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Ongena, Steven; Saffar, Walid; Sun, Yuan; Wei, Lai (2025). Movables as collateral and corporate credit: Loan-level evidence from legal reforms across Europe. Journal of Banking and Finance, 170:107331.
Leippold, Markus; Wang, Qian; Yang, Min (2024). Technical patterns and news sentiment in stock markets. Journal of Finance and Data Science, 10:100145.
Haq, Mamiza; Ongena, Steven; Pu, Juying; Tan, Eric K M (2024). Do banks engage in earnings management? The role of dividends and institutional factors. Journal of Banking and Finance, 168:107287.
Doerr, Sebastian; Kabaş, Gazi; Ongena, Steven (2024). Population Aging and Bank Risk-Taking. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59(7):3037-3061.
Delis, Fotis; Delis, Manthos D; Laeven, Luc; Ongena, Steven (2024). Global evidence on profit shifting within firms and across time. Journal of Accounting and Economics:Epub ahead of print.
Kara, Alper; Ongena, Steven; Yildiz, Yilmaz (2024). Does being a responsible bank pay off? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Financial Stability, 74:101317.
Keil, Thomas; Syrigos, Evangelos; Kostopoulos, Konstantinos Christos; Meissner, Felix D; Audia, Pino G (2024). (In)Consistent Performance Feedback and the Locus of Search. Journal of Management, 50(7):2927-2954.
Kotlikoff, Laurence; Kübler, Felix; Polbin, Andrey; Scheidegger, Simon (2024). Can today’s and tomorrow’s world uniformly gain from carbon taxation? European Economic Review, 168:104819.
Keil, Thomas; Syrigos, Evangelos; Kostopoulos, Konstantinos Christos; Meissner, Felix; Audia, Pino G (2024). (In)Consistent Performance Feedback and the Locus of Search. Journal of Management, 50(7):2927-2954.
Delis, Manthos D; de Greiff, Kathrin; Iosifidi, Maria; Ongena, Steven (2024). Being stranded with fossil fuel reserves? Climate policy risk and the pricing of bank loans. Financial markets, institutions & instruments, 33(3):239-265.
De Nard, Gianluca; Engle, Robert F; Kelly, Bryan (2024). Factor-mimicking portfolios for climate risk. Financial Analysts Journal, 80(3):37-58.
Bingler, Julia Anna; Kraus, Mathias; Leippold, Markus; Webersinke, Nicolas (2024). How cheap talk in climate disclosures relates to climate initiatives, corporate emissions, and reputation risk. Journal of Banking and Finance, 164:107191.
Schreiber, Robert; Hess, Manuel; Grichnik, Dietmar; Shepherd, Dean A; Tobler, Philippe N; Wincent, Joakim (2024). An attractiveness bias? How women entrepreneurs’ physical appearance affects men investors. Journal of Management:Epub ahead of print.
Chen, Hui; Liang, Pierre Jinghong; Petrov, Evgeny (2024). Innovation and Financial Disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research, 62(3):935-979.
Bachmann, Kremena; Meyer, Julia; Krauss, Annette (2024). Investment motives and performance expectations of impact investors. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 42:100911.
Basten, Christoph; Ongena, Steven (2024). Mortgage lending through a fintech web platform. The roles of competition, diversification, and automation. Journal of Banking and Finance, 163:107194.
Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Leippold, Markus; Menkveld, Albert; Östberg, Per; Zeisberger, Stefan; et al (2024). Nonstandard Errors. Journal of Finance, 79(3):2339-2390.
Brunner, Philipp; Letina, Igor; Schmutzler, Armin (2024). Research joint ventures: the role of financial constraints. European Economic Review, 165:104742.
Filippini, Massimo; Leippold, Markus; Wekhof, Tobias (2024). Sustainable finance literacy and the determinants of sustainable investing. Journal of Banking and Finance, 163:107167.
von der Assen, Jan; Killer, Christian; De Carli, Alessandro; Stiller, Burkhard (2024). Performance Analysis of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks and Centralized Clouds. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Dublin, Ireland, 27 May 2024 - 31 May 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-6.
