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Number of items at this level: 105.


Hof, Helena; Alloul, Jaafar (2024). Migratory class-making in global Asian cities: the European mobile middle negotiating ambivalent privilege in Tokyo, Singapore, and Dubai. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(10):2491-2509.

Rössel, Jörg; Schenk, Patrick; Pap, Ilona (2024). Patterns of remittances of intra-European migrants: social relations and moral obligations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50(10):2529-2550.

Raabe, Isabel J; Block, Per (2024). The gendered maths confidence gap, social influence and social integration. European Societies:1-36.

Malet, Giorgio; Walter, Stefanie (2024). The reverberations of British Brexit politics abroad. European Union Politics, 25(1):63-85.


Burger, Kaspar (2023). Disentangling the interplay of the sense of belonging and institutional channels in individuals’ educational trajectories. Developmental Psychology, 59(1):30-42.


Fenzl, Michele; Slapin, Jonathan B; Wilhelm, Samuel (2022). From polarization of the public to polarization of the electorate: European Parliament elections as the preferred race for ideologues. European Union Politics, 23(4):590-611.

Hässler, Tabea; Glazier, Jessica J; Olson, Kristina R (2022). Consistency of gender identity and preferences across time: An exploration among cisgender and transgender children. Developmental Psychology, 58(11):2184-2196.

Brenøe, Anne Ardila (2022). Brothers increase women’s gender conformity. Journal of Population Economics, 35(4):1859-1896.

Eberle, Noreen; Lütgens, Jessica; Pohling, Andrea; Spies, Tina; Bauer, Petra (2022). Biographical articulation in transition. In: Stauber, Barbara; Walther, Andreas; Settersten, Richard A.. Doing transitions in the life course : processes and practices. Cham: Springer, 139-153.

Noori, Simon (2022). Navigating the Aegean Sea: smartphones, transnational activism and viapolitical in(ter)ventions in contested maritime borderzones. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(8):1856-1872.

Nemitz, Janina (2022). Increasing longevity and life satisfaction: is there a catch to living longer? Journal of Population Economics, 35(2):557-589.


Hof, Helena; Pemberton, Simon; Pietka-Nykaza, Emilia (2021). EU migrant retention and the temporalities of migrant staying: a new conceptual framework. Comparative Migration Studies, 9:19.

Koedam, Jelle (2021). Avoidance, ambiguity, alternation: position blurring strategies in multidimensional party competition. European Union Politics, 22(4):655-675.

Raijman, Rebeca; Hochman, Oshrat; Davidov, Eldad (2021). Ethnic Majority Attitudes toward Jewish and Non-Jewish Migrants in Israel: The Role of Perceptions of Threat, Collective Vulnerability, and Human Values. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 19(4):407-421.

Chau, Huey Shy; Schwiter, Karin (2021). Who shapes migration in open labour markets? Analysing migration infrastructures and brokers of circularly migrating home care workers in Switzerland. Mobilities, 16(5):724-738.

Maskileyson, Dina; Semyonov, Moshe; Davidov, Eldad (2021). Economic integration of first‐ and second‐generation immigrants in the Swiss labour market: Does the reason for immigration make a difference? Population, Space and Place, 27(6):e2426.

Armingeon, Klaus (2021). Fiscal solidarity: the conditional role of political knowledge. European Union Politics, 22(1):133-154.

Hof, Helena; Tseng, Yen-Fen (2021). When “global talents” struggle to become local workers: The new face of skilled migration to corporate Japan. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 29(4):011719682098408.


Bawidamann, Loic; Peter, Laura Vanessa; Walthert, Rafael (2020). Restricted religion : compliance, vicariousness, and authority during the Corona pandemic in Switzerland. European Societies:1-21.

Espahangizi, Kijan; Mähr, Moritz (2020). The making of a Swiss migration regime: electronic data infrastructures and statistics in the Federal Administration, 1960s–1990s. Journal of Migration History, 6(3):379-404.

Jurado, Ignacio; Walter, Stefanie; Konstantinidis, Nikitas; Dinas, Elias (2020). Keeping the euro at any cost? Explaining attitudes toward the euro-austerity trade-off in Greece. European Union Politics, 21(3):383-405.

