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Lagos, Tomás; Choi, Junyeong; Segundo, Brittany; Gan, Jianbang; Ntaimo, Lewis; Prokopyev, Oleg A (2025). Bilevel optimization approach for fuel treatment planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 320(1):205-218.


Yan, Ruifang; Abgrall, Remi; Wu, Kailiang (2024). Uniformly high-order bound-preserving OEDG schemes for two-phase flows. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 34(13):2537-2610.

Wissocq, Gauthier; Abgrall, Remi (2024). A new local and explicit kinetic method for linear and non-linear convection-diffusion problems with finite kinetic speeds: I. One-dimensional case. Journal of Computational Physics, 518:113333.

Alminawi, Mohammad; Brivio, Ilaria; Davighi, Joe (2024). Jet bundle geometry of scalar field theories. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 57(43):435401.

Wissocq, Gauthier; Abgrall, Remi (2024). A new local and explicit kinetic method for linear and non-linear convection-diffusion problems with finite kinetic speeds: II. Multi-dimensional case. Journal of Computational Physics, 516:113376.

Pellegrino, Elisa; Dellwo, Volker; Pardo, Jennifer S; Möbius, Bernd (2024). Forms, factors and functions of phonetic convergence: Editorial. Speech Communication, 165:103142.

Dommann, Julian; Kerbl-Knapp, Jakob; Albertos Torres, Diana; Egli, Adrian; Keiser, Jennifer; Schneeberger, Pierre H H (2024). A novel barcoded nanopore sequencing workflow of high-quality, full-length bacterial 16S amplicons for taxonomic annotation of bacterial isolates and complex microbial communities. mSystems, 9(10):e0085924.

Sachs, David; Jakob, Raphael; Restivo, Gaetana; Hafner, Jürg; Lindenblatt, Nicole; Ehret, Alexander E; Mazza, Edoardo (2024). A quadriphasic mechanical model of the human dermis. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 23(4):1121-1136.

Abreu, Zita; Rosenthal, Joachim; Schaller, Michael (2024). Algorithms for Computing the Free Distance of Convolutional Codes. In: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Athens, Greece, 7 July 2024 - 12 July 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1764-1769.

Hanus, Sarah; Schuster, Lilian; Burek, Peter; Maussion, Fabien; Wada, Yoshihide; Viviroli, Daniel (2024). Coupling a large-scale glacier and hydrological model (OGGM v1.5.3 and CWatM V1.08) – towards an improved representation of mountain water resources in global assessments. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(13):5123-5144.

Furrer, Reinhard; Hediger, Michael (2024). On the orthogonality of zero-mean Gaussian measures: Sufficiently dense sampling. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 173:104356.

Rigoux, Lionel; Stephan, Klaas E; Petzschner, Frederike H (2024). Beliefs, compulsive behavior and reduced confidence in control. PLoS Computational Biology, 20(6):e1012207.

Wu, Wenyuan; Heierli, Jasmin; Meisterhans, Max; Moser, Adrian; Färber, Andri; Dolata, Mateusz; Gavagnin, Elena; de Spindler, Alexandre; Schwabe, Gerhard (2024). PROMISE: A Framework for Model-Driven Stateful Prompt Orchestration. In: Islam, Shareeful; Sturm, Arnon. Intelligent Information Systems. Cham: Springer, 157-165.

Phaniraj, Nikhil; Brügger, Rahel K; Burkart, Judith M (2024). Marmosets mutually compensate for differences in rhythms when coordinating vigilance. PLoS Computational Biology, 20(5):e1012104.

Müller, Katharina O E; Schumm, Daria; Wallace, Elliott; Rodrigues, Bruno; Stiller, Burkhard (2024). SHIFT: a Security and Home Integration Framework for IoT. In: NOMS 2024-2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 6 May 2024 - 10 May 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-7.

Feng, Chao; Celdran, Alberto Huertas; Vuong, Michael; Bovet, Gérôme; Stiller, Burkhard (2024). Voyager: MTD-Based Aggregation Protocol for Mitigating Poisoning Attacks on DFL. In: NOMS 2024-2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 6 May 2024 - 10 May 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-9.

