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Meier, Pascal Flurin; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, Egon (2025). Expectational reference points and belief formation: Field evidence from financial analysts. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 229:106788.

Ongena, Steven; Saffar, Walid; Sun, Yuan; Wei, Lai (2025). Movables as collateral and corporate credit: Loan-level evidence from legal reforms across Europe. Journal of Banking and Finance, 170:107331.

Petrovic, Valentina; Walo, Simon; Rössel, Jörg; Katz‐Gerro, Tally; Lopez Belbeze, Maria Pilar (2025). Perceptions of a Shared European Culture Increase the Support for the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 63(1):28-50.


Dorn, David; Levell, Peter (2024). Labour market impacts of the China shock: why the tide of Globalisation did not lift all boats. Labour Economics, 91:102629.

Braunschweiger, Dominik; Ohmura, Tamaki; Schweier, Janine; Olschewski, Roland; Schulz, Tobias (2024). Preferences for proactive and reactive climate-adaptive forest management and the role of public financial support. Forest Policy and Economics, 169:103348.

Leippold, Markus; Wang, Qian; Yang, Min (2024). Technical patterns and news sentiment in stock markets. Journal of Finance and Data Science, 10:100145.

Haq, Mamiza; Ongena, Steven; Pu, Juying; Tan, Eric K M (2024). Do banks engage in earnings management? The role of dividends and institutional factors. Journal of Banking and Finance, 168:107287.

Loi, Michele; Herlitz, Anders; Heidari, Hoda (2024). Fair equality of chances for prediction-based decisions. Economics and Philosophy, 40(3):557-580.

Doerr, Sebastian; Kabaş, Gazi; Ongena, Steven (2024). Population Aging and Bank Risk-Taking. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59(7):3037-3061.

Delis, Fotis; Delis, Manthos D; Laeven, Luc; Ongena, Steven (2024). Global evidence on profit shifting within firms and across time. Journal of Accounting and Economics:Epub ahead of print.

Ewerhart, Christian; Kaźmierowski, Stanisław (2024). An equilibrium analysis of the Arad-Rubinstein game. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 226:106696.

Kager, Nora Varesco; Sparr, Jennifer L; Grote, Gudela (2024). Collective Psychological Ownership Leverages Feedback-Seeking for New Venture Performance. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 33(3):548-580.

Durrani, Agha; Ongena, Steven; Ponte Marques, Aurea (2024). Decoding market reactions: The certification role of EU-wide stress tests. Economic Modelling, 139:106828.

Brenøe, Anne Ardila; Canaan, Serena; Harmon, Nikolaj A; Royer, Heather N (2024). Is parental leave costly for firms and coworkers? Journal of Labor Economics, 42(4):1135-1174.

Ranehill, Eva; Weber, Roberto A; Wu, Keyu (2024). Does redistribution affect cooperation and trust? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 226:106694.

Kotlikoff, Laurence; Kübler, Felix; Polbin, Andrey; Scheidegger, Simon (2024). Can today’s and tomorrow’s world uniformly gain from carbon taxation? European Economic Review, 168:104819.

Kübler, Felix; Polemarchakis, Herakles (2024). Identification in general equilibrium. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 113:103017.

De Nard, Gianluca; Engle, Robert F; Kelly, Bryan (2024). Factor-mimicking portfolios for climate risk. Financial Analysts Journal, 80(3):37-58.

Merian, Sybilla; O'Sullivan, Kevin; Stöckli, Sabrina; Beretta, Claudio; Müller, Nadina; Tiefenbeck, Verena; Fleisch, Elgar; Natter, Martin (2024). A field experiment to assess barriers to accurate household food waste measurements. Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 206:107644.

Bingler, Julia Anna; Kraus, Mathias; Leippold, Markus; Webersinke, Nicolas (2024). How cheap talk in climate disclosures relates to climate initiatives, corporate emissions, and reputation risk. Journal of Banking and Finance, 164:107191.

Alexandrie, Gustav (2024). Must Prioritarians be Antiegalitarian? Economics and Philosophy, 40(2):419-433.

Schulz, Tobias; Ohmura, Tamaki; Troxler, David; Lieberherr, Eva (2024). Forest clearances, compensatory afforestation and biodiversity offsetting in forests: Balancing flexibility and equivalency in Switzerland. Forest Policy and Economics, 163:103219.

Chen, Hui; Liang, Pierre Jinghong; Petrov, Evgeny (2024). Innovation and Financial Disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research, 62(3):935-979.

Basten, Christoph; Ongena, Steven (2024). Mortgage lending through a fintech web platform. The roles of competition, diversification, and automation. Journal of Banking and Finance, 163:107194.

Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Leippold, Markus; Menkveld, Albert; Östberg, Per; Zeisberger, Stefan; et al (2024). Nonstandard Errors. Journal of Finance, 79(3):2339-2390.

Mertikopoulos, Panayotis; Nax, Heinrich H; Pradelski, Bary S R (2024). Quick or cheap? Breaking points in dynamic markets. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 112:102987.

Brunner, Philipp; Letina, Igor; Schmutzler, Armin (2024). Research joint ventures: the role of financial constraints. European Economic Review, 165:104742.

Nguyen, Phuong Anh; Wolf, Michael (2024). Single-firm inference in event studies via the permutation test. Empirical Economics, 66(6):2435-2450.

Filippini, Massimo; Leippold, Markus; Wekhof, Tobias (2024). Sustainable finance literacy and the determinants of sustainable investing. Journal of Banking and Finance, 163:107167.

Mamatzakis, Emmanuel; Ongena, Steven; Patel, Pankaj C; Tsionas, Mike (2024). A Bayesian policy learning model of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions. Applied Economics, 56(25):2990-3010.

Krueger, Philipp; Sautner, Zacharias; Tang, Dragon Yongjun; Zhong, Rui (2024). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World. Journal of Accounting Research, 62(5):1795-1847.

Letina, Igor; Schmutzler, Armin; Seibel, Regina (2024). Killer acquisitions and beyond: policy effects on innovation strategies. International Economic Review, 65(2):591-622.

Mueller, Andreas I; Osterwalder, Damian; Zweimüller, Josef; Kettemann, Andreas (2024). Vacancy durations and entry wages: evidence from linked vacancy-employer-employee data. Review of Economic Studies, 91(3):1807-1841.

Winkelmann, Rainer (2024). Neglected heterogeneity, Simpson’s paradox, and the anatomy of least squares. Journal of Econometric Methods, 13(1):131-144.

Abedifar, Pejman; Kashizadeh, Seyed Javad; Ongena, Steven (2024). Flood, farms and credit: The role of branch banking in the era of climate change. Journal of Corporate Finance, 85:102544.

Moreno, Antonio; Ongena, Steven; Ventula Veghazy, Alexia; Wagner, Alexander F (2024). “Long GFC”? The global financial crisis, health care, and COVID‐19 deaths. Economic Inquiry, 62(2):865-891.

