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Kazemian, Ali; Tavares Pereira, Miguel; Aslan, Selim; Payan-Carreira, Rita; Reichler, Iris M; Agaoglu, Reha A; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2023). Membrane-bound progesterone receptors in the canine uterus and placenta; possible targets in the maintenance of pregnancy. Theriogenology, 210:68-83.
Kazmir-Lysak, Kristina; Torres-Cantó, Lucía; Ingraffia, Sara; Romanelli, Giorgio; Massari, Federico; Rossanese, Matteo; Compagnone, Krizia; Pisani, Guido; Cinti, Filippo; Montinaro, Vincenzo; Collivignarelli, Francesco; Okushima, Sayaka; Vallefuoco, Rosario (2023). Use of wound infusion catheters for postoperative local anaesthetic administration in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(9):1098612X231193534.
Krämer, Anna Lena; Seehusen, Frauke; Nolff, Mirja Christine (2023). Neuroendokrines Karzinom der Gallenblase als seltene Ursache für Meläna und Hämatemesis beim Hund. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 51(03):194-200.
Riege, Lisa; Leber, Johanna; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra; Walter, Beate; Schäfer-Somi, Sabine; Reichler, Iris; Arlt, Sebastian; Wehrend, Axel (2023). Leitlinien für reproduktionsmedizinische Dienstleistungen und Operationen bei Hund und Katze. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 51(04):276-277.
Güldenpfennig, Janine; Bartel, Alexander; Arlt, Sebastian (2023). Listening, reading, writing – which method leads to the best learning outcome? Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 51(04):242-251.
Zwicklbauer, Katharina; Krentz, Daniela; Bergmann, Michèle; Felten, Sandra; Dorsch, Roswitha; Fischer, Andrea; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Meli, Marina L; Spiri, Andrea M; Alberer, Martin; Kolberg, Laura; Matiasek, Kaspar; Zablotski, Yury; von Both, Ulrich; Hartmann, Katrin (2023). Long-term follow-up of cats in complete remission after treatment of feline infectious peritonitis with oral GS-441524. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(8):1098612X231183250.
Husi, Benjamin Andrea; Arnaldi, Laura; Roitner, Moritz; Nolff, Mirja C (2023). Retrospective evaluation of surgical site infection after open splenectomies with and without perioperative prophylactic antibiotic coverage. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 51(3):154-160.
Furthner, Etienne; Fabian, Rosalie; Kipar, Anja; Schuler, Gerhard; Janett, Fredi; Nudelmann, Nicolas; Kutter, Annette P N; Reichler, Iris M (2023). Epididymectomy as a novel surgical procedure; application in the domestic cat. Theriogenology, 200:168-178.
Schramm, Andreina; Kook, Peter Hendrik (2023). Evaluation of dietary histories in cats presenting with chronic gastrointestinal clinical signs to a veterinary teaching hospital. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(2):1098612X2311544.
Moretto, Laura; Beckmann, Katrin; Günther, Christian; Herzig, Robert; Rampazzo, Antonella; Suter, Anja; Steffen, Frank; Glaus, Tony M (2023). Manifestations of hypertensive encephalopathy in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(2):1098612X2311533.
Arlt, Sebastian P; Reichler, Iris M; Herbel, Johannes; Schäfer-Somi, Sabine; Riege, Lisa; Leber, Johanna; Frehner, Bianca (2023). Diagnostic tests in canine andrology - What do they really tell us about fertility? Theriogenology, 196:150-156.
Arz, Raphael; Chiti, Lavinia Elena; Krudewig, Christiane; Grieco, Valeria; Meier, Valeria; Fejös, Csilla; Stefanello, Damiano; Nolff, M C (2023). Lymph node metastasis in feline cutaneous low-grade mast cell tumours. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 25(1):1098612X2211384.
Bedir, Özlem; Gram, Aykut; Grazul-Bilska, Anna T; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2023). The effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and nutrition on implantation-related gene expression in caruncular tissues of non-pregnant sheep. Theriogenology, 195:229-237.
Mohr, Kaye; Nolff, Mirja; Zablotski, Yury; Dittus, Thomas; Korbel, Rüdiger; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andrea; Wolf, Georg; Hiss, Katrin; Peters, Hannah; Schulz, Bianka (2022). Einfluss der Verordnung über Tierärztliche Hausapotheken auf den Antibiotikaeinsatz bei Hund und Katze in Bayern. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 50(5):337-347.
Beer, P; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Nolff, M C (2022). Near‐infrared fluorescent image‐guided lymph node dissection compared with locoregional lymphadenectomies in dogs with mast cell tumours. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 63(9):670-678.
Berman, Chad F; Lobetti, Remo G; Zini, Eric; Fosgate, Geoffrey T; Schoeman, Johan P (2022). Influence of high-protein and high-carbohydrate diets on serum lipid and fructosamine concentrations in healthy cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24(8):759-769.
Lindt, Blanca; Richter, Henning; Del Chicca, Francesca (2022). Investigated regional apparent diffusion coefficient values of the morphologically normal feline brain. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24(8):e214-e222.
Corsini, Andrea; Niessen, Stijn J M; Miceli, Diego D; Caney, Sarah; Zeugswetter, Florian K; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Arenas, Carolina; Fleeman, Linda M; Leal, Rodolfo O; Battellino, Martina; Fracassi, Federico (2022). Quality of life and response to treatment in cats with hypersomatotropism: the owners’ point of view. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24(8):e175-e182.
Niemann, Lisa; Beckmann, Katrin; Iannucci, Claudia; Wang Leandro, Adriano; Vigani, Alessio (2022). Diagnosis of post-attenuation neurological signs syndrome in a cat with refractory status epilepticus and clinical response to therapeutic plasma exchange. Journal of feline medicine and surgery open reports, 8(2):205511692211219.
Pfitzer, Johannes M; Natsios, Pavlos; Beer, Patricia; Nolff, M C (2022). Long-term outcome after total scapulectomy for the treatment of osteosarcoma in a cat. Journal of feline medicine and surgery open reports, 8(2):205511692211219.
Gall, Nick; Parsons, Kevin; Radke, Heidi; Comerford, Eithne; Mielke, Ben; Grierson, James; Ryan, John; Addison, Elena; Logethelou, Vasileia; Blaszyk, Agnieszka; Langley-Hobbs, Sorrel J (2022). Analysis of feline humeral fracture morphology and a comparison of fracture repair stabilisation methods: 101 cases (2009–2020). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24(6):e19-e27.
Giselbrecht, Juliana; Bergmann, Michèle; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hartmann, Katrin (2022). Infektion mit dem felinen Leukämievirus – der Weg zur Diagnose. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 50(03):198-212.
Rondelli, Vincenzo; Otero, Pablo E; Romano, Francesca; Verdier, Natali; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Portela, Diego A (2022). Incidence of dural sac puncture during neuraxial anesthesia in cats: an observational, retrospective study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 24(4):398-401.
Henze, Inken Sabine; Ivasovic, Frane; Keller, Stefanie; Steblaj, Barbara (2022). Anästhesie einer Katze mit komplexer Herzfehlbildung. Kleintierpraxis, 67:56-68.
Herrero, Yaiza; Iannucci, Claudia; Schreiber, Nora; Hansen, Bernard D; Vigani, Alessio (2022). Acute nephrotic-range glomerular proteinuria following ibuprofen intoxication in two cats. Journal of feline medicine and surgery open reports, 8(1):205511692211045.