Abgrall, Remi; Farhat, Charbel; Pironneau, Olivier (2024). A few words about Roland Glowinski. Journal of Computational Physics, 505:112919.

Urman, Aleksandra; Smirnov, Ivan; Lasser, Jana (2024). The right to audit and power asymmetries in algorithm auditing. EPJ Data Science, 13:19.

Bell, David R; Ledoit, Olivier; Wolf, Michael (2024). A novel estimator of Earth’s curvature (allowing for inference as well). Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(1):585-599.

Ketkov, Sergey S (2024). A study of distributionally robust mixed-integer programming with Wasserstein metric: on the value of incomplete data. European Journal of Operational Research, 313(2):602-615.

Dandl, Susanne; Haslinger, Christian; Hothorn, Torsten; Seibold, Heidi; Sverdrup, Erik; Wager, Stefan; Zeileis, Achim (2024). What makes forest-based heterogeneous treatment effect estimators work? Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(1):506-528.

Hasl, Andrea; Voelkle, Manuel; Driver, Charles C; Kretschmann, Julia; Brunner, Martin (2024). Leveraging observation timing variability to understand intervention effects in panel studies: an empirical illustration and simulation study. Structural Equation Modeling, 31(1):48-63.

Serafino, Matteo; Zhou, Zhenkun; Andrade, José S; Bovet, Alexandre; Makse, Hernán A (2024). Suspended accounts align with the Internet Research Agency misinformation campaign to influence the 2016 US election. EPJ Data Science, 13(1):29.


Elmer, Timon (2023). Computational social science is growing up: why puberty consists of embracing measurement validation, theory development, and open science practices. EPJ Data Science, 12(1):58.

Leippold, Markus; Yang, Hanlin (2023). Mixed-Frequency Predictive Regressions. Journal of Forecasting, 42(8):1955-1972.

Soussi, Wissem; Christopoulou, Maria; Gür, Gürkan; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). MERLINS – Moving Target Defense Enhanced with Deep-RL for NFV In-Depth Security. In: 2023 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), Dresden, Germany, 7 November 2023 - 9 November 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 65-71.

Sauter, Stefan (2023). The inf-sup constant for hp-Crouzeix-Raviart triangular elements. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 149:49-70.

Epp, Robert; Glück, Chaim; Binder, Nadine Felizitas; El Amki, Mohamad; Weber, Bruno; Wegener, Susanne; Jenny, Patrick; Schmid, Franca (2023). The role of leptomeningeal collaterals in redistributing blood flow during stroke. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(10):e1011496.

Jiang, Jianfei; Aegerter, Christof M (2023). An integrated vertex model of the mesoderm invagination during the embryonic development of Drosophila. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 572:111581.

Rocchini, Duccio; Nowosad, Jakub; D’Introno, Rossella; Chieffallo, Ludovico; Bacaro, Giovanni; Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla; Foody, Giles M; Furrer, Reinhard; Gábor, Lukáš; Malavasi, Marco; Marcantonio, Matteo; Marchetto, Elisa; Moudrý, Vítězslav; Ricotta, Carlo; Šímová, Petra; Torresani, Michele; Thouverai, Elisa (2023). Scientific maps should reach everyone: The cblindplot R package to let colour blind people visualise spatial patterns. Ecological Informatics, 76:102045.

Steiner, Carina; Studer-Joho, Dieter; Lanthemann, Corinne; Büchler, Andrin; Leemann, Adrian (2023). Sociodemographic and Attitudinal Effects on Dialect Speakers’ Articulation of the Standard Language: Evidence from German-Speaking Switzerland. In: INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 20 August 2023 - 24 August 2023. ISCA - International Speech Communication Association, 3542-3546.

Zebe, Franka (2023). Increasing aspiration of word-medial fortis plosives in Swiss Standard German. In: INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 20 August 2023 - 24 August 2023. ISCA - International Speech Communication Association, 1828-1832.