Cronqvist, Henrik; Ladika, Tomislav; Pazaj, Elisa; Sautner, Zacharias (2024). Limited attention to detail in financial markets: Evidence from reduced-form and structural estimation. Journal of Financial Economics, 154:103811.

Hoepner, Andreas G F; Oikonomou, Ioannis; Sautner, Zacharias; Starks, Laura T; Zhou, Xiao Y (2024). ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk. Review of Finance, 28(2):483-510.

Chen, Hui; Wenning, Alexander (2024). Higher-Order Beliefs, Market-Based Incentives, and Information Quality. European Accounting Review, 33(2):569-587.

Reinl, Ann‐Kathrin; Seddig, Daniel; Dennison, James; Davidov, Eldad (2024). Basic Human Values and Preferences for an EU‐Wide Social Benefit Scheme. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(2):564-582.

Aguiar, Luis; Reimers, Imke; Waldfogel, Joel (2024). Platforms and the transformation of the content industries. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 33(2):317-326.

Gropp, Reint; Mosk, Thomas; Ongena, Steven; Simac, Ines; Wix, Carlo (2024). Supranational Rules, National Discretion: Increasing versus Inflating Regulatory Bank Capital? Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59(2):830-862.

Li, Xiaoyang; Feng, Haoming; Yang, Hailong; Huang, Jiyuan (2024). Can ChatGPT reduce human financial analysts’ optimistic biases? Economic and Political Studies, 12(1):20-33.

Bauer-Hänsel, Ingrid; Liu, Qianyu; Tessone, Claudio J; Schwabe, Gerhard (2024). Designing a Blockchain-Based Data Market and Pricing Data to Optimize Data Trading and Welfare. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 28(1):3-30.

Haller, Andreas; Staubli, Stefan; Zweimüller, Josef (2024). Designing disability insurance reforms: tightening eligibility rules or reducing benefits? Econometrica, 92(1):79-110.

Albertazzi, Ugo; Fringuellotti, Fulvia; Ongena, Steven (2024). Fixed rate versus adjustable rate mortgages: Evidence from euro area banks. European Economic Review, 161:104643.

Zavolokina, Liudmila; Hein, Andreas; Carvalho, Arthur; Schwabe, Gerhard; Krcmar, Helmut (2024). Preface to the special issue on “Enterprise and organizational applications of distributed ledger technologies. Electronic Markets, 34(1):4.

Keil, Jan; Ongena, Steven (2024). The demise of branch banking - Technology, consolidation, bank fragility. Journal of Banking and Finance, 158:107038.

Ewerhart, Christian; Sun, Guang-Zhen (2024). The n-player Hirshleifer contest. Games and Economic Behavior, 143:300-320.

Kiener, Fabienne; Eggenberger, Christian; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2024). The role of occupational skill sets in the digital transformation: how it progress shapes returns to specialization and social skills. Journal of Business Economics / Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 94(1):75-111.

Flepp, Raphael; Merz, Oliver; Franck, Egon (2024). When the league table lies: Does outcome bias lead to informationally inefficient markets? Economic Inquiry, 62(1):414-429.

Miller, Amalia R; Segal, Carmit; Spencer, Melissa K (2024). Effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic on domestic violence in Los Angeles. Economica, 91(361):163-187.

Engelmann, Andreas; Schwabe, Gerhard (2024). Certified data chats for future used car markets. Electronic Markets, 34:45.

Chen, Hui; Petrov, Evgeny (2024). Reporting bias and feedback effect. Contemporary Accounting Research, 41(2):872-913.

Aghamolla, Cyrus; Guttman, Ilan; Petrov, Evgeny (2024). Sequential Reporting Bias. The accounting review, 99(5):1-33.


Gibson Brandon, Rajna; Sohn, Matthias; Tanner, Carmen; Wagner, Alexander F (2023). Earnings Management and the Role of Moral Values in Investing. European Accounting Review:Epub ahead of print.

De Haas, Ralph; Lu, Liping; Ongena, Steven (2023). Close competitors? Bilateral bank competition and spatial variation in firms’ access to credit. Journal of Economic Geography, 23(6):1237-1271.

Ongena, Steven; Paraschiv, Florentina; Reite, Endre J (2023). Counteroffers and Price Discrimination in Mortgage Lending. Journal of Empirical Finance, 74:101431.

Liu, Shuo; Netzer, Nick (2023). Happy times: measuring happiness using response times. American Economic Review, 113(12):3289-3322.

Leippold, Markus; Yang, Hanlin (2023). Mixed-Frequency Predictive Regressions. Journal of Forecasting, 42(8):1955-1972.

Meier, Pascal Flurin; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, Egon (2023). Replication: Do coaches stick with what barely worked? Evidence of outcome bias in sports. Journal of Economic Psychology, 99:102664.

Zhu, Chaowei; Zhang, Fan; Zhang, Yuling (2023). Revisiting financial opening and financial development: A regulation heterogeneity perspective. Economic Analysis and Policy, 80:181-197.

Hager, Diego M; Nitschka, Thomas (2023). Responses of Swiss interest rates and stock prices to ECB policy surprises. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, 159:13.

Böhnke, Victoria; Ongena, Steven; Paraschiv, Florentina; Reite, Endre J (2023). Back to the roots of internal credit risk models: Does risk explain why banks' risk-weighted asset levels converge over time? Journal of Banking and Finance, 156:106992.

Alexandrie, Gustav (2023). Two impossibility results for social choice under individual indifference intransitivity. Social Choice and Welfare, 61(4):919-936.

Weingärtner, Tim; Fasser, Fabian; Reis Sá da Costa, Pedro; Farkas, Walter (2023). Deciphering DeFi: A Comprehensive Analysis and Visualization of Risks in Decentralized Finance. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(10):454.

Nistor, Simona; Ongena, Steven (2023). The Impact of Policy Interventions on Systemic Risk across Banks. Journal of Financial Services Research, 64(2):155-206.

Walo, Simon (2023). ‘Bullshit’ After All? Why People Consider Their Jobs Socially Useless. Work, Employment and Society, 37(5):1123-1146.

Eichholtz, Piet; Ongena, Steven; Simeth, Nagihan; Yönder, Erkan (2023). Banks, non-banks, and the incorporation of local information in CMBS loan pricing. Journal of Banking and Finance, 154:106918.

Kandul, Serhiy; Lanz, Bruno; Reins, Evert (2023). Reciprocity and gift exchange in markets for credence goods. Games and Economic Behavior, 141:52-69.

Hopwood, Christopher J; Lenhausen, Madeline R; Bleidorn, Wiebke (2023). Toward a comprehensive dimensional model of sustainable behaviors. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(9):10171-10195.

Kubler, Felix; Scheidegger, Simon (2023). Uniformly self-justified equilibria. Journal of Economic Theory, 212:105707.

Marti, Samira; Martínez, Isabel Z; Scheuer, Florian (2023). Does a progressive wealth tax reduce top wealth inequality? Evidence from Switzerland. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 39(3):513-529.