Arz, Raphael; Seehusen, Frauke; Meier, Valeria Sabina; Nolff, Mirja Christine (2022). Indocyanine-based near-infrared lymphography for real-time detection of lymphatics in a cat with multiple mast cell tumours. Journal of feline medicine and surgery open reports, 8(1):205511692210749.
Hartmann, Katrin; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Sykes, Jane E (2022). Feline Leukemia Virus Infection. In: Sykes, Jane E. Greene's infectious diseases of the dog and cat (5th edition). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 382-413.
Amsler, Morena; Zurfluh, Katrin; Hartnack, Sonja; Sidler, Xaver; Stephan, Roger; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2021). Occurrence of Escherichia coli non-susceptible to quinolones in faecal samples from fluoroquinolone-treated, contact and control pigs of different ages from 24 Swiss pig farms. Porcine Health Management, 7(1):29.
Balogh, Orsolya; Somoskői, Bence; Kollár, Eszter; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Gram, Aykut; Reichler, Iris M; Klein, Ruth; Kawate, Noritoshi; Mester, László; Walter, Beate; Müller, Linda (2021). Anti-Müllerian hormone, testosterone, and insulin-like peptide 3 as biomarkers of Sertoli and Leydig cell function during deslorelin-induced testicular downregulation in the dog. Theriogenology, 175:100-110.
Rempel, Lea Magdalena; Körber, Hanna; Reichler, Iris M; Balogh, Orsolya; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra (2021). Investigations on the potential role of prostaglandin E2 in canine uterine inertia. Theriogenology, 175:134-147.
Brändli, S P; Palm, J; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Reichler, Iris M (2021). Long-term effect of repeated deslorelin acetate treatment in bitches for reproduction control. Theriogenology, 173:73-82.
Moretto, Laura; Lavaud, Arnold; Suter, Anja; Günther, Christian; Pot, Simon A; Glaus, Tony (2021). Reliability of detecting fundus abnormalities associated with systemic hypertension in cats assessed by veterinarians with and without ophthalmology specialty training. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 23(10):921-927.
Becsek, Angela; Tzanidakis, Nikolaos; Blanco, Miguel; Schmicke, Marion; Bollwein, Heinrich (2021). Transrectal three-dimensional fetal volumetry in early pregnant mares: Relationships between maternal factors and equine fetal volume measurements. Theriogenology, 174:20-26.
Stalder, Sandro; Marti, Hanna; Borel, Nicole; Vogler, Barbara Renate; Pesch, Theresa; Prähauser, Barbara; Wencel, Peter; Laroucau, Karine; Albini, Sarah (2021). Falcons from the United Arab Emirates infected with Chlamydia psittaci/C abortus intermediates specified as Chlamydia buteonis by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 35(3):333-340.
Nolff, Mirja Christine (2021). Filling the vacuum: Role of negative pressure wound therapy in open wound management in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 23(9):823-833.
Tauro, Anna; Di Dona, Francesco; Zoelch, Niklaus; Stent, Andrew (2021). Fluctuation of clinical signs with near-syncopal episodes in a dog with gliomatosis cerebri: a diagnostic challenge. Topics in companion animal medicine, 43:100508.
Lüttgenau, J; Imboden, I; Wellnitz, O; Romer, R; Scaravaggi, Iside; Neves, A P; Borel, Nicole; Bruckmaier, R M; Janett, Fredi; Bollwein, Heiner (2021). Intrauterine infusion of killed semen adversely affects uterine blood flow and endometrial gene expression of inflammatory cytokines in mares susceptible to persistent breeding-induced endometritis. Theriogenology, 163:18-30.
Tardo, Antonio M; Reusch, Claudia E; Galac, Sara; Fornetti, Sofia; Tirolo, Alessandro; Golinelli, Stefania; Shehdula, Dardan; Fracassi, Federico (2021). Feline plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone: validation of a chemiluminescent assay and concentrations in cats with hypercortisolism, primary hypoadrenocorticism and other diseases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 23(2):67-73.
Kummrow, Maya (2021). Diagnostic and Therapeutic Guidelines to Abnormal Behavior in Captive Nonhuman Primates. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 24(1):253-266.
Kook, Peter H (2021). Esophagitis in cats and dogs. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 51(1):1-15.
Papa, Paula C; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2020). Erratum to ‘Factors affecting the fate of the canine corpus luteum: Potential contributors to pregnancy and non-pregnancy’ Theriogenology; Volume 150, 1 July 2020, Pages 339-346. Theriogenology, 158:207-208.
Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Pereira, Miguel Tavares; Papa, Paula; Gram, Aykut (2020). Progesterone receptor blockers: historical perspective, mode of function and insights into clinical and scientific applications. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 48(6):433-440.
Furthner, Etienne; Roos, Juliette; Niewiadomska, Zuzanna; Maenhoudt, Cindy; Fontbonne, Alain (2020). Contraceptive implants used by cat breeders in France: a study of 140 purebred cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(10):984-992.
Egloff, S; Reichler, Iris M; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Keller, S; Goericke-Pesch, S; Balogh, Orsolya (2020). Uterine expression of smooth muscle alpha- and gamma-actin and smooth muscle myosin in bitches diagnosed with uterine inertia and obstructive dystocia. Theriogenology, 156:162-170.
Fanelli, D; Panzani, D; Rota, A; Tesi, M; Camillo, F; Bollwein, Heiner; Herrera, C (2020). Cryopreservation of donkey embryos: Comparison of embryo survival rate after in vitro culture between conventional freezing and vitrification. Theriogenology, 154:11-16.
Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hartmann, Katrin (2020). Feline leukaemia virus infection: a practical approach to diagnosis. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(9):831-846.
Hartmann, Katrin; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2020). What's New in Feline Leukemia Virus Infection. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 50(5):1013-1036.
Kowalewski, M P; Tavares Pereira, M; Kazemian, A (2020). Canine conceptus-maternal communication during maintenance and termination of pregnancy, including the role of species-specific decidualization. Theriogenology, 150:329-338.
Almiñana, Carmen; Bauersachs, Stefan (2020). Extracellular vesicles: Multi-signal messengers in the gametes/embryo-oviduct cross-talk. Theriogenology, 150:59-69.
Papa, Paula C; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2020). Factors affecting the fate of the canine corpus luteum: Potential contributors to pregnancy and non-pregnancy. Theriogenology, 150:339-346.
Mastromonaco, Gabriela F; Gonzalez-Grajales, Antonio L (2020). Reproduction in female wild cattle: Influence of seasonality on ARTs. Theriogenology, 150:396-404.
Kedward-Dixon, Helen; Barker, Emi N; Tasker, Séverine; Kipar, Anja; Helps, Christopher R (2020). Evaluation of polymorphisms in inflammatory mediator and cellular adhesion genes as risk factors for feline infectious peritonitis. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(6):564-570.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Tasker, Séverine; Hartmann, Katrin; Belák, Sándor; Addie, Diane; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hosie, Margaret; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2020). Dirofilarioses in cats: European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(5):442-451.
Mislei, Beatrice; Bucci, Diego; Malama, Eleni; Bollwein, Heiner; Mari, Gaetano (2020). Seasonal changes in ROS concentrations and sperm quality in unfrozen and frozen-thawed stallion semen. Theriogenology, 144:89-97.
Hankele, A K; Rehm, K; Berard, J; Schuler, G; Bigler, L; Ulbrich, S E (2020). Progestogen profiling in plasma during the estrous cycle in cattle using an LC-MS based approach. Theriogenology, 142:376-383.