Krueger, Philipp; Sautner, Zacharias; Tang, Dragon Yongjun; Zhong, Rui (2024). The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World. Journal of Accounting Research, 62(5):1795-1847.
Knust, Lucas; Oesch, David (2024). Fiscal monitoring and corporate investment. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 51(5-6):1273-1301.
Abedifar, Pejman; Kashizadeh, Seyed Javad; Ongena, Steven (2024). Flood, farms and credit: The role of branch banking in the era of climate change. Journal of Corporate Finance, 85:102544.
Hałaj, Grzegorz; Martinez-Jaramillo, Serafin; Battiston, Stefano (2024). Financial stability through the lens of complex systems. Journal of Financial Stability, 71:101228.
Cronqvist, Henrik; Ladika, Tomislav; Pazaj, Elisa; Sautner, Zacharias (2024). Limited attention to detail in financial markets: Evidence from reduced-form and structural estimation. Journal of Financial Economics, 154:103811.
Alessi, Lucia; Battiston, Stefano; Kvedaras, Virmantas (2024). Over with carbon? Investors’ reaction to the Paris Agreement and the US withdrawal. Journal of Financial Stability, 71:101232.
Hoepner, Andreas G F; Oikonomou, Ioannis; Sautner, Zacharias; Starks, Laura T; Zhou, Xiao Y (2024). ESG Shareholder Engagement and Downside Risk. Review of Finance, 28(2):483-510.
Chen, Hui; Wenning, Alexander (2024). Higher-Order Beliefs, Market-Based Incentives, and Information Quality. European Accounting Review, 33(2):569-587.
Gropp, Reint; Mosk, Thomas; Ongena, Steven; Simac, Ines; Wix, Carlo (2024). Supranational Rules, National Discretion: Increasing versus Inflating Regulatory Bank Capital? Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59(2):830-862.
Barker, Vincent L; Luger, Johannes; Schmitt, Achim; Xin, Katherine R (2024). Corporate decline and turnarounds in times of digitalization. Long Range Planning, 57(1):102211.
Andrieş, Alin Marius; Chiper, Alexandra Maria; Ongena, Steven; Sprincean, Nicu (2024). External wealth of nations and systemic risk. Journal of Financial Stability, 70:101192.
Fatouh, Mahmoud; Giansante, Simone; Ongena, Steven (2024). Leverage ratio, risk-based capital requirements, and risk-taking in the United Kingdom. Financial markets, institutions & instruments, 33(1):31-60.
Albertazzi, Ugo; Fringuellotti, Fulvia; Ongena, Steven (2024). Fixed rate versus adjustable rate mortgages: Evidence from euro area banks. European Economic Review, 161:104643.
Keil, Jan; Ongena, Steven (2024). The demise of branch banking - Technology, consolidation, bank fragility. Journal of Banking and Finance, 158:107038.
Ewerhart, Christian; Sun, Guang-Zhen (2024). The n-player Hirshleifer contest. Games and Economic Behavior, 143:300-320.
Chen, Hui; Petrov, Evgeny (2024). Reporting bias and feedback effect. Contemporary Accounting Research, 41(2):872-913.
Aghamolla, Cyrus; Guttman, Ilan; Petrov, Evgeny (2024). Sequential Reporting Bias. The accounting review, 99(5):1-33.
Gibson Brandon, Rajna; Sohn, Matthias; Tanner, Carmen; Wagner, Alexander F (2023). Earnings Management and the Role of Moral Values in Investing. European Accounting Review:Epub ahead of print.
Ongena, Steven; Paraschiv, Florentina; Reite, Endre J (2023). Counteroffers and Price Discrimination in Mortgage Lending. Journal of Empirical Finance, 74:101431.
Öz, Burak; Kraner, Benjamin; Vallarano, Nicolo; Kruger, Bingle Stegmann; Matthes, Florian; Tessone, Claudio J (2023). Time Moves Faster When There is Nothing You Anticipate: The Role of Time in MEV Rewards. In: CCS '23: ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 November 2023. ACM Digital library, 1-8.
Böhnke, Victoria; Ongena, Steven; Paraschiv, Florentina; Reite, Endre J (2023). Back to the roots of internal credit risk models: Does risk explain why banks' risk-weighted asset levels converge over time? Journal of Banking and Finance, 156:106992.
