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Gaultier, M Benoit (2024). On the nature (and irrationality) of non-religious faith. Erkenntnis:1-21.
Meylan, Anne (2024). In defence of the normative account of ignorance. Erkenntnis, 89(1):207-221.
Mathony, Marvin; Messerli, Michael (2024). Transformative experiences, cognitive modelling and affective forecasting. Erkenntnis, 89(1):65-87.
Knoks, Aleks (2023). Conciliatory reasoning, self-defeat, and abstract argumentation. Review of Symbolic Logic, 16(3):740-787.
Isaac, Manuel Gustavo (2023). Which concept of concept for conceptual engineering? Erkenntnis, 88(5):2145-2169.
Field, Claire; Jacinto, Bruno (2022). Bridge principles and epistemic norms. Erkenntnis:online.
Logins, Artūrs (2022). Is an increase in probability always an increase in evidential support? Erkenntnis, 87(3):1231-1255.
Schmidt, Sebastian (2021). Epistemic blame and the normativity of evidence. Erkenntnis, 89:1-24.
Meylan, Anne (2019). The reasons-responsiveness account of doxastic responsibility and the basing relation. Erkenntnis, 84(4):877-893.
Felka, Katharina (2018). Comments on Stephen Yablo’s aboutness. Erkenntnis, 83(6):1181-1194.
Reuter, Kevin (2017). The developmental challenge to the paradox of pain. Erkenntnis, 82(2):265-283.
Isaac, Manuel Gustavo (2016). Widersinn in Husserl’s Pure Logic. Logica Universalis, 10(4):419-430.
Glock, Hans-Johann (2015). Nonsense Made Intelligible. Erkenntnis, 80(S1):111-136.
Schulte, Peter (2014). Beyond verbal disputes: The compatibilism debate revisited. Erkenntnis, 79(3):669-685.
Steinberg, Alex (2014). Defining global supervenience. Erkenntnis, 79(2):367-380.
Grimson, Rafael; Kuijpers, Bart; Othman, Walied (2012). Quantifier elimination for elementary geometry and elementary affine geometry. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 58(6):399-416.
Falkinger, Josef (1980). Reduzierbarkeit von berechenbaren Numerierungen von P1. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 26:445-458.
Falkinger, Josef (1980). Universalität von berechenbaren Numerierungen von partiell rekursiven Funktionen. Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 26(32-33):523-528.