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Herdener, M; Humbel, T; Esposito, F; Habermeyer, B; Cattapan-Ludewig, K; Seifritz, E (2014). Jazz drummers recruit language-specific areas for the processing of rhythmic structure. Cerebral Cortex, 24(3):836-843.

Lutz, Jacqueline; Herwig, Uwe; Opialla, Sarah; Hittmeyer, Anna; Jäncke, Lutz; Rufer, Michael; Grosse Holtforth, Martin; Brühl, Annette Beatrix (2014). Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation - an fMRI Study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(6):776-785.


Dürsteler-MacFarland, Kenneth M; Farronato, Nadine S; Strasser, Johannes; Boss, Jakob; Kuntze, Marcus F; Petitjean, Sylvie A; Bürki, Christoph; Wiesbeck, Gerhard A (2013). A randomized, controlled, pilot trial of methylphenidate and cognitive-behavioral group therapy for cocaine dependence in heroin prescription. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 33(1):104-108.

Schindler, A; Herdener, M; Bartels, A (2013). Coding of melodic gestalt in human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 23(12):2987-2993.

Larsen, J I; Andersen, U A; Becker, T; Bickel, G G; Bork, B; Cordes, J; Frasch, K; Jacobsen, B A; Jensen, S O W; Kilian, R; Lauber, C; Mogensen, B; Nielsen, J A; Rossler, W; Tsuchiya, K J; Uwakwe, R; Munk-Jørgensen, P (2013). Cultural diversity in physical diseases among patients with mental illnesses. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47(3):250-258.

Hoff, Paul (2013). Die autonome Person: Stolperstein psychiatrischen Selbstverständnisses von 1800 bis heute. Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen, 43(1):40-46.

Gutzeit, Andreas; Meier, Dieter; Froehlich, Johannes M; Hergan, Klaus; Kos, Sebastian; Weymarn, Constantin; Lutz, Kai; Ettlin, Dominik A; Binkert, Christoph A; Mutschler, Jochen; Sartoretti-Schefer, Sabine; Brügger, Mike (2013). Differential NMR spectroscopy reactions of anterior/posterior and right/left insular subdivisions due to acute dental pain. European Radiology, 23(2):450-460.

Hengartner, M P. Epidemiologie der Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Evidenz für eine biopsychosoziale Perspektive. 2013, University of Zurich, Faculty of Science.

Baur, Volker; Brühl, Annette Beatrix; Herwig, Uwe; Eberle, Tanja; Rufer, Michael; Delsignore, Aba; Jäncke, Lutz; Hänggi, Jürgen (2013). Evidence of frontotemporal structural hypoconnectivity in social anxiety disorder: a quantitative fiber tractography study. Human Brain Mapping, 34(2):437-446.

Mutschler, Jochen; Eifler, Sarah; Dirican, Gülseren; Grosshans, Martin; Kiefer, Falk; Rössler, Wulf; Diehl, Alexander (2013). Functional social support within a medical supervised outpatient treatment program. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 39(1):44-49.

Brühl, Annette Beatrix; Herwig, Uwe; Delsignore, Aba; Jäncke, Lutz; Rufer, Michael (2013). General emotion processing in social anxiety disorder: Neural issues of cognitive control. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 212(2):108-115.

Gutzeit, Andreas; Froehlich, Johannes M; Hergan, Klaus; Graf, Nicole; Binkert, Christoph A; Meier, Dieter; Brügger, Mike; Reischauer, Carolin; Sutter, Reto; Herdener, Marcus; Schubert, Tillmann; Kos, Sebastian; Grosshans, Martin; Straka, Matus; Mutschler, Jochen (2013). Insula-specific 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy reactions in heavy smokers under acute nicotine withdrawal and after oral nicotine substitution. European Addiction Research, 19(4):184-193.

Rössler, W; Hengartner, M P; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Haker, H; Angst, J (2013). Lifetime and 12-month prevalence rates of sub-clinical psychosis symptoms in a community cohort of 50-year-old individuals. European Psychiatry, 28(5):302-307.

Maercker, Andreas; Gäbler, Ira; O'Neill, Jennifer; Schützwohl, Matthias; Müller, Mario (2013). Long-term trajectories of PTSD or resilience in former East German political prisoners. Torture, 23(1):15-27.

Haker, Helene; Kawohl, Wolfram; Herwig, Uwe; Rössler, Wulf (2013). Mirror neuron activity during contagious yawning-an fMRI study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 7(1):28-34.

Angst, Jules; Hengartner, Michael P; Gamma, Alex; von Zerssen, Detlev; Angst, Felix (2013). Mortality of 403 patients with mood disorders 48 to 52 years after their psychiatric hospitalisation. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 263(5):425-434.

Kirschner, M; Theodoridou, A; Fusar-Poli, P; Kaiser, S; Jager, M (2013). Patients' and clinicians' attitude towards long acting depot antipsychotics in subjects with a first episode of psychosis. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 3(2):89-99.

Kohl, S; Heekeren, K; Klosterkötter, J; Kuhn, J (2013). Prepulse inhibition in psychiatric disorders – Apart from schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(4):445-452.

Hengartner, M P; Loch, A A; Lawson, F L; Guarniero, F B; Wang, Y P; Rössler, W; Gattaz, W F (2013). Public stigmatization of different mental disorders: a comprehensive attitude survey. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 22(03):269-274.

Corrigan, P W; Sokol, K A; Rüsch, N (2013). The impact of self-stigma and mutual help programs on the quality of life of people with serious mental illnesses. Community Mental Health Journal, 49(1):1-6.

Loch, Alexandre Andrade; Hengartner, Michael Pascal; Guarniero, Francisco Bevilacqua; Lawson, Fabio Lorea; Wang, Yuan-Pang; Gattaz, Wagner Farid; Rössler, Wulf (2013). The more information, the more negative stigma towards schizophrenia: Brazilian general population and psychiatrists compared. Psychiatry research, 205(3):185-191.

Silverstein, B; Edwards, T; Gamma, A; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rossler, W; Angst, J (2013). The role played by depression associated with somatic symptomatology in accounting for the gender difference in the prevalence of depression. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 48(2):257-263.

Kvrgic, Sara; Cavelti, Marialuisa; Beck, Eva-Marina; Rüsch, Nicolas; Vauth, Roland (2013). Therapeutic alliance in schizophrenia: The role of recovery orientation, self-stigma, and insight. Psychiatry research, 209(1):15-20.


Liebrenz, Michael; Hof, Danielle; Buadze, Anna; Stohler, Rudolf; Eich, Dominique (2012). High dose methylphenidate treatment in adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 6:125.

Hoff, Paul; Fulford, Bill; Sadler, John Z (2012). History, philosophy and practical psychiatry: neither gap nor contradiction, but mutual enrichment. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 25(6):485.

Jaeger, Matthias; Hoff, Paul (2012). Recovery: conceptual and ethical aspects. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 25(6):497-502.

Buadze, Anna; Kaiser, S; Stohler, R; Roessler, W; Seifritz, E; Fusar-Poli, P; Liebrenz, M (2012). Patient's perceptions of the cannabis-psychosis link--a systematic review. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 18:5105-5112.

Nordt, Carlos; Brantschen, Elisabeth; Kawohl, Wolfram; Bärtsch, Bettina; Haker, Helene; Rüsch, Nicolas; Rössler, Wulf (2012). "Placement budgets" for supported employment - improving competitive employment for people with mental illness: study protocol of a multicentre randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 12:165.

Eich, Dominique; Angst, Jules; Frei, Anja; Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Rössler, Wulf; Gamma, Alex (2012). A new rating scale for adult ADHD based on the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90-R). European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(6):519-528.

Juckel, G; Karch, S; Kawohl, W; Kirsch, V; Jäger, L; Leicht, G; Lutz, J; Stammel, A; Pogarell, O; Ertl, M; Reiser, M; Hegerl, U; Möller, H J; Mulert, C (2012). Age effects on the P300 potential and the corresponding fMRI BOLD-signal. NeuroImage, 60(4):2027-2034.

Mutschler, Jochen; Rüsch, Nicolas; Schönfelder, Herdis; Herwig, Uwe; Brühl, Annette Beatrix; Grosshans, Martin; Rössler, Wulf; Russmann, Heike (2012). Agomelatine for depression in schizophrenia: A case-series. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 45(1):35-43.

Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Brugger, I; Bönsch, D; Schmid, O; Kornhuber, J; Bleich, S; Wiesbeck, G A (2012). Alpha-synuclein and heroin craving in opiate-dependent patients on injectable heroin maintenance. Addiction Biology, 17(5):875-886.

Krowatschek, Gunda; Krömer, Susanne; Stahl, Florian; Rössler, Wulf; Kawohl, Wolfram (2012). Ambulante oder stationäre Krisenintervention: Wer nutzt was? Psychiatrische Praxis, 39(1):21-25.

Mutschler, J; von Zitzewitz, F; Rössler, W; Grosshans, M (2012). Application of electronic diaries in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Psychiatria Danubina, 24(2):206-210.

Hoff, Paul (2012). Arthur Kronfeld (1886 - 1941) und das Postulat einer "autologischen Psychiatrie". In: Holdorff, B; Kumbier, E. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Nervenheilkunde. Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 233-250.

Vollmert, C; Grosshans, M; Vollstädt-Klein, S; Tost, H; Leber, S; Bach, P; Buhler, M; von der Goltz, C; Mutschler, J; Loeber, S; Hermann, D; Wiedemann, K; Meyer-Lindenberg, A; Kiefer, F (2012). Association of leptin with food cue-induced activation in human reward pathways. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69(5):529-537.

Heberlein, Annemarie; Dürsteler-MacFarland, Kenneth M; Frieling, Helge; Gröschl, Michael; Lenz, Bernd; Bönsch, Dominikus; Kornhuber, Johannes; Wiesbeck, Gerhard A; Bleich, Stefan; Hillemacher, Thomas (2012). Association of nerve growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor A with psychometric measurements of opiate dependence: results of a pilot study in patients participating in a structured diamorphine maintenance program. European Addiction Research, 18(5):213-219.