Hoyer, Karlijn; Zeisberger, Stefan; Breugelmans, Seger M; Zeelenberg, Marcel (2023). A culture of greed: Bubble formation in experimental asset markets with greedy and non-greedy traders. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 212:32-52.

Ferrari, Alessandro; Ossa, Ralph (2023). A quantitative analysis of subsidy competition in the U.S. Journal of Public Economics, 224:104919.

Ikica, Barbara; Jantschgi, Simon; Nax, Heinrich H; Nuñez Duran, Diego G; Pradelski, Bary S R (2023). Competitive Market Behavior: Convergence and asymmetry in the experimental double auction. International Economic Review, 64(3):1087-1126.

Geng, Runjie; Kubler, Felix (2023). Stochastic overlapping generations with non-convex budget sets. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 107:102866.

Chambru, Cédric; Maneuvrier‐Hervieu, Paul (2023). The evolution of wages in early modern Normandy (1600-1850). Economic History Review, 76(3):917-940.

Pycia, Marek; Troyan, Peter (2023). A theory of simplicity in games and mechanism design. Econometrica, 91(4):1495-1526.

Kubler, Felix; Scheidegger, Simon (2023). Uniformly self-justified equilibria. SSRN 3995209.

Bachmann, Kremena; Hens, Thorsten; Lot, Andre; Xu, Xiaogeng (2023). Experimental research on retirement decision-making: evidence from replications. Journal of Banking and Finance, 152:106851.

Beck, Elliot; De Nard, Gianluca; Wolf, Michael (2023). Improved inference in financial factor models. International Review of Economics and Finance, 86:364-379.

Evstigneev, Igor V; Hens, Thorsten; Javad Vanaei, Mohammad (2023). Evolutionary Finance: A model with endogenous asset payoffs. Journal of Bioeconomics, 25:117-143.

Grimpe, Christoph; Sofka, Wolfgang; Kaiser, Ulrich (2023). Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies, 54(4):657-685.

Schultheiss, Tobias; Pfister, Curdin; Gnehm, Ann-Sophie; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2023). Education expansion and high-skill job opportunities for workers: Does a rising tide lift all boats? Labour Economics, 82:102354.

Sautner, Zacharias; Van Lent, Laurence; Vilkov, Grigory; Zhang, Ruishen (2023). Firm‐level climate change exposure. Journal of Finance, 78(3):1449-1498.

Bedendo, Mascia; Garcia-Appendini, Emilia; Siming, Linus (2023). Managers' cultural origin and corporate response to an economic shock. Journal of Corporate Finance, 80:102412.

Quack, Alexandra; Herfeld, Catherine (2023). The role of narratives in transferring rational choice models into political science. History of Political Economy, 55(3):549-576.

Crépellière, Tommy; Pelster, Matthias; Zeisberger, Stefan (2023). Arbitrage in the market for cryptocurrencies. Journal of financial markets, 64:100817.

Ongena, Steven; Delis, Manthos D; Dioikitopoulos, Evangelos V (2023). Population diversity and financial risk-taking. Journal of Banking and Finance, 151:106852.

Fuhrer, Adrian; Hock, Thorsten (2023). Uncertainty in the black-litterman model: empirical estimation of the equilibrium. Journal of Empirical Finance, 72:251-275.

Piskorec, Matija; James Murphy, Ben Domenic; Rüegsegger, Florian; Niya, Sina Rafati; Tessone, Claudio J (2023). Bow-tie structure of the Polkadot transfer network. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 1 May 2023 - 5 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10174939.

Hsieh, Chang-Tai; Li, Nicholas; Ossa, Ralph; Yang, Mu-Jeung (2023). Gains from trade liberalization with flexible extensive margin adjustment. Journal of International Economics, 142:103756.

Gläser, Micha (2023). Nozick on the difference principle. Politics, Philosophy and Economics, 22(2):126-159.

Chen, Hui; Yang, Li (2023). Stability and Regime Change: The Evolution of Accounting Standards. The Accounting Review, 98(3):135-152.

Birrer, Alena; He, Danya; Just, Natascha (2023). The state is watching you—A cross-national comparison of data retention in Europe. Telecommunications Policy, 47(4):102542.

Huikuri, Tuuli-Anna (2023). Constraints and incentives in the investment regime: How bargaining power shapes BIT reform. Review of International Organizations, 18(2):361-391.

Urman, Aleksandra; Makhortykh, Mykola (2023). How transparent are transparency reports? Comparative analysis of transparency reporting across online platforms. Telecommunications Policy, 47(3):102477.

Göx, Robert F; Michaeli, Beatrice (2023). Private Pre-Decision Information and the Pay–Performance Relation. The Accounting Review, 98(2):177-199.

Ferrari, Alessandro; Rogantini Picco, Anna (2023). Risk sharing and the adoption of the Euro. Journal of International Economics, 141:103727.

Herold, Florian; Netzer, Nick (2023). Second-best probability weighting. Games and Economic Behavior, 138:112-125.

Bartling, Björn; Özdemir, Yagiz (2023). The limits to moral erosion in markets: Social norms and the replacement excuse. Games and Economic Behavior, 138:143-160.

Paolella, Marc S; Polak, Paweł (2023). Density and Risk Prediction with Non-Gaussian COMFORT Models. Annals of Financial Economics, 18(01):2250033.

Cornelli, Giulio; Frost, Jon; Gambacorta, Leonardo; Rau, P Raghavendra; Wardrop, Robert; Ziegler, Tania (2023). Fintech and big tech credit: drivers of the growth of digital lending. Journal of Banking and Finance, 148:106742.

Burietz, Aurore; Ongena, Steven; Picault, Matthieu (2023). Taxing banks leverage and syndicated lending: A cross-country comparison. International Review of Law and Economics, 73:106103.

Barz, Christiane; Laumer, Simon; Freyschmidt, Marcel; Martínez-Blanco, Jesús (2023). Discrete dynamic pricing and application of network revenue management for FlixBus. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 22(1):16-33.

Consoli, Sarah; Egas Yerovi, Juan José; Machiorlatti, Matteo; Morales Opazo, Cristian (2023). Real-time monitoring of food price policy interventions during the first two years of COVID-19. Food Policy, 115:102405.

Eggenberger, Christian; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2023). IT skills, occupation specificity and job separations. Economics of Education Review, 92:102333.

Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Mihm, Maximilian (2023). An axiomatic characterization of Bayesian updating. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 104:102799.

Bürgisser, Reto; Di Carlo, Donato (2023). Blessing or Curse? The Rise of Tourism-Led Growth in Europe’s Southern Periphery. Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(1):236-258.

Adams-Prassl, Abi; Boneva, Teodora; Golin, Marta; Rauh, Christopher (2023). Perceived returns to job search. Labour Economics, 80:102307.

Adams-Prassl, Abi; Boneva, Teodora; Golin, Marta; Rauh, Christopher (2023). The value of sick pay. European Economic Review, 151:104314.

