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Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Gil Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Bromme, Laurits; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra (2025). Populist Radical-Right Attitudes, Political Involvement and Selective Information Consumption: Who Tunes Out and Who Prefers Attitude-Consonant Information. Mass Communication and Society, 28(1):101-129.
Mahl, Daniela; Zeng, Jing; Schäfer, Mike S (2024). Conceptualizing platformed conspiracism: Analytical framework and empirical case study of BitChute and Gab. New Media & Society, 26(12):6938-6957.
Pellegrino, Elisa; Dellwo, Volker; Pardo, Jennifer S; Möbius, Bernd (2024). Forms, factors and functions of phonetic convergence: Editorial. Speech Communication, 165:103142.
Zilinsky, Jan; Theocharis, Yannis; Pradel, Franziska; Tulin, Marina; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana Sofia; Corbu, Nicoleta; Esser, Frank; Gehle, Luisa; Halagiera, Denis; Hameleers, Michael; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koç-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Štětka, Václav; Strömbäck, Jesper; Terren, Ludovic; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Van Aelst, Peter; Zoizner, Alon (2024). Justifying an Invasion: When Is Disinformation Successful? Political Communication, 41(6):965-986.
Altay, Sacha; Acerbi, Alberto (2024). People believe misinformation is a threat because they assume others are gullible. New Media & Society, 26(11):6440-6461.
Stahel, Lea (2024). Every Journalist has an Achilles’ Heel: The Interference–Vulnerability Model. Journalism Studies, 25(14):1699-1719.
Pipal, Christian; Schoonvelde, Martijn; Schumacher, Gijs; Boiten, Max (2024). JST and rJST: joint estimation of sentiment and topics in textual data using a semi-supervised approach. Communication Methods and Measures:1-19.
Vogler, Daniel; Udris, Linards; Meissner, Florian; Sievert, Holger (2024). The Elephant(s) in the Newsroom: A Mixed Methods Study on the Use of News Agency Material. Journalism Practice:1-21.
Hirblinger, Andreas T; Kallis, Sara; Haputhanthri, Hasini A (2024). DIY-Online Reconciliation? The Role of Memes in Navigating Inter-Group Boundaries in the Context of Sri Lanka’s 2022 Political Crisis. Social Media and Society, 10(4):1-13.
Landolt, Selina A; Impett, Emily A; Weitkamp, Katharina; Roth, Michelle; Bernecker, Katharina; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). Extradyadic stress as a barrier to sexual activity in couples? A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 41(10):2959-2982.
Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Schäfer, Mike S; Lombardi, Damiano; Mahl, Daniela; Yan, Xiaoyue (2024). How generative artificial intelligence portrays science: Interviewing ChatGPT from the perspective of different audience segments. Public Understanding of Science:epub ahead of print.
Baines, Annalise; Seo, Hyunjin; Altschwager, Darcey; Blomberg, Matthew; Schuster, Bernard; Ramaswamy, Megha (2024). COVID-19 pandemic and women transitioning from incarceration: a study of online health information seeking among underserved and marginalized women. Feminist Media Studies:Epub ahead of print.
Hase, Valerie; Ausloos, Jef; Boeschoten, Laura; Pfiffner, Nico; Janssen, Heleen; Araujo, Theo; Carrière, Thijs; de Vreese, Claes; Haßler, Jörg; Loecherbach, Felicia; Kmetty, Zoltán; Möller, Judith; Ohme, Jakob; Schmidbauer, Elisabeth; Struminskaya, Bella; Trilling, Damian; Welbers, Kasper; Haim, Mario (2024). Fulfilling data access obligations: How could (and should) platforms facilitate data donation studies? Internet Policy Review, 13(3):1-37.
Hofer, Matthias; Birrer, Alena; Eden, Allison; Seifert, Alexander (2024). Daily TV Use and Meaning in Life Among Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Selective and Compensatory TV Use. Mass Communication and Society, 27(5):1006-1027.
Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Vogler, Daniel; Fürst, Silke; Schäfer, Mike S (2024). The plurivocal university: Typologizing the diverse voices of a research university on social media. Public Understanding of Science:epub ahead of print.
Geber, Sarah; Fretwurst, Benjamin; Vogler, Daniel; Siegen, Dario; Eisenegger, Mark; Friemel, Thomas (2024). Norm Setting in Times of Crisis: A Time-Series Analysis of the Dynamics Between Media Reporting and Perceived Norms in the Context of the COVID-19 Vaccination Roll-Out. Mass Communication and Society:Epub ahead of print.
Alizadeh, Meysam; Zare, Darya; Samei, Zeynab; Alizadeh, Mohammadamin; Kubli, Maël; Aliahmadi, Mohammadhadi; Ebrahimi, Sarvenaz; Gilardi, Fabrizio (2024). Comparing methods for creating a national random sample of twitter users. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 14:160.
Mahl, Daniela; Zeng, Jing; Schäfer, Mike S; Egert, Fernando Antonio; Oliveira, Thaiane (2024). “We Follow the Disinformation”: Conceptualizing and Analyzing Fact-Checking Cultures Across Countries. International Journal of Press/Politics:epub ahead of print.
Altay, Sacha; Lyons, Benjamin A; Modirrousta-Galian, Ariana (2024). Exposure to Higher Rates of False News Erodes Media Trust and Fuels Overconfidence. Mass Communication and Society:1-25.
Fürst, Silke; Vogler, Daniel; Schäfer, Mike S; Sörensen, Isabel Heller (2024). From “minimalists” to “professional all-rounders”: Typologizing Swiss universities’ communication practices and structures. Communications : European Journal of Communication Research:Epub ahead of print.
Strikovic, Edina; Blassnig, Sina; Mitova, Eliza; Urman, Aleksandra; Esser, Frank; de Vreese, Claes (2024). Opportunity structures for user acceptance of news recommender systems (NRS): A multi-country survey study of relationships between individual-level factors and evaluations of NRS. New Media & Society:Epub ahead of print.
Vogler, Daniel; Meissner, Florian (2024). The Mediated Construction of Crises - Combining Automated and Qualitative Content Analysis to Investigate the Use of Crisis Labels in Headlines of Swiss News Media between 1998 and 2020. Journal of international crisis and risk communication research, 7(1):83-112.
