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Bachem, Rahel; Maercker, Andreas; Levin, Yafit; Köhler, Kai; Willmund, Gerd; Bohus, Martin; Koglin, Stefanie; Roepke, Stefan; Schoofs, Nikola; Priebe, Kathlen; Wülfing, Felix; Schmahl, Christian; Stadtmann, Manuel P; Rau, Heinrich; Augsburger, Mareike (2024). Assessing complex PTSD and PTSD: validation of the German version of the International Trauma Interview (ITI). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1):2344364.
Rusmir, Milan; Rohner, Shauna L; Maercker, Andreas; Salas Castillo, Aileen N; Thoma, Myriam V (2024). Predictors and (in-)stability of ICD-11 complex posttraumatic stress disorder in older adults: findings from a longitudinal study in Switzerland. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1):2299618.
Snijder, Luuk L; Stallen, Mirre; Gross, Jörg (2024). Decision-makers self-servingly navigate the equality-efficiency trade-off of free partner choice in social dilemmas among unequals. Journal of Economic Psychology, 105:102758.
Vogt, Alexandra J; Bartels, Lasse; Grotzer, Michael; Bodenmann, Guy; Leibundgut, Kurt; Rössler, Jochen; Landolt, Markus A (2024). Posttraumatic stress symptoms in parents of children with newly diagnosed cancer: 1-year trajectories and relationship variables as predictors. Journal of Pediatric Psychology:1-9.
Sweigart, Michael M; Galván‐Hernández, Danna; Hässler, Tabea; Hegarty, Peter; Kite, Mary E; Ofosu, Eugene K; Ünsal, Banu C; Eisner, Léïla (2024). Understanding variations in LGBTIQ+ acceptance across space and time: The importance of norm perceptions and political dynamics. Journal of Social Issues:epub ahead of print.
Roth, Michelle; Weitkamp, Katharina; Landolt, Selina A; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). Couples’ dyadic coping in the context of child-related stressors: A systematic review across three decades. Couple & Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 13(3):202-223.
Alves, Stephanie; Weitkamp, Katharina; Breitenstein, Christina; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). From stress communication to depressive symptoms among couples facing vision impairment: The mediating role of dyadic coping. Social Science & Medicine, 357:117171.
Huang, Jia-li; Levin, Yafit; Bachem, Rahel; Zhou, Xiao (2024). Gender differences in posttraumatic stress symptoms, marital satisfaction, and parenting behaviors in adults following typhoon Lekima. Psychological Trauma, 16(6):881-891.
Pauly, Theresa; Lüscher, Janina; Wilhelm, Lea Olivia; Amrein, Melanie Alexandra; Boateng, George; Kowatsch, Tobias; Fleisch, Elgar; Bodenmann, Guy; Scholz, Urte (2024). Using Wearables to Study Biopsychosocial Dynamics in Couples Who Cope With a Chronic Health Condition: Ambulatory Assessment Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12:e49576.
Rothacher, Yannick; Strobl, Carolin (2024). Identifying Informative Predictor Variables With Random Forests. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 49(4):595-629.
Forster, Fabienne; Milek, Anne; Breitenstein, Christina; Senn, Mirjam; Bradbury, Thomas N; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). Coping equally: Equity of dyadic coping and depressive symptoms among adolescent couples. Journal of Adolescence:Epub ahead of print.
Eisner, Léïla; Fischer, Susanne; Juster, Robert-Paul; Hässler, Tabea (2024). The impact of marriage equality campaigns on stress: Did a Swiss public vote get under the skin? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(31):e2400582121.
Götz, Martin; Sarma, Abhraneel; O'Boyle, Ernest H. (2024). The multiverse of universes: A tutorial to plan, execute and interpret multiverses analyses using the R package multiverse. International Journal of Psychology:1-12.
Cavaliere, Matteo; Yang, Guoli; De Dreu, Carsten K W; Gross, Jörg (2024). Cooperation and social organization depend on weighing private and public reputations. Scientific Reports, 14(1):16443.
