias; Kesler, Reinhold; Laitenberger, Ulrich; Schlütter, Frank (2018). Evaluation of Best Price Clauses in Online Hotel Bookings. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 61:542-571.

Koepke, Nikola; Floris, Joël; Pfister, Christian; Rühli, Frank J; Staub, Kaspar (2018). Ladies First: female and male adult height in Switzerland, 1770-1930. Economics and Human Biology, 29:76-87.

Aguiar, Luis; Waldfogel, Joel (2018). Netflix: global hegemon or facilitator of frictionless digital trade? Journal of Cultural Economics, 42(3):419-445.


Herfeld, Catherine (2017). Between mathematical formalism, normative choice rules, and the behavioural sciences : The emergence of rational choice theories in the late 1940s and early 1950s. European Journal of History of Economic Thought, 24(6):1277-1317.

Veflen, Nina; Storstad, Oddveig; Samuelsen, Bendik; Langsrud, Solveig; Hagtvedt, Therese; Ueland, Oydis; Gregersen, Frederik (2017). Food scares: Reflections and reactions. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 8(2):155-164.

Panczak, Radoslaw; Moser, André; Held, Leonhard; Jones, Philip A; Rühli, Frank J; Staub, Kaspar (2017). A tall order: small area mapping and modelling of adult height among Swiss male conscripts. Economics and Human Biology:1-10.

Seele, Peter; Chesney, Marc (2017). Toxic sustainable companies? A critique on the shortcomings of current corporate sustainability ratings and a definition of ‘financial toxicity. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 7(2):139-146.

Meisser, Luzius; Kreuser, C Friedrich (2017). An agent-based simulation of the stolper–samuelson effect. Computational Economics, 50(4):533-547.

Rüdisser, Maximilian; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2017). Do casinos pay their customers to become risk-averse? Revising the house money effect in a field experiment. Experimental Economics, 20(3):736-754.

Aguiar, Luis; Gagnepain, Philippe (2017). European cooperative R&D and firm performance: Evidence based on funding differences in key actions. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 53:1-31.

Peukert, Christian; Claussen, Jörg; Kretschmer, Tobias (2017). Piracy and box office movie revenues: Evidence from Megaupload. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 52:188-215.

Blume, Andreas; Kriss, Peter H; Weber, Roberto A (2017). Pre-play communication with forgone costly messages: experimental evidence on forward induction. Experimental Economics, 20(2):368-395.

Balsiger, Jörg; Förster, Ruth; Mader, Clemens; Nagel, Ueli; Sironi, Helene; Wilhelm, Sandra; Zimmermann, Anne B (2017). Transformative learning and education for sustainable development. GAIA, 26(4):357-359.


Saporito, A; Calciolari, S; Ortiz, L G; Anselmi, L; Borgeat, A; Aguirre, J (2016). A cost analysis of orthopedic foot surgery: can outpatient continuous regional analgesia provide the same standard of care for postoperative pain control at home without shifting costs? European Journal of Health Economics, 17(8):951-963.

Reinke, Raphael (2016). The Power of Banks and Governments. Accounting, Economics, and Law, 6(1):57-63.

Burger, Kaspar (2016). A transdisciplinary approach to research on early childhood education. GAIA, 25(3):197-200.

Barth, Andrea; Moreno-Bromberg, Santiago; Reichmann, Oleg (2016). A non-stationary model of dividend distribution in a stochastic interest-rate setting. Computational Economics, 47(3):447-472.

von Wyl, Viktor; Beck, Konstantin (2016). Do insurers respond to risk adjustment? A long-term, nationwide analysis from Switzerland. European Journal of Health Economics, 17(2):171-183.

Flepp, Raphael; Nüesch, Stephan; Franck, Egon (2016). Does bettor sentiment affect bookmaker pricing? Journal of Sports Economics, 17(1):3-11.