Blassnig, Sina; Mitova, Eliza; Strikovic, Edina; Urman, Aleksandra; de Vreese, Claes; Hannák, Anikó; Esser, Frank (2024). User Perceptions of News Recommender Systems and Trust in Media Outlets: A Five-Country Study. Journalism Studies, 25(10):1182-1204.
Marchal, Nahema; Hoes, Emma; Klüser, K Jonathan; Hamborg, Felix; Alizadeh, Meysam; Kubli, Maël; Katzenbach, Christian (2024). How Negative Media Coverage Impacts Platform Governance: Evidence from Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Political Communication:1-19.
Brütsch, Matthias (2024). Asides and Unreliable Narration in Fleabag, Alfie and I, Tonya. Ekphrasis, 31(1):5-18.
Humprecht, Edda; Amsler, Michael; Esser, Frank; Van Aelst, Peter (2024). Emotionalized Social Media Environments: How Alternative News Media and Populist Actors Drive Angry Reactions. Political Communication, 41(4):559-587.
Staender, Anna; Humprecht, Edda; Esser, Frank (2024). Alternative Media Vary Between Mild Distortion and Extreme Misinformation: Steps Toward a Typology. Digital Journalism, 12(6):830-850.
Zerback, Thomas; Kobilke, Lara (2024). The role of affective and cognitive attitude extremity in perceived viewpoint diversity exposure. New Media & Society, 26(7):4183-4200.
Schulz, Anne; Fletcher, Richard; Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis (2024). The role of news media knowledge for how people use social media for news in five countries. New Media & Society, 26(7):4056-4077.
Bertoli, Asia (2024). Performing Identity: A Theoretical View on Grillz as Prosthetic Hypoicons. Reti Saperi Linguaggi, 13(2):343-356.
Opitz, Juri (2024). A Closer Look at Classification Evaluation Metrics and a Critical Reflection of Common Evaluation Practice. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 12:820-836.
Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Schulz, Anne; Blassnig, Sina; Marschlich, Sarah; Nguyen, Minh Hao; Strauß, Nadine (2024). Selecting, avoiding, disconnecting: a focus group study of people’s strategies for dealing with information abundance in the contexts of news, entertainment, and personal communication. Information, Communication and Society:Epub ahead of print.
Strauß, Nadine; Mpadanes, Markos (2024). Tackling societal challenges as opportunities: a case study of a Swiss foundation's value-creating function. Journal of Communication Management, 28(2):328-344.
Nguyen, Minh Hao; Büchi, Moritz; Geber, Sarah (2024). Everyday disconnection experiences: Exploring people’s understanding of digital well-being and management of digital media use. New Media & Society, 26(6):3657-3678.
Ulloa, Roberto; Richter, Ana Carolina; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Kacperski, Celina Sylwia (2024). Representativeness and face-ism: Gender bias in image search. New Media & Society, 26(6):3541-3567.
Ejaz, Waqas; Altay, Sacha; Fletcher, Richard; Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis (2024). Trust is key: Determinants of false beliefs about climate change in eight countries. New Media & Society:epub ahead of print.
Altay, Sacha; Fletcher, Richard; Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis (2024). News participation is declining: Evidence from 46 countries between 2015 and 2022. New Media & Society:epub ahead of print.
Gerger, Heike; Munder, Thomas; Kreuzer, Nicole; Locher, Cosima; Blease, Charlotte (2024). Lay Perspectives on Empathy in Patient-Physician Communication: An Online Experimental Study. Health Communication, 39(6):1246-1255.
Altay, Sacha; Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis; Fletcher, Richard (2024). News Can Help! The Impact of News Media and Digital Platforms on Awareness of and Belief in Misinformation. International Journal of Press/Politics, 29(2):459-484.
Hülür, Gizem; Luo, Minxia; Macdonald, Birthe; Grünjes, Carlotta E (2024). The perceived quality of social interactions differs by modality and purpose: An event-contingent experience sampling study with older adults. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 41(4):794-821.
Marschlich, Sarah; Eisenegger, Mark (2024). Personalization of tech corporations: Examining personalized news and the media reputation of Google, Facebook, and Apple in Swiss news media. Journalism:1-18.
Sörensen, Isabel; Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Fürst, Silke; Vogler, Daniel; Schäfer, Mike S (2024). “It’s Not so Easy to Measure impact”: A Qualitative Analysis of How Universities Measure and Evaluate Their Communication. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 18(2):93-114.
Tulin, Marina; Hameleers, Michael; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Corbu, Nicoleta; Van Erkel, Patrick; Esser, Frank; Gehle, Luisa; Halagiera, Denis; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koç-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Mihelj, Sabina; Schemer, Christian; Štětka, Václav; Strömbäck, Jesper; Terren, Ludovic; Theocharis, Yannis (2024). Why do Citizens Choose to Read Fact-Checks in the Context of the Russian War in Ukraine? The Role of Directional and Accuracy Motivations in Nineteen Democracies. International Journal of Press/Politics:epub ahead of print.
Mede, Niels G; Rauchfleisch, Adrian; Metag, Julia; Schäfer, Mike S (2024). The Interplay of Knowledge Overestimation, Social Media Use, and Populist Ideas: Cross-Sectional and Experimental Evidence From Germany and Taiwan. Communication Research:1-32.
Wermelinger, Stephanie; Daum, Moritz M; Gampe, Anja (2024). From everyday exposure to pragmatic mastery. International Review of Pragmatics, 16(1):149-161.
Marler, Will; Hargittai, Eszter (2024). Division of digital labor: Partner support for technology use among older adults. New Media & Society, 26(2):978-994.
Blassnig, Sina; Strikovic, Edina; Mitova, Eliza; Urman, Aleksandra; Hannak, Aniko; de Vreese, Claes; Esser, Frank (2024). A Balancing Act : How Media Professionals Perceive the Implementation of News Recommender Systems. Digital Journalism:Epub ahead of print.
Brause, Saba Rebecca; Blank, Grant (2024). ‘There are some things that I would never ask Alexa’ – privacy work, contextual integrity, and smart speaker assistants. Information, Communication and Society, 27(1):182-197.
Zerback, Thomas; Ryffel, Quirin (2024). Attitude extremity and perceived argument diversity exposure in the COVID-19 debate. SCM Studies in Communication and Media, 13(2):214-237.
Büchi, Moritz (2024). Digital well-being theory and research. New Media & Society, 26(1):172-189.