Truninger, Moritz Ilan; Werner, Helene; Landolt, Markus Andreas; Hahn, Andreas; Hennermann, Julia B; Lagler, Florian B; Möslinger, Dorothea; Pfrimmer, Charlotte; Rohrbach, Marianne; Huemer, Martina (2024). The PompeQoL questionnaire: Development and validation of a new measure for children and adolescents with Pompe disease. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease:epub before print.
Wehrli, Fabienne Seline Verena; Bodenmann, Guy; Clemen, Joëlle; Weitkamp, Katharina (2024). Exploring the Role of Masturbation as a Coping Strategy in Women. International Journal of Sexual Health, 36(3):237-256.
Maercker, Andreas; Bachem, Rahel; Mutuyimana, Celestin; Eberle, David (2024). Auf dem Weg zu kulturellen Skripten von Traumafolgen. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 74(07):276-285.
Stadel, Marie; Stulp, Gert; Langener, Anna M; Elmer, Timon; van Duijn, Marijtje A J; Bringmann, Laura F (2024). Feedback About a Person’s Social Context - Personal Networks and Daily Social Interactions. Administration And Policy In Mental Health, 51(4):476-489.
Musfeld, Philipp; Dutli, Joscha; Oberauer, Klaus; Bartsch, Lea M (2024). Grouping in working memory guides chunk formation in long-term memory: Evidence from the Hebb effect. Cognition, 248:105795.
Gander, Fabian; Wagner, Lisa (2024). Which positive personality traits do people want to change? European Journal of Personality, 38(4):657-676.
Heim, Eva; Burchert, Sebastian; Shala, Mirelinda; Hoxha, Anna; Kaufmann, Marco; Cerga Pashoja, Arlinda; Morina, Naser; Schaub, Michael P; Knaevelsrud, Christine; Maercker, Andreas (2024). Effect of cultural adaptation of a smartphone-based self-help programme on its acceptability and efficacy: Randomized controlled trial. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 6(2):2743.
Romano, Angelo; Gross, Jörg; De Dreu, Carsten K W (2024). The nasty neighbor effect in humans. Science Advances, 10(26):eadm7968.
Gross, Jörg; Méder, Zsombor Z; Romano, Angelo; De Dreu, Carsten K. W (2024). Indirect reciprocity can foster large-scale cooperation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(27):e2409894121.
Roos, Yannick; Krämer, Michael D; Richter, David; Wrzus, Cornelia (2024). Persons in contexts: The role of social networks and social density for the dynamic regulation of face-to-face interactions in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology:epub ahead of print.
Landolt, Selina A; Impett, Emily A; Weitkamp, Katharina; Roth, Michelle; Bernecker, Katharina; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). Extradyadic stress as a barrier to sexual activity in couples? A Dyadic Response Surface Analysis. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships:epub ahead of print.
van der Wal, Reine C; Nijhof, Sanne L; Leisten, Luca M; van de Putte, Elise M; van der Ent, Cornelis K; Hindriks-Keegstra, Alinde W; Bodenmann, Guy; Finkenauer, Catrin; Nap-van der Vlist, Merel M (2024). A dyadic perspective on parent-child dyadic coping in children with a chronic condition. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 181:111668.
Luo, Minxia; Moulder, Robert Glenn; Breitfelder, Laura K; Röcke, Christina (2024). Activity Diversity and Well-Being in Daily Life: Evidence for Heterogeneity Between Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 79(6):1-31.
Oberauer, Klaus; Lin, Hsuan-Yu (2024). An interference model for visual and verbal working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50(6):858-888.
Reznik, Nomi; Krumm, Stefan; Freudenstein, Jan‐Philipp; Heimann, Anna Luca; Ingold, Pia; Schäpers, Philipp; Kleinmann, Martin (2024). Does understanding what a test measures make a difference? On the relevance of the ability to identify criteria for situational judgment test performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 32(2):210-224.