Hof, Helena (2020). Opting out for Getting in: Existential Mobility in European Graduates’ Migration to Asia. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 18(3):286-299.

Grynberg, Charlotte; Walter, Stefanie; Wasserfallen, Fabio (2020). Expectations, vote choice and opinion stability since the 2016 Brexit referendum. European Union Politics, 21(2):255-275.

Dollar, Jessica M; Calkins, Susan D; Berry, Nathaniel T; Perry, Nicole B; Keane, Susan P; Shanahan, Lilly; Wideman, Laurie (2020). Developmental patterns of respiratory sinus arrhythmia from toddlerhood to adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 56(4):783-794.

Perry, Nicole B; Dollar, Jessica M; Calkins, Susan D; Keane, Susan P; Shanahan, Lilly (2020). Maternal socialization of child emotion and adolescent adjustment: Indirect effects through emotion regulation. Developmental Psychology, 56(3):541-552.

Heath, Anthony; Davidov, Eldad; Ford, Robert; Green, Eva G T; Ramos, Alice; Schmidt, Peter (2020). Contested terrain: explaining divergent patterns of public opinion towards immigration within Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3):475-488.

Davidov, Eldad; Seddig, Daniel; Gorodzeisky, Anastasia; Raijman, Rebeca; Schmidt, Peter; Semyonov, Moshe (2020). Direct and indirect predictors of opposition to immigration in Europe: individual values, cultural values, and symbolic threat. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3):553-573.

Meuleman, Bart; Abts, Koen; Schmidt, Peter; Pettigrew, Thomas F; Davidov, Eldad (2020). Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: a cross-national perspective. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3):593-611.

Schlueter, Elmar; Masso, Anu; Davidov, Eldad (2020). What factors explain anti-Muslim prejudice? An assessment of the effects of Muslim population size, institutional characteristics and immigration-related media claims. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(3):649-664.


Frieden, Jeffry; Walter, Stefanie (2019). Analyzing inter-state negotiations in the Eurozone crisis and beyond. European Union Politics, 20(1):134-151.

Kaspar, Heidi (2019). Searching for therapies, seeking for hope: transnational cancer care in Asia. Mobilities, 14(1):120-136.

Zemp, Martina; Johnson, Matthew D; Bodenmann, Guy (2019). Out of balance? Positivity-negativity ratios in couples' interaction impact child adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 55(1):135-147.

Hirseland, Aline-Sophia; Strijbis, Oliver (2019). ‘We were forgotten’: explaining ethnic voting in Bolivia’s highlands and lowlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(11):2006-2025.


Sontowski, Simon (2018). Speed, timing and duration: contested temporalities, techno-political controversies and the emergence of the EU’s smart border. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(16):2730-2746.

Gerstorf, Denis; Hülür, Gizem; Wagner, Gert G; Kunzmann, Ute; Ram, Nilam (2018). Terminal change across facets of affective experience and domain satisfaction: Commonalities, differences, and bittersweet emotions at the end of life. Developmental Psychology, 54(12):2382-2402.

Perry, Nicole B; Dollar, Jessica M; Calkins, Susan D; Keane, Susan P; Shanahan, Lilly (2018). Childhood self-regulation as a mechanism through which early overcontrolling parenting is associated with adjustment in preadolescence. Developmental Psychology, 54(8):1542-1554.

Zangger, Christoph; Glauser, David; Becker, Rolf (2018). The impact of modernization and labor market conditions on the school-to-work transition in Switzerland: a dynamic analysis of the period from 1946 to 2002. In: Tillmann, Robin; Voorpostel, Marieke; Farago, Peter. Social dynamics in Swiss society. Cham: Springer, 145-159.

Brenøe, Anne Ardila; Molitor, Ramona (2018). Birth order and health of newborns. Journal of Population Economics, 31(2):363-395.

Giaimo, Stefano; Li, Xiang-Yi; Traulsen, Arne; Baudisch, Annette (2018). Evolution of fixed demographic heterogeneity from a game of stable coexistence. Demographic Research, 38(8):197-226.

Nikitin, Jana; Freund, Alexandra M (2018). Feeling loved and integrated or lonely and rejected in everyday life: The role of age and social motivation. Developmental Psychology, 54(6):1186-1198.