Hengartner, M P; Loch, A A; Lawson, F L; Guarniero, F B; Wang, Y-P; Rössler, Wulf; Gattaz, W F (2012). Attitudes of mental health professionals towards persons with schizophrenia: a transcultural comparison between Switzerland and Brazil. Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica, 39(4):115-121.

Herdener, M; Oppliger, R; Stohler, R; Caflisch, C (2012). Behandlung der Kokainabhängigkeit. Praxis, 101(16):1013-1019.

Regeniter, Axel; Kuhle, Jens; Baumann, Thomas; Sollberger, Marc; Herdener, Markus; Kunze, Ursula; Camuso, Michael C; Monsch, Andreas U (2012). Biomarkers of dementia: Comparison of electrochemiluminescence results and reference ranges with conventional ELISA. Methods, 56(4):494-499.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Schmid, Margrit; Tschopp, Alois; Gutzwiller, Felix (2012). Birth cohort effects in neurological diseases: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. Neuroepidemiology, 38(1):56-63.

Rössler, Wulf (2012). Burn-out bei professionellen Helfern und Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Spectrum Psychiatrie, (1):10-13.

Corrigan, Patrick W; Morris, Scott B; Michaels, Patrick J; Rafacz, Jennifer D; Rüsch, Nicolas (2012). Challenging the public stigma of mental illness: A meta-analysis of outcome studies. Psychiatric Services, 63(10):963-973.

Mutschler, J; Graf, N; Spanaus, K S; Rössler, W; Hergan, K; Binkert, C A; Gutzeit, A (2012). Circulating ghrelin levels are not associated with craving and withdrawal symptoms in acute nicotine withdrawal. Psychiatria Danubina, 24(2):229-230.

Rössler, W (2012). Das Soziale in der Psychiatrie - schon wieder Stiefkind. Neurotransmitter, (S2):42-46.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Knöpfli, Daniel; Landolt, Karin; Gostynski, Michal; Engelter, Stefan T; Lyrer, Philippe A; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, Wulf (2012). Death has a preference for birthdays - an analysis of death time series. Annals of Epidemiology, 22(8):603-606.

Lay, B (2012). Die Sorge um Figur und Gewicht. Welchen Einfluss haben gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen auf das Körperbild? In: Baer, Josette; Rother, Wolfgang. Körper : Aspekte der Körperlichkeit in Medizin und Kulturwissenschaften. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 65-86.

Reissner, V; Kokkevi, A; Schifano, F; Room, R; Storbjörk, J; Stohler, R; DiFuria, L; Rehm, Jürgen; Geyer, M; Hölscher, F; Scherbaum, N (2012). Differences in drug consumption, comorbidity and health service use of opioid addicts across six European urban regions (TREAT-project). European Psychiatry, 27(6):455-462.

Gaebel, W; Becker, T; Janssen, B; Munk-Jorgensen, P; Musalek, M; Rössler, W; Sommerlad, K; Tansella, M; Thornicroft, G; Zielasek, J (2012). EPA guidance on the quality of mental health services. European Psychiatry, 27(2):87-113.

Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C; Cárdenas-Morales, L; Moreno-Aguirre, A; Dorn, K; Langguth, B; Brühl, A B; Kammer, T; Herwig, U (2012). Effect of 1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the auditory cortex on audiometry and otoacustic emissions. Brain Topography, 25(3):241-247.

Neuner, Irene; Nordt, Carlos; Schneider, Frank; Kawohl, Wolfram (2012). Effectiveness of aripiprazole in the treatment of adult Tourette patients up to 56 months. Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental, 27(4):364-369.

Siemerkus, J; Irle, E; Schmidt-Samoa, C; Dechent, P; Weniger, G (2012). Egocentric spatial learning in schizophrenia investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroImage, 1(1):153-163.

Hagenmuller, Florence; Rössler, Wulf; Endrass, Jérôme; Rossegger, Astrid; Haker, Helene (2012). Empathische Resonanzfähigkeit bei Straftätern mit psychopathischen Persönlichkeitszügen. Neuropsychiatrie, 26(2):65-71.

Hoff, Paul (2012). Eugen Bleuler's concept of Schizophrenia and its relevance to present-day psychiatry. Neuropsychobiology, 66(1):6-13.

Hitz, K; Heekeren, K; Obermann, C; Huber, T; Juckel, G; Kawohl, W (2012). Examination of the effect of acute levodopa administration on the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials (LDAEP) in humans. Psychopharmacology, 221(3):389-396.

Neuner, Irene; Arrubla, Jorge; Ehlen, Corinna; Janouschek, Hildegard; Nordt, Carlos; Fimm, Bruno; Schneider, Frank; Shah, N Jon; Kawohl, Wolfram (2012). Fine motor skills in adult Tourette patients are task-dependent. BMC Neurology, 12:120.

Theodoridou, Anastasia (2012). Früherkennung von psychotischen und bipolaren Störungen. In: Böker, H; Seifritz, E. Psychotherapie und Neurowissenschaften : Integration, Kritik, Zukunftsaussichten. Bern: Hans Huber, 424-437.

Mutschler, Jochen; Abbruzzese, Elvira; Witt, Stephanie H; Dirican, Gülseren; Nieratschker, Vanessa; Frank, Josef; Grosshans, Martin; Rietschel, Marcella; Kiefer, Falk (2012). Functional polymorphism of the dopamine β-hydroxylase gene is associated with increased risk of disulfiram-induced adverse effects in alcohol-dependent patients. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 32(4):578-580.

Schuepbach, D; Skotchko, T; Duschek, S; Theodoridou, A; Grimm, S; Boeker, H; Seifritz, E (2012). Gender and rapid alterations of hemispheric dominance during planning. Neuropsychobiology, 66(3):149-157.

Mutschler, Jochen; Abbruzzese, Elvira; et al (2012). Genetic variation in the neuropeptide Y gene promoter is associated with increased risk of tobacco smoking. European Addiction Research, 18(5):246-252.

Gutzeit, A; Binkert, C A; Schmidt, S; Jandali, A R; Mutschler, J; Hergan, K; Kos, S (2012). Growing fatty mass in the back: diagnosis of a multiple symmetric lipomatosis (Madelung’s disease) in association with chronic alcoholism. Skeletal Radiology, 41(4):465-466.

Corrigan, Patrick W; Powell, Karina J; Rüsch, Nicolas (2012). How does stigma affect work in people with serious mental illnesses? Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35(5):381-384.

Weniger, Godehard; Ruhleder, Mirjana; Lange, Claudia; Irle, Eva (2012). Impaired egocentric memory and reduced somatosensory cortex size in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Behavioural Brain Research, 227(1):116-124.

Franz, M; Ranger, J; Hanewald, B; Gallhofer, B; Lay, B (2012). Influences on therapist's decisions for neuroleptic treatment in schizophrenia: the role of characteristics of the patient and the physician. Pharmacopsychiatry, 45(7):261-268.

Kunst- und Ausdruckstherapien. Ein Handbuch für die psychiatrische und psychosoziale Praxis. Edited by: Rössler, W; Matter, Birgit (2012). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer GmbH.

Rössler, W; Hengartner, M P; Angst, J; Ajdacic-Gross, V (2012). Linking substance use with symptoms of sub-clinical psychosis in a community cohort over 30 years. Addiction, 107(6):1174-1184.

Evans-Lacko, S; London, J; Japhet, S; Rüsch, N; Flach, C; Corker, E; Henderson, C; Thornicroft, G (2012). Mass social contact interventions and their effect on mental health related stigma and intended discrimination. BMC Public Health, 12:489.

Weidt, S; Brühl, A; Delsignore, A (2012). Mein Patient hat Angst – wie weiter? Praxis, 101(8):523-530.

Vogel, Marc; Tschakarjan, Senop; Maguet, Olivier; Vandecasteele, Olivier; Kinkel, Till; Dürsteler-MacFarland, Kenneth (2012). Mental health among opiate users in Kabul – a pilot study from the medecins du monde harm reduction programme. Intervention, 10(2):146-155.

Herwig, Uwe; Kaffenberger, Tina; Schell, Caroline; Jäncke, Lutz; Bruehl, Annette B (2012). Neural activity associated with self-reflection. BMC Neuroscience, 13(1):52.

Riesen Sieber, Evelyne. Neuronale korrelate mentaler selbst-repräsentation - untersuchungen mittels funktioneller magnetresonanz-tomographie. 2012, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hoff, Paul; Bottlender, Ronald (2012). Neurowissenschaft und Psychopathologie heute – Ergänzung, Fusion, Verdrängung? Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 60(4):249-256.

Lay, Barbara; Salize, Hans-Joachim; Dressing, Harald; Rüsch, Nicolas; Schönenberger, Thekla; Bühlmann, Monika; Bleiker, Marco; Lengler, Silke; Korinth, Olena; Rössler, Wulf (2012). Preventing compulsory admission to psychiatric inpatient care through psycho-education and crisis focused monitoring. BMC Psychiatry, 12:136.

Jäger, M; Rössler, W (2012). Psychiatrische Versorgungsepidemiologie. Der Nervenarzt, 83(3):389-402.

Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Bürki, C; Strasser, J; Boss, J; Burski, J; Petitjean, S; Buchberger, M; Ladewig, D; Kuntze, M F; Wiesbeck, G A (2012). Randomisierte kontrollierte Studie zur Einsatzmöglichkeit von Methylphenidat und kognitiv-behavioraler Gruppenpsychotherapie bei Kokain konsumierenden Patienten in opioidgestützter Behandlung. Abhängigkeiten, (1):76-97.

Haker, Helene; Schimansky, Jenny; Jann, Sibylle; Rössler, Wulf (2012). Self-reported empathic abilities in schizophrenia: A longitudinal perspective. Psychiatry Research, 200(2-3):1028-1031.

