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Kübler, Daniel; Strebel, Michael A; Marcinkowski, Frank (2024). Populism and the scales of statehood. Localism and populist attitudes in Western Europe. European Political Science Review, 16(3):431-447.

Van Dijk, Lisa; Werner, Hannah; Marien, Sofie (2024). The perceived problem‐solving potential of deliberative minipublics: Evidence from a survey of Belgian citizens. European Journal of Political Research, 63(3):862-883.

Malet, Giorgio; Walter, Stefanie (2024). Have your cake and eat it, too? Switzerland and the feasibility of differentiated integration after Brexit. West European Politics, 47(5):1150-1179.

Boos, Anna Katharina (2024). Conceptualizing Automated Decision-Making in Organizational Contexts. Philosophy & Technology, 37:92.

Manea, Elham (2024). The Yemeni Civil War. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.

Hangartner, Dominik; Spirig, Judith (2024). Immigration and inequality: the role of politics and policies. Oxford Open Economics, 3(Supplement):i480-i486.

Taschwer, Mario T; Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz; Reidinger, Verena (2024). Social democracy transformed? Party change and union ties. West European Politics:1-28.

Michaelowa, Axel; Michaelowa, Katharina; Namhata, Chandreyee (2024). Informal Governance of International Climate Policy. In: Abbott, Kenneth W.; Biersteker, Thomas J.. Informal Governance in World Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 107-129.

Manea, Elham (2024). The Geopolitics of the Yemeni Crisis. In: Cope, Zak. The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Geopolitics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 1-21.

Ash, Elliott; Krümmel, Johann; Slapin, Jonathan B. (2024). Gender and reactions to speeches in German parliamentary debates. American Journal of Political Science:Epub ahead of print.

Hirblinger, Andreas T; Wählisch, Martin; Keator, Kate; McNaboe, Chris; Duursma, Allard; Karlsrud, John; Sticher, Valerie; Verjee, Aly; Kyselova, Tetiana; Kwaja, Chris M A; Perera, Suda (2024). Forum: Making Peace with Un-Certainty: Reflections on the Role of Digital Technology in Peace Processes beyond the Data Hype. International Studies Perspectives, 25(2):185-225.

Martini, Marco; Walter, Stefanie (2024). Learning from precedent: how the British Brexit experience shapes nationalist rhetoric outside the UK. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(5):1231-1258.

Mayer, Benedikt; Donnay, Karsten; Lawonn, Kai; Preim, Bernhard; Meuschke, Monique (2024). Expert exploranation for communicating scientific methods - A case study in conflict research. Computers & Graphics, 120:103937.

Hofmann, Gabriel; Serdült, Uwe; Brüggemann, Salim (2024). Studie zur kantonalen Volksabstimmung vom 18. Juni 2023. Aarau: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau (ZDA).

Klüser, K Jonathan; Schmuck, David; Sieberer, Ulrich (2024). Colleagues or adversaries: Ministerial coordination across party lines. Governance, 37(2):517-536.

Penić, Sandra; Donnay, Karsten; Bhavnani, Ravi; Elcheroth, Guy; Albzour, Mai (2024). How does the geography of surveillance affect collective action? Political Psychology, 45(2):319-340.

Friderich, Anja; Prigge, Jessica; Widmer, Thomas; Wroblewski, Angela (2024). Nachwuchspreis der DeGEval 2023. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 2024(01):163-164.

Altay, Sacha; Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis; Fletcher, Richard (2024). News Can Help! The Impact of News Media and Digital Platforms on Awareness of and Belief in Misinformation. International Journal of Press/Politics, 29(2):459-484.

Veri, Francesco (2024). Two-sample test for ambivalent subset relationship in fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis. Quality & Quantity, 58(2):1235-1253.

Dahinden, Martin (2024). Sicherheitspolitik der Schweiz neu denken, aber wie? : SGA | ASPE - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Aussenpolitik.

Bremer, Björn; Bürgisser, Reto (2024). Lower taxes at all costs? Evidence from a survey experiment in four European countries. Journal of European Public Policy:Epub ahead of print.

Veri, Francesco (2024). Fostering Reasoning in the Politically Disengaged: The Role of Deliberative Minipublics. Political Studies Review:epub before print.

Gläßel, Christian; González, Belén; Scharpf, Adam (2024). The authoritarian security apparatus: officer careers and the trade-offs in command. In: Lindstaedt, Natasha; Van den Bosch, Jeroen J.J.. Research Handbook on Authoritarianism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 111-126.

Stoetzer, Lukas F; Leemann, Lucas; Traunmueller, Richard (2024). Learning from Polls During Electoral Campaigns. Political Behavior, 46(1):543-564.

Malet, Giorgio; Walter, Stefanie (2024). The reverberations of British Brexit politics abroad. European Union Politics, 25(1):63-85.

Rehmert, Jochen (2024). Vertretung lokaler Interessen und die Wiederaufstellung von Listen-Abgeordneten im Deutschen Bundestag. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 65(1):123-143.

Michaelowa, Katharina; Michaelowa, Axel (2024). More Resources – More Influence of International Bureaucracies? In: Jörgens, Helge; Kolleck, Nina; Well, Mareike. International Public Administrations in Environmental Governance. The Role of Autonomy, Agency, and the Quest for Attention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 153-179.

Spirig, Judith (2024). Politicians, Newspapers, and Immigration Referendums: Exploring the Boundaries of Media Effects. Political Communication:Epub ahead of print.

Lutscher, Philipp M; Donnay, Karsten (2024). A difficult test for hard propaganda: Evidence from a choice experiment in Venezuela. Journal of Peace Research:1-17.

Pereira, Catarina; da Silva, Raquel; Rosa, Catarina (2024). How to measure political polarization in text-as-data? A scoping review of computational social science approaches. Journal of Information Technology & Politics:Epub ahead of print.

De Angelis, Andrea; Vecchiato, Alessandro (2024). Panem et circenses: removing political news to generate electoral support, evidence from Berlusconi’s Italy. Rivista italiana di scienza politica:Epub ahead of print.

Rehmert, Jochen; Fujimura, Naofumi (2024). Ideological Positions and Committee Chair Appointments. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 49(1):75-102.

Hoes, Emma; Kamphorst, Jonne; Krouwel, André (2024). Prominence over proximity? Terror attacks’ impact on party preferences. European Political Science Review, 16(1):112-130.

Mitteregger, Reto (2024). Socialized with "old cleavages" or "new dimensions": An Age-Period-Cohort analysis on electoral support in Western European multiparty systems (1949–2021). Electoral Studies, 87:102744.

Penić, Sandra; Vollhardt, Johanna Ray; Donnay, Karsten; Albzour, Mai; Bhavnani, Ravi (2024). The geography of military occupation and its effect on Palestinian community cohesion, norms, and resistance motivation. Peace and Conflict, 30(1):94-106.

Breyer, Magdalena (2024). Backlash or Progressive Mobilization? Voter Reactions to Perceived Trajectories of Women’s Representation. Comparative Political Studies:1-32.

Haffert, Lukas (2024). Unequal Geographic Representation in a Mixed-Member Electoral System: Evidence from the German Bundestag. German Politics, 33(1):86-109.

Zollinger, Delia (2024). Cleavage Identities in Voters’ Own Words: Harnessing Open‐Ended Survey Responses. American Journal of Political Science, 68(1):139-159.

Schöll, Nikolas; Kurer, Thomas (2024). How technological change affects regional voting patterns. Political Science Research and Methods, 12(1):94-112.

Klüser, K Jonathan (2024). Keeping tabs through collaboration? Sharing ministerial responsibility in coalition governments. Political Science Research and Methods, 12(1):27-44.

Farag, Mahmoud (2024). Opposition inclusion and exclusion in the Arab world: Evidence from a new dataset. Mediterranean Politics, 29(1):75-87.

Schaltegger, Thierry; Ambuehl, Benjamin; Ackermann, Kurt A; Ebert, Nico (2024). Re-thinking Decision-Making in Cybersecurity: Leveraging Cognitive Heuristics in Situations of Uncertainty. In: 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, 3 January 2024 - 8 January 2024. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 4734-4743.

Capaul, Raphael. Agenda Setting in der Schweizer Politik: Zur Auslösung von Gesetzgebungsarbeiten auf Bundesebene. 2024, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Adrian, Nana; Reiss, Thomas; Marti, Michael; Widmer, Thomas (2024). Entstehung, Ausgestaltung und Konsequenzen von kantonalen Fremdplatzierungspolitiken. In: Barras, Vincent; Jungo, Alexandra; Sager, Fritz. Diffuse Verantwortlichkeiten - Strukturen, Akteur:innen und Bewährungsproben. Basel: Schwabe, 123-149.

Kerler, Philipp. Essays on Accountability and Participation in the Global South: How Information Shapes Opinions and Behavior. 2024, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Hedinger, Franziska. Menschenrechte in der Politischen Bildung – Fachliche Umsetzung des Lerngegenstandes ‹Menschenrechte›: Analyse von Unterrichtsstunden auf der Sekundarstufe I. 2024, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Dong, Lisheng; Woo, Su Yun; Kübler, Daniel (2024). The Chinese Public’s Perceptions of the European Union: Changes and Stability Revealed by 2010 and 2020 Surveys. Journal of contemporary China, 33(147):502-520.

González, Belén (2024). The Death and Life of State Repression: Understanding Onset, Escalation, Termination and Recurrence. By Christian Davenport and Benjamin J. Appel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. 204p. 110.00 cloth, 32.99 paper. Perspectives on Politics:1-2.


Ares, Macarena; Häusermann, Silja (2023). Class and Social Policy Representation. In: Lupu, Noam; Pontusson, Jonas. Unequal Democracies : Public Policy, Responsiveness, and Redistribution in an Era of Rising Economic Inequality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 300-324.

Schlager, Nina; Donnay, Karsten; Kim, Hyunjung; Bhavnani, Ravi (2023). Drivers of COVID-19 protest across localities in Israel: a machine-learning approach. Political Research Exchange, 5(1):2257368.

Attewell, David; Steenbergen, Marco R (2023). Cleavages. In: Grasso, Maria; Giugni, Marco. Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenham, Northampton Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, 71-74.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Trechsel, Alexander H (2023). Digital Democracy. In: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian. The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 430-448.

Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle; Leemann, Lucas (2023). Direct Democracy. In: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian. The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 156-173.

Häusermann, Silja; Bürgisser, Reto (2023). Family Policy. In: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian. The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 733-752.

Bailer, Stefanie; Bütikofer, Sarah (2023). Parliament. In: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian. The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 174-194.

Bernauer, Thomas; Walter, Stefanie (2023). Switzerland’s Position in Europe and the World. In: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian. The Oxford handbook of Swiss politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 94-115.

Zollinger, Delia; Traber, Denise (2023). The Ideological Space in Swiss Politics: Voters, Parties, and Realignment. In: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Sijla; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian. The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 116-136.

Kelemen, R Daniel; Slapin, Jonathan B; Fenzl, Michele; Rieger, Pit (2023). Out of sight out of mind? Voter attitudes about cooperation with radical parties in Europe*. Journal of European Public Policy:1-24.

The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics. Edited by: Emmenegger, Patrick; Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian (2023). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nasr, Mohamed; Hoes, Emma (2023). The times they are a‐changin': An experimental assessment of the causes and consequences of sudden policy U‐turns. European Journal of Political Research:Epub ahead of print.

Darouich, Laila; Shishlov, Igor; Schmidt, Max; Pássaro, Pedro; Michaelowa, Axel (2023). Debt-for-Climate swaps as a tool to tackle climate and debt crises: Opportunities and challenges. Freiburg: Perspectives Climate Group.

Malet, Giorgio; Walter, Stefanie (2023). How British Brexit politics reshaped Europeans’ views of the EU. UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE).

Haffert, Lukas; Mitteregger, Reto (2023). Cohorts and neighbors: Urban-rural conflict along the age gradient. Electoral Studies, 86:102705.

Schlegel, Benjamin E; Stoetzer, Lukas F; Kraft, Patrick W (2023). When information is not enough for strategic voting. Electoral Studies, 86:102692.

Grob, Anja; Binding, Garret; Spirig, Judith (2023). Introducing HESSS: home economics at Swiss secondary schools. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 40, University of Zurich.

Ombuya, Sherri; Schmidt, Max; Shishlov, Igor; Michaelowa, Axel (2023). Towards closing a deal on finance for Loss and Damage. Freiburg: Perspectives Climate Group.

Walter, Stefanie; Ray, Ari; Redeker, Nils (2023). The politics of bad options: why the Eurozone's problems have been so hard to resolve. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

González, Belén; Traunmüller, Richard (2023). The political consequences of wartime sexual violence: Evidence from a list experiment. Journal of Peace Research:1-16.

Armingeon, Klaus; Sacchi, Stefano (2023). Austerity and Adjustment from the Great Recession to the Pandemic— and Beyond. In: Börner, Stefanie; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin. European Social Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 28-52.

Ebert, Nico; Schaltegger, Thierry; Ambuehl, Benjamin; Schöni, Lorin; Zimmermann, Verena; Knieps, Melanie (2023). Learning from safety science: A way forward for studying cybersecurity incidents in organizations. Computers and Security, 134:103435.

Veri, Francesco; Sass, Jensen (2023). The domestic democratic peace: How democracy constrains political violence. International Political Science Review, 44(5):676-693.

Häusermann, Silja; Bornschier, Simon (2023). Democratic conflict and polarization: healthy or harmful? Zurich: UBS Center for Economics in Society at the University of Zurich.

Michaelowa, Axel (2023). Ensuring international carbon markets do truly mobilize mitigation ambition. Carbon Mechanisms Review, 11(4):130-131.

Bürgisser, Reto; Eisenring, Fabienne; Häusermann, Silja (2023). How perceived distributive effects shape labor market policy support. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 37, University of Zurich.

Ombuya, Sherri; Shishlov, Igor; Michaelowa, Axel (2023). International Climate Finance from a Global Perspective. ÖFSE Working Paper Series 76, ÖFSE Austrian Foundation for Development Research.

Simon, Felix M; Altay, Sacha; Mercier, Hugo (2023). Misinformation reloaded? Fears about the impact of generative AI on misinformation are overblown. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review:1-11.

Lüscher, Sandro (2023). Parlamentswahlen nach dem doppelt-proportionalen Sitzzuteilungsverfahren im Lichte der territorialen Repräsentation. Eine empirische Annäherung an ein konzeptionelles Dilemma. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 54(3):571-595.