Little, Susan; Levy, Julie; Hartmann, Katrin; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hosie, Margaret J; Olah, Glenn; St Denis, Kelly (2020). 2020 AAFP feline retrovirus testing and management guidelines. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(1):5-30.
Hudson, Caleb C; Lewis, Daniel D; Pozzi, Antonio (2020). Minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis: radius and ulna. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 50(1):135-153.
Hudson, Caleb C; Kim, Stanley E; Pozzi, Antonio (2020). Percutaneous pinning for fracture repair in dogs and cats. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 50(1):101-121.
Pozzi, Antonio; Lewis, Daniel D; Hudson, Caleb C; Kim, Stanley E; Castelli, Emanuele (2020). Percutaneous plate arthrodesis. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 50(1):241-261.
Maritato, Karl C; Schmierer, Philipp A; Pozzi, Antonio (2020). Unique differences of minimally invasive fracture repair in the feline. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 50(1):263-271.
Kindle, Patrick; Zurfluh, Katrin; Nüesch-Inderbinen, Magdalena; von Ah, Sereina; Sidler, X; Stephan, Roger; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2019). Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Escherichia coli with non-susceptibility to quinolones isolated from environmental samples on pig farms. Porcine Health Management, 5(1):9.
Panopoulos, I; Auriemma, E; Specchi, S; Diana, A; Pietra, M; Papastefanou, A; Zini, Eric; Cipone, M (2019). 64-multidetector CT anatomical assessment of the feline bronchial and pulmonary vascular structures. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 21(10):893-901.
Ernstberger, M; Oehl, H; Hässig, Michael; Hartnack, Sonja; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Predicting the probability of conception in dairy cows with clinical endometritis based on a combination of anamnestic information and examination results. Theriogenology, 138:127-136.
Körner, Maximilian; Roos, Malgorzata; Meier, Valeria Sabina; Soukup, Alena; Cancedda, Simona; Parys, Magdalena M; Turek, Michelle; Rohrer Bley, Carla (2019). Radiation therapy for intracranial tumours in cats with neurological signs. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 21(8):765-771.
Oehler, Christin; Janett, Fredi; Schmitt, Sarah; Malama, Eleni; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Development of a flow cytometric assay to assess the bacterial count in boar semen. Theriogenology, 133:125-134.
Nolff, M C; Winter, S; Reese, S; Meyer‐Lindenberg, A (2019). Comparison of polyhexanide, cold atmospheric plasma and saline in the treatment of canine bite wounds. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 60(6):348-355.
Aftab, Ghazal; Rajaei, Seyed Mehdi; Pot, Simon A; Faghihi, Houman (2019). Seasonal effects on the corneoconjunctival microflora in a population of Persian cats in Iran. Topics in companion animal medicine, 34:30-32.
Tabecka-Lonczynska, Anna; Mytych, Jennifer; Solek, Przemyslaw; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Koziorowski, Marek (2019). Seasonal expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), its receptor IGF-1R and klotho in testis and epididymis of the European bison (Bison bonasus, Linnaeus 1758). Theriogenology, 126:199-205.
Becsek, Angela; Tzanidakis, Nikolaos; Blanco, Miguel; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Transrectal three-dimensional fetal volumetry and crown-rump length measurement during early gestation in mares: Intra- and inter-observer reliability and agreement. Theriogenology, 126:266-271.
Rossi, Federica; Marconato, Laura; Sabattini, Silvia; Cancedda, Simona; Laganga, Paola; Leone, Vito F; Rohrer Bley, Carla (2019). Comparison of definitive-intent finely fractionated and palliative-intent coarsely fractionated radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment of feline microscopic injection-site sarcoma. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 21(2):65-72.
Husi, B; Knell, Sebastian; Pozzi, Antonio; Schmierer, Philipp (2019). Aktuelle therapeutische Möglichkeiten der schmerzhaften Osteoarthrose von Hund und Katze. Kleintierpraxis, 64(7):400-418.
Lüscher, Muriel; Gutbrod, Andreas; Schmierer, Philipp; Knell, Sebastian (2019). Überblick über die Bandrekonstruktion bei Hund und Katze. Kleintierpraxis, 64(3):150-168.
Flickinger, Irene; Gasymova, Eva; Dietiker-Moretti, Simona; Tichy, Alexander; Rohrer Bley, Carla (2018). Evaluation of long-term outcome and prognostic factors of feline squamous cell carcinomas treated with photodynamic therapy using liposomal phosphorylated meta-tetra(hydroxylphenyl)chlorine. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 20(12):1100-1104.
Furthner, Etienne; Cordonnier, Nathalie; Le Dudal, Marine; Fontbonne, Alain; Freiche, Valérie (2018). Is electroejaculation a safe procedure in cats? An endoscopic and histological prospective blinded study. Theriogenology, 119:69-75.
Massari, F; Montinaro, V; Buracco, P; Romanelli, G (2018). Combined caudal-superficial-epigastric axial pattern flap and full-thickness buccal mucosa graft for single-stage preputial reconstruction in six dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 59(7):415-421.
Tasker, Séverine; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Belák, Sándor; Frymus, Tadeusz; Addie, Diane D; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2018). Haemoplasmosis in cats: European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 20(3):256-261.
Gürler, H; Podhajsky, E; Özen, D; Leiding, C; Bollwein, Heiner; Meinecke-Tillmann, S (2018). Suitability of the hemi-zona assay for the evaluation of the effect of the length of the equilibration period before cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 106:157-163.
Gawda, Natalia; Joekel, Deborah (2018). Postpartal klinisch manifeste alveoläre Echinokokkose bei einer Hündin. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 46(6):403-409.
Hooshmandabbasi, Reyhaneh; Zerbe, Holm; Bauersachs, Stefan; de Sousa, Noelita M; Boos, Alois; Klisch, Karl (2018). Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in cows with retained fetal membranes. Theriogenology, 105:158-163.
Erles, K; Mugford, A; Barfield, D; Leeb, T; Kook, Peter H (2018). Systemic Scedosporium prolificans infection in an 11-month-old Border collie with cobalamin deficiency secondary to selective cobalamin malabsorption (canine Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 59(4):253-256.
Pricking, S; Bollwein, Heiner; Spilker, K; Martinsson, G; Schweizer, A; Thomas, S; Oldenhof, H; Sieme, H (2017). Testicular volumetry and prediction of daily sperm output in stallions by orchidometry and two- and three-dimensional sonography. Theriogenology, 104:149-155.
Arlt, S; Wehrend, A; Reichler, Iris M (2017). Kastration der Hündin – neue und alte Erkenntnisse zu Vor- und Nachteilen. Tierärztliche Praxis, 45(4):253-263.
Wach-Gygax, L; Burger, D; Malama, Eleni; Bollwein, Heiner; Fleisch, A; Jeannerat, E; Thomas, S; Schuler, G; Janett, Fredi (2017). Seasonal changes of DNA fragmentation and quality of raw and cold-stored stallion spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 99:98-104.
Hungerbuehler, Stephan O; Reichler, Iris M; Nickel, R; Fehr, M (2017). Sonografischer Untersuchungsgang zu Beurteilung der Ureteren beim Hund für Zuchtuntersuchungen. Kleintierpraxis, 62(7):434-450.
Schrack, J; Dolf, Gaudenz; Reichler, Iris M; Schelling, Claude (2017). Factors influencing litter size and puppy losses in the Entlebucher Mountain dog. Theriogenology, 95:163-170.