Efing, Matthias; Hau, Harald; Kampkötter, Patrick; Rochet, Jean-Charles (2023). Bank bonus pay as a risk sharing contract. Review of Financial Studies, 36(1):235-280.

Garcia-Appendini, Emilia; Gatti, Stefano; Nocera, Giacomo (2023). Does asset encumbrance affect bank risk? Evidence from covered bonds. Journal of Banking and Finance, 146:106705.

Brumm, Johannes; Grill, Michael; Kubler, Felix; Schmedders, Karl (2023). Re-use of collateral: Leverage, volatility, and welfare. Review of Economic Dynamics, 47:19-46.

Kok, Christoffer; Müller, Carola; Ongena, Steven; Pancaro, Cosimo (2023). The disciplining effect of supervisory scrutiny in the EU-wide stress test. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 53:101015.

Accetturo, Antonio; Barboni, Giorgia; Cascarano, Michele; Garcia-Appendini, Emilia (2023). The role of culture in firm-bank matching. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 53:101018.

Benincasa, Emanuela; Kabas, Gazi; Ongena, Steven (2023). Uncoordinated climate policies: Implications for cross-border lending. econpol Forum, 24(1):28-30.

Niya, Sina Rafati; Mesić, Ivana; Anagnostou, Georgios; Brunini, Gabriele; Tessone, Claudio J (2023). A First Analytics Approach to Cardano. In: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 1 May 2023 - 5 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10174896.

Aevoae, George-Marian; Andries, Alin Marius; Ongena, Steven; Sprincean, Nicu (2023). ESG and systemic risk. Applied Economics, 55(27):3085-3109.

Qi, Shusen; Hui, Kent Ngan-Cheung; Ongena, Steven (2023). Inter-industry FDI spillovers from foreign banks: Evidence in transition economies. Financial Management, 52(1):97-126.

Fu, Jonathan; Krauss, Annette (2023). Preparing fertile ground: how does the quality of business environments affect MSE growth? Small Business Economics:online.

Mamatzakis, Emmanuel C; Ongena, Steven; Tsionas, Mike G (2023). The response of household debt to COVID-19 using a neural networks VAR in OECD. Empirical Economics, 65:65-91.


Doerr, Sebastian; Gissler, Stefan; Peydró, José-Luis; Voth, Hans-Joachim (2022). Financial crises and political radicalization: how failing banks paved Hitler's path to power. Journal of Finance, 77(6):3339-3372.

Faberman, R Jason; Mueller, Andreas I; Şahin, Ayşegül (2022). Has the willingness to work fallen during the Covid pandemic? Labour Economics, 79:102275.

Bieser, Jan C T; Blumer, Yann; Burkhalter, Linda; Itten, René; Jobin, Marilou; Hilty, Lorenz M (2022). Consumer-oriented interventions to extend smartphones’ service lifetime. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 7:100074.

Azinovic, Marlon; Gaegauf, Luca; Scheidegger, Simon (2022). Deep Equilibrium Nets. International Economic Review, 63(4):1471-1525.

Ewerhart, Christian (2022). A “fractal” solution to the chopstick auction. Economic Theory, 74(4):1025-1041.

Oertel, Christian; Schmutzler, Armin (2022). Challenging the incumbent: entry in markets with captive consumers and taste heterogeneity. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 31(4):961-979.

Biroli, Pietro; Boneva, Teodora; Raja, Akash; Rauh, Christopher (2022). Parental beliefs about returns to child health investments. Journal of Econometrics, 231(1):33-57.

Luciano, Elisa; Rochet, Jean-Charles (2022). The fluctuations of insurers’ risk appetite. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 144:104543.

Rehbein, Oliver; Ongena, Steven (2022). Flooded through the back door: The role of bank capital in local shock spillovers. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57(7):2627-2658.

Fischbacher, Urs; Hausfeld, Jan; Renerte, Baiba (2022). Strategic incentives undermine gaze as a signal of prosocial motives. Games and Economic Behavior, 136:63-91.

Alessi, Lucia; Battiston, Stefano (2022). Two sides of the same coin: Green Taxonomy alignment versus transition risk in financial portfolios. International Review of Financial Analysis, 84:102319.

Qi, Shusen; Ongena, Steven; Cheng, Hua (2022). Working with women, do men get all the credit? Small Business Economics, 59:1427-1447.

Zeisberger, Stefan (2022). Do People Care about Loss Probabilities? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 65:185-213.

Brenøe, Anne Ardila (2022). Brothers increase women’s gender conformity. Journal of Population Economics, 35(4):1859-1896.

Leschnig, Lisa; Schwerdt, Guido; Zigova, Katarina (2022). Central exams and adult skills: Evidence from PIAAC. Economics of Education Review, 90:102289.

Hersh, Jonathan; Voth, Hans-Joachim (2022). Sweet diversity: colonial goods and the welfare gains from global trade after 1492. Explorations in Economic History, 86:101468.

Auer, Raphael; Matyunina, Alexandra; Ongena, Steven (2022). The Countercyclical Capital Buffer and the Composition of Bank Lending. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 52:100965.

Hietschold, Nadine; Voegtlin, Christian (2022). Blinded by a social cause? Differences in cognitive biases between social and commercial entrepreneurs. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 13(3):431-452.

Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Hofbauer, Josef (2022). Excess payoff dynamics in games. Journal of Economic Theory, 204:105464.

Brenøe, Anne Ardila; Epper, Thomas (2022). Parenting values and the intergenerational transmission of time preferences. European Economic Review, 148:104208.

Miller, Amalia R; Segal, Carmit; Spencer, Melissa K (2022). Effects of COVID‐19 shutdowns on domestic violence in US cities. Journal of Urban Economics, 131:103476.

Akyildirim, Erdinc; Cepni, Oguzhan; Pham, Linh; Uddin, Gazi Salah (2022). How connected is the agricultural commodity market to the news-based investor sentiment? Energy Economics, 113:106174.

Fahn, Matthias; Seibel, Regina (2022). Present bias in the labor market - when it pays to be naive. Games and Economic Behavior, 135:144-167.

Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Garagnani, Michele (2022). Voting under time pressure. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(5):1072-1093.

Boneva, Teodora; Golin, Marta; Rauh, Christopher (2022). Can perceived returns explain enrollment gaps in postgraduate education? Labour Economics, 77:101998.

Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Garagnani, Michele (2022). The gradual nature of economic errors. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200:55-66.

Sofka, Wolfgang; Grimpe, Christoph; Kaiser, Ulrich (2022). Understanding the unwritten rules of the game: Government work experience and salary premiums in foreign MNC subsidiaries. Journal of International Business Studies, 53(6):1110-1132.

Adão, Rodrigo; Carrillo, Paul; Costinot, Arnaud; Donaldson, Dave; Pomeranz, Dina (2022). Imports, exports, and earnings inequality: measures of exposure and estimates of incidence. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(3):1553-1614.

