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Wissocq, Gauthier; Abgrall, Remi (2024). A new local and explicit kinetic method for linear and non-linear convection-diffusion problems with finite kinetic speeds: I. One-dimensional case. Journal of Computational Physics, 518:113333.
Wissocq, Gauthier; Abgrall, Remi (2024). A new local and explicit kinetic method for linear and non-linear convection-diffusion problems with finite kinetic speeds: II. Multi-dimensional case. Journal of Computational Physics, 516:113376.
Micalizzi, Lorenzo; Ricchiuto, Mario; Abgrall, Remi (2024). Novel Well-Balanced Continuous Interior Penalty Stabilizations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 100(1):14.
Abgrall, Remi; Farhat, Charbel; Pironneau, Olivier (2024). A few words about Roland Glowinski. Journal of Computational Physics, 505:112919.
Olgiati, Alessandro; Rougerie, Nicolas; Spehner, Dominique (2023). Bosons in a double well: two-mode approximation and fluctuations. Analysis & PDE, 16(8):1885-1954.
Klatte, Diethard (2023). On calmness of the optimal value function. Applied set-valued analysis and optimization, 5(2):253-264.
De Sterck, Hans; Shu, Chi-Wang; Abgrall, Remi (2023). Enhancing reproducibility of research papers in SISC, JSC and JCP. Journal of Computational Physics, 484(C):112088.
De Sterck, Hans; Shu, Chi-Wang; Abgrall, Remi (2023). Correction to: Enhancing Reproducibility of Research Papers in SISC, JSC and JCP. Journal of Scientific Computing, 95(3):86.
De Sterck, Hans; Shu, Chi-Wang; Abgrall, Remi (2023). Enhancing Reproducibility of Research Papers in SISC, JSC and JCP. Journal of Scientific Computing, 95(3):77.
Petrella, M; Abgrall, Remi; Mishra, S (2023). On the discrete equation model for compressible multiphase fluid flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 478:111974.
Abgrall, Remi; Barsukow, Wasilij (2023). Extensions of Active Flux to arbitrary order of accuracy. ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 57(2):991-1027.
Michel, Sixtine; Torlo, Davide; Ricchiuto, Mario; Abgrall, Remi (2023). Spectral Analysis of High Order Continuous FEM for Hyperbolic PDEs on Triangular Meshes: Influence of Approximation, Stabilization, and Time-Stepping. Journal of Scientific Computing, 94(3):49.
Abgrall, Remi; Rai, Pratik; Renac, Florent (2023). A discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method for a nonconservative compressible multicomponent flow model. Journal of Computational Physics, 472:111693.
Abgrall, Rémi; Le Mélédo, Elise; Öffner, Philipp; Torlo, Davide (2022). Relaxation deferred correction methods and their applications to residual distribution schemes. SMAI journal of computational mathematics, 8:125-160.
Lin, Jianfang; Ren, Yupeng; Abgrall, Rémi; Qiu, Jianxian (2022). High order residual distribution conservative finite difference HWENO scheme for steady state problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 457:111045.
Abgrall, Rémi; Öffner, Philipp; Ranocha, Hendrik (2022). Reinterpretation and extension of entropy correction terms for residual distribution and discontinuous Galerkin schemes: Application to structure preserving discretization. Journal of Computational Physics, 453:110955.
Bacigaluppi, Paola; Carlier, Julien; Pelanti, Marica; Congedo, Pietro Marco; Abgrall, Remi (2022). Assessment of a non-conservative four-equation multiphase system with phase transition. Journal of Scientific Computing, 90(1):28.
Li, Chunchun; Günther, Manuel; Dhamija, Akshay Raj; Cruz, Steve; Jafarzadeh, Mohsen; Ahmad, Touqeer; Boult, Terrance E (2022). Agglomerative Clustering with Threshold Optimization via Extreme Value Theory. Algorithms, 15(5):170.
Abgrall, Remi (2021). Editorial. Journal of Computational Physics, 445:110625.
Ledoit, Olivier; Wolf, Michael (2021). Shrinkage estimation of large covariance matrices: keep it simple, statistician? Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 186:104796.
Michel, Sixtine; Torlo, Davide; Ricchiuto, Mario; Abgrall, Remi (2021). Spectral analysis of continuous FEM for hyperbolic PDEs: Influence of approximation, stabilization, and time-stepping. Journal of Scientific Computing, 89(2):31.