Cavelti, M; Kvrgic, S; Beck, E M; Rüsch, N; Vauth, R (2012). Self-stigma and its relationship with insight, demoralization, and clinical outcome among people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53(5):468-479.

Corrigan, Patrick W; Michaels, Patrick J; Vega, Eduardo; Gause, Michael; Watson, Amy C; Rüsch, Nicolas (2012). Self-stigma of mental illness scale - short form: Reliability and validity. Psychiatry Research, 199(1):65-69.

Perini, Tiziana; Ditzen, Beate; Hengartner, M; Ehlert, Ulrike (2012). Sensation seeking in fathers: the impact on testosterone and paternal investment. Hormones and Behavior, 61(2):191-195.

Rössler, Wulf; Hengartner, Michael P; Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Haker, Helene; Angst, Jules (2012). Sex differences in sub-clinical psychosis-Results from a community study over 30years. Schizophrenia Research, 139(1-3):176-182.

Matthies, S; Rüsch, N; Weber, M; Lieb, K; Philipsen, A; Tuescher, O; Ebert, D; Hennig, J; van Elst, L T (2012). Small amygdala – high aggression? The role of the amygdala in modulating aggression in healthy subjects. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 13(1):75-81.

Rössler, W (2012). Sozialpsychiatrie. In: Fleischhacker, W W; Hinterhuber, H. Lehrbuch Psychiatrie. Wien, New York: Springer, 459-469.

Rössler, Wulf (2012). Stress, burnout, and job dissatisfaction in mental health workers. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(S2):65-69.

Simon, Andor E; Theodoridou, Anastasia; Schimmelmann, Benno; Schneider, Roland; Conus, Philippe (2012). The Swiss Early Psychosis Project SWEPP: a national network. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 6(1):106-111.

Schimansky, Jenny; Rössler, Wulf; Haker, Helene (2012). The influence of social cognition on ego disturbances in patients with schizophrenia. Psychopathology, 45(2):117-125.

Landolt, K; Rössler, W; Burns, T; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Galderisi, S; Libiger, J; Naber, D; Derks, E M; Kahn, R S; Fleischhacker, W W (2012). The interrelation of needs and quality of life in first-episode schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 262(3):207-216.

Kilian, Reinhold; Lauber, Christoph; Kalkan, Rana; Dorn, Wulf; Rössler, Wulf; Wiersma, Durk; Buschbach, Jooske T; Fioritti, Angelo; Tomov, Toma; Catty, Jocelyn; Burns, Tom; Becker, Thomas (2012). The relationships between employment, clinical status, and psychiatric hospitalisation in patients with schizophrenia receiving either IPS or a conventional vocational rehabilitation programme. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47(9):1381-1389.

McCabe, Rosemarie; Bullenkamp, Jens; Hansson, Lars; Lauber, Christoph; Martinez-Leal, Rafael; Rössler, Wulf; Salize, Hans Joachim; Svensson, Bengt; Torres-Gonzalez, Francisco; van den Brink, Rob; Wiersma, Durk; Priebe, Stefan (2012). The therapeutic relationship and adherence to antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia. PLoS ONE, 7(4):e36080.

Theodoridou, Anastasia; Schlatter, Fenissa; Ajdacic, Vladeta; Rössler, Wulf; Jäger, Matthias (2012). Therapeutic relationship in the context of perceived coercion in a psychiatric population. Psychiatry research, 200(2-3):939-944.

Landolt, K; Rössler, W; Burns, T; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Galderisi, S; Libiger, J; Naber, D; Derks, E M; Kahn, R S; Fleischhacker, W W (2012). Unmet needs in patients with first-episode schizophrenia: a longitudinal perspective. Psychological Medicine, 42(07):1461-1473.

Heekeren, K; Rössler, W (2012). Was ist möglich mit Früherkennung und Frühintervention? Pro Mente Sana aktuell, (4):10-11.

Rusch, N; Evans-Lacko, S; Thornicroft, G (2012). What is a mental illness? Public views and their effects on attitudes and disclosure. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(7):641-650.


Dürsteler-MacFarland, Kenneth M; Kowalewski, Roland; Bloch, Nicole; Wiesbeck, Gerhard A; Kraenzlin, Marius E; Stohler, Rudolf (2011). Patients on injectable diacetylmorphine maintenance have low bone mass. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30(6):577-582.

Merikangas, K R; Cui, L; Richardson, A K; Isler, H; Khoromi, S; Nakamura, E; Lamers, F; Rossler, W; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Gamma, A; Angst, J (2011). Magnitude, impact, and stability of primary headache subtypes: 30 year prospective Swiss cohort study. BMJ : British medical journal, 343:d5076.

Walter, M; Degen, B; Treugut, C; Albrich, J; Oppel, M; Schulz, A; Schächinger, H; Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Wiesbeck, G A (2011). Affective reactivity in heroin-dependent patients with antisocial personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 187(1-2):210-213.

Markela-Lerenc, J; Kaiser, S; Gölz, T; Fiedler, P; Mundt, C; Weisbrod, M (2011). Attentional bias in depressive patients and the moderating effect of concurrent anxiety. Psychopathology, 44(3):193-200.

Schäfer, I; Burns, T; Fleischhacker, W W; Galderisi, S; Rybakowski, J K; Libiger, J; Rössler, W; Molodynski, A; Edlinger, M; Piegari, G; Hrnčiarova, J; Gorna, K; Jaeger, M; Fett, A K; Hissbach, J; Naber, D (2011). Attitudes of patients with schizophrenia and depression to psychiatric research: a study in seven European countries. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(2):159-165.

Willutzki, R H. Auswirkung einer kognitiven Kontroll-Intervention während der Perzeption emotionaler Stimuli auf die Hirnaktivität. Untersuchung mit funktioneller Magnetresonanz-Tomographie. 2011, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Rüsch, N; Corrigan, P W; Todd, A R; Bodenhausen, G V (2011). Automatic stereotyping against people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and affective disorders. Psychiatry Research, 186(1):34-39.

Mutschler, J; Grosshans, M (2011). Behandlung und Pharmakologie von Disulfiram. Swiss Medical Forum, 11(15):283-285.

Hoff, P (2011). Biographische und Krankheitsanamnese. In: Möller, H J; Laux, G; Kapfhammer, H P. Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie. Band 1: Allgemeine Psychiatrie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Medizin, 497-506.

Theodoridou, A; Rössler, W (2011). Bipolare Störung und Psychose. Ein neues Früherkennungsprogramm im Kanton Zürich. INFO Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 9(1):29-30.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Rössler, W; Ajdacic, Vladeta; Klein, D N (2011). Childhood adversity and chronicity of mood disorders. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261(1):21-27.

Rössler, W; Folkers, G (2011). Der Patient im Mittelpunkt - das Geld im Vordergrund. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 92(48):1881-1883.

Sass, H; Hoff, P (2011). Deskriptiv-psychopathologische Befunderhebung. In: Möller, H J; Laux, G; Kapfhammer, H P. Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie. Band 1: Allgemeine Psychiatrie. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Medizin, 525-544.

Hagenmuller, F; Hitz, K; Darvas, F; Kawohl, W (2011). Determination of the loudness dependence of auditory evoked potentials: single-electrode estimation versus dipole source analysis. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 26(2):147-154.

Garcia Nuñez, D; Jäger, M (2011). Die sexuelle Gretchenfrage: homo- und bisexuelle Menschen im ärztlichen Setting. Swiss Medical Forum, 11(12):213-217.

Brühl, Annette Beatrix; Jäncke, Lutz; Herwig, Uwe (2011). Differential modulation of emotion processing brain regions by noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressants. Psychopharmacology, 216(3):389-399.

Mutschler, J; Kiefer, F (2011). Differenzielle pharmakologische Rückfallprophylaxe bei Alkoholabhängigkeit. Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 12(1):83-88.

Rüsch, N; Schulz, D; Valerius, G; Steil, R; Bohus, M; Schmahl, C (2011). Disgust and implicit self-concept in women with borderline personality disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261(5):369-376.

Warnke, I; Rössler, W; Herwig, U (2011). Does psychopathology at admission predict the length of inpatient stay in psychiatry? Implications for financing psychiatric services. BMC Psychiatry, 11(1):120.

Schwemmer-Vogel, H H. Doppeldiagnosen in stationärer suchtspezifischer Behandlung: Prävalenz und Zusammenhang mit behandlungsrelevanten Patientenmerkmalen. 2011, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Weniger, G; Ruhleder, M; Lange, C; Wolf, S; Irle, E (2011). Egocentric and allocentric memory as assessed by virtual reality in individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia, 49(3):518-527.

Rössler, W (2011). Epidemiologie der Schizophrenie. Swiss Medical Forum, 11(48):885-888.

Corrigan, P W; Rafacz, J; Rüsch, N (2011). Examining a progressive model of self-stigma and its impact on people with serious mental illness. Psychiatry Research, 189(3):339-343.

Mutschler, J; Dirican, G; Funke, S; Obermann, C; Grosshans, M; Mann, K; Kiefer, F; Diehl, A (2011). Experienced acetaldehyde reaction does not improve treatment response in outpatients treated with supervised Disulfiram. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 34(4):161-165.

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Kroemer, S; Kawohl, W (2011). Gustatory and Olfactory Hallucinations Under Therapeutic Dosing of Bupropion. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 23(2):E53.

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Vetter, S; Rossegger, A; Elbert, T; Gerth, J; Urbaniok, F; Laubacher, A; Rössler, W; Endrass, J (2011). Internet-based self-assessment after the Tsunami: lessons learned. BMC Public Health, 11:18.

Rüsch, N; Evans-Lacko, S E; Henderson, C; Flach, C; Thornicroft, G (2011). Knowledge and attitudes as predictors of intentions to seek help for and disclose a mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 62(6):675-678.

Rössler, W (2011). Management, rehabilitation, stigma. In: Gaebel, W. Schizophrenia. Current science and clinical practice. Somerset: Wiley & Sons Inc, 217-246.