Balogh, Orsolya; Roch, Marie; Keller, Stefanie; Michel, Erika; Reichler, Iris M (2017). The use of semi-quantitative tests at Cesarean section delivery for the differentiation of canine fetal fluids from maternal urine on the basis of biochemical characteristics. Theriogenology, 88:174-182.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Radford, Alan D; Tasker, Séverine; Belák, Sándor; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2017). Anaplasma, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia species infections in cats: European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(5):542-548.
Voss, Katja; Karli, Philemon; Montavon, Pierre M; Geyer, Hans (2017). Association of mineralisations in the stifle joint of domestic cats with degenerative joint disease and cranial cruciate ligament pathology. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(1):27-35.
Nowaczyk, Renata M; Jursza-Piotrowska, Ewelina; Gram, Aykut; Siemieniuch, Marta J; Boos, Alois; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2017). Cells expressing CD4, CD8, MHCII and endoglin in the canine corpus luteum of pregnancy, and prepartum activation of the luteal TNFα system. Theriogenology, 98:123-132.
Lacava, G; Zini, Eric; Marchesotti, F; Domenech, O; Romano, F; Manzocchi, S; Venco, L; Auriemma, E (2017). Computed tomography, radiology and echocardiography in cats naturally infected with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(4):446-453.
Bachmann, Karin; Kutter, Annette P N; Schefer, R J; Marly-Voquer, C; Sigrist, Nadja (2017). Determination of reference intervals and comparison of venous blood gas parameters using standard and non-standard collection methods in 24 cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(8):831-840.
Heller, Oliver; Stephan, Roger; Thanner, S; Hässig, Michael; Bee, G; Gutzwiller, A; Sidler, Xaver (2017). Effect of antimicrobials administered via liquid feed on the occurrence of sulphonamide and trimethoprim resistant Enterobacteriaceae: case-control study. Porcine Health Management, 3:20.
Fleisch, Andreas; Malama, Eleni; Witschi, U; Leiding, C; Siuda, Mathias; Janett, Fredi; Bollwein, Heiner (2017). Effects of an extension of the equilibration period up to 96 hours on the characteristics of cryopreserved bull semen. Theriogenology, 89:255-262.
Schaefer, S; Kooistra, H S; Riond, Barbara; Suchodolski, J S; Steiner, J M; Prins, M; Zini, Eric; Reusch, Claudia E (2017). Evaluation of insulin-like growth factor-1, total thyroxine, feline pancreas-specific lipase and urinary corticoid-to-creatinine ratio in cats with diabetes mellitus in Switzerland and the Netherlands. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(8):888-896.
Clauss, Marcus; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2017). Evidence-based rabbit housing and nutrition. The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice, 20(3):871-884.
Malama, E; Zeron, Y; Janett, Fredi; Siuda, Mathias; Roth, Z; Bollwein, Heiner (2017). Use of computer-assisted sperm analysis and flow cytometry to detect seasonal variations of bovine semen quality. Theriogenology, 87:79-90.
Reusch, Claudia E (2016). Feline Acromegaly. In: ESVE, Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology, Bologna, Italy, 26 June 2016 - 1 July 2016, s.n..
Kim-Egloff, C; Hässig, M; Bruckmaier, R; Bleul, U (2016). Doppler sonographic examination of uterine and placental perfusion in cows in the last month of gestation and effects of epidural anesthesia and isoxsuprine. Theriogenology, 85(5):986-998.
Romagnoli, N; Zambelli, D; Cunto, M; Lambertini, C; Ventrella, D; Baron Toaldo, M (2016). Non-invasive evaluation of the haemodynamic effects of high-dose medetomidine in healthy cats for semen collection. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 18(4):337-343.
Zoller, D; Lüttgenau, Johannes; Steffens, Sabine; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). The effect of isosorbide dinitrate on uterine and ovarian blood flow in cycling and early pregnant mares: A pilot study. Theriogenology, 85(9):1562-1567.
Kaya, Semra; Kaçar, Cihan; Polat, Bülent; Çolak, Armağan; Kaya, Duygu; Gürcan, I S; Bollwein, Heiner; Aslan, Selim (2016). Association of luteal blood flow with follicular size, serum estrogen and progesterone concentrations, and the inducibility of luteolysis by PGF2α in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 87:167-172.
Lüttgenau, Johannes; Purschke, S; Tsousis, G; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Body condition loss and increased serum levels of nonesterified fatty acids enhance progesterone levels at estrus and reduce estrous activity and insemination rates in postpartum dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(4):656-663.
Lüttgenau, Johannes; Kögel, T; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Effects of GnRH or PGF2α in week 5 postpartum on the incidence of cystic ovarian follicles and persistent corpora lutea and on fertility parameters in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(5):904-913.
Gürler, H; Malama, E; Heppelmann, M; Calisici, O; Leiding, C; Kastelic, J P; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Effects of cryopreservation on sperm viability, synthesis of reactive oxygen species, and DNA damage of bovine sperm. Theriogenology, 86(2):562-571.
Bennert, Beatrice M; Kircher, Patrick R; Gutbrod, Andreas; Riechert, Juliane; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2016). Evaluation of two miniplate systems and figure-of-eight bandages for stabilization of experimentally induced ulnar and radial fractures in pigeons (Columba livia). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 30(2):111-121.
Morris, A P; Anderson, A A; Barnes, D M; Bright, S R; Knudsen, C S; Lewis, D D; Pozzi, Antonio; Langley-Hobbs, S J (2016). Plate failure by bending following tibial fracture stabilisation in 10 cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 57(9):472-478.
Heppelmann, M; Weinert, M; Ulbrich, S E; Brömmling, A; Piechotta, M; Merbach, S; Schoon, H-A; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). The effect of puerperal uterine disease on histopathologic findings and mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines of the endometrium in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(7):1348-1356.
Lüttgenau, Johannes; Mang, H; Borel, Nicole; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Ultrasonographic examination reduces the percentage of unsuccessful inseminations in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(4):664-670.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane D; Lutz, Hans; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Blood transfusion in cats: ABCD guidelines for minimising risks of infectious iatrogenic complications. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):588-593.
Lutz, Hans; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Borna disease virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):614-616.
Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Cytauxzoonosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):637-641.
Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Disinfectant choices in veterinary practices, shelters and households: ABCD guidelines on safe and effective disinfection for feline environments. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):594-605.
Hartmann, Katrin; Day, Michael J; Thiry, Etienne; Lloret, Albert; Frymus, Tadeusz; Addie, Diane; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Feline injection-site sarcoma: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):606-613.
Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Hepatozoonosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):642-644.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Lungworm disease in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):626-636.
Hosie, Margaret J; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Matrix vaccination guidelines: 2015 ABCD recommendations for indoor/outdoor cats, rescue shelter cats and breeding catteries. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):583-587.
Möstl, Karin; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2015). Something old, something new: Update of the 2009 and 2013 ABCD guidelines on prevention and management of feline infectious diseases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):570-582.
Frymus, Tadeusz; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Streptococcal infections in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):620-625.
Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Marsilio, Fulvio; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). West Nile virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):617-619.
Sparkes, A H; Cannon, M; Church, D; Fleeman, L; Harvey, A; Hoenig, M; Peterson, M E; Reusch, Claudia E; Taylor, S; Rosenberg, D (2015). ISFM consensus guidelines on the practical management of diabetes mellitus in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(3):235-250.
Baloi, Penelope; Del Chicca, Francesca; Ruetten, Maja; Gerber, B (2015). The human Bosniak model applied to a cat with renal cystadenoma. A classification to differentiate benign and malignant cystic renal masses via computed tomography and ultrasound. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 43(1):45-49.