Gontier, Camille; Surace, Simone Carlo; Delvendahl, Igor; Müller, Martin; Pfister, Jean-Pascal (2023). Efficient sampling-based Bayesian Active Learning for synaptic characterization. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(8):e1011342.

Ahn, Emily P; Levow, Gina-Anne; Wright, Richard A; Chodroff, Eleanor (2023). An Outlier Analysis of Vowel Formants from a Corpus Phonetics Pipeline. In: INTERSPEECH 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 20 August 2023 - 24 August 2023, ISCA - International Speech Communication Association.

Nassajian Mojarrad, Fatemeh; Han Veiga, Maria; Hesthaven, Jan S; Öffner, Philipp (2023). A new variable shape parameter strategy for RBF approximation using neural networks. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 143:151-168.

Matsypura, Dmytro; Veremyev, Alexander; Pasiliao, Eduardo L; Prokopyev, Oleg (2023). Finding the most degree-central walks and paths in a graph: Exact and heuristic approaches. European Journal of Operational Research, 308(3):1021-1036.

Klatte, Diethard (2023). On calmness of the optimal value function. Applied set-valued analysis and optimization, 5(2):253-264.

Laumer, Simon; Barz, Christiane (2023). Reductions of non-separable approximate linear programs for network revenue management. European Journal of Operational Research, 309(1):252-270.

De Sterck, Hans; Shu, Chi-Wang; Abgrall, Remi (2023). Enhancing reproducibility of research papers in SISC, JSC and JCP. Journal of Computational Physics, 484(C):112088.

Adde, Antoine; Rey, Pierre-Louis; Fopp, Fabian; Petitpierre, Blaise; Schweiger, Anna K; Broennimann, Olivier; Lehmann, Anthony; Zimmermann, Niklaus E; Altermatt, Florian; Pellissier, Loïc; Guisan, Antoine (2023). Too many candidates: Embedded covariate selection procedure for species distribution modelling with the covsel R package. Ecological Informatics, 75:102080.

Hammarén, Milka Marjut; Luukinen, Hanna; Sillanpää, Alina; Remans, Kim; Lapouge, Karine; Custódio, Tânia; Löw, Christian; Myllymäki, Henna; Montonen, Toni; Seeger, Markus; Robertson, Joseph; Nyman, Tuula A; Savijoki, Kirsi; Parikka, Mataleena (2023). In vitro and ex vivo proteomics of Mycobacterium marinum biofilms and the development of biofilm-binding synthetic nanobodies. mSystems, 8(3):e0107322.

Abreu, Zita; Lieb, Julia; Rosenthal, Joachim (2023). Binary convolutional codes with optimal column distances. In: 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Taipei, Taiwan, 25 June 2023 - 30 June 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1271-1276.

Tiberi, Simone; Crowell, Helena L; Samartsidis, Pantelis; Weber, Lukas M; Robinson, Mark D (2023). distinct: A novel approach to differential distribution analyses. Annals of Applied Statistics, 17(2):1681-1700.

Han, Chao; English, Gwendolyn; Saal, Hannes P; Indiveri, Giacomo; Gilra, Aditya; von der Behrens, Wolfger; Vasilaki, Eleni (2023). Modelling novelty detection in the thalamocortical loop. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(5):e1009616.

Figueredo Franco, Muriel; Zambenedetti Granville, Lisandro; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). CyberTEA: a Technical and Economic Approach for Cybersecurity Planning and Investment. In: NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, FL, USA, 8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10154307.

Soussi, Wissem; Christopoulou, Maria; Xilouris, George; de Oca, Edgardo Montes; Lefebvre, Vincent; Gür, Gürkan; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). Demo: Closed-Loop Security Orchestration in the Telco Cloud for Moving Target Defense. In: NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, FL, USA, 8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10154420.

Celdrán, Alberto Huertas; von der Assen, Jan; Moser, Konstantin; Sánchez Sánchez, Pedro M; Bovet, Gérôme; Martínez Pérez, Gregorio; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). Early Detection of Cryptojacker Malicious Behaviors on IoT Crowdsensing Devices. In: NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, FL, USA, 8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10154392.