Matyunina, Alexandra; Ongena, Steven (2022). Bank capital buffer releases, public guarantee programs, and dividend bans in Covid-19 Europe: An appraisal. European Journal of Law and Economics, 54:127-152.

Wicker, Pamela; Weimar, Daniel; Orlowski, Johannes (2022). The ‘real’ birthday effect: post-birthday running performance of Football Bundesliga players. Applied Economics Letters, 29(12):1129-1133.

Faberman, R Jason; Mueller, Andreas I; Sahin, Aysegül; Topa, Giorgio (2022). Job search behavior among the employed and non‐employed. Econometrica, 90(4):1743-1779.

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Sáez-Martí, María; Weibull, Jörgen W (2005). Discounting and altruism to future decision-makers. Journal of Economic Theory, 122(2):254-266.

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Frey, Bruno S; Meier, Stephan (2005). Selfish and Indoctrinated Economists? European Journal of Law and Economics, 19(2):165-171.

Hens, Thorsten; Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus Reiner (2005). Evolutionary finance: introduction to the special issue. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 41(1-2):1-5.

Amir, Rabah; Evstigneev, Igor V; Hens, Thorsten; Schenk–Hoppé, Klaus Reiner (2005). Market selection and survival of investment strategies. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 41(1-2):105-122.

Degryse, Hans; Ongena, Steven (2005). Distance, Lending Relationships, and Competition. Journal of Finance, 60(1):231-266.

Hens, Thorsten; Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus Reiner (2005). Evolutionary stability of portfolio rules in incomplete markets. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 41(1-2):43-66.

Süssmuth, Bernd; Woitek, Ulrich (2005). Some New Results on Industrial Sector Mode-Locking and Business Cycle Formation. Studies in nonlinear dynamics and econometrics, 9(3):n/a.

Keloharju, Matti; Nyborg, Kjell G; Rydqvist, Kristian (2005). Strategic behavior and underpricing in uniform price auctions: Evidence from finnish treasury auctions. Journal of Finance, 60(4):1865-1902.

Hefeker, Carsten; Michaelowa, Katharina (2005). Can process conditionality enhance aid effectiveness? The role of bureaucratic interest and public pressure. Public Choice, 122(1-2):159-175.

Hassler, John; Rodríguez Mora, José; Storesletten, Kjetil; Zilibotti, Fabrizio (2005). A positive theory of geographic mobility and social insurance. International Economic Review, 46(1):263-303.

Brown, Donald; Kübler, Felix (2005). Comment on William C. Brainard and Herbert E. Scarf's "How to Compute Equilibrium Prices in 1891". American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 64(1):85-87.

Schildt, Henri A; Maula, Markku V J; Keil, Thomas (2005). Explorative and exploitative learning from external corporate ventures. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29(4):493-515.

Falkinger, Josef; Grossmann, Volker (2005). Institutions and development: the interaction between trade regime and political system. Journal of Economic Growth, 10(3):231-272.

Egger, H; Egger, P (2005). Labor market effects of outsourcing under industrial interdependence. International Review of Economics and Finance, 14(3):349-363.

Breuer, M (2005). Multiple losses, ex ante moral hazard, and the implications for umbrella policies. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 72(4):525-538.

Egger, H; Grossmann, V (2005). Non-routine tasks, restructuring of firms, and wage inequality within and between skill-groups. Journal of Economics, 86(3):197-228.

Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Maass, Frank; Werner, A (2005). On the explanation of horizontal, vertical and cross-sector R&D partnerships - Evidence for the German industrial sector. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 5(1/2):103-116.

Winkelmann, Rainer (2005). Subjective well-being and the family: results from an ordered probit model with multiple random effects. Empirical Economics, 30(3):749-761.

Hopkins, Sandra; Zweifel, Peter (2005). The Australian health policy changes of 1999 and 2000: an evaluation. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 4(4):229-238.

Egger, H; Egger, P (2005). The determinants of EU processing trade. World Economy, 28(2):147-168.

Egger, H; Grossmann, V (2005). The double role of skilled labor, new technologies and wage inequality. Metroeconomica, 56(1):37-57.

Buehler, S (2005). The promise and pitfalls of restructuring network industries. German Economic Review, 6(2):205-228.

Ewerhart, Christian (2005). The pure theory of multilateral obligations. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE, 161(2):259-263.


Schneider, Yves; Zweifel, Peter (2004). How much internalization of nuclear risk through liability insurance? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 29(3):219-240.

Degryse, Hans; Ongena, Steven (2004). The Impact of Technology and Regulation on the Geographical Scope of Banking. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(4):571-590.

Laske-Aldershof, Trea; Schut, Erik; Beck, Konstantin; Gress, Stefan; Shmueli, Amir; Van de Voorde, Carine (2004). Consumer mobility in social health insurance markets: a five-country comparison. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 3(4):229-241.

Zweifel, Peter (2004). Improved risk information, the demand for cigarettes, and anti-tobacco policy. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 23(3):299-303.

Hoffmann, Mathias (2004). International capital mobility in the long run and the short run: can we still learn from saving–investment data? Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(1):113-131.

Hens, Thorsten; Pilgrim, Beate (2004). Sunspot equilibria and the transfer paradox. Economic Theory, 24(3):583-602.

Lalive, Rafael; van Ours, Jan C; Zweimüller, Josef (2004). How Changes in Financial Incentives Affect the Duration of Unemployment. Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 206, University of Zurich.

Frey, B S (2004). Beyond outcomes: measuring procedural utility. Oxford Economic Papers, 57(1):90-111.

Hens, Thorsten; Reimann, Stefan; Vogt, Bodo (2004). Nash competitive equilibria and two-period fund separation. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40(3-4):321-346.

Kremer, Ilan; Nyborg, Kjell G (2004). Divisible good auctions: the role of allocation rules. RAND Journal of Economics, 35(1):147-159.

Trojani, Fabio; Leippold, Markus; Vanini, Paolo (2004). A Geometric Approach to Multiperiod Mean-Variance Optimization of Assets and Liabilities. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 28(6):1079-1113.

Kübler, Felix (2004). Is intertemporal choice theory testable? Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40(1-2):177-189.

Chiappori, Pierre-Andre; Ekeland, I; Kübler, Felix; Polemarchakis, Herakles M (2004). Testable implications of general equilibrium theory: A differentiable approach. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 40(1-2):105-119.

Foellmi, R; Zweimüller, J (2004). Inequality, market power and product diversity. Economics Letters, 82(1):139-145.

Beissinger, T; Egger, H (2004). Dynamic wage bargaining if benefits are tied to individual wages. Oxford Economic Papers, 56(3):437-460.

Winkelmann, Rainer (2004). Health care reform and the number of doctor visits - an econometric analysis. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 19(4):455-472.

Buehler, Stefan; Schmutzler, Armin; Benz, Men-Andri (2004). Infrastructure quality in deregulated industries: is there an underinvestment problem? International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22(2):253-267.