Engler, Sarah; Gessler, Theresa; Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Leemann, Lucas (2023). Democracy challenged: how parties politicize different democratic principles. Journal of European Public Policy, 30(10):1961-1983.

Häusermann, Silja; Kurer, Thomas; Zollinger, Delia (2023). Aspiration Versus Apprehension: Economic Opportunities and Electoral Preferences. British Journal of Political Science, 53(4):1230-1251.

Farag, Mahmoud; Jung, Hae Ran; Montini, Isabella C; Bourdeau de Fontenay, Juliette; Ladhar, Satveer (2023). What Do We Know about Power Sharing after 50 Years? Government and Opposition, 58(4):899-920.

Altay, Sacha; Nera, Kenzo; Ejaz, Waqas; Schöpfer, Céline; Tomas, Frédéric (2023). Conspiracy believers claim to be free thinkers but (Under)Use advice like everyone else. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(4):1782-1797.

Altay, Sacha; Majima, Yoshimasa; Mercier, Hugo (2023). Happy thoughts: The role of communion in accepting and sharing (mis)beliefs. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(4):1672-1692.

Michaelowa, Axel; Ahonen, Hanna-Mari; Keßler, Juliana; Singh, Aayushi (2023). Interlinkages of registries and implications for functions and structures in the context of Article 6. Freiburg: Perspectives Climate Group.

Ibáñez, Marcela; Jäger, Kai (2023). Internal Politics and Activism in Former Rebel Parties. Government and Opposition, 58(4):824-842.

Oh, Soyoung; Wallis, Olivia; Honegger, Matthias; Michaelowa, Axel (2023). Mission impossible: Harvested Wood Products under Article 6. Carbon Mechanisms Review, 11(3):112-119.

Palmtag, Tabea (2023). The unequal effect of economic development on perceived labor market risks and welfare. Political Science Research and Methods:1-18.

Chachu, Daniel; Danquah, Michael; Gisselquist, Rachel M (2023). Subnational governance in Ghana: a comparative assessment of data and performance. In: Faguet, Jean-Paul; Pal, Sarmistha. Decentralised Governance: Crafting Effective Democracies Around the World. London: LSE Press, 271-299.

Herrera-Masurel, Alicia; Altay, Sacha; Mercier, Hugo (2023). Does nuclear energy produce neodymium? Negative perception of nuclear energy drives the assumption that it is polluting. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29(3):572-583.

Spinde, Timo; Richter, Elisabeth; Wessel, Martin; Kulshrestha, Juhi; Donnay, Karsten (2023). What do Twitter comments tell about news article bias? Assessing the impact of news article bias on its perception on Twitter. Online social networks and media, 37-38:100264.

Häusermann, Silja; Palmtag, Tabea; Zollinger, Delia; Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Walter, Stefanie; Berkinshaw, Sarah (2023). Economic foundations of sociocultural politics: how new left and radical right voters think about inequality. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 33, University of Zurich.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Häusermann, Silja; Palmtag, Tabea; Walter, Stefanie (2023). Inequality perceptions: a research agenda. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 34, University of Zurich.

Marti, Michael; Widmer, Thomas; Adrian, Nana; Reiss, Thomas (2023). Kindesschutz und Fremdplatzierungen: Effekte von Institutionen, Finanzierung, Umsetzung. Bern: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF).

Menéndez González, Irene; Owen, Erica; Walter, Stefanie (2023). Low-Skill Products by High-Skill Workers: The Distributive Effects of Trade in Emerging and Developing Countries. Comparative Political Studies, 56(11):1724-1759.

Chachu, Daniel; Danquah, Michael; Gisselquist, Rachel M (2023). Subnational governance in Ghana: a comparative assessment of data and performance. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 31, University of Zurich.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Walter, André (2023). Partisan districting and the adoption of proportional representation: gerrymandering and its discontents. European Political Science Review:1-20.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Thoma, Andreina; Walter, André (2023). Landholding Inequality, Social Control, and Mass Opposition to Suffrage Extension. British Journal of Political Science:1-19.

Alizadeh, Meysam; Hoes, Emma; Gilardi, Fabrizio (2023). Tokenization of social media engagements increases the sharing of false (and other) news but penalization moderates it. Scientific Reports, 13(1):13703.

Duell, Dominik; Kaftan, Lea; Proksch, Sven-Oliver; Slapin, Jonathan; Wratil, Christopher (2023). The rhyme and reason of rebel support: exploring European voters’ attitudes toward dissident MPs. Political Science Research and Methods, (26):1-17.

Cross, James P; Greene, Derek; Umansky, Natalia; Calò, Silvia (2023). Speaking in unison? Explaining the role of agenda-setter constellations in the ECB policy agenda using a network-based approach. Journal of European Public Policy:Epub ahead of print.

Walter, André; Emmenegger, Patrick (2023). Ethnic Minorities, Interstate War, and Popular Support for Fiscal Capacity Development. Comparative Political Studies, 56(9):1365-1397.

Clayton, Govinda; Nygård, Håvard Mokleiv; Strand, Håvard; Rustad, Siri A; Wiehler, Claudia; Sagård, Tora; Landsverk, Peder; Ryland, Reidun; Sticher, Valerie; Wink, Emma; Bara, Corinne (2023). Introducing the ETH/PRIO Civil Conflict Ceasefire Dataset. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67(7-8):1430-1451.

Gafa, Dede; Chachu, Daniel (2023). Explaining Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Governance and Institutions. Development Economics 531, African Economic Research Consortium.

Caramani, Daniele; Cicchi, Lorenzo; Petrova, Ana (2023). The Health–Economy Divide: A Structural Analysis of Sectoral Affectedness and Covid-19 Policy Preferences in Europe. Regroup Research Paper 3, Zenodo.

Comparative Politics (6). Edited by: Caramani, Daniele (2023). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bhavnani, Ravi; Schlager, Nina; Reul, Mirko; Donnay, Karsten (2023). Trajectories of resilience to acute malnutrition in the Kenyan drylands. Frontiers in sustainable food systems, 7:1091346.

Armingeon, Klaus; Lutz, Philipp (2023). Citizens’ response to a non-responsive government: the case of the Swiss Initiative on Mass Immigration. Comparative European Politics:133-151.

Ejaz, Waqas; Altay, Sacha; Naeem, Ghazala (2023). Smartphone use and well-being in Pakistan: Comparing the effect of self-reported and actual smartphone use. Digital Health, 9:1-12.

Walter, André; Emmenegger, Patrick (2023). Designing Electoral Districts for Proportional Representation Systems: How Electoral Geography and Partisan Politics Constrain Proportionality and Create Bias. The Journal of Politics, 85(3):1123-1138.

Bischof, Daniel; Kurer, Thomas (2023). Place-Based Campaigning: The Political Impact of Real Grassroots Mobilization. The Journal of Politics, 85(3):984-1002.

Breyer, Magdalena (2023). Populist positions in party competition: Do parties strategically vary their degree of populism in reaction to vote and office loss? Party Politics, 29(4):672-684.

Schmid, Philipp; Altay, Sacha; Scherer, Laura D (2023). The Psychological Impacts and Message Features of Health Misinformation. European Psychologist, 28(3):162-172.

Haffert, Lukas; Palmtag, Tabea; Schraff, Dominik (2023). Asymmetric effects of group-based appeals: the case of the urban rural divide. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 26, University of Zurich.

Widmer, Thomas; Hofmann, Gabriel; Sager, Patrice (2023). Kirchliche Tätigkeiten mit gesamtgesellschaftlicher Bedeutung im Kanton Zürich: Schlussbericht. Zürich: Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Arel-Bundock, Vincent; Crasnic, Loriana; Römgens, Indra; Roland, Aanor (2023). The EU and the politics of blacklisting tax havens. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 27, University of Zurich.

Sticher, Valerie; Verjee, Aly (2023). Do Eyes in the Sky Ensure Peace on the Ground? The Uncertain Contributions of Remote Sensing to Ceasefire Compliance. International Studies Review, 25(3):1-30.

Zhang, Caiyi; Kübler, Daniel; Dong, Lisheng (2023). Chinese perceptions of the EU: the impact of social media use. Global Public Policy and Governance, 3(2):180-198.

Zhukova, Anastasia; Ruas, Terry; Hamborg, Felix; Donnay, Karsten; Gipp, Bela (2023). What's in the News? Towards Identification of Bias by Commission, Omission, and Source Selection (COSS). In: 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 26 June 2023 - 30 June 2023.

Adhikari, Bimal; King, Jeffrey; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya; Chachu, Daniel Ofoe (2023). Why do some natural resource-rich countries adopt prudent fiscal rules? An empirical analysis. Extractive Industries and Society, 14:101234.

Affolter, Simon; Sperisen, Vera (2023). Rassismus und Repräsentation gesellschaftlicher Diversität in Lehrmitteln. Aarau: Eidgenössische Kommission gegen Rassismus EKR.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Mitteregger, Reto; Mudde, Cas (2023). Övergivna av arbetarklassen? Socialdemokraternas kris och radikalhögerns framgångar. Stockholm: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Nordic countries.

Sticher, Valerie; Wegner, Jan D; Pfeifle, Birke (2023). Toward the remote monitoring of armed conflicts. PNAS Nexus, 2(6):pgad181.

Binding, Garret; Koedam, Jelle; Steenbergen, Marco R (2023). The comparative meaning of political space: a comprehensive modeling approach. Political Science Research and Methods:1-9.

Michaelowa, Axel; Honegger, Matthias; Poralla, Matthias; Winkler, Malte; Dalfiume, Sandra; Nayak, Ankita (2023). International carbon markets for carbon dioxide removal. PLOS Climate, 2(5):e0000118.

Michaelowa, Axel; Chu, Long; Do, Thang; Nguyen, Quang H; Nguyen, Minh H; Nguyen, Loan; Pham, Linh P (2023). Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Impact Assessment Report for Vietnam. Hanoi: VnLawFind, NHQuang&Associates.

Bolet, Diane; Foos, Florian (2023). Media platforming and the normalisation of extreme right views. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 22, University of Zurich.

Klüser, K Jonathan; Breunig, Christian (2023). Ministerial policy dominance in parliamentary democracies. European Journal of Political Reseach. Political Data Yearbook, 62(2):633-644.

Zollinger, Delia; Attewell, David (2023). Social networks and the education cleavage. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 24, University of Zurich.

Fenzl, Michele; Stedtnitz, Christine (2023). The news we choose: unfair inequality and the growing success of populist news. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series 23, University of Zurich.

Copelovitch, Mark; Walter, Stefanie (2023). International political economy and the European Union. In: Faure, Samuel; Lequesne, Christian. The Elgar Companion to the European Union. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 108-121.

Veri, Francesco (2023). Mapping Democratic Innovations: A Bottom-up Empirical Perspective. Representation, 59(2):171-188.

Kayser, Mark A; Orlowski, Matthias; Rehmert, Jochen (2023). Coalition inclusion probabilities: a party-strategic measure for predicting policy and politics. Political Science Research and Methods, 11(2):328-346.

Huikuri, Tuuli-Anna (2023). Constraints and incentives in the investment regime: How bargaining power shapes BIT reform. Review of International Organizations, 18(2):361-391.

Senninger, Roman; Bischof, Daniel (2023). Do voters want domestic politicians to scrutinize the EU? Political Science Research and Methods, 11(2):410-418.

Widmer, Thomas (2023). Hinweise zur Konzeption und Realisierung von Meta-Evaluationen. Zeitschrift für Evaluation (ZfEv), 2023(1):100-119.

Michaelowa, Axel; Singh, Aayushi; Keßler, Juliana (2023). Advancing the development of Article 6 methodologies. Preventing a stalemate that blocks Article 6.4 implementation. Carbon Mechanisms Review, 11(1):27-37.

Serdült, Uwe; Hofmann, Gabriel; Benli-Trichet, Marine; Vayenas, Costa; Villeneuve, Jean-Patrick; Picco-Schwendener, Anna; Colosante, Leonardo (2023). Digital Political Participation in seven countries, Casestudies on digital political participation in Austria, France, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland. Index digitale politische Partizipation in der Schweiz.

Dalfiume, Sandra; Michaelowa, Axel (2023). Assessing the robustness of Carbon Market Grievance Mechanisms and recommendations for the establishment of an Article 6.4 Grievance Mechanism. Freiburg: Perspectives Climate Group.

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Häusermann, Silja (2019). Book review of: Why multiculturalism is not a threat to redistributive solidarity, in: Banting Keith and Will Kymlicka, The Strains of Commitment. The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017. European Journal of Sociology, 60(3):421-424.

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Hoch, Stephan; Michaelowa, Axel; Espelage, Aglaja; Weber, Anne-Kathrin (2019). Governing complexity: how can the interplay of multilateral environmental agreements be harnessed for effective international market-based climate policy instruments? International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 19(6):595-613.

Bertsou, Eri (2019). Political distrust and its discontents: exploring the meaning, expression and significance of political distrust. Societies, 9(4):72.

Milic, Thomas; Serdült, Uwe; Brüggemann, Salim (2019). Studie zur Aargauer Nationalratswahl vom 20. Oktober 2019. Aarau, Switzerland: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau (ZDA).

Michaelowa, Katharina; Panda, Sitakanta; Martin, Nicolas (2019). The Teflon effect of political power: when criminal charges do not stick. CIS Working Paper 103, University of Zurich.

Rocabert, Jofre; Schimmelfennig, Frank; Crasnic, Loriana; Winzen, Thomas (2019). The rise of international parliamentary institutions: purpose and legitimation. Review of International Organizations, 14(4):607-631.

Sánchez, Alfonso; Namhata, Chandreyee (2019). What feeds protest participation in sub-Saharan Africa? An empirical analysis. Global Food Security, 23:74-84.

Michaelowa, Axel; Hermwille, Lukas; Obergassel, Wolfgang; Butzengeiger, Sonja (2019). Additionality revisited: guarding the integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. Climate Policy, 19(10):1211-1224.

Haffert, Lukas. Die neue K-Frage: Das Kanzleramt gewinnt an Bedeutung. Passt das zum veränderten Parteiensystem? In: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 269, 21 November 2019, 11.

Walter, Stefanie (2019). Brexit domino? The political contagion effects of voter-based disintegration. In: ECSA Suisse Conference, St.Gallen, 14 November 2019 - 15 November 2019, ECSA.

De Angelis, Andrea (2019). How Voters Distort their Perceptions and Why this Matters. In: Suhay, Elizabeth; Grofman, Bernard; Trechsel, Alexander H.. The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 946 - 973.