Hofer, Matthias; Hargittai, Eszter (2024). Online social engagement, depression, and anxiety among older adults. New Media & Society, 26(1):113-130.
Zhang, Yuan; Schroeder, Ralph (2024). “It’s All About US vs THEM!”: Comparing Chinese Populist Discourses on Weibo and Twitter. Social Media and Society, 10(1):1-18.
Hagelstein, Jens; Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Zerfass, Ansgar; Silveira Athaydes, Andréia; Macnamara, Jim; Meng, Juan; Hung-Baesecke, Chun-Ju Flora (2024). Ethical Challenges of Digital Communication: A Comparative Study of Public Relations Practitioners in 52 Countries. International Journal of Communication, 18:1072-1093.
Meißner, Florian; Vogler, Daniel; Udris, Linards; Sievert, Holger (2024). Kritische Infrastruktur für den Journalismus? Zur Rolle der Nachrichtenagenturen in einem sich rapide wandelnden Medienmarkt. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 72(4):396-417.
Michos, Konstantinos; Petko, Dominik (2024). Reflection using mobile portfolios during teaching internships: tracing the influence of mentors and peers on teacher self-efficacy. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 33(3):291-311.
Geber, Sarah (2023). Unraveling the Dark Side of Social Norms - Toward a Research Agenda on the Challenges of Social Norms in Health Communication. Health Communication, 39(12):2955-2962.
Mitova, Eliza; Blassnig, Sina; Strikovic, Edina; Urman, Aleksandra; de Vreese, Claes; Esser, Frank (2023). When Worlds Collide: Journalistic, Market, and Tech Logics in the Adoption of News Recommender Systems. Journalism Studies, 24(16):1957-1976.
Theocharis, Yannis; Cardenal, Ana; Jin, Soyeon; Aalberg, Toril; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Strömbäck, Jesper; Castro, Laia; Esser, Frank; Van Aelst, Peter; de Vreese, Claes; Corbu, Nicoleta; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Joerg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stepinska, Agnieszka; Štětka, Václav (2023). Does the platform matter? Social media and COVID-19 conspiracy theory beliefs in 17 countries. New Media & Society, 25(12):3412-3437.
Senn, Mirjam; Stadelmann, Céline; Forster, Fabienne; Nussbeck, Fridtjof W; Bodenmann, Guy (2023). Parental stress mediates the effects of parental risk factors on dysfunctional parenting in first-time parents: A dyadic longitudinal study. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(12):4335-4358.
Klein, Miriam; Magin, Melanie; Riedl, Andreas A; Udris, Linards; Stark, Birgit (2023). From News Softening to Social News Softening: Comparing Patterns of Political News Coverage on Different (Social) Media Channels in Germany and Switzerland. Digital Journalism:Epub ahead of print.
Frey, Tobias; Friemel, Thomas N (2023). Adolescents’ Drinking Behavior Off- and Online: Disentangling Exposure Effects and Selective Exposure in Networked Communication Structures. Journal of Health Communication, 28(12):815-824.
Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Vogler, Daniel; Fürst, Silke; Schäfer, Mike S; Sörensen, Isabel (2023). Role conceptions of university communicators: A segmentation analysis of communication practitioners in higher education institutions. Public Relations Review, 49(4):102339.
Saurwein, Florian; Brantner, Cornelia; Möck, Leonie (2023). Responsibility networks in media discourses on automation: A comparative analysis of social media algorithms and social companions. New Media & Society:Epub ahead of print.
Meletis, Dimitrios (2023). “Is your font racist?” Metapragmatic online discourses on the use of typographic mimicry and its appropriateness. Social Semiotics, 33(5):1046-1068.
Mutz, Rüdiger; Wolbring, Tobias; Daniel, Hans-Dieter (2023). Sollten Förderentscheidungen partiell durch Lotterien ersetzt werden? Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 22(2):243-274.
Vogler, Daniel; Weston, Morley; Udris, Linards (2023). Investigating News Deserts on the Content Level: Geographical Diversity in Swiss News Media. Media and Communication, 11(3):343-354.
Vanherle, Robyn; Geber, Sarah; Beullens, Kathleen (2023). The Effects of Alcohol-Related Social Media Content on Adolescents’ Momentary Perceived Norms, Attitudes, and Drinking Intentions. Health Communication, 39(11):2225-2243.
Rychen, Jörg; Semoroz, Julie; Eckerle, Alexander; Hahnloser, Richard H R; Kleinberger, Rébecca (2023). Full-duplex acoustic interaction system for cognitive experiments with cetaceans. Interaction Studies : Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems, 24(1):66-86.
Shaw, Aaron; Fiers, Floor; Hargittai, Eszter (2023). Participation inequality in the gig economy. Information, Communication and Society, 26(11):2250-2267.
Säuberli, Andreas; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Holzknecht, Franz; Gutermuth, Silke; Deilen, Silvana; Schiffl, Laura; Ebling, Sarah (2023). Enabling text comprehensibility assessment for people with intellectual disabilities using a mobile application. Frontiers in Communication, 8:1175625.
Dworakowski, Olenka; Boyd, Ryan L; Meier, Tabea; Kuppens, Peter; Mehl, Matthias R; Nussbeck, Fridtjof W; Horn, Andrea B (2023). Twitter language samples reflect collective emotional responses following political leaders’ rhetoric during the pandemic across four countries. Psychology of Language and Communication, 27(1):350-383.
Spälti, Anna Katharina; Lyons, Benjamin; Stoeckel, Florian; Stöckli, Sabrina; Szewach, Paula; Mérola, Vittorio; Stednitz, Christine; López González, Paola; Reifler, Jason (2023). Partisanship and anti-elite worldviews as correlates of science and health beliefs in the multi-party system of Spain. Public Understanding of Science, 32(6):761-780.
Weiss, Daniel (2023). COVID-19 Vaccination policies in an autocratic context: Belarus vs. Russia. In: Thielemann, Nadine; Weiss, Daniel. Remedies against the Pandemic : How politicians communicate crisis management. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 136-168.
Thielemann, Nadine; Weiss, Daniel (2023). Introduction and overview. In: Thielemann, Nadine; Weiss, Daniel. Remedies against the Pandemic. How politicians communicate crisis management. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 1-17.