Randall, Ashley K; Liekmeier, Esther; Totenhagen, Casey J; Lannutti, Pamela J; Leon, Gabriel A; Siegel, Magdalena; Ditzen, Beate; Baiocco, Roberto; Chiarolanza, Claudia; Meuwly, Nathalie; Zemp, Martina; Fischer, Melanie S; van Stein, Katharina R; Baldi, Michela; Isolani, Stefano; Masturzi, Alessio; Pistella, Jessica; Gandhi, Yuvamathi; Rosta-Filep, Orsolya; Martos, Tamás; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). German and Italian validation of the Dyadic Coping Inventory–Sexual Minority Stress (DCI-SMS) scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 38(4):627-642.
Freund, Alexandra M (2024). Goals in old age: What we want when we are old and why it matters. Current Opinion in Psychology, 57:101803.
Becker, Daniela; Bernecker, Katharina (2024). Happy Hour: The association between trait hedonic capacity and motivation to drink alcohol. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 19:100537.
Thöni, Cynthia; Eisner, Léïla; Hässler, Tabea (2024). Not straight enough, nor queer enough: Identity denial, stigmatization, and negative affect among bisexual and pansexual people. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 11(2):237-249.
Lasch, Anna; Schweikert, Timo; Dora, Eva; Kolb, Theresa; Schurig, Hanne Lilian; Walther, Andreas (2024). Psilocybin-gestützte Therapie von Depression, Angst und Suchtstörungen: Neurobiologische Grundlagen und klinische Anwendung. Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, 92(06):230-245.
Luo, Minxia; Yordanova, Kristina; Macdonald, Birthe; Hülür, Gizem (2024). Routineness of Social Interactions is Associated with Higher Affective Well-Being in Older Adults. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 79(6):1-33.
Bartsch, Lea M; Frischkorn, Gidon T; Shepherdson, Peter (2024). When Load is Low, Working Memory is Shielded From Long-Term Memory’s Influence. Journal of Cognition, 7(1):44.
Paersch, Christina; Recher, Dominique; Schulz, Ava; Heininger, Mirka; Schlup, Barbara; Künzler, Florian; Homan, Stephanie; Kowatsch, Tobias; Fisher, Aaron; Horn, Andrea B; Kleim, Birgit (2024). Self-efficacy effects on symptom experiences in daily life and early treatment success in anxiety patients. Clinical Psychological Science:Epub ahead of print.
Heimann, Anna Luca; Schmitz-Wilhelmy, Annika (2024). Observing Interviewees’ Inner Self: How Authenticity Cues in Job Interviews Relate to Interview and Job Performance. Journal of Business and Psychology:epub before print.
Aeschlimann, Anaïs; Heim, Eva; Killikelly, Clare; Maercker, Andreas (2024). Culturally sensitive grief interventions: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis:Epub ahead of print.
Bosshart, Noah; Bearth, Angela; Wermelinger, Stephanie; Daum, Moritz M; Siegrist, Michael (2024). Childhood poisonings: Effects of ambiguous product characteristics on preschool children's categorization of household chemicals. Risk Analysis, 44(5):1193-1203.
Gehmacher, Quirin; Schubert, Juliane; Schmidt, Fabian; Hartmann, Thomas; Reisinger, Patrick; Rösch, Sebastian; Schwarz, Konrad; Popov, Tzvetan; Chait, Maria; Weisz, Nathan (2024). Eye movements track prioritized auditory features in selective attention to natural speech. Nature Communications, 15(1):3692.
Araya, Claudia; Oberauer, Klaus; Saito, Satoru (2024). Hebb repetition effects in complex and simple span tasks are based on the same learning mechanism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50(5):759-774.
Marciniak, Marta Anna; Shanahan, Lilly; Myin‐Germeys, Inez; Veer, Ilya Milos; Yuen, Kenneth S L; Binder, Harald; Walter, Henrik; Hermans, Erno J; Kalisch, Raffael; Kleim, Birgit (2024). Imager - A mobile health mental imagery‐based ecological momentary intervention targeting reward sensitivity: A randomized controlled trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 16(2):576-596.
