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Hässig, Michael; Biner, Natascha; Gerspach, Christian; Hertzberg, Hubertus; Kühni, Michaela; Schelling, Claude; Liesegang, Annette (2024). Urolithiasis as a Husbandry Risk to Yaks in the Swiss Alps. Animals, 14(19):2915.
Walter, Jasmin; Colleoni, Silvia; Lazzari, Giovanna; Fortes, Claudia; Grossmann, Jonas; Roschitzki, Bernd; Laczko, Endre; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Bleul, Ulrich; Galli, Cesare (2024). Maturational competence of equine oocytes is associated with alterations in their ‘cumulome’. Molecular Human Reproduction, 30(9):gaae033.
Shukla, A K; Contadini, A; Kazmir‐Lysak, K; Schnyder, Manuela; Gerspach, Christian; Pot, Simon (2024). Intraocular $Parafilaria\ bovicola$ infection and surgical removal in a mixed breed heifer. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 27(5):481-487.
Gimmel, Angela; Hochstrasser, R; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl; Liesegang, Annette (2024). Skeletal malformation in growing milk sheep. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 166(6):321-328.
Hamdi, Meriem; Sánchez, José María; Fernandez-Fuertes, Beatriz; Câmara, Diogo Ribeiro; Bollwein, Heinrich; Rizos, Dimitrios; Bauersachs, Stefan; Almiñana, Carmen (2024). Oviductal extracellular vesicles miRNA cargo varies in response to embryos and their quality. BMC Genomics, 25(1):520.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Volz, Claudia; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl (2024). Torsion of the spiral colon in cattle–a retrospective analysis of 58 cases. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 66(1):17.
Makoni, Grace Makanaka; Gerspach, Christian; Fischer, Nina; Rosato, Giuliana; Fabian, Rosalie; Grest, Paula; Kipar, Anja (2024). Malignant catarrhal fever in a goat: manifestation of virus-induced erythema multiforme. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 36(2):243-247.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Volz, Claudia; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl (2024). Small intestinal volvulus in 47 cows. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 65(3):267-277.
Singer, Martina; Codron, Daryl; Lechner, Isabel; Rudnik, Rebecca; Barboza, Perry; Hummel, Jürgen; Clauss, Marcus (2024). The effect of size and density on the mean retention time of particles in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 292:111621.
d'Anselme, Olivia; Gamsjäger, Lisa; Ringer, Simone K; Hartnack, Amanda (2024). Clinical application of a described erector spinae plane block for locoregional anaesthesia technique in a cow undergoing standing laparotomy. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 12(1):e782.
Walliser, Maren; Furthner, Etienne; Brugger, Daniel; Reichler, Iris M; Liesegang, Annette (2024). Einflussfaktoren auf entzündliche Erkrankungen der Mutterhündin und das Überleben ihrer Nachkommen. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 166(5):625-638.
Aeberhard, Nadja. Effects of a novel zinc formulation as a feed additive for pigs on animal health, zinc emission and development of antibiotic resistance. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Stahel, Lina. Einfluss der Oxytocinapplikation auf den Fetus im letzten Drittel der Trächtigkeit beim Rind. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Greuter, Andrea. Geburtsgewicht beim Entlebucher Sennenhund. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Samie, Kosar Abbasi. Growth differentiation factor 9 is related to steroidogenesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis in equine granulosa cells. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Cinar, Burcu. Impact of bull age, sperm processing, and microclimatic conditions on the viability and DNA integrity of cryopreserved bovine sperm. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Serbetci, Idil. Impact of negative energy balance and postpartum diseases during the transition period on oocyte quality and embryonic development in dairy cows. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Tschuor, Anja. Variabilität der Endometriumdicke und deren Effekt auf die Fertilität von Milchkühen. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Walter-Lahme, Sarah. Zusammenhang zwischen antepartaler Eutergesundheit und Akute Phase Proteinen ante partum mit der Entwicklung einer Retentio secundinarum beim Milchrind. 2024, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Schöb, Leandra Christina; Gerspach, Christian; Stirn, Martina; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Riond, Barbara (2023). Findings Related to Cerebrospinal Fluid and Central Nervous System Disorders in Small Ruminants—A Retrospective Study on Sheep and Goats. Animals, 14(1):46.
Loehrer, Samuel; Hagenbuch, Fabian; Marti, Hanna; Pesch, Theresa; Hässig, Michael; Borel, Nicole (2023). Longitudinal study of Chlamydia pecorum in a healthy Swiss cattle population. PLoS ONE, 18(12):e0292509.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Loss, Sandra; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl (2023). Small intestinal strangulation in 60 cattle – clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings, treatment and outcome. BMC Veterinary Research, 19(1):233.
Kolbaum, Nina; Maus, Franz; Nuss, Karl (2023). Leistungsdaten und Abgangsursachen von Hinterwälder-, Vorderwälder-, Fleckvieh- und Holstein-Kühen in den Jahren 1953 bis 2021. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 51(05):284-295.
Kazemian, Ali; Tavares Pereira, Miguel; Aslan, Selim; Payan-Carreira, Rita; Reichler, Iris M; Agaoglu, Reha A; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2023). Membrane-bound progesterone receptors in the canine uterus and placenta; possible targets in the maintenance of pregnancy. Theriogenology, 210:68-83.
Ade, Julia; Riehm, Julia M; Stadler, Julia; Klose, Corinna; Zablotski, Yury; Ritzmann, Mathias; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2023). Antimicrobial Susceptibility from a One Health Perspective Regarding Porcine Escherichia coli from Bavaria, Germany. Antibiotics, 12(9):1424.
Zhang, Xiaoyu; Li, Yang; Terranova, Melissa; Ortmann, Sylvia; Kehraus, Saskia; Gerspach, Christian; Kreuzer, Michael; Clauss, Marcus; Hummel, Jürgen (2023). A pilot investigation on the effect of induced saliva flow on digestive parameters in sheep, and a comparison with cattle. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 107(5):1176-1186.
Kämpf, Sandra; Fenk, Simone; Van Cromvoirt, Ankie; Bogdanov, Nikolay; Hartnack, Sonja; Stirn, Martina; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Reichler, Iris Margaret; Bogdanova, Anna (2023). Differences in selected blood parameters between brachycephalic and non-brachycephalic dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10:1166032.
Kauter, Johanna; Damek, Filip; Schares, Gereon; Blaga, Radu; Schott, Franziska; Deplazes, Peter; Sidler, Xaver; Basso, Walter (2023). Detection of Toxoplasma gondii-specific antibodies in pigs using an oral fluid-based commercial ELISA: Advantages and limitations. International Journal for Parasitology, 53(9):523-530.
Riege, Lisa; Leber, Johanna; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra; Walter, Beate; Schäfer-Somi, Sabine; Reichler, Iris; Arlt, Sebastian; Wehrend, Axel (2023). Leitlinien für reproduktionsmedizinische Dienstleistungen und Operationen bei Hund und Katze. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 51(04):276-277.
Güldenpfennig, Janine; Bartel, Alexander; Arlt, Sebastian (2023). Listening, reading, writing – which method leads to the best learning outcome? Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, 51(04):242-251.
Lentsch, Verena; Aslani, Selma; Echtermann, Thomas; Preet, Swapan; Cappio Barazzone, Elisa; Hoces, Daniel; Moresi, Claudia; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Slack, Emma (2023). “EvoVax” – A rationally designed inactivated Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine induces strong and long-lasting immune responses in pigs. Vaccine, 41(38):5545-5552.
Eggenschwiler, Mario; Lejeune, Beatrice; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Bleul, Ulrich (2023). Sonographic studies on the significance of follicle size and corpus luteum morphology in dairy cows after insemination. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 51(4):218-227.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Volz, Claudia; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl (2023). Dilated small and large intestines combined with a severely abnormal demeanor are characteristic of mesenteric torsion in cattle. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 261(10):1531-1538.
Lourdes Frehner, Bianca; Christen, Matthias; Reichler, Iris M; Jagannathan, Vidhya; Novacco, Marilisa; Riond, Barbara; Peters, Laureen M; Sánchez-Andrade, José Suárez; Pieńkowska-Schelling, Aldona; Schelling, Claude; Kipar, Anja; Leeb, Tosso; Balogh, Orsolya (2023). Autosomal recessive hyposegmentation of granulocytes in Australian Shepherd Dogs indicates a role for LMBR1L in myeloid leukocytes. PLoS Genetics, 19(6):e1010805.
Diggelmann, Anna-Lea; Baron Toaldo, Marco; Bektas, Rima N; Furthner, Etienne; Reichler, Iris M; Kutter, Annette P N (2023). Atipamezole Reverses Cardiovascular Changes Induced by High-Dose Medetomidine in Cats Undergoing Sedation for Semen Collection. Animals, 13(12):1909.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Volz, Claudia; Boesiger, Muriel; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl (2023). A retrospective review of small intestinal intussusception in 126 cattle in Switzerland. Veterinary record open, 10(1):e58.
Arlt, Sebastian P; Ottka, Claudia; Lohi, Hannes; Hinderer, Janna; Lüdeke, Julia; Müller, Elisabeth; Weber, Corinna; Kohn, Barbara; Bartel, Alexander (2023). Metabolomics during canine pregnancy and lactation. PLoS ONE, 18(5):e0284570.
Zhang, Xiaoyu; Li, Yang; Terranova, Melissa; Ortmann, Sylvia; Kehraus, Saskia; Gerspach, Christian; Kreuzer, Michael; Hummel, Jürgen; Clauss, Marcus (2023). Effect of induced saliva flow on fluid retention time, ruminal microbial yield and methane emission in cattle. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 107(3):769-782.
Tekin, Muhittin; Câmara, D R; Binz, T M; Bruckmaier, R M; Bollwein, Heiner; Wagener, Karen (2023). Relationship between periparturient diseases, metabolic markers and the dynamics of hair cortisol concentrations in dairy cows. Research in Veterinary Science, 158:134-140.
Tavares Pereira, Miguel; Schuler, Gerhard; Aslan, Selim; Payan-Carreira, Rita; Reichler, Iris M; Reynaud, Karine; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2023). Utero-placental expression and functional implications of HSD11B1 and HSD11B2 in canine pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction, 108(4):645-658.
Furthner, Etienne; Fabian, Rosalie; Kipar, Anja; Schuler, Gerhard; Janett, Fredi; Nudelmann, Nicolas; Kutter, Annette P N; Reichler, Iris M (2023). Epididymectomy as a novel surgical procedure; application in the domestic cat. Theriogenology, 200:168-178.
Reich, L; Hartnack, Sonja; Fitzi-Rathgen, J; Reichler, Iris M (2023). Lebenserwartung meso-, dolichound brachyzephaler Hunderassen in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 165(4):235-249.
Hässig, Michael; Hanimann, Annina; Lewis, Frazer; Hartnack, Sonja (2023). Zusammenhänge zwischen metabolischen Profilen und 4 Bestandsbetreuung-Scores bei Milchkühen: Statistische Analyse anhand eines additiven Bayesian Netzwerkes. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 51(2):77-83.
Tasara, Taurai; Meier, Anja Barbara; Wambui, Joseph; Whiston, Ronan; Stevens, Marc; Chapwanya, Aspinas; Bleul, Ulrich (2023). Interrogating the Diversity of Vaginal, Endometrial, and Fecal Microbiomes in Healthy and Metritis Dairy Cattle. Animals, 13(7):1221.
Scarlet, Dragos; Malama, Eleni; Fischer, Sophie; Knutti, Barbara; Bollwein, Heinrich (2023). Relationship between Clinical Uterine Findings, Therapy, and Fertility in the Mare. Veterinary Sciences, 10(4):259.
Braun, Ueli; Schubnell, Fabienne; Bleul, U; Nuss, Karl; Baumgartner, M R; Binz, T M (2023). Hair cortisol concentrations in bovine neonates born to healthy and ill cows. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 165(3):181-188.
Ottka, Claudia; Vapalahti, Katariina; Arlt, Sebastian P; Bartel, Alexander; Lohi, Hannes (2023). The metabolic differences of anestrus, heat, pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, and lactation in 800 female dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10:1105113.
Arlt, Sebastian P; Reichler, Iris M; Herbel, Johannes; Schäfer-Somi, Sabine; Riege, Lisa; Leber, Johanna; Frehner, Bianca (2023). Diagnostic tests in canine andrology - What do they really tell us about fertility? Theriogenology, 196:150-156.
Vollenweider, A; Corti, S; Hochreutener, M; Biner, B; Stephan, Roger; Bleul, U (2023). Mastitis pathogens and antibiotic resistance in beef cows in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 165(1):39-51.
Saub, Barbara. Der Einfluss der Fütterung von extrudiertem Leinsamen auf die Zusammensetzung des Kolostrums und der maturen Milch beim Schwein. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Schwarzmann, Laurin. Effects of postpartum diseases on antral follicle count and serum concentration of Anti-Müllerian hormone in dairy cows. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Zimmermann, Francesca. Effekt der intraskrotalen Verabreichung verschiedener Lokalanästhetika auf das Abwehrverhalten bei der Ferkelkastration. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Laschinger, Jasmin. Factors influencing the variability of the insemination success among artificial insemination technicians of a German artificial insemination centre for cattle. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Reich, Livia. Lebenserwartung meso-, dolicho- und brachyzephaler Hunderassen in der Schweiz. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Vollenweider, Alice. Mastitis pathogens and antibiotic resistance in beef cows in Switzerland. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Rothgangl, Tanja; Hruzova, Martina; Gnannt, Ralph; Aeberhard, Nadja; Kissling, Lucas; Grisch-Chan, Hiu Man; Klassa, Sven; Rimann, Nicole; Marquart, Kim F; Ioannidi, Eleonora; Wolf, Anja; Kupatt, Christian; Sidler, Xaver; Häberle, Johannes; Schwank, Gerald; Thöny, Beat (2023). Safe delivery of AAV vectors to the liver of small weaned pigs by ultrasound-guided percutaneous transhepatic portal vein injection. bioRxiv 535660, University of Zurich.
Günther, Lydia. Untersuchung des Mikrobioms von gesunden Kühen und von Kühen mit Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Biner, Natascha. Urolithiasis bei Yaks in den Schweizer Alpen. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Winkelmeyer, David. Vergleichende Untersuchung der anatomisch orientierten und der ultraschallgeleiteten Lokalanästhesie auf Ebene des distalen Drittels des Unterschenkels beim Rind. 2023, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Nuss, Karl; Reif, Sarah; Hilbe, Monika; Gerspach, Christian (2022). Left and right displaced abomasum and abomasal volvulus: comparison of clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in 1982 dairy cows. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 64(1):40.
Braun, Ueli; Kochan, Manon; Kaske, Martin; Gerspach, Christian; Bleul, Ulrich (2022). Sucking and drinking behaviour in preweaned dairy calves in the first five weeks of life. BMC Veterinary Research, 18(1):175.
Bittner-Schwerda, L; Malama, E; Siuda, M; van Loon, B; Bollwein, Heiner (2022). The sperm chromatin structure assay does not detect alterations in sperm chromatin structure induced by hydrogen peroxide. Animal Reproduction Science, 247:107094.
Rudolf Vegas, Alba; Podico, Giorgia; Canisso, Igor F; Bollwein, Heinrich; Fröhlich, Thomas; Bauersachs, Stefan; Almiñana, Carmen (2022). Dynamic regulation of the transcriptome and proteome of the equine embryo during maternal recognition of pregnancy. FASEB BioAdvances, 4(12):775-797.
Novotny, Ella N; Hässig, Michael; Palme, R; Fürst, Anton; Weishaupt, Michael A (2022). Messung von Herzfrequenzen und Kotcortisolmetaboliten bei Pferden am Zürcher Sechseläuten. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(11):768-776.
Braun, Ueli; Züblin, Sarah; Imhof, S; Baumgartner, M; Binz, T M (2022). Hair cortisol concentrations in different breeds of cows: Comparison of hair from unshorn and previously shorn areas and from various regions of the body. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(10):695-703.
Rudolf Vegas, Alba; Hamdi, Meriem; Podico, Giorgia; Bollwein, Heinrich; Fröhlich, Thomas; Canisso, Igor F; Bauersachs, Stefan; Almiñana, Carmen (2022). Uterine extracellular vesicles as multi-signal messengers during maternal recognition of pregnancy in the mare. Scientific Reports, 12(1):15616.
Michel, Margot; Reichler, Iris M; Mathys, Livia; Enzler, Bettina (2022). Internationaler Welpenhandel, Tierschutz und Seuchenprävention. Rechtslage und Revisionsbedarf der «Einfuhr»-Bestimmungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesundheitsschutz und Tierschutz. Jusletter, (29.08.2022):online.
D’Anselme, Olivia; Hartnack, Amanda; Andrade, Jose Suarez Sanchez; Alfaro Rojas, Christian; Ringer, Simone K; de Carvalho Papa, Paula (2022). Description of an Ultrasound-Guided Erector Spinae Plane Block and Comparison to a Blind Proximal Paravertebral Nerve Block in Cows: A Cadaveric Study. Animals, 12(17):2191.
Hässig, Michael (2022). Blauzungenkrankheit und Covid-19. Parallelitäten und Differenzen. conexus, 4(2):141-148.
Brabant, Olivia A; Byrne, David P; Sacks, Muriel; Moreno Martinez, Fernando; Raisis, Anthea L; Araos, Joaquin B; Waldmann, Andreas D; Schramel, Johannes P; Ambrosio, Aline; Hosgood, Giselle; Braun, Christina; Auer, Ulrike; Bleul, Ulrike; Herteman, Nicolas; Secombe, Cristy J; Schoster, Angelika; Soares, Joao; Beazley, Shannon; Meira, Carolina; Adler, Andy; Mosing, Martina (2022). Thoracic Electrical Impedance Tomography—The 2022 Veterinary Consensus Statement. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9:946911.
Merz, Fiona; Gallana, M; Hartnack, Sonja; Del Chicca, Francesca; Dolf, G; Hungerbühler, S; Hittmair, K M; Dorsch, R; Zaal, M; Vink-Nooteboom, M; Hartmann, A; Pieńkowska-Schelling, A; Schelling, Claude; Reichler, Iris M (2022). Ergebnis der selektiven Verpaarung beim Entlebucher Sennenhund zur Reduktion der ureteralen Ektopie. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(7):535-546.
Braun, Ueli (2022). Chronic Indigestion Syndrome in Ruminants. MSD Veterinary Manual n/a, University of Zurich.
Leonard, Alexander S; Crysnanto, Danang; Fang, Zih-Hua; Heaton, Michael P; Vander Ley, Brian L; Herrera, Carolina; Bollwein, Heinrich; Bickhart, Derek M; Kuhn, Kristen L; Smith, Timothy P L; Rosen, Benjamin D; Pausch, Hubert (2022). Structural variant-based pangenome construction has low sensitivity to variability of haplotype-resolved bovine assemblies. Nature Communications, 13(1):3012.
Moshfegh, Cameron; Rambow, Sebastian Giovanni; Domenig, Seraina A; Pieńkowska-Schelling, Aldona; Bleul, Ulrich; Vogel, Viola (2022). Differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into cells with spermatogonia-like morphology with chemical intervention-dependent increased gene expression of LIM homeobox 1 (Lhx1). Stem Cell Research, 61:102780.
Scherrer, Simone; Peterhans, Sophie; Neupert, Christine; Rademacher, Fenja; Bartolomei, Giody; Sidler, Xaver; Stephan, Roger (2022). Development of a novel high resolution melting assay for identification and differentiation of all known 19 serovars of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. MicrobiologyOpen, 11(2):752.
Braun, Ueli; Nuss, Karl; Oschlies, Carina; Reif, Christina; Warislohner, Sonja; Gerspach, Christian (2022). Häufigkeit und diagnostische Zuverlässigkeit von Laborbefunden bei Kühen mit Reticuloperitonitis traumatica und Labmagengeschwüren. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 50(02):91-100.
Braun, Ueli; Kochan, Manon; Weber, F; Kaske, M; Bleul, U (2022). Wiederholtes Drenchen von Kälbern – Ultraschallbefunde an Haube und Labmagen sowie kurzfristige Auswirkungen auf pH-Wert und D-Laktat in Pansensaft und Blut. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(3):243-248.
Pestelacci, Sabina; Tzanidakis, Nikolaos; Reichler, Iris M; Balogh, Orsolya (2022). Comparison of two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) ultrasonography for gestational ageing in the early to mid‐pregnant bitch. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 57(3):235-245.
Malbon, Alexandra J; Dürrwald, Ralf; Kolodziejek, Jolanta; Nowotny, Norbert; Kobera, Ralph; Pöhle, Dietrich; Muluneh, Aemero; Dervas, Eva; Cebra, Christopher; Steffen, Frank; Paternoster, Giulia; Gerspach, Christian; Hilbe, Monika (2022). New World camelids are sentinels for the presence of Borna disease virus. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69(2):451-464.
Blaesi, Aron H; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Richter, Henning; Saka, Nannaji (2022). Mechanical strength and gastric residence time of expandable fibrous dosage forms. International journal of pharmaceutics, 613:120792.
Sivelli, Giulia; Conley, Gaurasundar M; Herrera, Carolina; Marable, Kathryn; Rodriguez, Kyle J; Bollwein, Heinrich; Sudano, Mateus J; Brugger, Jürgen; Simpson, Andre J; Boero, Giovanni; Grisi, Marco (2022). NMR spectroscopy of a single mammalian early stage embryo. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 335:107142.
Schnyder, Manuela; Reichler, Iris; Eichenberger, Ramon M; Hofer-Inteeworn, Nathalie; Kümmerle-Fraune, Claudia; Grimm, Felix (2022). Strongyloides stercoralis in Swiss dogs – a retrospective study suggests an increasing occurrence of this potentially zoonotic parasite as a consequence of dog imports. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(1):89-104.
Storni, Elena; Bollwein, Heiner; Hankele, Anna-Katharina; Wellnitz, Olga; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Lüttgenau, Johannes (2022). Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced suppression of luteal function in isolated perfused bovine ovaries. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 68(1):45-52.
Tavares Pereira, Miguel; Papa, Paula; Reichler, Iris M; Aslan, Selim; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2022). Luteal expression of factors involved in the metabolism and sensitivity to oestrogens in the dog during pregnancy and in non‐pregnant cycle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 57(1):86-97.
Câmara, Diogo Ribeiro; Ibanescu, Iulian; Siuda, Mathias; Bollwein, Heiner (2022). Mitoquinone does not improve sperm cryo‐resistance in bulls. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 57(1):10-18.
Scheiwiller, Ralph. Befunde, Therapie und Krankheitsverlauf bei 57 Rindern mit paralytischem Ileus. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Merz, Fiona. Ergebnis der selektiven Verpaarung beim Entlebucher Sennenhund zur Reduktion der ureteralen Ektopie. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bennien, Elena. Klinische, labordiagnostische und sonographische Befunde sowie Therapie und Verlauf bei 244 Rindern mit Ileus infolge Inkarzeration, Obstruktion und Kompression. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Mayr, Edith. Physically effective NDF and starch in the rations of intensively fed bulls. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pfingstner, Hannes. Treatment of mastitis with supraphysiological oxytocin administration on short term therapeutic outcome in dairy cows - a field trial report. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Zimmermann, Ivo. Unterkieferfrakturen beim Rind - eine retrospektive Untersuchung von 108 Fällen. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Rotheneder, Simon. Variability of bovine conceptus-related volumes in early pregnancy measured with transrectal three-dimensional ultrasonography. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Sutter, Patricia Simone. Verlaufsstudie zur Früherkennung von Osteochondrose und der Entwicklung von Osteochondrosis dissecans und Lahmheit mittels Computertomographie, linearer Beschreibung und der Bestimmung von Osteocalcin, CTx-1 sowie CPII. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Stohler, Rebekka. Vorkommen von Quinolon nicht-empfindlichen Escherichia coli in Kot- und Tierumgebungsproben von mit Fluorchinolon behandelten und unbehandelten Muttersauen und deren Ferkeln. 2022, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Elshalofy, Amr; Wagener, Karen; Weber, Katharina; Blanco, Miguel; Bauersachs, Stefan; Bollwein, Heiner (2021). Identification of genes associated with susceptibility to persistent breeding-induced endometritis by RNA-sequencing of uterine cytobrush samples. Reproductive Biology, 22(2):100577.