Redeker, Nils; Haffert, Lukas; Rommel, Tobias (2019). Misremembering Weimar: unpacking the historic roots of Germany’s monetary policy discourse. Policy paper 1, Jacques Delors Institut Berlin.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Walter, André (2019). When dominant parties adopt proportional representation: the mysterious case of Belgium. European Political Science Review, 11(4):433-450.

Blättler, Werner; Mendoza, Erika; Zollmann, Christine; Bendix, John; Amsler, Felix (2019). Homeostatic feelings: a novel explanation of vein symptoms derived from an experimental patient study. Vasa, 48(6):492-501.

Michaelowa, Axel; Espelage, Aglaja; Müller, Benito (2019). Negotiating cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Oxford: European Capacity Building Initiative.

Betz, Hans-Georg; Habersack, Fabian (2019). Regional nativism in East Germany: the case of the AfD. In: Heinisch, Reinhard; Massetti, Emanuele; Mazzoleni, Oscar. The people and the nation: populism and ethno-territorial politics in Europe. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group, 110-135.

Serdült, Uwe; Milic, Thomas; Brüggemann, Salim (2019). Studie zur Aargauer Regierungsratsersatzwahl vom 20. Oktober 2019. Aarau, Switzerland: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau (ZDA).

Milic, Thomas; Serdült, Uwe; Brüggemann, Salim (2019). Studie zur Aargauer Ständeratswahl vom 20. Oktober 2019. Aarau, Switzerland: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau (ZDA).

Dehdari, Sirus H; Gehring, Kai (2019). The origins of common identity: evidence from Alsace-Lorraine. CESifo Working Papers 7949, Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Wasserfallen, Fabio (2019). The politics of policy diffusion. European Journal of Political Research, 58(4):1245-1256.

Häusermann, Silja (2019). Totgesagte leben länger: der Sozialstaat der Zukunft. In: Allmendinger, Jutta; Jarren, Otfried; Kaufmann, Christine; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Kübler, Dorothea. Zeitenwende: kurze Antworten auf große Fragen der Gegenwart. Zürich: Orell Füssli, 179-186.

Leemann, Lucas; Dermont, Clau; Gilardi, Fabrizio (2019). Öffentliche Meinung zur eID – September 2019. Zürich: Universität Zürich - Digital Society Initiative (DSI).

Bischof, Daniel; Wagner, Markus (2019). Do voters polarize when radical parties enter parliament? American Journal of Political Science, 63(4):888-904.

Klüser, Jonathan; Radojevic, Marco (2019). Agenda setting in political decision making. In: Thompson, William R. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, online.

Do they make a difference? The policy influence of radical right populist parties in Western Europe. Edited by: Biard, Benjamin; Bernhard, Laurent; Betz, Hans-Georg (2019). London: ECPR Press.

Schneider, Lambert; Michaelowa, Axel; Broekhoff, Derik; Espelage, Aglaja; Siemons, Anne (2019). Lessons learned from the first round of applications by carbon-offsetting programs for eligibility under CORSIA. Amsterdam: Climate Focus, Perspectives Climate Group.

O’Grady, Tom; Abou-Chadi, Tarik (2019). Not so responsive after all: European parties do not respond to public opinion shifts across multiple issue dimensions. Research and Politics, 6(4):online.

Haffert, Lukas (2019). Permanent budget surpluses as a fiscal regime. Socio-Economic Review, 17(4):1043-1063.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Wagner, Markus (2019). The electoral appeal of party strategies in postindustrial societies: when can the mainstream left succeed? The Journal of Politics, 81(4):1405-1419.

Strebel, Michael A (2019). Why voluntary municipal merger projects fail: evidence from popular votes in Switzerland. Local Government Studies, 45(5):654-675.

Engler, Sarah; Pytlas, Bartek; Deegan-Krause, Kevin (2019). Assessing the diversity of anti-establishment and populist politics in Central and Eastern Europe. West European Politics, 42(6):1310-1336.

Bischof, Daniel; Van Der Velden, Mariken (2019). The Use and Usefulness of p‐Values in Political Science: Introduction. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(3):276-280.

Haffert, Lukas (2019). Book review of: Anna Fill: The political economy of de-liberalization: a comparative study on Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Cham: Springer, 2019, 170 S. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(3):327-330.

Dlabac, Oliver (2019). Book review of: Markus Freitag, Pirmin Bundi und Martina Flick Witzig: Milizarbeit in der Schweiz: Zahlen und Fakten zum politischen Leben in der Gemeinde. Zürich: NZZ Libro, 2019, 2019, 235 S. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(3):322-324.

Michaelowa, Axel; Butzengeiger, Sonja (2019). Breakthrough of hydrogen technologies until 2030: chances and risks for Gulf countries, international policy implications. Abu Dhabi: Emirates Diplomatic Academy.

Gehring, Kai; Kaplan, Lennart C; Wong, Melvin H L (2019). China and the World Bank: how contrasting development approaches affect the stability of African states. CESifo Working Papers 7856, Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute.

Gehring, Kai; Kauffeldt, T Florian; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya (2019). Crime, incentives and political effort: evidence from India. European Journal of Political Economy, 59:1-20.

Kübler, Daniel; Rochat, Philippe E (2019). Fragmented governance and spatial equity in metropolitan areas: the role of intergovernmental cooperation and revenue-sharing. Urban Affairs Review, 55(5):1247-1279.

Caramani, Daniele; Manucci, Luca (2019). National past and populism: the re-elaboration of fascism and its impact on right-wing populism in Western Europe. West European Politics, 42(6):1159-1187.

Betz, Hans-Georg; Swank, Duane (2019). Do radical right populist parties matter? The case of the European welfare state. In: American Political Science Association. Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington, DC, 29 August 2019 - 1 September 2019, Marquette University.

Widmer, Thomas; Frey, Kathrin; Eberli, Daniela; Schläpfer, Basil; Rickenbacher, Julia (2019). Evaluation des Humanforschungsgesetzes (HFG): Schlussbericht. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft.

Zahno, Martina; Michaelowa, Katharina; Dasgupta, Purnamita; Sachdeva, Ishita (2019). Health awareness and the transition towards clean cooking fuels: evidence from Rajasthan. CIS Working Paper 102, University of Zurich.

Michaelowa, Axel; Espelage, Aglaja; Weldner, Kaja (2019). Ensuring additionality of mitigation outcomes transferred through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: options for negotiations and cooperating Parties in the context of varying degrees of international oversight. Freiburg: Perspectives.

Müller, Benito; Michaelowa, Axel (2019). How to operationalize accounting under Article 6 market mechanisms of the Paris Agreement. Climate Policy, 19(7):812-819.

Humphrey, Christopher; Michaelowa, Katharina (2019). China in Africa: competition for traditional development finance institutions? World Development, 120:15-28.

Heyne, Lea (2019). Democratic demand and supply: a spatial model approach to satisfaction with democracy. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, 29(3):381-401.

Kurer, Thomas; Häusermann, Silja; Wüest, Bruno; Enggist, Matthias (2019). Economic grievances and political protest. European Journal of Political Research, 58(3):866-892.

Ackva, Johannes; Haug, Constanze; Tänzler, Dennis; Conway, Darragh; Hermann, Barbara; Michaelowa, Axel; Hoch, Stephan; Espelage, Aglaja (2019). Tipping the balance: lessons on building support for carbon pricing. Berlin: adelphi consult / Berlin.

de Wilde, Pieter; Junk, Wiebke; Palmtag, Tabea (2019). Globalization conflict in international assemblies: cleavage formation beyond the state? In: de Wilde, Pieter; Koopmans, Ruud; Merkel, Wolfgang; Strijbis, Oliver; Zürin, Michael. The struggle over borders: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 144-172.

Walter, André (2019). A Race to the Middle: The Politics of Interstate Cost Distribution and Welfare State Expansion. The Journal of Politics, 81(3):952-967.

Stoetzer, Lukas F (2019). A matter of representation: spatial voting and inconsistent policy preferences. British Journal of Political Science, 49(3):941-956.

Busemeyer, Marius R; Garritzmann, Julian L (2019). Compensation or social investment? Revisiting the link between globalisation and popular demand for the welfare state. Journal of Social Policy, 48(3):427-448.

Milic, Thomas; Feller, Alessandro; Kübler, Daniel (2019). VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 19. Mai 2019. Lausanne, Aarau, Luzern: VOTO.

Hangartner, Dominik; Lauderdale, Benjamin E; Spirig, Judith (2019). Inferring individual preferences from group decisions: judicial preference variation and aggregation in asylum appeals. online: online.

Dlabac, Oliver; Zwicky, Roman; Hoole, Charlotte; Chu, Eric; Lee, Peter (2019). Spatializing ‘Just City Planning’: an evaluation of citywide planning policies in relation to ghettoization and gentrification. In: City Futures IV Conference (EURA/UAA), Dublin, 20 June 2019 - 22 June 2019, EURA/UAA.

Leemann, Lucas; Stoetzer, Lukas; Traunmueller, Richard (2019). Learning from polls. In: EPSA Annual Conference, Belfast, 20 June 2019, EPSA.

Crasnic, Loriana (2019). Destructive changes for international organizations: how Goldman Sachs killed international commodity organizations. In: International Studies Association Workshop on IO Dissolution, Zürich, 16 June 2019 - 18 June 2019, ISA.

Michaelowa, Axel; Moslener, Ulf; Mikolajczyk, Szymon; Hoch, Stephan; Pauw, Pieter; Krey, Matthias; Kempa, Karol; Espelage, Aglaja; Weldner, Kaja; Jung, Carsten (2019). Opportunities for mobilizing private climate finance through Article 6. Freiburg: Perspectives.

Michaelowa, Axel; Greiner, Sandra; Espelage, Aglaja; Hoch, Stephan; Krämer, Nicole (2019). Operationalizing the share of proceeds under Article 6. Freiburg: Perspectives.

Greiner, Sandra; Chagas, Thiago; Krämer, Nicole; Michaelowa, Axel; Brescia, Dario; Hoch, Stephan (2019). Moving towards next generation carbon markets: observations from Article 6 pilots. Freiburg: Perspectives.

Manea, Elham (2019). Wie das Schuldbewusstsein «der Weissen» dem Islamismus Vorschub leistet. In: Kostner, Sandra. Identitätslinke Läuterungsagenda: eine Debatte zu ihren Folgen für Migrationsgesellschaften. Stuttgart: ibidem Verlag, 221-254.

Gisiger, Jasmin; Milic, Thomas; Kübler, Daniel (2019). Compensatory voting in direct legislation: evidence from Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(2):103-127.

Walter, André; Emmenegger, Patrick (2019). Majority protection: The origins of distorted proportional representation. Electoral Studies, 59:64-77.

Brescia, Dario; Michaelowa, Axel; Marr, Marc André; Espelage, Aglaja; Kassaye, Ruth (2019). Transition pathways for the Clean Development Mechanism under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Options and implications for international negotiators. Freiburg: Perspectives Climate Group GmbH.

Strebel, Michael A (2019). Book review of: Jennifer Fitzgerald: Close to home: local ties and voting radical right in Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 264 S. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(2):195-198.

Bendix, John (2019). Contemporary perspectives on nazi Germany. German Politics and Society, 37(2):98-108.

Gessler, Theresa; Kyriazi, Anna (2019). Hungary – a Hungarian crisis or just a crisis in Hungary? In: Hutter, Swen; Kriesi, Hanspeter. European party politics in times of crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 167-188.

Wessels, Bernhard; Strijbis, Oliver (2019). Mass opinions: globalization and issues as axes of contention. In: de Wilde, Pieter; Koopmans, Ruud; Merkel, Wolfgang; Strijbis, Oliver; Zürin, Michael. The struggle over borders: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 65-88.

Brunner, Palmo; Kübler, Daniel; Schuppisser, Lyne (2019). Politikfeldanalyse der Schweizer Drogenpolitik: Debatten und Advocacy-Koalitionen 2008-2018. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse.

Hutter, Swen; Gessler, Theresa (2019). The media content analysis and cross-validation. In: Hutter, Swen; Kriesi, Hanspeter. European party politics in times of crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 53-72.

Häusermann, Silja; Kurer, Thomas; Traber, Denise (2019). The politics of trade-offs: studying the dynamics of welfare state reform with conjoint experiments. Comparative Political Studies, 52(7):1059-1095.

The struggle over borders: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. Edited by: de Wilde, Pieter; Koopmans, Ruud; Merkel, Wolfgang; Strijbis, Oliver; Zürn, Michael (2019). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Strijbis, Oliver (2019). Who Is the most frequent traveller? The cosmopolitanism of national, European and global elites. In: de Wilde, Pieter; Koopmans, Ruud; Merkel, Wolfgang; Strijbis, Oliver; Zürin, Michael. The struggle over borders: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 119-143.

Strijbis, Oliver; Teney, Céline; Helbing, Marc (2019). Why are elites more cosmopolitan than masses? In: de Wilde, Pieter; Koopmans, Ruud; Merkel, Wolfgang; Strijbis, Oliver; Zürin, Michael. The struggle over borders: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 37-64.

Geyer, Gunnar; Michaelowa, Axel; Butzengeiger, Sonja; Krey, Matthias (2019). Evaluation of the activities of the foundation ”Future of the Carbon Market“. Freiburg: Perspectives Climate Group.

Bochsler, Daniel (2019). Bottom-up renewal of the Swiss party system. Regional and Federal Studies, 29(3):381-404.

Stojanović, Nenad; Strijbis, Oliver (2019). Electoral incentives for cross-ethnic voting: evidence from a natural experiment. European Political Science Review, 11(2):197-212.

Betz, Hans-Georg (2019). Facets of nativism: a heuristic exploration. Patterns of prejudice, 53(2):111-135.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Immergut, Ellen M (2019). Recalibrating social protection: electoral competition and the new partisan politics of the welfare state. European Journal of Political Research, 58(2):697-719.

Bertsou, Eri (2019). Rethinking political distrust. European Political Science Review, 11(2):213-230.

Abou-Chadi, Tarik; Finnigan, Ryan (2019). Rights for same-sex couples and public attitudes toward gays and lesbians in Europe. Comparative Political Studies, 52(6):868-895.

Strebel, Michael A; Kübler, Daniel; Marcinkowski, Frank (2019). The importance of input and output legitimacy in democratic governance: evidence from a population-based survey experiment in four West European countries. European Journal of Political Research, 58(2):488-513.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Leemann, Lucas; Walter, André (2019). Coalition size, direct democracy, and public spending. In: 2019 Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mons, Belgium, 8 April 2019 - 9 April 2019, ECPR.