Fürst, Silke; Von Pape, Thilo; Meißner, Mike (2023). Editorial (Vol. 23, No. 2). Studies in Communication Sciences, 23(2):139-142.
Vogler, Daniel; Schneider, Jörg (2023). Analysing the media repertoires that Swiss expatriates use to inform themselves about their heritage country. The Journal of International Communication (JIC), 29(2):175-195.
Pfiffner, Nico; Friemel, Thomas N (2023). Leveraging Data Donations for Communication Research: Exploring Drivers Behind the Willingness to Donate. Communication Methods and Measures, 17(3):227-249.
Stahel, Lea; Baier, Dirk (2023). Digital Hate Speech Experiences Across Age Groups and Their Impact on Well-Being: A Nationally Representative Survey in Switzerland. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7):519-526.
Marler, Will; Hargittai, Eszter (2023). Understanding the Evolving Online Learning Landscape: The Case of Science and Religion. Social Media and Society, 9(3):1-12.
Weber, Elisa; Hülür, Gizem (2023). The Role of Relationship Conflict for Momentary Loneliness and Affect in the Daily Lives of Older Couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(7):2033-2060.
Stahel, Lea (2023). Why Do Journalists Face Varying Degrees of Digital Hostility? Examining the Interplay Between Minority Identity and Celebrity Capital. Communication Research, 50(4):410-452.
Steppat, Desiree; Castro, Laia; Esser, Frank (2023). What News Users Perceive as ‘Alternative Media’ Varies between Countries: How Media Fragmentation and Polarization Matter. Digital Journalism, 11(5):741-761.
Humprecht, Edda; Esser, Frank; van Aelst, Peter; Staender, Anna; Morosoli, Sophie (2023). The sharing of disinformation in cross-national comparison: analyzing patterns of resilience. Information, Communication and Society, 26(7):1342-1362.
Marler, Will (2023). ‘You can’t talk at the library’: the leisure divide and public internet access for people experiencing homelessness. Information, Communication and Society, 26(7):1303-1321.
Humprecht, Edda (2023). The Role of Trust and Attitudes toward Democracy in the Dissemination of Disinformation - a Comparative Analysis of Six Democracies. Digital Journalism:Epub ahead of print.
Schäfer, Mike S (2023). The Notorious GPT: science communication in the age of artificial intelligence. JCOM : Journal of Science Communication, 22(2):Y02.
Birrer, Alena; He, Danya; Just, Natascha (2023). The state is watching you—A cross-national comparison of data retention in Europe. Telecommunications Policy, 47(4):102542.
Magin, Melanie; Stark, Birgit; Jandura, Olaf; Udris, Linards; Riedl, Andreas; Klein, Miriam; Eisenegger, Mark; Kösters, Raphael; Hofstetter Furrer, Brigitte (2023). Seeing the Whole Picture. Towards a Multi-perspective Approach to News Content Diversity based on Liberal and Deliberative Models of Democracy. Journalism Studies, 24(5):669-696.
Nguyen, Minh Hao (2023). “Maybe I should get rid of it for a while…”: Examining motivations and challenges for social media disconnection. The communication review, 26(2):125-150.
Urman, Aleksandra; Makhortykh, Mykola (2023). How transparent are transparency reports? Comparative analysis of transparency reporting across online platforms. Telecommunications Policy, 47(3):102477.
Vogler, Daniel; Schwaiger, Lisa (2023). Situational effects of journalistic resources on gender imbalances in the coverage of Swiss news media: a longitudinal analysis from 2011 to 2019. Journalism, 24(4):894-914.
Haeuptli, Andrea (2023). An outside perspective for those within: The presentation of European states in Arab professional online news consumed by Arabic-speaking audiences in Europe. Global Media and Communication, 19(1):47-75.
Sörensen, Isabel; Fürst, Silke; Vogler, Daniel; Schäfer, Mike S (2023). Higher Education Institutions on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: Comparing Swiss Universities’ Social Media Communication. Media and Communication, 11(1):264-277.
Friemel, Thomas N; Geber, Sarah (2023). Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland: health protective behavior in the context of communication and perceptions of efficacy, norms, and threat. Health Communication, 38(4):779-789.
Büchi, Moritz; Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Lutz, Christoph; Tamò-Larrieux, Aurelia; Velidi, Shruthi (2023). Making sense of algorithmic profiling: user perceptions on Facebook. Information, Communication and Society, 26(4):809-825.
Randall, Ashley K; Donato, Silvia; Neff, Lisa A; Totenhagen, Casey J; Bodenmann, Guy; Falconier, Mariana (2023). A scoping review on couples’ stress and coping literature: Recognizing the need for inclusivity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(3):812-855.
Reiss, Michael V (2023). Dissecting Non-Use of Online News – Systematic Evidence from Combining Tracking and Automated Text Classification. Digital Journalism, 11(2):363-383.
Mahl, Daniela; von Nordheim, Gerret; Guenther, Lars (2023). Noise Pollution: A Multi-Step Approach to Assessing the Consequences of (Not) Validating Search Terms on Automated Content Analyses. Digital Journalism, 11(2):298-320.
Guenther, Lars; Jörges, Susan; Mahl, Daniela; Brüggemann, Michael (2023). Framing as a Bridging Concept for Climate Change Communication: A Systematic Review Based on 25 Years of Literature. Communication Research:009365022211371.
Rossi, Sandra; Maercker, Andreas; Heim, Eva (2023). Metaphors and Related Expressions in Older Adults in the Field of Trauma and Stress-related Disorders: A Scoping Review. Metaphor and Symbol, 38(1):50-69.
Mitova, Eliza; Blassnig, Sina; Strikovic, Edina; Urman, Aleksandra; Hannák, Anikó; de Vreese, Claes H; Esser, Frank (2023). News recommender systems: a programmatic research review. Annals of the International Communication Association, 47(1):84-113.
Altay, Sacha; Berriche, Manon; Acerbi, Alberto (2023). Misinformation on Misinformation: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges. Social Media and Society, 9(1):1-13.
Gruber, Jonathan; Hargittai, Eszter (2023). The importance of algorithm skills for informed Internet use. Big Data & Society, 10(1):1-14.
Just, Erika; Voss, Judith (2023). Variable index placement in Gutob from a typological perspective. Studies in Language, 47(4):870-899.