Egger, H; Egger, P (2004). On the relationship between international outsourcing and price-cost margins in European industries. Review of Industrial Organization, 25(1):45-69.

Zweifel, Peter; Felder, Stefan; Werblow, Andreas (2004). Population ageing and health care expenditure: new evidence on the "red herring". Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 29(4):652-666.

Zweifel, Peter (2004). Reexamining drug regulation from the perspective of innovation policy: comment. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE, 160(1):136-141.

Kübler, Felix; Polemarchakis, Herakles (2004). Stationary Markov equilibria for overlapping generations. Economic Theory, 24(3):623-643.

Kremer, Ilan; Nyborg, Kjell G (2004). Underpricing and market power in uniform price auctions. Review of Financial Studies, 17(3):849-877.


Botteron, Pascal; Chesney, Marc; Gibson-Asner, Rajna (2003). Analyzing firms' strategic investment decisions in a real options' framework. Journal of international financial markets, institutions & money, 13(5):451-479.

Chesney, Marc; Hazari, Bharat R (2003). Illegal Migrants, Tourism and Welfare: A Trade Theoretic Approach. Pacific Economic Review, 8(3):259-268.

Ziegler, Alexandre; Sousa-Poza, Alfonso (2003). Asymmetric Information on Workers' Productivity as a Cause for Inefficient Long Working Hours. Labour Economics, 10(6):727-747.

Dorn, David; Sousa-Poza, Alfonso (2003). Why is the employment rate of older Swiss so high? An analysis of the social security system. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 28(4):652-672.

Nyborg, K G; Strebulaev, Ilya A (2003). Multiple Unit Auctions and Short Squeezes. Review of Financial Studies, 17(2):545-580.

Egger, Hartmut; Falkinger, Josef (2003). The distributional effects of international outsourcing in a 2×2 production model. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 14(2):189-206.

Hoffmann, Mathias (2003). International macroeconomic fluctuations and the current account. Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne d'Economique, 36(2):401-420.

Michaelowa, Katharina (2003). The political economy of the enhanced HIPC-Initiative. Public Choice, 114(3-4):461-476.

Hassler, John; Mora, José V Rodríguez; Storesletten, Kjetil; Zilibotti, Fabrizio (2003). The survival of the welfare state. American Economic Review, 93(1):87-112.

Berger, Allen N; Dai, Qinglei; Ongena, Steven; Smith, David C (2003). To what extent will the banking industry be globalized? A study of bank nationality and reach in 20 European nations. Journal of Banking and Finance, 27(3):383-415.

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Ongena, Steven; Smith, David C; Michalsen, Dag (2003). Firms and their distressed banks: lessons from the Norwegian banking crisis. Journal of Financial Economics, 67(1):81-112.

Ewerhart, Christian (2003). A short and intuitive proof of Marshall's rule. Economic Theory, 22(2):415-418.

Judd, Kenneth L; Kübler, Felix; Schmedders, Karl (2003). Asset Trading Volume with Dynamically Complete Markets and Heterogeneous Agents. Journal of Finance, LVIII(5):2203-2218.

Bach, Heinz; Mild, Andreas; Natter, Martin; Weber, Andreas (2003). Combining socio-demographic and logistic factors to explain the generation and collection of waste paper. Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 41(1):65-73.

Hartog, Joop; Winkelmann, Rainer (2003). Comparing migrants to non-migrants: the case of Dutch migration to New Zealand. Journal of Population Economics, 16(4):683-705.

Gersbach, Hans; Schmutzler, Armin (2003). Endogenous Technological Spillovers: Causes and Consequences. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 12(2):179-205.

Gersbach, Hans; Schmutzler, Armin (2003). Endogenous spillovers and incentives to innovate. Economic Theory, 21(1):59-79.

Zweifel, Peter (2003). Medical innovation: a challenge to society and insurance. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 28(2):194-202.

Steinmann, Lukas; Zweifel, Peter (2003). On the (in)efficiency of Swiss hospitals. Applied Economics, 35(3):361-370.

Egger, H; Egger, P (2003). Outsourcing and skill-specific employment in a small economy: Austria after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Oxford Economic Papers, 55(4):625-643.

Ewerhart, Christian; Fieseler, Karsten (2003). Procurement auctions and unit-price contracts. RAND Journal of Economics, 34(3):569-581.

Kübler, Felix; Schmedders, Karl (2003). Stationary equilibria in asset-pricing models with incomplete markets and collateral. Econometrica, 71(6):1767-1795.

Falkinger, Josef; Grossmann, Volker (2003). Workplaces in the primary economy and wage pressure in the secondary labor market. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159(3):523-544.

Dietl, H; Franck, E; Roy, P (2003). Überinvestitionsprobleme in einer Sportliga. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 55(5):528-540.


Hauk, Esther; Sáez-Martí, María (2002). On the cultural transmission of corruption. Journal of Economic Theory, 107(2):311-335.

Bénabou, Roland; Pycia, Marek (2002). Dynamic inconsistency and self-control: a planner-doer interpretation. Economics Letters, 77(3):419-424.

Loubergé, Henri; Villeneuve, Stéphane; Chesney, Marc (2002). Long-term risk management of nuclear waste: a real options approach. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 27(1):157-180.

Hens, Thorsten; Evstigneev, Igor V; Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus Reiner (2002). Market selection of financial trading strategies: global stability. Mathematical Finance, 12(4):329-339.

Kosfeld, M (2002). Stochastic Strategy Adjustment in Coordination Games. Economic Theory, 20(2):321-339.

Kosfeld, M; Droste, E; Voorneveld, M (2002). A myopic adjustment process leading to best-reply matching. Games and Economic Behavior, 40(2):270-290.

Hens, Thorsten; Laitenberger, Jörg; Löffler, Andreas (2002). Two remarks on the uniqueness of equilibria in the CAPM. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 37(2):123-132.

Nyborg, Kjell G; Rydqvist, Kristian; Sundaresan, Suresh M (2002). Bidder Behavior in Multiunit Auctions: Evidencefrom Swedish Treasury Auctions. The Journal of Political Economy, 110(2):394-424.

Frey, Bruno S; Meier, Stephan (2002). Selfish and Indoctrinated Economists? Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics No. 103, University of Zurich.

Kosfeld, M (2002). Why shops close again: An evolutionary perspective on the deregulation of shopping hours. European Economic Review, 46(1):51-72.

Falkinger, Josef (2002). A Theory of Employment in Firms: Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Internal Organization of Work. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.

Leippold, Markus; Wu, L (2002). Asset Pricing under the Quadratic Class. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 37(2):271-295.

Ewerhart, Christian (2002). Backward induction and the game-theoretic analysis of chess. Games and Economic Behavior, 39(2):206-214.

Goeree, Jacob K; Offerman, Theo (2002). Efficiency in Auctions with Private and Common Values: An Experimental Study. American Economic Review, 92(3):625-643.