Pauly, Theresa; Lüscher, Janina; Berli, Corina; Hoppmann, Christiane A; Murphy, Rachel A; Ashe, Maureen C; Linden, Wolfgang; Madden, Kenneth M; Gerstorf, Denis; Scholz, Urte (2024). Let’s Enjoy an Evening on the Couch? A Daily Life Investigation of Shared Problematic Behaviors in Three Couple Studies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(5):733-749.
Bühler, Janina Larissa; Orth, Ulrich; Bleidorn, Wiebke; Weber, Elisa; Kretzschmar, André; Scheling, Louisa; Hopwood, Christopher J (2024). Life Events and Personality Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. European Journal of Personality, 38(3):544-568.
Musfeld, Philipp; Souza, Alessandra S; Oberauer, Klaus (2024). Testing expectations and retrieval practice modulate repetition learning of visuospatial arrays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50(5):740-758.
Meier, Tabea; Mehl, Matthias R; Martin, Mike; Horn, Andrea B (2024). When I am sixty-four… evaluating language markers of well-being in healthy aging narratives. PLoS ONE, 19(4):e0302103.
Bachem, Rahel; Mazza, Amelie; Eberle, David J; Maercker, Andreas (2024). A new approach to cultural scripts of trauma sequelae assessment: The sample case of Switzerland. PLoS ONE, 19(4):e0301645.
Wagner, Lisa; Gander, Fabian (2024). Character strength traits, states, and emotional well‐being: A daily diary study. Journal of Personality:Epub ahead of print.
da Motta Veiga, Serge; Debus, Maike; Schmitz‐Wilhelmy, Annika; Ambühl, Mirjam; Hasler, Katrin; Kleinmann, Martin (2024). Contextual and personal resources in unemployed job search: An intra‐individual perspective. Applied Psychology: An International Review:epub before print.
Studler, Mirjam; Gianotti, Lorena R R; Lobmaier, Janek; Maric, Angelina; Knoch, Daria (2024). Human prosocial preferences are related to slow-wave activity in sleep. Journal of Neuroscience, 44(15):e0885232024.
Gander, Fabian; Wagner, Lisa; Niemiec, Ryan M (2024). Do character strengths-based interventions change character strengths? Two randomized controlled intervention studies. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1):108604.
Vogt, Alexandra J; Bartels, Lasse; Bertschi, Isabella C; Mahler, Fiona; Grotzer, Michael; Konrad, Daniel; Leibundgut, Kurt; Rössler, Jochen; Bodenmann, Guy; Landolt, Markus A (2024). Assessing We-Disease Appraisals of Health Problems: Development and Validation of the We-Disease Questionnaire. European journal of investigation in health, psychology and education, 14(4):941-953.
Walter, Stephanie; Schmutz, Jan B; Grote, Gudela (2024). A Safety Approach for Improving Security - Effective Coordination Strategies at the Airport Security Screening Checkpoint. Human Factors, 66(4):1302-1314.
McNeil, Jessica; Berry, Nathaniel T; Dollar, Jessica M; Shriver, Lenka H; Keane, Susan P; Shanahan, Lilly; Wideman, Laurie (2024). Associations of actigraphy‐assessed sleep variables with adiposity and serum cardiometabolic outcomes in emerging adults. Journal of Sleep Research, 33(2):1-11.
Meier, Tabea; Stephens, Jacquelyn E; Haase, Claudia M (2024). Feelings in words: Emotion word use and cardiovascular reactivity in marital interactions. Emotion, 24(3):733-744.
Árnadóttir, Katrín; Baysu, Gülseli; Van Laar, Colette; Phalet, Karen; Tropp, Linda R; Sebben, Simone; Ullrich, Johannes; Hässler, Tabea (2024). How positive and negative intergroup contact jointly inform minority support for social change: The role of system‐fairness beliefs. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63(2):811-838.
Bürgler, Sebastian; Hennecke, Marie (2024). Metacognition and polyregulation in daily self‐control conflicts. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 65(2):179-194.
Hülür, Gizem; Luo, Minxia; Macdonald, Birthe; Grünjes, Carlotta E (2024). The perceived quality of social interactions differs by modality and purpose: An event-contingent experience sampling study with older adults. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 41(4):794-821.