Hiltpold, Maya; Kadri, Naveen Kumar; Janett, Fredi; Witschi, Ulrich; Schmitz-Hsu, Fritz; Pausch, Hubert (2021). Autosomal recessive loci contribute significantly to quantitative variation of male fertility in a dairy cattle population. BMC Genomics, 22(1):225.
Braun, Ueli; Widmer, Christina; Nuss, Karl; Hilbe, Monika; Gerspach, Christian (2021). Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in 38 calves with type-4 abomasal ulcer. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 63(1):38.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Riond, Barbara; Oschlies, Carina; Corti, Sabrina; Bleul, Ulrich (2021). Haematological findings in 158 cows with acute toxic mastitis with a focus on the leukogram. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 63(1):11.
Amsler, Morena; Zurfluh, Katrin; Hartnack, Sonja; Sidler, Xaver; Stephan, Roger; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2021). Occurrence of Escherichia coli non-susceptible to quinolones in faecal samples from fluoroquinolone-treated, contact and control pigs of different ages from 24 Swiss pig farms. Porcine Health Management, 7(1):29.
Furthner, Etienne; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Torgerson, Paul; Reichler, Iris M (2021). Verifying the placement and length of feeding tubes in canine and feline neonates. BMC Veterinary Research, 17(1):208.
Rudolf Vegas, Alba; Podico, Giorgia; Canisso, Igor F; Bollwein, Heiner; Almiñana, Carmen; Bauersachs, Stefan (2021). Spatiotemporal endometrial transcriptome analysis revealed the luminal epithelium as key player during initial maternal recognition of pregnancy in the mare. Scientific Reports, 11(1):22293.
Bleul, Ulrich; Wey, Corina; Meira, Carolina; Waldmann, Andreas; Mosing, Martina (2021). Assessment of Postnatal Pulmonary Adaption in Bovine Neonates Using Electric Impedance Tomography (EIT). Animals, 11(11):3216.
Vonlanthen-Specker, Isabelle; Stephan, Roger; Sidler, Xaver; Moor, Dominik; Fraefel, Cornel; Bachofen, Claudia (2021). Genetic diversity of Hepatitis E Virus Type 3 in Switzerland—from stable to table. Animals, 11(11):3177.
Bernath, C; Nuss, Karl; Dennler, Matthias; Counotte, M; Geyer, Hans; Devaux, David (2021). Prävalenz von osteochondrotischen Veränderungen in den Epiphysenfugen der Ossa metatarsalia bei Schweizer Maststieren. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 164(11):709-720.
Balogh, Orsolya; Somoskői, Bence; Kollár, Eszter; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Gram, Aykut; Reichler, Iris M; Klein, Ruth; Kawate, Noritoshi; Mester, László; Walter, Beate; Müller, Linda (2021). Anti-Müllerian hormone, testosterone, and insulin-like peptide 3 as biomarkers of Sertoli and Leydig cell function during deslorelin-induced testicular downregulation in the dog. Theriogenology, 175:100-110.
Karst, Niklas Adrian; Sidler, Xaver; Liesegang, Annette (2021). Influence of mastitis metritis agalactia (MMA) on bone and fat metabolism. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 105(S2):138-146.
Rempel, Lea Magdalena; Körber, Hanna; Reichler, Iris M; Balogh, Orsolya; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra (2021). Investigations on the potential role of prostaglandin E2 in canine uterine inertia. Theriogenology, 175:134-147.
Lienhard, Julia; Vonlanthen-Specker, Isabelle; Sidler, Xaver; Bachofen, Claudia (2021). Screening of Swiss Pig Herds for Hepatitis E Virus: a pilot study. Animals, 11(11):3050.
Brändli, S P; Palm, J; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Reichler, Iris M (2021). Long-term effect of repeated deslorelin acetate treatment in bitches for reproduction control. Theriogenology, 173:73-82.
Becsek, Angela; Tzanidakis, Nikolaos; Blanco, Miguel; Schmicke, Marion; Bollwein, Heinrich (2021). Transrectal three-dimensional fetal volumetry in early pregnant mares: Relationships between maternal factors and equine fetal volume measurements. Theriogenology, 174:20-26.
Peterhans, Sophie; Stevens, Marc J A; Cernela, Nicole; Sidler, Xaver; Stephan, Roger; Scherrer, Simone (2021). Draft genome sequences of two clinical actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 19 strains from pigs in Switzerland. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10(34):e0058821.
Rempel, Lea Magdalena; Lillevang, Karina Tietgen Andresen; Straten, Ann-Kirstine thor; Friðriksdóttir, Sólrún Barbara; Körber, Hanna; Wehrend, Axel; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Reichler, Iris M; Balogh, Orsolya; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra (2021). Do uterine PTGS2, PGFS, and PTGFR expression play a role in canine uterine inertia? Cell and Tissue Research, 385(1):251-264.
Schott, Franziska; Hoffmann, Karolin; Sarno, Eleonora; Bangerter, Patrick Daniel; Stephan, Roger; Overesch, Gudrun; Hässig, Michael; Sidler, Xaver; Graage, Robert (2021). Evaluation of oral fluids for surveillance of foodborne and zoonotic pathogens in pig farms. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 33(4):655-663.
Lüthi, Stephanie C; Howald, Anna; Nowak, Kathrin; Graage, Robert; Bartolomei, Giody; Neupert, Christine; Sidler, Xaver; Leslie Pedrioli, Deena; Hottiger, Michael O (2021). Establishment of a mass-spectrometry-based method for the identification of the in vivo whole blood and plasma ADP-Ribosylomes. Journal of Proteome Research, 20(6):3090-3101.
Locher, Iwan; Nuss, Karl; Rediger, David; Schmid, Tanja; Devaux, David; Steiner, Adrian; Marchionatti, Emma (2021). Surgical debridement and primary closure of the oral mucosa for repair of open mandibular pars incisiva fractures in three neonatal calves. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 258(11):1254-1258.
Weber, Katharina S; Wagener, Karen; Blanco, Miguel; Bauersachs, Stefan; Bollwein, Heiner (2021). A comparative analysis of the intrauterine transcriptome in fertile and subfertile mares using cytobrush sampling. BMC Genomics, 22(1):377.
Strasser, Florian Johannes; Feldmann, M; Gross, J J; Müller, A T M; Pfingstner, H; Corti, S; Stephan, Roger; Bollwein, Heiner; Bruckmaier, R M; Wellnitz, O (2021). Pathogen dependent effects of high amounts of oxytocin on the bloodmilk barrier integrity during mastitis in dairy cows. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 163(5):327-337.
Tzanidakis, N; Brozos, C N; Voutzourakis, N; Stefanakis, A; Malama, E; Zoller, D; Zdragkas, A; Hickford, J; Sotiraki, S; Kiossis, E (2021). Effect of abiotic and biotic factors on subclinical mastitis occurrence in low-input dairy sheep production systems. Small Ruminant Research, 198:106341.
Lüchinger, Isabelle; Pieper, Laura; Nuss, Karl (2021). Functional foot trimming to balance load distribution between the paired forelimb claws in dairy cows: An experimental study. Journal of Dairy Science, 104(4):4803-4812.
Nosková, Adéla; Hiltpold, Maya; Janett, Fredi; Echtermann, Thomas; Fang, Zih-Hua; Sidler, Xaver; Selige, Christin; Hofer, Andreas; Neuenschwander, Stefan; Pausch, Hubert (2021). Infertility due to defective sperm flagella caused by an intronic deletion in DNAH17 that perturbs splicing. Genetics, 217(2):iyaa033.
Lüttgenau, J; Imboden, I; Wellnitz, O; Romer, R; Scaravaggi, Iside; Neves, A P; Borel, Nicole; Bruckmaier, R M; Janett, Fredi; Bollwein, Heiner (2021). Intrauterine infusion of killed semen adversely affects uterine blood flow and endometrial gene expression of inflammatory cytokines in mares susceptible to persistent breeding-induced endometritis. Theriogenology, 163:18-30.
Turhan, Aslihan; Tavares Pereira, Miguel; Schuler, Gerhard; Bleul, Ulrich; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2021). Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1alpha) inhibition modulates cumulus cell function and affects bovine oocyte maturation in vitro. Biology of Reproduction, 104(2):479-491.
Bleul, U; Hässig, Michael; Kluser, Fabienne (2021). Screening of febrile cows using a small handheld infrared thermography device. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 49(01):12-20.
Almiñana, Carmen; Rudolf Vegas, Alba; Tekin, Muhittin; Hassan, Mubbashar; Uzbekov, Rustem; Fröhlich, Thomas; Bollwein, Heiner; Bauersachs, Stefan (2021). Isolation and characterization of equine uterine extracellular vesicles: a comparative methodological study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(2):979.
Keles, Esin; Malama, Eleni; Bozukova, Siyka; Siuda, Mathias; Wyck, Sarah; Witschi, Ulrich; Bauersachs, Stefan; Bollwein, Heinrich (2021). The micro-RNA content of unsorted cryopreserved bovine sperm and its relation to the fertility of sperm after sex-sorting. BMC Genomics, 22(1):30.
Hubbuch, Alina; Peter, Ruth; Willi, Barbara; Hartnack, Sonja; Müntener, Cedric; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Gerspach, Christian (2021). Comparison of antimicrobial prescription patterns in calves in Switzerland before and after the launch of online guidelines for prudent antimicrobial use. BMC Veterinary Research, 17:2.
Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Rössler, Anne-Sophie; Schade-Weskott, Eva; Torgerson, Paul R (2021). Epidemiology and control. In: Dalton, John. Fasciolosis (2nd edition). Oxford: CABI International, 180-210.
Frehner, Bianca Lourdes; Reichler, Iris M; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Gram, Aykut; Keller, Stefanie; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra; Balogh, Orsolya (2021). Implications of the RhoA/Rho associated kinase pathway and leptin in primary uterine inertia in the dog. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 67(3):207-215.
Wiebe, Maraike; Pfarrer, Christiane; Górriz Martín, Lara; Schmicke, Marion; Hoedemaker, Martina; Bollwein, Heiner; Heppelmann, Maike (2021). In vitro effects of lipopolysaccharides on bovine uterine contractility. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 56(1):172-182.
Weber, Katharina Sophie. A comparative analysis of the intrauterine transcriptome in fertile and subfertile mares using cytobrush sampling. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Dätwyler, Andrea Silvana. ACTH-Test und Haarcortisoluntersuchungen bei 20 gesunden und 41 Kühen mit verschiedenen Erkrankungen. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Kümmerlen, Dolf. Analysis of and measures to reduce antimicrobial usage in Swiss pig herds and correlation with the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance with a focus on fluoroquinolones. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pavlovsky, V H; Corona, D; Hug, P J; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Graage, Robert; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2021). Butorphanol induces anxiety-like behaviour and distress in piglets. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 163(7/8):485-491.
Wey, Corina. Darstellung der postnatalen Adaption der Lunge mittels elektrischer Impedanztomographie (EIT) beim bovinen Neonaten. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Schott, Franziska. Evaluation of oral fluids for surveillance of foodborne and zoonotic pathogens in pig farms. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Stirnimann, Manuel. Feldversuch zur oralen Lebendvakzine Coliprotec® F4/F18 gegen Absetzferkeldurchfall in der Schweiz. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Fremdbestimmung und Selbstbestimmung. Edited by: Rother, Wolfgang (2021). Zürich,: conexus.
Rosato, Giuliana. Gammaherpesvirus infections in cattle in Europe. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Tekin, Muhittin. Health status related dynamics of hair cortisol concentrations and the effect of chronic stress during the transition period on postpartum ovarian activity in dairy cows. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Chan, Tatjana. Hydrodynamic retrograde intrabiliary injection (HRII) in small (weaned) pigs for delivery of non-viral, naked DNA vectors for liver gene therapy. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Frehner, Bianca Lourdes. Implications of the RhoA/Rho associated kinase pathway and leptin in primary uterine inertia in the dog. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Volz, Claudia. Klinische, labordiagnostische und sonographische Befunde sowie Therapie und Verlauf bei 168 Rindern mit Volvulus jejunalis, Torsio mesenterialis und Colonscheibentorsion. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Volz, Claudia. Klinische, labordiagnostische und sonographische Befunde sowie Therapie und Verlauf bei 168 Rindern mit Volvulus jejunalis, Torsio mesenterialis und Colonscheibentorsion. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Lüthi, Kathrin. Labordiagnostische Untersuchungen im Rahmen von "Pathocalf" bei Bestandesproblemen auf Schweizer Kälberaufzucht und -mastbetrieben. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Schwellinger, Miriam; Liesegang, Annette; Gerstner, Kerstin; Gerspach, Christian; Hässig, Michael; Nuss, Karl (2021). The effect of flunixin meglumine on eating and rumination variables in cows after omentopexy for correction of left displaced abomasum. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 163(10):672-676.
Züblin, Sarah. Untersuchungen über die Haarcortisolkonzentrationen bei Braunviehkühen in Abhängigkeit von der Haarentnahmestelle und der Milchleistung sowie nach Ketosebehandlung mit Dexamethason. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Furthner, Etienne. Verifying the placement and length of feeding tubes in canine and feline neonates. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Eggenschwiler, Mario. Überprüfung der Bedeutung der Follikelgrösse bei der Besamung und der Gelbkörpermorphologie 8 bis 10 Tage post inseminationem bezüglich einer erfolgreichen Konzeption bei Milchkühen mittels Ultraschalluntersuchung und Progesteronbestimmung. 2021, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Nuss, Karl; Warislohner, Sonja; Reif, Christina; Oschlies, Carina; Gerspach, Christian (2020). Diagnostic reliability of clinical signs in cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis and abomasal ulcers. BMC Veterinary Research, 16(1):359.
Gerspach, Christian; Oschlies, Carina; Kuratli, Jasmin; Braun, Ueli (2020). Ultrasonographic documentation of type-3 abomasal ulcer in a cow with left displacement of the abomasum. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 62(1):29.
Sauer-Delhées, S; Steffen, Frank; Reichler, Iris M; Beckmann, Katrin (2020). Klinische Merkmale der idiopathischen Epilepsie bei Grossen Schweizer Sennenhunden. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(11):697-706.
Sidler, Xaver; Sydler, Titus; Mateos, José Maria; Klausmann, Stefanie; Brugnera, Enrico (2020). Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Pathogenicity Alters Host’s Central Tolerance for Propagation. Pathogens, 9(10):839.
Furthner, Etienne; Roos, Juliette; Niewiadomska, Zuzanna; Maenhoudt, Cindy; Fontbonne, Alain (2020). Contraceptive implants used by cat breeders in France: a study of 140 purebred cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 22(10):984-992.
Landaeta-Hernández, Antonio J; Gil-Araujo, Marcelo A; Ungerfeld, Rodolfo; Owen Rae, D; Urdaneta-Moyer, Angela; Parra-Núñez, Alexander; Kaske, Martin; Bollwein, Heiner; Chenoweth, Peter J (2020). Effect of season and genotype on values for bull semen variables under tropical conditions. Animal Reproduction Science, 221:106592.
Egloff, S; Reichler, Iris M; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Keller, S; Goericke-Pesch, S; Balogh, Orsolya (2020). Uterine expression of smooth muscle alpha- and gamma-actin and smooth muscle myosin in bitches diagnosed with uterine inertia and obstructive dystocia. Theriogenology, 156:162-170.
Nuss, Karl; Nogler, Simon; Lüchinger, Isabelle; Hässig, Michael; Pieper, Laura; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela (2020). Veränderungen der Klauen- und Gliedmassengesundheit sowie Haarkortisolkonzentration von Milchkühen bei der Umstellung von Anbinde- auf Laufstallhaltung. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 48(05):301-309.
Kümmerlen, Dolf; Echtermann, Thomas; Müntener, Cedric R; Sidler, Xaver (2020). Agreement of benchmarking high antimicrobial usage farms based on either animal treatment index or number of national defined daily doses. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:638.
Braun, Ueli; Oschlies, Carina; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Gerspach, Christian (2020). Überblick über die Ultraschalluntersuchung der Lunge beim Kalb. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(9):513-530.
Fanelli, D; Panzani, D; Rota, A; Tesi, M; Camillo, F; Bollwein, Heiner; Herrera, C (2020). Cryopreservation of donkey embryos: Comparison of embryo survival rate after in vitro culture between conventional freezing and vitrification. Theriogenology, 154:11-16.
Dressel, Susann; Devaux, David; Rosato, Giuliana; Nuss, Karl; Del Chicca, Francesca (2020). Multimodality imaging characteristics of arterial aneurysm in a juvenile goat. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 8(3):e001213.
Graage, Robert; Saura Martinez, Helena; Klausmann, Stefanie; Kubacki, Jakub; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2020). Intrahepatic icterus in pigs: rare clinical sign in porcine circovirus type 2 systemic disease. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 8(3):e001193.
Bauersachs, Stefan; Almiñana, Carmen (2020). Embryo-maternal interactions underlying reproduction in mammals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(14):4872.
Künzli, F; Sydler, Titus; Lewis, F; Brugnera, E; Sidler, X (2020). Suitability of testicular tissue fluid from castrated piglets to verify sow vaccination status and herd monitoring. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(7):463-470.
Pont, J; Léger, A; Lechner, I; Kaske, Martin; Stärk, K D C; Feldmann, M (2020). Ökonomische Bedeutung des Umsatzes mit Antibiotika für private Nutztierpraxen in der Schweiz – Beispiel Kälbermast. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(7):471-480.
Almiñana, Carmen; Bauersachs, Stefan (2020). Extracellular vesicles: Multi-signal messengers in the gametes/embryo-oviduct cross-talk. Theriogenology, 150:59-69.
Nuss, Karl; Hässig, Michael; Müller, Judith (2020). Hind limb conformation has limited influence on claw load distribution in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(7):6522-6532.
Mastromonaco, Gabriela F; Gonzalez-Grajales, Antonio L (2020). Reproduction in female wild cattle: Influence of seasonality on ARTs. Theriogenology, 150:396-404.
Walter, J; Monthoux, C; Fortes, C; Grossmann, J; Roschitzki, B; Meili, Theres; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Bleul, U (2020). The bovine cumulus proteome is influenced by maturation condition and maturational competence of the oocyte. Scientific Reports, 10(1):9880.
Kuca, Thibaud; Passler, Thomas; Newcomer, Benjamin W; Neill, John D; Galik, Patricia K; Riddell, Kay P; Zhang, Yijing; Bayles, Darrell O; Walz, Paul H (2020). Changes introduced in the open reading frame of bovine viral diarrhea virus during serial infection of pregnant swine. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:1138.
Lutz, Katharina-Marie; Hartnack, Sonja; Reichler, Iris M (2020). Do prevalence rates and severity of acquired urinary incontinence differ between dogs spayed by laparoscopy or laparotomy? Comparing apples with apples with a matched‐pair cohort study. Veterinary Surgery, 49(51):O112-O119.
Becsek, Angela; Schweizer, Adrian; Knutti, Barbara; Bollwein, Heiner (2020). Geschlechtsbestimmung bei Pferdefeten mittels zwei- und dreidimensionaler Sonografie in der Frühgravidität. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 48(03):166-171.
Rell, Julia; Wunsch, Nadine; Home, Robert; Kaske, Martin; Walkenhorst, Michael; Vaarst, Mette (2020). Stakeholders’ perceptions of the challenges to improving calf health and reducing antimicrobial use in Swiss veal production. Preventive veterinary medicine, 179:104970.
Hiltpold, Maya; Niu, Guanglin; Kadri, Naveen Kumar; Crysnanto, Danang; Fang, Zih-Hua; Spengeler, Mirjam; Schmitz-Hsu, Fritz; Fuerst, Christian; Schwarzenbacher, Hermann; Seefried, Franz R; Seehusen, Frauke; Witschi, Ulrich; Schnieke, Angelika; Fries, Ruedi; Bollwein, Heiner; Flisikowski, Krzysztof; Pausch, Hubert (2020). Activation of cryptic splicing in bovine WDR19 is associated with reduced semen quality and male fertility. PLoS Genetics, 16(5):e1008804.
Meese, S; Ulbrich, S E; Bollwein, Heiner; Bruckmaier, R; Wellnitz, O; Kreuzer, Michael; Röntgen, M; Gimsa, U; Schwarm, A (2020). Methane emission, metabolism, and performance of Holstein dairy cows with low, medium, and high lymphocyte proliferation during transition. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(5):4367-4377.
Campero, Lucía María; Schott, Franziska; Gottstein, Bruno; Deplazes, Peter; Sidler, Xaver; Basso, Walter (2020). Detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in oral fluid from pigs. International Journal for Parasitology, 50(5):349-355.
Honegger, J; Lehnherr, H; Bachofen, Claudia; Stephan, Roger; Sidler, Xaver (2020). Feldversuch zur Eradikation von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) mittels Bakteriophagen in einem Schweinezuchtbetrieb. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(5):307-317.
Gibson, Charlotte; de Ruijter-Villani, Marta; Bauersachs, Stefan; Stout, Tom A E (2020). Asynchronous embryo transfer followed by comparative transcriptomic analysis of conceptus membranes and endometrium identifies processes important to the establishment of equine pregnancy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(7):2562.
Ibanescu, Iulian; Siuda, Mathias; Bollwein, Heiner (2020). Motile sperm subpopulations in bull semen using different clustering approaches. Animal Reproduction Science, 215:106329.
Hatt, Jean-Michel; Codron, Daryl; Ackermans, Nicole L; Martin, Louise F; Richter, Henning; Kircher, Patrick R; Gerspach, Christian; Hummel, Jürgen; Clauss, Marcus (2020). The effect of the rumen washing mechanism in sheep differs with concentration and size of abrasive particles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 550:109728.
Terranova, M; Wang, S; Eggerschwiler, L; Braun, Ueli; Kreuzer, M; Schwarm, A (2020). Dose-response effects of woody and herbaceous forage plants on in vitro ruminal methane and ammonia formation, and their short-term palatability in lactating cows. Animal: The International Journal of Animal Biosciences, 14(3):538-548.
Mislei, Beatrice; Bucci, Diego; Malama, Eleni; Bollwein, Heiner; Mari, Gaetano (2020). Seasonal changes in ROS concentrations and sperm quality in unfrozen and frozen-thawed stallion semen. Theriogenology, 144:89-97.
Chiumia, Daniel; Schulke, Katy; Groebner, Anna E; Waldschmitt, Nadine; Reichenbach, Horst-Dieter; Zakhartchenko, Valeri; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2020). Initiation of conceptus elongation coincides with an endometrium basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF2) protein increase in Heifers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(5):1584.
Bauersachs, Stefan; Mermillod, Pascal; Almiñana, Carmen (2020). The oviductal extracellular vesicles' RNA cargo regulates the bovine embryonic transcriptome. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(4):1303.
Kaske, Martin; Scheidegger, Rolf; Bähler, Caroline; Markov, J; Sidler, Xaver (2020). Eingriffe und Behandlungen von Nutztieren durch Nicht-Tierärzte: quo vadis? Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(2):83-92.
Letko, A; Ammann, B; Jagannathan, V; Henkel, J; Leuthard, F; Schelling, Claude; Carneiro, M; Drögemüller, C; Leeb, Tosso (2020). A deletion spanning the promoter and first exon of the hair cycle‐specific ASIP transcript isoform in black and tan rabbits. Animal Genetics, 51(1):137-140.
Kaczynski, Piotr; Bauersachs, Stefan; Baryla, Monika; Goryszewska, Ewelina; Muszak, Jolanta; Grzegorzewski, Waldemar J; Waclawik, Agnieszka (2020). Estradiol-17β-induced changes in the porcine endometrial transcriptome in vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(3):890.