Clement, S; Lassman, F; Barley, E; Evans-Lacko, S; Williams, P; Pagdin, R; Slade, M; Rüsch, N; Yamaguchi, S; Thornicroft, G; Clement, S (2011). Mass media interventions for reducing mental health-related stigma (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2011(12):CD009453.

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Brink, R; Wiersma, D; Wolters, K; Bullenkamp, J; Hansson, L; Lauber, C; Martinez-Leal, R; McCabe, R; Rössler, W; Salize, H; Svensson, B; Torres-Gonzales, F; Priebe, S (2011). Non-uniform effectiveness of structured patient–clinician communication in community mental healthcare: an international comparison. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 46(8):685-693.

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Mutschler, J; Grosshans, M; Herwig, U; Heekeren, K; Kawohl, W; Brühl, A (2011). Pregabalin-induced suicidal ideations. Pharmacopsychiatry, 44(3):119.

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Rössler, W; Angst, J; Gamma, A; Haker, H; Stulz, N; Merikangas, K R; Ajdacic-Gross, V (2011). Reappraisal of the interplay between psychosis and depression symptoms in the pathogenesis of psychotic syndromes: results from a twenty-year prospective community study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261(1):11-19.

Walther, S; Friederich, H C; Stippich, C; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S (2011). Response inhibition or salience detection in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex? NeuroReport, 22(15):778-782.

Rössler, W; Vetter, S; Müller, M; Gallo, W T; Haker, H; Kawohl, W; Lupi, G; Ajdacic-Gross, V (2011). Risk factors at the low end of the psychosis continuum: Much the same as at the upper end? Psychiatry Research, 189(1):77-81.

Mutschler, J; Dirican, G; Gutzeit, A; Grosshans, M (2011). Safety and efficacy of long-term disulfiram aftercare. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 34(5):195-198.

Herwig, U (2011). Schmerz, Emotionen, Kognition: Neurobiologische Forschung und Überlegungen zur Therapie. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie, (4):14-16.

Lay, B; Rössler, W (2011). Stationär-psychiatrische Behandlungen: Häufigkeit und Veränderungen der Prävalenz über die Lebensspanne. Neuropsychiatrie, 25(2):67-74.

Rüsch, N; Evans-Lacko, S; Clement, S; Thornicroft, G (2011). Stigma, discrimination, social exclusion and mental health: A public health perspective. In: Parker, R; Sommer, M. Routledge International Handbook on Global Public Health. London: Routledge, 394-401.

Rössler, W; Hengartner, M P; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Haker, H; Gamma, A; Angst, J (2011). Sub-clinical psychosis symptoms in young adults are risk factors for subsequent common mental disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 131(1-3):18-23.

Rentrop, M; Roth, A; Rodewald, K; Simon, J; Metzler, S; Walther, S; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S (2011). Temporal variability and spatial diffusion of the N2 event-related potential in high-functioning patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 131(1-3):206-213.

Rauchensteiner, S; Kawohl, W; Özgürdal, S; Littmann, E; Gudlowski, Y; Witthaus, H; Heinz, A; Juckel, G (2011). Test-performance after cognitive training in persons at risk mental state of schizophrenia and patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 185(3):334-339.

Theodoridou, A; Jaeger, M; Ketteler, D; Kawohl, W; Lauber, C; Hoff, P; Rössler, W (2011). The Concurrent Validity and Sensitivity of Change of the German Version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales in a Psychiatric Inpatient Setting. Psychopathology, 44(6):391-397.

Holt, D V; Rodewald, K; Rentrop, M; Funke, J; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S (2011). The Plan-a-Day approach to measuring planning ability in patients with schizophrenia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17(2):327-335.

Mutschler, J; Kiefer, F (2011). The natriuretic peptide system as a possible therapeutic target for stress-induced obesity. Medical Hypotheses, 76(3):388-390.

Kaiser, S; Heekeren, K; Simon, J J (2011). The negative symptoms of Schizophrenia: Category or continuum? Psychopathology, 44(6):345-353.

Catty, J; White, S; Koletsi, M; Becker, T; Fioritti, A; Kalkan, R; Lauber, C; Lissouba, P; Rössler, W; Tomov, T; van Busschbach, J T; Wiersma, D; Burns, T (2011). Therapeutic relationships in vocational rehabilitation: Predicting good relationships for people with psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 187(1-2):68-73.

Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Vogel, M; Wiesbeck, G A; Petitjean, S A (2011). There is no age limit for methadone: a retrospective cohort study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 6:9.

Müller, Mario; Forstmeier, Simon; Wagner, Birgit; Maercker, Andreas (2011). Traditional versus modern values and interpersonal factors predicting stress response syndromes in a Swiss elderly population. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 16(6):631-640.

Hess, M; Boesch, L; Leisinger, R; Stohler, R (2011). Transdermal Buprenorphine to Switch Patients from Higher Dose Methadone to Buprenorphine without Severe Withdrawal Symptoms. American Journal on Addictions, 20(5):480-481.

Lay, B; Nordt, C; Rössler, W (2011). Variation in use of coercive measures in psychiatric hospitals. European Psychiatry, 26(4):244-251.

Ahrendts, J; Rüsch, N; Wilke, M; Philipsen, A; Eickhoff, S B; Glauche, V; Perlov, E; Ebert, D; Hennig, J; Tebartz van Elst, L (2011). Visual cortex abnormalities in adults with ADHD: A structural MRI study. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 12(4):260-270.

Prüter, C; Hoff, P (2011). Wahn: Krankheitskonzepte und Therapieoptionen. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie up2date, 5(3):149-160.

Baur, Volker; Hänggi, Jürgen; Rufer, Michael; Delsignore, Aba; Jäncke, Lutz; Herwig, Uwe; Brühl, Annette Beatrix (2011). White matter alterations in social anxiety disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(10):1366-1372.

Kieser, C; Kawohl, W (2011). Wir sollten auf Teambesprechungen verzichten. Psychiatrische Praxis, 38(3):111-113.

Gairing, S; Jäger, M; Ketteler, D; Rössler, W; Theodoridou, A (2011). „Scale to Assess Therapeutic Relationships, STAR”: Evaluation der deutschen Skalenversion zur Beurteilung der therapeutischen Beziehung. Psychiatrische Praxis, 38(4):178-184.


Henley, R; McAlpine, K; Müller, M; Vetter, S (2010). Does school attendance reduce the risk of youth homelessness in Tanzania? International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 4:28.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Killias, Martin; Hepp, Urs; Haymoz, Sandrine; Bopp, Matthias; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, Wulf (2010). Firearm suicides and availability of firearms: The Swiss experience. European Psychiatry, 25(7):432-434.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Clarke, D; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W; Regier, D (2010). Subjective distress predicts treatment seeking for depression, bipolar, anxiety, panic, neurasthenia and insomnia severity spectra. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 122(6):488-498.

Nordt, C; Stohler, R (2010). Combined effects of law enforcement and substitution treatment on heroin mortality. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29(5):540-545.

Schoenfeldt-Lecuona, C; Cardenas-Morales, L; Freudenmann, R W; Kammer, T; Herwig, U (2010). Transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression--lessons from the multicentre trials. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 28(4):569-576.

Krummenacher, P; Mohr, C; Haker, H; Brugger, P (2010). Dopamine, paranormal belief, and the detection of meaningful stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(8):1670-1681.

Strasser, J; Wiesbeck, G A; Meier, N; Stohler, R; Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M (2010). Effects of a single 50% extra dose of methadone on heroin craving and mood in lower- versus higher-dose methadone patients. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 30(4):450-454.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Bopp, Matthias; Ring, Mariann; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, Wulf (2010). Seasonality in suicide - A review and search of new concepts for explaining the heterogeneous phenomena. Social Science & Medicine, 71(4):657-666.

Herwig, Uwe; Brühl, Annette Beatrix; Kaffenberger, T; Baumgartner, T; Boeker, H; Jäncke, Lutz (2010). Neural correlates of 'pessimistic' attitude in depression. Psychological Medicine, 40(5):789-800.

Hoeppner, Jacqueline; Padberg, Frank; Domes, Gregor; Zinke, Antonia; Herpertz, Sabine C; Grossheinrich, Nicola; Herwig, Uwe (2010). Influence of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on psychomotor symptoms in major depression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 260(3):197-202.

Hoff, P (2010). Historical perspectives on person-centered medicine and psychiatry. International Journal of Integrated Care, 10:40-43.

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McAlpine, K; Henley, R; Müller, M; Vetter, S (2010). A survey of street children in northern Tanzania: how abuse or support factors may influence migration to the street. Community Mental Health Journal, 46(1):26-32.

Liebrenz, M; Stohler, R; Caflisch, C (2010). Abhängigkeitssyndrom von Benzodiazepinen, gegenwärtige Teilnahme an einem ärztlich überwachten Ersatz(drogen)-programm (ICD-10 F13.22) – Evidenzen und eigene Ergebnisse. Suchttherapie, 11(3):112-115.

Liebrenz, M; Boesch, L; Stohler, R; Caflisch, C (2010). Agonist substitution - a treatment alternative for high-dose benzodiazepine-dependent patients? Addiction, 105(11):1870-1874.

Kawohl, W. Akustisch und somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. 2010, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Fulford, K W M; Hoff, P; Sadler, J Z (2010). All the worldʼs a stage. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(6):522-523.

Nietlisbach, G; Maercker, Andreas; Rössler, W; Haker, Helene (2010). Are empathic abilities impaired in posttraumatic stress disorder? Psychological Reports, 106(3):832-844.

Jäger, M; Rössler, W (2010). Attitudes towards long-acting depot antipsychotics: A survey of patients, relatives and psychiatrists. Psychiatry Research, 175(1-2):58-62.