Wybitul, Maha; Buchmann, Andreas; Langer, Nicolas; Hock, Christoph; Treyer, Valerie; Gietl, Anton (2024). Trajectories of amyloid beta accumulation - Unveiling the relationship with APOE genotype and cognitive decline. Neurobiology of Aging, 139:44-53.
Lippold, Melissa A; Jensen, Michaeline; Chase, Gregory E; Wyman, Kacey; Jenkins, Melissa R; Mohanty, Somya; Bodenmann, Guy (2024). Parent strategies to help emerging adults manage stress are associated with their mental health: A dyadic coping perspective. Family Process:Epub ahead of print.
Dames, Hannah; Musfeld, Philipp; Popov, Vencislav; Oberauer, Klaus; Frischkorn, Gidon T (2024). Responsible Research Assessment Should Prioritize Theory Development and Testing Over Ticking Open Science Boxes. Meta-Psychology, 8:online.
Wehrli, Susanne; Dwyer, Andrew A; Landolt, Markus A (2024). Psychometric Evaluation of the German Version of the Perceived Access to Healthcare Questionnaire in a Sample of Individuals with Rare Chronic Diseases. Healthcare, 12(6):661.
Jackson, Joshua J; Wright, Amanda J (2024). The process and mechanisms of personality change. Nature Reviews Psychology, 3(5):305-318.
Haehner, Peter; Würtz, Felix; Kritzler, Sarah; Kunna, Marius; Luhmann, Maike; Woud, Marcella L (2024). The relationship between the perception of major life events and depression: A systematic scoping review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 349:145-157.
De Dreu, Carsten K W; Gross, Jörg; Romano, Angelo (2024). Group Formation and the Evolution of Human Social Organization. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 19(2):320-334.
O’Boyle, Ernest H.; Götz, Martin; Zivic, Damian C (2024). Increasing the practical relevance of management research: In honor of Timothy T. Baldwin. Business Horizons, 67(2):161-171.
Copeland, William E; Tong, Guangyu; Shanahan, Lilly; Rothenberg, W Andrew; Lansford, Jennifer E; Godwin, Jennifer W; Rybińska, Anna; Odgers, Candice L; Dodge, Kenneth A (2024). Intergenerational Effects of a Family Cash Transfer on the Home Environment. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 63(3):336-344.
Stadler, Christina; Freitag, Christine M; Popma, Arne; Nauta‐Jansen, Lucres; Konrad, Kerstin; Unternaehrer, Eva; Ackermann, Katharina; Bernhard, Anka; Martinelli, Anne; Oldenhof, Helena; Gundlach, Malou; Kohls, Gregor; Prätzlich, Martin; Kieser, Meinhard; Limprecht, Ronald; Raschle, Nora Maria; Vriends, Noortje; Trestman, Robert L; Kirchner, Marietta; Kersten, Linda (2024). START NOW: a cognitive behavioral skills training for adolescent girls with conduct or oppositional defiant disorder – a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65(3):316-327.
Kowialiewski, Benjamin; Lemaire, Benoît; Portrat, Sophie (2024). Similarity-Based Compression in Working Memory: Implications for Decay and Refreshing Models. Computational Brain & Behavior, 7(1):163-180.
Loenneker, Hannah D; Buchanan, Erin M; Martinovici, Ana; Primbs, Maximilian A; Elsherif, Mahmoud M; Baker, Bradley J; Dudda, Leonie A; Đurđević, Dušica F; Mišić, Ksenija; Peetz, Hannah K; Röer, Jan P; Schulze, Lars; Wagner, Lisa; Wolska, Julia K; Kührt, Corinna; Pronizius, Ekaterina (2024). We don't know what you did last summer. On the importance of transparent reporting of reaction time data pre-processing. Cortex, 172:14-37.
Ger, Ebru; Wermelinger, Stephanie; de Ven, Maxine; Daum, Moritz M (2024). What's the point? Infants' and adults' perception of different pointing gestures. Infancy, 29(2):251-270.