Chiumia, Daniel; Hankele, Anna-Katharina; Groebner, Anna E; Schulke, Katy; Reichenbach, Horst-Dieter; Giller, Katrin; Zakhartchenko, Valeri; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2020). Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A and VEGFR-1 change during preimplantation in Heifers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(2):544.
Braun, Ueli; Reif, Christina; Hilbe, Monika; Gerspach, Christian (2020). Type-5 abomasal ulcer and omental bursitis in 14 cows. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 62(1):4.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Warislohner, Sonja; Nuss, Karl (2020). Aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of traumatic reticuloperitonitis in cattle. Veterinary Journal, 255:105424.
Ballas, Panagiotis; Rückert, Christian; Wagener, Karen; Drillich, Marc; Kämpfer, Peter; Busse, Hans-Jürgen; Ehling-Schulz, Monika (2020). Corynebacterium endometrii sp. nov., isolated from the uterus of a cow with endometritis. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 70(1):146-152.
Alcântara-Neto, A S; Fernandez-Rufete, M; Corbin, E; Tsikis, G; Uzbekov, R; Garanina, A S; Coy, P; Almiñana, C; Mermillod, Pascal (2020). Oviduct fluid extracellular vesicles regulate polyspermy during porcine invitro fertilisation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 32(4):409.
Schweizer, Adrian. Beurteilung der Follikelzahl mittels transkrealer dreidimensionaler Sonographie bei zyklischen Milchkühen. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Reif, C; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl (2020). Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic findings in 94 cows with type-1 abomasal ulcer. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 162(4):235-244.
Vonlanthen, Isabelle. Genetic diversity of the hepatitis E virus in Switzerland. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hässig, Michael (2020). Gesunde Tiere dank Antibiotika? conexus, (3):26-31.
Schubnell, Fabienne. Haarcortisolkonzentrationen bei neugeborenen Kälbern von gesunden und kranken Kühen. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Echtermann, Thomas; Müntener, Cedric; Sidler, Xaver; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2020). Impact of the Suissano Health Programme on antimicrobial usage on 291 pig farms in Switzerland. Veterinary record open, 7(1):e000389.
Lüchinger, Isabelle. Klauenbelastung von Kühen nach unterschiedlicher Klauenpflege an den Schultergliedmassen sowie nach Anbringen von Kothurnen. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Volz, Claudia. Klinische und sonographische Befunde bei 126 Rindern mit Invagination des Dünndarms. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Reif, Sarah Ruth. Klinische, labordiagnostische und sonographische Untersuchungen bei 2043 Kühen mit Labmagenverlagerung. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Boesiger, Muriel. Laborbefunde, Therapie und Krankheitsverlauf bei 126 Rindern mit Invagination des Dünndarms. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Amsler, Morena Laura. Occurrence of Escherichia coli non-susceptible to quinolones in fecal and environmental samples from pigs at different ages after fluoroquinolone treatment in piglets or their dams. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Sutter, Janine. Prävalenz und Bedeutung der Merkmale Knickrute und Nabelbruch beim Berner Sennenhund: Umsetzung in der modernen Hundezucht. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Sutter, Janine. Prävalenz und Bedeutung der Merkmale Knickrute und Nabelbruch beim Berner Sennenhund: Umsetzung in der modernen Hundezucht. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Keles-Arslan, Esin. Relation of the micro-RNA content of unsorted cryopreserved sperm and the fertility of sperm after sex-sorting. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Rell, Julia. Stakeholders' perceptions of the challenges to improving calf health and reducing antimicrobial use in Swiss veal production. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Meier, Karin. The diversity and dynamics of the bovine microbiome in Swiss dairy cows. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Elshalofy, Amr Salah Mohamed. Transcriptomics of the endometrium in mares susceptible and resistant to persistent breeding-induced endometritis using RNA-sequencing. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Frehner, Bianca; Reichler, Iris M; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Keller, Stefanie; Goericke-Pesch, Sandra; Balogh, Orsolya (2020). Uterine expression of leptin, RhoA and Rho associated kinases in dogs with primary uterine inertia and with obstructive dystocia. Clinical Theriogenology, 12(3):374.
Egloff, Simone. Uterine expression of smooth muscle alpha- and gamma-actin and smooth muscle myosin in bitches diagnosed with uterine inertia and obstructive dystocia. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Lieven, Desirée Franziska. Zusammenhänge zwischen Ultraschallbefunden zum Zeitpunkt der künstlichen Besamung, dem Zeitpunkt der Ovulation und dem Erstbesamungserfolg bei Kühen der Rasse Deutsches Fleckvieh. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pont, Julie. Ökonomische Bedeutung des Umsatzes mit Antibiotika für private Nutztierpraxen in der Schweiz: Beispiel Kälbermast. 2020, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Gatien, Julie; Mermillod, Pascal; Tsikis, Guillaume; Bernardi, Ophélie; Janati Idrissi, Sarah; Uzbekov, Rustem; Le Bourhis, Daniel; Salvetti, Pascal; Almiñana, Carmen; Saint-Dizier, Marie (2019). Metabolomic profile of oviductal extracellular vesicles across the estrous cycle in cattle. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(24):E6339.
Hartmann, S; Riklin, A; Müntener, Cedric R; Schüpbach-Regula, G; Nathues, C; Sidler, X (2019). Antibiotikaeinsatz in Schweizer Ferkelerzeugungs- und Mastbetrieben. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(12):797-808.
Torrecilha, R B P; Milanesi, M; Gallana, M; Falbo, A K; Reichler, Iris M; Hug, P; Jagannathan, V; Trigo, B B; Paulan, S C; Bruno, D B; Garcia, S D; Scaramele, N F; Lopes, F L; Dolf, G; Leeb, T; Sölkner, J; Garcia, J F; Pienkowska‐Schelling, A; Schelling, Claude; Utsunomiya, Y T (2019). Association of missense variants in GDF9 with litter size in Entlebucher Mountain dogs. Animal Genetics, 51(1):78-86.
Walter, Jasmin; Huwiler, Fabian; Fortes, Claudia; Grossmann, Jonas; Roschitzki, Bernd; Hu, Junmin; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Laczko, Endre; Bleul, Ulrich (2019). Analysis of the equine “cumulome” reveals major metabolic aberrations after maturation in vitro. BMC Genomics, 20(1):588.
Arslan, Halil Ozancan; Herrera, Carolina; Malama, Eleni; Siuda, Mathias; Leiding, Claus; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Effect of the addition of different catalase concentrations to a TRIS-egg yolk extender on quality and in vitro fertilization rate of frozen-thawed bull sperm. Cryobiology, 91:40-52.
Bucher, K; Malama, E; Siuda, Mathias; Janett, Fredi; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Multicolor flow cytometric analysis of cryopreserved bovine sperm: a tool for the evaluation of bull fertility. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(12):11652-11669.
Kindle, Patrick; Zurfluh, Katrin; Nüesch-Inderbinen, Magdalena; von Ah, Sereina; Sidler, X; Stephan, Roger; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2019). Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Escherichia coli with non-susceptibility to quinolones isolated from environmental samples on pig farms. Porcine Health Management, 5(1):9.
Czernichow, P; Reynaud, K; Kerr-Conte, J; Furthner, Etienne; Ravassard, P (2019). Production, characterization, and function of pseudoislets from perinatal canine pancreas. Cell Transplantation, 28(12):1641-1651.
Zoller, Doreen; Peterson, Susanne; Boos, Alois; Hässig, Michael; Bleul, Ulrich (2019). Sonographic characteristics of the placenta, uterine wall, and placentomes during pregnancy in cows. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 47(6):355-365.
Zeng, Shuqin; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Bauersachs, Stefan (2019). Spatial organization of endometrial gene expression at the onset of embryo attachment in pigs. BMC Genomics, 20(1):895.
Neuhauser, Stefanie; Bollwein, Heiner; Siuda, Mathias; Handler, Johannes (2019). Effects of different freezing protocols on motility, viability, mitochondrial membrane potential, intracellular calcium level, and DNA integrity of cryopreserved equine epididymal sperm. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 82:102801.
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Traversari, J; Aepli, H; Knutti, B; Lüttgenau, J; Bruckmaier, R; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Relationships between antral follicle count, blood serum concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone and fertility in mares. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(10):627-638.
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Devaux, David; Müller, Judith; Butty, Marc André; Steiner, Adrian; Nuss, Karl (2019). Lateral radioulnar subluxation in three cattle: clinical findings, treatment, and outcome. Veterinary Surgery, 48(7):1271-1277.
Ernstberger, M; Oehl, H; Hässig, Michael; Hartnack, Sonja; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Predicting the probability of conception in dairy cows with clinical endometritis based on a combination of anamnestic information and examination results. Theriogenology, 138:127-136.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Hilbe, Monika; Devaux, D J; Reif, Christina (2019). Clinical and laboratory findings in 60 cows with type-3 abomasal ulcer. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(9):523-531.
Bucher, B; Bleul, U (2019). Die Auswirkung des selektiven Trockenstellens auf die Eutergesundheit in Schweizer Milchviehbetrieben. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(9):533-544.
Lechmann, Julia; Schoster, Angelika; Ernstberger, Martina; Fouché, Nathalie; Fraefel, Cornel; Bachofen, Claudia (2019). A novel PCR protocol for detection and differentiation of neuropathogenic and non-neuropathogenic equid alphaherpesvirus 1. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 31(5):696-703.
van Dorland, Anette; Janett, Fredi; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Wach-Gygax, Lucyna; Jeannerat, Elise; Bollwein, Heiner; Sieme, Harald; Burger, Dominik (2019). Herbal yeast product, Equi-Strath®, alters the antioxidant status of stallion semen. Animal Reproduction Science, 208:106119.
Süss, David; Iwersen, Michael; Schweinzer, Vanessa; Gusterer, Erika; Kanz, Peter; Krieger, Stefanie; Pothmann, Harald; Wagener, Karen; Hoelker, Michael; Tesfaye, Dawit; Schellander, Karl; Helmbrecht, Ariane; Parys, Claudia; Drillich, Marc (2019). Supplementing rumen‐protected methionine to lactating multiparous dairy cows did not improve reproductive performance. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 54(9):1265-1273.
Zeng, Shuqin; Bick, Jochen; Kradolfer, David; Knubben, Johannes; Flöter, Veronika L; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2019). Differential transcriptome dynamics during the onset of conceptus elongation and between female and male porcine embryos. BMC Genomics, 20(1):679.
Neuhauser, Stefanie; Bollwein, Heiner; Siuda, Mathias; Handler, Johannes (2019). Comparison of the effects of five semen extenders on the quality of frozen-thawed equine epididymal sperm. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 79:1-8.
Kaufmann, Cindy; Stalder, Hanspeter; Sidler, Xaver; Renzullo, Sandra; Gurtner, Corinne; Grahofer, Alexander; Schweizer, Matthias (2019). Long-term circulation of Atypical Porcine Pestivirus (APPV) within Switzerland. Viruses, 11(7):E653.
Oehler, Christin; Janett, Fredi; Schmitt, Sarah; Malama, Eleni; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Development of a flow cytometric assay to assess the bacterial count in boar semen. Theriogenology, 133:125-134.
Nuss, Karl; Müller, J; Wiestner, Thomas (2019). Effects of induced weight shift in the hind limbs on claw loads in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(7):6431-6441.
Neuhauser, Stefanie; Handler, Johannes; Schelling, Claude; Pienkowska-Schelling, Aldona (2019). Fertility and 63,X mosaicism in a Haflinger Sibship. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 78:127-133.
van der Weijden, Vera Anna; Bick, Jochen T; Bauersachs, Stefan; Arnold, Georg J; Fröhlich, Thomas; Drews, Barbara; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2019). Uterine fluid proteome changes during diapause and resumption of embryo development in roe deer. Reproduction, 158(1):13-24.
Echtermann, Thomas; Müntener, Cedric R; Sidler, X; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2019). Antimicrobial drug consumption on Swiss pig farms: a comparison of Swiss and European defined daily and course doses in the field. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6:240.
Pace Ravrot, C; Berg Assendrup, E; Reichler, Iris M; Wehrend, A; Uhlmann, J; Thejll-Kirchhoff, K; Vigholt, E; Goericke-Pesch, S (2019). Comparison of radiographic pelvimetric dimensions in Scottish Terriers of different countries. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 54(S2):85.
von Ah, Sereina; Stephan, Roger; Zurfluh, Katrin; Sidler, X; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2019). Occurrence of quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli in environmental samples from a sow pool system in Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(6):387-394.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Nuss, Karl; Hässig, Michael; Hilbe, Monika; Reif, Christina (2019). Clinical and laboratory findings, treatment and outcome in 145 cows with type-2 abomasal ulcer. Research in Veterinary Science, 124:366-374.
Drews, Barbara; Rudolf Vegas, Alba; van der Weijden, Vera Anna; Milojevic, Vladimir; Hankele, Anna Katharina; Schuler, Gerhard; Ulbrich, Susane Ernestine (2019). Do ovarian steroid hormones control the resumption of embryonic growth following the period of diapause in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)? Reproductive Biology, 19(2):149-157.
Almiñana, Carmen; Bauersachs, Stefan (2019). Extracellular Vesicles in the Oviduct: Progress, Challenges and Implications for the Reproductive Success. Bioengineering, 6(2):32.
Braun, Ueli; Hilbe, Monika; Peterhans, Ernst; Schweizer, Matthias (2019). Border disease in cattle. Veterinary Journal, 246:12-20.
Braun, Ueli; Wiest, Amelie; Lutz, Thomas A; Riond, Barbara; Stirn, Martina; Hilbe, Monika; Baumgartner, Markus R; Binz, Tina Maria (2019). Hair cortisol concentration in veal calves reared under two different welfare production labels. Research in Veterinary Science, 123:286-292.
Nicholson, Pamela; Furrer, Julia; Hässig, Michael; Strauss, Christian; Heller, Manfred; Braga-Lagache, Sophie; Frey, Joachim (2019). Production of neutralizing antibodies against the secreted Clostridium chauvoei toxin A (CctA) upon blackleg vaccination. Anaerobe, 56:78-87.
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Kümmerlen, Dolf; Hartmann, S; Riklin, A; Figi, R; Sidler, X (2019). Untersuchung von Tiergesundheit, Tierwohl und Biosicherheit während 101 Transporten von Mastferkeln in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(3):153-163.
Botta, Carolina; Pellegrini, Giovanni; Hässig, Michael; Pesch, Theresa; Prähauser, Barbara; Wunderlin, Sabina; Guscetti, Franco; Schneeberger, Marianne; Schmitt, Sarah; Basso, Walter; Hilbe, Monika; Schuler, Gerhard; Borel, Nicole (2019). Bovine fetal placenta during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Veterinary Pathology, 56(2):248-258.
Flöter, Veronika L; Bauersachs, Stefan; Fürst, Rainer W; Krebs, Stefan; Blum, Helmut; Reichenbach, Myriam; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2019). Exposure of pregnant sows to low doses of estradiol-17beta impacts on the transcriptome of the endometrium and the female preimplantation embryos. Biology of Reproduction, 100(3):624-640.
Becsek, Angela; Tzanidakis, Nikolaos; Blanco, Miguel; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Transrectal three-dimensional fetal volumetry and crown-rump length measurement during early gestation in mares: Intra- and inter-observer reliability and agreement. Theriogenology, 126:266-271.
Hässig, Michael; Depka, D; Boo, G; Fabrikant, S I; Torgerson, Paul R (2019). Räumliche Unterschiede in der Prävalenz von Rinderkrankheiten in einer Nutztierpraxis. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(2):85-92.
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Sidler, Xaver; Sydler, Titus; Hässig, Michael; Brugnera, Enrico (2019). Are PCV2-cattle infections at an early evolutionary virus adaption stage? Journal of Infectious Disease and Therapy, 07(1):1000389.
Scaravaggi, Iside; Borel, Nicole; Romer, Rebekka; Imboden, Isabel; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Zeng, Shuqin; Bollwein, Heiner; Bauersachs, Stefan (2019). Cell type-specific endometrial transcriptome changes during initial recognition of pregnancy in the mare. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 31(3):496.
Niozas, G; Tsousis, G; Steinhöfel, I; Brozos, C; Römer, A; Wiedemann, S; Bollwein, Heiner; Kaske, Martin (2019). Extended lactation in high-yielding dairy cows. I. Effects on reproductive measurements. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(1):799-810.
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Hassan, Mubbashar; Arshad, Usman; Bilal, Muhammad; Sattar, Abdul; Avais, Muhammad; Bollwein, Heiner; Ahmad, Nasim (2019). Luteal blood flow measured by Doppler ultrasonography during the first three weeks after artificial insemination in pregnant and non-pregnant Bos indicus dairy cows. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 65(1):29-36.
Bick, Jochen T; Zeng, Shuqin; Robinson, Mark D; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Bauersachs, Stefan (2019). Mammalian Annotation Database for improved annotation and functional classification of Omics datasets from less well-annotated organisms. Database, 2019:86.
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Piazena, Helmut; Müller, Werner; Pendl, Wolfgang; von Ah, Sereina; Cap, V H; Hug, Petra Julia; Sidler, Xaver; Pluschke, Gerd; Vaupel, Peter (2019). Thermal field formation during wIRA-hyperthermia: temperature measurements in skin and subcutis of piglets as a basis for thermotherapy of superficial tumors and local skin infections caused by thermosensitive microbial pathogens. International Journal of Hyperthermia, 36(1):938-952.
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Herzog, Kathrin; Debertolis, Letizia; Kastelic, John P; Schmicke, Marion; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Bollwein, Heiner (2019). Effects of intravenous infusion of E.coli lipopolysaccharide in early pregnant cows. Reproduction, 157(1):65-76.
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Lutz, Katharina-Marie. Do prevalence rates and severity of acquired urinary incontinence differ between dogs spayed by laparoscopy or laparotomy? Comparing apples with apples with a matched pair cohort study. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Arslan, Halil Ozancan. Effect of the addition of different catalase concentrations to a TRIS-egg yolk extender on quality and in vitro fertilization rate of frozen-thawed bull sperm. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bollwein, Heiner; Pricking, Sebastian; Spilker, Kim; Martinsson, Gunila; Rau, Janina; Toenissen, Anna; Sieme, Hartmut (2019). Equine fetal gender determination in mid- and advanced gestation by transabdominal approach - comparative study using 2D B-Mode ultrasound, Doppler sonography, 3D B-Mode and following tomographic ultrasound imaging. Pferdeheilkunde, 35(1):11-19.
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Gallana, Milena. Genome-wide association study and heritability estimate for ectopic ureters in Entlebucher mountain dogs. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Köstli, Christina Gabriela. Intravenöse und perorale Behandlung von an Gebärparese erkrankten Kühen mit Kalzium und Natriumphosphat. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Nogler, Simon. Klauen- und Gliedmassengesundheit sowie Cortisolkonzentrationen bei Milchkühen vor und nach Umstellung von Anbinde- auf Laufstallhaltung. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bucher, Kathrin Simone. Multicolor flow cytometric analysis of cryopreserved bovine sperm: a tool for the evaluation of bull fertility. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Graage, Robert; Ritzmann, Mathias; Stadler, Julia (2019). Nachweis des Porzinen Reproduktiven und Respiratorischen Syndrom Virus in Serumproben bei Zuchtsauen. Klauentierpraxis, 27:29-32.
Strasser, Florian Johannes. Pathogen-specific changes of milk composition and lack of effect of high dosage oxytocin during mastitis in dairy cows. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Monthoux, Chloé. Proteomic profiling of individual bovine cumulus complexes after in vivo and in vitro maturation reveals aberrations in numerous biological pathways. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Lutz, K M; Hartnack, Sonja; Reichler, Iris M (2019). Spaying dogs before or after the onset of puberty different risk for acquired urinary incontinence. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 54(S2):77-78.
Nuss, Karl; Kofler, J; Fiedler, A (2019). Spezielle Diagnostik und Therapie. In: Fiedler, A; Maierl, J; Nuss, Karl. Erkrankungen der Klauen und Zehen des Rindes (2. Auflage). Stuttgart, 102-174.
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Wichert, Brigitta; Gangnat, Isabelle; Nuss, Karl; Liesegang, Annette (2019). Spontaneous bone fractures in a goat: a consequence of copper deficiency? In: Schiavone, Achille; Nery, Joana. 23rd Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition. Turin: s.n., 164.
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Becsek, Angela Fabiola. Transrectal three-dimensional fetal volumetry and crown-rump length measurement during early gestation in mares: intra- and inter-observer reliability and agreement. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hässig, Michael; Grosjean, S; Hoffrichter, D; Sanders, G; Heusmann, B (2019). Unterschiede im Wiederkauverhalten von Kühen, die bei der Geburt Zughilfe benötigen oder nicht. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(3):171-178.
Kümmerlen, Dolf; Echtermann, Thomas; von Gerlach, Felipa; Müntener, Cedric R; Sidler, X (2019). Untersuchung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs in 598 Schweinebeständen in der Schweiz im Jahr 2017. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 161(12):809-820.
Nuss, Karl; Steiner, A; Kofler, J (2019). Untersuchung des Bewegungsapparats bei Erkrankungen im Zehenbereich. In: Fiedler, A; Maierl, J; Nuss, Karl. Erkrankungen der Klauen und Zehen des Rindes (2. Auflage). Stuttgart, 84-101.
Hanimann, Annina Denise. Vergleich der metabolischen Profile und der Bestandesscores sowie deren Aussagefähigkeit in Bezug auf die Fütterung und Fruchtbarkeit in Schweizer Milchviehbetrieben. 2019, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Egloff, S; Schneeberger, M; Gobeli Brawand, Stefanie; Krudewig, Christiane; Schmitt, S; Reichler, Iris; Peterhans, Sophie (2018). Brucella canis infection in a young dog with epididymitis and orchitis. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(12):743-748.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Brammertz, C (2018). Häufigkeit abnormer Ultraschallbefunde an der Lunge von 129 Kälbern mit Bronchopneumonie. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(12):737-741.
Balogh, Orsolya; Müller, Linda; Boos, Alois; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Reichler, Iris M (2018). Expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 and its receptor in preovulatory follicles and in the corpus luteum in the bitch. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 269:68-74.
Dolf, Gaudenz; Gaillard, Claude; Russenberger, Jane; Moseley, Lou; Schelling, Claude (2018). Factors contributing to the decision to perform a cesarean section in Labrador retrievers. BMC Veterinary Research, 14(1):57.
Nentwig, Alice; Meli, Marina L; Schrack, Johanna; Reichler, Iris M; Riond, Barbara; Gloor, Corinne; Howard, Judith; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Willi, Barbara (2018). First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in domestic cats in Switzerland: natural and transfusion-transmitted infections. Parasites & Vectors, 11(1):292.
Gallana, M; Utsunomiya, Y T; Dolf, G; Pintor Torrecilha, R B; Falbo, A K; Jagannathan, V; Leeb, T; Reichler, Iris M; Sölkner, J; Schelling, Claude (2018). Genome‐wide association study and heritability estimate for ectopic ureters in Entlebucher mountain dogs. Animal Genetics, 49(6):645-650.
Braun, Ueli; Janett, Fredi; Züblin, Sarah; von Büren, Michèle; Hilbe, Monika; Zanoni, Reto; Schweizer, Matthias (2018). Insemination with border disease virus-infected semen results in seroconversion in cows but not persistent infection in fetuses. BMC Veterinary Research, 14(1):159.
Wyck, Sarah; Herrera, Carolina; Requena, Cristina E; Bittner, Lilli; Hájková, Petra; Bollwein, Heiner; Santoro, Raffaella (2018). Oxidative stress in sperm affects the epigenetic reprogramming in early embryonic development. Epigenetics & Chromatin, 11(1):60.
Braun, Ueli; Warislohner, Sonja; Gerspach, Christian; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Nuss, Karl (2018). Treatment of 503 cattle with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 60(1):55.
Hankele, Anna-Katharina; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2018). Conjugated estrogens in the endometrium during the estrous cycle in pigs. Reproductive Biology, 18(4):336-343.