Kumar, Ronit; Cheng, Lidong; Xiong, Yunong; Xie, Bin; Abgrall, Rémi; Xiao, Feng (2021). THINC scaling method that bridges VOF and level set schemes. Journal of Computational Physics, 436:110323.
Barsukow, Wasilij (2021). Truly multi-dimensional all-speed schemes for the Euler equations on Cartesian grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 435:110216.
Abgrall, Rémi; Adams, Nikolaus; Chacon, Luis; Xiao, Feng (2021). Preface. Journal of Computational Physics, 430:110137.
Mariani, Manuel S; Palazzi, Maria J; Solé-Ribalta, Albert; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Tessone, Claudio J (2021). Absence of a resolution limit in in-block nestedness. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 94:105545.
Han Veiga, Maria; Öffner, Philipp; Torlo, Davide (2021). DeC and ADER: Similarities, Differences and a Unified Framework. Journal of Scientific Computing, 87(2):2.
Abgrall, Rémi; Le Mélédo, Élise; Öffner, Philipp (2021). General polytopal H(div)-conformal finite elements and their discretisation spaces. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 55:S677-S704.
Bellini, Fabio; Koch-Medina, Pablo; Munari, Cosimo; Svindland, Gregor (2021). Law-Invariant Functionals on General Spaces of Random Variables. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 12(1):318-341.
Kook, Lucas; Hothorn, Torsten (2021). Regularized Transformation Models: The tramnet Package. R Journal, 13(1):581.
Barsukow, Wasilij (2021). The active flux scheme for nonlinear problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 86:3.
Tamási, Bálint; Hothorn, Torsten (2021). tramME: Mixed-Effects Transformation Models Using Template Model Builder. R Journal, 13(2):398-418.
Abgrall, Rémi; Nordström, Jan; Öffner, Philipp; Tokareva, Svetlana (2020). Analysis of the SBP-SAT stabilization for finite element methods part I: Linear problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 85(2):43.
Öffner, Philipp; Torlo, Davide (2020). Arbitrary high-order, conservative and positivity preserving Patankar-type deferred correction schemes. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 153:15-34.
Sturrock, Peter; Scholkmann, Felix (2020). The RONO (Rank-Order-Normalization) Procedure for Power-Spectrum Analysis of Datasets with Non-Normal Distributions. Algorithms, 13(7):157.
Abgrall, Rémi (2020). Letter from the Editor: About “A linear, second-order, energy stable, fully adaptive finite-element method for phase-field modelling of wetting phenomena” by B. Aymard, U. Vaes, M. Pradras and S. Kalliadasis [J. Comput. Phys. X 2 (2019) 100010]. Journal of Computational Physics, 410:109494.
Melenk, Jens Markus; Sauter, Stefan A; Torres, Céline (2020). Wavenumber explicit analysis for Galerkin discretizations of lossy Helmholtz problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 58(4):2119-2143.
Abgrall, Rémi (2019). Editorial. Journal of Computational Physics, 390:iii-iv.
Näf, Jeffrey; Paolella, Marc S; Polak, Paweł (2019). Heterogeneous tail generalized COMFORT modeling via Cholesky decomposition. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 172:84-106.
Lin, Jianfang; Abgrall, Rémi; Qiu, Jianxian (2019). High order residual distribution for steady state problems for hyperbolic conservation laws. Journal of Scientific Computing, 79(2):891-913.
Zhou, Fang; Lü, Linyuan; Mariani, Manuel (2019). Fast influencers in complex networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 74:69-83.
Brennecke, Christian; Schlein, Benjamin (2019). Gross–Pitaevskii dynamics for Bose–Einsteincondensates. Analysis & PDE, 12(6):1513-1596.
Gerber, Florian; Furrer, Reinhard (2019). optimParallel: an R package providing a parallel version of the L-BFGS-B optimization method. R Journal, 11(1):352-358.
Abgrall, Rémi (2018). A general framework to construct schemes satisfying additional conservation relations. Application to entropy conservative and entropy dissipative schemes. Journal of Computational Physics, 372:640-666.
Lieb, Julia (2018). Uniform probability and natural density of mutually left coprime polynomial matrices over finite fields. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 539:134-159.
Grote, Marcus J; Mehlin, Michaela; Sauter, Stefan A (2018). Convergence analysis of energy conserving explicit local time-stepping methods for the wave equation. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 56(2):994-1021.
Abgrall, Rémi (2018). Some remarks about conservation for residual distribution schemes. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 18(3):327-351.
Abgrall, Rémi; Mishra, S (2017). Uncertainty quantification for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Handbook of Numerical Analysis, 18:507-544.
