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Hunter, Tom Mccrae; Walter, Stefanie (2025). International organizations in national parliamentary debates. Review of International Organizations:1-28.

Petrovic, Valentina; Walo, Simon; Rössel, Jörg; Katz‐Gerro, Tally; Lopez Belbeze, Maria Pilar (2025). Perceptions of a Shared European Culture Increase the Support for the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 63(1):28-50.


Bathla, Nitin (2024). Producing New India: periodising India’s infrastructure-led extended urbanisation. Economic and Political Weekly, 59(52):37-44.

Bürgisser, Reto; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle; Armingeon, Klaus (2024). Can Information, Compensation and Party Cues Increase Mass Support for Green Taxes? Journal of European Public Policy:epub ahead of print.

Frech, Elena; Bailer, Stefanie; Bütikofer, Sarah (2024). Can('t) have it all? Parents in the Swiss Parliament. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 30(4):407-427.

Cross, James P; Greene, Derek; Umansky, Natalia; Calò, Silvia (2024). Speaking in unison? Explaining the role of agenda-setter constellations in the ECB policy agenda using a network-based approach. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(11):3676-3702.

Mitteregger, Reto (2024). Overlooked de- and realignment?: cohort differences in consideration sets. West European Politics:1-37.

Urman, Aleksandra; Makhortykh, Mykola (2024). Trolls, bots and everyone else: the analysis of multilingual social media manipulation campaigns on Twitter during 2019 elections in Ukraine. East european politics:Epub ahead of print.

Haffert, Lukas; Palmtag, Tabea; Schraff, Dominik (2024). When Group Appeals Backfire: Explaining the Asymmetric Effects of Place-Based Appeals. British Journal of Political Science, 54(4):1217-1238.

Reveilhac, Maud; Morselli, Davide (2024). Augmenting surveys with social media discourse on the workings of democracy from a cross-national perspective. Frontiers in Political Science, 6:1385678.

Dean, Karin; Sarma, Jasnea; Rippa, Alessandro (2024). Infrastructures and b/ordering: how Chinese projects are ordering China–Myanmar border spaces. Territory, Politics, Governance, 12(8):1177-1198.

Steinert, Christoph Valentin (2024). Policy-specific human rights shaming: Evidence from the other letters of the UN Special Procedures. Journal of Human Rights, 23(4):385-403.

Korf, Benedikt; Rambukwella, Harshana; Peiris, Pradeep; de Mel, Neloufer; Sivamohan, Sumathy; Schenk, Christine; Wijewardene, Shermal; Kadirgamar, Ahilan; Geiser, Urs (2024). The ‘Cultural Life’ of democracy in Sri Lanka (and beyond). Geopolitics:Epub ahead of print.

Kübler, Daniel; Strebel, Michael A; Marcinkowski, Frank (2024). Populism and the scales of statehood. Localism and populist attitudes in Western Europe. European Political Science Review, 16(3):431-447.

Malet, Giorgio; Walter, Stefanie (2024). Have your cake and eat it, too? Switzerland and the feasibility of differentiated integration after Brexit. West European Politics, 47(5):1150-1179.

Taschwer, Mario T; Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz; Reidinger, Verena (2024). Social democracy transformed? Party change and union ties. West European Politics:Epub ahead of print.

De Angelis, Andrea; Vecchiato, Alessandro (2024). Panem et circenses: removing political news to generate electoral support, evidence from Berlusconi’s Italy. Rivista italiana di scienza politica, 54(2):119-137.

Hunter, Tom Mccrae (2024). Disintegration and party competition: evidence from parliamentary speeches on Brexit. Journal of European Public Policy:1-24.

Kukuczka, Anne; Liebelt, Claudia (2024). Aesthetic citizenship, beauty politics and the state: an introduction. Citizenship Studies, 28(1):1-15.

Steinert, Christoph Valentin (2024). Elitist Remedies? Complaint Resources and Representation in International Human Rights Bodies. International Studies Quarterly, 68(2):sqae042.

Ash, Elliott; Krümmel, Johann; Slapin, Jonathan B (2024). Gender and reactions to speeches in German parliamentary debates. American Journal of Political Science:Epub ahead of print.