Wang, Shaopu; Meese, Susanne; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Bollwein, Heiner; Röntgen, Monika; Gimsa, Ulrike; Schwarm, Angela (2018). Effect of immune modulators on in vitro activation and proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from multiparous Holstein cows peripartum. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102(6):1515-1520.
Kaczyński, Piotr; Baryla, Monika; Goryszewska, Ewelina; Bauersachs, Stefan; WacŁawik, Agnieszka (2018). Prostaglandin F2α promotes embryo implantation and development in the pig. Reproduction, 156(5):405-419.
Riedi, Anna-Katharina; Nathues, Christina; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Nuss, Karl; Meylan, Mireille (2018). Variables of initial examination and clinical management associated with survival in small ruminants with obstructive urolithiasis. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 32(6):2105-2114.
Roos, Juliette; Maenhoudt, Cindy; Zilberstein, Luca; Mir, Fernando; Borges, Paulo; Furthner, Etienne; Niewiadomska, Zuzanna; Nudelmann, Nicolas; Fontbonne, Alain (2018). Neonatal puppy survival after planned caesarean section in the bitch using aglepristone as a primer: A retrospective study on 74 cases. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 53(Suppl):85-95.
Echtermann, Thomas; Müntener, Cedric R; Torgerson, Paul R; Sidler, X; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2018). Etablierung von definierten Tagesdosierungen und definierten Gesamtbehandlungsdosierungen zur Messung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs in der Schweizer Schweineproduktion. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(10):597-605.
Rutkowska, Karolina; Stachowiak, Monika; Oprzadek, Jolanta; Bauersachs, Stefan; Flisikowski, Krzysztof (2018). Altered miRNA-4321 expression in maternal and foetal placenta of intrauterine growth restricted bovine foetuses. Placenta, 70:50-52.
Furthner, Etienne; Cordonnier, Nathalie; Le Dudal, Marine; Fontbonne, Alain; Freiche, Valérie (2018). Is electroejaculation a safe procedure in cats? An endoscopic and histological prospective blinded study. Theriogenology, 119:69-75.
Balogh, Orsolya; Borruat, Natalie; Meier, Angela Andrea; Hartnack, Sonja; Reichler, Iris M (2018). The influence of spaying and its timing relative to the onset of puberty on urinary and general behaviour in Labrador Retrievers. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 53(5):1184-1190.
Terranova, M; Kreuzer, Michael; Braun, Ueli; Schwarm, Angela (2018). In vitro screening of temperate climate forages from a variety of woody plants for their potential to mitigate ruminal methane and ammonia formation. Journal of Agricultural Science, 156(7):929-941.
Keller, Stefanie R; Abonyi-Tóth, Zsolt; Sprenger, Norbert; Austin, Sean C; Wichert, Brigitta; Liesegang, Annette; Oei, Christine H Y; Balogh, Orsolya; Reichler, Iris M (2018). Effect of metoclopramide treatment of bitches during the first week of lactation on serum prolactin concentration, milk composition, and milk yield and on weight gain of their puppies. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 79(2):233-241.
Almiñana, C; Tsikis, G; Labas, V; Uzbekov, R; da Silveira, J C; Bauersachs, Stefan; Mermillod, P (2018). Deciphering the oviductal extracellular vesicles content across the estrous cycle: implications for the gametes-oviduct interactions and the environment of the potential embryo. BMC Genomics, 19:622.
Bick, Jochen T; Flöter, Veronika L; Robinson, Mark D; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2018). Small RNA-seq analysis of single porcine blastocysts revealed that maternal estradiol-17beta exposure does not affect miRNA isoform (isomiR) expression. BMC Genomics, 19(1):590.
Neuhauser, Stefanie; Handler, Johannes; Schelling, Claude; Pienkowska-Schelling, Aldona (2018). Disorder of sexual development in a mare with an unusual tentative mosaic karyotype (63,X/64,XYdel). Sexual Development, 12:232-238.
Lüttgenau, J; Imboden, Isabel; Romer, R; Scaravaggi, Iside Naomi Ester; Neves, A P; Wellnitz, O; Bruckmaier, R M; Janett, F; Bollwein, Heiner (2018). Ovarian and uterine blood flow in cycling mares after intrauterine infusion of killed deep-frozen semen or physiologic saline. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 66:142.
Zeng, Shuqin; Bick, Jochen; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Bauersachs, Stefan (2018). Cell type-specific analysis of transcriptome changes in the porcine endometrium on Day 12 of pregnancy. BMC Genomics, 19(1):459.
Frehner, Bianca Lourdes; Reichler, Iris M; Keller, Stefanie; Goericke-Pesch, S; Balogh, Orsolya (2018). Blood calcium, glucose and haematology profiles of parturient bitches diagnosed with uterine inertia or obstructive dystocia. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 53(3):680-687.
Balogh, Orsolya; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Keller, Stefanie; Reichler, Iris M (2018). Effect of maternal metabolism on fetal supply: glucose, non-esterified fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in canine maternal serum and fetal fluids at term pregnancy. Animal Reproduction Science, 193:209-216.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Warislohner, Sonja; Nuss, Karl; Ohlerth, Stefanie (2018). Ultrasonographic and radiographic findings in 503 cattle with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Research in Veterinary Science, 119:154-161.
Giordanella, Antonia; Gimmel, Angela; Pendl, Wolfgang; Liesegang, Annette (2018). Investigation of a lameness problem in a fattening pig farm in central Switzerland: evaluation of dietary calcium to phosphorus ratio and bone density measurements, Tagungsbericht, 08. Mai 2018. In: Kreuzer, Michael; Lanzini, T; Liesegang, Annette; Bruckmaier, R; Hess, H D; Ulbrich, S E. Tagungsbericht, 08. Mai 2018 ETH-Schriftreihe zur Tierernährung [ETH-Zürich, Institut für Agrarwissenschaften]. Zürich: ETH Zürich, 121-124.
Fernández, Miguel; Braun, Ueli; Frei, Sandra; Schweizer, Matthias; Hilbe, Monika (2018). Border disease virus infection of bovine placentas. Veterinary Pathology, 55(3):425-433.
Lippuner, Christoph; Ramakrishnan, Chandra; Basso, Walter U; Schmid, Marc W; Okoniewski, Michal; Smith, Nicholas C; Hässig, Michael; Deplazes, Peter; Hehl, Adrian B (2018). RNA-Seq analysis during the life cycle of Cryptosporidium parvum reveals significant differential gene expression between proliferating stages in the intestine and infectious sporozoites. International Journal for Parasitology, 48(6):413-422.
Peter, R; Müntener, Cedric R; Demuth, Daniel C; Heim, D; Stucki, F; Mevissen, Meike; Gerspach, Christian; Kaske, M; Steiner, A; Meylan, M; Bodmer, M; Schüpbach-Regula, G; Feldmann, M; Naegeli, Hanspeter (2018). Entscheidungshilfe für den umsichtigen Einsatz von antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen: Anwendung beim Rind. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(4):219-226.
Furthner, Etienne; Pasquet, Isabelle; Niewiadomska, Zuzanna; Fontbonne, Alain; Maenhoudt, Cindy (2018). Ulcerative fibroadenomatous hyperplasia in pregnant queens: two medically managed cases. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 6(2):e000623.
Flöter, Veronika L; Lorenz, Anne-Kathrin; Kirchner, Benedikt; Pfaffl, Michael W; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E (2018). Impact of preimplantational oral low-dose estradiol-17β exposure on the endometrium: The role of miRNA. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 85(5):417-426.
Hässig, Michael; Degen Aguayo Aparicio, Cynthia; Nuss, Karl (2018). Auswirkungen von Lahmheiten zum Zeitpunkt des Trockenstellens auf die Milch- und Fruchtbarkeitsleistungen der folgenden Laktation. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(2):115-122.
Hässig, Michael; Degen Aguayo Aparicio, Cynthia; Nuss, Karl (2018). Korrelation eines Lahmheit-Scoring- Systems und Klauenläsionen. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(2):107-114.
Jeannerat, E; Marti, E; Berney, C; Janett, Fredi; Bollwein, Heiner; Sieme, H; Burger, D; Wedekind, C (2018). Stallion semen quality depends on major histocompatibility complex matching to teaser mare. Molecular Ecology, 27(4):1025-1035.
Swirski, Sebastian; Röger, Carsten; Pienkowska-Schelling, Aldona; Ihlenburg, Cynthia; Fischer, Gösta; May, Oliver; Vorm, Mariann; Owczarek-Lipska, Marta; Neidhardt, John (2018). A novel C-terminal mutation in Gsdma3 (C+/H−) leads to alopecia and corneal inflammatory response in mice. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science [IOVS], 59(1):561-571.
Gürler, H; Podhajsky, E; Özen, D; Leiding, C; Bollwein, Heiner; Meinecke-Tillmann, S (2018). Suitability of the hemi-zona assay for the evaluation of the effect of the length of the equilibration period before cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 106:157-163.
Wang, S; Müller, A; Hilfiker, D; Marquardt, S; Kreuzer, Michael; Braun, Ueli; Schwarm, Angela (2018). Effect of individual Ayurveda plants and mixtures thereof on in vitro ruminal fermentation, methane production and nutrient degradability. Animal Production Science, 58(12):2258-2268.
Bittner, L; Wyck, S; Herrera, C; Siuda, M; Wrenzycki, C; van Loon, B; Bollwein, Heiner (2018). Negative effects of oxidative stress in bovine spermatozoa on in vitro development and DNA integrity of embryos. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 30(10):1359-1368.
Heppelmann, M; Volland, J; Pfarrer, C; Kietzmann, M; Bäumer, W; Merbach, S; Schoon, H-A; Wellnitz, O; Schmicke, M; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, Heiner (2018). Effects of oxytocin and PGF2α on uterine contractility in cows with and without metritis-An in-vitro study. Animal Reproduction Science, 188:144-154.
Scaravaggi, Iside Naomi Ester. Cell type-specific endometrial transcriptome changes during initial recognition of pregnancy in the mare. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Warislohner, Sonja; Torgerson, Paul R; Nuss, Karl; Gerspach, Christian (2018). Clinical and laboratory findings in 503 cattle with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. BMC Veterinary Research, 14(1):66.
Ibănescu, Iulian; Leiding, Claus; Bollwein, Heiner (2018). Cluster analysis reveals seasonal variation of sperm subpopulations in extended boar semen. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 64(1):33-39.
Andrysikova, Radka; Sydler, Titus; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Pendl, Wolfgang; Graage, Robert; Moutelikova, Romana; Prodelalova, Jana; Voelter, Katrin (2018). Congenital microphthalmic syndrome in a swine. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine, 2018:2051350.
Gimmel, Angela; Hochstrasser, R; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl; Liesegang, Annette (2018). Der Einfluss des Körpergewichtes auf wachsende Knochen - Ein Fallbericht. In: Kreuzer, Michael; Lanzini, T; Liesegang, Annette; Bruckmaier, R; Hess, H D; Ulbrich, S E. Zukunft der Tierernährung zwischen Effizienz und Konsumentenansprüchen : Tagungsbericht, 8. Mai 2018. Zürich: ETH Zürich, 129-132.
Stalder, S; Sidler, X; Hässig, M (2018). Deskriptive Studie zur antibiotikafreien Milchproduktion beim Rind. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(12):1-11.
Rudolf Vegas, Alba. Do ovarian steroid hormones control the resumption of embryonic growth following the period of diapause in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)? 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Falke, Anna. Effect of rubber mats and perforation in the lying area on claw and limb lesions of fattening pigs. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Müller, Judith. Einfluss von Gliedmassenstellung und Gewichtsverlagerung auf die Klauenbelastung der Hinterbeine von Milchkühen. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Donati, B; Fürst, Anton; Hässig, Michael; Jackson, Michelle Amanda (2018). Epidemiology of fractures: the role of kick injuries in equine fractures. Equine Veterinary Journal, 50(5):580-586.
Echtermann, Thomas Heinrich. Etablierung von definierten Tagesdosierungen und definierten Gesamtbehandlungsdosierungen zur Messung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs in der Schweizer Schweineproduktion. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Maier, Katharina. Evaluation des PM Pferde-Schwinglifters® als Unterstützungstherapie in der Pferdemedizin. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Honegger, Julia. Feldversuch zur Eradikation von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) mittels Bakteriophagen in einem Schweinebetrieb. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Schmaranzer, Florian; Arendt, L; Lerch, T D; Steppacher, S D; Nuss, Karl; Wolfer, N; Dawson, H E; von Rechenberg, Brigitte; Kircher, Patrick R; Tannast, M (2018). Femoral osteochondroplasty can be performed effectively without the risk of avascular necrosis or femoral neck fractures in an experimental ovine FAI model. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 26(1):128-137.
Kehl, Debora; Görtz, Sabrina; Wang, Craig; Hoerstrup, Simon P; Bleul, U; Weber, Benedikt (2018). Gestational age-dependent fetal fluid dynamics in the ovine developmental model: establishment of surrogate markers for the differentiation of stem cell origin. Cells, Tissues, Organs, 206(4-5):208-217.
Wiest, Amelie Margarethe Rosalia. Haarcortisolkonzentrationen bei Kälbern verschiedener Produktionslabels und bei solchen mit und ohne Bronchopneumonie. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Sinz, Susanne; Kunz, Carmen; Liesegang, Annette; Braun, Ueli; Marquardt, Svenja; Soliva, Carla R; Kreuzer, Michael (2018). In vitro bioactivity of various pure flavonoids in ruminal fermentation, with special reference to methane formation. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 63:293-304.
Gerspach, Christian. Investigation of biomarkers for fatty liver in dairy cows. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Cardona Gavaldon, Nancy Anette. Kraftverteilung unter den Klauen laktierender Milchkühe bei unterschiedlicher Standfläche vor und nach der Klauenpflege. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Furthner, Etienne (2018). Les limites de la stérilisation chirurgicale : quand recourir à la castration chimique. Le Nouveau praticien vétérinaire, 70(15):21.
Bauersachs, Stefan. Molecular networks as sensors and driver of uterine receptivity in livestock. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Rickenbacher, Leonie. Morphologische Untersuchung des Musculus interosseus medius und seiner Umgebung beim einjährigen Rind. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hug, Petra Julia; Cap, V H; Honegger, J; Schüpbach-Regula, Gertraud; Schwarz, Andrea; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2018). Optimization of analgesia for piglet castration under isoflurane anaesthesia with parenteral butorphanol, meloxicam or intratesticular lidocaine. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 160(7-8):461-467.
Ernstberger, Martina. Predicting fertility in cows with clinical endometritis based on a number of clinical symptoms and examination results. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hooshmandabbasi, Reyhaneh; Zerbe, Holm; Bauersachs, Stefan; de Sousa, Noelita M; Boos, Alois; Klisch, Karl (2018). Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in cows with retained fetal membranes. Theriogenology, 105:158-163.
Aepli, Helen. Relationships between antral follicle count, blood serum concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone and fertility in mares. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Huwiler, Fabian Josef. Unterschiede im equinen Kumulusproteom zwischen in-vivo und in-vitro maturierten Kumuluszellen. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bischofberger, Andrea S; Fürst, Anton E; Torgerson, Paul R; Carstens, Ann; Hilbe, Monika; Kircher, Patrick R (2018). Use of a 3-Telsa magnet to perform delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the distal interphalangeal joint of horses with and without naturally occurring osteoarthritis. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 79(3):287-298.
von Ah, Sereina. Vorkommen Chinolon-resistenter Escherichia coli in Umgebungsproben aus Schweinebetrieben. 2018, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pricking, S; Bollwein, Heiner; Spilker, K; Martinsson, G; Schweizer, A; Thomas, S; Oldenhof, H; Sieme, H (2017). Testicular volumetry and prediction of daily sperm output in stallions by orchidometry and two- and three-dimensional sonography. Theriogenology, 104:149-155.
van der Weijden, Vera A; Chen, Shuai; Bauersachs, Stefan; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Schoen, Jennifer (2017). Gene expression of bovine embryos developing at the air-liquid interface on oviductal epithelial cells (ALI-BOEC). Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 15(1):91.
Stachowiak, Monika; Flisikowska, Tatiana; Bauersachs, Stefan; Perleberg, Carolin; Pausch, Hubert; Switonski, Marek; Kind, Alexander; Saur, Dieter; Schnieke, Angelika; Flisikowski, Krzysztof (2017). Altered microRNA profiles during early colon adenoma progression in a porcine model of familial adenomatous polyposis. OncoTarget, 8(56):96154-96160.
Reusch, Claudia E; Fracassi, F; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Burkhardt, W A; Hofer-Inteeworn, Nathalie; Schuppisser, C; Stirn, Martina; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Boretti, Felicitas S (2017). Altered serum thyrotropin concentrations in dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism before and during treatment. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(6):1643-1648.
Arlt, S; Wehrend, A; Reichler, Iris M (2017). Kastration der Hündin – neue und alte Erkenntnisse zu Vor- und Nachteilen. Tierärztliche Praxis, 45(4):253-263.
Kehl, Debora; Generali, Melanie; Görtz, Sabrina; Geering, Diego; Slamecka, Jaroslav; Hoerstrup, Simon P; Bleul, Ulrich; Weber, Benedikt (2017). Amniotic fluid cells show higher pluripotency-related gene expression than allantoic fluid cells. Stem Cells and Development, 26(19):1424-1437.
Peter, R; Demuth, Daniel C; Müntener, Cedric R; Lampart, M S; Heim, D; Mevissen, Meike; Schüpbach-Regula, G; Schuller, S; Stucki, F; Willi, Barbara; Burkhardt, W; Francey, T; Nett, C S; Tschuor, F; Naegeli, Hanspeter (2017). Eine Entscheidungshilfe für den umsichtigen Einsatz von antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen: Anwendung in der Kleintiermedizin. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(10):525-533.
Korkmaz, Fatih Mehmet; Malama, E; Siuda, M; Leiding, C; Bollwein, Heiner (2017). Effects of sodium pyruvate on viability, synthesis of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and DNA integrity of cryopreserved bovine sperm. Animal Reproduction Science, 185:18-27.
Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Salesov, Elena; Quante, S; Riond, Barbara; Rentsch, K; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Reusch, Claudia E; Boretti, Felicitas (2017). Effects of trilostane on urinary catecholamines and their metabolites in dogs with hypercortisolism. BMC Veterinary Research, 13(1):279.
Braun, Ueli; Gerspach, Christian; Kühn, Karolin; Bünter, Julia; Hilbe, Monika (2017). Abscess of the cervical spine secondary to injection site infection in a heifer. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 59(1):10.
Bauersachs, Stefan; Simintiras, Constantine A; Sturmey, Roger G; Krebs, Stefan; Bick, Jochen; Blum, Helmut; Wolf, Eckhard; Lonergan, Pat; Forde, Niamh (2017). Effect of metabolic status on conceptus-maternal interactions on day 19 in dairy cattle: II. Effects on the endometrial transcriptome. Biology of Reproduction, 97(3):413-425.
Wach-Gygax, L; Burger, D; Malama, Eleni; Bollwein, Heiner; Fleisch, A; Jeannerat, E; Thomas, S; Schuler, G; Janett, Fredi (2017). Seasonal changes of DNA fragmentation and quality of raw and cold-stored stallion spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 99:98-104.
Braun, Ueli; Warislohner, Sonja; Hetzel, Udo; Nuss, Karl (2017). Case report: clinical and postmortem findings in four cows with rib fracture. BMC Research Notes, 10(1):85.
Blutke, Andreas; Renner, Simone; Flenkenthaler, Florian; Backman, Mattias; Haesner, Serena; Kemter, Elisabeth; Ländström, Erik; Braun-Reichhart, Christina; Albl, Barbara; Streckel, Elisabeth; Rathkolb, Birgit; Prehn, Cornelia; Palladini, Alessandra; Grzybek, Michal; Krebs, Stefan; Bauersachs, Stefan; Bähr, Andrea; Brühschwein, Andreas; Deeg, Cornelia A; De Monte, Erica; Dmochewitz, Michaela; Eberle, Caroline; Emrich, Daniela; Fux, Robert; Groth, Frauke; Gumbert, Sophie; Heitmann, Antonia; Hinrichs, Arne; Kessler, Barbara; Kurome, Mayuko; et al (2017). The Munich MIDY Pig Biobank - A unique resource for studying organ crosstalk in diabetes. Molecular Metabolism, 6(8):931-940.
Hungerbuehler, Stephan O; Reichler, Iris M; Nickel, R; Fehr, M (2017). Sonografischer Untersuchungsgang zu Beurteilung der Ureteren beim Hund für Zuchtuntersuchungen. Kleintierpraxis, 62(7):434-450.
Graf, Urs; Casanova, Elisa A; Wyck, Sarah; Dalcher, Damian; Gatti, Marco; Vollenweider, Eva; Okoniewski, Michal J; Weber, Fabienne A; Patel, Sameera S; Schmid, Marc W; Li, Jiwen; Sharif, Jafar; Wanner, Guido A; Koseki, Haruhiko; Wong, Jiemin; Pelczar, Pawel; Penengo, Lorenza; Santoro, Raffaella; Cinelli, Paolo (2017). Pramel7 mediates ground-state pluripotency through proteasomal-epigenetic combined pathways. Nature Cell Biology, 19(7):763-773.
Schrack, J; Dolf, Gaudenz; Reichler, Iris M; Schelling, Claude (2017). Factors influencing litter size and puppy losses in the Entlebucher Mountain dog. Theriogenology, 95:163-170.
Górriz-Martín, L; Ulbrich, S E; Schmicke, M; Hirsbrunner, G; Keller, C; Yücesoy, N; Pfarrer, C; Bollwein, Heiner; Heppelmann, M (2017). The myometrial contractility during late pregnancy in dairy cows, in vitro. Animal Reproduction Science, 181:130-140.
Kolp, Elisabeth; Wilkens, Mirja R; Pendl, Wolfgang; Eichenberger, B; Liesegang, Annette (2017). Vitamin D metabolism in growing pigs: influence of UVB irradiation and dietary vitamin D supply on calcium homeostasis, its regulation and bone metabolism. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 101(Supp 1):79-94.
Spiri, Andrea Monika; Rodriguez-Campos, Sabrina; Matos, José M; Glaus, Toni M; Riond, Barbara; Reusch, Claudia E; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Willi, Barbara (2017). Clinical, serological and echocardiographic examination of healthy field dogs before and after vaccination with a commercial tetravalent leptospirosis vaccine. BMC Veterinary Research, 13(1):138.
Nuss, Karl; Schwarz, Andrea; Ringer, Simone K (2017). Lokalanästhesien beim Wiederkäuer. Tierärztliche Praxis, 45(3):159-173.
Gerspach, Christian; Imhasly, Sandro; Klingler, R; Hilbe, Monika; Hartnack, Sonja; Rütten, Maja (2017). Variation in fat content between liver lobes and comparison with histopathological scores in dairy cows with fatty liver. BMC Veterinary Research, 13(1):98.
Tarpataki, N; Wawrzyniak, M; Akdis, C A; Rückert, B; Meli, Marina L; Fischer, Nina M; Favrot, Claude; Rostaher, Ana (2017). The effects of cryopreservation on the expression of canine regulatory T-cell markers. Veterinary Dermatology, 28(4):396-e93.
Braun, Ueli; Warislohner, Sonja; Gerspach, Christian; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Wanninger, Sabrina; Borel, Nicole (2017). Clinical, sonographic and pathological findings in a Saanen goat with mediastinal thymoma. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(3):185-188.
Walter, Jasmin; Weissbeck, Pia; Bleul, Ulrich (2017). Möglichkeiten zur Regulation unerwünschten Sexualverhaltens bei Stute und Hengst. Der praktische Tierarzt, 98:226-232.
Nuss, Karl; Boppart, Jasmin; Geyer, Hans (2017). Clinical findings, treatment, and outcome in 11 dairy heifers with breakdown injury due to interosseous medius muscle rupture. Veterinary Surgery, 46(2):197-205.