Rodrigues, Bruno; Scheid, Eder J; Willems, Julius; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). Real-time Medical Devices Inventory Tracking – a Hands-on Experience. In: NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, FL, USA, 8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10154401.

Von der Assen, Jan; Celdran, Alberto Huertas; Zermin, Adrian; Mogicato, Raffael; Bovet, Gérôme; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). SecBox: A Lightweight Container-based Sandbox for Dynamic Malware Analysis. In: NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, FL, USA, 8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10154293.

Soussi, Wissem; Christopoulou, Maria; Anagnostopoulos, Themis; Gür, Gürkan; Stiller, Burkhard (2023). TopoFuzzer - A Network Topology Fuzzer for Moving Target Defense in the Telco Cloud. In: NOMS 2023-2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Miami, FL, USA, 8 May 2023 - 12 May 2023. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 10154367.

Zhong, Haonan; Mahdavi Pajouh, Foad; Prokopyev, Oleg (2023). On designing networks resilient to clique blockers. European Journal of Operational Research, 307(1):20-32.

Stawarczyk, Bogna; Roos, Malgorzata (2023). Establishing effective cross-disciplinary collaboration: Combining simple rules for reproducible computational research, a good data management plan, and good research practice. PLoS Computational Biology, 19(4):e1011052.

Petrella, M; Abgrall, Remi; Mishra, S (2023). On the discrete equation model for compressible multiphase fluid flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 478:111974.

Yang, Hairuo (2023). On the law of terminal value of additive martingales in a remarkable branching stable process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 158:361-376.

Abgrall, Remi; Barsukow, Wasilij (2023). Extensions of Active Flux to arbitrary order of accuracy. ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 57(2):991-1027.

Koch, Tobias; Voelkle, Manuel C; Driver, Charles C (2023). Analyzing longitudinal multirater data with individually varying time intervals. Structural Equation Modeling, 30(1):86-104.

Abgrall, Remi; Rai, Pratik; Renac, Florent (2023). A discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method for a nonconservative compressible multicomponent flow model. Journal of Computational Physics, 472:111693.

Abgrall, Remi; Lukáčova-Medvid’ová, Mária; Öffner, Philipp (2023). On the convergence of residual distribution schemes for the compressible Euler equations via dissipative weak solutions. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 33(01):139-173.


Fadda, Edoardo; He, Junda; Tessone, Claudio J; Barucca, Paolo (2022). Consensus formation on heterogeneous networks. EPJ Data Science, 11(1):34.

Hartmann, Maximilian C; Schott, Moritz; Dsouza, Alishiba; Metz, Yannick; Volpi, Michele; Purves, Ross S (2022). A text and image analysis workflow using citizen science data to extract relevant social media records: Combining red kite observations from Flickr, eBird and iNaturalist. Ecological Informatics, 71:101782.

Jayakumar, Priyanikha; Figueiredo, Alexandre R T; Kümmerli, Rolf (2022). Evolution of Quorum Sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Can Occur via Loss of Function and Regulon Modulation. mSystems, 7(5):e0035422.

Bulzu, Paul-Adrian; Kavagutti, Vinicius S; Andrei, Adrian-Stefan; Ghai, Rohit (2022). The Evolutionary Kaleidoscope of Rhodopsins. mSystems, 7(5):e0040522.

Abgrall, Rémi; Le Mélédo, Elise; Öffner, Philipp; Torlo, Davide (2022). Relaxation deferred correction methods and their applications to residual distribution schemes. SMAI journal of computational mathematics, 8:125-160.

Chernyak, Bronya Roni; Ben Simon, Talia; Segal, Yael; Steffman, Jeremy; Chodroff, Eleanor; Cole, Jennifer; Keshet, Joseph (2022). DeepFry: Identifying Vocal Fry Using Deep Neural Networks. In: Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea, 18 September 2022 - 22 September 2022, 3578-3582.