Schumacher, Gijs; Hansen, Daniel; Van Der Velden, Mariken; Kunst, Sander (2019). A new dataset of Dutch and Danish party congress speeches. Research and Politics, 6(2):1-7.

Mack, Verena; Stoetzer, Lukas (2019). Election fraud, digit tests and how humans fabricate vote counts: an experimental approach. Electoral Studies, 58:31-47.

Stoetzer, Lukas F; Neunhoeffer, Marcel; Gschwend, Thomas; Munzert, Simon; Sternberg, Sebastian (2019). Forecasting elections in multiparty systems: a bayesian approach combining polls and fundamentals. Political Analysis, 27(2):255-262.

Kreibich, Nicolas; Butzengeiger-Geyer, Sonja; Obergassel, Wolfgang; Phylipsen, Dian; Hoch, Stephan; Michaelowa, Axel; Friedmann, Valentin; Dransfeld, Björn; Wang-Helmreich, Hanna (2019). How can existing national climate policy instruments contribute to ETS development? Climate change 11, Umweltbundesamt Dessau-Rosslau.

Gehring, Kai (2019). Who appreciates the peace-keeping role of international organizations? Historical roots of EU support and Euroscepticism. In: Venice Summer Institute 2019: the future of Europe: structural reforms, growth and globalisation, Venice, 5 June 2019 - 6 June 2019, Venice International University.

Bütikofer, Sarah; Widmer, Thomas (2019). Das Abstimmungsverhalten des Zürcher Kantonsrats 2015-2018: Auswertung der Amtsjahre 2015/16, 2016/17 und 2017/18. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Walter, André; Emmenegger, Patrick (2019). The Partisan Composition of Cantonal Governments in Switzerland, 1848-2017. A New Data Set. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(1):1-18.

Frieden, Jeffry; Walter, Stefanie (2019). Analyzing inter-state negotiations in the Eurozone crisis and beyond. European Union Politics, 20(1):134-151.

Garritzmann, Julian L (2019). Book review of: Anton Hemerijck, The uses of social investment, Oxford University Press, 2017, 475. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 60(1):183-186.

Rochat, Philippe E (2019). Die Aargauer Gemeindeversammlungen. Empirische Analyse der Einwohnergemeindeversammlungen 2013 bis 2016. Aarau: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau.

Gemenis, Kostas; Mendez, Fernando; Wheatley, Jonathan (2019). Helping citizens to locate political parties in the policy space: a dataset for the 2014 elections to the European Parliament. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1):13-26.

Asri, Viola (2019). Targeting of social transfers: are India’s poor older people left behind? World Development, 115:46-63.

Heyne, Lea (2019). The making of democratic citizens: how regime-specific socialization shapes europeans’ expectations of democracy. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25(1):40-63.

Bernhard, Laurent; Lauener, Lukas (2019). VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 10.Februar 2019. Lausanne, Aarau, Luzern: VOTO.

Haffert, Lukas (2019). War mobilization or war destruction? The unequal rise of progressive taxation revisited. The Review of International Organizations, 14(1):59-82.

Emmenegger, Patrick; Leemann, Lucas; Walter, André (2019). Intra-elite competition and the domestic determinants of direct taxation. In: Swiss Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Zürich, 14 February 2019 - 16 February 2019, svpw.

Leemann, Lucas; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle (2019). Subnational direct democracy and democratic satisfaction across national borders. In: Swiss Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Zürich, 14 February 2019 - 16 February 2019. svpw, 1-28.

Walter, Stefanie (2019). The mass politics of international disintegration. In: Political Economy of International Organization. Annual Conference, Salzburg, 7 February 2019 - 9 February 2019, The Political Economy of International Organization.

Bochsler, Daniel (2019). Electoral systems in the making. In: Congleton, Roger D; Grofman, Bernard N; Voigtsberger, Stefan. The Oxford handbook of public choice. New York: Oxford University Press, 194-218.

Kübler, Daniel; Goodman, Christopher (2019). Newspaper markets and municipal politics: how audience and congruence increase turnout in local elections. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties, 29(1):1-20.

Dreher, Axel; Lang, Valentin F (2019). The political economy of international organizations. In: Congleton, Roger D; Grofman, Bernard N; Voigtsberger, Stefan. The Oxford handbook of public choice. New York: Oxford University Press, 607-652.

Mosimann, Nadja; Rennwald, Line; Zimmermann, Adrian (2019). The radical right, the labour movement and the competition for the workers’ vote. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40(1):65-90.

Bochsler, Daniel; Hänni, Miriam (2019). The three stages of the anti-incumbency vote: retrospective economic voting in young and established democracies. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1):30-55.

Steenbergen, Marco R; Willi, Thomas (2019). What consideration sets can teach us about electoral competition: a two-hurdle model. Electoral Studies, 57:263-274.

Leemann, Lucas (2019). Direct democracy and political conflict: institutional evolution in the 19th century. In: Comparative Political Economy Research Workshop, Konstanz, 21 January 2019, University of Konstanz.

Zwicky, Roman; Kübler, Daniel (2019). Microfoundations of active representation in public bureaucracies: evidence from a survey of personnel recruitment in the swiss federal civil service. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 29(1):50-66.

Muradova, Lala; Lopez Ortega, Alberto (2019). Actitudes públicas sobre la (in)seguridad energética: evidencia de España. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas (Spanish Edition), (167):19-36.

Kurer, Thomas; Gallego, Aina (2019). Distributional consequences of technological change: worker-level evidence. Research and Politics, 6(1):205316801882214.

Michaelowa, Axel; Diagne, El Hadji Mbaye; Shishlov, Igor; Ménard, Marjorie; Thioune, Thierno; Diobé Gueye, Mamadou; Espelage, Aglaja (2019). Etude d’opportunité sur la mise en place d’un instrument de tarification carbone au Sénégal. Freiburg: Perspectives.

Strijbis, Oliver; Arnesen, Sveinung (2019). Explaining variance in the accuracy of prediction markets. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(1):408-419.

Bornschier, Simon (2019). Historical polarization and representation in South American party systems, 1900-1990. British Journal of Political Science, 49(1):153-179.

Kurer, Thomas; Palier, Bruno (2019). Shrinking and shouting: the political revolt of the declining middle in times of employment polarization. Research and Politics, 6(1):205316801983116.

Serdült, Uwe; Brüggemann, Salim; Milic, Thomas (2019). Special zum Thema „E-Voting“. Aarau, Switzerland: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau (ZDA).

Brüggemann, Salim; Milic, Thomas; Serdült, Uwe (2019). Studie zur kantonalen Volksabstimmung vom 25. November 2018. Aarau, Switzerland: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau (ZDA).

Milic, Thomas; Feller, Alessandro; Kübler, Daniel (2019). VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 25. November 2018. Lausanne, Aarau, Luzern: VOTO.

Humphrey, Christopher (2019). ‘Minilateral’ development banks: what the rise of Africa's trade and development bank says about multilateral governance. Development and Change, 50(1):164-190.

Gisiger, Jasmin; Milic, Thomas (2019). "Ja" stimmen und "Nein" wollen: kompensatorische Stimmentscheide bei Volksinitiativen. In: Kübler, Daniel; Glaser, Andreas; Waldis, Monika. Brennpunkt Demokratie: 10 Jahre Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau. Baden, 83-96.

Strijbis, Oliver (2019). Assimilation or social mobility? Explaining ethnic boundary crossing between the Ecuadorian 2001 and 2010 census. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(12):2027-2046.

Dermont, Clau (2019). Aus bipolar wird tripolar: Polarisierung bei Parlamentsabstimmungen. In: Bühlmann, Marc; Heidelberger, Anja; Schaub, Hans-Peter. Konkordanz im Parlament: Entscheidungsfindung zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Zürich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung Verlag, 317-332.

Busemeyer, Marius R; Garritzmann, Julian L (2019). Bildungspolitik und der Sozialinvestitionsstaat. In: Obinger, Herbert; Schmidt, Manfred G. Handbuch Sozialpolitik. Wiesbaden: Springer, 783-805.

Eberli, Daniela (2019). Die Nutzung von Evaluationen in den Schweizer Parlamenten. Zürich: Seismo.

Michaelowa, Axel; Shishlov, Igor; Brescia, Dario (2019). Evolution of international carbon markets: lessons for the Paris Agreement. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 10(6):1-24.

Marien, Sofie; Werner, Hannah (2019). Fair treatment, fair play? The relationship between fair treatment perceptions, political trust and compliant and cooperative attitudes cross‐nationally. European Journal of Political Research, 58(1):72-95.

Michaelowa, Axel; Espelage, Aglaja; Hoch, Stephan; Acosta, Mariana (2019). Interaction between Art.6 of the Paris Agreement and the Montreal Protocol/Kigali Amendment. Freiburg: Perspectives.

Eberli, Daniela; Bütikofer, Sarah; Bundi, Pirmin (2019). La professionnalisation dans les parlements cantonaux. In: Pilotti, Andrea; Mazzoleni, Oscar. Le système de milice et la professionnalisation politique en Suisse. Neuchâtel: Editions Livreo-Alphil, 91-126.

Michaelowa, Axel; Shishlov, Igor; Hoch, Stephan; Bofill, Patricio; Espelage, Aglaja (2019). Overview and comparison of existing carbon crediting schemes. Helsinki: Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO).

Zamora, Patrik. Political simulation games in civic education. 2019, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Betz, Hans-Georg (2019). Populist mobilization across time and space. In: Hawkins, Kirk A; Carlin, Ryan E; Littvay, Levente; Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal. The ideational approach to populism. London: Routledge, 181-201.

Bornschier, Simon (2019). Populist success in Latin America and Western Europe: ideational and party-system-centered explanations. In: Hawkins, Kirk A; Carlin, Ryan E; Littvay, Levente; Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal. The Ideational Approach to Populism. Concept, Theory, and Analysis. London: Routledge, 202-237.

Strebel, Michael. Public support for metropolitan integration: citizens' attitudes in eight West European metropolitan areas. 2019, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Rochat, Philippe E; Dlabac, Oliver (2019). Schweizer Gemeindedemokratie zwischen Gemeinschaft und Wettbewerb. In: Kübler, Daniel; Glaser, Andreas; Waldis, Monika. Brennpunkt Demokratie. 10 Jahre Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau. Baden: Hier und Jetzt Verlag, 206-222.

Häusermann, Silja; Enggist, Matthias; Pinggera, Michael (2019). Sozialpolitik in Hard Times. In: Obinger, Herbert; Schmidt, Manfred G. Handbuch Sozialpolitik. Wiesbaden: Springer, 33-54.

Walter, André (2019). Taking the initiative: Direct democracy, coalition governments and welfare state expansion. Journal of European Social Policy, 29(3):446-459.

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Bochsler, Daniel; Hänggli, Regula; Häusermann, Silja. Die entzauberte Schweizer Demokratie : Wettbewerb prägt zunehmend die Schweizer Politik. In: Tages-Anzeiger, 12 November 2015, 13.

Bochsler, Daniel. Die Grossen profitieren meist: eine Bilanz der Listenverbindungen 2015 bei den Nationalratswahlen. In: NZZ, 6 November 2015, 19.

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Michaelowa, Axel; Hoch, Stephan; Honegger, Matthias; Friedmann, Valentin (2015). Transitioning from INDCs to NDCs in Africa. AfDB CIF Knowledge Series 11/2015, African Development Bank.

Bochsler, Daniel. Die SVP müsste drei Sitze im Bundesrat haben. In: Tages-Anzeiger, 20 October 2015, 2.

Bochsler, Daniel. Die GLP verliert Sitze, die BDP Stimmen. In: Tages-Anzeiger, 19 October 2015, 4.

Dong, Lisheng; Kübler, Daniel (2015). Metropolitanization and State Re-scaling in China: Issues and Challenges of Governance in Chinese Urban Regions. In: Quality of government: understanding the post-1978 transition and prosperity of China, Shanghai, 16 October 2015 - 17 October 2015, Public Affairs of Fudan University, Shanghai.

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Hainmueller, Jens; Hangartner, Dominik; Pietrantuono, Giuseppe (2015). Naturalization fosters the long-term political integration of immigrants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(41):12651-12656.

Griesshaber, Linde; Lien, Chen-An; Michaelowa, Axel; Fan, Chien-Te (2015). Transferring a technology incubator to address climate change – lessons from Taiwan for Vietnam. Pinneberg: International Climate Dialogue e. V..

Dreher, Axel; Gehring, Kai; Kotsogiannis, Christos; Marchesi, Silvia (2015). Information transmission within federal fiscal architectures: theory and evidence. CIS Working Paper 85, University of Zurich.

Gilardi, Fabrizio (2015). The Temporary Importance of Role Models for Women's Political Representation. American Journal of Political Science, 59(4):957-970.

Reinsberg, Bernhard; Michaelowa, Katharina; Knack, Stephen (2015). Which Donors, Which Funds? The Choice of Multilateral Funds by Bilateral Donors at the World Bank. Policy Research Working Paper 7441, World Bank Group.

Widmer, Thomas; De Rocchi, Thomas; Stutz, Mirjam (2015). Externe Situationsanalyse: Netzwerk Safer Nightlife Schweiz. Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit.

Kübler, Daniel. Die tiefe Beteiligung an eidgenössischen Parlamentswahlen. In: Aargauer Wirtschaft - Zeitschrift des Aargauischen Gewerbeverbands, 126, 17 September 2015, 4-5.

Bütikofer, Sarah (2015). La fiction d'un Parlement de milice. In: Müller, Andreas; Adler, Tibère. Etat citoyen et citoyens dans l'Etat: la politique de milice entre mythe et modernité. Genève: Slatkine, 29-51.

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Aguilar, Rosario; Cunow, Saul; Desposato, Scott (2015). Choice sets, gender, and candidate choice in Brazil. Electoral Studies, 39:230-242.

Gehring, Kai; Michaelowa, Katharina; Dreher, Axel; Spörri, Franziska (2015). Do we know what we think we know? Aid fragmentation and effectiveness revisited. Discussion papers 185, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

Widmer, Thomas; Gander, Heiri; Stadter, Cornelia (2015). Evaluation Qualitätssicherung beim Privatrundfunk: Kurzfassung. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Widmer, Thomas; Gander, Heiri; Stadter, Cornelia (2015). Evaluation Qualitätssicherung beim Privatrundfunk: Schlussbericht. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Christmann, Anna; Kübler, Daniel; Hasler, Karin; Marcinkowksi, Frank; Schemer, Christian (2015). New regionalism — not too complex for the media watchdog: media reporting and citizens’ perception of democratic legitimacy in four European metropolitan areas. Urban Affairs Review, 51(5):676-707.