Braun, Ueli; Tschoner, Theresa; Hässig, Michael; Nuss, Karl (2017). Eating and rumination behaviour in cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(2):101-108.
Müller, Linda; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Reichler, Iris M; Kollár, Eszter; Balogh, Orsolya (2017). Different expression of leptin and IGF1 in the adult and prepubertal testis in dogs. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 52(Suppl 2):187-192.
Balogh, Orsolya; Roch, Marie; Keller, Stefanie; Michel, Erika; Reichler, Iris M (2017). The use of semi-quantitative tests at Cesarean section delivery for the differentiation of canine fetal fluids from maternal urine on the basis of biochemical characteristics. Theriogenology, 88:174-182.
Wäsle, K; Pospischil, Andreas; Hässig, M; Gerspach, Christian; Hilbe, Monika (2017). The post-mortem examination in ruminants and its possible benefit to ruminant clinical medicine. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 156(2-3):202-216.
Bollwein, Heiner; Janett, Fredi; Kaske, M (2017). Effects of nutrition on sexual development of bulls. Animal Reproduction, 14(3):607-613.
Gündüz, Mehmet Can; Evkuran Dal, Gamze; Kurban, İbrahim; Turna, Özge; Uçmak, Zeynep; Uçmak, Melih; Ozsait Selçuk, Bilge; Kömürcü Bayrak, Evrim; Yildirim, Funda; Haktanir, Damla; Kasikçi, Güven; Bollwein, Heiner (2017). Uterine immune response after single and double fresh sperm insemination in mares. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 23(6):879-886.
Awasthi Mishra, Nivedita; Drögemüller, Cord; Jagannathan, Vidhya; Keller, Irene; Wüthrich, Daniel; Bruggmann, Rémy; Beck, Julia; Schütz, Ekkehard; Brenig, Bertram; Demmel, Steffi; Moser, Simon; Signer-Hasler, Heidi; Pieńkowska-Schelling, Aldona; Schelling, Claude; Sande, Marcos; Rongen, Ronald; Rieder, Stefan; Kelsh, Robert N; Mercader, Nadia; Leeb, Tosso (2017). A structural variant in the 5'-flanking region of the TWIST2 gene affects melanocyte development in belted cattle. PLoS ONE, 12(6):e0180170.
Gerspach, C; Imhasly, S; Gubler, M; Naegeli, H; Ruetten, M; Laczko, E (2017). Altered plasma lipidome profile of dairy cows with fatty liver disease. Research in Veterinary Science, 110:47-59.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Radford, Alan D; Tasker, Séverine; Belák, Sándor; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2017). Anaplasma, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia species infections in cats: European guidelines from the ABCD on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(5):542-548.
Hartmann, Stephanie. Antibiotikaeinsatz und Tierbehandlungsindex in Schweizer Ferkelerzeugungsbetrieben. 2017, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Keiser, Ramona; Reichler, Iris M; Balogh, Orsolya (2017). Are foetal ultrasonographic and maternal blood progesterone measurements near parturition reliable predictors of the time of birth in the domestic cat? Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 52(3):487-494.
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Pendl, Wolfgang; Jenny, B; Torgerson, Paul R; Spring, P; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Sidler, X (2017). Auswirkungen einer Bestandesbetreuung auf das Vorkommen des Postpartalen Dysgalaktie Syndroms (PPDS) und die Tierbehandlungsinzidenz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 159(2):109-116.
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Kubacki, Jakub; Fraefel, Cornel; Jermini, Marco; Giannini, Petra; Martinetti, Gladys; Ripellino, Paolo; Bernasconi, Enos; Sidler, Xaver; Stephan, Roger; Bachofen, Claudia (2017). Complete genome sequences of two Swiss Hepatitis E virus isolates from human stool and raw pork sausage. Genome Announcements, 5(35):e00888-17.
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Debertolis, Letizia; Mari, Gaetano; Merlo, Barbara; Merbach, Sabine; Schoon, Heinz-Adolf; Iacono, Eleonora; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Effects of induced endometritis on uterine blood flow in cows as evaluated by transrectal Doppler sonography. Journal of Veterinary Science, 17(2):189-197.
Lüttgenau, Johannes; Möller, Benjamin; Kradolfer, David; Wellnitz, Olga; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Miyamoto, Akio; Ulbrich, Susanne E; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Lipopolysaccharide enhances apoptosis of corpus luteum in isolated perfused bovine ovariesin vitro. Reproduction, 151(1):17-28.
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Sinz, S; Liesegang, Annette; Braun, Ueli; Kreuzer, Michael; Soliva, C R (2016). Kurzzeiteffekte reiner, in Pflanzen vorkommender Flavanole auf die Fermentation im Pansen in vitro. In: Kreuzer, Michael; Lanzini, T; Liesegang, Annette; Bruckmaier, R; Hess, H D; Ulbrich, S E. Umdenken in der Eiweissversorgung der Nutztiere; Tagungsbericht, 11. Mai 2016. Zürich: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH), 137-140.
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Lüttgenau, Johannes; Herzog, Kathrin; Strüve, Klaas; Latter, Sophie; Boos, Alois; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Bollwein, Heiner; Kowalewski, Mariusz Pawel (2016). LPS-mediated effects and spatio-temporal expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in the bovine corpus luteum. Reproduction, 151:391-399.
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Kaya, Semra; Kaçar, Cihan; Polat, Bülent; Çolak, Armağan; Kaya, Duygu; Gürcan, I S; Bollwein, Heiner; Aslan, Selim (2016). Association of luteal blood flow with follicular size, serum estrogen and progesterone concentrations, and the inducibility of luteolysis by PGF2α in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 87:167-172.
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Lüttgenau, Johannes; Purschke, S; Tsousis, G; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Body condition loss and increased serum levels of nonesterified fatty acids enhance progesterone levels at estrus and reduce estrous activity and insemination rates in postpartum dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(4):656-663.
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Lüttgenau, Johannes; Kögel, T; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Effects of GnRH or PGF2α in week 5 postpartum on the incidence of cystic ovarian follicles and persistent corpora lutea and on fertility parameters in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(5):904-913.
Gürler, H; Malama, E; Heppelmann, M; Calisici, O; Leiding, C; Kastelic, J P; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Effects of cryopreservation on sperm viability, synthesis of reactive oxygen species, and DNA damage of bovine sperm. Theriogenology, 86(2):562-571.
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Sydler, Titus; Brägger, Stefanie; Handke, Martin; Hartnack, Sonja; Lewis, Fraser I; Sidler, Xaver; Brugnera, Enrico (2016). Latent porcine circovirus type 2-infected domestic pigs: A potential infection model for the effective development of vaccines against latent or chronic virus induced diseases. Vaccine, 34(8):1047-1053.
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Lüttgenau, Johannes; Lingemann, Bernhard; Wellnitz, Olga; Hankele, A K; Schmicke, M; Ulbrich, S E; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Repeated intrauterine infusions of lipopolysaccharide alter gene expression and lifespan of the bovine corpus luteum. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(8):6639-6653.
Nuss, Karl (2016). Surgery of the distal limb. The Veterinary clinics of North America. Food animal practice, 32(3):753-775.
Grüntzig, K; Graf, R; Boo, G; Guscetti, Franco; Hässig, Michael; Axhausen, K W; Fabrikant, Sara I; Welle, M; Meier, D; Folkers, G; Pospischil, A (2016). Swiss canine cancer registry 1955–2008: occurrence of the most common tumour diagnoses and influence of age, breed, body size, sex and neutering status on tumour development. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 155(2-3):156-170.
Graf, R; Grüntzig, K; Boo, G; Hässig, Michael; Axhausen, K W; Fabrikant, Sara I; Welle, M; Meier, D; Guscetti, Franco; Folkers, G; Otto, V; Pospischil, A (2016). Swiss feline cancer registry 1965–2008: the Influence of sex, breed and age on tumour types and tumour locations. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 154(2-3):195-210.
Klausmann, Stefanie. T-cell reprogramming trough targeted CD4-coreceptor and T-cell receptor expression on maturing thymocytes by latent Circoviridae family member porcine circovirus member type 2 cell infections in the thymus. 2016, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Heppelmann, M; Weinert, M; Ulbrich, S E; Brömmling, A; Piechotta, M; Merbach, S; Schoon, H-A; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). The effect of puerperal uterine disease on histopathologic findings and mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines of the endometrium in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(7):1348-1356.
Heller, Oliver; Sidler, Xaver; Hässig, Michael; Thanner, S; Bee, G; Gutzwiller, A; Stephan, Roger (2016). The effect of the administration of three different antimicrobial premix formulations via the liquid feeding system on the occurrence of Enterobacteriaceae resistant to tetracycline in the liquid feed for pigs. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 158(6):411-422.
Spiri, Andrea Monika. The genetic diversity and phenotypic associations of feline caliciviruses from cats in Switzerland. 2016, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bollwein, Heiner; Heppelmann, Maike; Lüttgenau, Johannes (2016). Ultrasonographic doppler use for female reproduction management. The Veterinary clinics of North America. Food animal practice, 32(1):149-164.
Lüttgenau, Johannes; Mang, H; Borel, Nicole; Bruckmaier, Rupert M; Bollwein, Heiner (2016). Ultrasonographic examination reduces the percentage of unsuccessful inseminations in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 85(4):664-670.
Braun, Ueli; Mitchell, Katharyn J; Schramm, S; Nogler, S; Hatt, Jean-Michel; Malbon, A (2016). Ultrasonographic findings in two sheep with enzootic calcinosis. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 158(12):827-832.
Hornok, Sándor; Kartali, Kitti; Takács, Nóra; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2016). Uneven seasonal distribution of Babesia canis and its two 18S rDNA genotypes in questing Dermacentor reticulatus ticks in urban habitats. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 7(5):694-697.
Degen Aguayo Aparicio, Cynthia. Untersuchungen über Lahmheits-Scoring und Auswirkungen von peripartaler Lahmheit auf Milchleistungs- und Fruchtbarkeitsparameter. 2016, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Buchli, Helena. Untersuchungen über das Fressen und Wiederkauen bei gesunden und kranken Kühen im peripartalen Zeitraum. 2016, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pongratz, Michaela Carina; Junge, Hannah K; Riond, Barbara; Schwarzwald, Colin C (2016). Validation of the Accutrend Plus point-of-care triglyceride analyzer in horses, ponies, and donkeys. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 26(5):682-690.
Zeitz, J O; Ineichen, S; Soliva, C R; Leiber, F; Tschuor, A; Braun, Ueli; Kreuzer, Michael; Clauss, Marcus (2016). Variability in microbial population and fermentation traits at various sites within the forestomach and along the digestive tract as assessed in goats fed either grass or browse. Small Ruminant Research, 136:7-17.
Riklin, Annette Seraina. Antibiotikumeinsatz in Schweizer Schweinemastbetrieben. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Comazzi, S; Marconato, L; Argyle, D J; Aresu, L; Stirn, M; Grant, I A; Guscetti, Franco; Hendrickx, T; Ibisch, C; Lawrence, J A; Polton, G A; Teske, E (2015). The European canine lymphoma network: a joining initiative to generate consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and therapy in canine lymphoma and research partnership. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, 13(4):494-497.
Möller, Benjamin. Einfluss von Lipopolysaccharid auf das Corpus luteum am isoliert perfundierten Ovar des Rindes. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Burkhardt, W A; Hofer-Inteeworn, Nathalie; Riond, Barbara; Rast, I T; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Reusch, Claudia E; Boretti, Felicitas S (2015). Cortisol response in healthy and diseased dogs after stimulation with a depot formulation of synthetic ACTH. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29(6):1541-1546.
Wiedemann, Steffi; Holz, Patricia; Kaske, Martin; Kunz, H-J; Stamer, E (2015). Einfluss einer ad libitum Tränke von Holstein-Friesian Kälbern während der ersten vier Lebenswochen auf die Gewichtsentwicklung sowie auf Milchleistung und Futteraufnahme in der ersten Laktation. Züchtungskunde, 87(6):413-422.
Weber, Sarah Emilie. Klinische Epidemiologie der Kälbercryptosporidiose. 2015, Departement für Nutztiere, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Grob, Daniela. Behandlung von Kühen mit Gebärparese mit hochdosiertem Kalzium intravenös und Natriumphosphat per os. 2015, Departement für Nutztiere, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Malik, J. Einfluss der persönlichen Einstellung des Betriebsleiters auf den Antibiotika-Verbrauch in der Schweineproduktion. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Malik, J; Kaufmann, G; Hirsiger, P; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Arnold, C; Spring, P; Sidler, X (2015). Einfluss der persönlichen Einstellung des Betriebsleiters auf den Antibiotikaverbrauch in der Schweineproduktion. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(12):675-678.
Jenny, Bettina. Erhebung von Risikofaktoren für Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie in 30 Problem- und 30 Kontrollbetrieben in der Schweiz. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Gaebler, Elisabeth. Fate of follicular ovarian cysts in early postpartum dairy cows treated with PRID/PGF or PRID/PGF+eCG. 2015, Departement für Nutztiere, Klinik für Reproduktionsmedizin, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Nuss, Karl; Malbon, A J; Braun, Ueli; Ringer, Simone K; Muggli, Evelyne; Kircher, Patrick R; Willmitzer, Florian (2015). Osteomyelitis of the hyoid bones in two calves. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 57(52):online.
Braun, Ueli; Zürcher, Susanne; Hässig, Michael (2015). Evaluation of eating and rumination behaviour in 300 cows of three different breeds using a noseband pressure sensor. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(231):online.
Hirsiger, P; Malik, J; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Vidondo, B; Arnold, C; Harisberger, M; Spring, P; Sidler, X (2015). Risikofaktoren für den oralen Einsatz von Antibiotika und Tierbehandlungsinzidenz bei Absetzferkeln in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(12):682-688.
Scheidegger, Rolf; Estermann, A; Sidler, X (2015). 50 Jahre Schweinegesundheitsdienst (SGD). Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(12):657-664.
Jenny, B; Vidondo, B; Pendl, Wolfgang; Kümmerlen, Dolf; Sidler, X (2015). Erhebung von Risikofaktoren für Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie in Schweinebetrieben in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(12):689-696.
Braun, Ueli; Attiger, Jeannette; Brammertz, Carina (2015). Ultrasonographic examination of the spinal cord and collection of cerebrospinal fluid from the atlanto-occipital space in cattle. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(227):online.
Boretti, Felicitas S; Meyer, F; Burkhardt, W A; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Reusch, Claudia E; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S (2015). Evaluation of the cortisol-to-ACTH ratio in dogs with hypoadrenocorticism, dogs with diseases mimicking hypoadrenocorticism and in healthy dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29(5):1335-1341.
Lingemann, Bernhard. Einfluss einer induzierten Endometritis auf das Ovar beim Rind. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bylang, Tanja Lilian. Spirometrische Untersuchungen der atemstimulierenden Effekte verschiedener Medikamente beim neugeborenen Kalb. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Sidler, Xaver; Eichhorn, J; Geiser, V; Bürgi, E; Schüpbach, G; Overesch, G; Stephan, Roger; Schmitt, S; Hässig, Michael; Sydler, Titus (2015). Lungen- und Pleuraläsionen vor und nach der Flächensanierung gegen Enzootische Pneumonie und Actinobazillose sowie Organ- und Schlachtkörperveränderungen bei Schlachtschweinen in der Schweiz. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(12):665-673.
Braun, Ueli; Brammertz, Carina (2015). Ultrasonographic examination of the oesophageal groove reflex in young calves under various feeding conditions. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(8):457-463.
Kautz, Ewa; de Carvalho Papa, Paula; Reichler, Iris M; Gram, Aykut; Boos, Alois; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2015). In vitro decidualisation of canine uterine stromal cells. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 13:85.
Mang, Harald. Eignung der B-Bild-Sonographie zur Beurteilung der Besamungstauglichkeit beim Rind. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hässig, Michael; Meier, A B; Braun, Ueli; Urech Hässig, B; Schmidt, R; Lewis, F (2015). Cattle movement as a risk factor for epidemics. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(8):441-448.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane D; Lutz, Hans; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Blood transfusion in cats: ABCD guidelines for minimising risks of infectious iatrogenic complications. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):588-593.
Lutz, Hans; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Borna disease virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):614-616.
Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Cytauxzoonosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):637-641.
Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Disinfectant choices in veterinary practices, shelters and households: ABCD guidelines on safe and effective disinfection for feline environments. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):594-605.
Hartmann, Katrin; Day, Michael J; Thiry, Etienne; Lloret, Albert; Frymus, Tadeusz; Addie, Diane; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Feline injection-site sarcoma: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):606-613.
Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Hepatozoonosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):642-644.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Lungworm disease in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):626-636.
Hosie, Margaret J; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Matrix vaccination guidelines: 2015 ABCD recommendations for indoor/outdoor cats, rescue shelter cats and breeding catteries. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):583-587.
Möstl, Karin; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2015). Something old, something new: Update of the 2009 and 2013 ABCD guidelines on prevention and management of feline infectious diseases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):570-582.
Frymus, Tadeusz; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). Streptococcal infections in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):620-625.
Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane D; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Horzinek, Marian C; Hosie, Margaret J; Marsilio, Fulvio; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Möstl, Karin (2015). West Nile virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(7):617-619.
Braun, Ueli; Hilbe, Monika; Nuss, Karl; Tschoner, Theresa (2015). Clinical, ultrasonographic and postmortem findings in a goat with abscessation of the mesenteric lymph nodes. Veterinary Record Case Reports, (3):1-5.
Berger, Alice Sophie. Feline calicivirus and other respiratory pathogens in cats with Feline calicivirus-related symptoms and in clinically healthy cats in Switzerland. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Trösch, L; Nuss, Karl (2015). Evaluation of eating and rumination behaviour using a noseband pressure sensor in cows after right-flank laparotomy for correction of left displaced abomasum. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(6):345-347.
Trösch, Luzia Maria; Müller, K; Brosinski, Katrin; Braun, Ueli (2015). Hämoabdomen und Hämothorax bei einem Rind mit metastasierendem Granulosazelltumor. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(6):393-343.
Klausmann, Stefanie. T-cell reprogramming through targeted CD4-coreceptor and T-cell receptor expression on maturing thymocytes by latent Circoviridae family member porcine circovirus type 2 cell infections in the thymus. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Krengel, Annika; Cattori, Valentino; Meli, Marina L; Wachter, Bettina; Böni, Jürg; Bisset, Leslie R; Thalwitzer, Susanne; Melzheimer, Jörg; Jago, Mark; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hofer, Heribert; Lutz, Hans (2015). Gammaretrovirus-specific antibodies in free-ranging and captive Namibian cheetahs. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 22(6):611-617.
Braun, Ueli; Nuss, Karl (2015). Uroperitoneum in cattle: Ultrasonographic findings, diagnosis and treatment. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 57:36.
Trösch, Luzia Maria; Krüger, S; Grest, Paula; Braun, Ueli (2015). Sonographische Befunde bei zwei Zwergziegen mit metastasierendem Gallengangskarzinom. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(9):513-518.
Braun, Ueli; Hilbe, Monika; Gerspach, Christian; Ruetten, Maja (2015). Ulzerierende Colitis und Proktitis bei zwei Braunviehkühen. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(4):203-208.
Braun, Ueli; Frei, Sandra; Schweizer, M; Janett, Fredy; Zanoni, R (2015). Transmission of border disease virus to seronegative cows inseminated with infected semen. Research in Veterinary Science, 100:297-298.
Sieme, Harald; Lüttgenau, Johannes; Sielhorst, Jutta; Martinsson, Gunilla; Bollwein, Heiner; Thomas, Selina; Burger, Dominik (2015). Improving the formation and function of the corpus luteum in the mare. Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal, 39(1):117-120.
Forro, A; Tsousis, G; Beindorff, N; Sharifi, A R; Brozos, C; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Factors affecting the success of resynchronization protocols with or without progesterone supplementation in dairy cows. Journal of Veterinary Science, 16(1):121-126.
Salesov, Elena; Boretti, Felicitas S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Rentsch, K M; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Kircher, Patrick R; Grouzmann, E; Reusch, Claudia E (2015). Urinary and plasma catecholamines and metanephrines in dogs with pheochromocytoma, hypercortisolism, nonadrenal disease and in healthy dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29(2):597-602.
Walker, Robert A; Sharman, Philippa A; Miller, Catherine M; Lippuner, Christoph; Okoniewski, Michal; Eichenberger, Ramon M; Ramakrishnan, Chandra; Brossier, Fabien; Deplazes, Peter; Hehl, Adrian B; Smith, Nicholas C (2015). RNA Seq analysis of the Eimeria tenella gametocyte transcriptome reveals clues about the molecular basis for sexual reproduction and oocyst biogenesis. BMC Genomics, 16(1):94.
Hehl, Adrian B; Basso, Walter U; Lippuner, Christoph; Ramakrishnan, Chandra; Okoniewski, Michal; Walker, Robert A; Grigg, Michael E; Smith, Nicholas C; Deplazes, Peter (2015). Asexual expansion of Toxoplasma gondii merozoites is distinct from tachyzoites and entails expression of non-overlapping gene families to attach, invade, and replicate within feline enterocytes. BMC Genomics, 16(1):66.
Fleisch, A; Bollwein, H; Piechotta, M; Janett, F (2015). Reproductive performance of Lacaune dairy sheep exposed to artificial long days followed by natural photoperiod without and with additional progestagen treatment during the nonbreeding season. Theriogenology, 83(3):320-325.
Braun, Ueli; Schweizer, A (2015). Ultrasonographic assessment of reticuloruminal motility in 45 cows. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(2):87-95.
Kim, Cornelia. Doppler sonographic examination of uterine and placental perfusion in cows in the last month of gestation and effects of epidural anesthesia and isoxsuprine. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Küçükaslan, İbrahim; Kaya, Duygu; Wollgarten, Bernhard; Aslan, Selim; Ay, Serhan Serhat; Findik, Murat; Kaçar, Cihan; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Investigation of the effects of acupuncture stimulation on the size and blood flow of corpus luteum and progesterone levels in dairy cows. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 21(6):877-883.
Braun, Ueli; Hässig, Michael; Previtali, Matteo; Franchini, F; Vögtlin, Andrea; Storset, A K; Ackermann, Mathias (2015). Behandlung von Rindern mit Bösartigem Katarrhalfieber mit Interleukin-2. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(1):31-38.
Oldenhof, Harriëtte; Heutelbeck, Anna; Blässe, Anne-Kathrin; Bollwein, Heiner; Martinsson, Gunilla; Wolkers, Willem F; Sieme, Harald (2015). Tolerance of spermatozoa to hypotonic stress: role of membrane fluidity and correlation with cryosurvival. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 27(2):285-293.
Balogh, Orsolya; Berger, Alice; Pienkowska-Schelling, A; Willmitzer, Florian; Grest, Paula; Janett, Fredy; Schelling, Claude; Reichler, Iris (2015). 37,X/38,XY mosaicism in a cryptorchid Bengal cat with Müllerian duct remnants. Sexual Development, 9(6):327-332.
Hatz, Lea-Annina; Hartnack, Sonja; Kümmerle, Jan Michael; Hässig, Michael; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2015). A study of measurement of noninvasive blood pressure with the oscillometric device, sentinel,in isoflurane-anaesthetized horses. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 42(4):369-376.
Piechotta, M; Mysegades, W; Ligges, U; Lilienthal, J; Hoeflich, A; Miyamoto, A; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Antepartal insulin-like growth factor 1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 concentrations are indicative of ketosis in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(5):3100-3109.
Muggli, Evelyne; Weidmann, E; Bruderer, A; Nuss, Karl (2015). Arthrodesis of the proximal interphalangeal joints of a hindlimb in a heifer. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 28(1):67-72.
Herrera, C; Morikawa, M I; Castex, C Baca; Pinto, M R; Ortega, N; Fanti, T; Garaguso, R; Franco, M J; Castañares, M; Castañeira, C; Losinno, L; Miragaya, M H; Mutto, A A (2015). Blastocele fluid from in vitro– and in vivo–produced equine embryos contains nuclear DNA. Theriogenology, 83(3):415-420.