Fleisch, A; Bollwein, H; Piechotta, M; Janett, F (2015). Reproductive performance of Lacaune dairy sheep exposed to artificial long days followed by natural photoperiod without and with additional progestagen treatment during the nonbreeding season. Theriogenology, 83(3):320-325.
Münster, M; Kook, Peter H; Araujo, R; Hörauf, A; Vieth, M (2015). Bestimmung der hyperregeneratorischen Ösophago - pathie bei Hunden mit klinischen Anzeichen einer Speiseröhrenerkrankung. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 43(3):147-155.
Herrera, C; Morikawa, M I; Castex, C Baca; Pinto, M R; Ortega, N; Fanti, T; Garaguso, R; Franco, M J; Castañares, M; Castañeira, C; Losinno, L; Miragaya, M H; Mutto, A A (2015). Blastocele fluid from in vitro– and in vivo–produced equine embryos contains nuclear DNA. Theriogenology, 83(3):415-420.
Togni, Andrea; Sievert, Christine; Hurter, Karin; Knell, Sebastian Christoph (2015). Chronic expanding haematoma in a cat. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(8):733-736.
Boretti, F S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, N S (2015). Diagnostische und therapeutische Aspekte der caninen Hypothyreose. Kleintierpraxis, 60(7):372-386.
Jacot, Valentine; Venzin, Claudio (2015). Die septische Peritonitis beim Kleintier: Diagnostik- und Therapievorschläge. Kleintierpraxis:425-441.
Heppelmann, M; Brömmling, A; Ulbrich, S E; Weinert, M; Piechotta, M; Wrenzycki, C; Merbach, S; Schoon, H-A; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Effect of suppression of postpartum ovulation on endometrial inflammation in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 84(1):155-162.
Klewitz, J; Struebing, C; Rohn, K; Goergens, A; Martinsson, G; Orgies, F; Probst, J; Hollinshead, F; Bollwein, Heiner; Siemens, H J (2015). Effects of age, parity, and pregnancy abnormalities on foal birth weight and uterine blood flow in the mare. Theriogenology, 83(4):721-729.
Kowalewski, M P; Ihle, S; Siemieniuch, M J; Gram, A; Boos, A; Zduńczyk, S; Fingerhut, J; Hoffmann, B; Schuler, G; Jurczak, A; Domosławska, A; Janowski, T (2015). Formation of the early canine CL and the role of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in regulation of its function: An in vivo approach. Theriogenology, 83(6):1038-1047.
Schäfer-Somi, S; Kowalewski, M P; Kanca, H; Bozkurt, M F; Gram, A; Sabitzer, S; Kucukaslan, I; Ay, S S; Aslan, S (2015). GnRH and its receptor (GnRH-R) are expressed in the canine placenta and uterus. Theriogenology, 84(9):1482-1489.
Kook, Peter H; Drögemüller, M; Leeb, T; Hinden, S; Ruetten, M; Howard, J (2015). Hepatic fungal infection in a young beagle with unrecognised hereditary cobalamin deficiency (Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 56(2):138-141.
Jursza, E; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Boos, A; Skarzynski, D J; Socha, P; Siemieniuch, M J (2015). The role of toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in the pathogenesis of feline pyometra. Theriogenology, 83(4):596-603.
Addie, Diane D; le Poder, Sophie; Burr, Paul; Decaro, Nicola; Graham, Elizabeth; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Jarrett, Oswald; McDonald, Michael; Meli, Marina L (2015). The utility of feline coronavirus antibody tests. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(2):152-162.
Wenger, Sandra; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2015). Transurethral cystoscopy and endoscopic urolith removal in female guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice, 18(3):359-367.
Bleul, U; Waldvogel, D (2014). Effect of xylazine, isoxsuprine and lildocaine on Doppler sonographic uterine and umbilical blood flow measurements in cows during the last month of pregnancy. Theriogenology, 81(7):993-1003.
Janowski, Tomasz; Fingerhut, Julia; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Zduńczyk, Sławomir; Domosławska, Anna; Jurczak, Andrzej; Boos, Alois; Schuler, Gerhard; Hoffmann, Bernd (2014). In vivo investigations on luteotropic activity of prostaglandins during early diestrus in nonpregnant bitches. Theriogenology, 82(6):915-920.
Kalchofner Guerrero, Karin S; Guerrero, T G; Schweizer-Kölliker, M; Ringer, Simone K; Hässig, Michael; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2014). Incidence of delayed hair re-growth, pruritus, and urinary retention after epidural anaesthesia in dogs. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, (42):94-100.
Schmierer, Philipp A; Schwarz, Andrea; Bass, Danielle A; Knell, Sebastian Christoph (2014). Novel avulsion pattern of the left principal bronchus with involvement of the carina and caudal thoracic trachea in a cat. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 16(8):695-698.
Wernick, Morena B; Dennler, Matthias; Beckmann, Katrin; Schybli, Martina; Albini, Sarah; Hoop, Richard K; Steffen, Frank; Kircher, Patrick R; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2014). Peripheral nerve sheath tumor in a subadult golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 28(1):57-63.
Togni, Andrea; Kranenburg, Hendrik-Jan C; Morgan, Joe P; Steffen, Frank (2014). Radiographic and MRI characteristics of lumbar disseminated idiopathic spinal hyperostosis and spondylosis deformans in dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 55(7):343-349.
Boretti, Felicitas S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Schäfer, S; Gerber, Bernhard; Baumgartner, C; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Reusch, Claudia E (2014). Transdermal application of methimazole in hyperthyroid cats: a long-term follow-up study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 16(6):453-459.
Stuetzer, Bianca; Brunner, Konstanze; Lutz, Hans; Hartmann, Katrin (2013). A trial with 3'-azido-2', 3'-dideoxythymidin and human interferon-α in cats naturally infected with feline leukaemia virus. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(8):667-671.
Horzinek, Marian C; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe (2013). ABCD: Update of the 2009 guidelines on prevention and management of feline infectious diseases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):530-539.
Doebeli, A; Michel, E; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Hartnack, Sonja; Reichler, Iris M (2013). Apgar score after induction of anesthesia for canine cesarean section with alfaxalone versus propofol. Theriogenology, 80(8):850-854.
Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Aspergillosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):605-610.
Thiry, Etienne; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Aujeszky's disease/pseudorabies in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):555-556.
Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Babesiosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):643-646.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Marsilio, Fulvio; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Bartonella species infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):563-569.
Lloret, Albert; Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):588-590.
Malama, E; Bollwein, H; Taitzoglou, I A; Theodosiou, T; Boscos, C M; Kiossis, E (2013). Chromatin integrity of ram spermatozoa. Relationships to annual fluctuations of scrotal surface temperature and temperature-humidity index. Theriogenology, 80(5):533-541.
Lutz, S; Sewell, A C; Reusch, Claudia E; Kook, Peter H (2013). Clinical and laboratory findings in border collies with presumed hereditary juvenile cobalamin deficiency. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 49(3):197-203.
Wernick, Morena B; Steinmetz, H W; Martin Jurado, Olga; Howard, J; Vogler, Barbara Renate; Vogt, R; Codron, Daryl; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2013). Comparison of fluid types for resuscitation in acute hemorrhagic shock and evaluation of gastric luminal and transcutaneous PCO2 in Leghorn chickens. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 27(2):109-119.
Simova-Curd, Stefka; Foldenauer, Ulrike; Guerrero, Tomas; Hatt, Jean-Michel; Hoop, Richard (2013). Comparison of ventriculotomy vlosure with and without a coelomic fat patch in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 27(1):7-13.