Nebe, Stephan; Kretzschmar, André; Brandt, Maike C; Tobler, Philippe N (2024). Characterizing human habits in the lab. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1):92949.
Liekefett, Luisa; Sebben, Simone; Becker, Julia C (2024). The Effect of Brooding About Societal Problems on Conspiracy Beliefs: A Registered Report. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1):92995.
Krämer, Michael D; Rohrer, Julia M; Lucas, Richard E; Richter, David (2024). Life events and life satisfaction: Estimating effects of multiple life events in combined models. European Journal of Personality:epub before print.
Haas, Henriette; Richard, Katja. Expertin erklärt die Masche der Enkeltrick-Betrüger. «Sie versetzen ihre Opfer in eine nie dagewesene Situation». In:, 7 February 2024, 1.
Bleidorn, Wiebke; Hopwood, Christopher J (2024). A motivational framework of personality development in late adulthood. Current Opinion in Psychology, 55:101731.
Horn, Sebastian (2024). Adult age differences in value-based decision making. Current Opinion in Psychology, 55:101765.
Wermelinger, Stephanie; Moersdorf, Lea; Daum, Moritz M (2024). Automatic imitation in school-aged children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 238:105797.
Kleva, Christopher S; Keeley, Jared W; Evans, Spencer C; Maercker, Andreas; Cloitre, Marylene; Brewin, Chris R; Roberts, Michael; Reed, Geoffrey M (2024). Examining accurate diagnosis of complex PTSD in ICD-11. Journal of Affective Disorders, 346:110-114.
Mayr, Ulrich; Rohovit, Taren; Freund, Alexandra M (2024). Increases in prosociality across adulthood: The pure-altruism hypothesis. Current Opinion in Psychology, 55:101782.
Elide Vanutelli, Maria; Daum, Moritz M; Manfredi, Mirella (2024). Mini-review: Wild laughs: Ontogenesis and phylogenesis of humour. Neuroscience Letters, 822:137615.
Adler, Jonathan M; Bogart, Kathleen R; Frantz, Cindy McPherson; Salter, Phia S; Thalmayer, Amber Gayle (2024). Two Years Into the Next Chapter at PSPR. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 28(1):3-10.
Saxler, Franziska Magdalena; Dorrough, Angela R; Froehlich, Laura; Block, Katharina; Croft, Alyssa; Meeussen, Loes; Olsson, Maria I T; Schmader, Toni; Schuster, Carolin; van Grootel, Sanne; Van Laar, Colette; Atkinson, Ciara; Benson-Greenwald, Tessa; Birneanu, Andreea; Cavojova, Vladimira; Cheryan, Sapna; Lee Kai Chung, Albert; Danyliuk, Ivan; Dar-Nimrod, Ilan; de Lemus, Soledad; Diekman, Amanda; Eisner, Léïla; Estevan-Reina, Lucía; Fedáková, Denisa; Gavreliuc, Alin; Gavreliuc, Dana; Germano, Adriana L; Hässler, Tabea; Henningsen, Levke; Ishii, Keiko; et al (2024). Did Descriptive and Prescriptive Norms About Gender Equality at Home Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Cross-National Investigation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin:epub before print.
Laera, Gianvito; Brummer, Jasmin; Hering, Alexandra; Kliegel, Matthias; Horn, Sebastian (2024). The cost of monitoring in time-based prospective memory. Scientific Reports, 14(1):2279.
Schaeuffele, Carmen; Meine, Laura E.; Schulz, Ava; Weber, Maxi C; Moser, Angela; Paersch, Christina; Recher, Dominique; Boettcher, Johanna; Renneberg, Babette; Flückiger, Christoph; Kleim, Birgit (2024). A systematic review and meta-analysis of transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapies for emotional disorders. Nature Human Behaviour, 8(3):493-509.
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Romano, Angelo; Gross, Jörg; De Dreu, Carsten K W (2024). Peace as Prerequisite rather than Consequence of Cooperation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 47:e25.
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Eberle, David J; Maercker, Andreas (2024). Belastungsbezogene Störungen in der ICD-11. Die Psychotherapie:1-5.
