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Dziemian, Sabine; Barańczuk-Turska, Zofia; Langer, Nicolas (2022). Association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom severity and white matter integrity moderated by in-scanner head motion. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1):434.
Furrer, Eva; Held, Leonhard (2022). The Center for Reproducible Science at the University of Zurich. Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience, 21:1-2.
van Zwet, Erik; Schwab, Simon; Senn, Stephen (2021). The statistical properties of RCTs and a proposal for shrinkage. Statistics in Medicine, 40(27):6107-6117.
Schwab, Simon; Kreiliger, Giuachin; Held, Leonhard (2021). Assessing treatment effects and publication bias across different specialties in medicine: a meta-epidemiological study. BMJ Open, 11:e045942.
Gau, Rémi; Noble, Stephanie; Heuer, Katja; Bottenhorn, Katherine L; Bilgin, Isil P; Yang, Yu-Fang; Huntenburg, Julia M; Bayer, Johanna M M; Bethlehem, Richard A I; Rhoads, Shawn A; Vogelbacher, Christoph; Borghesani, Valentina; Levitis, Elizabeth; Wang, Hao-Ting; Van Den Bossche, Sofie; Kobeleva, Xenia; Legarreta, Jon Haitz; Guay, Samuel; Atay, Selim Melvin; Varoquaux, Gael P; Huijser, Dorien C; Sandström, Malin S; Herholz, Peer; Nastase, Samuel A; Badhwar, AmanPreet; Dumas, Guillaume; Schwab, Simon; Moia, Stefano; Dayan, Michael; Bassil, Yasmine; et al (2021). Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience. Neuron, 109(11):1769-1775.
Schwab, Simon; Held, Leonhard (2021). Statistical programming: Small mistakes, big impacts. Significance, 18(3):6-7.
Micheloud, Charlotte; Held, Leonhard (2021). Power calculations for replication studies. 2004.10814, Cornell University.
Soravia, Leila M; Schwab, Simon; Walther, Sebastian; Müller, Thomas (2021). Rescuers at Risk: Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Ambulance Personnel, and Emergency and Psychiatric Nurses. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:602064.
Held, Leonhard; Pawel, Samuel (2021). Comment on “The Role of p-Values in Judging the Strength of Evidence and Realistic Replication Expectations”. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 13(1):46-48.
Held, Leonhard; Pawel, Samuel; Schwab, Simon (2020). Replication power and regression to the mean. Significance, 17(6):10-11.
Lund, Martina J; Alnæs, Dag; Schwab, Simon; van der Meer, Dennis; Andreassen, Ole A; Westlye, Lars T; Kaufmann, Tobias (2020). Differences in directed functional brain connectivity related to age, sex and mental health. Human Brain Mapping, 41(15):4173-4186.
Held, Leonhard; Micheloud, Charlotte; Pawel, Samuel (2020). The assessment of replication success based on relative effect size. 2009.07782, Cornell University.
Schwab, Simon; Held, Leonhard (2020). Science after Covid‐19: Faster, better, stronger? Significance, 17(4):8-9.
Held, Leonhard (2020). The harmonic mean χ2 test to substantiate scientific findings. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 69(3):697-708.
Pawel, Samuel; Held, Leonhard (2020). Probabilistic forecasting of replication studies. PLoS ONE, 15(4):e0231416.
Schwab, Simon; Held, Leonhard (2020). Different worlds Confirmatory versus exploratory research. Significance, 17(2):8-9.
Held, Leonhard (2020). A new standard for the analysis and design of replication studies. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 183(2):431-448.
Held, Leonhard; Schwab, Simon (2020). Improving the reproducibility of science. Significance, 17(1):10-11.
Held, Ulrike; Steigmiller, Klaus; Hediger, Michael; Gosteli, Martina; Reeve, Kelly A; von Felten, Stefanie; Furrer, Eva (2020). Is reporting quality in medical publications associated with biostatisticians as co-authors? A registered report protocol. PLoS ONE, 15(11):e0241897.
Held, Leonhard (2019). The assessment of intrinsic credibility and a new argument for p < 0.005. Royal Society Open Science, 6(3):181534.
Benjamin, Daniel J; Berger, James O; Johannesson, Magnus; Nosek, Brian A; Wagenmakers, E-J; Berk, Richard; Bollen, Kenneth A; Brembs, Björn; Brown, Lawrence; Camerer, Colin; Cesarini, David; Chambers, Christopher D; Clyde, Merlise; Cook, Thomas D; De Boeck, Paul; Dienes, Zoltan; Dreber, Anna; Easwaran, Kenny; Efferson, Charles; Fehr, Ernst; Fidler, Fiona; Field, Andy P; Forster, Malcolm; George, Edward I; Gonzalez, Richard; Goodman, Steven; Green, Edwin; Green, Donald P; Greenwald, Anthony G; Hadfield, Jarrod D; Held, Leonhard; et al (2018). Redefine statistical significance. Nature Human Behaviour, 2:6-10.