Weingärtner, Tim; Fasser, Fabian; Reis Sá da Costa, Pedro; Farkas, Walter (2023). Deciphering DeFi: A Comprehensive Analysis and Visualization of Risks in Decentralized Finance. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(10):454.
Strauß, Nadine; Krakow, Jonathan; Chesney, Marc (2023). It’s the News, Stupid! The Relationship Between News Attention, Literacy, Trust, Greenwashing Perceptions and Sustainable Finance Investment in Switzerland. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 13(4):1480-1505.
Kammerlander, Nadine; Menges, Jochen; Herhausen, Dennis; Kipfelsberger, Petra; Bruch, Heike (2023). How family CEOs affect employees’ feelings and behaviors: A study on positive emotions. Long Range Planning, 56(5):102209.
Basten, Christoph; Mariathasan, Mike (2023). Interest rate pass-through and bank risk-taking under negative-rate policies with tiered remuneration of central bank reserves. Journal of Financial Stability, 68:101160.
Nistor, Simona; Ongena, Steven (2023). The Impact of Policy Interventions on Systemic Risk across Banks. Journal of Financial Services Research, 64(2):155-206.
Eichholtz, Piet; Ongena, Steven; Simeth, Nagihan; Yönder, Erkan (2023). Banks, non-banks, and the incorporation of local information in CMBS loan pricing. Journal of Banking and Finance, 154:106918.
Kandul, Serhiy; Lanz, Bruno; Reins, Evert (2023). Reciprocity and gift exchange in markets for credence goods. Games and Economic Behavior, 141:52-69.
Ferrari, Alessandro; Ossa, Ralph (2023). A quantitative analysis of subsidy competition in the U.S. Journal of Public Economics, 224:104919.
Leippold, Markus (2023). Sentiment spin: Attacking financial sentiment with GPT-3. Finance Research Letters, 55(B):103957.
Bachmann, Kremena; Hens, Thorsten; Lot, Andre; Xu, Xiaogeng (2023). Experimental research on retirement decision-making: evidence from replications. Journal of Banking and Finance, 152:106851.
Beck, Elliot; De Nard, Gianluca; Wolf, Michael (2023). Improved inference in financial factor models. International Review of Economics and Finance, 86:364-379.
Sautner, Zacharias; Van Lent, Laurence; Vilkov, Grigory; Zhang, Ruishen (2023). Firm‐level climate change exposure. Journal of Finance, 78(3):1449-1498.
Bedendo, Mascia; Garcia-Appendini, Emilia; Siming, Linus (2023). Managers' cultural origin and corporate response to an economic shock. Journal of Corporate Finance, 80:102412.
Akyildirim, Erdinc; Corbet, Shaen; Tiniç, Murat; Sensoy, Ahmet (2023). Adverse selection in cryptocurrency markets. The journal of financial research, 46(2):497-546.
Crépellière, Tommy; Pelster, Matthias; Zeisberger, Stefan (2023). Arbitrage in the market for cryptocurrencies. Journal of financial markets, 64:100817.
Ongena, Steven; Delis, Manthos D; Dioikitopoulos, Evangelos V (2023). Population diversity and financial risk-taking. Journal of Banking and Finance, 151:106852.
Fuhrer, Adrian; Hock, Thorsten (2023). Uncertainty in the black-litterman model: empirical estimation of the equilibrium. Journal of Empirical Finance, 72:251-275.
Hsieh, Chang-Tai; Li, Nicholas; Ossa, Ralph; Yang, Mu-Jeung (2023). Gains from trade liberalization with flexible extensive margin adjustment. Journal of International Economics, 142:103756.
Chen, Hui; Yang, Li (2023). Stability and Regime Change: The Evolution of Accounting Standards. The Accounting Review, 98(3):135-152.
Leippold, Markus (2023). Thus spoke GPT-3: Interviewing a large-language model on climate finance. Finance Research Letters, 53:103617.
Göx, Robert F; Michaeli, Beatrice (2023). Private Pre-Decision Information and the Pay–Performance Relation. The Accounting Review, 98(2):177-199.