Falkinger, Josef (2002). Employability and the costs of organizing work. In: de Grip, Andrie; van Loo, Jasper; Mayhew, Ken. The Economics of Skills Obsolescence: Research in Labor Economics. Bingley UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 145-219.

Bonato, Dario; Zweifel, Peter (2002). Information about multiple risks: the case of building and content insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 69(4):469-487.

Ewerhart, Christian (2002). Iterated weak dominance in strictly competitive games of perfect information. Journal of Economic Theory, 107(2):474-482.

Mittnik, Stefan; Paolella, Marc S; Rachev, Svetlozar T (2002). Stationarity of stable power-GARCH processes. Journal of Econometrics, 106(1):97-107.


Hoffmann, Mathias (2001). The relative dynamics of investment and the current account in the G7-economies. Economic Journal, 111(471):148-163.

Fehr, Ernst; Tyran, Jean-Robert (2001). Does Money Illusion Matter? American Economic Review, 91(5):1239-1262.

Nyborg, Kjell G; Strebulaev, Ilya A (2001). Collateral and short squeezing of liquidity in fixed rate tenders. Journal of International Money and Finance, 20(6):769-792.

Hens, Thorsten (2001). An extension of Mantel (1976) to incomplete markets. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 36(2):141-149.

Schneider, Friedrich; Wagner, Alexander F (2001). Institutions of conflict management and economic growth in the European Union. Kyklos, 54(4):509-531.

Michaelowa, Katharina (2001). Primary education quality in francophone Sub-Saharan Africa: determinants of learning achievement and efficiency considerations. World Development, 29(10):1699-1716.

Ongena, Steven; Smith, David C (2001). The duration of bank relationships. Journal of Financial Economics, 61(3):449-475.

Bosch-Doménech, Antoni; Sáez-Martí, María (2001). Cycles of aggregate behavior in theory and experiment. Games and Economic Behavior, 36(2):105-137.

Bettzüge, Marc Oliver; Hens, Thorsten (2001). An evolutionary approach to financial innovation. Review of Economic Studies, 68(3):493-522.

Fischbacher, Urs; Gächter, Simon; Fehr, Ernst (2001). Are people conditionally cooperative? Evidence from a public goods experiment. Economics Letters, 71(3):397-404.

Acemoglu, Daron; Zilibotti, Fabrizio (2001). Productivity Differences. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2):563-606.

Habib, Michel; Ljungqvist, Alexander P (2001). Underpricing and entrepreneurial wealth losses in IPOs: theory and evidence. Review of Financial Studies, 14(2):433-458.

Degryse, Hans; Ongena, Steven (2001). Bank relationships and firm profitability. Financial Management, 30(1):9-34.

Barmby, Tim; Nolan, Michael; Winkelmann, Rainer (2001). Contracted workdays and absence. The Manchester School, 69(3):269-275.

Egger, H; Egger, P (2001). Cross-border sourcing and outward processing in EU manufacturing. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 12(3):243-256.

Schmutzler, Armin (2001). Environmental regulations and managerial myopia. Environmental and Resource Economics, 18(1):87-100.

Athey, Susan; Schmutzler, Armin (2001). Investment and market dominance. RAND Journal of Economics, 32(1):1-26.

Hoffmann, Mathias (2001). Long run recursive VAR models and QR decompositions. Economics Letters, 73(1):15-20.

Chib, Siddhartha; Winkelmann, Rainer (2001). Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of correlated count data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 19(4):428-435.

A'Hearn, Brian; Woitek, Ulrich (2001). More international evidence on the historical properties of business cycles. Journal of Monetary Economics, 47(2):321-346.

Chesney, Marc; Gibson-Asner, Rajna (2001). Reducing asset substitution with warrant and convertible debt issue. The Journal of Derivatives, 9(1):39-52.

Pennings, Enrico; Natter, Martin (2001). Strategic diversification and capacity utilization. International Journal of Production Economics, 72(3):261-272.

Steinmann, Lukas; Zweifel, Peter (2001). The range adjusted measure (RAM) in DEA: comment. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 15(2):139-144.

Franck, E (2001). Zur ökonomischen Funktion produktnaher Dienstleistungen. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 53(2):161-178.


Habib, Michel A; Johnsen, D Bruce (2000). The private placement of debt and outside equity as an information revelation mechanism. Review of Financial Studies, 13(4):1017-1055.

Gersbach, Hans; Schmutzler, Armin (2000). Declining costs of communication and transportation: what are the effects on agglomerations? European Economic Review, 44(9):915-919.

Frey, Bruno S; Kucher, Marcel (2000). History as Reflected in Capital Markets: The Case of World War II. Journal of Economic History, 60(02):468-496.

Marimon, Ramon; Zilibotti, Fabrizio (2000). Employment and distributional effects of restricting working time. European Economic Review, 44(7):1291-1326.

Bettzüge, Marc Oliver; Hens, Thorsten; Laitenberger, Marta; Siwik, Thomas (2000). On Choquet prices in a GEI-model with intermediation costs. Research in Economics, 54(2):133-152.

Hens, Thorsten (2000). Do Sunspots Matter When Spot Market Equilibria are Unique? Econometrica, 68(2):435-441.

Ongena, Steven; Smith, David C (2000). What determines the number of bank relationships? Cross-country evidence. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 9(1):26-56.

Falkinger, Josef; Fehr, Ernst; Gächter, Simon; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf (2000). A simple mechanism for the efficient provision of public goods: experimental evidence. American Economic Review, 90(1):247-264.

Ewerhart, Christian (2000). Chess-like games are dominance solvable in at most two steps. Games and Economic Behavior, 33(1):41-47.

Mittnik, Stefan; Paolella, Marc S; Rachev, Svetlozar T (2000). Diagnosing and treating the fat tails in financial returns data. Journal of Empirical Finance, 7(3-4):389-416.

Falkinger, Josef; Zweimüller, Josef (2000). Learning for employment, innovating for growth. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics JITE, 156:455-472.

Winkelmann, Rainer (2000). Seemingly unrelated negative binomial regression. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 64(4):553-560.

Crawford, Gregory S (2000). The impact of the 1992 Cable Act on household demand and welfare. RAND Journal of Economics, 31(3):422-449.

Ewerhart, Christian; Schmitz, Patrick W (2000). “Yes men”, integrity, and the optimal design of incentive contracts. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 43(1):115-125.


Gersbach, Hans; Schmutzler, Armin (1999). External spillovers, internal spillovers and the geography of production and innovation. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 29(6):679-696.

Jäger, Eckart (1999). Exchange rates and bertrand oligopoly. Journal of Economics, 70(3):281-307.

Fehr, E; Schmidt, K M (1999). A Theory of Fairness, Competition, and Cooperation. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(3):817-868.

Sáez-Martí, María; Weibull, Jörgen W (1999). Clever agents in Young's evolutionary bargaining model. Journal of Economic Theory, 86(2):268-279.