Body, Jean-Jacques; Pereira, João; Sleeboom, Harm; Maniadakis, Nikos; Terpos, Evangelos; Acklin, Yves Pascal; Finek, Jindrich; Gunther, Oliver; Hechmati, Guy; Mossman, Tony; Costa, Luis; Rogowski, Wojciech; Nahi, Hareth; von Moos, Roger (2016). Health resource utilization associated with skeletal-related events: results from a retrospective European study. European Journal of Health Economics, 17(6):711-721.

Muller, Adrian; Huppenbauer, Markus (2016). Sufficiency, liberal societies and environmental policy in the face of planetary boundaries. GAIA, 25(2):105-109.

Alexander, Kern (2016). The European Central Bank and banking supervision: the regulatory limits of the single supervisory mechanism. European Company and Financial Law Review, 13(3):467-494.


Zweifel, Peter (2015). Rationing of health care: is there an economic rationality to it? European Journal of Health Economics, 16(8):797-800.

Tschopp, Cécile; Grote, Gudela; Köppel, Nicole (2015). Disentangling Effects of Age and Career Preferences on the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention and Behavior: An Examination in Three Samples. Work, Aging and Retirement, 2(1):73-85.

Widmer, Philippe K (2015). Does prospective payment increase hospital (in)efficiency? Evidence from the Swiss hospital sector. European Journal of Health Economics, 16(4):407-419.

Giannini, O; Casso, G (2015). Semplice e conciso: NaCl 0.9%: Non chiamiamola più fisiologica! Tribuna Medica Ticinese:35-36.

Paolella, Marc S (2015). Multivariate asset return prediction with mixture models. The European Journal of Finance, 21(13-14):1214-1252.

Borghans, Lex; Golsteyn, Bart H H; Zölitz, Ulf (2015). Parental preferences for primary school characteristics. Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, 15(1):85-117.

Koller, Christian; Huber, Peter (2015). Armut, Arbeit, Abenteuer – Sozialprofil und Motivationsstruktur von Schweizer Söldnern in der Moderne. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 102(1):30-51.

Grossmann, M (2015). Evolutionarily stable strategies in sports contests. Journal of Sports Economics, 16(1):108-121.


Léautier, Thomas-Olivier; Rochet, Jean-Charles (2014). On the strategic value of risk management. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 37:153-169.

Rischatsch, Maurus (2014). Lead me not into temptation: drug price regulation and dispensing physicians in Switzerland. European Journal of Health Economics, 15(7):697-708.

Ruud, Paul A; Schunk, Daniel; Winter, Joachim K (2014). Uncertainty causes rounding : an experimental study. Experimental Economics, 17(3):391-413.

Goeree, Jacob K; Zhang, Jingjing (2014). Communication & competition. Experimental Economics, 17(3):421-438.

Busse, Marc; Dacorogna, Michel; Kratz, Marie (2014). The Impact of Systemic Risk on the Diversification Benefits of a Risk Portfolio. Risks, 2(3):260-276.

Brunner, Beatrice; Kuhn, Andreas (2014). Announcement effects of health policy reformsb : evidence from the abolition of Austria’s baby bonus. European Journal of Health Economics, 15(4):373-388.

Dreber, Anna; von Essen, Emma; Ranehill, Eva (2014). Gender and competition in adolescence : task matters. Experimental Economics, 17(1):154-172.

Forêt, Philippe; Hall, Marcus; Kueffer, Christoph (2014). Developing the environmental humanities: A Swiss perspective. GAIA, 23(1):67-69.


Zweifel, Peter (2013). The present state of health economics: a critique and an agenda for the future. European Journal of Health Economics, 14(4):569-571.

Rischatsch, Maurus; Zweifel, Peter (2013). What do physicians dislike about managed care? Evidence from a choice experiment. European Journal of Health Economics, 14(4):601-613.

Steiner, Lasse; Schneider, Lucian (2013). The happy artist: an empirical application of the work-preference model. Journal of Cultural Economics, 37(2):225-246.

Zweifel, Peter (2013). The Grossman model after 40 years: response to Robert Kaestner. European Journal of Health Economics, 14(2):361-362.

