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Lukaschyk, Julia; Abel, Jakob; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Clausen, Jacob Friedrich; Reiter, Rudolf; Wessel, Julian; Rohlfs, Anna-Katharina (2024). The Relation Between Endoscopic and Subjective Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Signs, Vocal Tract Discomfort, Voice Handicap, and Voice Disorder Type: Same Yet Different? Journal of Voice:Epub ahead of print.


Sijgers, Leanne; Sorensen, Torquil; Soulby, Andrew; Boyle, Patrick; Dalbert, Adrian; Röösli, Christof; Jablonski, Greg Eigner; Hamacher, Volkmar; Greisiger, Ralf; Jiang, Dan; Huber, Alexander; Pfiffner, Flurin (2023). Classification of Acoustic Hearing Preservation After Cochlear Implantation Using Electrocochleography. Trends in Hearing, 27:online.

Houweling, Thomas; Becker, Robert; Hervais-Adelman, Alexis (2023). Elevated pre-target EEG alpha power enhances the probability of comprehending weakly noise masked words and decreases the probability of comprehending strongly masked words. Brain and Language, 247:105356.

Baker, Calvin Peter; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Purdy, Suzanne C; Rakena, Te Oti (2023). High and Wide: An In Silico Investigation of Frequency, Intensity, and Vibrato Effects on Widely Applied Acoustic Voice Perturbation and Noise Measures. Journal of Voice:Epub ahead of print.

Sarant, Julia; Lemke, Ulrike; Giroud, Nathalie; Scherpiet, Sigrid; Weinstein, Barbara (2023). Promoting hearing and cognitive health in audiologic rehabilitation for the well-being of older adults. International Journal of Audiology:Epub ahead of print.

de Oliveira Florencio, Vanessa; Almeida, Anna Alice; Balata, Patrícia; Nascimento, Silvana; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Lopes, Leonardo Wanderley (2023). Differences and Reliability of Linear and Nonlinear Acoustic Measures as a Function of Vocal Intensity in Individuals With Voice Disorders. Journal of Voice, 37(5):663-681.

Zihlmann, Urban B (2023). Vowel quality in four Alemannic dialects and its influence on the respective varieties of Swiss Standard German. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53(1):1-28.


Boos, Michael; Kobi, Matthias; Elmer, Stefan; Jäncke, Lutz (2022). The influence of experience on cognitive load during simultaneous interpretation. Brain and Language, 234:105185.

Sousa, Caio Victor; Nikolaidis, Pantelis Theodoros; Andrade, Marilia Santos; Vancini, Rodrigo Luiz; Barbosa de Lira, Claudio Andre; Puccinelli, Paulo José Gomes; Knechtle, Beat (2022). Pacing strategy of a wheelchair athlete in a 5x and 10x Ironman ultra triathlon: a case study. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 17(6):668-674.

Schreiner, Philipp; Greuter, Thomas; Tatu, Aurora; Keller, Dagmar I; Straumann, Alex; Biedermann, Luc (2022). Is There a Role for Topical Swallowed Steroids upon Emergency Room Admission for Suspected Food Bolus Obstruction in Eosinophilic Esophagitis? Dysphagia, 37(4):933-936.

Beros, Sandro; Dobrev, Ivo; Farahmandi, Tahmine S; Veraguth, Dorothe; Huber, Alexander M; Röösli, Christof (2022). Transcutaneous and percutaneous bone conduction sound propagation in single-sided deaf patients and cadaveric heads. International Journal of Audiology, 61(8):678-685.

Murray, Fritz Ruprecht; Fischbach, Lara Maria; Schindler, Valeria; Schnurre, Larissa; Hente, Juliane Marie; Tatu, Aurora; Pohl, Daniel (2022). Solid Swallow Examination During High Resolution Manometry and EGJ-Distensibility Help Identify Esophageal Outflow Obstruction in Non-obstructive Dysphagia. Dysphagia, 37(1):168-176.

Torres, Catalina; Fletcher, Janet; Wigglesworth, Gillian (2022). Fundamental Frequency and Regional Variation in Lifou French. Language and Speech, 65(4):889-922.


Cvorovic, Ljiljana; Arsovic, Nenad; Radivojevic, Nemanja; Soldatovic, Ivan; Hegemann, Stefan C A (2021). Acute onset of tinnitus in patients with sudden deafness. Noise & health, 23(110):81-86.