Kukuczka, Anne (2024). Employable femininity and multisensorial hierarchies: becoming aesthetic citizens in Nepal’s aviation training industry. Citizenship Studies, 28(1):49-66.

Penić, Sandra; Donnay, Karsten; Bhavnani, Ravi; Elcheroth, Guy; Albzour, Mai (2024). How does the geography of surveillance affect collective action? Political Psychology, 45(2):319-340.

Bremer, Björn; Bürgisser, Reto (2024). Lower taxes at all costs? Evidence from a survey experiment in four European countries. Journal of European Public Policy:Epub ahead of print.

Veri, Francesco (2024). Fostering Reasoning in the Politically Disengaged: The Role of Deliberative Minipublics. Political Studies Review:epub before print.

Reinl, Ann‐Kathrin; Seddig, Daniel; Dennison, James; Davidov, Eldad (2024). Basic Human Values and Preferences for an EU‐Wide Social Benefit Scheme. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(2):564-582.

Malet, Giorgio; Walter, Stefanie (2024). The reverberations of British Brexit politics abroad. European Union Politics, 25(1):63-85.

Steinert, Christoph Valentin; Weyrauch, David (2024). Belt and road initiative membership and voting patterns in the United Nations General Assembly. Research and Politics, 11(1):1-12.

Hoes, Emma; Kamphorst, Jonne; Krouwel, André (2024). Prominence over proximity? Terror attacks’ impact on party preferences. European Political Science Review, 16(1):112-130.

Mitteregger, Reto (2024). Socialized with "old cleavages" or "new dimensions": An Age-Period-Cohort analysis on electoral support in Western European multiparty systems (1949–2021). Electoral Studies, 87:102744.

Palmtag, Tabea; Paula, Katrin; Rommel, Tobias (2024). Beyond economic development? Foreign direct investment and pre-election violence. Journal of Peace Research:epub ahead of print.

Darbellay, Aline (2024). Third-Country Regime and Equivalence: The Swiss Perspective. European Business Organization Law Review:online.

Li, Xiaoyang; Feng, Haoming; Yang, Hailong; Huang, Jiyuan (2024). Can ChatGPT reduce human financial analysts’ optimistic biases? Economic and Political Studies, 12(1):20-33.

Dimitrakou, Ifigeneia (2024). The politics of new urban ruins. Space & polity, 28(1):154-157.

Haffert, Lukas (2024). Unequal Geographic Representation in a Mixed-Member Electoral System: Evidence from the German Bundestag. German Politics, 33(1):86-109.

Zollinger, Delia (2024). Cleavage Identities in Voters’ Own Words: Harnessing Open‐Ended Survey Responses. American Journal of Political Science, 68(1):139-159.

Farag, Mahmoud (2024). Opposition inclusion and exclusion in the Arab world: Evidence from a new dataset. Mediterranean Politics, 29(1):75-87.

Korf, Benedikt (2024). Pauline Geopolitics: Thinking apocalyptic politics with Jacob Taubes. Geopolitics, 29(1):348-357.

Economides, Spyros; Featherstone, Kevin; Hunter, Tom (2024). The changing discourses of EU enlargement: a longitudinal analysis of national parliamentary debates. Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(1):168-185.

Berger, Stefan; Koller, Christian (2024). Introduction: Memory Studies Meets Social Movement Studies. In: Berger, Stefan; Koller, Christian. Memory and Social Movements in Modern and Contemporary History : Remembering Past Struggles and Resourcing Protest. Cham: Springer (Bücher), 1-17.

Heri, Corina (2024). Justice in the Liminal: The council of Europe and the right to a healthy environment. International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 73(2):319-360.

Heri, Corina (2024). KlimaSeniorinnen and its discontents: climate change at the European Court of Human Rights. European Human Rights Law Review, (4):317-331.

Dong, Lisheng; Woo, Su Yun; Kübler, Daniel (2024). The Chinese Public’s Perceptions of the European Union: Changes and Stability Revealed by 2010 and 2020 Surveys. Journal of contemporary China, 33(147):502-520.

Keller, Helen; Ganesan, Pranav (2024). The Use of Scientific Experts in Environmental Cases before the European Court of Human Rights. International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 73:997-1021.