Ferrari, Alessandro; Rogantini Picco, Anna (2023). Risk sharing and the adoption of the Euro. Journal of International Economics, 141:103727.
Herold, Florian; Netzer, Nick (2023). Second-best probability weighting. Games and Economic Behavior, 138:112-125.
Bartling, Björn; Özdemir, Yagiz (2023). The limits to moral erosion in markets: Social norms and the replacement excuse. Games and Economic Behavior, 138:143-160.
Paolella, Marc S; Polak, Paweł (2023). Density and Risk Prediction with Non-Gaussian COMFORT Models. Annals of Financial Economics, 18(01):2250033.
Cornelli, Giulio; Frost, Jon; Gambacorta, Leonardo; Rau, P Raghavendra; Wardrop, Robert; Ziegler, Tania (2023). Fintech and big tech credit: drivers of the growth of digital lending. Journal of Banking and Finance, 148:106742.
Burietz, Aurore; Ongena, Steven; Picault, Matthieu (2023). Taxing banks leverage and syndicated lending: A cross-country comparison. International Review of Law and Economics, 73:106103.
Barz, Christiane; Laumer, Simon; Freyschmidt, Marcel; Martínez-Blanco, Jesús (2023). Discrete dynamic pricing and application of network revenue management for FlixBus. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 22(1):16-33.
Adams-Prassl, Abi; Boneva, Teodora; Golin, Marta; Rauh, Christopher (2023). The value of sick pay. European Economic Review, 151:104314.
Leippold, Markus; Svatoň, Michal (2023). Trend and Reversal of Idiosyncratic Volatility Revisited. Critical Finance Review, 12(1-4):171-202.
Efing, Matthias; Hau, Harald; Kampkötter, Patrick; Rochet, Jean-Charles (2023). Bank bonus pay as a risk sharing contract. Review of Financial Studies, 36(1):235-280.
Garcia-Appendini, Emilia; Gatti, Stefano; Nocera, Giacomo (2023). Does asset encumbrance affect bank risk? Evidence from covered bonds. Journal of Banking and Finance, 146:106705.
Kok, Christoffer; Müller, Carola; Ongena, Steven; Pancaro, Cosimo (2023). The disciplining effect of supervisory scrutiny in the EU-wide stress test. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 53:101015.
Accetturo, Antonio; Barboni, Giorgia; Cascarano, Michele; Garcia-Appendini, Emilia (2023). The role of culture in firm-bank matching. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 53:101018.
Qi, Shusen; Hui, Kent Ngan-Cheung; Ongena, Steven (2023). Inter-industry FDI spillovers from foreign banks: Evidence in transition economies. Financial Management, 52(1):97-126.
Vargas, Carlos; Chesney, Marc (2023). What are you waiting to invest in grid-connected residential photovoltaics in California? Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 13(1):660-677.
Doerr, Sebastian; Gissler, Stefan; Peydró, José-Luis; Voth, Hans-Joachim (2022). Financial crises and political radicalization: how failing banks paved Hitler's path to power. Journal of Finance, 77(6):3339-3372.
Rehbein, Oliver; Ongena, Steven (2022). Flooded through the back door: The role of bank capital in local shock spillovers. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57(7):2627-2658.
Fischbacher, Urs; Hausfeld, Jan; Renerte, Baiba (2022). Strategic incentives undermine gaze as a signal of prosocial motives. Games and Economic Behavior, 136:63-91.
Alessi, Lucia; Battiston, Stefano (2022). Two sides of the same coin: Green Taxonomy alignment versus transition risk in financial portfolios. International Review of Financial Analysis, 84:102319.
Zeisberger, Stefan (2022). Do People Care about Loss Probabilities? Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 65:185-213.
Auer, Raphael; Matyunina, Alexandra; Ongena, Steven (2022). The Countercyclical Capital Buffer and the Composition of Bank Lending. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 52:100965.
Brenøe, Anne Ardila; Epper, Thomas (2022). Parenting values and the intergenerational transmission of time preferences. European Economic Review, 148:104208.
Fahn, Matthias; Seibel, Regina (2022). Present bias in the labor market - when it pays to be naive. Games and Economic Behavior, 135:144-167.