Möstl, Karin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Cowpox virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):557-559.
Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Coxiellosis/Q fever in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):573-575.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Cryptococcosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):611-618.
Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Dermatophytosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):598-604.
Heppelmann, M; Brömmling, A; Weinert, M; Piechotta, M; Wrenzycki, C; Bollwein, H (2013). Effect of postpartum suppression of ovulation on uterine involution in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 80(5):519-525.
Hartmann, D; Honnens, A; Piechotta, M; Lüttgenau, J; Niemann, H; Rath, D; Bollwein, H (2013). Effects of a protracted induction of parturition on the incidence of retained placenta and assessment of uterine artery blood flow as a measure of placental maturation in cattle. Theriogenology, 80(3):176-184.
Hafner, M; Lutz, Thomas A; Reusch, Claudia E; Zini, Eric (2013). Evaluation of sensor sites for continuous glucose monitoring in cats with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(2):117-123.
Favrot, C (2013). Feline non-flea induced hypersensitivity dermatitis: clinical features, diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(9):778-784.
Egberink, Herman; Thiry, Etienne; Möstl, Karin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Feline viral papillomatosis: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):560-562.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Francisella tularensis infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):585-587.
Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Giardiasis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):650-652.
Münster, M; Hörauf, A; Lübke-Becker, A; Grest, P; Rütten, M (2013). Idiopathic esophagopathies resembling gastroesophageal reflux disease in dogs. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 41(3):173-179.
Robert-Tissot, Céline; Meli, Marina L; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2013). La "téflonisation" du Chat domestique. Pratique Vet des Animaux de Compagnie, 48:610-614.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Leishmaniosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):638-642.
Hartmann, Katrin; Egberink, Herman; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Leptospira species infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):576-581.
Hosie, Margaret J; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Matrix vaccination guidelines: ABCD recommendations for indoor/ outdoor cats, rescue shelter cats and breeding catteries. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):540-544.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Mycobacterioses in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):591-597.
Reusch, Claudia E; Padrutt, I (2013). New incretin hormonal therapies in humans relevant to diabetic cats. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 43(2):417-433.
Lloret, Albert; Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Pasteurella multocida infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):570-572.
Gutierrez-Quintana, Rodrigo; Carrera, Inés; Dobromylskyj, Melanie; Patterson-Kane, Janet; Ortega, Maria; Wessmann, Annette (2013). Pituitary metastasis of pancreatic origin in a dog presenting with acute-onset blindness. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 49(6):403-406.
Möstl, Karin; Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Frymus, Tadeusz; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Truyen, Uwe; Hartmann, Katrin; Lutz, Hans; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Radford, Alan D; Lloret, Albert; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hosie, Margaret J; Marsilio, Fulvio; Thiry, Etienne; Belák, Sándor; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Prevention of infectious diseases in cat shelters: ABCD guidelines. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):546-554.
Hartmann, D; Bollwein, H; Honnens, A; Niemann, H; Rath, D; Pfarrer, C (2013). Protracted induction of parturition enhances placental maturation, but does not influence incidence of placntal retention in cows. Theriogenology, 80(3):185-192.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Rare opportunistic mycoses in cats: phaeohyphomycosis and hyalohyphomycosis: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):628-630.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Rare systemic mycoses in cats: blastomycosis, histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):624-627.
Meli, Marina L; Burr, Paul; Decaro, Nicola; Graham, Elizabeth; Jarrett, Oswald; Lutz, Hans; McDonald, Michael; Addie, Diane D (2013). Samples with high virus load cause a trend toward lower signal in feline coronavirus antibody tests. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(4):295-299.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Sporotrichosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):619-623.
Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Toxoplasma gondii infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):631-637.
Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Tritrichomoniasis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):647-649.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Yersinia pestis infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):582-584.
Lüscher, M; Hässig, Michael; Pot, Simon A; Spiess, B M (2013). Zur Epidemiologie des felinen Glaukoms. Kleintierpraxis, 58(8):393-398.
Englert, Theresa; Lutz, Hans; Sauter-Louis, Carola; Hartmann, Katrin (2012). Survey of the feline leukemia virus infection status of cats in Southern Germany. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 14(6):392-398.
Venzin, C; Kook, Peter H; Jenni, S; Wilhelm, S; Degen, T; Braun, A; Rütten, M; Glaus, Tony M (2012). Symptomatic treatment of ascites with a peritoneo-vesical automated fluid shunt system in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 53(2):126-131.
Witt, M C; Bollwein, H; Probst, J; Baackmann, C; Squires, E L; Sieme, H (2012). Doppler sonography of the uterine and ovarian arteries during a superovulatory program in horses. Theriogenology, 77(7):1406-1414.
Gull, Jessica M; Saveraid, Travis C; Szabo, David; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2012). Evaluation of three miniplate systems for fracture stabilization in pigeons (Columba livia). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 26(4):203-212.
Steckler, D; Naidoo, V; Gerber, D; Kähn, W (2012). Ex vivo influence of carbetocin on equine myometrial muscles and comparison with oxytocin. Theriogenology, 78(3):502-509.
Venzin, C; Grundmann, S; Montavon, P M (2012). Loss of implant-bone interface following distal radial locking-plate endoprosthesis limb-sparing surgery in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 53(1):57-62.
Blässe, A K; Oldenhof, H; Ekhlasi-Hundrieser, M; Wolkers, W F; Sieme, H; Bollwein, H (2012). Osmotic tolerance and intracellular ion concentrations of bovine sperm are affected by cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 78(6):1312-1320.
Addie, Diane D; McDonald, Mike; Audhuy, Stéphane; Burr, Paul; Hollins, Jonathan; Kovacic, Rémi; Lutz, Hans; Luxton, Zoe; Mazar, Shlomit; Meli, Marina L (2012). Quarantine protects Falkland Islands (Malvinas) cats from feline coronavirus infection. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 14(2):171-176.
Stinshoff, H; Krienke, M; Ekhlasi-Hundrieser, M; Wilkening, S; Hanstedt, A; Frese, D; Rath, D; Bollwein, H; Wrenzycki, C (2012). Seminal plasma and seminal plasma proteins added to bulk sorted sperm do not alter the mRNA expression of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 78(1):132-139.
Janett, F; Gerig, T; Tschuor, A C; Amatayakul-Chantler, S; Walker, J; Howard, R; Bollwein, H; Thun, R (2012). Vaccination against gonadotropin-releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva significantly decreases testicular development, serum testosterone levels and physical activity in pubertal bulls. Theriogenology, 78(1):182-188.
Lüttgenau, J; Beindorff, N; Ulbrich, S E; Kastelic, J P; Bollwein, H (2011). Low plasma progesterone concentrations are accompanied by reduced luteal blood flow and increased size of the dominant follicle in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 76(1):12-22.
Becker, M; Heun, C; Tsousis, G; Bollwein, Heiner (2011). Application of computed tomography for the evaluation of obstetrically relevant measurements in German Holstein-Friesian calves. Theriogenology, 75(6):1052-1056.
Martin Jurado, Olga; Simova-Curd, Stefka; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2011). Bispectral index reveals death-feigning behavior in a red kite. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 25(2):132-135.
Lange, C E; Favrot, C (2011). Canine papillomaviruses. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 41(6):1183-1195.
Campora, C; Freeman, K P; Lewis, F I; Gibson, G; Sacchini, F; Sanchez-Vazquez, M J (2011). Determination of haematological reference intervals in healthy adult greyhounds. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 52(6):301-309.