Senninger, Roman; Bischof, Daniel (2018). Working in unison : political parties and policy issue transfer in the multi-level space. European Union Politics, 19(1):140-162.


Kenward, Ben; Koch, Felix-Sebastian; Forssman, Linda; Brehm, Julia; Tidemann, Ida; Sundqvist, Annette; Marciszko, Carin; Hermansen, Tone Kristine; Heimann, Mikael; Gredebäck, Gustaf (2017). Saccadic reaction times in infants and adults: Spatiotemporal factors, gender, and interlaboratory variation. Developmental Psychology, 53(9):1750-1764.

Steenbergen, Marco R; Siczek, Tomasz (2017). Better the devil you know? Risk-taking, globalization and populism in Great Britain. European Union Politics, 18(1):119-136.

Zuffianò, A; Colasante, T; Buchmann, M; Malti, T (2017). The co-development of sympathy and overt aggression from middle childhood to early adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 54(1):98-110.


Albert, Gleb J (2016). The USSR Section of the International Red Aid (MOPR) : The Institutionalisation of International Solidarity in Interwar Soviet Society. In: Weiss, Holger. International Communism and Transnational Solidarity : Radical Networks, Mass Movements and Global Politics, 1919–1939. Leiden: Brill, 89-129.

Weiss, David; Job, Veronika; Mathias, Maya; Grah, Stephanie; Freund, Alexandra M (2016). The end is (not) near: Aging, essentialism, and future time perspective. Developmental Psychology, 52(6):996-1009.

Kaspar, Heidi; Landolt, Sara (2016). Flirting in the field: shifting positionalities and power relations in innocuous sexualisations of research encounters. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 23(1):107-119.

Pelzelmayer, Katharina (2016). Places of difference: narratives of heart-felt warmth, ethnicisation, and female care-migrants in Swiss live-in care. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 23(12):1701-1712.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik (2016). Political and institutional determinants of immigration policies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(13):2087-2110.

Schurr, Carolin; Abdo, Katharina (2016). Rethinking the place of emotions in the field through social laboratories. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 23(1):120-133.

Laliberté, Nicole; Schurr, Carolin (2016). The stickiness of emotions in the field: complicating feminist methodologies. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 23(1):72-78.

Wirth, Christa (2016). Why the hyphen? Individual and collective memories of Italianness in the United States at the intersection of class and generation. Immigrants & Minorities : Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora, 34(1):22-48.


Schroedter, Julia H; De Winter, Tom; Koelet, Suzana (2015). Beyond l’Auberge Espagnole: The Effect of Individual Mobility on the Formation of Intra-European Couples. European Journal of Population, 31(2):181-206.

Kray, Jutta; Schmitt, Hannah; Heintz, Sonja; Blaye, Agnès (2015). Does verbal labeling influence age differences in proactive and reactive cognitive control? Developmental Psychology, 51(3):378-391.

Steiger, Andrea E; Fend, Helmut A; Allemand, Mathias (2015). Testing the vulnerability and scar models of self-esteem and depressive symptoms from adolescence to middle adulthood and across generations. Developmental Psychology, 51(2):236-247.

Scherz, Antoinette; Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union Citizenship Revisited: Multilateral Democracy as Normative Standard for European Citizenship. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(8):1254-1275.


Giesselmann, Marco (2014). Differences in the Patterns of in-work Poverty in Germany and the UK. European Societies, 17(1):27-46.

Brunner, Beatrice; Kuhn, Andreas (2014). The impact of labor market entry conditions on initial job assignment and wages. Journal of Population Economics, 27(3):705-738.

Nes, Ragnhild B; Røysamb, Espen; Hauge, Lars J; Kornstad, Tom; Landolt, Markus A; Irgens, Lorentz M; Eskedal, Leif; Kristensen, Petter; Vollrath, Margarete E (2014). Adaptation to the birth of a child with a congenital anomaly: A prospective longitudinal study of maternal well-being and psychological distress. Developmental Psychology, 50(6):1827-1839.

Freund, Alexandra M; Blanchard-Fields, Fredda (2014). Age-related differences in altruism across adulthood: Making personal financial gain versus contributing to the public good. Developmental Psychology, 50(4):1125-1136.