Schlegel, Benjamin E; Stoetzer, Lukas F; Kraft, Patrick W (2023). When information is not enough for strategic voting. Electoral Studies, 86:102692.

Fischer, Michaela (2023). From Newspapers to Social Media? Changing Dynamics in Swiss Direct Democratic Campaigns. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 29(4):465-478.

Olsson, Maria I T; van Grootel, Sanne; Block, Katharina; Schuster, Carolin; Meeussen, Loes; Van Laar, Colette; Schmader, Toni; Croft, Alyssa; Sun, Molly Shuyi; Ainsaar, Mare; Aarntzen, Lianne; Adamus, Magdalena; Anderson, Joel; Atkinson, Ciara; Avicenna, Mohamad; Bąbel, Przemysław; Barth, Markus; Benson‐Greenwald, Tessa M; Maloku, Edona; Berent, Jacques; Bergsieker, Hilary B; Biernat, Monica; Bîrneanu, Andreea G; Bodinaku, Blerta; Bosak, Janine; Bosson, Jennifer; Branković, Marija; Burkauskas, Julius; Čavojová, Vladimíra; Cheryan, Sapna; Hässler, Tabea; Eisner, Léïla; Henningsen, Levke; et al (2023). Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries. Political Psychology, 44(6):1163-1192.

Veri, Francesco; Sass, Jensen (2023). The domestic democratic peace: How democracy constrains political violence. International Political Science Review, 44(5):676-693.

Häusermann, Silja; Kurer, Thomas; Zollinger, Delia (2023). Aspiration Versus Apprehension: Economic Opportunities and Electoral Preferences. British Journal of Political Science, 53(4):1230-1251.

Palmtag, Tabea (2023). The unequal effect of economic development on perceived labor market risks and welfare. Political Science Research and Methods:1-18.

Ohmura, Tamaki; Willumsen, David M (2023). Free votes and the analysis of recorded votes: evidence from Germany (1949–2021). West European Politics, 46(6):1205-1221.

Ganesan, Pranav; Guardiola, Laia Roxane (2023). The ICJ Judgment on Nicaragua v Colombia (2022) : Applying an Established Jurisdictional Test or a Problematic Invention? Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 14(3):375-390.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Thoma, Andreina; Walter, André (2023). Landholding Inequality, Social Control, and Mass Opposition to Suffrage Extension. British Journal of Political Science:1-19.

Loong, Shona; Manby, Alex; McConnell, Fiona (2023). Rethinking self-determination: colonial and relational geographies in Asia. Territory, Politics, Governance:Epub ahead of print.

Clayton, Govinda; Nygård, Håvard Mokleiv; Strand, Håvard; Rustad, Siri A; Wiehler, Claudia; Sagård, Tora; Landsverk, Peder; Ryland, Reidun; Sticher, Valerie; Wink, Emma; Bara, Corinne (2023). Introducing the ETH/PRIO Civil Conflict Ceasefire Dataset. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67(7-8):1430-1451.

Levesque, Julien (2023). Anjuman, jami‘at, and association: what Sayyid organizations tell us about associational forms among Muslim caste groups. Contemporary South Asia, 31(3):483-497.

Ohmura, Tamaki; Bailer, Stefanie (2023). Power-seeking, networking and competition: why women do not rise in parties. West European Politics, 46(5):897-927.

Armingeon, Klaus; Lutz, Philipp (2023). Citizens’ response to a non-responsive government: the case of the Swiss Initiative on Mass Immigration. Comparative European Politics:133-151.

Schaeublin, Emanuel (2023). Civility as collective self-care in Nablus (Palestine): face-to-face interactions in the shadow of war. Peacebuilding, 11(3):288-301.

Picht, Peter Georg; Thouvenin, Florent (2023). AI and IP: Theory to Policy and Back Again – Policy and Research Recommendations at the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property. IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 54(6):916-940.

Sticher, Valerie; Verjee, Aly (2023). Do Eyes in the Sky Ensure Peace on the Ground? The Uncertain Contributions of Remote Sensing to Ceasefire Compliance. International Studies Review, 25(3):1-30.

Wolfe, Sven Daniel; Denysenko, Olena; Krichker, Dina; Rebro, Olga; Gunko, Maria (2023). The intimate and everyday geopolitics of the Russian war against Ukraine. Geopolitics:2222936.