Capra, C Monica; Jiang, Bing; Engelmann, Jan B; Berns, Gregory S (2013). Can personality type explain heterogeneity in probability distortions? Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 6(3):151-166.

Schmutzler, Armin (2013). Competition and investment — A unified approach. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31(5):477-487.

Goeree, Jacob K; Offerman, Theo; Sloof, Randolph (2013). Demand reduction and preemptive bidding in multi-unit license auctions. Experimental Economics, 16(1):52-87.

von Rimscha, M Bjørn (2013). It's not the economy, stupid! External effects on the supply and demand of cinema entertainment. Journal of Cultural Economics, 37(4):433-455.

Drimus, Gabriel; Farkas, Walter (2013). Local volatility of volatility for the VIX market. Review of Derivatives Research, 16(3):267-293.

Duc, Corinne; Hanselmann, Martin; Boesiger, Peter; Tanner, Carmen (2013). Sacred values: Trade-off type matters. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 6(4):252-263.


Zweifel, Peter (2012). The Grossman model after 40 years. European Journal of Health Economics, 13(6):677-682.

Chesney, Marc; Kempf, Alexander (2012). The value of tradeability. Review of Derivatives Research, 15(3):193-216.

Crawford, Gregory S (2012). Endogenous product choice: a progress report. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30(3):315-320.

Rossfeld, Roman (2012). "Au service de Mercure": réflexions sur une histoire économique et culturelle des commis voyageurs en Suisse, de 1890 à 1980. Entreprises et histoire, 66(1):194-211.

Heinemann, Andreas (2012). Government control of cross-border M&A: legitimate regulation or protectionism? Journal of international economic law : JIEL, 15(3):843-870.

Bartling, Björn; Fehr, Ernst; Schunk, Daniel (2012). Health effects on children's willingness to compete. Experimental Economics, 15(1):58-70.

Leippold, Markus; Lohre, Harald (2012). International price and earnings momentum. The European Journal of Finance, 18(6):535-573.

Weber, Rolf H (2012). Multilayered governance in international financial regulation and supervision. In: Cottier, Thomas; et al. International law in financial regulation and monetary affairs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 151-170.

Schoch, T; Staub, Kaspar; Pfister, Christian (2012). Social inequality and the biological standard of living: An anthropometric analysis of Swiss conscription data, 1875-1950. Economics & Human Biology, 10(2):154-173.

Kaufmann, Christine; Weber, Rolf H (2012). The role of transparency in financial regulation. In: Cottier, Thomas; et al. International law in financial regulation and monetary affairs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 237-253.


Zhu, Yanmei; Wittmann, Xinhua; Peng, Mike W (2011). Institution-based barriers to innovation in SMEs in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 13(8):1131-1142.

Staub, Kaspar; Rühli, Frank J; Bogin, Barry; Woitek, Ulrich; Pfister, Christian (2011). Edouard Mallet's early and almost forgotten study of the average height of Genevan conscripts in 1835. Economics & Human Biology, 9(4):438-442.

Lin, Panlang (2011). Market provision of program quality in the television broadcasting industry. Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, 11(1):Article 17.

Sacco, Dario; Schmutzler, Armin (2011). Is there a U-shaped relation between competition and investment? International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(1):65-73.

Vroomen, Janet MacNeil; Zweifel, Peter (2011). Preferences for health insurance and health status: does it matter whether you are Dutch or German? The European Journal of Health Economics, 12(1):87-95.

Dietl, Helmut; Jaag, Christian; Lang, Markus; Trinkner, Urs (2011). Competition and welfare effects of VAT exemptions. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 11(1):19.

Dietl, Helmut; Grossmann, Martin; Lang, Markus (2011). Competitive balance and revenue sharing in sports leagues with utility-maximizing teams. Journal of Sports Economics, 12(3):284-308.

Frey, Bruno S (2011). Punishment - and Beyond. Contemporary Economics, 5(2):90-99.

Bäker, Agnes; Mechtel, Mario; Brändle, Tobias; Vetter, Karin (2011). Red Cards: Not Such Bad News for Penalized Guest Teams. Journal of Sports Economics, 12(6):621-646.