Bradshaw, Leah; Chodroff, Eleanor; Jäger, Lena; Dellwo, Volker (2022). Fundamental Frequency Variability over Time in Telephone Interactions. In: Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea, 18 September 2022 - 22 September 2022.

De Nard, Gianluca; Hediger, Simon; Leippold, Markus (2022). Subsampled Factor Models for Asset Pricing: The Rise of Vasa. Journal of Forecasting, 41(6):1217-1247.

Kerstjens, Stan; Michel, Gabriela; Douglas, Rodney J (2022). Constructive connectomics: How neuronal axons get from here to there using gene-expression maps derived from their family trees. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(8):e1010382.

Batzilla, Alina; Lu, Junyan; Kivioja, Jarno; Putzker, Kerstin; Lewis, Joe; Zenz, Thorsten; Huber, Wolfgang (2022). Inferring tumor-specific cancer dependencies through integrating ex vivo drug response assays and drug-protein profiling. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(8):e1010438.

Bertolini, Anne; Prummer, Michael; Tuncel, M A; Menzel, Ulrike; Rosano-González, María Lourdes; Kuipers, Jack; Stekhoven, Daniel Johannes; Tumor Profiler consortium; Beerenwinkel, Niko; Singer, Franziska (2022). scAmpi—A versatile pipeline for single-cell RNA-seq analysis from basics to clinics. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(6):e1010097.

Moura, Rita; Borges, Margarida; Oliveira, Dulce; Parente, Marco; Kimmich, Nina; Mascarenhas, Teresa; Natal, Renato (2022). A biomechanical study of the birth position: a natural struggle between mother and fetus. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 21(3):937-951.

Held, Leonhard; Micheloud, Charlotte; Pawel, Samuel (2022). The assessment of replication success based on relative effect size. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16(2):706-720.

Schwab, Simon; Janiaud, Perrine; Dayan, Michael; Amrhein, Valentin; Panczak, Radoslaw; Palagi, Patricia M; Hemkens, Lars G; Ramon, Meike; Rothen, Nicolas; Senn, Stephen; Furrer, Eva; Held, Leonhard (2022). Ten simple rules for good research practice. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(6):e1010139.

Lin, Jianfang; Ren, Yupeng; Abgrall, Rémi; Qiu, Jianxian (2022). High order residual distribution conservative finite difference HWENO scheme for steady state problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 457:111045.

Čaušević, Senka; Tackmann, Janko; Sentchilo, Vladimir; von Mering, Christian; van der Meer, Jan Roelof (2022). Reproducible Propagation of Species-Rich Soil Bacterial Communities Suggests Robust Underlying Deterministic Principles of Community Formation. mSystems, 7(2):e0016022.

Munglani, Gautam; Vogler, Hannes; Grossniklaus, Ueli (2022). Fast and flexible processing of large FRET image stacks using the FRET-IBRA toolkit. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(4):1009242.

Cheng, Rongshan; Wang, Huizhi; Dimitriou, Dimitris; Jiang, Ziang; Cheng, Cheng-Kung; Tsai, Tsung-Yuan (2022). Central femoral tunnel placement can reduce stress and strain around bone tunnels and graft more than anteromedial femoral tunnel in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 38(5):e3590.

Abgrall, Rémi; Öffner, Philipp; Ranocha, Hendrik (2022). Reinterpretation and extension of entropy correction terms for residual distribution and discontinuous Galerkin schemes: Application to structure preserving discretization. Journal of Computational Physics, 453:110955.

Carstensen, C; Sauter, Stefan (2022). Critical functions and inf-sup stability of Crouzeix-Raviart elements. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 108:12-23.

Veremyev, Alexander; Boginski, Vladimir; Pasiliao, Eduardo L; Prokopyev, Oleg A (2022). On integer programming models for the maximum 2-club problem and its robust generalizations in sparse graphs. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(1):86-101.

Datseris, George; Vahdati, Ali R; DuBois, Timothy C (2022). Agents.jl: a performant and feature-full agent-based modeling software of minimal code complexity. Simulation:003754972110688.