De Nard, Gianluca; Zhao, Zhao (2022). A large-dimensional test for cross-sectional anomalies:Efficient sorting revisited. International Review of Economics and Finance, 80:654-676.
Hoffmann, Mathias; Maslov, Egor; Sørensen, Bent E (2022). Small firms and domestic bank dependence in Europe's great recession. Journal of International Economics, 137:103623.
Hoffmann, Mathias; Okubo, Toshihiro (2022). ‘By a silken thread’: regional banking integration and credit reallocation during Japan's lost decade. Journal of International Economics, 137:103579.
Hens, Thorsten; Schnetzer, Michael (2022). Evolutionary Finance for Multi-Asset Investors. Financial Analysts Journal, 78(3):115-127.
Bingler, Julia Anna; Kraus, Mathias; Leippold, Markus; Webersinke, Nicolas (2022). Cheap talk and cherry-picking: What climatebert has to say on corporate climate risk disclosures. Finance Research Letters, 47:102776.
Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Garagnani, Michele (2022). Strength of preference and decisions under risk. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 64(3):309-329.
Behnk, Sascha; Hao, Li; Reuben, Ernesto (2022). Shifting normative beliefs: On why groups behave more antisocially than individuals. European Economic Review, 145:104116.
Ongena, Steven; Savaser, Tanseli; Sisli Ciamarra, Elif (2022). CEO incentives and bank risk over the business cycle. Journal of Banking and Finance, 138:106460.
De Nard, Gianluca; Engle, Robert F; Ledoit, Olivier; Wolf, Michael (2022). Large dynamic covariance matrices: Enhancements based on intraday data. Journal of Banking and Finance, 138:106426.
van Aaken, Dominik; Rost, Katja; Seidl, David (2022). The impact of social class on top managers’ attitudes towards employee downsizing. Long Range Planning, 55(2):102129.
Brumm, Johannes; Feng, Xiangyu; Kotlikoff, Laurence; Kübler, Felix (2022). Are Deficits free? Journal of Public Economics, 208:104627.
Peng, Yushi; Ioannidou, Vasso; Pavanini, Nicola (2022). Collateral and Asymmetric Information in Lending Markets. Journal of Financial Economics, 144(1):93-121.
Fu, Jonathan; Mishra, Mrinal (2022). Fintech in the time of COVID-19: Technological adoption during crises. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 50:100945.
Liebrich, Felix-Benedikt; Munari, Cosimo (2022). Law-Invariant Functionals that Collapse to the Mean: Beyond Convexity. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 16(3):447-480.
Alos-Ferrer, Carlos; Buckenmaier, Johannes; Garagnani, Michele; Ritschel, Alexander (2022). The reinforcement paradox: monetary incentives and Bayesian updating. Economics Letters, 211:110200.
Delis, Manthos D; Hasan, Iftekhar; Iosifidi, Maria; Ongena, Steven (2022). Gender, Credit, and Firm Outcomes. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57(1):359-389.
Andries, Alin Marius; Ongena, Steven; Sprincean, Nicu; Tunaru, Radu (2022). Risk Spillovers and Interconnectedness between Systemically Important Institutions. Journal of Financial Stability, 58:100963.
Auer, Raphael; Matyunina, Alexandra; Ongena, Steven (2022). The countercyclical capital buffer and the composition of bank lending. Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper 21-66, Swiss Finance Institute.
Carroux, Sarah Louise; Busch, Timo; Paetzold, Falko (2022). Unlocking the black box of private impact investors. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 14(1):149-168.
Hens, Thorsten; Schnetzer, Michael (2022). Evolutionary finance for multi-asset investors. Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper 22-05, University of Zurich.
Hummel, Katrin; Szekely, Manuel (2022). Disclosure on the Sustainable Development Goals – Evidence from Europe. Accounting in Europe, 19(1):152-189.
Alos-Ferrer, Carlos (2022). The Trembling Chairman Paradox. Games and Economic Behavior, 131:51-56.
Burzoni, Matteo; Munari, Cosimo; Wang, Ruodu (2022). Adjusted Expected Shortfall. Journal of Banking and Finance, 134:106297.
Borsboom, Charlotte; Janssen, Dirk-Jan; Strucks, Markus; Zeisberger, Stefan (2022). History Matters: How Short-Term Price Charts Hurt Investment Performance. Journal of Banking and Finance, 134:106351.