Herbst, Christian T; Nishimura, Takeshi; Garcia, Maxime; Migimatsu, Kishin; Tokuda, Isao T (2021). Effect of Ventricular Folds on Vocalization Fundamental Frequency in Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus). Journal of Voice, 35(5):805.e1-805.e15.

Lukaschyk, Julia; Abel, Jakob; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Keilmann, Annerose; Braun, Angelika; Rohlfs, Anna-Katharina (2021). Cross-Validation and Normative Values for the German Vocal Tract Discomfort Scale. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(6):1855-1868.

Bohlender, Jörg; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2021). Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO) – eine dramatische Atemnot. Sprache – Stimme – Gehör: Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsstörungen, 45(02):89-92.

Stappenbeck, Lydia; Finck, Gesine; Bartel, Sylva; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2021). Pathologische Stimmermüdung: emotionale und physische Merkmale. Sprache – Stimme – Gehör: Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsstörungen, 45(02):82-88.

Beushausen, Ulla; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2021). Welchen Einfluss haben Emotionen, Stress und Coping auf die Stimmfunktion? Sprache – Stimme – Gehör: Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsstörungen, 45(02):70-76.

Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Van Stan, Jarrad H; Carvalho Sampaio, Marilia; Bohlender, Joerg E; Hillman, Robert E; Mehta, Daryush D (2021). Effects of Vocal Intensity and Fundamental Frequency on Cepstral Peak Prominence in Patients with Voice Disorders and Vocally Healthy Controls. Journal of Voice, 35(3):411-417.

Sampaio, Marília Carvalho; Bohlender, Jörg Edgar; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2021). Fundamental Frequency and Intensity Effects on Cepstral Measures in Vowels from Connected Speech of Speakers with Voice Disorders. Journal of Voice, 35(3):422-431.

Warnholtz, Birthe; Schär, Merlin; Cuny, Pascale; Sonntag, Kathrin; Beutner, Dirk; Dobrev, Ivo; Röösli, Christof; Sim, Jae Hoon (2021). A New Stapes-Head Coupler for the Vibrant Soundbridge System. Audiology and Neurotology, 26(4):287-294.

Bagattini, Michael; Quesnel, Alicia M; Röösli, Christof (2021). Histopathologic Evaluation of Intralabyrinthine Schwannoma. Audiology and Neurotology, 26(4):265-272.

Sijgers, Leanne; Pfiffner, Flurin; Grosse, Julian; Dillier, Norbert; Koka, Kanthaiah; Röösli, Christof; Huber, Alexander; Dalbert, Adrian (2021). Simultaneous Intra- and Extracochlear Electrocochleography During Cochlear Implantation to Enhance Response Interpretation. Trends in Hearing, 25:233121652199059.

Matic, Jana; Winklhofer, Sebastian; Pfiffner, Flurin; Röösli, Christof; Veraguth, Dorothe; Huber, Alexander; Dalbert, Adrian (2021). Influence of semicircular canal dehiscence on cochlear implant outcome. Audiology and Neurotology, 26(3):135-139.


Brockmann-Bauser, M; Balandat, B; Bohlender, J E (2020). Immediate Lip Trill Effects on the Standard Diagnostic Measures Voice Range Profile, Jitter, Maximum Phonation Time, and Dysphonia Severity Index. Journal of Voice, 34(6):874-883.

Giroud, Nathalie; Baum, Shari R; Gilbert, Annie C; Phillips, Natalie A; Gracco, Vincent (2020). Earlier age of second language learning induces more robust speech encoding in the auditory brainstem in adults, independent of amount of language exposure during early childhood. Brain and Language, 207:104815.

Langenfeld, Anke; Bohlender, Jörg E; Swanenburg, Jaap; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2020). Cervical Spine Disability in Correlation with Subjective Voice Handicap in Patients With Voice Disorders: A Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Voice, 34(3):371-379.

Munier, Caitriona; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Laukkanen, Anne-Maria; Ilomäki, Irma; Kankare, Elina; Geneid, Ahmed (2020). Relationship Between Laryngeal Signs and Symptoms, Acoustic Measures, and Quality of Life in Finnish Primary and Kindergarten School Teachers. Journal of Voice, 34(2):259-271.