Mutschler, J; Bilbao, A; von der Goltz, C; Demiralay, C; Jahn, H; Wiedemann, K; Spanagel, R; Kiefer, F (2010). Augmented stress-induced alcohol drinking and withdrawal in mice lacking functional natriuretic peptide-A receptors. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45(1):13-16.

Rüsch, N; Todd, A R; Bodenhausen, G V; Olschewski, M; Corrigan, P W (2010). Automatically activated shame reactions and perceived legitimacy of discrimination: A longitudinal study among people with mental illness. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 41(1):60-63.

Schaub, Michael P; Stohler, Rudolf (2010). Behandlung der Kokainabhängigkeit: ein multimodales Unterfangen. Swiss Medical Forum, (25):437-440.

Liebrenz, Michael; Boesch, Lukas; Stohler, Rudolf; Caflisch, Carlo (2010). Benzodiazepine dependence: when abstinence is not an option. Addiction, 105(11):1877-1878.

Rüsch, N; Todd, A R; Bodenhausen, G V; Corrigan, P W (2010). Biogenetic models of psychopathology, implicit guilt, and mental illness stigma. Psychiatry Research, 179(3):328-332.

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Corrigan, P W; Rafacz, J D; Hautamaki, J; Walton, J; Rüsch, N; Rao, D; Doyle, P; O'Brien, S; Pryor, J; Reeder, G (2010). Changing stigmatizing perceptions and recollections about mental illness: the effects of NAMI's in Our Own Voice. Community Mental Health Journal, 46(5):517-522.

Puschner, B; Steffen, S; Slade, M; Kaliniecka, H; Maj, M; Fiorillo, A; Munk-Jørgensen, P; Larsen, J; Égerházi, A; Nemes, Z; Rössler, W; Kawohl, W; Becker, T (2010). Clinical decision making and outcome in routine care for people with severe mental illness (CEDAR): study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 10:90.

Schaub, Michael P; Stevens, B; Berto, D; Hunt, N; Kerschl, V; McSweeney, T; Oeuvray, K; Puppo, I; Santa Maria, A; Trinkl, B; Werdenich, W; Uchtenhagen, Ambros (2010). Comparing Outcomes of "Voluntary" and Quasi-Compulsory" Treatment of Substance Dependence in Europe. European Addiction Research, 16(1):53-60.

Sharma, A; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S; Markela-Lerenc, J; Bender, S (2010). Deficits in fronto-posterior interactions point to inefficient resource allocation in schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 123(2):125-135.

Nordt, Carlos; Stohler, Rudolf (2010). Der Heroinmarkt in Zürich. SuchtMagazin, 36(6):37-38.

Mutschler, J; Koopmann, A; Grosshans, M; Hermann, D; Mann, K; Kiefer, F (2010). Dextromethorphan withdrawal and dependence syndrome. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 107(30):537-540.

Rössler, W; Angst, J; Gamma, A; Ajdacic-Gross, V (2010). Die Häufigkeit psychotischer Symptome in der Allgemeinbevölkerung - Konsequenzen für die Psychoseforschung. In: Möller, H J; Müller, N. Schizophrenie - Zukunftsperspektiven in Klinik und Forschung. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 41-51.

Hölscher, F; Reissner, V; Di Furia, L; Room, R; Schifano, F; Stohler, R; Yotsidi, V; Scherbaum, N (2010). Differences between men and women in the course of opiate dependence: is there a telescoping effect. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 260(3):235-241.

Theodoridou, A; Rössler, W (2010). Disease burden and disability-adjusted life years due to schizophrenia and psychotic disorders. In: Preedy, V R; Watson, R R. Handbook of Disease Burdens and Quality of Life Measures, Pt. 2, 2.6. New York, US: Springer, 1493-1507.

Mutschler, J; Bühler, M; Diehl, A; Mann, K; Kiefer, F (2010). Disulfiram, an old drug with new potential in the treatment of pathological gambling? Medical Hypotheses, 74(1):209-210.

Mutschler, J; Buhler, M; Grosshans, M; Diehl, A; Mann, K; Kiefer, F (2010). Disulfiram, an option for the treatment of pathological gambling? Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45(2):214-216.

Buadze, A; Stohler, R; Schulze, B; Liebrenz, M (2010). Do patients think cannabis causes schizophrenia? – A qualitative study on the causal beliefs of cannabis using patients with schizophrenia. Harm Reduction Journal, 7:22.

Rüsch, N; Todd, A R; Bodenhausen, G V; Corrigan, P W (2010). Do people with mental illness deserve what they get? Links between meritocratic worldviews and implicit versus explicit stigma. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 260(8):617-625.

Gaebel, W; Riesbeck, M; von Wilmsdorff, M; Burns, T; Kahn, R S; Rössler, W; Fleischhacker, W W (2010). Drug attitude as predictor for effectiveness in first-episode schizophrenia: Results of an open randomized trial (EUFEST). European Neuropsychopharmacology, 20(5):310-316.

Jaeger, M; Rössler, W (2010). Enhancement of outpatient treatment adherence: Patients' perceptions of coercion, fairness and effectiveness. Psychiatry Research, 180(1):48-53.

Kawohl, W; Winzer, C; Stadtmann, S; Theodoridou, A; Maercker, Andreas (2010). Erfassung des veränderten Begriffsumfangs bei Schizophrenie mit Hilfe der computergestützten Version des Begriffsumfangstests (BUT). Neuropsychiatrie, 24(4):259-266.

Scharfetter, C; Hoff, P (2010). Erkennen in der Psychopathologie: Reflexionen zu Epistemologie und Überlegungen zum Gewinn von praxisrelevantem Wissen. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 161(6):223-229.

Kawohl, W (2010). Gilles de la Tourette-Syndrom: Behandlung einer neuropsychiatrischen Störung. Praxis, 99(22):1353-1360.

Vetter, S; Dualev, I; Müller, M; Henley, R R; Gallo, W T; Kanukova, Z (2010). Impact of resilience enhancing programs on youth surviving the Beslan school siege. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 4:11.

Rüsch, N; Corrigan, P W; Todd, A R; Bodenhausen, G V (2010). Implicit self-stigma in people with mental illness. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(2):150-153.

Kawohl, W; Nordt, C; Warnke, I; Kistler, C; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W (2010). Inanspruchnahme stationärer Behandlungen nach Abbau stationärer Kapazitäten: Das Angebot beeinflusst die Nachfrage. Neuropsychiatrie, 24(1):27-32.

Warnke, Ingeborg. Inanspruchnahme stationärer psychiatrischer Leistungen : Prädikatoren von Wiederaufnahmen und der Aufenthaltsdauer. 2010, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Hoeppner, J; Berger, C; Walter, U; Padberg, F; Buchmann, J; Herwig, U; Domes, G (2010). Influence of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on special symptoms in depressed patients. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 28(4):577-586.

Rentrop, M; Rodewald, K; Roth, A; Simon, J; Walther, S; Fiedler, P; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S (2010). Intra-individual variability in high-functioning patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 178(1):27-32.

Warnke, I; Nordt, C; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Haug, A; Salize, H J; Rössler, W (2010). Klinische und soziale Risikofaktoren für Wiederaufnahmen in die stationäre Psychiatrie bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie: Eine Langzeitanalyse. Neuropsychiatrie, 24(4):243-251.

Kaiser, S; Kopka, M L; Rentrop, M; Walther, S; Kronmüller, K; Olbrich, R; Weisbrod, M; Stippich, C (2010). Maintenance of real objects and their verbal designations in working memory. Neuroscience Letters, 469(1):65-69.

Herwig, U (2010). Me, Myself and I. Scientific American Mind, 21(3):58-63.

Lay, B; Rössler, W (2010). Migrationsströme in den deutschsprachigen Ländern und in Europa. In: Machleidt, W; Heinz, A. Praxis der interkulturellen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Migration und psychische Gesundheit. München: Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier, 93-105.

Stohler, R (2010). Moderater Gebrauch von Cannabis. Suchttherapie, 11(1):29-30.

Goya-Maldonado, R; Walther, S; Simon, J; Stippich, C; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S (2010). Motor impulsivity and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Psychiatry Research, 183(1):89-91.

Kaffenberger, Tina; Brühl, Annette Beatrix; Baumgartner, Thomas; Jäncke, Lutz; Herwig, Uwe (2010). Negative bias of processing ambiguously cued emotional stimuli. NeuroReport, 21(9):601-605.

Simon, J J; Biller, A; Walther, S; Roesch-Ely, D; Stippich, C; Weisbrod, M; Kaiser, S (2010). Neural correlates of reward processing in schizophrenia — Relationship to apathy and depression. Schizophrenia Research, 118(1-3):154-161.

Irle, E; Lange, C; Sachsse, U; Weniger, G (2010). Neurale und neuropsychologische Veränderungen bei traumatisierten Patientinnen mit dissoziativen Störungen und BPS. Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Theorie und Therapie, 14(2):79-90.

Sachse, U; Weniger, G; Lange, C; Irle, E (2010). Neurobiologische Veränderungen nach Straftaten und anderen Traumatisierungen. In: Müller, J. Neurobiologie forensisch-relevanter Störungen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 153-163.

Rüsch, N; Boeker, M; Büchert, M; Glauche, V; Bohrmann, C; Ebert, D; Lieb, K; Hennig, J; Tebartz van Elst, L (2010). Neurochemical alterations in women with borderline personality disorder and comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11(2 Pt 2):372-381.

Kawohl, W; Hoff, P (2010). Neuropsychiatry, Psychopathology, and Nosology - Symptoms, Syndromes, and Endophenotypes. In: Tretter, F; Gebicke-Haerter, P J; Mendoza, E R; Winterer, G. Systems biology in psychiatric research : from high-throughput data to mathematical modeling. Weinheim: Wiley VCH, 113-128.

Weniger, G (2010). Neuropsychologische Testung. In: Amberger, S; Roll, S C. Psychiatriepflege und Psychotherapie. Stuttgart New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 250-263.