Abgrall, Rémi; Congedo, P. M; Geraci, G (2017). Towards a unified multiresolution scheme for treating discontinuities in differential equations with uncertainties. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 139:1-22.
Abgrall, Rémi; Koren, Barry (2017). Computational science for energy research. Journal of Computational Physics, 345:A1.
Abgrall, Rémi; Viville, Q; Beaugendre, H; Dobrzynski, C (2017). Construction of a p-adaptive continuous residual distribution scheme. Journal of Scientific Computing, 72(3):1232-1268.
Abgrall, Rémi (2017). High order schemes for hyperbolic problems using globally continuous approximation and avoiding mass matrices. Journal of Scientific Computing, 73(2-3):461-494.
Weymuth, Monika; Sauter, Stefan; Repin, Sergey (2017). A posteriori modelling-discretization error estimate for elliptic problems with L ∞-Coefficients. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 17(3):515-531.
Arismendi, Juan C; Broda, Simon (2017). Multivariate elliptical truncated moments. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 157:29-44.
Abgrall, Rémi (2017). Some Failures of Riemann Solvers. In: Abgrall, Rémi; Shu, Chi-Wang. Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems - Applied and Modern Issues. North Holland: Elsevier, 351-360.
Sauter, Stefan A; Schanz, Martin (2017). Convolution quadrature for the wave equation with impedance boundary conditions. Journal of Computational Physics, 334:442-459.
Wei, Wei; Balabdaoui, Fadoua; Held, Leonhard (2017). Calibration tests for multivariate Gaussian forecasts. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 154:216-233.
Bollmann, Stella; Cook, Dianne; Dumas, Jasmine; Fox, John; Josse, Julie; Keyes, Oliver; Strobl, Carolin; Turner, Heather; Debelak, Rudolf (2017). Forwards Column. R Journal, 9(2):541-552.
Brooks, Mollie E; Kristensen, Kasper; van Benthem, Koen J; Magnusson, Arni; Berg, Casper W; Nielsen, Anders; Skaug, Hans J; Mächler, Martin; Bolker, Benjamin M (2017). glmmTMB balances speed and flexibility among packages for zero-inflated generalized linear mixed modeling. R Journal, 9(2):378-400.
Tang, Kunkun; Congedo, Pietro M; Abgrall, Rémi (2016). Adaptive surrogate modeling by ANOVA and sparse polynomial dimensional decomposition for global sensitivity analysis in fluid simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 314:557-589.
Furrer, Reinhard; Bachoc, François; Du, Juan (2016). Asymptotic properties of multivariate tapering for estimation and prediction. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 149:177-191.
Geraci, Gianluca; Congedo, Pietro Marco; Abgrall, Rémi; Iaccarino, Gianluca (2016). A novel weakly-intrusive non-linear multiresolution framework for uncertainty quantification in hyperbolic partial differential equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 66(1):358-405.
Falletta, Silvia; Sauter, Stefan A (2016). The panel-clustering method for the wave equation in two spatial dimensions. Journal of Computational Physics, 305:217-243.
Bertram, Nora (2015). Tagungsbericht. In: „Computing all their cost and trouble“. Finanzmärkte, Spekulationen und Regulierung in der Frühen Neuzeit und in der Moderne. Diskurse, Narrative, Strategien, Zürich, 8 October 2015 - 9 October 2015, s.n..
Abgrall, Rémi; Congedo, Pietro Marco; Geraci, Gianluca; Rodio, Maria Giovanna (2015). Stochastic discrete equation method (sDEM) for two-phase flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 299:281-306.
Lopez-Fernandez, Maria; Sauter, Stefan (2015). Generalized convolution quadrature with variable time stepping. Part II: Algorithm and numerical results. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 94:88-105.
Ledoit, Olivier; Wolf, Michael (2015). Spectrum estimation: a unified framework for covariance matrix estimation and PCA in large dimensions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 139:360-384.
Micheli, Giacomo; Rosenthal, Joachim; Vettori, Paolo (2015). Linear spanning sets for matrix spaces. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 483:309-322.
Tang, Kunkun; Congedo, Pietro Marco; Abgrall, Rémi (2015). Sensitivity analysis using anchored ANOVA expansion and high-order moments computation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102(9):1554-1584.
Arpaia, Luca; Ricchiuto, Mario; Abgrall, Rémi (2015). An ALE formulation for explicit Runge–Kutta residual distribution. Journal of Scientific Computing, 63(2):502-547.