Zhang, Caiyi; Kübler, Daniel; Dong, Lisheng (2023). Chinese perceptions of the EU: the impact of social media use. Global Public Policy and Governance, 3(2):180-198.

International Human Rights Law. Edited by: Moeckli, Daniel; Shah, Sangeeta; Sivakumaran, Sandesh; Harris, David (2023). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Binding, Garret; Koedam, Jelle; Steenbergen, Marco R (2023). The comparative meaning of political space: a comprehensive modeling approach. Political Science Research and Methods:1-9.

Backes-Gellner, Uschi; Lehnert, Patrick (2023). Berufliche Bildung als Innovationstreiber: Ein lange vernachlässigtes Forschungsfeld. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 24(1):85-97.

Krüsselmann, Katharina; Aarten, Pauline; Granath, Sven; Kivivuori, Janne; Markwalder, Nora; Suonpää, Karoliina; Thomsen, Asser Hedegaard; Walser, Simone; Liem, Marieke (2023). Firearm Homicides in Europe: A Comparison with Non-Firearm Homicides in Five European Countries. Global crime, 24(2):145-167.

Kayser, Mark A; Orlowski, Matthias; Rehmert, Jochen (2023). Coalition inclusion probabilities: a party-strategic measure for predicting policy and politics. Political Science Research and Methods, 11(2):328-346.

Huikuri, Tuuli-Anna (2023). Constraints and incentives in the investment regime: How bargaining power shapes BIT reform. Review of International Organizations, 18(2):361-391.

Wolfe, Sven Daniel (2023). Between the minor and the intimate: encountering the authoritarian (extra)ordinary in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Geopolitics, 28(2):820-845.

Scherzinger, Johannes (2023). Unbowed, unbent, unbroken? Examining the validity of the responsibility to protect. Cooperation and conflict : journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, 58(1):81-101.

Scherzinger, Johannes (2023). ‘Acting under Chapter 7’: rhetorical entrapment, rhetorical hollowing, and the authorization of force in the UN Security Council, 1995–2017. International Relations, 37(1):3-24.

Klüser, K Jonathan (2023). From bureaucratic capacity to legislation: how ministerial resources shape governments’ policy-making capabilities. West European Politics, 46(2):347-373.

Raco, Mike; Sun, Yixiang; Brill, Frances (2023). Relational regulation and Chinese real estate investment in London: moving beyond the territorial trap. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11(2):354-376.

Schulte, Felix; Steinert, Christoph Valentin (2023). Repression and backlash protests: Why leader arrests backfire. International Interactions, 49(1):1-30.

Eberl, Jakob-Moritz; Huber, Robert A; Mede, Niels G; Greussing, Esther (2023). Populist attitudes towards politics and science: how do they differ? Political Research Exchange, 5(1):2159847.

Besch, Johannes; López-Ortega, Alberto (2023). Do all voters appreciate rebels? Ideology moderates valence benefits from factional dissent. Journal of Legislative Studies, 29(1):113-134.

Bürgisser, Reto; Di Carlo, Donato (2023). Blessing or Curse? The Rise of Tourism-Led Growth in Europe’s Southern Periphery. Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(1):236-258.

Bremer, Björn; Bürgisser, Reto (2023). Public Opinion on Welfare State Recalibration in Times of Austerity: Evidence from Survey Experiments. Political Science Research and Methods, 11(1):34-52.

Sarma, Jasnea; Faxon, Hilary Oliva; Roberts, K B (2023). Remaking and Living with Resource Frontiers: Insights from Myanmar and Beyond. Geopolitics, 28(1):1-22.

Marks, Gary; Attewell, David; Hooghe, Liesbet; Rovny, Jan; Steenbergen, Marco (2023). The Social Bases of Political Parties: A New Measure and Survey. British Journal of Political Science, 53(1):249-260.

Spirig, Judith (2023). When Issue Salience Affects Adjudication: Evidence from Swiss Asylum Appeal Decisions. American Journal of Political Science, 67(1):55-70.