Roser, P; Vollenweider, F X; Kawohl, W (2010). Potential antipsychotic properties of central cannabinoid (CB1) receptor antagonists. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11(2 Pt 2):208-219.

Grosshans, M; Mutschler, J; Hermann, D; Klein, O; Dressing, H; Kiefer, F; Mann, K (2010). Pregabalin abuse, dependence, and withdrawal: a case report. American Journal of Psychiatry, 167(7):869.

Hoff, P (2010). Psychiatriehistorische und psychopathologische Aspekte der Debatte um den freien "Willen": Ihre klinische und forensische Bedeutung. In: Stompe, T; Schanda, H. Der freie Wille und die Schuldfähigkeit in Recht, Psychiatrie und Neurowissenschaften. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 113-127.

Hoff, P (2010). Psychische Störungen: erklären, verstehen oder beschreiben? Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven einer psychopathologischen Kernfrage. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 161(6):200-208.

Hoff, P; Sass, H (2010). Psychopathologische Grundlagen der forensischen Psychiatrie. In: Kröber, H L; Dölling, D; Leygraf, N; Sass, H. Handbuch der Forensischen Psychiatrie ; Bd. 2: Psychopathologische Grundlagen und Praxis der Forensischen Psychiatrie im Strafrecht. Berlin: Springer, 1-156.

Mutschler, J; Obermann, C; Grosshans, M (2010). Quetiapine-induced hyperventilation and dyspnea. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 33(4):214.

Rüsch, N (2010). Reaktionen auf das Stigma psychischer Erkrankung : Sozialpsychologische Modelle und empirische Befunde. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 58(4):287-297.

Irle, E; Ruhleder, M; Lange, C; Seidler-Brandler, U; Salzer, S; Dechent, P; Weniger, G; Leibing, E; Leichsenring, F (2010). Reduced amygdalar and hippocampal size in adults with generalized social phobia. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 35(2):126-131.

Rüsch, N; Bracht, T; Kreher, B W; Schnell, S; Glauche, V; Il'yasov, K A; Ebert, D; Lieb, K; Hennig, J; Saur, D; Tebartz van Elst, L (2010). Reduced interhemispheric structural connectivity between anterior cingulate cortices in borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 181(2):151-154.

Corbisiero, S; Buchli-Kammermann, J; Stieglitz, R D (2010). Reliabilität und Validität des Wender-Reimherr-Interviews (WRI). Ein Instrument zur Diagnostik der ADHS im Erwachsenenalter [freier Beitrag]. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 58(4):323-331.

Ajdacic-Gross, V; Vetter, S; Müller, M; Kawohl, W; Frey, F; Lupi, G; Blechschmidt, A; Born, C; Latal, B; Rössler, W (2010). Risk factors for stuttering: a secondary analysis of a large data base. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 260(4):279-286.

Herwig, Uwe; Kaffenberger, Tina; Jäncke, Lutz; Brühl, Annette Beatrix (2010). Self-related awareness and emotion regulation. NeuroImage, 50(2):734-741.

Corrigan, P W; Morris, S; Larson, J; Rafacz, J; Wassel, A; Michaels, P; Wilkniss, S; Batia, K; Rüsch, N (2010). Self-stigma and coming out about one's mental illness. Journal of Community Psychology, 38(3):259-275.

Kawohl, W; Bunse, S; Willmes, K; Hoffrogge, A; Buchner, H; Huber, W (2010). Semantic event-related potential components reflect severity of comprehension deficits in aphasia. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24(3):282-289.

Schimansky, J; David, N; Rössler, W; Haker, H (2010). Sense of agency and mentalizing: Dissociation of subdomains of social cognition in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 178(1):39-45.

Brühl, A; Kaffenberger, T; Herwig, U (2010). Serotonergic and noradrenergic modulation of emotion processing by single dose antidepressants. Neuropsychopharmacology, 35(2):521-533.

Herwig, U; Cardenas-Morales, L; Connemann, B J; Kammer, T; Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C (2010). Sham or real—Post hoc estimation of stimulation condition in a randomized transcranial magnetic stimulation trial. Neuroscience Letters, 471(1):30-33.

Hoff, P (2010). Sicht der Klassiker: Der Affekt in den Psychosekonzepten von Emil Kraepelin und Eugen Bleuler. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 6(3):98-103.

Landolt, K; Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Angst, J; Merikangas, K R; Gamma, A; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, W (2010). Smoking and psychiatric disorders: Have subthreshold disorders been overlooked? Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 12(5):516-520.

Haker, H; Schimansky, J; Rössler, W (2010). Soziophysiologie: Grundlegende Prozesse der Emphathiefähigkeit. Neuropsychiatrie, 24(3):151-160.

Heekeren, K. Störungen der frühen Informationsverarbeitung in genuinen und experimentellen Psychosen. 2010, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Buadze, A. Subjektive Theorien über den Zusammenhang zwischen Cannabiskonsum und Schizophrenie. 2010, University of Zurich, Faculty of Medicine.

Dürsteler-MacFarland, Kenneth M; Vogel, Marc (2010). Substitutionsbehandlungen kommen in die Jahre – die PatientInnen auch. SuchtMagazin, 36(3):29-33.

Mutschler, J; Grosshans, M; Koopmann, A; Hermann, D; Diehl, A; Mann, K; Kiefer, F (2010). Supervised disulfiram in relapse prevention in alcohol-dependent patients suffering from comorbid borderline personality disorder - a case series. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45(2):146-150.

Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Fischer, D A; Mueller, S; Schmid, O; Moldovanyi, A; Wiesbeck, G A (2010). Symptom complaints of patients prescribed either oral methadone or injectable heroin. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 38(4):328-337.

Müller, M; Vetter, S; Buchli-Kammermann, J; Stieglitz, R D; Stettbacher, A; Riecher-Rössler, A (2010). The Self-screen-Prodrome as a short screening tool for pre-psychotic states. Schizophrenia Research, 123(2-3):217-224.

Weniger, G; Siemerkus, J; Schmidt-Samoa, C; Mehlitz, M; Baudewig, J; Dechent, P; Irle, E (2010). The human parahippocampal cortex subserves egocentric spatial learning during navigation in a virtual maze. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 93(1):46-55.

Rössler, W; Koch, U; Lauber, C; Hass, A K; Altwegg, M; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Landolt, K (2010). The mental health of female sex workers. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 122(2):143-152.

Schönfeldt-Lecuona, C; Lefaucheur, J P; Cardenas-Morales, L; Wolf, R C; Kammertoens, T; Herwig, U (2010). The value of neuronavigated rTMS for the treatment of depression. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 40(1):37-43.

Catty, J; Koletsi, M; White, S; Becker, T; Fioritti, A; Kalkan, R; Lauber, C; Lissouba, P; Rössler, W; Tomov, T; Busschbach, J T; Wiersma, D; Burns, T (2010). Therapeutic relationships: their specificity in predicting outcomes for people with psychosis using clinical and vocational services. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(12):1187-1193.

Rössler, W (2010). Towards integrated care in Europe. The Psychiatrist, 34(12):539.

Roser, P; Kawohl, W (2010). Turner syndrome and schizophrenia: a further hint for the role of the X-chromosome in the pathogenesis of schizophrenic disorders. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 11(2):239-242.

Mutschler, J; Grosshans, M; Koopmann, A; Mann, K; Kiefer, F; Hermann, D (2010). Urinary ethylglucuronide assessment in patients treated with disulfiram: a tool to improve verification of abstention and safety. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 33(6):285-287.

Hoff, P (2010). Vorgestalten und Selbstkorrumpierung auf dem Weg zum Affektdelikt. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 4(4):240-247.

Diehl, A; Ulmer, L; Mutschler, J; Herre, H; Krumm, B; Croissant, B; Mann, K; Kiefer, F (2010). Why is disulfiram superior to acamprosate in the routine clinical setting? A retrospective long-term study in 353 alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45(3):271-277.

Mutschler, J; Kobiella, A; Grosshans, M; Kiefer, F (2010). Zur Bedeutung der funktionellen sozialen Unterstützung für den Abstinenzverlauf nach Alkohol-Entzugsbehandlung. Neuropsychiatrie, 24(2):118-124.

Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Schmid, O; Vogel, M (2010). Ältere OpiatkonsumentInnen in Substitutionsbehandlungen. Verhaltenstherapie & psychosoziale Praxis, 42(3):611-622.


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Endrass, J; Urbaniok, F; Held, L; Vetter, S; Rossegger, A (2009). Accuracy of the static-99 in predicting recidivism in Switzerland. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 53(4):482-490.

Jäger, M (2009). Ich bin nicht meine Erkrankung! Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 160(5):217-218.

Maercker, Andreas; Mohiyeddini, C; Müller, M; Xie, W; Yang, Z H; Wang, J; Müller, J (2009). Traditional versus modern values, self-perceived interpersonal factors, and posttraumatic stress in Chinese and German crime victims. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 82(2):219-232.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Rössler, W; Ajdacic, Vladeta; Klein, D N (2009). Long-term depression versus episodic major depression: results from the prospective Zurich study of a community sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 115(1-2):112-121.

Burns, T; Catty, J; White, S; Becker, T; Koletsi, M; Fioritti, A; Rössler, W; Tomov, T; van Busschbach, J; Wiersma, D; Lauber, C (2009). The impact of supported employment and working on clinical and social functioning: results of an international study of individual placement and support. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(5):949-958.

Wiersma, D; van den Brink, R; Wolters, K; McCabe, R; Bullenkamp, J; Hansson, L; Lauber, C; Martinez-Leal, R; Rössler, W; Salize, H; Björkman, T; Torres-Gonzales, F; Wright, D J; Priebe, S (2009). Individual unmet needs for care: are they sensitive as outcome criterion for the effectiveness of mental health services interventions? Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(4):317-324.

Hoff, P; Förstl, H (2009). Theoriefreie Klassifikation psychischer Störungen : Atheoretical Classification of Psychiatric Disorders. Psychiatrische Praxis, 36(2):55-57.