Imhasly, S; Bieli, C; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Nyström, L; Ruetten, M; Gerspach, Christian (2015). Blood plasma lipidome profile of dairy cows during the transition period. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(252):online.
Lehmann, M; Wall, S K; Wellnitz, O; Bruckmaier, R M (2015). Changes in milk L-lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, serum albumin, and IgG during milk ejection and their association with somatic cell count. Journal of Dairy Research, 82(02):129-134.
Willi, Barbara; Spiri, Andrea M; Meli, Marina L; Grimm, Felix; Beatrice, Laura; Riond, Barbara; Bley, T; Jordi, R; Dennler, Matthias; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Clinical and molecular investigation of a canine distemper outbreak and vector-borne infections in a group of rescue dogs imported from Hungary to Switzerland. BMC Veterinary Research, 11:154.
Stark, A; Wellnitz, O; Dechow, C; Bruckmaier, R; Baumrucker, C (2015). Colostrogenesis during an induced lactation in dairy cattle. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 99(2):356-366.
Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Levy, Laura S; Willett, Brian J (2015). Comparing the efficacy of FeLV vaccines: Comment on: Stuke, K. et al. Efficacy of an inactivated FeLV vaccine compared to a recombinant FeLV vaccine in minimum age cats following virulent FeLV challenge. Vaccine 2014;32(22):2599-603. Vaccine, 33(24):2737-2738.
Kalchofner Guerrero, Karin S; Schwarz, Andrea; Wuhrmann, R; Feldmann, S; Hartnack, Sonja; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2015). Comparison of a new metamizole formulation and carprofen for extended post-operative analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Veterinary Journal, 204(1):99-104.
Kutter, Annette P N; Jud Schefer, Rahel; Bircher, Barbara; Bleul, Ulrich; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2015). Comparison of pulmonary artery and transpulmonary thermodilution cardiac output measurements in unsedated newborn calves. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 42(6):614-622.
Campagna, Ivo; Schwarz, Andrea; Keller, Stefanie; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Mosing, Martina (2015). Comparison of the effects of propofol or alfaxalone for anaesthesia induction and maintenance on respiration in cats. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 42(5):484-492.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Das Feline Leukämievirus. Glattbrugg, Switzerland: Literaturservice Virbac.
Krunic, Milica; Ertl, Reinhard; Hagen, Benedikt; Sedlazeck, Fritz J; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; von Haeseler, Arndt; Klein, Dieter (2015). Decreased expression of endogenous feline leukemia virus in cat lymphomas: a case control study. BMC Veterinary Research, 11:90.
Wellnitz, Olga; Zbinden, Christina; Lüttgenau, Johannes; Bollwein, Heiner; Bruckmaier, Rupert M (2015). Different chronological patterns of appearance of blood derived milk components during mastitis indicate different mechanisms of transfer from blood into milk. Journal of Dairy Research, 82(03):322-327.
Hornok, Sándor; Takács, Nóra; Kontschán, Jenő; György, Zsolt; Micsutka, Attila; Iceton, Serena; Flaisz, Barbara; Farkas, Róbert; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Diversity of Haemaphysalis-associated piroplasms of ruminants in Central-Eastern Europe, Hungary. Parasites & Vectors, 8(1):627.
Braun, Ueli; Zürcher, S; Hässig, Michael (2015). Eating and rumination activity in 10 cows over 10 days. Research in Veterinary Science, 101:196-198.
Adler, M; Bleul, U (2015). Effect of carbetocin, oxytocin and prostaglandin E2 and F2alpha on intrauterine pressure in cows in dioestrus and oestrus. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 43:15-24.
Heppelmann, M; Brömmling, A; Ulbrich, S E; Weinert, M; Piechotta, M; Wrenzycki, C; Merbach, S; Schoon, H-A; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Effect of suppression of postpartum ovulation on endometrial inflammation in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 84(1):155-162.
Bleul, U; Götz, E (2015). Effect of syringe type, storage temperature and time delay on venous blood gas values in newborn calves. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 24(1):117-125.
Riond, Barbara; Waßmuth, Andrea Katharina; Hartnack, Sonja; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2015). Effective prevention of pseudothrombocytopenia in feline blood samples with the prostaglandin I2 analogue Iloprost. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(183):online.
Klewitz, J; Struebing, C; Rohn, K; Goergens, A; Martinsson, G; Orgies, F; Probst, J; Hollinshead, F; Bollwein, Heiner; Siemens, H J (2015). Effects of age, parity, and pregnancy abnormalities on foal birth weight and uterine blood flow in the mare. Theriogenology, 83(4):721-729.
Gürler, Hakan; Calisici, Oguz; Calisici, Duygu; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Effects of feeding omega-3-fatty acids on fatty acid composition and quality of bovine sperm and on antioxidative capacity of bovine seminal plasma. Animal Reproduction Science, 160:97-104.
Maccari, P; Wiedemann, S; Kunz, H-J; Piechotta, M; Sanftleben, P; Kaske, M (2015). Effects of two different rearing protocols for Holstein bull calves in the first 3 weeks of life on health status, metabolism and subsequent performance. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 99(4):737-746.
Kögel, T. Effekte der Applikation von GnRH bzw. PGF2-alpha in der 5. Woche post partum auf die Inzidenz zystischer Ovarfollikel bzw. persistierender Corpora lutea und die Fertilität von Milchkühen. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Spoerri, Michèle; Guscetti, Franco; Hartnack, Sonja; Boos, Alois; Oei, Christine; Balogh, Orsolya; Nowaczyk, Renata M; Michel, Erika; Reichler, Iris M; Kowalewski, Mariusz P (2015). Endocrine control of canine mammary neoplasms: serum reproductive hormone levels and tissue expression of steroid hormone, prolactin and growth hormone receptors. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(1):online.
Spörri, Michèle. Endocrine control of canine mammary neoplasms: serum reproductive hormone levels and tissue expression of steroid hormone, prolactin and growth hormone receptors. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Jenny, Bettina. Erhebung von Risikofaktoren für Mastitis-Metritis-Agalaktie in Schweinebetrieben in der Schweiz. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Boesch, A; Cattori, V; Riond, Barbara; Willi, Barbara; Meli, Marina L; Rentsch, K M; Hosie, M J; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2015). Evaluation of the effect of short-term treatment with the integrase inhibitor raltegravir (Isentress™) on the course of progressive feline leukemia virus infection. Veterinary Microbiology, 175(2-4):167-178.
Hässig, Michael; Eugster, Sarina; Lewis, Fraser I (2015). Evidence based use of antibiotics in meat calves. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 5:68-72.
Berger, Alice; Willi, Barbara; Meli, Marina L; Boretti, Felicitas S; Hartnack, Sonja; Dreyfus, Anou; Lutz, Hans; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Feline calicivirus and other respiratory pathogens in cats with Feline calicivirus-related symptoms and in clinically healthy cats in Switzerland. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(1):282.
Stoller, Fabienne; Schlegel, Andrea; Viecelli, Hiu Man; Rüfenacht, Véronique; Cesarovic, Nikola; Viecelli, Claudio; Deplazes, Sereina; Bettschart, Regula; Hurter, Karin; Schmierer, Philipp; Sidler, Xaver; Kron, Philipp; Dutkowski, Philipp; Graf, Rolf; Thöny, Beat; Häberle, Johannes (2015). Hepatocyte transfection in small pigs after weaning by hydrodynamic intraportal injection of naked DNA/minicircle vectors. Human Gene Therapy. Methods, 26(5):181-192.
Gürler, Hakan; Calisici, Oguz; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). Inter- and intra-individual variability of total antioxidant capacity of bovine seminal plasma and relationships with sperm quality before and after cryopreservation. Animal Reproduction Science, 155:99-105.
Basso, W; Handke, M; Sydler, T; Borel, N; Grimm, F; Sidler, X; Deplazes, P (2015). Involvement of Toxoplasma gondii in reproductive disorders in Swiss pig farms. Parasitology International, 64(2):157-160.
Nuss, Karl; Waldern, Nina M; Weishaupt, Michael A; Wiestner, T (2015). Kinetische Auswertung des Schrittes von Jungrindern und Kühen auf einem instrumentierten Laufband. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 43(2):73-80.
Bruderer, Anita. Klauenbelastung von Jungrindern und Kühen beim Stehen auf verschiedenen Gummimatten. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Baumann, Julia; Novacco, Marilisa; Willi, Barbara; Riond, Barbara; Meli, Marina L; Boretti, Felicitas S; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Lack of cross-protection against Mycoplasma haemofelis infection and signs of enhancement in "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis"-recovered cats. Veterinary Research, 46:104.
Rüegsegger, F; Muggli, Evelyne; Nuss, Karl (2015). Längenasymmetrie der Zehen bei Kühen mit Rusterholz’schen Sohlengeschwüren. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 43(3):137-143.
Balogh, Orsolya; Staub, Livia; Gram, Aykut; Boos, Alois; Kowalewski, Mariusz Pawel; Reichler, Iris M (2015). Leptin in the canine uterus and placenta: possible implications in pregnancy. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 13:13.
Shirasuna, Koumei; Matsumoto, Haruka; Matsuyama, Shuichi; Kimura, Koji; Bollwein, Heiner; Miyamoto, Akio (2015). Possible role of interferon tau on the bovine corpus luteum and neutrophils during the early pregnancy. Reproduction, 150(3):217-225.
Hoffmann, Karolin; Schott, Franziska; Donati, Manuela; Di Francesco, Antonietta; Hässig, Michael; Wanninger, Sabrina; Sidler, Xaver; Borel, Nicole (2015). Prevalence of chlamydial infections in fattening pigs and their influencing factors. PLoS ONE, 10(11):e0143576.
Hilbe, M; Robert, N; Pospischil, A; Gerspach, C (2015). Pulmonary arterial lesions in new world camelids in association with dicrocoelium dendriticum and fasciola hepatica infection. Veterinary Pathology, 52(6):1202-1209.
Nesina, Stefanie; Helfer-Hungerbuehler, A K; Riond, Barbara; Boretti, Felicitas S; Willi, Barbara; Meli, Marina L; Grest, Paula; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Retroviral DNA-the silent winner: blood transfusion containing latent feline leukemia provirus causes infection and disease in naïve recipient cats. Retrovirology, 12(1):105.
Hirsiger, Patricia. Risikofaktoren für den oralen Einsatz von Antibiotika und Tierbehandlungsinzidenz bei Absetzferkeln in der Schweiz. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Schaller, Christiane; Caspari, Kai; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2015). SUIS Sano – Messung, Bewertung und Steuerung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs in schweizerischen Schweinebetrieben. Klauentierpraxis, 23:171-175.
Gaebler, E; Eigenmann, U; Bruckmaier, R; Bleul, U (2015). Schicksal frühzeitig post partum auftretender Ovarialzysten ohne und nach Behandlung mit PRID/PGF oder PRID/PGF+eCG. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 43(6):331-339.
Monthoux, Chloé; de Brot, Simone; Jackson, Michelle Amanda; Bleul, Ulrich; Walter, Jasmin (2015). Skin malformations in a neonatal foal tested homozygous positive for Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome. BMC Veterinary Research, 11:12.
Hummel, Jürgen; Hammer, Sven; Hammer, Catrin; Ruf, Julia; Lechenne, Monique; Clauss, Marcus (2015). Solute and particle retention in a small grazing antelope, the blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 182:22-26.
Gutzwiller, N; Hilbe, Monika; Kircher, Patrick R; Bleul, Ulrich (2015). Spina bifida aperta bei einem Schaflamm. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(1):49-54.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Staupe. Glattbrugg, Switzerland: Literaturservice Virbac.
Riond, Barbara; Waßmuth, Andrea Katharina; Hartnack, Sonja; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2015). Study on the kinetics and influence of feline platelet aggregation and deaggregation. BMC Veterinary Research, 11:276.
Ruf, J; Johler, Sophia; Merz, Axel; Stalder, Ueli; Hässig, M (2015). Success of interventions in mastitis problems with Staphylococcus aureus after the introduction of an automatic milking system. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 157(3):153-156.
Graf, R; Grüntzig, K; Hässig, Michael; Axhausen, K W; Fabrikant, Sara I; Welle, M; Meier, D; Guscetti, Franco; Folkers, G; Otto, V; Pospischil, A (2015). Swiss feline cancer registry: a retrospective study of the occurrence of tumours in cats in Switzerland from 1965 to 2008. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 153(4):266-277.
Hornok, S; Földvári, Gábor; Rigó, Krisztina; Meli, M L; Gönczi, E; Répási, A; Farkas, R; Papp, I; Kontschán, J; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2015). Synanthropic rodents and their ectoparasites as carriers of a novel haemoplasma and vector-borne, zoonotic pathogens indoors. Parasites & Vectors, 8(1):online.
Braun, Ueli; Brammertz, Carina; Maischberger, Eva; Bass, Danielle A; Klausmann, Stefanie; Sydler, Titus (2015). T-cell lymphoma in the nasal cavity of a Brown Swiss heifer. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 57:8.
Klausmann, Stefanie; Sydler, Titus; Summerfield, Artur; Lewis, Fraser I; Weilenmann, Roseline; Sidler, Xaver; Brugnera, Enrico (2015). T-cell reprogramming through targeted CD4-coreceptor and T-cell receptor expression on maturing thymocytes by latent Circoviridae family member porcine circovirus type 2 cell infections in the thymus. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 4(3):e15.
Heppelmann, M; Krach, K; Krüger, L; Benz, P; Herzog, K; Piechotta, M; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, H (2015). Technical note: The use of a sonomicrometry system for monitoring uterine involution in postpartum dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 98(3):1862-1869.
Grüntzig, K; Graf, R; Hässig, M; Welle, M; Meier, D; Lott, G; Erni, D; Schenker, N S; Guscetti, Franco; Boo, G; Axhausen, K; Fabrikant, S; Folkers, G; Pospischil, A (2015). The Swiss Canine Cancer Registry: a retrospective study on the occurrence of tumours in dogs in Switzerland from 1955 to 2008. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 152(2-3):161-171.
Heppelmann, Maike; Krach, Karoline; Krueger, Lars; Benz, Philipp; Herzog, Kathrin; Piechotta, Marion; Hoedemaker, Martina; Bollwein, Heiner (2015). The effect of metritis and subclinical hypocalcemia on uterine involution in dairy cows evaluated by sonomicrometry. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 61(6):565-569.
Berli, Ann-Sabin; Jud Schefer, Rahel; Steininger, Kathrin; Schwarzwald, Colin C (2015). The use of strain, strain rate, and displacement by 2D speckle tracking for assessment of systolic left ventricular function in goats: applicability and influence of general anesthesia. Cardiovascular Ultrasound, 13(11):online.
Addie, Diane D; le Poder, Sophie; Burr, Paul; Decaro, Nicola; Graham, Elizabeth; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Jarrett, Oswald; McDonald, Michael; Meli, Marina L (2015). The utility of feline coronavirus antibody tests. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(2):152-162.
Braun, Ueli; Hilbe, Monika; Janett, Fredi; Hässig, Michael; Zanoni, Reto; Frei, Sandra; Schweizer, Matthias (2015). Transmission of border disease virus from a persistently infected calf to seronegative heifers in early pregnancy. BMC Veterinary Research, 11(43):online.
Bieli, C. Untersuchung des Lipidoms und des Metaboloms von Kühen während der Transitphase und Vergleich zwischen unterschiedlichen Leberverfettungsgraden. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Gropper, Markus. Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Fütterung von Fett auf die Spermaqualität Deutscher Fleckviehbullen. 2015, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Balogh, O; Degrandi, F; Haessig, M; Reichler, I M (2015). Validation of screening examinations of the ureteral orifices in dogs: comparison of ultrasonography with dissection. Research in Veterinary Science, 101:199-205.
Ruf, Roman; Bolt, Roger; Hässig, Michael (2015). Vergleich von Papier und Holzwolle zur Euterreinigung. Klauentierpraxis, 23:111-116.
Hässig, Michael; Glor, Salome; Grob, Daniela; Bleul, Ulrich (2015). Vorkommen und Therapievarianten beim bovinen Prolaps uteri. Klauentierpraxis, 23:153-159.
Lehmann, Melanie; Weber, Karin; Rauch, Gisep; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hosie, Margaret J; Meli, Marina L; Hartmann, Katrin (2015). Wirksamkeit von siRNA auf die Vermehrung des felinen Leukämievirus in vitro. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 128(5-6):209-217.
Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Bakterielle Infektionen : Hämoplasmose : Kapitel 17. In: Lutz, H; Kohn, Barbara; Forterre, Franck. Krankheiten der Katze (E-Book PDF) (5., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014). Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, n/a.
Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Klinische Labordiagnostik : Kapitel 5. In: Lutz, Hans; Kohn, Barbara; Forterre, Frank. Krankheiten der Katze (E-Book PDF) (5., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014). Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 65-89.
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Reichler, I M; Hubler, M; Michel, E (2014). Krankheiten der Neonatologie. In: Lutz, H; Kohn, B; Forterre, F. Krankheiten der Katze (E-Book PDF) (5., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2014). Stuttgart: Enke bei Thieme Verlag, 795-803.
Hässig, Michael; Wullschleger, Marietta; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Kupper, Jacqueline; Spiess, Bernhard; Kuster, Niels; Capstick, Myles; Murbach, Manuel (2014). Influence of non ionizing radiation of base stations on the activity of redox proteins in bovines. BMC Veterinary Research, 10(1):136.
Imhasly, S; Naegeli, H; Baumann, S; von Bergen, M; Luch, A; Jungnickel, H; Potratz, S; Gerspach, C (2014). Metabolomic biomarkers correlating with hepatic lipidosis in dairy cows. BMC Veterinary Research, 10(122):online.
Hornok, Sándor; Kováts, Dávid; Csörgő, Tibor; Meli, Marina L; Gönczi, Enikő; Hadnagy, Zsófia; Takács, Nóra; Farkas, Róbert; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Birds as potential reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens: first evidence of bacteraemia with Rickettsia helvetica. Parasites & Vectors, 7:128.
Walter, Jasmin; Roschitzki, Bernd; Fortes, Claudia; Huwiler, F; Naegeli, Hans-Peter; Bleul, Ulrich (2014). "Cumulomics": Mapping the equine cumulus cells' proteome. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 34(1):188.
Braun, Ueli; Schwarzwald, Colin; Ohlerth, Stefanie; Frei, S; Hilbe, Monika (2014). Abnormal regurgitation in three cows caused by intrathoracic perioesophageal lesions. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 56:14.
Kook, Peter H; Kohler, N; Hartnack, Sonja; Riond, Barbara; Reusch, Claudia E (2014). Agreement of serum Spec cPL with the 1,2-o-dilauryl-rac-glycero glutaric acid-(6'-methylresorufin) ester (DGGR) lipase assay and with pancreatic ultrasonography in dogs with suspected pancreatitis. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28(3):863-870.
Kalchofner Guerrero, Karin S; Reichler, Iris M; Schwarz, Andrea; Jud Schefer, Rahel; Hässig, Michael; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2014). Alfaxalone or ketamine-medetomidine in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy: a comparison of intra-operative parameters and post-operative pain. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 41(6):644-653.
Geyer, Hans; Fürst, A; Räber, M; Warzecha, Ch (2014). Anatomie der Rinderklaue. In: Lischer, C J; Steiner, A; Geyer, Hans; Friedli, K; Ossent, P; Nuss, Karl. Klauenpflege: Handbuch zur Pflege und Behandlung der Klauen beim Rind (4. Auflage). Zollikofen: Edition Lmz, 13-32.
Willi, Barbara; Schnyder, Manuela (2014). Angiostrongylus vasorum-Infektion des Hundes. Glattbrugg, Switzerland: Literaturservice Virbac.
Janett, F; Burger, D; Bollwein, H (2014). Annual variation of DNA fragmentation assessed by SCSA™ in equine sperm. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 34(1):61.
Piechotta, M; Holzhausen, L; Araújo, M G; Heppelmann, M; Sipka, A; Pfarrer, C; Schuberth, H J; Bollwein, H (2014). Antepartal insulin-like growth factor concentrations indicating differences in the metabolic adaptive capacity of dairy cows. Journal of Veterinary Science, 15(3):343-352.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Babesiose / Piroplasmose des Hundes. Glattbrugg, Switzerland: Literaturservice Virbac.
Frei, S; Braun, Ueli; Dennler, Matthias; Hilbe, Monika; Stalder, H P; Schweizer, M; Nuss, Karl (2014). Border disease in persistently infected calves: radiological and pathological findings. Veterinary Record, 174(7):170.
Hornok, Sándor; Fedák, András; Baska, Ferenc; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Basso, Walter (2014). Bovine besnoitiosis emerging in Central-Eastern Europe, Hungary. Parasites & Vectors, 7:20.
Jurankova, J; Basso, W; Neumayerova, H; Balaz, V; Janova, E; Sidler, X; Deplazes, P; Koudela, B (2014). Brain is the predilection site of Toxoplasma gondii in experimentally inoculated pigs as revealed by magnetic capture and real-time PCR. Food Microbiology, 38:167-170.
Kümmerle, Jan Michael; Muggli, Evelyne (2014). Buchbesprechungen: Turner and McIlwraith's Techniques in Large Animal Surgery. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(1):47.
Schmid, Tanja; Braun, Ueli; Hagen, Regine; Grest, Paula; Hug, Sophie A; Nuss, Karl (2014). Clinical signs, treatment, and outcome in 15 cattle with sinonasal cysts. Veterinary Surgery, 43(2):190-198.
Schnyder, Manuela; Di Cesare, A; Basso, Walter; Guscetti, Franco; Riond, Barbara; Glaus, Tony M; Crisi, P; Deplazes, P (2014). Clinical, laboratory and pathological findings in cats experimentally infected with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. Parasitology Research, 113(4):1425-1433.
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Braun, Ueli; Schnetzler, C; Augsburger, Heinz; Müller, U; Dicht, S; Ohlerth, Stefanie (2014). Computed tomography of the abdomen of calves during the first 105 days of life: I. Reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(5):217-225.
Braun, Ueli; Schnetzler, C; Augsburger, Heinz; Müller, U; Dicht, S; Ohlerth, Stefanie (2014). Computed tomography of the abdomen of calves during the first 105 days of life: II. Liver, spleen, and small and large intestines. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(5):227-236.
Braun, Ueli; Schnetzler, Charlotte; Augsburger, Heinz; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Ohlerth, Stefanie (2014). Computed tomography of the abdomen of calves during the first 105 days of life: III. Urinary tract and adrenal glands. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(5):237-247.
Ohlerth, Stefanie; Augsburger, Heinz; Abé, Maximilian; Hatz, L; Braun, Ueli; Ringer, Simone K (2014). Computed tomography of the thorax of calves from birth to the age of 105 days. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(10):489-497.
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Boenzli, Eva; Hadorn, Maik; Hartnack, Sonja; Huder, Jon; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2014). Detection of antibodies to the feline leukemia Virus (FeLV) transmembrane protein p15E: an alternative approach for serological FeLV detection based on antibodies to p15E. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 52(6):2046-2052.
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Braun, Ueli; Storni, Elena; Hässig, Michael; Nuss, Karl (2014). Eating and rumination behaviour of Scottish Highland cattle on pasture and in loose housing during the winter. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(9):425-431.
Spiegler, Sonja; Kaske, Martin; Köhler, Ursula; Meyer, Heinrich H D; Schwarz, Frieder J; Wiedemann, Steffi (2014). Effect of feedding level of pregnant dairy heifers sired by one bull on maternal metabolism, placental parameters and birth weight of their female calves. Animal Reproduction Science, 146(3-4):148-156.
Wellnitz, O; Wall, S K; Saudenova, M; Bruckmaier, R M (2014). Effect of intramammary administration of prednisolone on the blood-milk barrier during the immune response of the mammary gland to lipopolysaccharide. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 75(6):595-601.