Fürst, Silke; Vogler, Daniel; Sörensen, Isabel; Schäfer, Mike S (2022). Communication of higher education institutions: Historical developments and changes over the past decade. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(3):459-469.
Von Pape, Thilo; Fürst, Silke; Meißner, Mike (2022). Editorial. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(3):411-413.
Ryffel, Quirin; Marschlich, Sarah; Fürst, Silke; Thai, Stefanie (2022). From precarious conditions to permanent positions? Problems, responsible actors, and solutions for strengthening the academic mid-level staff in Switzerland. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(3):575-582.
Carignan, Christopher; Casillas, Joseph V; Chodroff, Eleanor; Zellou, Georgia (2022). Editorial: Fuzzy boundaries: Ambiguity in speech production and comprehension. Frontiers in Communication, 7:1112753.
Howe, Lauren C; Schumann, Karina; Walton, Gregory M (2022). “Am I not human?”: Reasserting humanness in response to group-based dehumanization. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25(8):2042-2065.
Pauly, Theresa; Lüscher, Janina; Berli, Corina; Scholz, Urte (2022). Dynamic associations between stress and relationship functioning in the wake of COVID-19: Longitudinal data from the German family panel (pairfam). Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(11):3183-3203.
Margetts, Anna; Haude, Katharina; Himmelmann, Nikolaus P; Jung, Dagmar; Riesberg, Sonja; Schnell, Stefan; Seifart, Frank; Sheppard, Harriet; Wegener, Claudia (2022). Cross-linguistic patterns in the lexicalisation of bring and take. Studies in Language, 46(4):934-993.
Heiberger, Raphael; Majó-Vázquez, Silvia; Castro Herrero, Laia; Nielsen, Rasmus K; Esser, Frank (2022). Do not blame the media! : the role of politicians and parties in fragmenting online political debate. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(4):910-941.
Storie, Leysan; Marschlich, Sarah (2022). Identity, Social Media and Politics: How Young Emirati Women Make Sense of Female Politicians in the UAE. International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(4):789-807.
Castro, Laia; Strömbäck, Jesper; Esser, Frank; van Aelst, Peter; de Vreese, Claes; Aalberg, Toril; Cardenal, Ana S; Corbu, Nicoleta; Hopmann, David Nicolas; Koc-Michalska, Karolina; Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian; Sheafer, Tamir; Splendore, Sergio; Stanyer, James; Stępińska, Agnieszka; Stetka, Vaclav; Theocharis, Yannis (2022). Navigating high-choice european political information environments: a comparative analysis of news user profiles and political knowledge. International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(4):827-859.
Eisner, Léïla; Settersten, Richard; Turner-Zwinkels, Felicity; Hässler, Tabea (2022). Perceptions of intolerant norms both facilitate and inhibit collective action among sexual minorities. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25(7):1797-1818.
Hugentobler, Larissa (2022). The Instagram Interview: Talking to People About Travel Experiences Across Online and Offline Spaces. Media and Communication, 10(3):247-260.
Schmidt, Peter; Gordoni, Galit; Ajzen, Icek; Beuthner, Christoph; Davidov, Eldad; Silber, Henning; Steinmetz, Holger; Weiß, Bernd (2022). Twitter Users’ Privacy Behavior: A Reasoned Action Approach. Social Media and Society, 8(3):205630512211260.
Karaoglu, Gökçe; Hargittai, Eszter; Nguyen, Minh Hao (2022). Inequality in online job searching in the age of social media. Information, Communication and Society, 25(12):1826-1844.
Zerback, Thomas; Reinemann, Carsten; Barnfield, Matthew (2022). Total recall? Examining the accuracy of poll recall during an election campaign. Mass Communication and Society, 25(5):721-743.
Nguyen, Minh Hao; Gruber, Jonathan; Marler, Will; Hunsaker, Amanda; Fuchs, Jaelle; Hargittai, Eszter (2022). Staying connected while physically apart: digital communication when face-to-face interactions are limited. New Media & Society, 24(9):2046-2067.
Winkelmann, Liska; Geber, Sarah (2022). On the norm sensitivity of younger mobile phone users: Perceived social norms and phubbing in interactions between younger and older generations. Communication Research Reports, 39(4):214-223.
Kessler, Sabrina Heike; Schäfer, Mike S; Johann, David; Rauhut, Heiko (2022). Mapping mental models of science communication: How academics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland understand and practice science communication. Public Understanding of Science, 31(6):711-731.
Schwaiger, Lisa; Schneider, Jörg; Rauchfleisch, Adrian; Eisenegger, Mark (2022). Mindsets of conspiracy: A typology of affinities towards conspiracy myths in digital environments. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 28(4):1007-1029.
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Staender, Anna; Humprecht, Edda; Esser, Frank; Morosoli, Sophie; Van Aelst, Peter (2022). Is sensationalist disinformation more effective? Three facilitating factors at the national, individual, and situational level. Digital Journalism, 10(6):976-996.
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Klinger, Kira; Metag, Julia; Schäfer, Mike S; Füchslin, Tobias; Mede, Niels (2022). Are science communication audiences becoming more critical? Reconstructing migration between audience segments based on Swiss panel data. Public Understanding of Science, 31(5):553-562.
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Salerno, Sébastien; Fürst, Silke; Meißner, Mike (2022). Editorial. Studies in Communication Sciences. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(1):3-4.
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Strauss, Nadine; Painter, James; Ettinger, Joshua; Doutreix, Marie-Noëlle; Wonneberger, Anke; Walton, Peter (2022). Reporting on the 2019 European Heatwaves and Climate Change: Journalists’ Attitudes, Motivations and Role Perceptions. Journalism Practice, 16(2-3):462-485.
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Zeng, Jing; Chan, Chung-Hong; Schäfer, Mike S (2022). Contested Chinese dreams of AI? Public discourse about artificial intelligence on WeChat and people’s daily online. Information, Communication and Society, 25(3):319-340.