Ajdacic-Gross, V; Lauber, C; Baumgartner, M; Malti, T; Rössler, W (2009). In-patient suicide – a 13-year assessment. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 120(1):71-75.

Wiesbeck, G; Stohler, R (2009). Alkohol-bezogene Störungen. In: Gerlach, M; Warnke, A; Wewetzer, C. Neuro-Psychopharmaka im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Grundlagen und Therapie (2. Aufl.). Wien: Springer, 345-352.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Benazzi, F; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W (2009). Does psychomotor agitation in major depressive episodes indicate bipolarity? evidence from the Zurich study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 259(1):55-63.

Stohler, R; Wiesbeck, G (2009). Drogen-(Substanz-)bezogene Störungen. In: Gerlach, M; Warnke, A; Wewetzer, C. Neuro-Psychopharmaka im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Grundlagen und Therapie (2. Aufl.). Wien: Springer, 405-414.

Csomor, P A; Yee, B K; Feldon, J; Theodoridou, A; Studerus, E; Vollenweider, F X (2009). Impaired prepulse inhibition and prepulse-elicited reactivity but intact reflex circuit excitability in unmedicated schizophrenia patients: a comparison with healthy subjects and medicated schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35(1):244-255.

Klingemann, H; Rosenberg, H (2009). Acceptance and therapeutic practice of controlled drinking as an outcome goal by Swiss alcohol treatment programmes. European Addiction Research, 15(3):121-127.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Landolt, Karin; Angst, Jules; Gamma, Alex; Merikangas, Kathleen R; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, Wulf (2009). Adult versus adolescent onset of smoking: how are mood disorders and other risk factors involved? Addiction, 104(8):1411-1419.

Mueller, M; Kipke, I; Frei, F; Rössler, W; Lupi, G; Vetter, S (2009). Antecedents and covariates of alcohol consumption among Swiss male conscripts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(3):958-970.

Kawohl, Wolfram; Schneider, Frank; Vernaleken, Ingo; Neuner, Irene (2009). Aripiprazole in the pharmacotherapy of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome in adult patients. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 10(4 Pt 3):827-831.

Schaub, Michael P; Berthel, Toni; Stohler, Rudolf (2009). Behandlung der Kokainabhängigkeit in der Schweiz : Ausmass und Erfahrung bei der Implementierung von in der internationalen wissenschaftlichen Literatur publizierten Therapieansätzen : Resultate einer Netzwerkumfrage. Abhängigkeiten, 15(3):69-79.

Liebrenz, Michael; Stohler, Rudolf; Caflisch, Carlo (2009). Benzodiazepin-Abhängigkeit und ihre Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. SuchtMagazin, 35(6):20-23.

Rössler, W (2009). Burn-out bei Ärzten - leider immer noch ein Tabuthema. Leading Opinions. Hämatologie & Onkologie, (5):74-75.

Jovanovic, N; Beezhold, J; Andlauer, O; Kuzman, M R; Podlesek, A; Hanon, C; Schulze, B (2009). Burnout among psychiatry residents : The International Psychiatry Resident/Trainee Burnout Syndrome Study (BoSS). Die Psychiatrie, 6(2):75-79.

Salize, H; McCabe, R; Bullenkamp, J; Hansson, L; Lauber, C; Martinez-Leal, R; Reinhard, I; Rössler, W; Svensson, B; Torres-Gonzales, F; van den Brink, R; Wiersma, D; Priebe, S (2009). Cost of treatment in schizophrenia in six European countries. Schizophrenia Research, 111(1):70-77.

Schulze, B; Stuart, H; Riedel-Heller, S (2009). Das Inventar Subjektiver Stigmaerfahrungen (ISE): Ein neues Instrument zur quantitativen Erfassung subjektiven Stigmas. Psychiatrische Praxis, 36(8):e19-e27.

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Schmidt, M H; Esser, G; Ihle, W; Lay, B (2009). Die Bedeutung psychischer und familiärer Faktoren für die Delinquenzentwicklung bis ins Erwachsenenalter. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 92(2/3):174-186.

Rössler, Wulf (2009). Die Behandlung chronisch psychisch Kranker gestern und heute. Spectrum Psychiatrie, (2):46-49.

Weniger, G; Ruhleder, M; Wolf, S; Lange, C; Irle, E (2009). Egocentric memory impaired and allocentric memory intact as assessed by virtual reality in subjects with unilateral parietal cortex lesions. Neuropsychologia, 47(1):59-69.

Haker, H; Rössler, W (2009). Empathy in schizophrenia: impaired resonance. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 259(6):352-361.

Nordt, C; Landolt, K; Stohler, R (2009). Estimating incidence trends in regular heroin use in 26 regions of Switzerland using methadone treatment data. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 4:14.

Kawohl, W; Brühl, A; Krowatschek, G; Ketteler, D; Herwig, U (2009). Functional magnetic resonance imaging of tics and tic suppression in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 10(4 Pt 2):567-570.

Irle, E; Lange, C; Sachsse, U; Weniger, G (2009). Further evidence that post-traumatic stress disorder but not dissociative disorders are related to amygdala and hippocampal size reduction in trauma-exposed individuals. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 119(4):330-331.

Thornicroft, G; Brohan, E; Rose, D; Sartorius, N; Leese, M (2009). Global pattern of experienced and anticipated discrimination against people with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional survey. Lancet, 373(9661):408-415.

Hoff, P (2009). Historical roots of the concept of mental illness. In: Salloum, I M; Mezzich, J E. Psychiatric Diagnosis: Challenges and Prospects. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 3-14.

Hoff, P (2009). History of Psychiatry. Recent Advances. In: Christodoulou, G; Jorge, M; Mezzich, J. Advances in Psychiatry. Athens: Beta Medical Publishers, 3-6.

Jäger, M; Rössler, W (2009). Informeller Zwang zur Verbesserung der Behandlungsbereitschaft psychiatrischer Patienten. Neuropsychiatrie, 23(4):206-215.

Stuppäck, C; Rössler, W (2009). Korrupte Medizin - Korrupte Psychiatrie [Interview]. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 5(1):31-34.

Nordt, C; Stohler, R (2009). Low-threshold methadone treatment, heroin price, police activity and incidence of heroin use: the Zurich experience. International Journal of Drug Policy, 20(6):497-501.

Schulze, B (2009). Mental-health stigma: expanding the focus, joining forces. Lancet, 373(9661):362-363.

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Mueller, M; Riecher, A; Kammermann, J; Stettbacher, A; Vetter, S (2009). Prediction of Caseness for Mental Pathology in Swiss Conscripts: The Self-Screen Prodrome. Military Medicine, 174(12):1270-1275.

Hoff, P; Venzlaff, U (2009). Psychiatrische Begutachtung von Suizidhandlungen. In: Foerster, K; Dressing, H. Psychiatrische Begutachtung. München Jena: Elsevier, Urban & Fischer, 851-869.

Hoff, P; Heinz, A (2009). Psychische Störungen. Nutzt die funktionelle Bildgebung dem Patienten? INFO Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 11(2):49-51.

Herwig, U; Warnke, I; Rössler, W (2009). Psychopathologische Syndrome gemäß AMDP-System als Grundlage für Fallgruppierungen in der Psychiatrie. Psychiatrische Praxis, 36(7):320-326.

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Weniger, G; Lange, C; Sachsse, U; Irle, E (2009). Reduced amygdala and hippocampus size in trauma-exposed women with borderline personality disorder and without posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 34(5):383-388.

Liebrenz, Michael; Stohler, Rudolf; Borgeat, Alain (2009). Repeated intravenous ketamine therapy in a patient with treatment-resistant major depression. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 10(4 Pt 2):640-643.

Lay, B. Risikomodelle für den Verlauf psychischer Erkrankungen und die Inanspruchnahme psychiatrischer Versorgung bei sozialen Randgruppen. 2009, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Leichsenring, F; Salzer, S; Beutel, M E; Von Conspruch, K; Herpertz, S; Hiller, W; Hoyer, J; Husing, J; Irle, E; Joraschky, P; Konnopka, A; König, H H; Schauenburg, H; Stangier, U; Strauss, B; Subic-Wrana, C; Vormfelde, S V; Weniger, G; Willutzki, U; Wiltink, J; Leibing, E (2009). SOPHO-NET - Forschungsverbund zur Psychotherapie der Sozialen Phobie. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 59(3-4):117-123.

Lyrer, P A; Fluri, F; Gostynski, M; Bonati, L; Papa, S; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Engelter, S T (2009). Stroke severity, its correlates and impact on thrombolysis in a population-based study. European Neurology, 62(4):231-236.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Baldwin, D S; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W (2009). The generalized anxiety spectrum: prevalence, onset, course and outcome. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 259(1):37-45.

Vetter, S; Gallo, W T; Rössler, W; Lupi, G (2009). The pattern of psychopathology associated with malingering tendencies at basic psychiatric screening of the Swiss Armed Forces. Military Medicine, 174(2):153-157.

Leichsenring, F; Hoyer, J; Beutel, M E; Herpertz, S; Hiller, W; Irle, E; Joraschky, P; König, H H; de Liz, T; Nolting, B; Pöhlmann, K; Salzer, S; Schauenburg, H; Stangier, U; Strauss, B; Subic-Wrana, C; Vormfelde, S V; Weniger, G; Willutzki, U; Wiltink, J; Leibing, E (2009). The social phobia psychotherapy research network. The first multicenter randomized controlled trial of psychotherapy for social phobia: rationale, methods and patient characteristics. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78(1):35-41.

Rössler, W (2009). Treatment by other professions. In: Gelder, M; Andreasen, N; Lopez-Ibor, J; Geddes, J. New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1399-1403.

Koletsi, M; Niersman, A; van Busschbach, J T; Catty, J; Becker, T; Burns, T; Fioritti, A; Kalkan, R; Lauber, C; Rössler, W; Tomov, T; Wiersma, D (2009). Working with mental health problems: clients' experiences of IPS, vocational rehabilitation and employment. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(11):961-970.