Aizenberg, Ellis; Werner, Hannah; van Geldere, Sharon (2023). Helping citizens to lobby themselves. Experimental evidence on the effects of citizen lobby engagement on internal efficacy and political support. Journal of European Public Policy:1-30.

Woo, Su Yun; Dong, Lisheng; Kübler, Daniel (2023). Now a systemic rival? Inklings of complex representations of the EU in public survey data of Chinese urban residents. Comparative European Politics, 21(5):590-608.


Fenzl, Michele; Slapin, Jonathan B; Wilhelm, Samuel (2022). From polarization of the public to polarization of the electorate: European Parliament elections as the preferred race for ideologues. European Union Politics, 23(4):590-611.

Kalte, Deborah (2022). Political Consumer Gap between Foreign Residents and Swiss Citizens: The Explanatory Relationship of Political Resources and Citizenship Status. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(4):653-674.

Kurer, Thomas; Van Staalduinen, Britta (2022). Disappointed Expectations: Downward Mobility and Electoral Change. American Political Science Review, 116(4):1340-1356.

Marchal, Nahema; Watson, David S (2022). The paradox of poor representation: How voter–party incongruence curbs affective polarisation. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24(4):668-685.

Habich, Erik (2022). FRAND Access to Data: Perspectives from the FRAND Licensing of Standard-Essential Patents for the Data Act Proposal and the Digital Markets Act. IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 53(9):1343-1373.

Schweinberger, Tanja (2022). How promise breaking in trade rhetoric shapes attitudes toward bilateral US-China trade cooperation. Business and Politics, 24(4):463-490.

Wang, Zhongyuan; Woo, Su Yun (2022). Deliberative representation: how Chinese authorities enhance political representation by public deliberation. Journal of Chinese Governance, 7(4):583-615.

Johann, David; Mayer, Sabrina J; Thomas, Kathrin (2022). Too immature to have a sense of duty? Civic duty in youth aged 16 and 17. German Politics, 31(4):511-531.

Araújo, Victor; Gatto, Malu A C (2022). Casting Ballots When Knowing Results. British Journal of Political Science, 52(4):1709-1727.

Steinert, Christoph Valentin; Dworschak, Christoph (2022). Political Imprisonment and Protest Mobilization: Evidence From the GDR. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67(7-8):1564-1591.

Sticher, Valerie (2022). Ceasefire Violations: Why They Occur and How They Relate to Strategic Decision-Making Processes. International Studies Review, 24(4):1-27.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Walter, André (2022). International Trade, the Great War, and the Origins of Taxation: Sister Republics Parting Ways. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(4):585-603.

Lopez Ortega, Alberto (2022). Are microtargeted campaign messages more negative and diverse? An analysis of Facebook Ads in European election campaigns. European Political Science, 21(3):335-358.

Breunig, Christian; Klüser, K Jonathan; Yang, Qixuan (2022). Can students be encouraged to read? Experimental evidence from a large lecture. European Political Science, 21(3):398-412.

Noori, Simon (2022). Suspicious Infrastructures: Automating Border Control and the Multiplication of Mistrust through Biometric E-Gates. Geopolitics, 27(4):1117-1139.

Leach, Robert (2022). Breath and the Brahmacārin: A Case of Obscure Inspiration in the Atharvaveda. Indo-Iranian Journal, 65(3):189-226.

Gessler, Theresa; Hunger, Sophia (2022). How the refugee crisis and radical right parties shape party competition on immigration. Political Science Research and Methods, 10(3):524-544.

Fjelde, Hanne; Smidt, Hannah M (2022). Protecting the Vote? Peacekeeping presence and the risk of electoral violence. British Journal of Political Science, 52(3):1113-1132.

Blair, Robert A; Di Salvatore, Jessica; Smidt, Hannah M (2022). When do UN Peacekeeping operations implement their mandates? American Journal of Political Science, 66(3):664-680.

Steinert, Christoph Valentin (2022). The Impact of Domestic Surveillance on Political Imprisonment: Evidence from the German Democratic Republic. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67(1):38-65.

Koedam, Jelle (2022). A change of heart? Analysing stability and change in European party positions. West European Politics, 45(4):693-715.