Houweling, Thomas; Becker, Robert; Hervais-Adelman, Alexis (2020). The noise-resilient brain: Resting-state oscillatory activity predicts words-in-noise recognition. Brain and Language, 202:104727.

Schoisswohl, Stefan; Arnds, Johannes; Schecklmann, Martin; Langguth, Berthold; Schlee, Winfried; Neff, Patrick (2020). Amplitude Modulated Noise for Tinnitus Suppression in Tonal and Noise-Like Tinnitus. Audiology and Neurotology, 24(6):309-321.


Schönhuber, Muna; Czeke, Nathalie; Gampe, Anja; Grijzenhout, Janet (2019). Infant perception of VOT and closure duration contrasts. Journal of Phonetics, 77:100916.

Dittinger, Eva; Scherer, Johanna; Jäncke, Lutz; Besson, Mireille; Elmer, Stefan (2019). Testing the influence of musical expertise on novel word learning across the lifespan using a cross-sectional approach in children, young adults and older adults. Brain and Language, 198:104678.

Pellegrino, Elisa (2019). The effect of healthy aging on within-speaker rhythmic variability: A case study on Noam Chomsky. Loquens, 6(1):e060.

Bächinger, David; Röösli, Christof; Kesterke, Rahel; Dalbert, Adrian; Péus, Dominik; Veraguth, Dorothe; Pfiffner, Flurin; Huber, Alexander (2019). Distorted sound perception and subjective benefit after stapedotomy – a prospective single-centre study. International Journal of Audiology, 58(6):333-338.

Reetz, Stephanie; Bohlender, Joerg E; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2019). Do standard instrumental acoustic, perceptual, and subjective voice outcomes indicate therapy success in patients with functional dysphonia? Journal of Voice, 33(3):317-324.

Neff, Patrick; Langguth, Berthold; Schecklmann, Martin; Hannemann, Ronny; Schlee, Winfried (2019). Comparing Three Established Methods for Tinnitus Pitch Matching With Respect to Reliability, Matching Duration, and Subjective Satisfaction. Trends in Hearing, 23:1-9.

Neff, Patrick; Zielonka, Lisa; Meyer, Martin; Langguth, Berthold; Schecklmann, Martin; Schlee, Winfried (2019). Comparison of Amplitude Modulated Sounds and Pure Tones at the Tinnitus Frequency: Residual Tinnitus Suppression and Stimulus Evaluation. Trends in Hearing (Online), 23:2331216519833841.


Buhl, Christof; Artemiev, Dmitri; Pfiffner, Flurin; Swanenburg, Jaap; Veraguth, Dorothe; Roosli, Christof; Huber, Alexander; Dalbert, Adrian (2018). Dynamic Postural Stability and Hearing Preservation after Cochlear Implantation. Audiology and Neurotology, 23(4):222-228.

Manfredi, Mirella; Cohn, Neil; De Araújo Andreoli, Mariana; Boggio, Paulo Sergio (2018). Listening beyond seeing: Event-related potentials to audiovisual processing in visual narrative. Brain and Language, 185:1-8.

Ladd, D. Robert; Schmid, Stephan (2018). Obstruent voicing effects on F0, but without voicing: Phonetic correlates of Swiss German lenis, fortis, and aspirated stops. Journal of Phonetics, 71:229-248.

Iliadou, Vasiliki (Vivian); Ptok, Martin; Grech, Helen; Pedersen, Ellen Raben; Brechmann, André; Deggouj, Naïma; Kiese-Himmel, Christiane; S´liwińska-Kowalska, Mariola; Nickisch, Andreas; Demanez, Laurent; Veuillet, Evelyne; Thai-Van, Hung; Sirimanna, Tony; Callimachou, Marina; Santarelli, Rosamaria; Kuske, Sandra; Barajas de Prat, Jose Juan; Hedever, Mladen; Konukseven, Ozlem; Veraguth, Dorothy; Mattsson, Tone Stokkereit; Martins, Jorge Humberto; Bamiou, Doris-Eva (2018). European 17 countries consensus endorses more approaches to APD than reported in Wilson 2018. International Journal of Audiology, 57(5):395-396.

Brockmann-Bauser, M; Bohlender, J E; Mehta, D D (2018). Acoustic perturbation measures improve with increasing vocal intensity in individuals with and without voice disorders. Journal of Voice, 32(2):162-168.