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Kreutzer, Julia; Caswell, Isaac; Wang, Lisa; Wahab, Ahsan; van Esch, Daan; Ulzii-Orshikh, Nasanbayar; Tapo, Allahsera; Subramani, Nishant; Sokolov, Artem; Sikasote, Claytone; Setyawan, Monang; Sarin, Supheakmungkol; Samb, Sokhar; Sagot, Benoît; Rivera, Clara; Rios, Annette; Papadimitriou, Isabel; Osei, Salomey; Suarez, Pedro Ortiz; Orife, Iroro; Ogueji, Kelechi; Rubungo, Andre Niyongabo; Nguyen, Toan Q; Müller, Mathias; Müller, André; Muhammad, Shamsuddeen Hassan; Muhammad, Nanda; Mnyakeni, Ayanda; Mirzakhalov, Jamshidbek; Battisti, Alessia; et al (2022). Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 10:50-72.
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Hellmueller, L; Hase, Valerie; Lindner, P (2022). Terrorist organizations in the news: a computational approach to measure media attention toward terrorism. Mass Communication and Society, 25(1):134-157.
Blassnig, Sina; Esser, Frank (2022). The “Audience Logic” in Digital Journalism: An Exploration of Shifting News Logics Across Media Types and Time. Journalism Studies, 23(1):48-69.
Büchi, Moritz; Hargittai, Eszter (2022). A Need for Considering Digital Inequality When Studying Social Media Use and Well-Being. Social Media and Society, 8(1):1-7.
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Hellmüller, Lea; Lischka, Juliane A; Humprecht, Edda (2021). Shaping (non)-discursive social media spaces: cross-national typologies of news organizations’ heavy commenters. New Media & Society, 23(11):3249-3267.
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Strauß, Nadine (2021). Devil’s Advocate or Agenda Setter? The Role of Journalists Covering Sustainable Finance in Europe. Journalism Studies, 22(9):1200-1218.
Reiss, Michael V; Festic, Noemi; Latzer, Michael; Rüedy, Tanja (2021). The relevance internet users assign to algorithmic-selection applications in everyday life. Studies in Communication Sciences, 21(1):71-90.
Rauchfleisch, Adrian; Vogler, Daniel; Eisenegger, Mark (2021). Public sphere in crisis mode: how the Covid-19 pandemic influenced public discourse and user behaviour in the Swiss Twitter-sphere. Javnost - The Public, 28(2):129-148.
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Kaye, David Bondy Valdovinos; Chen, Xu; Zeng, Jing (2021). The co-evolution of two Chinese mobile short video apps: Parallel platformization of Douyin and TikTok. Mobile Media & Communication, 9(2):229-253.
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Dolata, Mateusz; Schubiger, Simon; Agotai, Doris; Schwabe, Gerhard (2021). Changing Things so (Almost) Everything Stays the Same : Technical Challenges and Solutions in a Mixed-Reality System for Financial Services. i-com: Journal of Interactive Media, 20(3):229-252.
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Xu, Kun; Liu, Fanjue; Mou, Yi; Wu, Yuheng; Zeng, Jing; Schäfer, Mike S (2020). Using machine learning to learn machines: a cross-cultural study of users’ responses to machine-generated artworks. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 64(4):566-591.
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Hunsaker, Amanda; Nguyen, Minh Hao; Fuchs, Jaelle; Hargittai, Eszter; Karaoglu, Gökçe; Djukaric, Teodora (2020). Unsung helpers: older adults as a source of digital media support for their peers. Communication review, 23(4):309-330.
Stahel, Lea; Schön, Constantin (2020). Female journalists under attack? Explaining gender differences in reactions to audiences’ attacks. New Media & Society, 22(10):1849-1867.
Chan, Chung-Hong; Zeng, Jing; Wessler, Hartmut; Jungblut, Marc; Welbers, Kaspar; Bajjalieh, Joseph W; Althaus, Scott L; van Atteveldt, Wouter (2020). Reproducible extraction of cross-lingual topics (rectr). Communication Methods and Measures, 14(4):285-305.
Micheli, Marina; Redmiles, Elissa M; Hargittai, Eszter (2020). Help wanted: young adults’ sources of support for questions about digital media. Information, Communication and Society, 23(11):1655-1672.
Volk, Sophia Charlotte; Zerfass, Ansgar (2020). Management tools in corporate communication: a survey about tool use and reflections about the gap between theory and practice. Journal of Communication Management, 25(1):50-67.
Nguyen, Minh Hao; Gruber, Jonathan; Fuchs, Jaelle (2020). Changes in digital communication during the COVID-19 global pandemic: implications for digital inequality and future research. Social Media and Society, 6(3):205630512094825.
Fürst, Silke (2020). In the service of good journalism and audience interests? How audience metrics affect news quality. Media and Communication, 8(3):270-280.
Udris, Linards; Eisenegger, Mark; Vogler, Daniel; Schneider, Jörg; Häuptli, Andrea (2020). Mapping and explaining media quality: insights from Switzerland’s multilingual media system. Media and Communication, 8(3):258-269.
Steppat, Desiree; Castro Herrero, Laia; Esser, Frank (2020). News Media Performance Evaluated by National Audiences: How Media Environments and User Preferences Matter. Media and Communication, 8(3):321-334.
Hargittai, Eszter; Nguyen, Minh Hao; Fuchs, Jaelle (2020). From zero to a national data set in two weeks: reflections on a COVID-19 collaborative survey project. Social Media and Society, 6(3):205630512094819.
Vogler, Daniel; Udris, Linards; Eisenegger, Mark (2020). Measuring media content concentration at a large scale using automated text comparisons. Journalism Studies, 21(11):1459-1478.
Schäfer, Mike S; Fähnrich, Birte (2020). Communicating science in organizational contexts: toward an “organizational turn” in science communication research. Journal of Communication Management, 24(3):137-154.
Tamborini, Ron; Hahn, Lindsay; Aley, Melinda; Prabhu, Sujay; Baldwin, Joshua; Sethi, Neha; Novotny, Eric; Klebig, Brian; Hofer, Matthias (2020). The impact of terrorist attack news on moral intuitions. Communication studies, 71(4):511-527.
Abidin, Chrystal; Zeng, Jing (2020). Feeling Asian together: Coping with #COVIDRacism on subtle Asian traits. Social Media and Society, 6(3):205630512094822.
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Saurwein, Florian; Spencer-Smith, Charlotte (2020). Combating Disinformation on Social Media: Multilevel Governance and Distributed Accountability in Europe. Digital Journalism, 8(6):820-841.
Humprecht, Edda; Esser, Frank; Van Aelst, Peter (2020). Resilience to online disinformation: A framework for cross-national comparative research. International Journal of Press/Politics, 25(3):493-516.