Dietl, Helmut Max; Lang, Markus; Werner, Stephan (2010). Corruption in professional sumo: An update on the study of Duggan and Levitt. Journal of Sports Economics, 11(4):383-396.

Darai, D; Sacco, D; Schmutzler, A (2010). Competition and innovation: an experimental investigation. Experimental Economics, 13(4):439-460.

Schläpfer, Felix (2010). How much does journal reputation tell us about the academic interest and relevance of economic research? Empirical analysis and implications for environmental economic research. GAIA, 19(2):140-145.

Feidt, A; Genest, C; Nešlehová, J (2010). Asymptotics of joint maxima for discontinuous random variables. Extremes, 13(1):35-53.

Michaelowa, Axel (2010). Copenhagen and the consequences. Intereconomics, 45(1):2-3.

Rühli, Frank J; Blümich, B; Henneberg, M (2010). Charlemagne was very tall, but not robust. Economics & Human Biology, 8(2):289-290.

Ewerhart, Christian; Cassola, Nuno; Valla, Natacha (2010). Declining valuations and equilibrium bidding in central bank refinancing operations. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28(1):30-43.

Alexander, Kern (2010). International regulatory reform and financial taxes. Journal of international economic law : JIEL, 13(3):893-910.

Weber, Rolf H (2010). Multilayered governance in international financial regulation and supervision. Journal of international economic law : JIEL, 13(3):683-704.

Ortmann, Günther; Seidl, David (2010). Strategy Research in the German Context: The Influence of Economic, Sociological, and Philosophical Traditions. Advances in Strategic Management, 27:353-387.

Ortmann, G; Seidl, D (2010). Strategy research in the german context: the influence of economic, sociological, and philosophical traditions. In: Silverman, B; Baum, J. The globalization of strategy research. U.K: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 353-387.

Benesch, Christine; Frey, Bruno S; Stutzer, Alois (2010). TV channels, self-control and happiness. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 10(1):Article 86.

Kaufmann, Christine; Weber, Rolf H (2010). The role of transparency in financial regulation. Journal of international economic law : JIEL, 13(3):779-797.

Frey, Bruno S; Humbert, Silke; Schneider, Friedrich (2010). What is economics? Attitudes and views of German economists. Journal of Economic Methodology, 17(3):317-332.


Gärtner, Dennis L; Halbheer, Daniel (2009). Are there waves in merger activity after all? International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27(6):708-718.

Loewenstein, George; Moore, Don A; Weber, Roberto A (2009). Misperceiving the value of information in predicting the performance of others. Experimental Economics, 9(3):281-295.

Blavatskyy, Pavlo R; Köhler, Wolfgang R (2009). Range effects and lottery pricing. Experimental Economics, 12(3):332-349.

Koller, C (2009). Streiken im austrofaschistischen "Ständestaat" 1934-1938. Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 96:320-335.

Ewerhart, Christian; Cassola, Nuno; Ejerskov, Steen; Valla, Natacha (2009). Optimal allotment policy in central bank open market operations. The European Journal of Finance, 15(4):405-420.

Dietl, H; Lang, M; Rathke, A (2009). The effect of salary caps in professional team sports on social welfare. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 9(1):129-151.

Kaiser, U; Song, M (2009). Do media consumers really dislike advertising? An empirical assessment of the role of advertising in print media markets. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27(2):292-301.

Straumann, Tobias; Woitek, Ulrich (2009). A pioneer of a new monetary policy? Sweden's price-level targeting of the 1930s revisited. European Review of Economic History, 13(02):251-282.

Torgler, Benno; Frey, Bruno S; Wilson, Clevo (2009). Environmental and pro-social norms: evidence on littering. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 9(1):1-39.

Battiston, Stefano; König, Michael D (2009). From Graph Theory to Models of Economic Networks. A Tutorial. In: Naimzada, Ahmad K; Stefani, Silvana; Torriero, Anna. Networks, Topology and Dynamics : Theory and Applications to Economics and Social Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 23-63.

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