Zerback, Thomas; Töpfl, Florian (2022). Forged examples as disinformation: The biasing effects of political astroturfing comments on public opinion perceptions and how to prevent them. Political Psychology, 43(3):399-418.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Gessler, Theresa; Kubli, Maël; Müller, Stefan (2022). Issue Ownership and Agenda Setting in the 2019 Swiss National Elections. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(2):190-208.

Lauener, Lukas; Emmenegger, Patrick; Häusermann, Silja; Walter, Stefanie (2022). Torn Between International Cooperation and National Sovereignty: Voter Attitudes in Trade‐off Situations in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(2):277-295.

Altwicker, Tilmann (2022). Social Justice and the Judicial Interpretation of International Equal Protection Law. Leiden Journal of International Law, 35(2):221-244.

Stückelberger, Simon; Koedam, Jelle (2022). Parties’ voter targeting strategies: What can facebook ads tell us? Electoral Studies, 77:1-13.

Bischof, Daniel; Cohen, Gidon; Cohen, Sarah; Foos, Florian; Kuhn, Patrick Michael; Nanou, Kyriaki; Visalvanich, Neil; Vivyan, Nick (2022). Advantages, challenges and limitations of audit experiments with constituents. Political Studies Review, 20(2):192-200.

Haffert, Lukas (2022). The long-term effects of oppression: Prussia, Political Catholicism, and the Alternative für Deutschland. American Political Science Review, 116(2):595-614.

Armingeon, Klaus; de la Porte, Caroline; Heins, Elke; Sacchi, Stefano (2022). Voices from the past: economic and political vulnerabilities in the making of next generation EU. Comparative European Politics, 20(2):144-165.

Sticher, Valerie (2022). Healing Stalemates: The Role of Ceasefires in Ripening Conflict. Ethnopolitics, 21(2):149-162.

Steinert, Christoph Valentin (2022). The duration of political imprisonment: Evidence from China. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 40(4):349-372.

Valsangiacomo, Chiara (2022). Clarifying and defining the concept of liquid democracy. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(1):61-80.

Rehmert, Jochen (2022). Coordinating nominations: how to deal with an incumbent surplus after electoral reform. Japanese Journal of Political Science, 23(1):55-72.

Foos, Florian; Bischof, Daniel (2022). Tabloid media campaigns and public opinion: quasi-experimental evidence on euroscepticism in England. American Political Science Review, 116(1):19-37.

Crasnic, Loriana (2022). Resistance in tax and transparency standards: small states’ heterogenous responses to new regulations. Review of International Political Economy, 29(1):255-280.

Doucouliagos, Hristos; Hinz, Thomas; Zigova, Katarina (2022). Bias and careers: Evidence from the aid effectiveness literature. European Journal of Political Economy, 71:102056.

Jurado, Ignacio; León, Sandra; Walter, Stefanie (2022). Brexit Dilemmas: Shaping Postwithdrawal Relations with a Leaving State. International Organization, 76(2):273-304.

Leese, Matthias; Noori, Simon; Scheel, Stephan (2022). Data matters: the politics and practices of digital border and migration management. Geopolitics, 27(1):5-25.

Bertsou, Eri; Caramani, Daniele (2022). People haven't had enough of experts: technocratic attitudes among citizens in nine european democracies. American Journal of Political Science, 66(1):5-23.

Ackermann, Kathrin; Gundelach, Birte (2022). Psychological roots of political consumerism: personality traits and participation in boycott and buycott. International Political Science Review, 43(1):36-54.

Enggist, Matthias; Pinggera, Michael (2022). Radical right parties and their welfare state stances: not so blurry after all? West European Politics, 45(1):102-128.

Werner, Hannah; Jacobs, Kristof (2022). Are Populists Sore Losers? Explaining Populist Citizens' Preferences for and Reactions to Referendums. British Journal of Political Science, 52(3):1409-1417.

Garzia, Diego; da Silva Ferreira, Frederico; De Angelis, Andrea (2022). Partisan dealignment and the personalisation of politics in West European parliamentary democracies, 1961-2018. West European Politics, 45(2):311-334.

De Angelis, Andrea; Farhart, Christina; Merkley, Eric; Stecula, Dominik Political Misinformation in the Digital Age During a Pandemic: Partisanship, Propaganda, and Democratic Decision-Making. Edited by: De Angelis, Andrea; Farhart, Christina E; Merkley, Eric; Stecula, Dominik A (2022). Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.