Reusch, C (2011). Diabetes mellitus bei Hund und Katze. Kleintierpraxis, 56(4):204-220.
Schmied, O; Golini, L; Steffen, F (2011). Effectiveness of cervical hemilaminectomy in canine Hansen Type I and Type II disk disease: A retrospective study on 41 cases. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 47(5):342-350.
Kowalewski, M P; Meyer, A; Hoffmann, B; Aslan, S; Boos, A (2011). Expression and functional implications of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARγ) in canine reproductive tissues during normal pregnancy and parturition and at antiprogestin induced abortion. Theriogenology, 75(5):877-886.
Tsousis, G; Becker, M; Lüpke, M; Goblet, F; Heunen, C; Seifert, H; Bollwein, Heiner (2011). Extraction methods in bovine obstetrics: comparison of the demanded energy and importance of calf and traction. Theriogenology, 75(3):495-499.
Altay, U M; Skerritt, G C; Hilbe, M; Ehrensperger, F; Steffen, F (2011). Feline cerebrovascular disease: clinical and histopathologic findings in 16 cats. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 47(2):89-97.
Nagy, Anina; Ziadinov, Iskenderali; Schweiger, Alexander; Schnyder, Manuela; Deplazes, Peter (2011). Fellkontamination mit Eiern von zoonotischen Helminthen bei Hof- und Haushunden sowie bei Füchsen. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 124(11-12):503-511.
Stützer, B; Simons, K; Lutz, H; Majzoub, M; Hermanns, W; Hirschberger, J; Sauter-Louis, C; Hartmann, K (2011). Incidence of persistent viraemia and latent feline leukaemia virus infection in cats with lymphoma. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 13(2):81-87.
Röpke, T; Oldenhof, H; Leiding, C; Sieme, H; Bollwein, Heiner; Wolkers, W F (2011). Liposomes for cryopreservation of bovine sperm. Theriogenology, 76(8):1465-1472.
Herzog, K; Voss, C; Kastelic, J P; Beindorff, N; Paul, V; Niemann, H; Bollwein, Heiner (2011). Luteal blood flow increases during the first three weeks of pregnancy in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology, 75(3):549-554.
Bass, Danielle; Grest, Paula; Hagen, Regine; Makara, M; Quante, Saskia; Rohrer Bley, Carla (2011). Massive haematoma formation associated with proximal popliteal artery haemangioendothelioma in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 52(11):612-615.
Oldenhof, Harriëtte; Blässe, Anne-Kathrin; Wolkers, Willem F; Bollwein, Heiner; Sieme, Harald (2011). Osmotic properties of stallion sperm subpopulations determined by simultaneous assessment of cell volume and viability. Theriogenology, 76(2):386-391.
Bratuś, A; Neuenschwander, S; Piestrzyńska-Kajtoch, A; Świtoński, M; Klukowska-Rötzler, J; Słota, E (2011). Polymorphisms in DMRT1 coding and promoter regions are probably not causative for swine sex reversal (XX, SRY-negative) syndrome. Annals of Animal Science, 11(1):17-26.
Rettmer, H; Deb, A; Watson, R; Hatt, Jean-Michel; Hammer, S (2011). Radiographic measurement of internal organs in Spix’s Macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 25(4):254-258.
Adami, Chiara; Di Palma, Stefano; Gendron, Karine; Sigrist, Nadja (2011). Severe esophageal injuries occurring after general anesthesia in two cats: case report and literature review. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 47(6):436-442.
Ehlers, J; Behr, M; Bollwein, Heiner; Beyerbach, M; Waberski, D (2011). Standardization of computer-assisted semen analysis using an e-learning application. Theriogenology, 76(3):448-454.
Herzog, Kathrin; Koerte, Juliane; Flachowsky, Gerhard; Bollwein, Heiner (2011). Variability of uterine blood flow in lactating cows during the second half of gestation. Theriogenology, 75(9):1688-1694.
Knell, Sebastian Christoph; Andreoni, Angelo A; Dennler, Matthias; Venzin, Claudio (2010). Successful treatment of small intestinal volvulus in two cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 12(11):874-877.
Quante, S; Fracassi, F; Gorgas, D; Kircher, Patrick R; Boretti, Felicitas S; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Reusch, Claudia E (2010). Congenital hypothyroidism in a kitten resulting in decreased IGF-I concentration and abnormal liver function tests. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 12(6):487-490.
Wernick, M; Doherr, M; Howard, J; Francey, T (2010). Evaluation of high-definition and conventional oscillometric blood pressure measurement in anaesthetised dogs using ACVIM guidelines. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(6):318-324.
Geigy, C A; Dandrieux, J; Miclard, J; Kircher, Patrick R; Howard, J (2010). Extranodal B-cell lymphoma in the urinary bladder with cytological evidence of concurrent involvement of the gall bladder in a cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(5):280-287.
Bleul, U; Bircher, B; Jud, Rahel S; Kutter, Annette P N (2010). Respiratory and cardiovascular effects of doxapram and theophylline for the treatment of asphyxia in neonatal calves. Theriogenology, 73(5):612-619.
Deb, A; Foldenauer, U; Borjal, R J; Streich, W J; Lüken, C; Johne, R; Müller, H; Hammer, S (2010). A longitudinal study on avian polyomavirus-specific antibodies in captive Spix's macaws (Cyanopsitta spixii). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 24(3):192-198.
Kook, Peter H; Grest, Paula; Raute-Kreinsen, U; Leo, C; Reusch, Claudia E (2010). Addison's disease due to bilateral adrenal malignancy in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 51(6):333-336.
Foldenauer, Ulrike; Simova-Curd, Stefka; Nitzl, Dagmar; Bogdanova, A; Zollinger, E; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2010). Analysis of exhaled breath condensate in a mixed population of psittacine birds. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 24(3):185-191.
Tsousis, G; Heun, C; Becker, M; Bollwein, Heiner (2010). Application of computed tomography for the evaluation of obstetrically relevant pelvic parameters in German Holstein-Friesian cows. Theriogenology, 73(3):309-315.
Bollwein, Heiner; Prost, D; Ulbrich, S E; Niemann, H; Honnens, A (2010). Effects of a shortened preovulatory follicular phase on genital blood flow and endometrial hormone receptor concentrations in Holstein-Friesian cows. Theriogenology, 73(2):242-249.
Reusch, Claudia E; Schellenberg, S; Wenger, M (2010). Endocrine hypertension in small animals. Veterinary clinics of North America. Small animal practice, 40(2):335-352.
Becker, M; Tsousis, G; Lüpke, M; Goblet, F; Heun, C; Seifert, H; Bollwein, Heiner (2010). Extraction forces in bovine obstetrics: an in vitro study investigating alternate and simultaneous traction modes. Theriogenology, 73(8):1044-1050.
Petrunkina, A M; Waberski, D; Bollwein, Heiner; Sieme, H (2010). Identifying non-sperm particles during flow cytometric physiological assessment a simple approach. Theriogenology, 73(7):995-1000.
Reichler, I M (2010). Kastrationsnebenwirkungen Harninkontinenz und Welpenfell bei der Hündin. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere, 38(3):157-162.
Herzog, K; Brockhan-Lüdemann, M; Kaske, M; Beindorff, N; Paul, V; Niemann, H; Bollwein, Heiner (2010). Luteal blood flow is a more appropriate indicator for luteal function during the bovine estrous cycle than luteal size. Theriogenology, 73(5):691-697.