Tamás, L T; Weber, K P; Bockisch, C J; Straumann, D; Lasker, D M; Büki, B; Tarnutzer, A A (2017). Cold thermal irrigation decreases the ipsilateral gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Ear and Hearing, 38(3):e193-e199.

Melfsen, Siebke; Walitza, Susanne (2017). Behandlungsmethoden des selektiven Mutismus. Sprache – Stimme – Gehör: Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsstörungen, 41(02):91-97.

Manfredi, Mirella; Cohn, Neil; Kutas, Marta (2017). When a hit sounds like a kiss: An electrophysiological exploration of semantic processing in visual narrative. Brain and Language, 169:28-38.

Lukaschyk, Julia; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Beushausen, Ulla (2017). Transcultural adaptation and validation of the german version of the vocal tract discomfort scale. Journal of Voice, 31(2):261.e1-261.e8.


Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2016). Nachweis des Therapieerfolgs bei funktionellen Stimmstörungen. Forum Logopädie, (30):6-30.

Kartushina, Natalia; Hervais-Adelman, Alexis; Frauenfelder, Ulrich Hans; Golestani, Narly (2016). Mutual influences between native and non-native vowels in production: Evidence from short-term visual articulatory feedback training. Journal of Phonetics, 57:21-39.

Kuenburg, Alexa; Fellinger, Paul; Fellinger, Johannes (2016). Health care access among deaf people: Table 1. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 21(1):1-10.

Dobrev, Ivo; Stenfelt, Stefan; Röösli, Christof; Bolt, Lucy; Pfiffner, Flurin; Gerig, Rahel; Huber, Alexander; Sim, Jae Hoon (2016). Influence of stimulation position on bone conduction sensitivity for bone conduction hearing aids without skin penetration. International Journal of Audiology, 55(8):439-446.

Farahmand, Rosemary B; Merchant, Gabrielle R; Lookabaugh, Sarah A; Röösli, Christof; Ulku, Cagatay H; McKenna, Michael J; de Venecia, Ronald K; Halpin, Christopher F; Rosowski, John J; Nakajima, Hideko H (2016). The audiometric and mechanical effects of partial ossicular discontinuity. Ear and Hearing, 37(2):206-215.

Brockmann-Bauser, Meike; Bohlender, Jörg (2016). Wie aussagekräftig sind die instrumentellen akustischen Irregularitätsparameter Jitter und Shimmer in der Stimmdiagnostik? Sprache – Stimme – Gehör: Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsstörungen, 40(4):179-182.


Volck, Alexander C; Laske, Roman D; Litschel, Ralph; Probst, Rudolf; Tasman, Abel-Jan (2015). Sound localization measured by eye-tracking. International Journal of Audiology, 54(12):976-983.

Blamey, Peter J; Maat, Bert; Başkent, Deniz; Mawman, Deborah; Burke, Elaine; Dillier, Norbert; Beynon, Andy; Kleine-Punte, Andrea; Govaerts, Paul J; Skarzynski, Piotr H; Huber, Alexander M; Sterkers-Artières, Françoise; Van de Heyning, Paul; O'Leary, Stephen; Fraysse, Bernard; Green, Kevin; Sterkers, Olivier; Venail, Frédéric; Skarzynski, Henryk; Vincent, Christophe; Truy, Eric; Dowell, Richard; Bergeron, François; Lazard, Diane S (2015). A Retrospective Multicenter Study Comparing Speech Perception Outcomes for Bilateral Implantation and Bimodal Rehabilitation. Ear and Hearing, 36(4):408-416.

Schwab, Sandra; Avanzi, Mathieu (2015). Regional variation and articulation rate in french. Journal of Phonetics, 48:96-105.

Tyler, Richard S; Keiner, A J; Walker, Kurt; Deshpande, Aniruddha K; Witt, Shelley; Killian, Matthijs; Ji, Helena; Patrick, Jim; Dillier, Norbert; van Dijk, Pim; Lai, Wai Kong; Hansen, Marlan R; Gantz, Bruce (2015). A Series of Case Studies of Tinnitus Suppression with Mixed Background Stimuli in a Cochlear Implant. American Journal of Audiology, 24(3):398-410.