Thieme, Susan (2014). Coming home? Patterns and characteristics of return migration in Kyrgyzstan. International Migration, 52(5):127-143.

Schroedter, Julia H; Rössel, Jörg (2014). Europeanisation without the European Union? The case of bi-national marriages in Switzerland. Population, Space and Place, 20(2):139-156.

Salvisberg, A; Sacchi, S (2014). Labour market prospects of Swiss career entrants after completion of vocational education and training. European Societies, 16(2):255-274.

Ruffieux, Mireille; Nussbeck, Fridtjof W; Bodenmann, Guy (2014). Long-term prediction of relationship satisfaction and stability by stress, coping, communication, and well-being. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 55(6):485-501.

Titzmann, Peter F; Silbereisen, Rainer K; Mesch, G (2014). Minor delinquency and immigration: A longitudinal study among male adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 50(1):271-282.

Wronski, Caroline; Daum, Moritz M (2014). Spatial orienting following dynamic cues in infancy: Grasping hands versus inanimate objects. Developmental Psychology, 50(8):2020-2029.

Nikitin, Jana; Schoch, Simone; Freund, Alexandra M (2014). The Role of Age and Motivation for the Experience of Social Acceptance and Rejection. Developmental Psychology, 50(7):1943-1950.


Lehmann, Regula; Denissen, Jaap J A; Allemand, Mathias; Penke, Lars (2013). Age and gender differences in motivational manifestations of the Big Five from age 16 to 60. Developmental Psychology, 49(2):365-383.

Held, Leonhard; Riebler, Andrea (2013). Comment on "Assessing Validity and Application Scope of the Intrinsic Estimator Approach to the Age-Period-Cohort (APC) Problem". Demography, 50(6):1977-1979.

Beckert, J; Rössel, Jörg (2013). The Price of Art. Uncertainty and Reputation in the Art Field. European Societies, 15(2):178-195.

Daum, Moritz M; Ulber, Julia; Gredebäck, Gustaf (2013). The development of pointing perception in infancy: effects of communicative signals on covert shifts of attention. Developmental Psychology, 49(10):1898-1908.

Rodríguez-Villagra, Odir Antonio; Göthe, Katrin; Oberauer, Klaus; Kliegl, Reinhold (2013). Working memory capacity in a go/no-go task: age differences in interference, processing speed, and attentional control. Developmental Psychology, 49(9):1683-96.


Mata, Rui; von Helversen, Bettina; Karlsson, Linnea; Cüpper, Lutz (2012). Adult age differences in categorization and multiple-cue judgment. Developmental Psychology, 48(4):1188-1201.

Tomasik, Martin J; Silbereisen, Rainer K (2012). Beneficial effects of disengagement from futile struggles with occupational planning: a contextualist-motivational approach. Developmental Psychology, 48(6):1785-1796.

Geel, Regula; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2012). Earning while learning: When and how student employment is beneficial. Labour, 26(3):313-340.

Davidov, Eldad; Meuleman, Bart (2012). Explaining attitudes towards immigration policies in European countries: The role of human values. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(5):757-775.

Weiss, David; Freund, Alexandra M; Wiese, Bettina S (2012). Mastering developmental transitions in young and middle adulthood: The interplay of openness to experience and traditional gender ideology on women's self-efficacy and subjective well-being. Developmental Psychology, 48(6):1774-1784.


Schwarze, Johannes; Winkelmann, Rainer (2011). Happiness and altruism within the extended family. Journal of Population Economics, 24(3):1033-1051.

Lalive, Rafael; van Ours, Jan C; Zweimüller, Josef (2011). Equilibrium unemployment and the duration of unemployment benefits. Journal of Population Economics, 24(4):1385-1409.

Scheibe, S; Blanchard-Fields, F; Wiest, M; Freund, Alexandra M (2011). Is longing only for Germans? a cross-cultural comparison of Sehnsucht in Germany and the United States. Developmental Psychology, 47(3):603-618.

Davidov, Eldad; Weick, Stefan (2011). Transition to Homeownership Among Immigrant Groups and Natives in West Germany, 1984–2008. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 9(4):393-415.


Geiger, A; Achermann, P; Jenni, O G (2010). Association between sleep duration and intelligence scores in healthy children. Developmental Psychology, 46(4):949-954.