Abgrall, Rémi; de Santis, Dante (2015). Linear and non-linear high order accurate residual distribution schemes for the discretization of the steady compressible Navier–Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 283:329-359.
Metz, Andreas; Wolf, Martin; Achermann, Peter; Scholkmann, Felix (2015). A new approach for automatic removal of movement artifacts in near-infrared spectroscopy time series by means of acceleration data. Algorithms, 8(4):1052-1075.
Sauter, Stefan A; Zech, J (2015). A posteriori error estimation of $\mathit{hp}$-dG finite element methods for highly indefinite Helmholtz problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 53(5):2414-2440.
Vilar, François; Maire, Pierre-Henri; Abgrall, Rémi (2014). A discontinuous Galerkin discretization for solving the two-dimensional gas dynamics equations written under total Lagrangian formulation on general unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 276:188-234.
Jennings, G I; Prigge, D; Carney, S; Karni, S; Rauch, J B; Abgrall, Rémi (2014). Water wave propagation in unbounded domains. Part II: Numerical methods for fractional PDEs. Journal of Computational Physics, 275:443-458.
Abgrall, Rémi; Kumar, Harish (2014). Robust finite volume schemes for two-fluid plasma equations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 60(3):584-611.
Abgrall, Rémi; Smolarkiewicz, Piotr; Xiao, Feng; Zaleski, Stéphane (2014). Frontiers in computational physics: modeling the earth system. Journal of Computational Physics, 271:1.
Zhou, Yu; Ma, Xiaoxing; Gall, Harald (2014). A middleware platform for the dynamic evolution of distributed component-based systems. Computing, 96(8):725-747.
Balsara, Dinshaw S; Dumbser, Michael; Abgrall, Rémi (2014). Multidimensional HLLC Riemann solver for unstructured meshes – with application to Euler and MHD flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 261:172-208.
Abgrall, Rémi; Congedo, P M; Geraci, G (2014). A one-time truncate and encode multiresolution stochastic framework. Journal of Computational Physics, 257(Part A):19-56.
Abgrall, Rémi; Beaugendre, H; Dobrzynski, C (2014). An immersed boundary method using unstructured anisotropic mesh adaptation combined with level-sets and penalization techniques. Journal of Computational Physics, 257(Part A):83-101.
Samrowski, Tatiana (2014). Combined error estimates in the case of dimension reduction. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 14(1):113-134.
Eigel, Martin; Samrowski, Tatiana (2014). Functional A posteriori error estimation for stationary reaction-convection-diffusion problems. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 14(2):135-150.
Neary, Turlough; Woods, Damien; Murphy, Niall; Glaschick, Rainer (2014). Wang’s B machines are efficiently universal, as is Hasenjaeger’s small universal electromechanical toy. Journal of Complexity, 30(5):634-646.
Melenk, Jens Markus; Parsania, Asieh; Sauter, Stefan (2013). General DG-methods for highly indefinite Helmholtz problems. Journal of Scientific Computing, 57(3):536-581.
Dörfler, Willy; Sauter, Stefan (2013). A posteriori error estimation for highly indefinite Helmholtz problems. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 13(3):333-347.
Maire, Pierre-Henri; Abgrall, Rémi; Breil, Jérôme; Loubère, Raphaël; Rebourcet, Bernard (2013). A nominally second-order cell-centered Lagrangian scheme for simulating elastic–plastic flows on two-dimensional unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 235(15):626-665.
Abgrall, Rémi; Congedo, Pietro Marco (2013). A semi-intrusive deterministic approach to uncertainty quantification in non-linear fluid flow problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 235:828-845.
Repin, S I; Samrowski, T S; Sauter, S A (2012). Combined a posteriori modelling-discretization error estimate for elliptic problems with variable coefficients. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 46(6):1389-1405.
Reboux, Sylvain; Schrader, Birte; Sbalzarini, Ivo F (2012). A self-organizing Lagrangian particle method for adaptive-resolution advection–diffusion simulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 231(9):3623-3646.
Scholkmann, F; Boss, J; Wolf, M (2012). An efficient algorithm for automatic peak detection in noisy periodic and quasi-periodic signals. Algorithms, 5(4):588-603.
Furrer, R; Heersink, D K (2012). On Moore-Penrose inverses of quasi-Kronecker structured matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 436(3):561-570.
Cheridito, Patrick; Nikeghbali, Ashkan; Platen, Eckhard (2012). Processes of class sigma, last passage times, and drawdowns. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 3(1):280-303.