Horvath, Lukas. Activin signaling disruption in the cochlea does not influence hearing in adult mice. 2015, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dalbert, Adrian; Pfiffner, Flurin; Röösli, Christof; Thoele, Konrad; Sim, Jae Hoon; Gerig, Rahel; Huber, Alexander M (2015). Extra- and Intracochlear Electrocochleography in Cochlear Implant Recipients. Audiology and Neurotology, 20(5):339-348.

Schuster-Amft, Corina; Henneke, Andrea; Hartog-Keisker, Birgit; Holper, Lisa; Siekierka, Ewa; Chevrier, Edith; Pyk, Pawel; Kollias, Spyros; Kiper, Daniel; Eng, Kynan (2015). Intensive virtual reality-based training for upper limb motor function in chronic stroke: a feasibility study using a single case experimental design and fMRI. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 10(5):384-392.

Akeroyd, Michael A; Arlinger, Stig; Bentler, Ruth A; Boothroyd, Arthur; Dillier, Norbert; Dreschler, Wouter A; Gagné, Jean-Pierre; Lutman, Mark; Wouters, Jan; Wong, Lena; Kollmeier, Birger (2015). International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology (ICRA) recommendations for the construction of multilingual speech tests. International Journal of Audiology, 54(sup2):17-22.

Dellwo, Volker; Leemann, Adrian; Kolly, Marie-José (2015). The recognition of read and spontaneous speech in local vernacular: The case of Zurich German. Journal of Phonetics, 48:13-28.

Hurschler, Martina A; Liem, Franziskus; Oechslin, Mathias; Stämpfli, Philipp; Meyer, Martin (2015). fMRI reveals lateralized pattern of brain activity modulated by the metrics of stimuli during auditory rhyme processing. Brain and Language, 147:41-50.


Fujiwara, Shigehiro; Ono, Takahiro; Minagi, Yoshitomo; Fujiu-Kurachi, Masako; Hori, Kazuhiro; Maeda, Yoshinobu; Boroumand, Sara; Nitschke, Ina; Ursula, Vith; Bohlender, Jörg (2014). Effect of Supraglottic and Super-supraglottic swallows on Tongue Pressure Production against Hard Palate. Dysphagia, 29(6):655-62.

Horvath, Lukas; Bodmer, Daniel; Radojevic, Vesna; Monge Naldi, Arianne (2014). Activin signaling disruption in the cochlea does not influence hearing in adult mice. Audiology and Neurotology, 20(1):51-61.

Adorni, Roberta; Manfredi, Mirella; Proverbio, Alice Mado (2014). Electro-cortical manifestations of common vs. proper name processing during reading. Brain and Language, 135:1-8.

Huarte, Alicia; Ramos, Angel; Morera, Constantino; Garcia-Ibáñez, Luis; Battmer, Rolf; Dillier, Norbert; Wesarg, Thomas; Müller-Deile, Joachim; Hey, Mattias; Offeciers, Erwin; von Wallenberg, Ernst; Coudert, Chrystelle; Killian, Matthijs (2014). Evaluation of Neural Response Telemetry (NRT™) with focus on long-term rate adaptation over a wide range of stimulation rates. Cochlear Implants International, 15(3):136-144.

Hervais-Adelman, Alexis; Pefkou, Maria; Golestani, Narly (2014). Bilingual speech-in-noise: Neural bases of semantic context use in the native language. Brain and Language, 132:1-6.

Kolly, Marie-José; Dellwo, Volker (2014). Cues to linguistic origin: The contribution of speech temporal information to foreign accent recognition. Journal of Phonetics, 42:12-23.

Mueller, Martin F; Meisenbacher, Katrin; Lai, Wai-Kong; Dillier, Norbert (2014). Sound localization with bilateral cochlear implants in noise: How much do head movements contribute to localization? Cochlear Implants International, 15(1):36-42.

Ruch, Hanna; Harrington, Jonathan (2014). Synchronic and diachronic factors in the change from pre-aspiration to post-aspiration in Andalusian Spanish. Journal of Phonetics, 45:12-25.


Balandat, Britta; Riedmüller, Stephanie; Bohlender, Jörg (2013). Der „Zürcher Stimmdiagnostik Basisbogen” (ZSB) der Abteilung Phoniatrie-Logopädie am UniversitätsSpital Zürich. Forum Logopädie, 4(27):12-17.