Michaelowa, Axel (2015). Opportunities for and alternatives to global climate regimes post-Kyoto. In: Gadgil, Ashok; Tomich, Thoams P. Annual review of environment and resources. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 395-418.

Bechtel, Michael M; Hainmueller, Jens; Hangartner, Dominik (2015). Reality bites: the limits of framing effects for salient and contested policy issues. Political Science Research and Methods, 3(3):683-695.

Bütikofer, Sarah; Hug, Simon (2015). Strategic Behaviour in Parliament. Journal of Legislative Studies, 21(3):295-322.

Stadter, Cornelia. Policy Design, Innovation and Diffusion: Evidence from Cantonal Public Health Policies in Switzerland. 2015, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Zwicky, Roman (2015). Diversität und Intersektionalität in der Schweizer Bundesverwaltung: zur passiven Repräsentation nach Geschlecht, Sprache und Nationalität. Aarau: Zentrum für Demokratie.

Widmer, Thomas; Frey, Kathrin; Rüegg, Nadja; Stadter, Cornelia; Bundi, Pirmin; Stein, Jeffrey (2015). Qualität der IFES-Schulevaluationen und deren Nutzung im Kanton Zürich: Kurzfassung. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse.

Widmer, Thomas; Frey, Kathrin; Rüegg, Nadja; Stadter, Cornelia; Bundi, Pirmin; Stein, Jeffrey (2015). Qualität der IFES-Schulevaluationen und deren Nutzung im Kanton Zürich: Schlussbericht. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse.

Carpenter, Juliet; Dlabac, Oliver; Zwicky, Roman (2015). The democratic foundations of the just city: comparing urban planning politics in Lyon and Zurich. In: AESOP, Prag, 13 July 2015 - 16 July 2015, Aesop.

Devecchi, Lineo Umberto. Zwischenstadtland Schweiz: zur politischen Steuerung der suburbanen Entwicklung in Schweizer Gemeinden. 2015, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Wüest, Bruno (2015). Time dependency in topic models of media attention. In: New Frontiers of Automated Content Analysis in the Social Sciences, Zürich, 1 July 2015 - 3 July 2015.

Makarov, Peter; Lorenzini, Jasmine; Rothenhäusler, Klaus; Wüest, Bruno (2015). Towards automated protest event analysis. In: New Frontiers of Automated Content Analysis in the Social Sciences, Zürich, 1 July 2015 - 3 July 2015.

Dransfeld, Björn; Hoch, Stephan; Honegger, Matthias; Michaelowa, Axel (2015). Analysis of Possible New Market Mechanisms Pilot Activities beyond the PMR. Zürich: Perspectives Climate Change.

Plüss, Larissa (2015). Municipal councillors in metropolitan governance: assessing the democratic deficit of new regionalism in Switzerland. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22(3):242-260.

Beyeler, Michelle; Bütikofer, Sarah; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle (2015). Wie hat es die junge Generation mit der Politik? Soziale Sicherheit : CHSS, (4):235-240.

Kammerer, Marlene; Hirschi, Christian (2015). Policy networks and belief systems: the drivers of cooperation in international climate change politics 2001-2014. Zurich: University of Zurich, Institute for Political Sciences Zurich (IPZ).

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Bochsler, Daniel; Hug, Simon (2015). How minorities fare under referendums: a cross-national study. Electoral Studies, 38:206-216.

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Tsapatsoulis, Nicolas; Agathokleous, Marilena; Djouvas, Constantinos; Mendez, Fernando (2015). On the design of social voting recommendation applications. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), 24(3):1550009.

Kübler, Daniel; Low, Nicola; Brunold, Herbert; Elford, Jonathan; Hughes, Gwenda; Rosenbrock, Rolf; Frey, Kathrin; Goodman, Christopher (2015). Third report of the surveillance working group Federal Commission for Sexual Health. Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG), Eidgenössische Kommission für sexuelle Gesundheit (EKSG).

Hoch, Stephan; Michaelowa, Axel; Dransfeld, Björn; Honegger, Matthias; Englert, Dominik; Bieri, Luzia; Brodmann, Urs; Alt, Ricarda (2015). Methodology for CDM eligibility criteria definition. Zürich: Perspectives Climate Group.

Bochsler, Daniel. Freisinnige und SVP legen in fast allen Kantonen zu: Prognose. In: NZZ am Sonntag, 17, 26 April 2015, 10.

Bochsler, Daniel; Sciarini, Pascal. Le PLR relève la tête à l'approche des élections fédérales. In: Le Temps, 23 April 2015, 10.

Bochsler, Daniel; Sciarini, Pascal. Rechte Akzente im Wahljahr: Bilanz der kantonalen Parlamentswahlen 2011–2015. In: NZZ, 92, 22 April 2015, 9.

Bochsler, Daniel. Bedeutung der Zürcher Wahlen wird überschätzt. In: NZZ am Sonntag, 15, 12 April 2015, 14.

Kriesi, Hanspeter; Kübler, Daniel; Dong, Lisheng (2015). Conclusion. In: Dong, Lisheng; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Kübler, Daniel. Urban mobilizations and new media in contemporary China. Farnham: Ashgate, 167-182.

Beramendi, Pablo; Häusermann, Silja; Kitschelt, Herbert; Kriesi, Hanspeter (2015). Conclusion: Advanced capitalism in crisis. In: Beramendi, Pablo; Häusermann, Silja; Kitschelt, Herbert; Kriesi, Hanspeter. The politics of advanced capitalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 381-403.

Häusermann, Silja; Kurer, Thomas; Schwander, Hanna (2015). High-skilled outsiders? Labor market vulnerability, education and welfare state preferences. Socio-Economic Review, 13(2):235-258.

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The politics of advanced capitalism. Edited by: Beramendi, Pablo; Häusermann, Silja; Kitschelt, Herbert; Kriesi, Hanspeter (2015). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Urban mobilizations and new media in contemporary China. Edited by: Dong, Lisheng; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Kübler, Daniel (2015). Farnham: Ashgate.

Häusermann, Silja; Kriesi, Hanspeter (2015). What do voters want? Dimensions and configurations in individual-level preferences and party choice. In: Beramendi, Pablo; Häusermann, Silja; Kitschelt, Herbert; Kriesi, Hanspeter. The politics of advanced capitalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 202-230.

Bochsler, Daniel. Vier Mythen der Schweizer Demokratie. In: Tages-Anzeiger, 20 March 2015, 9.

Kurer, Thomas; Traber, Denise; Widmer, Thomas (2015). Analyse der eidgenössischen Abstimmungen vom 8 März 2015. Bern: GfS Bern.

Bruckner, Thomas; et al; Michaelowa, Axel (2015). Energy Systems. In: Edenhofer, Ottmar; et al. Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 511-597.

Stavins, Robert; et al; Michaelowa, Axel (2015). International Cooperation: Agreements and Instruments. In: Edenhofer, Ottmar; et al. Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1001-1082.

Agrawal, Shardul; Klasen, Stephan; et al; Michaelowa, Axel (2015). Regional Development and Cooperation. In: Edenhofer, Ottmar; et al. Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1083-1140.

Hainmueller, Jens; Hangartner, Dominik; Yamamoto, Teppei (2015). Validating vignette and conjoint survey experiments against real-world behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(8):2395-2400.

Gingrich, Jane; Häusermann, Silja (2015). The decline of the working-class vote, the reconfiguration of the welfare support coalition and consequences for the welfare state. Journal of European Social Policy, 25(1):50-75.

Dlabac, Oliver. Wie man das Milizsystem verändern muss, damit es überlebt. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 25 January 2015, 23.

Stadelmann, Martin; Michaelowa, Axel; Butzengeiger-Geyer, Sonja; Köhler, Michel (2015). Universal Metrics to Compare the Effectiveness of Climate Change Adaptation Projects. In: Leal Filho, Walter. Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Cham: Springer VS, 2143-2160.

Dransfeld, Björn; Hoch, Stephan; Honegger, Matthias; Michaelowa, Axel (2015). Developing sectoral mechanisms in the transition period towards a new climate treaty. Climate change 15, Umweltbundesamt Deutschland.

Bütikofer, Sarah (2015). Fiktion Milizparlament. In: Müller, Andreas; Avenir, Suisse. Bürgerstaat und Staatsbürger: Milizpolitik zwischen Mythos und Moderne. Zürich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 83-102.

Walter, Stefanie (2015). Austerität oder Abwertung? Warum Staaten unterschiedlich auf Zahlungsbilanzkrisen reagieren. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 56(2):211-239.

Aguilar, Rosario; Cunow, Saul; Desposato, Scott W (2015). Ballot structure, candidate race, and vote choice in Brazil. Latin American Research Review, 50(3):175-202.

Bochsler, Daniel (2015). Bending the rules: electoral strategies under mixed electoral systems. Representation, 51(2):261-267.

Caramani, Daniele; Grotz, Florian (2015). Beyond citizenship and residence? Exploring the extension of voting rights in the age of globalization. Democratization, 22(5):799-819.

Quesel, Carsten; Näpfli, Jasmin; Buser, Patricia Anna; van der Heiden, Nico (2015). Bürgerbeteiligung im Kontext der School Governance: Befunde einer Dokumentenanalyse zur Vorgeschichte und zur Ausgestaltung schulischer Teilautonomie in der Schweiz. In: Abs, Johann Heinrich; Brüsemeister, Michael; Wissinger, Jochen. Governance im Bildungssystem. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 229-254.

Quesel, Carsten; Näpfli, Jasmin; Buser, Patricia Anna (2015). Bürgerbeteiligung im Kontext der Schulführung: Funktion und Perspektiven von lokalen Schulkommissionen in der Schweiz. Schulmanagement: Zeitschrift für Schulleitung und Schulpraxis, (2):31-33.

Bertsou, Eri. Citizen attitudes of political distrust: examining distrust through technical, ethical and interest-based evaluations. 2015, Department of Government of the London School of Economics.

Maag, Simon. Contents of the Politicization of European Integration: Actor Positions and Selective Emphasis at the Level of EU Sub-issues. 2015, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Kübler, Daniel (2015). De-nationalization and Multi-level Governance. In: Braun, Dietmar; Maggetti, Martino. Comparative politics: theoretical and methodological challenges. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 55-89.

Demokratie in der Gemeinde: Herausforderungen und mögliche Reformen. Edited by: Kübler, Daniel; Dlabac, Oliver (2015). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

Widmer, Thomas (2015). Der Beitrag der Evaluation zu einer guten Gesetzgebung. LeGes: Gesetzgebung & Evaluation, 26(1):15-19.

Koch, Philippe; Rohner, Andreas (2015). Der Effekt von Gemeindefusionen auf die lokale Demokratie. In: Kübler, Daniel; Dlabac, Oliver. Demokratie in der Gemeinde. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess Verlag, 133-154.

Buser, Patricia Anna; Quesel, Carsten; Näpfli, Jasmin (2015). Die Institutionalisierung der Elternmitwirkung im Kanton Zürich: Framing bildungspolitischer Reformprozesse. In: Kübler, Daniel; Dlabac, Oliver. Demokratie in der Gemeinde. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess Verlag, 175-193.

Kübler, Daniel (2015). Die Schweizer Gemeinde: immer noch eine Schule der Demokratie? In: Kübler, Daniel; Dlabac, Oliver. Demokratie in der Gemeinde. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess Verlag, 13-34.

Widmer, Thomas (2015). Développements et perspectives entre profession et discipline: évaluation quo vadis? In: Horber-Papazian, Katja. Regards croisés sur l'évaluation en Suisse. Lausanne: EPFL Press, 285-307.

Jaeger, Mark Daniel; Michaelowa, Katharina (2015). Energy poverty and policy coherence in india: norms as means in a strategic two-level discourse. In: Knodt, Michèle; Piefer, Nadine; Müller, Franziska. Challenges of European External Energy Governance with Emerging Powers. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 235-247.

Serdült, Uwe; Germann, Micha; Mendez, Fernando; Portenier, Alicia; Wellig, Christoph (2015). Fifteen Years of Internet Voting in Switzerland: History, Governance and Use. In: Teràn, Luis; Meier, Andreas. ICEDEG 2015: Second International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment. Red Hook, NY: IEEE, 149-156.

Heyne, Lea (2015). Globalisierung und Demokratie: führt Denationalisierung zu einem Verlust an Demokratiequalität? In: Merkel, Wolfgang. Demokratie und Krise. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 277-305.

Dancygier, Rafaela; Walter, Stefanie (2015). Globalization, Labor Market Risks, and Class Cleavages. In: Beramendi, Pablo; Häusermann, Silja; Kitschelt, Herbert; Kriesi, Hanspeter. The politics of advanced capitalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 133-156.

Schumann, Nadim. Human Capital, Labor Markets and Remittances in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa: an Analysis of Education and its Impact in Senegal. 2015, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle; Gundelach, Birte (2015). Individual socialization or polito-cultural context? The cultural roots of volunteering in Switzerland. Acta Politica, 50(1):20-44.

Stojanovic, Nenad; Hodzic, Edin (2015). Introduction : Ethnocracy at the Heart of Europe. Ethnopolitics, 14(4):382-389.

Bamert, Justus; Gilardi, Fabrizio; Wasserfallen, Fabio (2015). Learning and the diffusion of regime contention in the Arab Spring. Research and Politics, 2(3):1-9.

Manea, Elham (2015). Legal pluralism and islamic law in the West: when states legally sanction discrimination. In: Berlis, Angela; Bratt, Douglas. From encounter to commitment: interreligious experience and theological engagement. Bern: Stämpfli, 16-32.

Michaelowa, Axel; Wemaere, Matthieu; Honegger, Matthias; Hoch, Stephan; Matsuo, Tyeler (2015). Linking CDM PoAs and NAMAs: legal and technical challenges and proposed design options. Paris: United Nations Environment Programme.

Mehrsprachigkeit verwalten? : Spannungsfeld Personalrekrutierung beim Bund. Edited by: Coray, Renata; Kobelt, Emilienne; Zwicky, Roman; Kübler, Daniel; Duchêne, Alexandre (2015). Zürich: Seismo.

Jusic, Mirna; Stojanovic, Nenad (2015). Minority rights and realpolitik: justice-based vs. pragmatic arguments for reserving seats for national minorities. Ethnopolitics, 14(4):404-417.

Bol, Damien; Bohl, Marian Antonius (2015). Negative campaigning in proportional representation (yet non-coalition) system: evidence from Switzerland. In: Nai, Alessandro; Walter, Annemarie S. New perspectives on negative campaigning: why attack politics matters. Colchester: ECPR press, 115-127.