Kook, Peter H; Hagen, Regine; Willi, Barbara; Ruetten, Maja; Venzin, C (2010). Rectal duplication cyst in a cat. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 12(12):978-981.
Sigrist, Nadja (2010). Stabilisation des Notfallpatienten - Teil 1: Atmung. Kleintierpraxis, 55(2):85-98.
Sigrist, Nadja (2010). Stabilisation des Notfallpatienten - Teil 2: Kreislauf. Kleintierpraxis, 55(3):140-156.
Andreoni, Angelo A; Voss, Katja (2009). Reconstruction of a large diaphragmatic defect in a kitten using small intestinal submucosa (SIS). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(12):1019-1022.
Wichert, B; Schade, L; Gebert, S; Bucher, B; Zottmaier, B; Wenk, C; Wanner, M (2009). Energy and protein needs of cats for maintenance, gestation and lactation. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(10):808-815.
Boretti, Felicitas S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Gerber, Bernhard; Laluha, P; Baumgartner, C; Lutz, H; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Reusch, Claudia E (2009). Thyroid enlargement and its relationship to clinicopathological parameters and T(4) status in suspected hyperthyroid cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(4):286-292.
Beindorff, N; Honnens, A; Penno, Y; Paul, V; Bollwein, Heiner (2009). Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin on luteal blood flow and progesterone secretion in cows and in vitro-microdialyzed corpora lutea. Theriogenology, 72(4):528-534.
Wenger, S; Barrett, E L; Pearson, G R; Sayers, I; Blakey, C; Redrobe, S (2009). Liver lobe torsion in three adult rabbits. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 50(6):301-305.
Gentilini, F; Novacco, M; Turba, M E; Willi, Barbara; Bacci, M L; Hofmann-Lehmann, R (2009). Use of combined conventional and real-time PCR to determine the epidemiology of feline haemoplasma infections in northern Italy. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(4):277-285.
Kook, Peter H; Kranjc, A; Dennler, Matthias; Glaus, Tony M (2009). Pancreatitis associated with clomipramine administration in a dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 50(2):95-98.
Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Thiry, E; Truyen, U; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Bordetella bronchiseptica infection in cats. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):610-614.
Gruffydd-Jones, T; Addie, Diane; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Thiry, E; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Chlamydophila felis infection: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):605-609.
Radford, A D; Addie, Diane; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Thiry, E; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Feline calicivirus infection. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):556-564.
Thiry, E; Addie, Diane; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Truyen, U; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Feline herpesvirus infection. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):547-555.
Hosie, M J; Addie, Diane; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Lloret, A; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Thiry, E; Truyen, U; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Feline immunodeficiency. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):575-584.
Addie, Diane; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Thiry, E; Truyen, U; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Feline infectious peritonitis. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):594-604.
Lutz, Hans; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2009). Feline leukaemia. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):565-574.
Truyen, U; Addie, D; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, H; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Thiry, E; Horzinek, M C (2009). Feline panleukopenia. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):538-546.
Frymus, T; Addie, D; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, H; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Thiry, E; Truyen, U; Horzinek, M C (2009). Feline rabies. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):585-593.
Thiry, E; Addie, D; Belák, S; Boucraut-Baralon, C; Egberink, H; Frymus, T; Gruffydd-Jones, T; Hartmann, K; Hosie, M J; Lloret, A; Lutz, H; Marsilio, F; Pennisi, M G; Radford, A D; Truyen, U; Horzinek, M C (2009). H5N1 avian influenza in cats. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(7):615-618.
Simova-Curd, Stefka; Richter, Marianne; Hauser, Beat; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2009). Surgical removal of a retrobulbar adenoma in a Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 23(1):24-28.
Fernandez-Mehler, P; Gloor, P; Sager, E; Flemming, H J; Glaus, Tony M (2009). Tierverlust und Verbleib des Tierkörpers - Evaluation der Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen von Tierhaltern. Kleintierpraxis, 54(11):613-620.
Honnens, A; Voss, C; Herzog, K; Niemann, H; Rath, D; Bollwein, Heiner (2008). Uterine blood flow during the first 3 weeks of pregnancy in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 70(7):1048-1056.
Michiels, L; Reusch, Claudia E; Boari, A; Petrie, G; Mandigers, P; Thollot, I G; Rosenberg, D; Mooney, C; Bonfanti, U; Font, A; Sparkes, A; Bewig, K; Clercx, C; Jensen, A L; Horspool, L J I (2008). Treatment of 46 cats with porcine lente insulin - a prospective, multicentre study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 10(5):439-451.
Honnens, A; Niemann, H; Paul, V; Meyer, H H D; Bollwein, Heiner (2008). Doppler sonography of the uterine arteries during a superovulatory regime in cattle. Uterine blood flow in superovulated cattle. Theriogenology, 70(5):859-867.
Simova-Curd, Stefka; Nitzl, Dagmar; Pospischil, Andreas; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2008). Lumbar osteosarcoma in a chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 49(9):483-485.
Schwandt, C S (2008). Low-grade or benign intestinal tumours contribute to intussusception: a report on one feline and two canine cases. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 49(12):651-654.
Levy, J; Crawford, C; Hartmann, K; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Little, Susan; Sundahl, E; Thayer, V (2008). 2008 American Association of Feline Practitioners' feline retrovirus management guidelines. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 10(3):300-316.
Augsburger, H; Henzi, D (2008). Immunohistochemical expression of collagen types I, III, IV and α-actin in the uterine horns of nulliparous and multiparous beagles. Theriogenology, 69(9):1070-1076.
Gerber, Bernhard; Eichenberger, S; Reusch, Claudia E (2008). Guarded long-term prognosis in male cats with urethral obstruction. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 10(1):16-23.
Bleul, U; Kähn, W (2008). Monitoring the bovine fetus during stage II of parturition using pulse oximetry. Theriogenology, 69(3):302-311.
Nöthling, J O; Hüssy, D; Steckler, D; Ackermann, M (2008). Seroprevalence of canine herpesvirus in breeding kennels in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Theriogenology, 69(3):276-282.
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Foldenauer, Ulrike; Pantchev, N; Simova-Curd, Stefka; Martin Jurado, Olga; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2008). Pentastomidenbefall bei Abgottschlangen (Boa constrictor) – Diagnostik und endoskopische Parasitenentfernung. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere, 36(6):443-449.
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Reichler, Iris M; Barth, Andrea; Piché, Claude A; Jöchle, Wolfgang; Roos, Malgorzata; Hubler, Madeleine; Arnold, Susi (2006). Urodynamic parameters and plasma LH/FSH in spayed Beagle bitches before and 8 weeks after GnRH depot analogue treatment. Theriogenology, 66(9):2127-2136.
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Christen, Cornelia; Fischer, Isabelle; von Rechenberg, Brigitte; Flückiger, Mark A; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2005). Evaluation of a maxillofacial miniplate compact 1.0 for stabilization of the ulna in experimentally induced ulnar and radial fractures in pigeons (Columba livia). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 19(3):185-190.
Reichler, Iris M; Hung, Elisabeth; Jöchle, Wolfgang; Piché, Claude A; Roos, Malgorzata; Hubler, Madeleine; Arnold, Susi (2005). FSH and LH plasma levels in bitches with differences in risk for urinary incontinence. Theriogenology, 63(8):2164-2180.
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Bollwein, Heiner; Weber, Frank; Steffen, Stefanie; Stolla, R (2004). The effect of acetylsalicylic acid and captopril on uterine and ovarian blood flow during the estrous cycle in mares. Theriogenology, 61(2-3):301-309.
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