Adorni, Roberta; Manfredi, Mirella; Proverbio, Alice Mado (2013). Since when or how often? Dissociating the roles of age of acquisition (AoA) and lexical frequency in early visual word processing. Brain and Language, 124(1):132-41.

Egli Gallo, D; Khojasteh, E; Gloor, M; Hegemann, S C A (2013). Effectiveness of systemic high-dose dexamethasone therapy for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Audiology and Neurotology, 18(3):161-70.

Yoncheva, Yuliya N; Maurer, Urs; Zevin, Jason D; McCandliss, Bruce D (2013). Effects of rhyme and spelling patterns on auditory word ERPs depend on selective attention to phonology. Brain and Language, 124(3):238-243.

Blamey, P; Artieres, F; et al (2013). Factors Affecting Auditory Performance of Postlinguistically Deaf Adults Using Cochlear Implants: An Update with 2251 Patients. Audiology and Neurotology, 18(1):36-47.

Lai, W K; Dillier, N (2013). RFcap: A software analysis tool for multichannel cochlear implant signals. Cochlear implants international, 14(2):107-116.

Zimmermann, K; Brugger, P (2013). Signed soliloquy: visible private speech. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18(2):261-270.

Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2013). Wie objektiv sind die stimmdiagnostischen Parameter Jitter und Shimmer? Zahlreiche Faktoren können computergestützte akustische Messungen beeinflussen - eine Literaturanalyse sowie Studienvorstellung. Forum Logopädie, 27(4):6-11.


Kast, Monika; Baschera, Gian-Marco; Gross, Markus; Jäncke, Lutz; Meyer, Martin (2012). Erratum to: Computer-based learning of spelling skills in children with and without dyslexia. Annals of Dislexia, 62(2):135-136.

Chatzimichalis, M; Sim, J H; Huber, A M (2012). Assessment of a direct acoustic cochlear stimulator. Audiology & Neurotology, 17(5):299-308.

Nakajima, H H; Pisano, D V; Röösli, C; Hamade, M A; Merchant, G R; Mahfoud, L; Halpin, C F; Rosowski, J J; Merchant, S N (2012). Comparison of Ear-Canal Reflectance and Umbo Velocity in Patients With Conductive Hearing Loss: A Preliminary Study. Ear and Hearing, 33(1):35-43.

Sim, J H; Chatzimichalis, M; Röösli, C; Laske, R D; Huber, A M (2012). Objective assessment of stapedotomy surgery from round window motion measurement. Ear and Hearing, 33(5):e24-31.

Kompis, M; Pelizzone, M; Dillier, N; Allum, J; Demin, N; Senn, P (2012). Tinnitus before and 6 Months after Cochlear Implantation. Audiology and Neurotology, 17(3):161-168.

Röösli, C; Linthicum, F H; Cureoglu, S; Merchant, S N (2012). What is the site of origin of cochleovestibular schwannomas. Audiology and Neurotology, 17(2):121-125.


Buechner, A; Beynon, A; Szyfter, W; Niemczyk, K; Hoppe, U; Hey, M; Brokx, J; Eyles, J; Van de Heyning, P; Paludetti, G; Zarowski, A; Quaranta, Q; Wesarg, T; Festen, J; Olze, H; Dhooge, I; Müller-Deile, J; Ramos, A; Roman, S; Piron, J P; Cuda, D; Burdo, S; Grolman, W; Roux Vaillard, S; Huarte, A; Frachet, B; Morera, C; Garcia-Ibáñez, L; Abels, D; Walger, M; Müller-Mazotta, J; Antonio Leone, C; Meyer, B; Dillier, N; Steffens, T; Gentine, A; Mazzoli, M; Rypkema, G; Killian, M; Smoorenburg, G (2011). Clinical evaluation of cochlear implant sound coding taking into account conjectural masking functions, MP3000™. Cochlear Implants International, 12(4):194-204.

Staehelin, K; Bertoli, S; Probst, R; Schindler, C; Dratva, J; Stutz, E Z (2011). Gender and hearing aids: Patterns of use and determinants of nonregular use. Ear and Hearing, 32(6):e26-37.

Ito, T; Röösli, C; Kim, C J; Sim, J H; Huber, A M; Probst, R (2011). Bone Conduction Thresholds and Skull Vibration Measured on the Teeth during Stimulation at Different Sites on the Human Head. Audiology and Neurotology, 16(1):12-22.