Werner, Hannah; Marien, Sofie (2022). Process vs. Outcome? How to Evaluate the Effects of Participatory Processes on Legitimacy Perceptions. British Journal of Political Science, 52(1):429-436.

Veri, Francesco; Barrowman, Hannah (2022). The Added Value of Configurational Meta-analyses. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(1):116-128.

Keller, Helen; Heri, Corina (2022). The Future is Now: Climate Cases Before the ECtHR. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 40(1):153-174.

Giger, Nathalie; Traber, Denise; Gilardi, Fabrizio; Bütikofer, Sarah (2022). The surge in women's representation in the 2019 Swiss federal elections. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 28(2):361-376.


Capaul, Raphael; Ewert, Christian (2021). Moderation of Radical Right‐wing Populist Parties in Western European Governments – A Comparative Analysis. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 27(4):778-798.

Yin, Jenny; Willi, Thomas; Leemann, Lucas (2021). Prepaid postage using pre-stamped envelopes to affect turnout costs. Electoral Studies, 74:102405.

Koedam, Jelle (2021). Avoidance, ambiguity, alternation: position blurring strategies in multidimensional party competition. European Union Politics, 22(4):655-675.

Ongena, Steven (2021). Do governments and banks see eye to eye about the environment? Maybe not yet, but can they? Economic and Political Studies, 9(4):461-462.

Ghosh, Banhishikha (2021). Capsizing the gaze: gender non-conforming communities as monitorial citizens. Contemporary South Asia, 29(4):532-545.

Sticher, Valerie; Vuković, Siniša (2021). Bargaining in intrastate conflicts: The shifting role of ceasefires. Journal of Peace Research, 58(6):1284-1299.

Krichker, Dina; Sarma, Jasnea (2021). Can borders speak to each other? The India–Bangladesh and Spain–Morocco borders in dialogue. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 36(5):813-831.

Benincasa, Emanuela (2021). Climate policy and cross-border lending: evidence from the syndicated loan market. Economic and Political Studies, 9(4):463-476.

Clayton, Govinda; Sticher, Valerie (2021). The Logic of Ceasefires in Civil War. International Studies Quarterly, 65(3):633-646.

Smidt, Hannah (2021). Keeping electoral peace? Activities of United Nations peacekeeping operations and their effects on election-related violence. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 38(5):580-604.

Nguyen, Minh Hao; Hargittai, Eszter; Fuchs, Jaelle; Djukaric, Teodora; Hunsaker, Amand (2021). Trading spaces: how and why older adults disconnect from and switch between digital media. The Information Society, 37(5):299-311.

Huang, Hsin-Ying; Kovacs, Mate; Kryssanov, Victor; Serdült, Uwe (2021). Towards a Model of Online Petition Signing Dynamics on the Join Platform in Taiwan. In: 2021 Eighth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), Quito, Ecuador, 28 July 2021 - 30 July 2021. IEEE, 199-204.

Baccini, Leonardo; Leemann, Lucas (2021). Do natural disasters help the environment? How voters respond and what that means. Political Science Research and Methods, 9(3):468-484.

Engler, Sarah; Brunner, Palmo; Loviat, Romane; Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Leemann, Lucas; Glaser, Andreas; Kübler, Daniel (2021). Democracy in times of the pandemic: explaining the variation of COVID-19 policies across European democracies. West European Politics, 44(5-6):1077-1102.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Kurer, Thomas (2021). Economic risk within the household and voting for the radical right. World Politics, 73(3):482-511.

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Emmenegger, Partick; Häusermann, Silja; Walter, Stefanie (2018). National sovereignty vs. international cooperation: policy choices in trade‐off situations. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 24(4):400-422.

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Huber, Robert A; Ruth, Saskia P (2017). Mind the gap! Populism, participation and representation in Europe. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 23(4):462-484.

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Bornschier, Simon (2017). Populist mobilization across time and space : an introduction. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 23(4):301-312.

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Kübler, Daniel; Kriesi, Hanspeter (2017). How globalisation and mediatisation challenge our democracies. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 23(3):231-245.

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