Mede, Niels G; Schäfer, Mike S (2020). Science-related populism: Conceptualizing populist demands towards science. Public Understanding of Science, 29(5):473-491.
Peter, Christina; Zerback, Thomas (2020). Ordinary citizens in the news: a conceptual framework. Journalism Studies, 21(8):1003-1016.
Ljungberg, Christina (2020). Criss-crossing James Joyce's Ulysses: Chiasmus and Cognition. In: Fischer, Olga; Perniss, Pamela; Ljungberg, Christina. Operationalizing Iconicity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 200-210.
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Reichow, Dennis; Friemel, Thomas N (2020). Mobile communication, social presence, and perceived security on public transport. Mobile Media & Communication, 8(2):268-292.
Hofer, Matthias; Eden, Allison (2020). Successful aging through television: selective and compensatory television use and well-being. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 64(2):131-149.
Zerback, Thomas; Reinemann, Carsten; van Aelst, Peter; Masini, Andrea (2020). Was Lampedusa a key event for immigration news? An analysis of the effects of the Lampedusa disaster on immigration coverage in Germany, Belgium, and Italy. Journalism Studies, 21(6):748-765.
Hase, Valerie; Engelke, Katherine M; Kieslich, Kimon (2020). The things we fear: combining automated and manual content analysis to uncover themes, topics and threats in fear-related news. Journalism Studies, 21(10):1384-1402.
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Hargittai, Eszter; Gruber, Jonathan; Djukaric, Teodora; Fuchs, Jaelle; Brombach, Lisa (2020). Black box measures? How to study people’s algorithm skills. Information, Communication and Society, 23(5):764-775.
Humprecht, Edda; Hellmüller, Lea; Lischka, Juliane A (2020). Hostile emotions in news comments: A cross-national analysis of Facebook discussions. Social Media and Society:1-12.
Humprecht, Edda (2020). How do they debunk “fake news”? A cross-national comparison of transparency in fact checks. Digital Journalism, 8(3):310-327.
Vogler, Daniel (2020). The effects of media reputation on third-party funding of Swiss universities. Journal of Communication Management, 24(3):285-298.
Zerback, Thomas; Töpfl, Florian; Knöpfle, Maria (2020). The disconcerting potential of online disinformation: persuasive effects of astroturfing comments and three strategies for inoculation against them. New Media & Society, 23(5):1080-1098.
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Schwaiger, Lisa; Vogler, Daniel; Schneider, Jörg; Eisenegger, Mark; Djukic, Mihael (2020). How individual news media repertoires shape the reputation of religious organizations: The case of the Catholic Church in Austria. Journal of Media and Religion, 19(1):1-11.
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Kessler, Sabrina Heike; Fähnrich, Birte; Schäfer, Mike S (2020). Science communication research in the German-speaking countries: A content analysis of conference abstracts. Studies in Communication Sciences, 19(2):243-251.
Koch, Carmen; Saner, Mirco; Schäfer, Mike S; Herrmann-Giovanelli, Iris; Metag, Julia (2020). “Space means science, unless it’s about Star Wars”: A qualitative assessment of science communication audience segments. Public Understanding of Science, 29(2):157-175.
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Wettstein, Martin; Esser, Frank; Schulz, Anne; Wirz, Dominique S; Wirth, Werner (2018). News Media as Gatekeepers, Critics, and Initiators of Populist Communication: How Journalists in Ten Countries Deal with the Populist Challenge. International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4):476-495.
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Wirz, Dominique S; Wettstein, Martin; Schulz, Anne; Müller, Philipp; Schemer, Christian; Ernst, Nicole; Esser, Frank; Wirth, Werner (2018). The Effects of Right-Wing Populist Communication on Emotions and Cognitions toward Immigrants. International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4):496-516.
Tamborini, Ron; Grall, Clare; Prabhu, Sujay; Hofer, Matthias; Novotny, Eric; Hahn, Lindsay; Klebig, Brian; Kryston, Kevin; Baldwin, Joshua; Aley, Melinda; Sethi, Neha (2018). Using Attribution Theory To Explain The Affective Dispositions Of Tireless Moral Monitors Toward Narrative Characters. Journal of Communication, 68(5):842-871.
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Schäfer, Mike S; Füchslin, Tobias; Metag, Julia; Kristiansen, Silje Theresa; Rauchfleisch, Adrian (2018). The different audiences of science communication: A segmentation analysis of the Swiss population’s perceptions of science and their information and media use patterns. Public Understanding of Science, 27(7):836-856.
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Müller, Philipp; Schemer, Christian; Wettstein, Martin; Schulz, Anne; Wirz, Dominique S; Engesser, Sven; Wirth, Werner (2017). The polarizing impact of news coverage on populist attitudes in the public: evidence from a panel study in four european democracies. Journal of Communication, 67(6):968-992.
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Ernst, Nicole; Engesser, Sven; Büchel, Florin; Blassnig, Sina; Esser, Frank (2017). Extreme parties and populism: an analysis of Facebook and Twitter across six countries. Information, Communication and Society, 20(9):1347-1364.
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Odağ, Özen; Hofer, Matthias; Schneider, Frank M; Knop, Katharina (2016). Testing measurement equivalence of eudaimonic and hedonic entertainment motivations in a cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 45(2):108-125.
Umbricht, Andrea; Esser, Frank (2016). The push to popularize politics: Understanding the audience-friendly packaging of political news in six media systems since the 1960s. Journalism Studies, 17(1):100-121.
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Büchel, Florin; Humprecht, Edda; Castro Herrero, Laia; Engesser, Sven; Brüggemann, Michael (2016). Building Empirical Typologies with QCA : Toward a Classification of Media Systems. International Journal of Press/Politics, 21(2):209-232.
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Hofer, Matthias (2016). Effects of light-hearted and serious entertainment on enjoyment of the first and third person. Journal of Media Psychology, 28(1):42-48.
Brüggemann, Michael; Humprecht, Edda; Nielsen, Rasmus K; Karppinen, Kari; Cornia, Alessio; Esser, Frank (2016). Framing the newspaper crisis : How debates on the state of the press are shaped in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and United States. Journalism Studies, 17(5):533-551.
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Metag, Julia (2016). Political communication and opinion formation in Germany: a comparative study of local and national issues. European Journal of Communication:185-203.