Kast, M; Baschera, G M; Gross, M; Jäncke, Lutz; Meyer, Martin (2011). Computer-based learning of spelling skills in children with and without dyslexia. Annals of Dyslexia, 61(2):177-200.

Omlin, S; Bauer, G F; Brink, M (2011). Effects of noise from non-traffic-related ambient sources on sleep: Review of the literature of 1990-2010. Noise & Health, 13(53):299-309.

Schmartz, A C; Meyer-Heim, A D; Müller, R; Bolliger, M (2011). Measurement of muscle stiffness using robotic assisted gait orthosis in children with cerebral palsy: a proof of concept. Disability and Rehabilitation, 6(1):29-37.

Kast, M; Bezzola, L; Jäncke, Lutz; Meyer, Martin (2011). Multi- and unisensory decoding of words and nonwords result in differential brain responses in dyslexic and nondyslexic adults. Brain and Language, 119(3):136-48.

Brockmann, M; Drinnan, M J; Storck, C; Carding, P N (2011). Reliable jitter and shimmer measurements in voice clinics: the relevance of vowel, gender, vocal intensity, and fundamental frequency effects in a typical clinical task. Journal of Voice, 25(1):44-53.


Battmer, R-D; Dillier, N; Lai, W K; Begall, K; Leypon, E E; González, J C F; Manrique, M; Morera, C; Müller-Deile, J; Wesarg, T; Zarowski, A; Killian, M J; von Wallenberg, E; Smoorenburg, G F (2010). Speech perception performance as a function of stimulus pulse rate and processing strategy preference for the Cochlear Nucleus CI24RE device: relation to perceptual threshold and loudness comfort profiles. International Journal of Audiology, 49(9):657-666.

Riedmüller, Stephanie; Decoster, Wivine; Brockmann-Bauser, Meike (2010). Relevanz des Stimmfeldes für Diagnostik und Therapieevaluation. Forum Logopädie, 4(24):11-15.

Bertoli, S; Bodmer, D; Probst, R (2010). Survey on hearing aid outcome in Switzerland: associations with type of fitting (bilateral/unilateral), level of hearing aid signal processing, and hearing loss. International Journal of Audiology, 49(5):333-46.

Wesarg, T; Battmer, R-D; Garrido, L C; Dillier, N; Garcia-Ibáñez, L; Hey, M; Macias, A R; Irujo, A H; Morsnowski, A; Offeciers, E F; Zarowski, A; Pesch, J; Rypkema, G; Smoorenburg, G F (2010). Effect of changing pulse rate on profile parameters of perceptual thresholds and loudness comfort levels and relation to ECAP thresholds in recipients of the Nucleus CI24RE device. International journal of audiology, 49(10):775-87.

Dettmer, M; Hegemann, I; Hegemann, S C A (2010). Extraintestinal Crohn's Disease Mimicking Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease: A Histopathological Approach. Audiology and Neurotology, 16(1):36-40.


Lai, W K; Dillier, N; Weber, B P; Lenarz, T; Battmer, R; Gantz, B; Brown, C; Cohen, N; Waltzman, S; Skinner, M; Holden, L; Cowan, R; Busby, P; Killian, M (2009). TNRT profiles with the Nucleus Research Platform 8 system. International Journal of Audiology, 48(9):645-654.

Eschen, A; Martin, Mike; Schreiter-Gasser, U; Kliegel, M (2009). Prospective and retrospective memory complaints in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Impairment, 10(1):59-75.

Lai, W K; Dillier, N (2009). Neural adaptation and the ECAP response threshold: a pilot study. Cochlear Implants International, 10(Suppl):63-67.

Bertoli, S; Staehelin, K; Zemp, E; Schindler, C; Bodmer, D; Probst, R (2009). Survey on hearing aid use and satisfaction in Switzerland and their determinants. International Journal of Audiology, 48(4):183-195.


Watanabe, T; Bertoli, S; Probst, R (2008). Transmission pathways of vibratory stimulation as measured by subjective thresholds and distortion-product otoacoustic emissions. Ear and Hearing, 29(5):667-673.

Brockmann, M; Storck, C; Carding, P N; Drinnan, M J (2008). Voice loudness and gender effects on jitter and shimmer in healthy adults. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51(5):1152-1160.