Schaub, Michael; Fanghaenel, K; Stohler, Rudolf (2008). Reasons for cannabis use: patients with schizophrenia versus matched healthy controls. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 42(12):1060-1065.

Boeker, H; Himmighoffen, H; Straub, M; Schopper, C; Endrass, J; Kuechenhoff, B; Weber, S; Hell, D (2008). Deliberate self-harm in female patients with affective disorders: Investigation of personality structure and affect regulation by means of Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(10):743-751.

Endrass, J; Rossegger, A; Urbaniok, F; Laubacher, A; Vetter, S (2008). Predicting violent infractions in a Swiss state penitentiary: a replication study of the PCL-R in a population of sex and violent offenders. BMC Psychiatry, 8:74.

Hoff, P (2008). Geschichte der Psychiatrie. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie up2date, 2(5):337-352.

Hansson, L; Svensson, B; Björkman, T; Bullenkamp, J; Lauber, C; Martinez-Leal, R; McCabe, R; Rössler, W; Salize, H; Torres-Gonzales, F; van den Brink, R; Wiersma, D; Priebe, S (2008). What works for whom in a computer-mediated communication intervention in community psychiatry? Moderators of outcome in a cluster randomized trial. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 118(5):404-409.

Daumann, Jörg; Heekeren, Karsten; Neukirch, Anna; Thiel, Christiane M; Möller-Hartmann, Walter; Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, Euphrosyne (2008). Pharmacological modulation of the neural basis underlying inhibition of return (IOR) in the human 5-HT2A agonist and NMDA antagonist model of psychosis. Psychopharmacology, 200(4):573-583.

Wurst, F M; Dürsteler-MacFarland, K M; Auwaerter, V; Ergovic, S; Thon, N; Yegles, M; Halter, C; Weinmann, W; Wiesbeck, G A (2008). Assessment of alcohol use among methadone maintenance patients by direct ethanol metabolites and self-reports. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 32(9):1552-1557.

Angst, J; Rössler, W (2008). Die Legalisierung von Cannabis ist eine Werteentscheidung. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 89(28/29):1240-1241.

Gamma, A; Angst, J; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W (2008). Are hypomanics the happier normals? Journal of Affective Disorders, 111(2-3):235-243.

Habermeyer, B; Hess, M; Kozomara-Hocke, P; Mager, R; Kawohl, W (2008). Schwere Lithiumintoxikationen bei normalen Serumspiegeln. Psychiatrische Praxis, 35(4):198-200.

Ajdacic-Gross, V (2008). Die Schusswaffeninitiative: Beginn einer neuen Ära für die Suizidprävention in der Schweiz? Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 89(12/13):479-481.

Wapf, V; Schaub, Michael P; Klaeusler, B; Boesch, L; Stohler, Rudolf; Eich, D (2008). The barriers to smoking cessation in Swiss methadone and buprenorphine-maintained patients. Harm Reduction Journal, 5:10.

Schulze, B (2008). Burnout - Zeiterscheinung oder Krankheit? Tagungsbericht vom Mental Health Forum 2007. Leading Opinions. Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 2008(1):14-15.

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Catty, J; Lissouba, P; White, S; Becker, T; Drake, R E; Fioritti, A; Knapp, M; Lauber, C; Rössler, W; Tomov, T; van Busschbach, J; Wiersma, D; Burns, T (2008). Predictors of employment for people with severe mental illness: results of an international six-centre randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 192(3):224-231.

Buysse, D J; Angst, J; Gamma, A; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W (2008). Prevalence, course, and comorbidity of insomnia and depression in young adults. Sleep, 31(4):473-480.

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Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Lauber, C; Bopp, Matthias; Eich, D; Gostynski, Michal; Gutzwiller, Felix; Burns, T; Rössler, W (2008). Reduction in the suicide rate during Advent--a time series analysis. Psychiatry Research, 157(1-3):139-146.

Özgürdal, S; Gudlowski, Y; Witthaus, H; Kawohl, W; Uhl, I; Hauser, M; Gorynia, I; Gallinat, J; Heinze, M; Heinz, A; Juckel, G (2008). Reduction of auditory event-related P300 amplitude in subjects with at-risk mental state for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 105(1-3):272-278.

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Merikangas, K R; Herrell, R; Swendsen, J; Rössler, W; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Angst, J (2008). Specificity of bipolar spectrum conditions in the comorbidity of mood and substance use disorders: results from the Zurich cohort study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 65(1):47-52.

Müller, Brigitte. Subjektive Lebensqualität von Menschen mit einer psychischen Erkrankung: von der Messung der Lebenszufriedenheit zu dynamischen Anpassungsprozessen und Recovery: Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittuntersuchung mit Methodentriangulation. 2008, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Ring, M; Gadola, E; Lauber, C; Bopp, Matthias; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, W (2008). Suicide after bereavement: an overlooked problem. Psychological Medicine, 38(5):673-676.

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Eich, D; Neuhaus, C; Gamma, A; Angst, J; Rossler, W; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Opravil, M (2007). Is depression a risk factor for heart complaints? Longitudinal aspects in the Zurich study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257(7):396-401.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Pezawas, L; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Altamura, C (2007). Parsing the clinical phenotype of depression: the need to integrate brief depressive episodes. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 115(3):221-228.

Rössler, W; Riecher-Rossler, A; Angst, J; Murray, R; Gamma, A; Eich, D; van Os, J; Gross, V A (2007). Psychotic experiences in the general population: a twenty-year prospective community study. Schizophrenia Research, 92(1-3):1-14.

Gamma, A; Angst, J; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W (2007). The spectra of neurasthenia and depression: course, stability and transitions. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257(2):120-127.


Hasler, G; Gergen, P J; Ajdacic, V; Gamma, A; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2006). Asthma and body weight change: a 20-year prospective community study of young adults. International Journal of Obesity, 30(7):1111-1118.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Benazzi, F; Silverstein, B; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W (2006). Atypical depressive syndromes in varying definitions. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 256(1):44-54.

Ajdacic-Gross, V; Horvath, S; Canjuga, M; Gamma, A; Angst, J; Rössler, W; Eich, D (2006). How ubiquitous are physical and psychological complaints in young and middle adulthood? A longitudinal perspective. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 41(11):881-888.

Hepp, U; Gamma, A; Milos, G; Eich, D; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W; Angst, J; Schnyder, U (2006). Inconsistency in reporting potentially traumatic events. British Journal of Psychiatry, 188:278-283.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Endrass, J; Rössler, W; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Eich, D; Herrell, R; Merikangas, K R (2006). Is the association of alcohol use disorders with major depressive disorder a consequence of undiagnosed bipolar-II disorder? European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 256(7):452-457.

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Angst, J; Gamma, A; Joseph Bienvenu, O; Eaton, W W; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W (2006). Varying temporal criteria for generalized anxiety disorder: prevalence and clinical characteristics in a young age cohort. Psychological Medicine, 36(9):1283-1292.


Hasler, G; Gergen, P J; Kleinbaum, D G; Ajdacic, V; Gamma, A; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2005). Asthma and panic in young adults: a 20-year prospective community study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 171(11):1224-1230.

Hasler, G; Pine, D S; Kleinbaum, D G; Gamma, A; Luckenbaugh, D; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2005). Depressive symptoms during childhood and adult obesity: the Zurich Cohort Study. Molecular Psychiatry, 10(9):842-850.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Bopp, Matthias; Sansossio, R; Lauber, Christoph; Gostynski, Michal; Eich, D; Gutzwiller, Felix; Rössler, W (2005). Diversity and change in suicide seasonality over 125 years. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 59(11):967-972.

Hasler, G; Buysse, D J; Gamma, A; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2005). Excessive daytime sleepiness in young adults: a 20-year prospective community study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 66(4):521-529.

Eich, D; Figner, B (2005). Having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorder: a review of the literature. In: Stohler, R; Rössler, W. Dual Diagnosis. The Evolving Conceptual Framework. Basel: Karger, 92-104.

Ajdacic-Gross, Vladeta; Bopp, Matthias; Eich, D; Gostynski, Michal; Rössler, W; Gutzwiller, Felix (2005). Historical change of suicide seasonality in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 35(2):217-26.

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Hasler, G; Lissek, S; Ajdacic, V; Milos, G; Gamma, A; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2005). Major depression predicts an increase in long-term body weight variability in young adults. Obesity, 13(11):1991-1998.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Endrass, J; Hantouche, E; Goodwin, R; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W (2005). Obsessive-compulsive syndromes and disorders: significance of comorbidity with bipolar and anxiety syndromes. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 255(1):65-71.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Neuenschwander, M; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Merikangas, K R (2005). Prevalence of mental disorders in the Zurich Cohort Study: a twenty year prospective study. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 14(2):68-76.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Pezawas, L; Rössler, W (2005). Recurrent brief depression as an indicator of severe mood disorders. In: Marneros, A; Goodwin, F K. Bipolar disorders. Mixed states, rapid cycling and atypical forms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 109-130.


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Frei, A; Ajdacic-Gross, V; Rössler, W; Eich-Hochli, D (2004). Auswirkungen von depressiven Störungen auf objektive Lebensqualitätsbereiche : Effects of Depressive Disorders on Objective Life Quality Criteria. Psychiatrische Praxis, 31(6):298-303.

Angst, J; Gamma, A; Endrass, J; Goodwin, R; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W (2004). Obsessive-compulsive severity spectrum in the community: prevalence, comorbidity, and course. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 254(3):156-164.

Hasler, G; Buysse, D J; Klaghofer, R; Gamma, A; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2004). The association between short sleep duration and obesity in young adults: a 13-year prospective study. Sleep, 27(4):661-666.

Hasler, G; Pine, D S; Gamma, A; Milos, G; Ajdacic, V; Eich, D; Rössler, W; Angst, J (2004). The associations between psychopathology and being overweight: a 20-year prospective study. Psychological Medicine, 34(6):1047-1057.

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