Delis, Manthos D; Iosifidi, Maria; Kazakis, Pantelis; Ongena, Steven; Tsionas, Mike G (2022). Management practises and M&A success. Journal of Banking and Finance, 134:106355.
Petrov, Evgeny; Stocken, Phillip C (2022). Auditor Specialization and Information Spillovers. The accounting review, 97(7):401-428.
Battiston, Stefano; Bressan, Giacomo; Monasterolo, Irene (2022). Sustainable investing and climate transition risk: a portfolio rebalancing approach. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 48(10):165-192.
Akyildirim, Erdinc; Sensoy, Ahmet; Gulay, Guzhan; Corbet, Shaen; Salari, Hajar Novin (2021). Big data analytics, order imbalance and the predictability of stock returns. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 62:100717.
Fatouh, Mahmoud; Giansante, Simone; Ongena, Steven (2021). Economic support during the Covid crisis. Quantitative Easing and Lending Support Schemes in the UK. Economics Letters, 209:110138.
Andries, Alin Marius; Ongena, Steven; Sprincean, Nicu (2021). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Sovereign Bond Risk. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 58:101527.
Nyborg, Kjell G; Wang, Zexi (2021). The Effect of Stock Liquidity on Cash Holdings: The Repurchase Motiv. Journal of Financial Economics, 142(2):905-927.
Goncharenko, Roman; Ongena, Steven; Rauf, Asad (2021). The Agency of CoCos: Why Contingent Convertible Bonds Aren’t for Everyone. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 48:100882.
Cheng, Hua; Gawande, Kishore; Ongena, Steven; Qi, Shusen (2021). Connected banks and economic policy uncertainty. Journal of Financial Stability, 56:100920.
Altavilla, Carlo; Boucinha, Miguel; Holton, Sarah; Ongena, Steven (2021). Credit Supply and Demand in Unconventional Times. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53(8):2071-2098.
Dasgupta, Amil; Fos, Vyacheslav; Sautner, Zacharias (2021). Institutional investors and corporate governance. Foundations and trends in finance, 12(4):276-394.
Jaimovich, Nir; Saporta-Eksten, Itay; Siu, Henry; Yedid-Levi, Yaniv (2021). The macroeconomics of automation: Data, theory, and policy analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics, 122:1-16.
Akyildirim, Erdinc; Aysan, Ahmet Faruk; Cepni, Oguzhan; Darendeli, S Pinar Ceyhan (2021). Do investor sentiments drive cryptocurrency prices? Economics Letters, 206:109980.
Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Jaudas, Alexander; Ritschel, Alexander (2021). Effortful Bayesian updating: a pupil-dilation study. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 63(1):81-102.
Alvarez, Sebastian (2021). International banking and financial fragility: the role of regulation in Brazil and Mexico, 1967–1982. Financial History Review, 28(2):175-204.
Buckenmaier, Johannes; Dimant, Eugen (2021). The experience is (not) everything: Sequential outcomes and social decision-making. Economics Letters, 205:109916.
Delbaen, Freddy (2021). Commonotonicity and time-consistency for Lebesgue-continuous monetary utility functions. Finance and Stochastics, 25(3):597-614.
Falkinger, Josef; Habib, Michel A (2021). Managerial Discretion and Shareholder Capital at Risk. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48(7-8):1215-1245.
Bonfim, Diana; Nogueira, Gil; Ongena, Steven (2021). “Sorry, We're Closed” Bank Branch Closures, Loan Pricing, and Information Asymmetries. Review of Finance, 25(4):1211-1259.
Cremers, Martijn; Pareek, Ankur; Sautner, Zacharias (2021). Short-term institutions, analyst recommendations, and mispricing: The role of higher order beliefs. Journal of Accounting Research, 59(3):911-958.
Cerrone, Claudia; Hermstrüwer, Yoan; Robalo, Pedro (2021). Debarment and collusion in procurement auctions. Games and Economic Behavior:114-143.
Battiston, Stefano; Escobar-Farfán, Luis O L; Martinez-Jaramillo, Serafin; Roncoroni, Alan (2021). Climate risk and financial stability in the network of banks and investment funds. Journal of Financial Stability, 54:100870.
Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Herz, Holger; Kosfeld, Michael; Oswald, Yvonne (2021). Do preferences and biases predict life outcomes? Evidence from education and labor market entry decisions. European Economic Review, 134:103709.
Braggion, Fabio; Dwarkasing, Mintra; Ongena, Steven (2021). Household Inequality, Entrepreneurial Dynamism, and Corporate Financing. Review of Financial Studies, 34(5):2448-2507.
Zweifel, Peter (2021). Bridging the gap between risk and uncertainty in insurance. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 46(2):200-213.
Carletti, Elena; Ongena, Steven; Siedlarek, Jan-Peter; Spagnolo, Giancarlo (2021). The Impact of Stricter Merger Control on Bank Mergers and Acquisitions: Too-Big-To-Fail and Competition. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 46:100859.
Paolella, Marc S; Polak, Pawel; Walker, Patrick S (2021). A non-elliptical orthogonal GARCH model for portfolio selection under transaction costs. Journal of Banking and Finance, 125:106046.
Farkas, Walter; Mathys, Ludovic; Vasiljevic, Nikola (2021). Intra‐Horizon expected shortfall and risk structure in models with jumps. Mathematical Finance, 31(2):772-823.
Kolaric, Sascha; Kiesel, Florian; Ongena, Steven (2021). Market Discipline through Credit Ratings and Too‐Big‐to‐Fail in Banking. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53(2-3):367-400.
Blind, Georg D; Lottanti von Mandach, Stefania (2021). Private Equity Buyouts in Japan: Effects on Employment Numbers. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 59:101121.
Campos-Mercade, Pol; Meier, Armando N; Schneider, Florian H; Wengström, Erik (2021). Prosociality predicts health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Economics, 195:104367.
Chen, Hui; Letmathe, Peter; Soderstrom, Naomi (2021). Reporting Bias and Monitoring in Clean Development Mechanism Projects*. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(1):7-31.
Ongena, Steven; Schindele, Ibolya; Vonnak, Dzsamila (2021). In lands of foreign currency credit, bank lending channels run through? Journal of International Economics, 129:103435.
Akyildirim, Erdinc; Corbet, Shaen; O'Connell, John F; Sensoy, Ahmet (2021). The influence of aviation disasters on engine manufacturers: An analysis of financial and reputational contagion risks. International Review of Financial Analysis, 74:101630.
Ilhan, Emirhan; Sautner, Zacharias; Vilkov, Grigory (2021). Carbon tail risk. Review of Financial Studies, 34(3):1540-1571.
Battiston, Stefano; Barucca, Paolo; Napoletano, Mauro; Luu, Duc Thi (2021). Collateral Unchained: Rehypothecation networks, concentration and systemic effects. Journal of Financial Stability, 52:100811.
Eugster, Florian; Wagner, Alexander F (2021). Earning Investor Trust: The Role of Past Earnings Management. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48(1-2):269-307.
Battiston, Stefano; Martinez-Jaramillo, Serafin (2021). Network models and stress testing for financial stability: The conference. Journal of Financial Stability, 52:100812.
Mayordomo, Sergio; Moreno, Antonio; Ongena, Steven; Rodriguez-Moreno, Maria (2021). Bank capital requirements, loan guarantees and firm performance. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 45:100825.
Arduca, Maria; Koch-Medina, Pablo; Munari, Cosimo (2021). Dual representations for systemic risk measures based on acceptance sets. Mathematics and Financial Economics, 15(1):155-184.
Izzeldin, Marwan; Johnes, Jill; Ongena, Steven; Pappas, Vasileios; Tsionas, Mike (2021). Efficiency convergence in Islamic and conventional banks. Journal of international financial markets, institutions & money, 70:101279.
Bellini, Fabio; Koch-Medina, Pablo; Munari, Cosimo; Svindland, Gregor (2021). Law-Invariant Functionals on General Spaces of Random Variables. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 12(1):318-341.
Munari, Cosimo (2021). Multi-utility representations of incomplete preferences induced by set-valued risk measures. Finance and Stochastics, 25(1):77-99.
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