Saikia, Eashan; Läubli, Nino F; Vogler, Hannes; Rüggeberg, Markus; Herrmann, Hans J; Burgert, Ingo; Burri, Jan T; Nelson, Bradley J; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Wittel, Falk K (2021). Correction to: Mechanical factors contributing to the Venus flytrap’s rate-dependent response to stimuli. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 20(6):2299.

Tsirkin, Stepan S (2021). High performance Wannier interpolation of Berry curvature and related quantities with WannierBerri code. npj Computational Materials, 7(1):33.

Saikia, Eashan; Läubli, Nino F; Vogler, Hannes; Rüggeberg, Markus; Herrmann, Hans J; Burgert, Ingo; Burri, Jan T; Nelson, Bradley J; Grossniklaus, Ueli; Wittel, Falk K (2021). Mechanical factors contributing to the Venus flytrap’s rate-dependent response to stimuli. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 20(6):2287-2297.

Goers, Roland; Coman Schmid, Diana; Jäggi, Vera F; Paioni, Paolo; Okoniewski, Michal J; Parker, Althea; Bangerter, Beat; Georgakopoulou, Sofia; Sengstag, Thierry; Bielicki, Julia; Tilen, Romy; Vermeul, Swen; Krämer, Stefanie D; Berger, Christoph; Rinn, Bernd; Meyer Zu Schwabedissen, Henriette E (2021). SwissPK$^{cdw}$ - A clinical data warehouse for the optimization of pediatric dosing regimens. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 10(12):1578-1587.

Abgrall, Remi (2021). Editorial. Journal of Computational Physics, 445:110625.

Gasparini, Lorenzo; Fregnan, Enrico; Braz, Larissa; Baum, Tobias; Bacchelli, Alberto (2021). ChangeViz: Enhancing the GitHub Pull Request Interface with Method Call Information. In: 2021 Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), Luxembourg, 27 October 2021 - 28 October 2021. IEEE, 115-119.

Balakrishna, Suraj; Salazar-Vizcaya, Luisa; Schmidt, Axel J; Kachalov, Viacheslav; Kusejko, Katharina; Thurnheer, Maria Christine; Roth, Jan A; Nicca, Dunja; Cavassini, Matthias; Battegay, Manuel; Schmid, Patrick; Bernasconi, Enos; Günthard, Huldrych F; Rauch, Andri; Kouyos, Roger D; Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2021). Assessing the drivers of syphilis among men who have sex with men in Switzerland reveals a key impact of screening frequency: A modelling study. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(10):e1009529.

Flores Ramos, Stephany; Brugger, Silvio D; Escapa, Isabel Fernandez; Skeete, Chelsey A; Cotton, Sean L; Eslami, Sara M; Gao, Wei; Bomar, Lindsey; Tran, Tommy H; Jones, Dakota S; Minot, Samuel; Roberts, Richard J; Johnston, Christopher D; Lemon, Katherine P (2021). Genomic Stability and Genetic Defense Systems in Dolosigranulum pigrum, a Candidate Beneficial Bacterium from the Human Microbiome. mSystems, 6(5):e0042521.

Zhou, Zhiyong; Weibel, Robert; Fu, Cheng; Winter, Stephan; Huang, Haosheng (2021). Indoor landmark selection for route communication: the influence of route-givers’ social roles and receivers’ familiarity with the environment. Spatial Cognition & Computation, 21(4):257-289.

Posada-Céspedes, Susana; Van Zyl, Gert; Montazeri, Hesam; Kuipers, Jack; Rhee, Soo-Yon; Kouyos, Roger; Günthard, Huldrych F; Beerenwinkel, Niko (2021). Comparing mutational pathways to lopinavir resistance in HIV-1 subtypes B versus C. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(9):e1008363.

Kumar, Ronit; Cheng, Lidong; Xiong, Yunong; Xie, Bin; Abgrall, Rémi; Xiao, Feng (2021). THINC scaling method that bridges VOF and level set schemes. Journal of Computational Physics, 436:110323.