Schmuziger, N; Patscheke, J; Probst, R (2007). An assessment of threshold shifts in nonprofessional pop/rock musicians using conventional and extended high-frequency audiometry. Ear and Hearing, 28(5):643-648.

van Dijk, B; Botros, A M; Battmer, R D; Begall, K; Dillier, N; Hey, M; Lai, W K; Lenarz, T; Laszig, R; Morsnowski, A; Müller-Deile, J; Psarros, C; Shallop, J; Weber, B; Wesarg, T; Zarowski, A; Offeciers, E (2007). Clinical results of AutoNRT, a completely automatic ECAP recording system for cochlear implants. Ear and Hearing, 28(4):558-570.

Lai, W K; Dillier, N (2007). Comparing neural response telemetry amplitude growth functions with loudness growth functions: preliminary results. Ear and Hearing, 28(2 Supp):42S-45S.

Nagy, I; Caelers, A; Monge, A; Bonabi, S; Huber, A M; Bodmer, D (2007). NF-kappaB-dependent apoptotic hair cell death in the auditory system. Audiology and Neurotology, 12(4):209-220.

Weber, B P; Lai, W K; Dillier, N; von Wallenberg, E L; Killian, M J P; Pesch, J; Battmer, R D; Lenarz, T (2007). Performance and preference for ACE stimulation rates obtained with nucleus RP 8 and freedom system. Ear and Hearing, 28(2 Suppl):46S-48S.


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Schmuziger, N; Lodwig, A; Probst, R (2006). Influence of artifacts and pass/refer criteria on otoacoustic emission hearing screening. International Journal of Audiology, 45(2):67-73.

Schmuziger, N; Fostiropoulos, K; Probst, R (2006). Long-term assessment of auditory changes resulting from a single noise exposure associated with non-occupational activities. International Journal of Audiology, 45(1):46-54.

Santos, Regie Lyn P; Häfner, Franziska M; Huygen, Patrick L M; Linder, Thomas E; Schinzel, Albert; Spillmann, Thomas; Leal, Suzanne M (2006). Phenotypic characterization of DFNA24: prelingual progressive sensorineural hearing impairment. Audiology and Neurotology, 11(5):269-275.

Fleischer, Jürg; Schmid, Stephan (2006). Zurich German. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 36(2):243-255.


Cafarelli Dees, D; Dillier, N; Lai, W K; von Wallenberg, E; van Dijk, B; Akdas, F; Aksit, M; Batman, C; Beynon, A; Burdo, S; Chanal, J-M; Collet, L; Conway, M; Coudert, C; Craddock, L; Cullington, H; Deggouj, N; Fraysse, B; Grabel, S; Kiefer, J; Kiss, J G; Lenarz, T; Mair, A; Maune, S; Müller-Deile, J; Piron, J-P; Razza, S; Tasche, C; Thai-Van, H; Toth, F; Truy, E; Uziel, A; Smoorenburg, G F (2005). Normative findings of electrically evoked compound action potential measurements using the neural response telemetry of the Nucleus CI24M cochlear implant system. Audiology and Neurotology, 10(2):105-116.

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Meyer, Martin; Steinhauer, Karsten; Alter, Kai; Friederici, Angela D; von Cramon, D Yves (2004). Brain activity varies with modulation of dynamic pitch variance in sentence melody. Brain and Language, 89(2):277-289.

Battmer, R D; Dillier, N; Lai, W K; Weber, B P; Brown, C; Gantz, B J; Roland, J T; Cohen, N J; Shapiro, W; Pesch, Joerg; Killian, M J; Lenarz, T (2004). Evaluation of the neural response telemetry (NRT) capabilities of the nucleus research platform 8: initial results from the NRT trial. International Journal of Audiology, 43(Suppl 1):10-15.

Lai, W K; Aksit, M; Akdas, F; Dillier, N (2004). Longitudinal behaviour of neural response telemetry (NRT) data and clinical implications. International Journal of Audiology, 43(5):252-263.


Bodmer, D; Brors, D; Bodmer, M; Pak, K; Ryan, A F (2003). Fas ligand expression in the organ of Corti. Audiology and Neurotology, 8(5):243-249.

Lai, W K; Bögli, H; Dillier, N (2003). A software tool for analyzing multichannel cochlear implant signals. Ear and Hearing, 24(5):380-391.

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