Habib, Michel A; Johnsen, D Bruce (1999). The financing and redeployment of specific assets. Journal of Finance, 54(2):693-720.

Falkinger, Josef (1999). Social instability and redistribution of income. European Journal of Political Economy, 15(1):35-51.

Hens, Thorsten; Kirman, Alan; Phlips, Luis; Jaeger, Eckart (1999). Exchange rates and oligopoly. European Economic Review, 43(3):621-648.

Gottardi, Piero; Hens, Thorsten (1999). Disaggregation of excess demand and comparative statics with incomplete markets and nominal assets. Economic Theory, 13(2):287-308.

Zaborowski, Christoph; Zweifel, Peter (1999). Getting out of debt: Garnishment of wage in whose interest? European Journal of Law and Economics, 8(3):207-230.

Reinton, Harald; Ongena, Steven (1999). Out-of-sample forecasting performance of single equation monetary exchange rate models in Norwegian currency markets. Applied Financial Economics, 9(6):545-550.

Schmutzler, Armin (1999). The new economic geography. Journal of Economic Surveys, 13(4):355-379.

Winkelmann, Rainer (1999). Wages, firm size and absenteeism. Applied Economics Letters, 6(6):337-341.


Schmutzler, Armin (1998). Changing places—the role of heterogeneity and externalities in cumulative processes. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16(4):445-461.

Winkelmann, Liliana; Winkelmann, Rainer (1998). Tariffs, quotas and terms-of-trade: the case of New Zealand. Journal of International Economics, 46(2):313-332.

Habib, Michel A; Ljungqvist, Alexander P (1998). Underpricing and IPO proceeds: a note. Economics Letters, 61(3):381-383.

Zimmermann, Klaus F; Winkelmann, Rainer (1998). Is job stability declining in Germany? Evidence from Count Data Models. Applied Economics, 30(11):1413-1420.

Holly, Alberto; Gardiol, Lucien; Domenighetti, Gianfranco; Bisig, Brigitte (1998). An econometric model of health care utilization and health insurance in Switzerland. European Economic Review, 42:513-522.

Natter, Martin; Hruschka, Harald (1998). Evaluation of Aggressive Competitive Pricing Strategies. Marketing Letters, 9(4):337-347.

Zweifel, Peter (1998). Health benefits at work--a review of Mark V. Pauly's, Health Benefits at Work. An Economic and Political Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 5(2):247-251.

Chesney, Marc; Hazari, Bharat (1998). Irrational entry, rational exit. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 29(1):1-13.

Zweifel, Peter; Strüwe, Wolfram (1998). Long-term care insurance in a two-generation model. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 65(1):13-32.

Chib, Siddhartha; Greenberg, Edward; Winkelmann, Rainer (1998). Posterior simulation and Bayes factors in panel count data models. Journal of Econometrics, 86(1):33-54.


Sáez-Martí, María (1997). On the asymptotic convergence to mixed equilibria in 2×2 asymmetric games. International Journal of Game Theory, 26(4):549-559.

Frey, Bruno S (1997). Drugs, economics and policy. Economic Policy, 12(25):387-398.

Falkinger, Josef; Zweimüller, Josef (1997). The impact of income inequality on product diversity and long-run economic growth in a model with hierarchical demand. Metroeconomica, 48(3):211-237.

Hens, Thorsten (1997). Stability of tâtonnement processes of short period equilibria with rational expectations. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 28(1):41-67.

Hens, Thorsten (1997). Exchange rates and perfect competition. Journal of Economics, 65(2):151-161.

Habib, Michel A; Johnsen, D Bruce; Naik, Narayan Y (1997). Spinoffs and information. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 6(2):153-176.

Winkelmann, Liliana; Winkelmann, Rainer (1997). Why are the unemployed so unhappy? Evidence from panel data. Economica, 65(257):1-15.

Schmutzler, Armin; Goulder, Lawrence H (1997). The choice between emission taxes and output taxes under imperfect monitoring. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 32(1):51-74.

Zweifel, Peter (1997). Comment on: F.M. Scherer, "How US antitrust can go astray: the brand name prescription drug litigation". International Journal of the Economics of Business, 4(3):277-279.

Winkelmann, Rainer (1997). How young workers get their training: A survey of Germany versus the United States. Journal of Population Economics, 10(2):159-170.

Acemoglu, Daron; Zilibotti, Fabrizio (1997). Was prometheus unbound by chance? Risk diversification and growth. European Journal of Political Economy, 105:709-751.


Falkinger, Josef (1996). Efficient private provision of public goods when by rewarding deviations from average. Journal of Public Economics, 62(3):413-422.

Gottardi, Piero; Hens, Thorsten (1996). The Survival Assumption and Existence of Competitive Equilibria When Asset Markets are Incomplete. Journal of Economic Theory, 71(2):313-323.

Bottazzi, Jean-Marc; Hens, Thorsten (1996). Excess Demand Functions and Incomplete Markets. Journal of Economic Theory, 68(1):49-63.

Franks, Julian R; Nyborg, Kjell G; Torous, Walter N (1996). A Comparison of US, UK, and German Insolvency Codes. Financial Management, 25(3):86-101.

Nyborg, Kjell G; Sundaresan, Suresh (1996). Discriminatory versus uniform Treasury auctions: Evidence from when-issued transactions. Journal of Financial Economics, 42(1):63-104.

Zweifel, Peter; Strüwe, Wolfram (1996). Long-term care insurance and bequests as instruments for shaping intergenerational relationships. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 12(1):65-76.

Winkelmann, Rainer (1996). Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis of underreported count data with an application to worker absenteeism. Empirical Economics, 21(4):575-587.

Falkinger, Josef; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf; Zweimüller, Josef (1996). Retirement of spouses and social security reform. European Economic Review, 40(2):449-472.

Falkinger, Josef; Zweimüller, Josef (1996). The cross-country Engel curve for product diversification. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 7(1):79-97.

Winkelmann, Rainer (1996). Unskilled labor and wage determination: an empirical investigation for Germany. Journal of Population Economics, 9(2):159-171.


Falkinger, Josef (1995). Tax evasion, consumption of public goods and fairness. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16(1):63-72.

Zweifel, Peter (1995). Diffusion of hospital innovations in different institutional settings. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2(3):465-483.

Zweifel, Peter; Bonomo, Susanne (1995). Energy security Coping with multiple supply risks. Energy Economics, 17(3):179-183.

Athey, Susan; Schmutzler, Armin (1995). Product and process flexibility in an innovative environment. RAND Journal of Economics, 26(4):557-574.


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Chesney, Marc; Elliott, Robert J; Madan, Dilip; Yang, Hailiang (1993). Diffusion coefficient estimation and asset pricing when risk premia and sensitivities are time varying. Mathematical Finance, 3(2):85-99.

Jung, Robert C; Winkelmann, Rainer (1993). Two aspects of labor mobility: a bivariate Poisson regression approach. Empirical Economics, 18(2):543-556.


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