Dimova, Ralitza; Gangopadhyay, Shubhashis; Michaelowa, Katharina; Weber, Anke (2015). Off-farm labor supply and correlated shocks: New theoretical insights and evidence from Malawi. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63(2):361-391.

Desposato, Scott W; Ingram, Matthew C; Lannes, Osmar P (2015). Power, composition, and decision making: the behavioral consequences of institutional reform on brazil’s supremo tribunal federal. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 31(3):534-567.

Dlabac, Oliver; Rohner, Andreas; Zenger, Thomas; Kübler, Daniel (2015). Probleme der Milizorganisation der Gemeindeexekutiven im Kanton Aargau. In: Kübler, Daniel; Dlabac, Oliver. Demokratie in der Gemeinde. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess Verlag, 35-57.

Wüest, Bruno; Fossati, Flavia (2015). Quantitative discursive institutionalism: a comparison of labour market policy discourse across Western Europe. Journal of European Public Policy, 22:708-730.

Stojanovic, Nenad (2015). Rappresentanza delle minoranze e democrazia consociativa: l’assenza della minoranza di lingua italiana nel governo federale svizzero. Quaderni di Scienza Politica, 22(1):61-87.

Bischof, Daniel; Fink, Simon (2015). Repression as a Double-edged Sword: Resilient Monarchs, Repression and Revolution in the Arab World. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 21(3):377-395.

Stojanovic, Nenad; Hodzic, Edin Reserved Seats, Parties, and Group Representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina : Special section in Ethnopolitics. Vol. 14, Bd. 4, S. 382-434. Edited by: Stojanovic, Nenad; Hodzic, Edin (2015). London: Taylor & Francis.

Häusermann, Silja (2015). Sozialpolitik. In: Wenzelburger, Georg; Zohlnhöfner, Reimuth. Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 591-614.

Germann, Micha; Mendez, Fernando; Wheatley, Jonathan; Serdült, Uwe (2015). Spatial maps in voting advice applications: The case for dynamic scale validation. Acta Politica, 50(2):214-238.

Fuchs, Gesine (2015). Substantielle Repräsentation im Schweizer Parlament: zum Agenda Setting beruflicher Gleichstellungspolitik 1996 – 2011. Femina Politica - Zeitschrift fuer Politik-Wissenschaft, 24(1):73-83.

Caramani, Daniele (2015). The Europeanization of politics: the formation of a European electorate and party system in historical perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Walter, Stefanie (2015). The distributive politics of the eurozone crisis. Washington, DC: American Political Science Association (APSA).

Reinsberg, Bernhard; Michaelowa, Katharina; Eichenauer, Vera (2015). The rise of multi-bi aid and the proliferation of trust funds. In: Arvin, B Mak; Lew, Byron. Handbook on the economics of foreign aid. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 527-554.

Merkel, Wolfgang; Heyne, Lea (2015). Transformationsphasen. In: Kollmorgen, Raj; Merkel, Wolfgang; Wagner, Hans-Jürgen. Handbuch Transformationsforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 733-739.

Wüest, Bruno; Müller, Christian (2015). Tweetocracy Switzerland: Exploring the evolution, representativeness and structuration of Swiss party politics on Twitter. In: Wu, Xinxun. International Media Industry Review Vol 11. Shanghai, China: International Media Industry Review, 1-28.

Scherz, Antoinette; Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union Citizenship Revisited: Multilateral Democracy as Normative Standard for European Citizenship. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(8):1254-1275.

Welge, Rebecca (2015). Union citizenship as demoi-cratic institution: increasing the EU's subjective legitimacy through supranational citizenship? Journal of European Public Policy, 22(1):56-74.

Kübler, Daniel; Rochat, Philippe; Koch, Philippe; van der Heiden, Nico (2015). Vertiefung der Demokratie? Warum Schweizer Gemeinden neue Formen der Bürgerbeteiligung einführen. In: Kübler, Daniel; Dlabac, Oliver. Demokratie in der Gemeinde. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess Verlag, 93-111.

Serdült, Uwe; Germann, Micha; Mendez, Fernando; Harris, Maja; Portenier, Alicia (2015). Who are the Internet Voters? In: Tambouris, Efthimios; Scholl, Hans Jochen; Janssen, Marijn F W H A. Electronic government and electronic participation : joint proceedings of ongoing research of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart 2013, 16 - 19 September 2013 in Koblenz, Germany. Amsterdam: I O S Press, 27-41.

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Kübler, Daniel; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Dong, Lisheng (2015). Introduction. In: Dong, Lisheng; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Kübler, Daniel. Urban mobilizations and new media in contemporary China. Farnham: Ashgate, 1-17.


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Eberli, Daniela; Bundi, Pirmin; Frey, Kathrin; Widmer, Thomas (2014). Befragung Parlamente und Evaluationen : Ergebnisbericht. Zürich: SynEval, Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft.

Bundi, Pirmin; Eberli, Daniela; Frey, Kathrin; Widmer, Thomas (2014). Befragung Parlamente und Evaluationen: Methodenbericht. Zürich: SynEval, Universität Zürich, Institut für Politikwissenschaft.

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Fossati, Flavia; Häusermann, Silja (2014). Social policy preferences and party choice in the 2011 Swiss elections. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 20(4):590-611.

Culpepper, Pepper D; Reinke, Raphael (2014). Structural power and bank bailouts in the United Kingdom and the United States. Politics & Society, 42(4):427-454.

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Stadelmann, Martin; Castro, Paula (2014). Climate policy innovation in the South–domestic and international determinants of renewable energy policies in developing and emerging countries. Global Environmental Change, 29:413-423.

Wasserfallen, Fabio (2014). Contextual variation in interdependent policy making: the case of tax competition. European Journal of Political Research, 53(4):822-839.

Wenger, Jonas; Surber, Michael; Lanzi, Nina; Gantenbein, Fionn; Kübler, Daniel (2014). Politikfeldanalyse Sucht: Advocacy-Koalitionen in der Schweizer Alkohol-, Tabak- und Drogenpolitik. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Bütikofer, Sarah; Widmer, Thomas (2014). Das Abstimmungsverhalten des Zürcher Kantonsrats 2011-2015: Jahresbericht Amtsjahr 2013/2014. Zürich: Universität Zürich. Institut für Politikwissenschaft. Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Bochsler, Daniel. Drei Gründe für eine grosse Territorialreform. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 252, 30 October 2014, 23.

Blassnig, Sina; Wüest, Bruno. Die Schweizer Tweetokratie : Welche Politiker und Parteien geben auf Twitter den Takt an? Eine Analyse des bisher umfangreichsten Datensatzes zum Schweizer Politnetzwerk auf dem Mikrobloggingdienst. In: Tages-Anzeiger, 14 October 2014, online.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Giovanoli, Manuela; Shipan, Charles R; Wüest, Bruno (2014). Measuring policy diffusion with automated content analysis. In: Political context matters: content analysis in the social sciences, Mannheim, 10 October 2014 - 11 October 2014.

Gundelach, Birte; Traunmüller, Richard (2014). Beyond generalised trust: Norms of reciprocity as an alternative form of social capital in an assimilationist integration regime. Political Studies, 62(3):596-617.

Dlabac, Oliver; Rohner, Andreas; Zenger, Thomas; Kübler, Daniel (2014). Die Milizorganisation der Gemeindeexekutiven im Kanton Aargau : Rekrutierungsprobleme und Reformvorschläge. Aarau: Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau.

Bühlmann, Marc; Vatter, Adrian; Dlabac, Oliver; Schaub, Hans-Peter (2014). Liberal and Radical Democracies: The Swiss Cantons Compared. World Political Science Review, 10(2):385-423.

Stojanovic, Nenad. Das Stimmvolk soll den Sprachenstreit klären. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 223, 26 September 2014, 21.

Strebel, Michael A (2014). Launching and implementing municipal mergers: push- and pull-factors in merger processes. In: ECPR General Conference - University of Glasgow 2014, Glasgow, 3 September 2014 - 6 September 2014, ECPR.

Leemann, Lucas; Bochsler, Daniel (2014). A systematic approach to study electoral fraud. Electoral Studies, 35:33-47.

Müller, Lisa (2014). Comparing Mass Media in Established Democracies: Patterns of Media Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Puppis, Manuel; Maggetti, Martino; Gilardi, Fabrizio; Biela, Jan; Papadopoulos, Yannis (2014). The political communication of independent regulatory agencies. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 20(3):388-412.

Kübler, Daniel (2014). Ver(vor)städterung des Politischen. Stadtblick, (30):18-20.

Walter, Stefanie (2014). Distributing the Pain: Vulnerability to Adjustment and Crisis Politics in Balance-of-Payments Crises. In: American Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Washington, 28 August 2014 - 31 August 2014. s.n., 31.

Kübler, Daniel; Goodman, Christopher (2014). Media markets and municipal politics: how territorial congruence increases political participation at the local level. In: Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, 28 August 2014 - 31 August 2014. University of Zurich, 21.

Rommel, Tobias; Walter, Stefanie (2014). The Political Consequences of Offshoring. In: American Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Washington, 28 August 2014 - 31 August 2014. s.n., 35.

Widmer, Thomas; Gander, Heiri (2014). Meta-Evaluation Tabakpräventionsfonds: Vergleichende Qualitätsbewertung mit Fallstudien zu drei ausgewählten Projektevaluationen. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft.

Widmer, Thomas; Fuchs, Gesine; Zollinger, Christine. Wenn Gleichstellungspolitik zu Ungleichheit führt. In: NZZ, 162, 16 July 2014, 17.

Kübler, Daniel. Das wird kein Sonntagsspaziergang für die Linke in der Agglo. In: NZZ am Sonntag, 27, 6 July 2014, 17.

Plüss, Larissa (2014). Steering, Not Rowing? an analysis of the political influence, the role perceptions, and the behavior of Swiss city councillors in different urban governance contexts. Urban Affairs Review, 50(4):490-520.

Kuruvilla, Shyama; Schweitzer, Julian; Bishai, David; Chowdhury, Sadia; Caramani, Daniele; Frost, Laura; Cortez, Rafael; Daelmans, Bernadette; De Francisco, Andres; Adam, Taghreed; Cohen, Robert; Alfonso, Y Natalia; Franz-Vasdeki, Jennifer; Saadat, Seemeen; Pratt, Beth Anne; Eugster, Beatrice; Bandali, Sarah; Venkatachalam, Pritha; Hinton, Rachael; Murray, John; Arscott-Mills, Sharon; Axelson, Henrik; Maliqi, Blerta; Sarker, Intissar; Lakshminarayanan, Rama; Jacobs, Troy; Jacks, Susan; Mason, Elizabeth; Ghaffar, Abdul; Mays, Nicholas; Presern, Carole; Bustreo, Flavia (2014). Success Factors for Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 7:533-544.

Füglister, Katharina; Wasserfallen, Fabio (2014). Swiss federalism in a changing environment. Comparative European Politics, 12(4-5):404-421.

Manea, Elham (2014). Transitional justice and the Arab Spring from a gender perspective. In: Fisher, Kirsten J; Stewart, Robert. Transitional justice and the Arab spring. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 151-171.

Zollinger, Christine; Widmer, Thomas (2014). Vereinbarkeitspolitik als Gefahr für die Gleichstellung und den sozialen Zusammenhalt? Soziale Sicherheit : CHSS, (4):219-223.

Wüest, Bruno; Schneider, G; Amsler, Michael (2014). Measuring the Public Account- ability of New Modes of Governance. In: ACL Workshop on Language Technology and Computational Social Science, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 24 June 2014 - 26 June 2014, ACL Workshop on Language Technology and Computational Social Science.

Wüest, Bruno; Schneider, Gerold; Amsler, Michael (2014). Measuring the public accountability of new modes of governance. In: ACL Workshop on Language Technologies and Computational Social Science, Baltimore, MD, USA, 26 June 2014. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 38-43.

Häusermann, Silja; Wüest, Bruno; Kurer, Thomas (2014). The hidden side of turnout: how constrained government reduces participation among the highly educated. In: European Political Science Association Conference, Edinburgh, 19 June 2014 - 21 June 2014.

Humphrey, Christopher (2014). The invisible hand: Financial pressures and organizational convergence in multilateral development banks. In: European Political Science Association Conference, Edinburgh, 19 June 2014 - 21 June 2014, European Political Science Association.

Kübler, Daniel (2014). Citizenship in the fragmented metropolis: an individual-level analysis from Switzerland. In: City Futures 2014, Paris, 17 June 2014 - 20 June 2014. Taylor & Francis, 31.

Kübler, Daniel; Rochat, Philippe (2014). Metropolitan governance and territorial inequalities: an assessment of the Social Stratification and Government Inequality thesis in Switzerland. In: Conference City Futures III, Paris, 18 June 2014 - 20 June 2014. s.n., 39.

Dlabac, Oliver (2014). The democratic foundations of the Just City: towards a comparative framework. In: City Futures III, Joint Conference by EURA and UAA, Paris, 18 June 2014 - 20 June 2014, s.n..

Kübler, Daniel; Ott, Sarah; Christmann, Anna (2014). Electoral pressure or deficit compensation? Online political communication by public agencies in Western European city-regions. In: Smart city: new media, social participation and urban governance, Shanghai, 5 June 2014 - 7 June 2014. s.n., 23.

Wüest, Bruno; Müller, Christian (2014). Tweetocracy Switzerland: exploring the representativeness, structuration and content of swiss party politics on twitter. In: Smart city: new media, social participation and urban governance, Shanghai, 5 June 2014 - 7 June 2014.

Traber, Denise; Hug, Simon; Sciarini, Pascal (2014). Party unity in the Swiss parliament: the electoral connection. Journal of Legislative Studies, 20(2):193-215.

Widmer, Thomas; Frey, Kathrin; Zollinger, Christine; Bundi, Pirmin; Rédin, Mikael; Gander, Heiri (2014). Potentialanalyse zur Initiative actionsanté: Schlussbericht zuhanden des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Zürich.

Widmer, Thomas; Ferrari, Luciano. Die Demokratie ist in einem Formtief. In: Tages-Anzeiger, 22 May 2014, 7.

Bürgisser, Reto; Kurer, Thomas; Milic, Thomas; Traber, Denise; Widmer, Thomas (2014). Analyse der eidgenössischen Abstimmungen vom 18. Mai 2014. Bern: GfS Bern.

Widmer, Céline; Kübler, Daniel (2014). Regenerating urban neighbourhoods in Europe: eight case studies in six European countries. Aarau: Zentrum für Demokratie.