Geiser, C; Eid, M; Nussbeck, F W; Courvoisier, D S; Cole, D A (2010). Analyzing true change in longitudinal multitrait-multimethod studies: Application of a multimethod change model to depression and anxiety in children. Developmental Psychology, 46(1):29-45.

von Helversen, Bettina; Mata, Rui; Olsson, Henrik (2010). Do children profit from looking beyond looks? From similarity-based to cue abstraction processes in multiple-cue judgment. Developmental Psychology, 46(1):220-229.


Bonoli, G; Häusermann, Silja (2009). Who wants what from the welfare state? European Societies, 11(2):211-232.

Bodenmann, Guy; Bradbury, T N; Pihet, S (2009). Relative contributions of treatment-related changes in communication skills and dyadic coping skills to the longitudinal course of marriage in the framework of marital distress prevention. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 50(1):1-21.

Charvoz, L; Bodenmann, Guy; Bertoni, A; Iafrate, R; Giuliani, C (2009). Is the partner who decides to divorce more attractive? A comparison between initiators and non-initiators. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 50(1):22-37.

Vatter, A; Bernauer, J (2009). The Missing Dimension of Democracy: Institutional Patterns in 25 EU Member States between 1997 and 2006. European Union Politics, 10(3):335-359.


Thieme, S (2008). Sustaining livelihoods in multi-local settings: possible theoretical linkages between transnational migration and livelihood studies. Mobilities, 3(1):51-71.

Allemand, Mathias; Zimprich, D; Hendriks, A A J (2008). Age differences in five personality domains across the life span. Developmental Psychology, 44(3):758-770.

Schimmelfennig, F; Scholtz, H (2008). EU democracy promotion in the European neighbourhood: political conditionality, economic development and transnational exchange. European Union Politics, 9(2):187-215.

Koller, C (2008). The recruitment of colonial troops in Africa and Asia and their deployment in Europe during the First World War. Immigrants & Minorities : Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora, 26(1/2):111-133.


Muehlemann, Samuel; Schweri, Jürg; Winkelmann, Rainer; Wolter, Stefan C (2007). An empirical analysis of the decision to train apprentices. Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 21(3):419-441.


Bodenmann, Guy; Charvoz, Linda; Bradbury, Thomas N; Bertoni, Anna; Iafrate, Raffaella; Giuliani, Christina; Banse, Rainer; Behling, Jenny (2006). Attractors and barriers to divorce. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 45(3-4):1-23.

Bodenmann, Guy; Cina, Annette (2006). Stress and coping among stable-satisfied, stable-distressed and separated/divorced Swiss couples. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 44(1-2):71-89.


Gerdtham, Ulf G; Lundin, Douglas; Sáez-Martí, María (2005). The ageing of society, health services provision and taxes. Journal of Population Economics, 18(3):519-537.

Thieme, S; Wyss, S (2005). Migration patterns and remittance transfer in Nepal: a case study of Sainik Basti in Western Nepal. International Migration, 53(5):60-98.


Thieme, S; Müller-Böker, U (2004). Financial self-help associations among Far West Nepalese labor migrants in Delhi, India. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 13(3):339-361.


Hartog, Joop; Winkelmann, Rainer (2003). Comparing migrants to non-migrants: the case of Dutch migration to New Zealand. Journal of Population Economics, 16(4):683-705.


Egger, H (2002). Unemployment may be lower if unions bargain over wages and employment. Labour, 16(1):103-133.


Holzer, Thomas; Schneider, Gerald; Widmer, Thomas (2000). The impact of legislative deterrence measures on the number of asylum applications in Switzerland (1986-1995). International Migration Review, 34(4):1182.


Bodenmann, Guy (1997). Can divorce be prevented by enhancing the coping skills of couples? Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 27(3-4):177-194.

Winkelmann, Rainer (1997). How young workers get their training: A survey of Germany versus the United States. Journal of Population Economics, 10(2):159-170.


Winkelmann, Rainer (1996). Unskilled labor and wage determination: an empirical investigation for Germany. Journal of Population Economics, 9(2):159-171.


Winkelmann, Rainer; Zimmermann, Klaus F (1994). Count data models for demographic data. Mathematical Population Studies, 4(3):205-221.

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