Ketkov, Sergey S; Prokopyev, Oleg; Burashnikov, Evgenii P (2021). An approach to the distributionally robust shortest path problem. Computers & Operations Research, 130:105212.

Barsukow, Wasilij (2021). Truly multi-dimensional all-speed schemes for the Euler equations on Cartesian grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 435:110216.

Isenring, Julia; Geirnaert, Annelies; Hall, Alex R; Jans, Christoph; Lacroix, Christophe; Stevens, Marc J A (2021). In Vitro Gut Modeling as a Tool for Adaptive Evolutionary Engineering of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum. mSystems, 6(2):01085-20.

Abgrall, Rémi; Adams, Nikolaus; Chacon, Luis; Xiao, Feng (2021). Preface. Journal of Computational Physics, 430:110137.

Miraki, Mojdeh; Sohrabi, Hormoz; Fatehi, Parviz; Kneubühler, Mathias (2021). Individual tree crown delineation from high-resolution UAV images in broadleaf forest. Ecological Informatics, 61:101207.

Glaubitz, Jan; Le Mélédo, Elise; Öffner, Philipp (2021). Towards stable radial basis function methods for linear advection problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 85:84-97.

Mariani, Manuel S; Palazzi, Maria J; Solé-Ribalta, Albert; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Tessone, Claudio J (2021). Absence of a resolution limit in in-block nestedness. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 94:105545.

Frey, Pascal M; Baer, Julian; Bergada-Pijuan, Judith; Lawless, Conor; Bühler, Philipp K; Kouyos, Roger D; Lemon, Katherine P; Zinkernagel, Annelies S; Brugger, Silvio D (2021). Quantifying Variation in Bacterial Reproductive Fitness: a High-Throughput Method. mSystems, 6(1):e01323-20.

Tepekule, Burcu; Hauser, Anthony; Kachalov, Viacheslav N; Andresen, Sara; Scheier, Thomas; Schreiber, Peter W; Günthard, Huldrych F; Kouyos, Roger D (2021). Assessing the potential impact of transmission during prolonged viral shedding on the effect of lockdown relaxation on COVID-19. PLoS Computational Biology, 17:e1008609.

Kachalov, Viacheslav N; Nguyen, Huyen; Balakrishna, Suraj; Salazar-Vizcaya, Luisa; Sommerstein, Rami; Kuster, Stefan P; Hauser, Anthony; Abel Zur Wiesch, Pia; Klein, Eili; Kouyos, Roger D (2021). Identifying the drivers of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae at a European level. PLoS Computational Biology, 17:e1008446.

Schönenberger, Lukas; Schmid, Alexander; Tanase, Radu; Beck, Mathias; Schwaninger, Markus (2021). Structural analysis of system dynamics models. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 110:102333.

Moura, Rita; Borges, Margarida; Vila Pouca, Maria C P; Oliveira, Dulce A; Parente, Marco P L; Kimmich, Nina; Mascarenhas, Teresa; Natal, Renato M (2021). A numerical study on fetal head molding during labor. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 37(1):e3411.

Abgrall, Rémi; Le Mélédo, Élise; Öffner, Philipp (2021). General polytopal H(div)-conformal finite elements and their discretisation spaces. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 55:S677-S704.

Mujakić, Izabela; Andrei, Adrian-Stefan; Shabarova, Tanja; Fecskeová, Lívia Kolesár; Salcher, Michaela M; Piwosz, Kasia; Ghai, Rohit; Koblížek, Michal (2021). Common Presence of Phototrophic Gemmatimonadota in Temperate Freshwater Lakes. mSystems, 6(2):01241-20.

Grossmann, Nicolas; Bernard, Jürgen; Sedlmair, Michael; Waldner, Manuela (2021). Does the Layout Really Matter? A Study on Visual Model Accuracy Estimation. In: IEEE Visualization Conference - Short Papers, virtual, 1 January 2021. IEEE, 61-65.

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