Caramani, Daniele (2014). The Representation of Old and New Groups. In: Deschouwer, Kris; Depauw, Sam. Representing the people: a survey among members of statewide and substate parliaments. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 39-65.

Stadelmann, Martin; Persson, Asa; Ratajczak-Juszko, Izabela; Michaelowa, Axel (2014). Equity and cost-effectiveness of multilateral adaptation finance: are they friends or foes? International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 14(2):101-120.

Michaelowa, Axel (2014). Linking the CDM with domestic carbon markets. Climate Policy, 14(3):353-371.

Gundelach, Birte; Freitag, Markus (2014). Neighbourhood diversity and social trust: an empirical analysis of interethnic contact and group-specific effects. Urban Studies, 51(6):1236-1256.

Sager, Fritz; Thomann, Eva; Zollinger, Christine; van der Heiden, Nico; Mavrot, Céline (2014). Street-level Bureaucrats and New Modes of Governance: How conflicting roles affect the implementation of the Swiss Ordinance on Veterinary Medicinal Products. Public Management Review, 16(4):481-502.

Manea, Elham (2014). Book review of: Anver M. Emon, Religious pluralism and Islamic law. Dhimmīs and others in the empire of law, Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2012, 367 pp. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 25(2):267-269.

Fehrler, Sebastian; Kosfeld, Michael (2014). Pro-social missions and worker motivation: an experimental study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 100:99-110.

Kübler, Daniel. Die Gemeinde – immer noch eine Schule der Demokratie? In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 72, 27 March 2014, 21.

Bochsler, Daniel. Corrigeons notre système politique. In: Le Temps, 11 March 2014, online.

Dlabac, Oliver (2014). Assessing liberal and radical democracy and its political support : A comparative analysis at the subnational level of the swiss cantons. In: Effective and democratic? Assessing the input and output legitimacy of democratization (University of Zurich, Centre for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) and Centre for Democracy Studies, Aarau), Zürich/Aarau, 6 March 2014 - 7 March 2014, s.n..

Stojanovic, Nenad. Quotas de femmes en politique: une invention récente. In: Le Soir, 7 March 2014, 20.

Bochsler, Daniel. Das Schweizer Initiativrecht ist eine Fehlkonstruktion. In: NZZ am Sonntag, 9, 2 March 2014, 19.

Herrmann, Sophie; Kükenshöner, Christina; Reinsberg, Bernhard; Tesfaye, Yared (2014). Analysis of the German trust fund portfolio at the World Bank and guidance on reforms. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit.

Castro, Paula; Hörnlein, Lena; Michaelowa, Katharina (2014). Constructed peer groups and path dependence in international organizations: The case of the international climate change negotiations. Global Environmental Change, 25:109-120.

Plüss, Larissa; Kübler, Daniel (2014). Heilversuche: eine Analyse der Akteure und ihrer Koalitionen. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Gundelach, Birte (2014). In diversity we trust: the positive effect of ethnic diversity on outgroup trust. Political Behavior, 36(1):125-142.

Wasserfallen, Fabio (2014). Political and Economic Integration in the EU: The Case of Failed Tax Harmonization. Journal of Common Market Studies, 52(2):420-435.

Michaelowa, Axel; Honegger, Matthias; Eschmann, Michael; Dransfeld, Björn; Krey, Matthias (2014). The role of CDM and NAMAs to promote greenhouse gas reductions in the GCC. In: Luciani, Giacomo; Ferroukhi, Rabia. The political economy of energy reform: the clean energy-fossil fuel balance in the Gulf states. Berlin: Gerlach, 143-182.

Wüest, Bruno; Traber, Denise (2014). Rebels without a clue: Internet exposure and political behavior in Switzerland. In: Swiss Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Bern, 31 January 2014 - 1 February 2014.

Leemann, Lucas; Mares, Isabela (2014). The adoption of proportional representation. The Journal of Politics, 76(2):461-478.

Dlabac, Oliver (2014). Assessing democratic urban governance : Towards a comparative framework. In: SVPW-Kongress, Bern, 30 January 2014 - 31 January 2014, s.n..

Michaelowa, Axel (2014). Book review: China’s responsibility for climate change, edited by Paul Harris. Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management, 4(1):59-60.

Kim, Youngwan; Nunnenkamp, Peter; Bagchi, Chandreyee (2014). Natural disasters and private donations to NGOs: the effects of being present after the tsunami in the Indian ocean. Kiel Working Paper 1890, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

Welge, Rebecca (2014). Normative standards for citizenship in multilevel systems and the empirical outcomes in the European Union. Working paper series / NCCR-Democracy 63, University of Zurich. NCCR-Democracy.

Wüest, Bruno (2014). Pilotstudie zu einer Automatisierung der Zeitungsdokumentation des Année Politique Suisse / Jahrbuch Schweizerische Politik. Zürich: Political Science, University of Zurich.

Hasler, Karin (2014). Accountability in the metropolis: a media content analysis across European city regions. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Hersperger, Anna M; Gennaio Franscini, Maria-Pia; Kübler, Daniel (2014). Actors, decisions and policy changes in local urbanization. European Planning Studies, 22(6):1301-1319.

Kübler, Daniel (2014). Agglomerationen. In: Knoepfel, Peter; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian; Häusermann, Silja. Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse (5., völlig überarb. und erw. Auflage). Zürich: NZZ Libro, 307-333.

Castro, Paula (2014). Climate change mitigation in developing countries: a critical assessment of the clean development mechanism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Comparative politics. Edited by: Caramani, Daniele (2014). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bochsler, Daniel. Competition within and across cleavages. 2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Bütikofer, Sarah (2014). Das Schweizer Parlament: eine Institution auf dem Pfad der Moderne. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Demokratie in der Europäischen Union: ein Schweizer Beitrag zur Debatte. Edited by: Kübler, Daniel; Stojanovic, Nenad (2014). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.

Stojanovic, Nenad (2014). Dialogo sulle quote: rappresentanza, eguaglianza e discriminazioni nelle democrazie multiculturali. Bologna: Il mulino.

Bernauer, Thomas; Walter, Stefanie (2014). Die Schweiz im globalen Kontext. In: Knoepfel, Peter; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian; Häusermann, Silja. Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse (6. überarbeitete Auflage). Zürich: NZZ Libro, 29-47.

Kübler, Daniel (2014). Die Ver(vor)städterung des Politischen - Neue Gräben im Stadtland Schweiz. In: Hengartner, Thomas; Schindler, Anna. Wachstumsschmerzen : gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen der Stadtentwicklung und ihre Bedeutung für Zürich. Zürich: Seismo Verlag, 273-294.

Kübler, Daniel; Stojanovic, Nenad (2014). Ein Schweizer Beitrag zur Debatte über Demokratie in der EU. In: Kübler, Daniel; Stojanovic, Nenad. Demokratie in der Europäischen Union = Democracy in the European Union. Zürich: Schulthess Verlag, 3-18.

Gundelach, Birte (2014). Ethnische Diversität und Soziales Vertrauen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Häusermann, Silja; Zollinger, Christine (2014). Familienpolitik. In: Knoepfel, Peter; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian; Häusermann, Silja. Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse (5., völlig überarb. und erw. Auflage). Zürich: NZZ Libro, 911-934.

Willett, Thomas D; Chiu, Eric M P; Walter, Stefanie (2014). Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes and Financial Markets as Sources of Macroeconomic Discipline. In: Oatley, Thomas; Winecoff, W Kindred. Handbook of the international political economy of monetary relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 285-303.

Caramani, Daniele; Kollman, Ken; Hicken, Allen; Backer, David; Selway, Joel; Vasselai, Fabricio (2014). GeoReferenced Electoral Districts Datasets. Ann Arbor: Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan.

Jaeger, Mark Daniel; Michaelowa, Katharina (2014). Global climate policy and local energy politics: Is India hiding behind the poor? CIS Working Paper 83, Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) University of Zurich and ETH Zurich.

Handbuch der Schweizer Politik = Manuel de la politique suisse (5., völlig überarb. und erw. Aufl.). Edited by: Knoepfel, Peter; Papadopoulos, Yannis; Sciarini, Pascal; Vatter, Adrian; Häusermann, Silja (2014). Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Ahr, Kumiko. How Japan defends itself: facing the power shifts in East Asia. 2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Caramani, Daniele (2014). Introduction to Comparative Politics. In: Caramani, Daniele. Comparative politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-17.

Widmer, Thomas (2014). Kantone im Wandel - Ursachen und Konsequenzen kantonaler Staatsreformen. In: Steiner, Reto; Ladner, Andreas; Reist, Pascal. Reformen in Kantonen und Gemeinden. Bern: Haupt, 15-37.

Wasserfallen, Fabio. Lessons From an Ideal-typical Case of Interdependent Policy Making: Tax Competition in Switzerland. 2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Cantú, Francisco; Desposato, Scott W; Magar, Eric (2014). Methodological considerations for students of Mexican legislative politics: selection bias in roll-call votes. Política y Gobierno, 21(1):25-53.

Gilardi, Fabrizio (2014). Methods for the Analysis of Policy Interdependence. In: Engeli, Isabelle; Rothmayr Allison, Christine. Comparative policy studies: conceptual and methodological challenges. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 185-204.

Steiner, Cornelia M R. Nation building: lessons learned and lessons to be learned from Kosovo. 2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Maggetti, Martino; Gilardi, Fabrizio (2014). Network governance and the domestic adoption of soft rules. Journal of European Public Policy, 21(9):1293-1310.

Caramani, Daniele (2014). Party Systems. In: Caramani, Daniele. Comparative politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 216-236.

Kübler, Daniel; Bijl-Schwab, Brigitte (2014). Politik und Demokratie in der Agglomeration. In: Steiner, Reto; Ladner, Andreas; Reist, Pascal. Reformen in Kantonen und Gemeinden. Bern: Haupt, 111-132.

Walter, Stefanie (2014). Private actor exchange rate policy preferences. In: Oatley, Thomas; Winecoff, W Kindred. Handbook of the international political economy of monetary relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 169-184.

Tang, Hong; Kübler, Daniel (2014). Reform of the Swiss finance redistribution system and its lessons for China. Comparative economic & social systems, (1):1-7.

Häusermann, Silja; Picot, Georg; Geering, Dominik (2014). Rethinking party politics and the welfare state: Recent advances in the literature. Foreign Theoretical Trends, 2014(7):23-35.

Strategic Incentives in Unconventional Electoral Systems: Special Issue. Edited by: Bochsler, Daniel; Bernauer, Julian (2014). London: Routledge.

Bochsler, Daniel; Bernauer, Julian (2014). Strategic incentives in unconventional electoral systems: Introduction to the special issue. Representation, 50(1):1-12.

Leemann, Lucas (2014). Strategy and sample selection: a strategic selection estimator. Political Analysis, 22(3):374-397.

Van Eerd, Jonathan. The Quality of Democracy in Africa: the Significance of Legacies of Cleavages and Opposition Competitiveness. 2014, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Manea, Elham (2014). The arab popular uprisings from a gender perspective. Zeitschrift für Politik, 61(1):81-100.

Humphrey, Christopher (2014). The politics of loan pricing in multilateral development banks. Review of International Political Economy, 21(3):611-639.

Stojanovic, Nenad (2014). When non-nationalist voters support ethno-nationalist parties: the 1990 elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a prisoner’s dilemma game. Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 14(4):607-625.

Bochsler, Daniel (2014). Which mixed-member proportional electoral formula fits you best? Assessing the proportionality principle of positive vote transfer systems. Representation, 50(1):113-127.

Freitag, Markus; Gundelach, Birte (2014). «Das Gute liegt so nah.» Familie, Freunde, Kollegen und die Nachbarschaft als soziales Kapital der Schweiz. In: Freitag, Markus. Das soziale Kapital der Schweiz. Zürich: Verlag NZZ, 81-113.


Wüest, Bruno; Rothenhäusler, Klaus; Hutter, Swen (2013). Using computational linguistics to enhance protest event analysis. In: ENCoRe Workshop 'Tools and Techniques for Conflict Event Data Collection', Konstanz, 6 December 2013 - 7 December 2013.

Fehrler, Sebastian; Kosfeld, Michael (2013). Can you trust the good guys? Trust within and between groups with different missions. Economics Letters, 121(3):400-404.

Walter, Stefanie (2013). Financial crises and the politics of macroeconomic adjustments. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Widmer, Thomas (2013). Switzerland. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 52(1):232-238.

Bornschier, Simon (2013). Trayectorias históricas y responsiveness del sistema de partidos en siete países de América Latina. América Latina Hoy, 65:45-77.

Häusermann, Silja; Wüest, Bruno; Kurer, Thomas (2013). The hidden side of turnout: how constrained government depresses participation among highly educated citizens. In: EUDO Dissemination Conference Elections in Europe in Times of Crisis, Florenz, 28 November 2013 - 29 November 2013.

Sciarini, Pascal; Bochsler, Daniel. Le recul du PLR dans les cantons profite au PS, et pas à l’UDC. In: Le Temps, 14 November 2013, 10.

Stadelmann, Martin; Michaelowa, Axel; Roberts, J Timmons (2013). Difficulties in accounting for private finance in international climate policy. Climate Policy, 13(6):718-737.

Koch, Philippe (2013). Bringing power back in: collective and distributive forms of power in public participation. Urban Studies, 50(14):2976-2992.

Pedrini, Seraina; Bächtiger, André; Steenbergen, Marco R (2013). Deliberative inclusion of minorities: patterns of reciprocity among linguistic groups in Switzerland. European Political Science Review, 5(3):483-512.

Kübler, Daniel; Low, Nicola; Brunold, Herbert; Capol, Sevend; Elford, Jonathan; Hughes, Gwenda; Lo, Ying-Ru; Rosenbrock, Rolf; Frey, Kathrin; Salamina, Amanda (2013). Second Report: Surveillance Working Group. Federal Commission for Sexual Health. Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG), Eidgenössische Kommission für sexuelle Gesundheit (EKSG).

Sciarini, Pascal; Bochsler, Daniel; Bousbah, Karima. Le vote protestataire ne parle pas lamême langue. In: Le Temps, 10 October 2013, 10.

Bochsler, Daniel; Sciarini, Pascal; Bousbah, Karima. Die drei Sprachen der Opposition. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 234, 9 October 2013, 12.

Tatrallyay, Nicholas; Stadelmann, Martin (2013). Climate change mitigation and international finance: the effectiveness of the Clean Development Mechanism and the Global Environment Facility in India and Brazil. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 18(7):903-919.