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Fengler, Susanne; Eberwein, Tobias; Alsius, Salvador; Baisnée, Olivier; Bichler, Klaus; Dobek-Ostrowska, Boguslawa; Evers, Huub; Glowacki, Michal; Groenhart, Harmen; Harro-Loit, Halliki; Heikkilä, Heikki; Jempson, Mike; Karmasin, Matthias; Lauk, Epp; Lönnendonker, Julia; Mauri, Marcel; Mazzoleni, Gianpietro; Pies, Judith; Porlezza, Colin; Powell, Wayne; Radu, Raluca; Rodriguez, Ruth; Russ-Mohl, Stephan; Schneider-Mombaur, Laura; Splendore, Sergio; Väliverronen, Jari; Zambrano, Sandra Vera (2015). How effective is media self-regulation? Results from a comparative survey of European journalists. European Journal of Communication, 30(3):249-266.
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Koch, Thomas; Zerback, Thomas (2013). Helpful or harmful? How frequent repetition affects perceived statement credibility. Journal of Communication, 63(6):993-1010.
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Wirth, Werner; Ryffel, Fabian; von Pape, Thilo; Karnowski, Veronika (2013). The development of video game enjoyment in a role playing game. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16(4):260-264.
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Hofer, Matthias; Allemand, Mathias; Martin, Mike (2013). Age differences in non-hedonic entertainment experiences. Journal of Communication, 64(1):61-81.
Hofer, Matthias (2013). Appreciation and enjoyment of meaningful entertainment. Journal of Media Psychology, 25(3):109-117.
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Matthes, J; Rauchfleisch, A (2013). The Swiss "Tina Fey Effect": The content of late-night political humor and the negative effects of political parody on the evaluation of politicians. Communication Quarterly, 61(5):596-614.
Esser, Frank (2013). The emerging paradigm of comparative communication enquiry: Advancing cross-national research in times of globalization. International Journal of Communication, 7:113-128.
van der Heide, Iris; Wang, Jen; Droomers, Mariël; Spreeuwenberg, Peter; Rademakers, Jany; Uiters, Ellen (2013). The relationship between health, education, and health literacy: results from the dutch adult literacy and life skills survey. Journal of Health Communication, 18(sup1):172-184.
Brüggemann, Michael (2013). Transnational trigger constellations: Reconstructing the story behind the story. Journalism, 14(3):401-418.
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Koschmann, M A; Bisel, R; Botero, I; Lin, C; Olufowote, J; Perriton, L; Schoeneborn, Dennis; Wieland, S (2012). An eye for an I: thoughts about management communication quarterly from the next generation. Management Communication Quarterly, 26(4):656-681.
Frohlich, Romy; Quiring, Oliver; Engesser, Sven (2012). Between idiosyncratic self-interests and professional standards: A contribution to the understanding of participatory journalism in Web 2.0. Results from an online survey in Germany. Journalism, 13(8):1041-1063.
Puppis, Manuel (2012). Between independence and autonomous adaptation: The Europeanization of television regulation in non-EU member states. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 37(4):393-416.
Wirth, Werner; Hofer, M; Schramm, H (2012). Beyond pleasure: Exploring the eudaimonic entertainment experience. Human Communication Research, 38(4):406-428.
Matthes, Jörg; Schemer, Christian (2012). Diachronic framing effects in competitive opinion environments. Political Communication, 29(3):319-339.
Pape, S; Rössel, Jörg; Solga, H (2012). Do we see class membership and how? Poetics, 40(4):317-336.
Hofer, Matthias; Wirth, Werner (2012). It's right to be sad: The role of meta-appraisals in the sad-film paradox — A multiple mediator model. Journal of Media Psychology, 24(2):43-54.
Wassmer, C; Jarren, O (2012). Media Accountability durch Media Governance? Formen der Nutzerbeteiligung bei Social Media-Anbietern im Vergleich. Studies in Communication Sciences, 12(1):22-28.
Esser, Frank; de Vreese, Claes; Strömbäck, Jesper; van Aelst, Peter; Aalberg, Toril; Stanyer, James; Lengauer, Günther; Berganza, Rosa; Legnante, Guido; Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos; Salgado, Susana; Sheafer, Tamir; Reinemann, Carsten (2012). Political information opportunities in Europe: A longitudinal and comparative study of 13 television systems. International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(3):247-274.
Schemer, C (2012). Reinforcing spirals of negative group-related affects and selective attention to advertising in a political campaign. Communication Research, 39(3):413-434.
Esser, Frank; Strömbäck, Jesper; de Vreese, Claes (2012). Reviewing key concepts in research on political news journalism: Conceptualizations, operationalizations, and propositions for future research. Journalism, 12(2):139-143.
Hofer, Matthias; Wirth, Werner; Kuehne, Rinaldo; Schramm, Holger; Sacau, Ana (2012). Structural equation modeling of spatial presence: The influence of cognitive processes and traits. Media Psychology, 15(4):373-395.
Schäfer, Mike S (2012). Taking Stock: a Meta‐Analysis of Studies on the Mediaʹs Coverage in Science. Public Understanding of Science, 21(6):650-663.
Schemer, Christian (2012). The influence of the news media on stereotypic attitudes toward immigrants in a political campaign. Journal of Communication, 62(5):739-757.
Wirth, Werner; Hofer, Matthias; Schramm, Holger (2012). The role of emotional involvement and trait absorption in the formation of spatial presence. Media Psychology, 15(1):19-43.
Brüggemann, Michael; Esser, Frank; Humprecht, Edda (2012). The strategic repertoire of publishers in the media crisis: The “Five C” scheme in Germany. Journalism Studies, 13(5-6):742-752.
Loren, Scott; Metelmann, Jörg (2011). What’s the matter? race as res. Journal of Visual Culture, 10(3):397-405.
Lengauer, Günther; Esser, Frank; Berganza, Rosa (2011). Negativity in political news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings. Journalism, 13(2):179-202.
Neurauter-Kessels, Manuela (2011). Im/polite reader responses on British online news sites. Journal of Politeness Research, 7(2):187-214.
Siegert, G; Gerth, M A; Rademacher, P (2011). Brand identity-driven decision making by journalists and media managers — The MBAC model as a theoretical framework. International Journal on Media Management, 13(1):53-70.
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