Würsch, Michael; Ghezzi, Giacomo; Hert, Matthias; Reif, Gerald; Gall, Harald C (2012). SEON: A pyramid of ontologies for software evolution and its applications. Computing, 94(11):857-885.
Guillet, T; Teyssier, R (2011). A simple multigrid scheme for solving the Poisson equation with arbitrary domain boundaries. Journal of Computational Physics, 230(12):4756-4771.
Khoromskij, B; Sauter, S; Veit, A (2011). Fast quadrature techniques for retarded potentials based on TT/QTT tensor approximation. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 11(3):342-362.
Maze, G; Rosenthal, J; Wagner, U (2011). Natural density of rectangular unimodular integer matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 434(5):1319-1324.
Melenk, J M; Sauter, S (2011). Wavenumber explicit convergence analysis for Galerkin discretizations of the Helmholtz equation. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 49(3):1210-1243.
Sauter, S (2010). hp-Finite Elements for Elliptic Eigenvalue Problems: Error estimates which are explicit with respect to λ, h, and p. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48(1):95-108.
Schrader, Birte; Reboux, Sylvain; Sbalzarini, Ivo F (2010). Discretization correction of general integral PSE Operators for particle methods. Journal of Computational Physics, 229(11):4159-4182.
Bayati, B; Chatelain, P; Koumoutsakos, P (2009). D-leaping: Accelerating stochastic simulation algorithms for reactions with delays. Journal of Computational Physics, 228(16):5908-5916.
Motreanu, D; Motreanu, V V; Papageorgiou, N S (2009). Multiple solutions for Dirichlet problems which are superlinear at +∞ and (sub)linear at -∞. Communications in Applied Analysis, 13(3):341-357.
Heitmann, K; Lukić, Z; Fasel, P; Habib, S; Warren, M S; White, M; Ahrens, J; Ankeny, L; Armstrong, R; O'Shea, B; Ricker, P M; Springel, V; Stadel, J; Trac, H (2008). The cosmic code comparison project. Computational Science & Discovery, 1(1):015003.
Bader, M (2008). Quivers, geometric invariant theory, and moduli of linear dynamical systems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428(11-12):2424-2454.
Graham, I G; Grasedyck, L; Hackbusch, W; Sauter, S A (2008). Optimal panel-clustering in the presence of anisotropic mesh refinement. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 46(1):517-543.
Banjai, L; Sauter, S (2008). Rapid solution of the wave equation in unbounded domains. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47(1):227-249.
Petersheim, Daniel; Sauter, Stefan A (2008). The composite mini element-coarse mesh computation of Stokes flows on complicated domains. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 46(6):3181-3206.
Furrer, R; Bengtsson, T (2007). Estimation of high-dimensional prior and posterior covariance matrices in Kalman filter variants. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98(2):227-255.
Smolianski, A; Shipilova, O; Haario, H (2007). A fast high-resolution algorithm for linear convection problems: particle transport method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 70(6):655-684.
Banjai, L; Sauter, S (2007). A refined Galerkin error and stability analysis for highly indefinite variational problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 45(1):37-53.
Antoulas, A; Helmke, U; Rosenthal, J; Vinnikov, V; Zerz, E (2007). Preface [Special Issue in honor of Paul Fuhrmann]. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 425(2-3):217-219.
Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2007). Two-sided a posteriori error estimates for mixed formulations of elliptic problems. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 45(3):928-945.
Sauter, S A (2006). A refined finite element convergence theory for highly indefinite Helmholtz problems. Computing, 78(2):101-115.
Hackbusch, W; Löhndorf, M; Sauter, S A (2006). Coarsening of boundary-element spaces. Computing, 77(3):253-273.
Sauter, S A; Warnke, R (2006). Composite finite elements for elliptic boundary value problems with discontinuous coefficients. Computing, 77(1):29-55.
Furrer, R (2005). Covariance estimation under spatial dependence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 94(2):366-381.
Repin, S; Smolianski, A (2005). Functional-type a posteriori error estimates for mixed finite element methods. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 20(4):365-382.
Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2004). A posteriori estimation of dimension reduction errors. In: Feistauer, M. Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Berlin: Springer, 716-725.
Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2004). A posteriori estimation of dimension reduction errors for elliptic problems on thin domains. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 42(4):1435-1451.
Chipot, M; Hastings, S; Kinderlehrer, D (2004). Transport in a molecular motor system. M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 38(6):1011-1034.
Repin, S; Sauter, S; Smolianski, A (2003). A posteriori error estimation for the Dirichlet problem with account of the error in the approximation of boundary conditions. Computing, 70(3):205-233.
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