Waldvogel, Domenico. Effect of xylazine, isoxsuprine and lidocaine on Doppler sonographic uterine and umbilical blood flow measurements in cows during the last month of pregnancy. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Bleul, U; Waldvogel, D (2014). Effect of xylazine, isoxsuprine and lildocaine on Doppler sonographic uterine and umbilical blood flow measurements in cows during the last month of pregnancy. Theriogenology, 81(7):993-1003.
Ammann, Tanja. Effects of meteorological factors and the lunar cycle on onset of parturition in cows. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Kaske, M; Waldmann, K-H; Kietzmann, M (2014). Einsatz von Antibiotika zur Prohylaxe, Metaphylaxe und Therapie bei Schwein und Rind. Der praktische Tierarzt, 95(5):13-17.
Lüttgenau, J; Bollwein, H (2014). Evaluation of bovine luteal blood flow by using color Doppler Ultrasonography. Reproductive Biology, 14(1):103-109.
Braun, Ueli; Tschoner, T; Hässig, Michael (2014). Evaluation of eating and rumination behaviour using a noseband pressure sensor in cows during the peripartum period. BMC Veterinary Research, 10:195.
Kücükaslan, I; Kaya, D; Emre, B; Bollwein, H; Özyurtlu, N; Mülazimoglu, B; Aslan, S (2014). Evaluation of endometrial echotexture and cervical cytology in cows during and after treatment of endometritis. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 42(6):343-350.
Bleul, U; Götz, E (2014). Evaluation of the i-STAT portable point-of-care analyzer for determination of blood gases and acid-base status in newborn calves. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 24(5):519-528.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Feline Herpesvirusinfektion. Glattbrugg, Switzerland: Literaturservice Virbac.
Kipar, A; Meli, M L (2014). Feline infectious peritonitis: still an enigma? Veterinary Pathology, 51(2):505-526.
Armua-Fernandez, Maria Teresa; Castro, Oscar F; Crampet, Alejandro; Bartzabal, Alvaro; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Grimm, Felix; Deplazes, Peter (2014). First case of peritoneal cystic echinococcosis in a domestic cat caused by Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (genotype 1) associated to feline immunodeficiency virus infection. Parasitology International, 63(2):300-302.
Hässig, Michael; Eugster, Sabine; Lewis, Fraser I (2014). Herd level antimicrobial resistance in beef calves in Switzerland 1986 through 2011. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 4(11):247-254.
Muggli, Evelyne; Lesser, Maren; Braun, Ueli; Nuss, Karl (2014). Herniation of the gravid uterus through a mesoduodenal defect an concurrent omental hernia in a cow. Veterinary Surgery, 43(1):91-94.
Keller, S; Michel, E; Reichler, I M (2014). Hunde- und Katzenwelpen – Erstversorgung nach spontaner und assistierter Geburt. Kleintier konkret, 17(2):3-9.
Zarrin, M; Wellnitz, O; van Dorland, H A; Gross, J J; Bruckmaier, R M (2014). Hyperketonemia during LPS induced mastitis affects systemic andl local intramammary metabolism in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(6):3531-3541.
Dennler, Matthias; Carrera, Ines; Beckmann, Katrin; Ritz, J; Rütten, Maja; Kircher, Patrick R (2014). Imaging diagnosis-conventional and functional magnetic resonance imaging of a brain abscess in a goat. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 55(1):68-73.
Balet, L; Janett, F; Hüsler, J; Piechotta, M; Howard, R; Amatayakul-Chantler, S; Steiner, A; Hirsbrunner, G (2014). Immunization against gonadotropin-releasing hormone in dairy cattle: Antibody titers, ovarian function, hormonal levels and reversibility. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(4):2193-2203.
Bollwein, H; Kawashima, C; Shimizu, T; Miyamoto, A; Kaske, M (2014). Impact of metabolism and production diseases on reproductive function in dairy cows. In: Lucy, M C; Pate, J L; Smith, M F; Spencer, T E. Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, 445-462.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Importhunde und Zoonosen: ein kalkulierbares Risiko? Der Praktische Tierarzt, 95(1):9.
Kalchofner Guerrero, Karin S; Guerrero, T G; Schweizer-Kölliker, M; Ringer, Simone K; Hässig, Michael; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2014). Incidence of delayed hair re-growth, pruritus, and urinary retention after epidural anaesthesia in dogs. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe K, Kleintiere/Heimtiere, (42):94-100.
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Staub, Livia Patricia. Localization and quantification of leptin and leptin receptor in the canine corpus luteum, placenta and uterus during pregnancy. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Clauss, Marcus; Dittmann, Marie T; Müller, Dennis W H; Zerbe, Philipp; Codron, Daryl (2014). Low scaling of a life history variable: Analysing eutherian gestation periods with and without phylogeny-informed statistics. Mammalian Biology : Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 79(1):9-16.
Schwarz, Andrea; Kalchofner Guerrero, Karin S; Palm, Julia; Picek, Stephanie Christina; Hartnack, Sonja; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2014). Minimum infusion rate of alfaxalone for total intravenous anaesthesia after sedation with acepromazine or medetomidine in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 41(5):480-490.
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Figi, Rolf. Modifizierte Dysenterie-Teilsanierung in einem Kernzuchtschweinebetrieb. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Michel, Erika; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Feldmann, Stefanie K; Reichler, Iris M (2014). Prolactin – to be reconsidered in canine mammary tumorigenesis? Veterinary and Comparative Oncology, 12(2):93-105.
Stirn, Martina; Moritz, Andreas; Bauer, Natali (2014). Rate of manual leukocyte differentials in dog, cat and horse blood samples using ADVIA 120 cytograms. BMC Veterinary Research, 10:125.
Ritz, Julia; Codron, Daryl; Wenger, Sandra; Rensch, Eberhard; Hatt, Jean-Michel; Braun, Ueli; Clauss, Marcus (2014). Ruminal pH in cattle (Bos primigenius f. taurus) and moose (Alces alces) under different feeding conditions: a pilot investigation. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research, 2(2):44-51.
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Visschers, Vivianne H M; Iten, Denise M; Riklin, Annette; Hartmann, Stephanie; Sidler, Xaver; Siegrist, Michael (2014). Swiss pig farmer's perception and usage of antibiotics during fattering period. Livestock Science, 162:223-232.
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Riond, B; Steffen, F; Schmied, O; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Lutz, H (2014). Total protein measurement in canine cerebrospinal fluid: agreement between a turbidimetric assay and 2 dye-binding methods and determination of reference intervals using an indirect a posteriori method. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 43(1):78-88.
Boretti, Felicitas S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Schäfer, S; Gerber, Bernhard; Baumgartner, C; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Reusch, Claudia E (2014). Transdermal application of methimazole in hyperthyroid cats: a long-term follow-up study. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 16(6):453-459.
Bernasconi, C; Bodmer, M; Doherr, M G; Janett, F; Thomann, A; Spycher, C; Iten, C; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Müller, N; Frey, C F (2014). Tritrichomonas foetus: Prevalence study in naturally mating bulls in Switzerland. Veterinary Parasitology, 200(3-4):289-294.
Zürcher, Susanne. Untersuchungen über das Fressen und Wiederkauen von Kühen verschiedener Rassen mit Hilfe eines Drucksensors im Halfter. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Galeandro, L; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Riond, Barbara; Hartnack, S; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; Reusch, Claudia E; Boretti, Felicitas S (2014). Urinary corticoid concentrations measured by 5 different immunoassays and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in healthy dogs and dogs with hypercortisolism at home and in the hospital. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28(5):1433-1441.
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Baumstark, M E; Nussberger, J; Boretti, Felicitas S; Baumstark, M W; Riond, Barbara; Reusch, Claudia E; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S (2014). Use of plasma Renin activity to monitor mineralocorticoid treatment in dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism: desoxycorticosterone versus fludrocortisone. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28(5):1471-1478.
Hornok, Sándor; Földvári, Gábor; Rigó, Krisztina; Meli, Marina L; Tóth, Mária; Molnár, Viktor; Gönczi, Enikő; Farkas, Róbert; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2014). Vector-borne agents detected in fleas of the northern white-breasted hedgehog. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 14(1):74-76.
Furter, Benjamin. Vererbung des Kryptorchismus beim Berger Blanc Suisse. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Vögeli, P (2014). Vererbung und Krankheit beim Schwein: Möglichkeiten der züchterischen Nutzung. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 156(6):269-277.
Brammertz, Carina. Überprüfung der Schlundrinnenfunktion bei Kälbern und Jungrindern mittels sonographischer Untersuchung. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Frei, Sandra. Übertragung des Border-Disease-Virus von einem persistent infizierten Rind auf seronegative Rinder durch Kontaktinfektion und virushaltiges Sperma. 2014, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hässig, M (2013). What Happened to Pandemics? Journal of Business and Economics, 11(4):1140-1142.
Bleul, U; Fassbind, N; Ghielmetti, G; Zoller, D; Liesegang, Annette; Hässig, Michael; Wittenbrink, M M; Prohaska, S (2013). Quantitative analysis of fecal flora in goat kids with and without floppy kid syndrome. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(5):1283-1286.
Gallhöfer, N S; Bentley, E; Rütten, Maja; Grest, Paula; Hässig, Michael; Kircher, Patrick R; Dubielzig, R R; Spiess, Bernhard M; Pot, Simon A (2013). Comparison of ultrasonography and histologic examination for identification of ocular diseases of animals: 113 cases (2000–2010). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 243(3):376-388.
Braun, Ueli; Bachofen, Claudia; Schenk, B; Hässig, Michael; Peterhans, E (2013). Investigation of border disease and bovine virus diarrhoea in sheep from 76 mixed cattle and sheep farms in eastern Switzerland. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(5):293-298.
Helfer-Hungerbuehler, A Katrin; Widmer, Stefan; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). GAPDH pseudogenes and the quantification of feline genomic DNA equivalents. Molecular Biology International, 2013:587680.
Pospischil, A; Hässig, Michael; Vogel, R; Salvini, Marco M; Fabrikant, Sara; Schenker, N S; Axhausen, K; Erni, D; Guscetti, Franco (2013). Hundepopulation und Hunderassen in der Schweiz von 1955 bis 2008. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(4):219-228.
Voelter-Ratson, K; Monod, M; Braun, Ueli; Spiess, Bernhard M (2013). Ulcerative fungal keratitis in a Brown Swiss cow. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 16(6):464-466.
Prohaska, S; Regenscheit, N; Hilbe, M; Gerspach, C; Wittenbrink, M M (2013). Visceral form of pseudotuberculosis in a dromedary with biovar equi. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 1:e000010.
Baes, C; Mattei, S; Luther, H; Ampuero, S; Sidler, Xaver; Bee, G; Spring, P; Hofer, A (2013). A performance test for boar taint compounds in live boars. Animal, 7(05):714-720.
Mattei, S. A performance test for boar taint compounds in live boars. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Stuetzer, Bianca; Brunner, Konstanze; Lutz, Hans; Hartmann, Katrin (2013). A trial with 3'-azido-2', 3'-dideoxythymidin and human interferon-α in cats naturally infected with feline leukaemia virus. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(8):667-671.
Horzinek, Marian C; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe (2013). ABCD: Update of the 2009 guidelines on prevention and management of feline infectious diseases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):530-539.
Oppliger, S; Hartnack, Sonja; Riond, Barbara; Reusch, Claudia E; Kook, Peter H (2013). Agreement of the serum spec fpl™ and 1,2-o-dilauryl-rac-glycero-3-glutaric acid-(6'-methylresorufin) ester lipase assay for the determination of serum lipase in cats with suspicion of pancreatitis. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(5):1077-1082.
Doebeli, A; Michel, E; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Hartnack, Sonja; Reichler, Iris M (2013). Apgar score after induction of anesthesia for canine cesarean section with alfaxalone versus propofol. Theriogenology, 80(8):850-854.
Döbeli, Alexandra. Apgar score of dog puppies delivered by cesarean section using alfaxalone or propofol for anesthesia induction. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Aspergillosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):605-610.
Berger, A; Prasse, S; Eckrich Specker, Christine; Gerber, B; Reichler, Iris M (2013). Aufarbeitung und Differenzialdiagnosen der Harninkontinenz beim Rüden. Der praktische Tierarzt, 94:288-296.
Thiry, Etienne; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Aujeszky's disease/pseudorabies in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):555-556.
Braun, Ueli; Forster, E; Bleul, Ulrich; Hässig, Michael; Schwarzwald, Colin C (2013). B-mode and colour Doppler ultrasonography of the milk vein and musculophrenic vein in eight cows during lactation. Research in Veterinary Science, 94(1):138-143.
Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Babesiosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):643-646.
Mann, S; Nuss, Karl; Feist, M; Weber, B; Zoller, D; Metzner, M (2013). Balling gun-induced trauma in cattle: clinical presentation, diagnosis and prevention. Veterinary Record, 172(26):683-684.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Marsilio, Fulvio; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Bartonella species infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):563-569.
Previtali, Matteo. Behandlung von Kühen mit Bösartigem Katarrhalfieber mit Interleukin-2. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Basso, Walter; Lesser, M; Grimm, Felix; Hilbe, Monika; Sydler, Titus; Trösch, Luzia Maria; Ochs, Hansueli; Braun, Ueli; Deplazes, Peter (2013). Bovine besnoitiosis in Switzerland: Imported cases and local transmission. Veterinary Parasitology, 198(3-4):265-273.
Lloret, Albert; Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):588-590.
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Walter, Jasmin; Seeh, Christoph; Fey, Kerstin; Bleul, U; Osterrieder, Nikolaus (2013). Clinical observations and management of a severe equine herpesvirus type 1 outbreak with abortion and encephalomyelitis. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica, 55:19.
Stark, A; Vachkova, E; Wellnitz, O; Bruckmaier, R M; Baumrucker, C (2013). Colostrogenesis: candidate genes for IgG1 transcytosis mechanisms in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 97(6):1114-1124.
Abé, Maximilian. Computertomographische Untersuchung des Thorax von Kälbern von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 105 Tagen. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Lehmann, M; Wellnitz, O; Bruckmaier, R M (2013). Concomitant LPS induced transfer of blood derived components including imunoglobulins into milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(2):889-896.
Möstl, Karin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Cowpox virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):557-559.
Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Coxiellosis/Q fever in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):573-575.
Baumann, Julia. Cross protection study in feline hemoplasmas. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Cryptococcosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):611-618.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). Das ‚Feline Injection-Site Sarcoma‘, FISS. Glattbrugg, Switzerland: Literaturservice Virbac.
Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Dermatophytosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):598-604.
Steiner, A; Janett, F (2013). Die Kastration beim männlichen Kalb und Lamm. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(11):603-611.
Fox, Barbara. Die Rolle von PGE2 als luteotroper Faktor in der frühen Gelbkörperphase der trächtigen und nicht trächtigen Hündin und seine Bedeutung bei der Regulation des Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory (StAR) Proteins. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Stinshoff, H; Wilkening, S; Hanstedt, A; Bollwein, H; Wrenzycki, C (2013). Dimethylsulfoxide and conjugated linoleic acids affect bovine embryo development in vitro. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 59(3):296-301.
Alder, D; Bass, Danielle; Spörri, M; Kircher, Patrick R; Ohlerth, Stefanie (2013). Does real-time elastography aid in differentiating canine splenic nodules? Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(9):491-496.
Nitta, A; Shirasuna, K; Nibuno, S; Bollwein, H; Shimizu, T; Miyamoto, A (2013). Downregulation of lymphatic vessel formation factors in PGF2a-induced luteolyses in the cow. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 59(3):296-301.
Heppelmann, M; Brömmling, A; Weinert, M; Piechotta, M; Wrenzycki, C; Bollwein, H (2013). Effect of postpartum suppression of ovulation on uterine involution in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 80(5):519-525.
Hartmann, D; Honnens, A; Piechotta, M; Lüttgenau, J; Niemann, H; Rath, D; Bollwein, H (2013). Effects of a protracted induction of parturition on the incidence of retained placenta and assessment of uterine artery blood flow as a measure of placental maturation in cattle. Theriogenology, 80(3):176-184.
Kusenda, M; Kaske, M; Piechotta, M; Locher, L; Starke, A; Huber, K; Rehage, J (2013). Effects of dexamethasone-21-isonicotinate on peripheral insulin action in dairy cows 5 days after surgical correction of abomasal displacement. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(1):200-206.
Magata, F; Hartmann, D; Ishii, M; Miura, R; Takahashi, H; Matsui, M; Kida, K; Miyamoto, A; Bollwein, H (2013). Effects of exogenous oxytocin on uterine blood flow in puerperal dairy cows: The impact of days after parturition and retained fetal membranes. Veterinary Journal, 196(1):76-80.
Purschke, Stephan. Effects of suprabasal progesterone levels and negative energy balance on estrous activity and fertility in dairy cows. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Knappstein, Karin; Aust, Vanessa; Kunz, Hans-Jürgen; Kaske, Martin (2013). Efficiency of two commercial onfarm pasteurizers for inactivation of mastitis pathogens in milk intended for feeding od calves. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 126(1-2):32-36.
Enz, A; Schüpbach-Regula, G; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Fuschini, E; Bürgi, Esther; Sidler, Xaver (2013). Erfahrungen zur Schmerzausschaltung bei der Ferkelkastration in der Schweiz. Teil 1: Inhalationsanästhesie. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(12):651-659.
Enz, A; Schüpbach-Regula, G; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula; Fuschini, E; Bürgi, Esther; Sidler, Xaver (2013). Erfahrungen zur Schmerzausschaltung bei der Ferkelkastration in der Schweiz. Teil 2: Injektionsanästhesie. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(12):661-668.
Enz, Andrea Karin. Erfahrungen zur Schmerzausschaltung mit der Inhalationsanästhesie bei der Ferkelkastration in der Schweiz. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Baumann, J; Novacco, M; Riond, B; Boretti, F S; Hofmann-Lehmann, R (2013). Establishment and characterization of a low-dose Mycoplasma haemofelis infection model. Veterinary Microbiology, 167(3-4):410-416.
Hug, Sophie A; Riond, Barbara; Schwarzwald, Colin C (2013). Evaluation of a continuous glucose monitoring system compared with an in-house standard laboratory assay and a handheld point-of-care glucometer in critically ill neonatal foals. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 23(4):408-415.
Braun, Ueli; Trösch, Luzia Maria; Nydegger, F; Hässig, Michael (2013). Evaluation of eating and rumination behaviour in cows using a noseband pressure sensor. BMC Veterinary Research, 9:164.
Schupfner, Maja; Greif, Gisela; Lender, Matthias; Daugschies, Arwid; Lippuner, Christoph; von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Georg; Krücken, Jürgen (2013). Evaluation of putative anti-cryptosporidial drugs in an in vitro culture system. Parasitology Research, 112:149-162.
Landaeta-Hernàndez, A J; Rae, D O; Kaske, M; Archbald, L F (2013). Factors influencing social organization in postpartum Angus cows under confinement. Effect on cow-Calf weight change. Livestock Science, 152(1):47-52.
Aust, V; Knappstein, K; Kunz, H J; Kaspar, H; Wallmann, J; Kaske, M (2013). Feeding untreated and pasteurized waste milk and bulk milk to calves: effects on calf performance, health status and antibiotic resistance of faecal bacteria. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 97(6):1091-1103.
Egberink, Herman; Thiry, Etienne; Möstl, Karin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Feline viral papillomatosis: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):560-562.
Hornok, Sándor; Meli, Marina L; Gönczi, Enikő; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). First evidence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in Hungary. Parasites & Vectors, 6:267.
Krengel, Annika; Meli, Marina L; Cattori, Valentino; Wachter, Bettina; Willi, Barbara; Thalwitzer, Susanne; Melzheimer, Jörg; Hofer, Heribert; Lutz, Hans; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). First evidence of hemoplasma infection in free-ranging Namibian cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Veterinary Microbiology, 162(2-4):972-976.
Ritz, J; Hofer, K; Hofer, E; Hackländer, K; Immekus, D; Codron, Daryl; Clauss, Marcus (2013). Forestomach pH in hunted roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in relation to forestomach region, time of measurement and supplemental feeding and comparison among wild ruminant species. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59(4):505-517.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Francisella tularensis infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):585-587.
Fleisch, A; Piechotta, M; Bollwein, H; Janett, F (2013). Fruchtbarkeit nach 6- und 12-tägiger Behandlung mit Eazi-breed™ CIDR® G ausserhalb der Zuchtsaison beim Lacaune Milchschaf. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 155(7):391-398.
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Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Giardiasis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):650-652.
Piechotta, M; Kedves, K; Araújo, M G; Hoeflich, A; Metzger, F; Heppelmann, M; Muscher-Banse, A; Wrenzycki, C; Pfarrer, C; Schuberth, H J; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, H; Kaske, M (2013). Hepatic mRNA Expression of acid labile subunit and deiodinase 1 differs between cows selected for high versus low concentrations of insulin-like growth facor 1 in late pregnancy. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(6):3737-3749.
Hornok, Sándor; Tánczos, Balázs; Fernández de Mera, Isabel G; de la Fuente, José; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Farkas, Róbert (2013). High prevalence of Hepatozoon-infection among shepherd dogs in a region considered to be free of Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Veterinary Parasitology, 196(1-2):189-193.
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Robert-Tissot, Céline; Meli, Marina L; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2013). La "téflonisation" du Chat domestique. Pratique Vet des Animaux de Compagnie, 48:610-614.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Leishmaniosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):638-642.
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Hartmann, Katrin; Egberink, Herman; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Leptospira species infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):576-581.
Zarrin, M; De Matteis, L; Vernay, M C M B; Wellnitz, O; van Dorland, H A; Bruckmaier, R M (2013). Long-term elevation of beta-hydroxybutyrate in dairy cows through indusion: effects on feed intake, milk production, and metabolism. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(5):2960-2972.
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Hosie, Margaret J; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Matrix vaccination guidelines: ABCD recommendations for indoor/ outdoor cats, rescue shelter cats and breeding catteries. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):540-544.
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Geigy, Caroline; Riond, Barbara; Rohrer Bley, Carla; Grest, Paula; Kircher, Patrick R; Lutz, Hans (2013). Multiple myeloma in a dog with multiple concurrent infectious diseases and persistent polyclonal gammopathy. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 42(1):47-54.
Kaske, M (2013). Muss Ketose sein? Veterinär Spiegel, 4:179-181.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Mycobacterioses in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):591-597.
Künzli, F. Nachweis von PCV2-spezifischen Antikörpern in der Hodengewebsflüssigkeit kastrierter Ferkel zur Überprüfung der Mutterschutzimpfung. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hornok, Sándor; Dénes, Béla; Meli, Marina L; Tánczos, Balázs; Fekete, Lilla; Gyuranecz, Miklós; de la Fuente, José; de Mera, Isabel G Fernández; Farkas, Róbert; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). Non-pet dogs as sentinels and potential synanthropic reservoirs of tick-borne and zoonotic bacteria. Veterinary Microbiology, 167(3-4):700-703.
Wiedemann, S; Sigl, G; Schmautz, C; Kaske, M; Viturro, E; Meyer, H H D (2013). Ommission of dry period or milking once daily affects metabolic status and is reflected by mRNA levels of enzymes in liver and muscle of dairy cows. Livestock Science, 152(1-3):193-203.
Willi, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). Parvovirose des Hundes. Glattbrugg: Virbac.
Lloret, Albert; Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Pasteurella multocida infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):570-572.
Kaske, M (2013). Plutòt un peu trop que beaucoup trop peu. UFA - Revue, 12:68-69.
Kreizinger, Zsuzsa; Hornok, Sándor; Dán, Adám; Hresko, Stanislav; Makrai, László; Magyar, Tibor; Bhide, Mangesh; Erdélyi, Károly; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Gyuranecz, Miklós (2013). Prevalence of francisella tularensis and francisella-like endosymbionts in the tick population of hungary and the genetic variability of francisella-like agents. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 13(3):160-163.