Kübler, Daniel; Rochat, Philippe (2013). Governance and finance of large metropolitan areas in federal systems: Switzerland. In: Slack, Enid; Chattopadhyay, Rupak. Governance and Finance of Metropolitan Areas in Federal Systems. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 254-289.

Michaelowa, Axel; Castro, Paula; Bagchi, Chandreyee (2013). Report on Stakeholder Mapping: Multi-level interaction of climate policy stakeholders in the run-up to the 2015 agreement. Berlin: Ecologic Institut.

Manea, Elham (2013). Syria. In: DeLong-Bas, Natana J. The Oxford encyclopedia of Islam and women. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 320-323.

Plüss, Larissa (2013). Urban governance and its impact on the role perception and behaviour of european city councillors. Local Government Studies, 39(5):721-737.

Bochsler, Daniel. Bündnisstrategien für eine bürgerliche Wende: Szenarien für die Zürcher Stadtratswahlen 2014. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 221, 24 September 2013, 17.

Fossati, Flavia; Milic, Thomas; Widmer, Thomas (2013). Analyse der eidgenössischen Abstimmungen vom 22. September 2013. Bern: GfS Bern.

Hasler, Karin; Christmann, Anna; Kübler, Daniel; Marcinkowski, Frank (2013). Is there a bias towards elected actors in media coverage of policy-making in European metropolitan areas? In: 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4 September 2013 - 7 September 2013, ECPR.

Kübler, Daniel; Rochat, Philippe (2013). New regionalism and territorial inequalities: an empirical assessment in Swiss metropolitan areas. In: 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4 September 2013 - 7 September 2013, ECPR.

Bornschier, Simon (2013). Policy Representation in Seven Latin American Countries after Re-Democratization. In: 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4 September 2013 - 7 September 2013, ECPR.

Castro, Paula (2013). Regime design and cooperation: Differential treatment of parties in international environmental agreements. In: 7th ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux, 4 September 2013 - 7 September 2013, ECPR.

Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walks, R Alan; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; Rochat, Philippe (2013). Metropolitan Geography, Electoral Participation, and Partisan Competition. In: American Political Science Association. Annual Meeting, Chicago, 29 August 2013 - 1 September 2013, ECPR Press/Columbia University Press.

Stojanovic, Nenad (2013). Book review of: Peter Stone, Lotteries in public life. A reader, Exeter. Imprint Academic, 2011, 262 pp. Political Studies Review, 11(3):438.

Widmer, Thomas (2013). Rezension von: Susanne Giel, Theoriebasierte Evaluation. Konzepte und methodische Umsetzungen, Münster. Waxmann, 2013, 306 S. Bonn: socialnet.

Stojanovic, Nenad; Giudici, Anja. Seelen zählen, Sitze verteilen: zur Zuteilung der Nationalratssitze an die Kantone. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 198, 28 August 2013, 13.

Hasler, Karin. Accountability in the metropolis: a media content analysis across European city regions. 2013, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.

Fuchs, Gesine (2013). Strategic litigation for gender equality in the workplace and legal opportunity structures in four european countries. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 28(2):189-208.

Walter, Stefanie (2013). The fiscal policy implications of balance of payments imbalances. In: Anheier, Helmut K; List, Regina A. Governance challenges and innovations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 89-114.

Widmer, Thomas; Plüss, Larissa; Wenger, Jonas (2013). Evaluation Netzwerk Psychische Gesundheit Schweiz : Schlussbericht vom 26. Juli 2013. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Koch, Philippe (2013). Overestimating the Shift from Government to Governance: evidence from Swiss Metropolitan Areas. Governance, 26(3):397-423.

Schwander, Hanna; Häusermann, Silja (2013). Who is in and who is out? A risk-based conceptualization of insiders and outsiders. Journal of European Social Policy, 23(3):248-269.

Devecchi, Lineo Umberto (2013). Who governs and how: governance arrangements, decision making and implementation processes of spatial development policies in Swiss suburban municipalities. In: International Conference on Public Policy, Grenoble, 26 June 2013 - 28 June 2013, ICPP.

Sellers, Jefferey M; Rochat, Philippe (2013). Methodological appendix. In: Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; Walks, R Alan. The Political Ecology of the Metropolis. Colchester: ECPR press, 479-500.

Kübler, Daniel; Bäck, Henry (2013). Metropolitan and political change in Sweden. In: Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; Walks, R Alan. The Political Ecology of the Metropolis. Colchester: ECPR press, 299-323.

Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walks, R Alan; Rochat, Philippe; Walter-Rogg, Melanie (2013). Metropolitan sources of political behaviour: Conclusion. In: Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; Walks, R Alan. The Political Ecology of the Metropolis. Colchester: ECPR press, 419-478.

The Political Ecology of the Metropolis: metropolitan sources of electoral behaviour in eleven countries. Edited by: Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; Walks, R Alan (2013). Colchester: ECPR press.

Kübler, Daniel; Scheuss, Urs; Rochat, Philippe (2013). The metropolitan bases of political cleavage in Switzerland. In: Sellers, Jefferey M; Kübler, Daniel; Walter-Rogg, Melanie; Walks, R Alan. The Political Ecology of the Metropolis. Colchester: ECPR press, 199-226.

Stojanovic, Nenad. L'élection du Conseil fédéral par le peuple, un bonus pour les minorités. In: Le Temps, 30 May 2013, 11.

Stojanovic, Nenad. Vom Zusammenhalt im mehrsprachigen Land: Die Volkswahl des Bundesrates könnte auch integrierend wirken. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 114, 21 May 2013, 13.

Manea, Elham (2013). Der arabische Staat und die Politik des Überlebens: das Beispiel Kuwait. In: Schröter, Susanne. Geschlechtergerechtigkeit durch Demokratisierung? Transformationen und Restaurationen von Genderverhältnissen in der islamischen Welt. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 163-195.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Maggetti, Martino; Servalli, Fabio (2013). Les autorités de régulation en Suisse. In: Ladner, Andreas; Chappelet, Jean-Loup; Emery, Yves; Knoepfel, Peter; Mader, Luzius; Soguel, Nils; Varone, Frédéric. Manuel d'administration publique suisse. Lausanne: EPFL Press, 193-212.

Kübler, Daniel (2013). Organisation de l'administration en pays plurilingue. In: Ladner, Andreas; Chappelet, Jean-Loup; Emery, Yves; Knoepfel, Peter; Mader, Luzius; Soguel, Nils; Varone, Frédéric. Manuel d'administration publique suisse. Lausanne: EPFL Press, 63-81.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Maggetti, Martino; Servalli, Fabio (2013). Regulierungsbehörden in der Schweiz. In: Ladner, Andreas; Chappelet, Jean-Loup; Emery, Yves; Knoepfel, Peter; Mader, Luzius; Soguel, Nils; Varone, Frédéric. Handbuch der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Schweiz. Zürich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Libro, 199-217.

Kübler, Daniel (2013). Verwaltungsorganisation in einem mehrsprachigen Land. In: Ladner, Andreas; Chappelet, Jean-Loup; Emery, Yves; Knoepfel, Peter; Mader, Luzius; Soguel, Nils; Varone, Frédéric. Handbuch der öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Schweiz. Zürich: Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Libro, 75-92.

Christmann, Anna; Kübler, Daniel; Hasler, Karin; Marcinkowski, Frank; Schemer, Christian (2013). The communicational dimension of democratic accountability in metropolitan governance: Media reporting and perceived legitimacy in four European cities. In: 43rd Conference of the Urban Affairs Association, San Francisco, 3 April 2013 - 6 April 2013, Urban Affairs Association.

Birchler, Kassandra; Castro, Paula (2013). Who dances with whom? A quantitative and qualitative analysis of interest groups characteristics, access to state actors, and negotiation outcomes. In: International Studies Association Annual Convention - The Politics of International Diffusion: Regional and Global Dimensions, San Francisco, 3 April 2013 - 6 April 2013.

Humphrey, Christopher; Michaelowa, Katharina (2013). Shopping for development: Multilateral lending, shareholder composition and borrower preferences. World Development, 44:142-155.

Bochsler, Daniel. Die CVP verliert das Wallis und das Ständemehr: Wandlung der Parteienlandschaft in den katholischen Kantonen. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 53, 5 March 2013, 9.

Kübler, Daniel; Kriesi, Hanspeter (2013). Urban mobilisation and political development in China. In: New media, social capital and urban mobilisation in China overnance issues in megacities: Chinese and International Perspectives, Zürich, 28 February 2013 - 1 March 2013, NCCR Democracy.

Cames, Martin; Healy, Sean; Harthan, Ralph; Castro, Paula; Michaelowa, Axel; Hayashi, Daisuke; Dransfeld, Björn; Butzengeiger, Sonja (2013). Ausgestaltung des Post 2012-Klimaregimes: Sektorale Ansätze zur THG-Emissionsminderung. Berlin: Öko-Institut Berlin.

Fehrler, Sebastian; Przepiorka, Wojtek (2013). Charitable giving as a signal of trustworthiness: Disentangling the signaling benefits of altruistic acts. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34(2):139-145.

Schneider, Carsten Q; Bochsler, Daniel; Chiru, Mihail (2013). Comparative politics in central and eastern europe: mapping publications over the past 20 years. European Political Science, 12(1):127-145.

Stadelmann, Martin; Michaelowa, Axel (2013). Contribution of the private sector to Climate Change Long-Term-Finance: An assessment of private climate finance mobilized by Switzerland. Bern: Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU).

Traber, Denise (2013). Does participation in policymaking enhance satisfaction with the policy outcome? Evidence from Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 19(1):60-83.

Birchler, Kassandra; Michaelowa, Katharina (2013). Making aid work for education in developing countries: an analysis of aid effectiveness for primary education coverage and quality. WIDER Working Paper 2013/021, United Nations University, Helsinki.

New nation-states and national minorities. Edited by: Danero Iglesias, Julien; Stojanovic, Nenad; Weinblum, Sharon (2013). Colchester: ECPR press.

van der Heiden, Nico; Koch, Philippe; Kübler, Daniel (2013). Rescaling metropolitan governance: examining discourses and conflicts in two Swiss metropolitan areas. Urban Research & Practice, 6(1):40-53.

Bochsler, Daniel; Szöcsik, Edina (2013). The Forbidden Fruit of Federalism: Evidence from Romania and Slovakia. West European Politics, 36(2):426-447.

Widmer, Thomas; Koch, Philippe. Bürgerinitiierte Bauvorhaben als Chance für Alterswohnpolitik. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 49, 28 February 2013, 23.

Widmer, Thomas; Stadter, Cornelia; Wenger, Jonas (2013). Evaluation Suchtmonitoring Schweiz. Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit.

Kübler, Daniel; Tang, Hong (2013). A reform process of disentangling federal and cantonal responsibilities in Switzerland. Chinese Journal of European Studies, 31(1):87-100.

Fuchs, Gesine (2013). Using strategic litigation for women’s rights: Political restrictions in Poland and achievements of the women’s movement. European Journal of Women's Studies, 20(1):21-43.

Koch, Philippe; Widmer, Thomas (2013). Der Einfluss der Gemeinden bei bürgerinitiiertem Alterswohnen. Die Schweizer Gemeinde = La Commune Suisse = Il Commune Svizzero = Vischnaunca Svizra, 13(1):14-15.

Widmer, Thomas; Koch, Philippe; Strebel, Felix (2013). Die Rolle von Gemeinden bei bürgerinitiierten Alterswohnprojekten. Kurzbericht. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Widmer, Thomas; Koch, Philippe; Strebel, Felix (2013). Die Rolle von Gemeinden bei bürgerinitiierten Alterswohnprojekten. Schlussbericht. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Häusermann, Silja; Picot, Georg; Geering, Dominik (2013). Rethinking Party Politics and the Welfare State: Recent Advances in the Literature. British Journal of Political Science, 43(1):221-240.

Michaelowa, Axel (2013). A call to action: but too late, in vain? Climate change, carbon markets and the CDM: A call to action. Climate Policy, 13(3):408-410.

Michaelowa, Axel; Lazarus, Michael (2013). Arguing the point: Should large-scale power projects have a future under the CDM? Carbon Mechanisms Review, 1:13-17.

Fossati, Flavia (2013). Basisdemokratische Abstimmung in den italienischen Fiat-Werken und die Mobilisierung für die Zukunft Italiens: Mitbestimmung am Arbeitsplatz. In: NCCR; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Müller, Lars. Herausforderung Demokratie. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 352-356.

Bochsler, Daniel; Szöcsik, Edina (2013). Building inter-ethnic bridges or promoting ethno-territorial demarcation lines? Hungarian minority parties in competition. Nationalities Papers, 41(5):761-779.

Michaelowa, Axel; Michaelowa, Katharina (2013). Bureaucratic influence wehen secretariats grow: the exemple of the UNFCCC. CIS Working Paper 80, University of Zurich.

Gilardi, Fabrizio; Kübler, Daniel; Wasserfallen, Fabio (2013). Cantonal tax autonomy in Switzerland: history, trends, and challenges. In: Ruiz Almendral, Violeta; Vaillancourt, François. Autonomy in subnational income taxes: evolving powers, existing practices in seven countries. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 121-140.

Clark, William Roberts; Copelovitch, Mark; Hallerberg, Mark; Quagliata, Lucia; Walter, Stefanie (2013). Challenge in Focus: Financial and Fiscal Governance. In: Hertie School of Governance, Berlin; Anheier, Helmut; Hallerberg, Mark; Kaul, Inge; Kayser, Mark. The governance report 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 59-82.

Plüss, Larissa; Kübler, Daniel (2013). Coordinating community governance? Local councillors in different governance network arrangements. In: Egner, Björn; Sweeting, David; Klok, Pieter-Jan. Local councillors in Europe. Wiesbaden: Springer, 203-219.

Bütikofer, Sarah; Widmer, Thomas (2013). Das Abstimmungsverhalten des Zürcher Kantonsrats 2011-2015: Jahresbericht Amtsjahr 2012/2013. Zürich: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Forschungsbereich Policy-Analyse & Evaluation.

Kübler, Daniel (2013). Das Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau- Demokratieforschung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Rechtswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft und Politischer Bildung. In: Good, Andrea; Platipodis, Bettina. Direkte Demokratie : Herausforderungen zwischen Politik und Recht : Festschrift für Andreas Auer zum 65. Geburtstag. Bern: Stämpfli Verlag, 309-317.

Fossati, Flavia (2013). Democracy from below: Italy's Fiat plants and mobilization for the future: Participatory decision-making in the workplace. In: NCCR; Kriesi, Hanspeter; Müller, Lars. Democracy: an ongoing challenge. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 352-356.