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de Godoi Rezende Costa Molino, Caroline; Rübel, Lisa; Mantegazza, Noemi; Bischoff Ferrari, H A; Freystätter, Gregor (2024). Association of polypharmacy with cognitive impairment in older trauma patients: a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 31(5):428-433.


Schulthess-Lisibach, Angela E; Gallucci, Giulia; Benelli, Valérie; Kälin, Ramona; Schulthess, Sven; Cattaneo, Marco; Beeler, Patrick E; Csajka, Chantal; Lutters, Monika (2023). Predicting delirium in older non-intensive care unit inpatients: development and validation of the DELIrium risK Tool (DELIKT). International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 45(5):1118-1127.

Studer, Helene; Imfeld-Isenegger, Tamara L; Beeler, Patrick E; Ceppi, Marco G; Rosen, Christoph; Bodmer, Michael; Boeni, Fabienne; Hersberger, Kurt E; Lampert, Markus L (2023). The impact of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation and interprofessional ward rounds on drug-related problems at hospital discharge. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 45(1):117-125.


Fischer, Michael A; Jones, J B; Wright, Eric; Van Loan, Ryan P; Xie, Jing; Gallagher, Lauren; Wurst, Aaron M; Shrank, William H (2015). A randomized telephone intervention trial to reduce primary medication nonadherence. Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy, 21(2):124-31.


Speich, Rudolf; Treder, Ursula; Domenighetti, Guido; Huber, Lars C; Ulrich, Silvia (2014). Weaning from intravenous prostanoids and normalization of hemodynamics by long-term imatinib therapy in severe idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 36(2):256-260.


Vonbach, P; Dubied, A; Krähenbühl, S; Beer, J H (2008). Evaluation of frequently used drug interaction screening programs. Pharmacy World & Science (PWS), 30(4):367-374.

This list was generated on Sun Sep 8 23:41:45 2024 CEST.