Möstl, Karin; Egberink, Herman; Addie, Diane; Frymus, Tadeusz; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Truyen, Uwe; Hartmann, Katrin; Lutz, Hans; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Radford, Alan D; Lloret, Albert; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Hosie, Margaret J; Marsilio, Fulvio; Thiry, Etienne; Belák, Sándor; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Prevention of infectious diseases in cat shelters: ABCD guidelines. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):546-554.
Willi, Barbara; Kook, Peter H; Quante, Saskia; Boretti, Felicitas S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Grest, Paula; Scherrer, O; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Nussberger, J; Reusch, Claudia E (2013). Primary hyperaldosteronism in cats: a series of seven cases. European Journal of Companion Animal Practice (EJCAP), 23(2):62-70.
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Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Rare opportunistic mycoses in cats: phaeohyphomycosis and hyalohyphomycosis: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):628-630.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Rare systemic mycoses in cats: blastomycosis, histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):624-627.
Meli, Marina L; Burr, Paul; Decaro, Nicola; Graham, Elizabeth; Jarrett, Oswald; Lutz, Hans; McDonald, Michael; Addie, Diane D (2013). Samples with high virus load cause a trend toward lower signal in feline coronavirus antibody tests. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(4):295-299.
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Boos, Alois; Geyer, Hans; Müller, Urs; Peter, Jeanne; Schmid, Tanja; Gerspach, Christian; Previtali, Matteo; Rütten, Maja; Sydler, Titus; Schwarzwald, Colin C; Schraner, Elisabeth M; Braun, Ueli (2013). Situs ambiguus in a Brown Swiss cow with polysplenia: case report. BMC Veterinary Research, 9:34.
Lloret, Albert; Hartmann, Katrin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Ferrer, Lluis; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Sporotrichosis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):619-623.
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Schwarz, Andrea. Studie zum Vergleich des postoperativen Schmerzverhaltens bei Katzen nach Ovariohysterektomie unter Alfaxalon- oder Medetomidin-Ketamin Anästhesie. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Hornok, Sándor; Csörgő, Tibor; de la Fuente, José; Gyuranecz, Miklós; Privigyei, Csaba; Meli, Marina L; Kreizinger, Zsuzsa; Gönczi, Enikő; Fernández de Mera, Isabel G; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2013). Synanthropic birds associated with high prevalence of tick-borne rickettsiae and with the first detection of rickettsia aeschlimannii in Hungary. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 13(2):77-83.
Bruderer, A; de Brot, S; Nuss, Karl (2013). Tenesmus und Strangurie bei einem Rind infolge einer Zyste in der Harnblasenwand. Ein Fallbericht. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 41(G):326-329.
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Heppelmann, M; Weinert, M; Brömmling, A; Piechotta, M; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, H (2013). The effect of puerperal uterine disease on uterine involution in cows assessed by Doppler sonography of the uterine arteries. Animal Reproduction Science, 143(1-4):1-7.
Novacco, M; Riond, B; Meli, M L; Grest, P; Hofmann-Lehmann, R (2013). Tissue sequestration of 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis'. Veterinary Microbiology, 167(3-4):403-409.
Hartmann, Katrin; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Toxoplasma gondii infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):631-637.
Nesina, Stefanie. Transmission of feline leukemia virus infection by provirus positive blood. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Heppelmann, M; Leidl, S; Bollwein, H (2013). Transrectal Doppler sonography of uterine blood flow during the first two weeks after parturition in Simmenthal heifers. Journal of Veterinary Science, 14(3):323-327.
Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Egberink, Herman; Frymus, Tadeusz; Hartmann, Katrin; Hosie, Margaret J; Lloret, Albert; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Tritrichomoniasis in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):647-649.
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Trösch, Luzia Maria. Untersuchungen über das Fressen und Wiederkauen von Kühen mit Hilfe eines Drucksensors im Halfter. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
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Ferndandez-Mehler, Petra. Veterinarians’ role for pet owners facing pet loss. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Fröhlich, Annina. Western Blot Analyse der humoralen Immunantwort von Ziegen gegen Coxiella burnetii. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
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Schulthess, Stephanie. Wirksamkeit antimikrobieller Wirkstoffe bei Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis: Etablierung und Anwendung einer Empfindlichkeitstestung mittels Bouillonmikrodilution und Agardiffusion. 2013, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Pennisi, Maria Grazia; Egberink, Herman; Hartmann, Katrin; Lloret, Albert; Addie, Diane; Belák, Sándor; Boucraut-Baralon, Corine; Frymus, Tadeusz; Gruffydd-Jones, Tim; Hosie, Margaret J; Lutz, Hans; Marsilio, Fulvio; Möstl, Karin; Radford, Alan D; Thiry, Etienne; Truyen, Uwe; Horzinek, Marian C (2013). Yersinia pestis infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 15(7):582-584.
Lüscher, M; Hässig, Michael; Pot, Simon A; Spiess, B M (2013). Zur Epidemiologie des felinen Glaukoms. Kleintierpraxis, 58(8):393-398.
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Hässig, Michael; Jud, F; Naegeli, Hanspeter; Kupper, Jacqueline; Spiess, Bernhard M (2012). Einfluss von Mobiltelefon-Basisstationen auf die Aktivität der GSH, SOD und Katalase im Augenkammerwasser von Kälbern. Klauentierpraxis, 20(4):133-137.
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Hungerbühler, Stephan; Reichler, I M; Nickel, R (2012). Sonographische Darstellung der Uretermündungen mittels Colour-B-Flow beim Entlebucher Sennenhund. In: Deutsche Gruppe der WSAVA. Tierarzt - die Schnittstelle zwischen Züchter und Halter : Sind Gesundheit und Krankheit genetisch vorbestimmt? Giessen: DVG Service, 400-410.
Fleisch, A; Werne, S; Heckendorn, F; Hartnack, S; Piechotta, M; Bollwein, H; Thun, R; Janett, F (2012). Comparison of two commercially available progestagen intravaginal inserts in a short-term protocol for estrus synchronization in cyclic ewes. In: 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR), Vancouver, CANADA, 29 July 2012 - 2 August 2012. Wiley-Blackwell, 464-474.
Englert, Theresa; Lutz, Hans; Sauter-Louis, Carola; Hartmann, Katrin (2012). Survey of the feline leukemia virus infection status of cats in Southern Germany. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 14(6):392-398.
Dieckmann, Sarah M; Hoelzle, Katharina; Dieckmann, Michael P; Straube, Iris; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hoelzle, Ludwig E (2012). Occurrence of hemotrophic mycoplasmas in horses with correlation to hematological findings. Veterinary Microbiology, 160(1-2):43-52.
Braun, Ueli; Gautschi, A; Tschuor, A; Hässig, Michael (2012). Ultrasonography of the reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum before, during and after ingestion of hay and grass silage in 10 calves. Research in Veterinary Science, 93(3):1407-1412.
Hässig, M; Jud, F; Spiess, B (2012). Vermehrtes Auftreten von nukleärer Katarakt beim Kalb nach Erstellung einer Mobilfunkbasisstation. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(2):82-86.
Blumer, S; Moestl, K; Krametter-Froetscher, R; Hässig, Michael; Pospischil, A; Borel, Nicole (2012). Untersuchung der Serokonversion auf Chlamydia abortus von Schafen aus der Region Vorarlberg vor und nach der Alpung. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(1):13-17.
Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Friedrich, A; Ebert, U; Hördemann, M; Hagen, Regine; Nuss, Karl (2012). Traumatische atlantookzipitale Dislokation bei einem Kalb. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 40(G):41-44.
Braun, Ueli; Rütten, Maja; Bleul, Ulrich; Previtali, Matteo; Krüger, S; Gerspach, Christian; Geiger, S; Sydler, Titus (2012). Biphasisches Mesotheliom bei einer Braunviehkuh: Klinische, histomorphologische, immunhistochemische und elektronenmikroskopische Befunde. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(1):33-38.
Novacco, Marilisa. Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis infection: reactivation, tissue distribution and humoral immune response. 2012, Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences University of Bern, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Blaser, Martin; Bertagnoli, Alberto; Räber, Marta; Nuss, Karl; Rasekh, Mehdi; Steiner, Adrian (2012). Arthroscopic approaches to the fetlock joint of adult cattle: a cadaver study. Veterinary Journal, 193(3):701-706.
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Gram, Aykut. Biosynthesis and degradation of canine placental prostaglandins: expression and function of prostaglandin F2alpha-synthase (PGFS) and 15-prostaglandin dehydrogenase (15PGDH). 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
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Koschwanez, M; Meli, M; Vögtlin, A; Greub, G; Sidler, X; Handke, M; Sydler, T; Kaiser, C; Pospischil, A; Borel, N (2012). Chlamydiaceae family, Parachlamydia spp., and Waddlia spp. in porcine abortion. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 24(5):833-839.
Braun, Ueli; Beckmann, Christine; Gerspach, Christian; Hässig, Michael; Muggli, Evelyne; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Nuss, Karl (2012). Clinical findings and treatment in cattle with caecal dilatation. BMC Veterinary Research, 8:75.
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Fleisch, A; Werne, S; Heckendorn, F; Hartnack, Sonja; Piechotta, M; Bollwein, Heiner; Thun, R; Janett, Fredi (2012). Comparison of 6-day progestagen treatment with Chronogest® CR and Eazi-breed™ CIDR® G intravaginal inserts for estrus synchronization in cyclic ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 107(2-3):141-146.
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Walter, Jasmin; Neuberg, Klaus-Peter; Failing, Klaus; Wehrend, Axel (2012). Cytological diagnosis of endometritis in the mare: investigations of sampling techniques and relation to bacteriological results. Animal Reproduction Science, 132(3-4):178-186.
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Reichler, Iris M; Eckrich Specker, Christine; Hubler, Madeleine; Boos, Alois; Hässig, Michael; Arnold, Susi (2012). Ectopic ureters in dogs: clinical features, surgical techniques and outcome. Veterinary Surgery, 41(4):515-522.
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Janett, F; Gerig, T; Tschuor, A C; Amatayakul-Chantler, S; Walker, J; Howard, R; Piechotta, M; Bollwein, H; Hartnack, S; Thun, R (2012). Effect of vaccination against gonadotropin-releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva® in the prepubertal bull calf. Animal Reproduction Science, 131(1-2):72-80.
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Herzog, K; Strüve, K; Kastelic, J P; Piechotta, M; Ulbrich, S E; Pfarrer, C; Shirasuna, K; Shimizu, T; Miyamoto, A; Bollwein, H (2012). Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide administration transiently suppresses luteal structure and function in diestrous cows. Reproduction, 144(4):467-476.
Bösch, Andrea Claudia. Evaluation of the effect of short-term treatment with the integrase inhibitor raltegravir (Isentress TM) on the course of progressive feline leukemia virus infection. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2012). Evaluation of the veterinary application of a point-of-care device measuring white blood cell counts. Veterinary Journal, 194(1):124-127.
Kutter, Annette P N; Mauch, J Y; Riond, Barbara; Martin-Jurado, Olga; Spielmann, N; Weiss, M; Bettschart-Wolfensberger, Regula (2012). Evaluation of two devices for point-of-care testing of haemoglobin in neonatal pigs. Laboratory Animals, 46(1):65-70.
Pospischil, Andreas; Kaiser, Carmen; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans; Hilbe, Monika; Vaughan, Lloyd; Borel, Nicole (2012). Evidence for Chlamydia in wild mammals of the Serengeti. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(4):1074-1078.
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Shirasuna, K; Akabane, Y; Beindorff, N; Nagai, K; Sasaki, M; Shimizu, T; Bollwein, H; Meidan, R; Miyamoto, A (2012). Expression of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) receptor and its isoforms in the bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle and PGF2α-induced luteolysis. Domestic animal endocrinology, 43(3):227-238.
Hornok, S; Micsutka, A; Fernández de Mera, I G; Meli, Marina L; Gönczi, E; Tánczos, B; Mangold, A J; Farkas, R; Lutz, H; Hofmann-Lehmann, R; de la Fuente, J (2012). Fatal bovine anaplasmosis in a herd with new genotypes of Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma ovis and concurrent haemoplasmosis. Research in Veterinary Science, 92(1):30-35.
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Hornok, Sándor; Hajtós, István; Meli, Marina L; Farkas, Imre; Gönczi, Enikő; Meili, Theres; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2012). First molecular identification of Mycoplasma ovis and 'Candidatus M. haemoovis' from goat, with lack of haemoplasma PCR-positivity in lice. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 60(3):355-360.
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Magata, F; Shirasuna, K; Strüve, K; Herzog, K; Shimizu, T; Bollwein, Heinrich; Miyamoto, A (2012). Gene expressions in the persistent corpus luteum of postpartum dairy cows: distinct profiles from the corpora lutea of the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 58(4):445-452.
Barker, Emily N; Darby, Alistair C; Helps, Chris R; Peters, Iain R; Hughes, Margaret A; Radford, Alan D; Novacco, Marilisa; Boretti, Felicitas S; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Tasker, Séverine (2012). Genome sequence for "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum," a low-pathogenicity hemoplasma species. Journal of Bacteriology, 194(4):905-906.
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Novacco, Marilisa; Wolf-Jäckel, Godelind; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2012). Humoral immune response to a recombinant hemoplasma antigen in experimental 'Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis' infection. Veterinary Microbiology, 157(3-4):464-470.
Baggenstos, R; Wenzinger, B; Meli, Marina L; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela (2012). Hämoplasmeninfektion bei einer Milchkuh. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 40(6):397-400.
Hoerdemann, Mona; Gedet, Philippe; Ferguson, Steven J; Sauter-Louis, Carola; Nuss, Karl (2012). In-vitro comparison of LC-DCP- and LCP-constructs in the femur of newborn calves: a pilot study. BMC Veterinary Research, 8:139.
Robert-Tissot, Céline; Meli, Marina L; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2012). Induction of a systemic antiviral state in vivo in the domestic cat with a class A CpG oligonucleotide. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 150(1-2):1-9.
Handke, M; Engels, M; Prohaska, S; Keller, C; Brugnera, E; Sydler, T; Sidler, X (2012). Infektionsbedingte Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen in schweizerischen Schweinezuchtbetrieben am Ende der «Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome» (PMWS)-Epizootie. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(10):437-444.
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Clauss, Marcus; Burger, B; Liesegang, Annette; Del Chicca, Francesca; Kaufmann-Bart, M; Riond, Barbara; Hässig, Michael; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2012). Influence of diet on calcium metabolism, tissue calcification and urinary sludge in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 96(5):798-807.
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Lippuner, A. Klauengesundheit bei Mastschweinen, KB-Ebern und Muttersauen in der Schweiz und genetische Analyse von Klauenparametern. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Malama, E; Kiossis, E; Theodosiou, T; Boscos, C; Bollwein, H (2012). Lag effect of microclimatic conditions on DNA integrity of frozen-thawed bovine sperm. Animal Reproduction Science, 136(1-2):33-41.
Bijmholt, S; Müller, K; Leiding, C; Hoedemaker, M; Bollwein, H; Kaske, M (2012). Laktationsinzidenzen von Produktionskrankheiten bei Fleckviehkühen in sechs bayerischen Milchviehbetrieben. Tierärztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere, 40(6):347-358.
Balogh, Orsolya; Kowalewski, Mariusz P; Reichler, Iris M (2012). Leptin and leptin receptor gene expression in the canine corpus luteum during diestrus, pregnancy and after aglepristone-induced luteolysis. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 47(s6):40-42.
Schreiner, Sabrina A; Hoelzle, Katharina; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Hamburger, Anja; Wittenbrink, Max M; Kramer, Manuela M; Sokoli, Albina; Felder, Kathrin M; Groebel, Katrin; Hoelzle, Ludwig E (2012). Nanotransformation of the haemotrophic Mycoplasma suis during in vitro cultivation attempts using modified cell free Mycoplasma media. Veterinary Microbiology, 160(1-2):227-232.
Pancarci, S M; Ari, U Ç; Atakisi, O; Güngör, O; Ciğremiş, Y; Bollwein, H (2012). Nitric oxide concentrations, estradiol-17β progesterone ratio in follicular fluid, and COC quality with respect to perifollicular blood flow in cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 130(1-2):9-15.
Blässe, A K; Oldenhof, H; Ekhlasi-Hundrieser, M; Wolkers, W F; Sieme, H; Bollwein, H (2012). Osmotic tolerance and intracellular ion concentrations of bovine sperm are affected by cryopreservation. Theriogenology, 78(6):1312-1320.
Rüegsegger, F; Steffen, Frank; Nuss, Karl (2012). Partial brachial plexus paresis in three calves. Veterinary Record, 171(16):401.
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Fritsche, Reto. Populationsgenetische Untersuchung ektopischer Ureteren beim Entlebucher Sennenhund. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Shirasuna, K; Kobayashi, A; Nitta, A; Nibuno, S; Sasahara, K; Shimizu, T; Bollwein, H; Miyamoto, A (2012). Possible action of vasohibin-1 as an inhibitor in the regulation of vascularization of the bovine corpus luteum. Reproduction, 143(4):491-500.
Piechotta, M; Sander, A K; Kastelic, J P; Wilde, R; Heppelmann, M; Rudolphi, B; Schuberth, H J; Bollwein, H; Kaske, M (2012). Prepartum plasma insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations based on day of insemination are lower in cows developing postpartum diseases. Journal of Dairy Science, 95(3):1367-1370.
Gyuranecz, Miklós; Dénes, Béla; Hornok, Sándor; Kovács, Péter; Horváth, Gábor; Jurkovich, Viktor; Varga, Tamás; Hajtós, István; Szabó, Réka; Magyar, Tibor; Vass, Nóra; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Erdélyi, Károly; Bhide, Mangesh; Dán, Ádám (2012). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in Hungary: screening of dairy cows, sheep, commercial milk samples, and ticks. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 12(8):650-653.
Willi, Barbara; Kook, Peter H; Quante, S; Boretti, Felicitas S; Sieber-Ruckstuhl, Nadja S; Grest, Paula; Scherrer, O; Riond, Barbara; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Nussberger, J; Reusch, Claudia E (2012). Primärer Hyperaldosteronismus bei Katzen. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(12):529-537.
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Novacco, Marilisa; Boretti, Felicitas S; Franchini, Marco; Riond, Barbara; Meli, Marina L; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2012). Protection from reinfection in “Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis”-infected cats and characterization of the immune response. Veterinary Research, 43:82.
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Wolf-Jäckel, Godelind A; Cattori, Valentino; Geret, Catrina P; Novacco, Marilisa; Meli, Marina L; Riond, Barbara; Boretti, Felicitas S; Lutz, Hans; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina (2012). Quantification of the humoral immune response and hemoplasma blood and tissue loads in cats coinfected with 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum' and feline leukemia virus. Microbial Pathogenesis, 53(2):74-80.
Shirasuna, K; Jiemtaweeboon, S; Raddatz, S; Nitta, A; Schuberth, H J; Bollwein, H; Shimizu, T; Miyamoto, A (2012). Rapid accumulation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the Corpus luteum during prostaglandin F(2α)-induced luteolysis in the cow. PLoS ONE, 7(1):e29054.
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Caspari, Kai; Henning, Heiko; Schaller, Christiane; Kühn, Nicolas; Kümmerlen, Dolf (2012). Semen quality and quantity in a boar with a complex hydrocele. Journal of Swine Health and Production, 20(4):174-178.
Stinshoff, H; Krienke, M; Ekhlasi-Hundrieser, M; Wilkening, S; Hanstedt, A; Frese, D; Rath, D; Bollwein, H; Wrenzycki, C (2012). Seminal plasma and seminal plasma proteins added to bulk sorted sperm do not alter the mRNA expression of in vitro produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 78(1):132-139.
Lutz, S; Sewell, A C; Bigler, B; Riond, Barbara; Reusch, Claudia E; Kook, Peter H (2012). Serum cobalamin, urine methylmalonic acid, and plasma total homocysteine concentrations in Border Collies and dogs of other breeds. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 73(8):1194-1199.
Krüger, Sonka Susanne. Sonographische Untersuchungen an Haube, Pansen, Psalter, Labmagen, Milz und Leber von Kälbern von der Geburt bis zum Alter von 100 Tagen. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Peterson, Susanne. Sonographische Untersuchungen an Plazenta, Uteruswand und fetalen Hüllen des Rindes. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Walter, Jasmin (2012). Späte Mütter - Management der älteren Zuchtstute. Pferdefokus, 4(6):38-43.
Robert-Tissot, Céline; Rüegger, Vera L; Cattori, Valentino; Meli, Marina L; Riond, Barbara; Moore, Peter F; Engels, Monika; Franchini, Marco; Hofmann-Lehmann, Regina; Lutz, Hans (2012). Stimulation with a class A CpG oligonucleotide enhances resistance to infection with feline viruses from five different families. Veterinary Research, 43:60.
Filoni, C; Catão-Dias, J L; Cattori, V; Willi, Barbara; Meli, Marina L; Ramiro Corrêa, S H; Cristina Marques, M; Harumi Adania, C; Ramos Silva, J C; Vianna Marvulo, M F; Ferreira Neto, J S; Luiz Durigon, E; de Carvalho, V M; Dall'acqua Coutinho, S; Lutz, H; Hofmann-Lehmann, R (2012). Surveillance using serological and molecular methods for the detection of infectious agents in captive Brazilian neotropic and exotic felids. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 24(1):166-173.
Serhan Serhat, A Y; Kükükaslan, I; Kaya, D; Mülazimoglu, B; Emre, B; Kaçar, Cihan; Kalender, H; Findik, Murat; Bollwein, Heiner; Riegler, M; Schäfer, S; Scholbach, J (2012). The change in luteal blood flow and luteal size after beta carotene and GnRH injections in early pregnant dairy cows. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 18(6):1035-1041.
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Gubler, Maude. Untersuchung des Lipidoms bei Kühen mit Leberverfettung und bei gesunden Kühen. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Staub, Katharina. Untersuchungen zur Rute beim Entlebucher Sennenhund. 2012, University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty.
Braun, Ueli; Blatter, M; Hässig, Michael (2012). Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Kalziumlaktat bei Kühen post partum. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(6):233-238.
Janett, F; Gerig, T; Tschuor, A C; Amatayakul-Chantler, S; Walker, J; Howard, R; Bollwein, H; Thun, R (2012). Vaccination against gonadotropin-releasing factor (GnRF) with Bopriva significantly decreases testicular development, serum testosterone levels and physical activity in pubertal bulls. Theriogenology, 78(1):182-188.
Ritz, J; Clauss, Marcus; Streich, W J; Hatt, Jean-Michel (2012). Variation in growth and potentially associated health status in Hermann's and spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo hermanni and Testudo graeca). Zoo Biology, 31(6):705-717.
Shirasuna, K; Nitta, A; Sineenard, J; Shimizu, T; Bollwein, H; Miyamoto, A (2012). Vascular and immune regulation of corpus luteum development, maintenance, and regression in the cow. Domestic animal endocrinology, 43(2):198-211.
Walter, Jasmin; Balzer, Hans-Jörg; Seeh, Christoph; Fey, Kerstin; Bleul, Ulrich; Osterrieder, Nikolaus (2012). Venereal shedding of equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) in naturally 1 infected stallions. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 26:1500-1504.
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Welti, S; Sydler, T; Wiederkehr, D; Pospischil, A; Hässig, M; Bürgi, E; Sidler, X (2012). «Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome» (PMWS) und «Porcine Dermatitis and Nephropathy Syndrome» (PDNS) in der Schweiz in den Jahren 2003 – 2006. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(10):417-427.
Sidler, Xaver; Kurmann, J; Brugnera, E; Sydler, T (2012). Ökonomische Auswirkungen der CIRCOVAC® - Impfung in einem subklinisch mit PCV2 infizierten Zuchtbetrieb in der Schweiz auf die Mastleistungsparameter. Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde, 154(10):451-454.
Lüttgenau, J; Beindorff, N; Ulbrich, S E; Kastelic, J P; Bollwein, H (2011). Low plasma progesterone concentrations are accompanied by reduced luteal blood flow and increased size of the dominant follicle in dairy cows. Theriogenology, 76(1):12-22.
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