Bachem, Rahel; Levin, Yafit; Yuval, Kim; Langer, Nora Korin; Solomon, Zahava; Bernstein, Amit (2024). Complex posttraumatic stress disorder in intergenerational trauma transmission among Eritrean asylum-seeking mother-child dyads. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1):2300588.
Ruggeri, Kai; Stock, Friederike; Haslam, S Alexander; Capraro, Valerio; Boggio, Paulo; Ellemers, Naomi; Cichocka, Aleksandra; Douglas, Karen M; Rand, David G; van der Linden, Sander; Cikara, Mina; Finkel, Eli J; Druckman, James N; Wohl, Michael J A; Petty, Richard E; Tucker, Joshua A; Shariff, Azim; Gelfand, Michele; Packer, Dominic; Jetten, Jolanda; Van Lange, Paul A M; Pennycook, Gordon; Peters, Ellen; Baicker, Katherine; Crum, Alia; Weeden, Kim A; Napper, Lucy; Tabri, Nassim; Zaki, Jamil; Većkalov, Bojana; Wagner, Lisa; et al (2024). A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19. Nature, 625(7993):134-147.
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Goldammer, Philippe; Annen, Hubert; Lienhard, Christopher; Jonas, Klaus (2024). An examination of model fit and measurement invariance of general mental ability and personality measures used in the multilingual context of the Swiss Armed Forces: A Bayesian structural equation modeling approach. Military Psychology, 36(1):96-113.
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Kowialiewski, Benjamin; Majerus, Steve; Oberauer, Klaus (2024). Does semantic similarity affect immediate memory for order? Usually not, but sometimes it does. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50(1):68-88.
de Haan, Anke; Meiser-Stedman, Richard; Landolt, Markus A; Kuhn, Isla; Black, Melissa J; Klaus, Kristel; Patel, Shivam D; Fisher, David J; Haag, Christina; Ukoumunne, Obioha C; Jones, Benjamin G; Flaiyah, Ashraf Muwafaq; Catani, Claudia; Dawson, Katie S; Bryant, Richard A; de Roos, Carlijn; Ertl, Verena; Foa, Edna B; Ford, Julian D; Gilboa-Schechtman, Eva; Tutus, Dunja; Hermenau, Katharin; Hecker, Tobias; Hultmann, Ole; Axberg, Ulf; Jaberghaderi, Nasrin; Jensen, Tine K; Ormhaug, Silje M; Kenardy, Justin A; Lindauer, Ramon J L; et al (2024). Efficacy and moderators of efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapies with a trauma focus in children and adolescents: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials. The Lancet : Child & Adolescent Health, 8(1):28-39.
Dworschak, Christine; Heim, Eva; Tröster, Alicia; Grunder, Chantal; Maercker, Andreas (2024). Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of an internet-based CBT intervention for loneliness in older adults: A pilot RCT. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 15:100692.
Ehlert, Ulrike (2024). Stress and Resilience in the (Post-)pandemic World: Psychobiological Considerations. In: Pramataroff-Hamburger, Vivian; Neises-Rudolf, Mechthild. Women’s Health and Pandemic Crisis. Cham: Springer, 87-93.
Levin, Yafit; Bachem, Rahel; Brafman, Dorit; Ben-Ezra, Menachem (2024). The association between dissociative symptoms and schizophrenia-related negative symptoms: A transdiagnostic approach. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 169:81-83.
Strobl, Carolin; Leisch, Friedrich (2024). Against the “one method fits all data sets” philosophy for comparison studies in methodological research. Biometrical Journal, 66(1):2200104.
Probst, Greta Helene; Wolf, Markus; Vîslă, Andreea; Flückiger, Christoph (2024). How resilient are former CBT patients with generalized anxiety disorder in times of COVID-19? A follow-up study considering post-treatment depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 15:100701.
Bürgi, Niklas. Am I Thinking What You Are Thinking? A Neurocomputational Account of Adaptive Mentalization and Its Application in Autism. 2024, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.
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